New insulating low temperature phase in dense hydrogen: The phase diagram to 421 GPa. Ranga P. Dias, Ori Noked, and Isaac F. Silvera. Lyman Laboratory of ...
New insulating low temperature phase in dense hydrogen: The phase diagram to 421 GPa Ranga P. Dias, Ori Noked, and Isaac F. Silvera Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 02138 In the quest to make metallic hydrogen at low temperatures a rich number of new phases have been found and the highest pressure ones have somewhat flat phase lines, around room temperature. We have studied hydrogen to static pressures of 421 ± 13 GPa in a diamond anvil cell and down to liquid helium temperatures, using infrared spectroscopy. We report a new phase at a pressure of !356 ±13 GPa and T=5 K. Although we observe strong darkening of the sample in the visible, we have no evidence that this phase is metallic hydrogen. In 1935, over 80 years ago, Wigner and Huntington (WH) predicted that solid molecular hydrogen would dissociate and transform to atomic metallic hydrogen (MH) if pressurized to 25 GPa (1 Mbar=100 GPa), in the low temperature limit [1]. WH stimulated decades long challenging theoretical and experimental studies of dense hydrogen with experimental static pressures over an order of magnitude higher than the WH prediction. These studies have not revealed the metallic phase (discussed ahead). Theory for this simple atomic system is challenging due to the low atomic mass with large zero-point energy and motion of the molecules or atoms that is not easily handled. Sophisticated analyses have begun to converge in their predictions. The great challenge for experiment was the modern predicted pressures of 400-500 GPa required for metallization [2,3]; only recently have such pressures been approached in the laboratory, while pressurization of hydrogen presents its own problems. MH is predicted to have spectacular properties such as room temperature (RT) superconductivity [4 ], possible metastability, so that if produced it might exist at ambient conditions [5], and a prediction that the megabar pressure atomic metallic phase may be a liquid at T=0 K [5]. A determination of the phase diagram and equation of state of hydrogen is crucial to our understanding of the structure of the astrophysical gas giants Saturn and Jupiter [6]. If MH is superconducting and metastable, it would have an important impact on energy transmission, and it would revolutionize rocketry as a remarkably light and powerful propellant [7].
Static experiments to well over 300 GPa have failed to reveal MH [8-12]. Below, we briefly review advances in the study of hydrogen and its isotopes ( D2 and!HD ; tritium is radioactive and ! not studied) and then present our studies to 421 GPa and the observation of a new phase. There have been important developments in the experimental and theoretical phase diagram of hydrogen, shown in Fig. 1, where we see a large predicted region (grey) for liquid atomic metallic hydrogen. Although we are confident that MH will exist at ultra high pressures, it is not clear that it will be solid or liquid (as indicated in the figure) in the low temperature limit. In this phase diagram a maximum in the melting line was predicted with an extrapolation to low temperature at high pressure [13,14]. The solid part of the red line is a fit to existing experimental data, in fairly good agreement with the theoretical curve; the maximum in the curve was first observed by Deemyad and Silvera [15], and confirmed by a number of other measurements [1619].
Fig. 1. A current theoretical/experimental phase diagram of hydrogen, showing the melt line with a maximum and a linear extrapolation to low temperature, as well as solid phases that have been observed, and the phase line for the plasma phase transition to liquid MH. Data points from the recent observation of MH are shown. Two possible experimental pathways to MH, Pathway I and Pathway II, are indicated by blue arrows.
