The Preludio metadata management system for ...

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Jun 18, 2014 - ... Radoslav Nedkov, Roman Wössner. The Preludio metadata management system for comprehensive support of INSPIRE compliant metadata ...
The Preludio metadata management system for comprehensive support of INSPIRE compliant metadata Dr. Andreas Abecker, Carsten Heidmann, Dr.-Ing. Wassilios Kazakos, Radoslav Nedkov, Roman Wössner

Disy Informationssysteme GmbH

disy Informationssysteme GmbH

Market leader eEnvironment: Leading software-solution provider for data management and spatial reporting in German-speaking countries Location: Karlsruhe, Germany Founded: 1997 (spin-off of Karlsruhe University and FZI) Employees: 50 (software engineers, geographers, civil engineers, …) INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 2

Thematic distribution of disy customers in Germany & Austria Waste Soil/ Geology

3 German federal agencies • UBA, BAW, BfS

9 German federal states

> 30 district offices, municipalities, and regional councils


Energy Cross-domain Forestry Noise/ Immissions Agriculture Air/ Technosphere Nature conservation Radioactivity

• •

Drinking water Water

5 federal states 2 federal agencies • UBA Wien, ÖBB

> 80 administrative procedures

Research projects • EU, BMBF, BMWI

INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 3

Market positioning Domain knowledge water, air, noise, nature protection, forestry, agriculture, …

Spatial Reporting informationen provision at each desk

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Data Warehousing & Reporting

(OGC Services, Oracle Spatial, PostGIS, ESRI / ArcGIS / SDE, Smallworld, Intergraph, Autodesk, etc)

(technical/ factual data about environment, business, statistics, administration, … etc.)

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disy products & services

Geo information

Reporting & GIS

Metadata & SDI

Customer-specific adaptations and extensions

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Preludio at a glance

Intuitive input, editing, and management of metadata in a Web environment. • Implements international metadata standards ISO 19115/19119, CSW interface • Customer-specific adaptations of metadata profiles possible • Search for full text as well as spatial, temporal or keyword search • Ideal for SDI in the INSPIRE context INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 6

Preludio overview: Standards-compliant metadata management Metadata for data and for services Creation, management, search and delivery Compliant with INSPIRE, GDI-DE, OGC and ISO • ISO 19115/19119/19139 • GDI-DE tests up to level 1.4 • INSPIRE-conformance test suite of GDI-DE Metadata server in an SDI through Catalog Web Services • CSW 2.0.2 ISO API 1.0 Integrated Open Source Map Viewer •

Open Layers / Legato

Relational database (no XML-Clobs) INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 7

Create metadata: Usability aspects Separate administration of MD profiles (ISO 19115, addresses etc.)

Dropdown menus

Fulltext search. Undo/Redo

Parallel editing of several MD records

Clear presentation of MD structure

Validation during input Calendar, tabs and other GUI elements

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Usability: Validation during editing Presentation in tree view

Presentation at each element


Usability: Context help Activate context help

Presentation in the tree view Help text for an element

Presentation at each element

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Flexibility: Adaptation of metadata schema

• Even if there is a standard (ISO), one always has an organisation and domain specific focus which might lead to specific requirements for metadata editing • Disy Preludio allows for: • • • •

Using or skipping MD elements or blocks of elements Definition of Default values Automated computation of values Management of several different MD profiles (geo data, projects, literature etc.) • … to fully adapt the GUI to individual requirements

ISO (pure)

LfU (adapted) INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 11

Flexibility: User roles and authentification levels Guest (a user who is not logged in) • Only searching and reading specified MD records User • Changing „own“ MD records • Marking MD records as final Superuser • Changing all MD records • Internal and external rights management for MD records Group administrator • Administration of group metadata Administrator • Create new users and assign roles • Tool management

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Process integration: Editing of and searching for geo data from a Desktop GIS (Cadenza oder ArcGIS) Example: Preludio Add-In for ArcGIS

Call Add-In

Start Preludio Search

Show Search results (XML, HTML, PDF)

Load Service/Shape etc. 13

Process integration: Call meta data from external applications/portals HTML-View Short- / Long

Integrated MD Search

Print View (PDF) 14

Our Personal Metadata Hype Cycle

2007: INSPIRE Directive 2006 Preludio 2

Great interest, some large projects

2004: NOKIS++

2010 Meta data? Forget it!

2003 Preludio 1 2001: NOKIS 2000: Coastbase 1995: WebCDS 1994: WWW-UDK 1991: WIN-UDK

2014 Preludio 3.0 11/2013 Preludio Cooperation 2012 Integration into processes 2011 Some bigger projects again

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Some Preludio users Members of the Preludio Cooperation

Further use within the MDI-DE

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Preludio within LfU Bayern – Start page

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Preludio within LfU Bayern – Adapted editor

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Preludio within LfU Bayern – List view

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Project Overview eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIRE • • • • • •

EU CIP Programme, ICT-PSP Pilot project 19 Project Partners from 12 Countries 10 Pilots Applications Duration 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015 More information: Software Components, Best Practices, and Training for INSPIRE

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Usage Scenarios for Thesaurus Exploitation Services USE   

CASES Metadata Creation / Compilation Data & Service Querying / Discovery Explorative Search

REST API  GetCapabilities  GetSuggestions  GetSynonyms  GetRelatives  DescribeConcept  SPARQL

THESAURUS EXPLOITATION SERVICES  KeyordCompletion  KeywordExplanation  KeywordTranslation  QueryReformulation  Keyword Validation  ThesaurusVisualization  …


Summary Preludio guiding themes: • • •

Usability Flexibilty Process integration

Thanks for Your Attention ! Dr. Andreas Abecker Dipl.-Inform. Head of Innovation Management

Disy Informationssysteme GmbH Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 6 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Tel. +49 721 16006-256 Fax +49 721 16006-05 [email protected]

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