The Preludio metadata management system for comprehensive support of INSPIRE compliant metadata Dr. Andreas Abecker, Carsten Heidmann, Dr.-Ing. Wassilios Kazakos, Radoslav Nedkov, Roman Wössner
Disy Informationssysteme GmbH
disy Informationssysteme GmbH
Market leader eEnvironment: Leading software-solution provider for data management and spatial reporting in German-speaking countries Location: Karlsruhe, Germany Founded: 1997 (spin-off of Karlsruhe University and FZI) Employees: 50 (software engineers, geographers, civil engineers, …) INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 2
Thematic distribution of disy customers in Germany & Austria Waste Soil/ Geology
3 German federal agencies • UBA, BAW, BfS
9 German federal states
> 30 district offices, municipalities, and regional councils
Energy Cross-domain Forestry Noise/ Immissions Agriculture Air/ Technosphere Nature conservation Radioactivity
• •
Drinking water Water
5 federal states 2 federal agencies • UBA Wien, ÖBB
> 80 administrative procedures
Research projects • EU, BMBF, BMWI
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Market positioning Domain knowledge water, air, noise, nature protection, forestry, agriculture, …
Spatial Reporting informationen provision at each desk
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Data Warehousing & Reporting
(OGC Services, Oracle Spatial, PostGIS, ESRI / ArcGIS / SDE, Smallworld, Intergraph, Autodesk, etc)
(technical/ factual data about environment, business, statistics, administration, … etc.)
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disy products & services
Geo information
Reporting & GIS
Metadata & SDI
Customer-specific adaptations and extensions
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Preludio at a glance
Intuitive input, editing, and management of metadata in a Web environment. • Implements international metadata standards ISO 19115/19119, CSW interface • Customer-specific adaptations of metadata profiles possible • Search for full text as well as spatial, temporal or keyword search • Ideal for SDI in the INSPIRE context INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 6
Preludio overview: Standards-compliant metadata management Metadata for data and for services Creation, management, search and delivery Compliant with INSPIRE, GDI-DE, OGC and ISO • ISO 19115/19119/19139 • GDI-DE tests up to level 1.4 • INSPIRE-conformance test suite of GDI-DE Metadata server in an SDI through Catalog Web Services • CSW 2.0.2 ISO API 1.0 Integrated Open Source Map Viewer •
Open Layers / Legato
Relational database (no XML-Clobs) INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 7
Create metadata: Usability aspects Separate administration of MD profiles (ISO 19115, addresses etc.)
Dropdown menus
Fulltext search. Undo/Redo
Parallel editing of several MD records
Clear presentation of MD structure
Validation during input Calendar, tabs and other GUI elements
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Usability: Validation during editing Presentation in tree view
Presentation at each element
Usability: Context help Activate context help
Presentation in the tree view Help text for an element
Presentation at each element
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Flexibility: Adaptation of metadata schema
• Even if there is a standard (ISO), one always has an organisation and domain specific focus which might lead to specific requirements for metadata editing • Disy Preludio allows for: • • • •
Using or skipping MD elements or blocks of elements Definition of Default values Automated computation of values Management of several different MD profiles (geo data, projects, literature etc.) • … to fully adapt the GUI to individual requirements
ISO (pure)
LfU (adapted) INSPIRE Conference, Aalborg (DK) - June 18, 2014 11
Flexibility: User roles and authentification levels Guest (a user who is not logged in) • Only searching and reading specified MD records User • Changing „own“ MD records • Marking MD records as final Superuser • Changing all MD records • Internal and external rights management for MD records Group administrator • Administration of group metadata Administrator • Create new users and assign roles • Tool management
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Process integration: Editing of and searching for geo data from a Desktop GIS (Cadenza oder ArcGIS) Example: Preludio Add-In for ArcGIS
Call Add-In
Start Preludio Search
Show Search results (XML, HTML, PDF)
Load Service/Shape etc. 13
Process integration: Call meta data from external applications/portals HTML-View Short- / Long
Integrated MD Search
Print View (PDF) 14
Our Personal Metadata Hype Cycle
2007: INSPIRE Directive 2006 Preludio 2
Great interest, some large projects
2004: NOKIS++
2010 Meta data? Forget it!
2003 Preludio 1 2001: NOKIS 2000: Coastbase 1995: WebCDS 1994: WWW-UDK 1991: WIN-UDK
2014 Preludio 3.0 11/2013 Preludio Cooperation 2012 Integration into processes 2011 Some bigger projects again
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Some Preludio users Members of the Preludio Cooperation
Further use within the MDI-DE
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Preludio within LfU Bayern – Start page
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Preludio within LfU Bayern – Adapted editor
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Preludio within LfU Bayern – List view
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Project Overview eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIRE • • • • • •
EU CIP Programme, ICT-PSP Pilot project 19 Project Partners from 12 Countries 10 Pilots Applications Duration 1.1.2013 – 31.12.2015 More information: Software Components, Best Practices, and Training for INSPIRE
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Usage Scenarios for Thesaurus Exploitation Services USE
CASES Metadata Creation / Compilation Data & Service Querying / Discovery Explorative Search
REST API GetCapabilities GetSuggestions GetSynonyms GetRelatives DescribeConcept SPARQL
THESAURUS EXPLOITATION SERVICES KeyordCompletion KeywordExplanation KeywordTranslation QueryReformulation Keyword Validation ThesaurusVisualization …
Summary Preludio guiding themes: • • •
Usability Flexibilty Process integration
Thanks for Your Attention ! Dr. Andreas Abecker Dipl.-Inform. Head of Innovation Management
Disy Informationssysteme GmbH Ludwig-Erhard-Allee 6 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Tel. +49 721 16006-256 Fax +49 721 16006-05
[email protected]
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