3 The experimentally observed solid phases are shown at low to modest pressures; four phases
have been identified along this pathway, named I, II, III [20-22], and IV [10,11] (more phases shall be shown ahead). These phases represent structural changes characterized by orientational-order of the molecules in which the solid remains insulating. We also show the phase line for the Plasma Phase Transition (PPT), a first-order phase transition from insulating liquid-molecular to liquidatomic MH. Recently metallic hydrogen was observed experimentally at static pressures in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) [23], by heating hydrogen to cross the phase line of the PPT, with evidence that it is a first-order phase transition. The data points are shown in Fig. 1. Dynamic shock wave techniques have been used to observe metallic hydrogen or deuterium for periods of 10-100 ns by measuring conductivity or optical properties at high pressures and typically much higher temperatures than those shown for the PPT [24-31]. However, no evidence of a first-order phase transition has been observed in these measurements, as temperature is difficult to measure and control. In Fig. 1, the thick blue arrows indicate two Pathways for achieving metallic hydrogen, Pathway I and II. Metallic hydrogen has been achieved along Pathway II, which is easier to achieve at static pressures, as ultra-high pressures are not required. The objective of the current experiment was to traverse Pathway I to the highest pressures at temperatures as low as 5 K. A new phase has been observed, but there is no evidence of MH. There are two challenges for studying hydrogen at high pressure, besides the strength of the diamond anvils. First, hydrogen is very compressible and the molar volume changes by a factor of ~10 when pressurized to the megabar region so that stable, precision alignment of the DAC is required or the sample blows out of the gasket as pressure is increased. The second challenge arises from hydrogen diffusion. Hydrogen is very reactive and can diffuse into the metallic gasket or diamonds; diamond anvils can embrittle and fail. Diffusion is an activated process and is suppressed at low temperature, but can lead to diamond failure at high P, T and even RT, so we minimize the time spent at elevated temperatures. Hydrogen was cryogenically loaded using a DAC and cryostat similar to a design described elsewhere [32]. A rhenium gasket confines the sample. Type IIac conic diamonds with 30-micron diameter culet flats were used. At the highest pressures the mean dimension of the sample was 9-10 microns. The diamonds were coated with alumina that acts as a diffusion barrier against hydrogen. We studied hydrogen by infrared spectroscopy, using a Nicolet Fourier Transform infrared interferometer with a thermal source. Our optical system also enabled Raman scattering on the
sample. Pressure was measured at lower pressures using the Ruby scale calibration of Chijioke et al [33]; from 150 to 350 GPa using the vibron pressure scale of Zha et al [12] (based on the 2010 diamond Raman scale of Akahama and Kawamura [34]); and for higher pressures we measured the diamond Raman line [34]. Figure 2 shows infrared spectra in the region of the hydrogen vibron lines at various pressures and temperatures. In general, a splitting or discrete shift of excitations as a function of pressure or temperature arises from a change of lattice symmetry and can be used to identify a phase transition. We observe an abrupt spectral change of the absorption coefficient at a pressure of 356 GPa and T=5 K, shown in Fig. 2a with three new lines (raw data and normalization procedures are presented in the Supplementary Materials, SM); there is a similar shift at higher temperature, T=82 K shown in 2b, identifying a transition to a new phase and the borders of a phase line. As our maximum pressure is approaching the predicted low temperature pressure for metallization [3] we believe that this new phase may precede the transition to metallic hydrogen and name it H2 -PRE.
Fig. 2. a) IR spectra of hydrogen for several indicated pressures and temperatures, showing various phases. The spectrum at 151 GPa shows two peaks due to coexisting phases. b) The frequency as a function of pressure at T=82 K, showing the transition from III to a new phase that we have named
5 We show the extended (from Fig. 1) phase diagram of hydrogen along Pathway I in Fig. 3.
While our letter was under preparation a paper by Eremets, Troyan, and Drozdov (ETD) appeared on the arXiv [35]. Using Raman scattering they detected a new phase (which they call VI) at 360 GPa and T~200 K. The phase was identified by the disappearance of a low frequency Raman mode; they do not show the higher frequency vibron spectra. ETD state that their study is at a preliminary stage and are working on further verification of the new phase. We believe that VI is the same as H2 -PRE, so we tentatively draw a phase line connecting our results to theirs in Fig. 3. ! It is important to note for the discussion ahead that both we and ETD use the same pressure scale (see Fig. 10 of ETD). There are a number of phases, names of phases, and claims of properties for solid hydrogen that can be confusing; we hope to clear this up here. As a guide to Fig. 3, we also track these phases and their names in Table I. Phases I, II, and III are well-known and established, so they are omitted from the discussion. Phases IV and V were first observed (but not named) in Ref. [10] by
Fig. 3. Phase diagram for hydrogen along Pathway I showing new phase lines. Our data points indicate the thermodynamic pathway followed in the experiment and the new phase observed at low temperatures and 356 GPa. The new phase observed by Eremets et al seems to be on the phase line for the phase we call
-‐PRE, so the line (dash-‐dot) is
extended to include this point. A point from Eremets et al (open circle) indicates the cross over from mixed to single phase; the new phase claimed by Dalladay-‐Simpson et al is also shown (open square, rescaled to the 2010 pressure scale of Akahama and Kawamura, the same scale used for other m easurements). The uncertainties in the points for
-‐PRE are
statistical from determining the pressure of the diamond phonon; systematic errors from different researchers can be of order 25 GPa. The absence of phase IV' is discussed in the text and presented in Table I.
Pressure Range (GPa) Reference
Eremets et al (2011)
Parentheses mean unnamed
Howie et al (2012)
IV’ ≡ V
Zha et al & Loubeyre et al (2013)
Dalladay-Simpson et al (2016)
Eremets et al (2016)
V see note
This Work Proposed Naming of Phases
IV’ ≡ V
VI observed at lower temp.
H − PRE ! 2
Observed at lower temp.
VI ≡ H2 − PRE ! Table I. Phases of hydrogen that have been discussed and named in the literature. Note: possible coexisting
H − PRE ! 2
phases IV and V in the region 270-320 GPa ([35]). noting changes in the Raman scattering spectra in hydrogen. This paper also claimed to observe MH, however that claim has not been corroborated [11,12], but the new phases were. Later, Howie et al [11] studied phase IV by Raman scattering around RT and named it IV; they also observed a higher pressure phase which they called IV' [36]. We believe that IV' is identical to phase V, so that phases IV’ and V are the same. Howie et al [11] claimed that phase IV was mixed molecular-atomic, but there was no evidence of unbound atomic hydrogen in their data. A recent high-pressure study of HD by Dias, Noked, and Silvera (DNS) [37] shows that this claim should be excluded. Zha et al [12,38] and Loubeyre et al [39] also studied phase IV by infrared spectroscopy and do not mention V or IV’. The lower pressure phases, II and III, are quantum phase transitions, appearing in the low temperature limit as pressure is increased. On the other hand, Phase IV only appears around RT and has a rather weak pressure dependence, as seen in Fig. 3. Magdau and Auckland [40] simulated such phases and argued that these transitions are entropy driven, so that they only appear at elevated temperatures. The study of HD by DNS [37] showed that above a threshold pressure, HD dissociates into a mixture of H2 , D2 and !HD . They did not observe a phase similar to IV, but two new high ! ! pressure phases named HD-IV* and HD-PRE, with steep phase lines rising from liquid helium temperatures. In this letter on hydrogen we also observe a new phase, with a phase line rising from
low temperature similar to phase lines in HD, so this is not unique in the ultra high-pressure hydrogens. In a recent paper, Dalladay-Simpson, Howie, and Gregoryanz (DHG) [41] claim to observe a new phase at a pressure of 325 GPa, which they named phase V. This is based, to a large extent, on changes of intensity of Raman modes, which is not a signature of a phase transition. ETD present very nice data (their Fig. 1) to complete the I-III phase line, study the IV-IV'-V region, as well as the phase line separating IV and V from phase III, which we show in Fig. 3. They show (their Fig. 3) that phase IV and IV’ (or V) have a large pressure range (270-320 GPa) where they coexist and solid hydrogen becomes single phase for higher pressures, phase V. ETD give several plausible reasons that could explain the observations of DHG as being a misinterpretation of data for phase IV'. They do not observe the new phase proposed by DHG, and neither do we in the low temperature IR spectra; however, we did not study hydrogen at room temperature in the IR. (For the new phase DHG used the 2004 pressure scale of Akahama and Kawamura [42]. If we rescale the pressure for DHG to the 2010 scale we get 345 GPa for their claimed new phase, shown in Fig.3). Thus, the interpretation is that IV’ and V are one and the same phase. We provide more evidence of this misinterpretation of data by DHG in our SM. ETD also measure the conductivity of their sample in phase VI/ H2 -PRE, and suggest that it might be metallic. The temperature ! dependence of the resistance that they measure is not supportive of such an interpretation, as resistance rises with decreasing temperature, while a rigorous test of a metal is to show that the resistance decreases in the low temperature limit. At the highest pressures our sample was dark in reflected and transmitted light, but we could still see faint transmitted light in the visible (see SM). We were unable to make quantitative measurements of visible transmission, but could measure a spectrum in the IR (see SM). Others have observed darkening of high pressure hydrogen [9],[43]. In conclusion we have studied solid hydrogen to the highest pressures yet reported in the literature and to liquid helium temperatures. We observed a new quantum phase transition in hydrogen at a pressure of 356 GPa in the low temperature limit. ETD also observed a new phase in this pressure range at a higher temperature, called phase VI. We believe that H2 -PRE and VI ! are the same phase at different points on the P,T phase diagram. We, and others, believe that the new phase reported by DHG in Ref. [41] does not exist and among other things, may have been
incorrectly identified due to overlapping phases. Our proposed naming of phases is given in Table I. Pressure uncertainties may be of order 25 GPa due to use of the diamond scale [44], but we do not think that this affects the conclusions reached here. Still to be measured in Fig. 3 are the phase lines separating IV and V as well as V and H2 − PRE . Most important is the higher-pressure
transition to MH. We thank Mohamed Zaghoo and Rachel Husband for useful discussions. The NSF, grant DMR-1308641, the DOE Stockpile Stewardship Academic Alliance Program, grant DENA0001990, supported this research. Preparation of diamond surfaces was performed in part at the Center for Nanoscale Systems (CNS), a member of the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network (NNIN), which is supported by the National Science Foundation under NSF award no. ECS-0335765. CNS is part of Harvard University.
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Supplementary Materials
New insulating low temperature phase in dense hydrogen: The phase diagram to 421 GPa Ranga P. Dias, Ori Noked, and Isaac F. Silvera Lyman Laboratory of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge MA, 02138 Raw data fits to IR lines and normalization Normally in IR spectroscopy one solves for the absorption coefficient α in the equation I/I0 = exp (-αd). Here, I0 is the radiation incident on the sample, used for normalization, and I the radiation that passes through the sample of thickness d to the detector. It is not possible to take the sample out of the DAC at each pressure to determine I0; furthermore the diamonds are aligned parallel so that one has Fabry-Perot fringes modulating the spectrum and these change with the density of the sample and the spacing of the anvils as the pressure is changed. Finally the transmitted signal is proportional to the area of the sample that changes with pressure because the hole in the gasket, containing the sample, deforms. To overcome these problems, we Fourier transform the signal with fringes (when needed), edit out the peak due to the fringes and then back transform. For our normalization procedure below 350 GPa we used empty cell spectra for I0; above 350GPa we use high temperature spectra in which the relevant absorption has disappeared (different phase) for I0. This produces excellent spectra and since they are at the same pressure and DACs are isochoric at a fixed pressure, the density of the sample, as well as the areas are the same for both I and I0. Figure S1 shows raw normalized data and spectral fits to line shapes using a Voigt line-shape function. We plot αd; we do not measure d but estimate it to be 24 microns. Because the IR light from the thermal source overfills our sample the signal is proportional to the area of the sample. To get adequate signal to noise we integrated the signal for 25-40 minutes.
Fig. S1. Examples of normalized raw IR spectra and the fitted spectra used to determine the line shapes and peak positions of the vibron modes at different pressures and temperatures.
Pressure Determination In the region ~140 to 350 GPa we used the pressure dependence of the H2 IR-vibron measured by Zha et al [1] to determine the pressure of our H2 sample. For pressures above 350 GPa we used the stress-induced shift of the high-frequency edge of the T2g Raman band of the diamond anvils for pressure determination [2]. An example of a first-order Raman band is shown in Fig. S2.
Fig. S2. The diamond phonon Raman signal originating from the stressed diamond at 370 GPa and 421 GPa.
Fig. S3. Photographs of the H2 sample in a diamond anvil cell at different pressures and temperatures (a) with combined transmitted-reflected light (b) with transmitted white light. The arrows indicate the culet diameter of 30 µm. The intensity of the transmitted light was the same for the recording of the photographs. The sample color gradually changes from white to dark with increasing pressure at 82 K, consistent with observations of others. The transmitted light is hard to see in the photograph, so we circled the region of the sample, and digitally enhanced it on the right.
Dalladay-Simpson et al: No evidence for a new phase a 325 GPa A new phase of hydrogen above 325 GPa and at room temperature has been reported by Dalladay-Simpson, Howie, and Gregoryanz (DHG) [3], using Raman spectroscopy. Eremets, Troyan, and Drozdov [3] presented data which do not support this claim. We have also closely examined their data and do not find convincing evidence of this claim. The authors used criteria given below for determination of the phase transition. 1. Disappearance of low frequency modes 2. Substantial decrease in intensity of vibrational Raman bands 3. Changes in position, width and intensity of the low-frequency modes (