Each of my acts is conscious. 9. I behave in a way that is not offensive to me and others. 10. Everything that happens in my life depends on me. 11. I find it easy ...
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The Proactive Behavior Inventory Alexandr I. Erzin Department of clinical psychology and psychotherapy, Orenburg state medical university, Russian Federation, Sovetskaya st. 6, 460000. Phone: +7 (3532) 40-35-67 E-mail: dr-wagner@mail.ru
Instruction: «Please complete the following items that describe your everyday behavior. Choose your responses in accordance with the tip: 1 - Strongly disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Neither agree nor disagree 4 - Agree 5 - Strongly agree». 1. 2. 3. 4.
I always aware of what I'm doing. Whatever I do, I understand the consequences of my behavior. I try to be responsible for each of my action. Sometimes I am bursting with unmotivated desire to destroy everything around. 5. I am free to do what I want. 6. It is valuable for me to know something new. 7. I am acting in accordance with my own ideals. 8. Each of my acts is conscious. 9. I behave in a way that is not offensive to me and others. 10.Everything that happens in my life depends on me. 11.I find it easy to start a conversation first in a company, even when others are silent. 12.My decisions are always conscious and rarely depend on other people's opinions. 13.I actively maintain the friendly relations with people. 14.I am always guided by my own values when choosing behaviors. 15.I try to be careful about wording. 16.I rarely have problems caused by underestimation of the consequences of my own behavior. 17.I am responsible for any of my action. 18.It’s easy for me to start to do something quite spontaneously. 19.I am free to make decisions regarding my life. 20.Hunger, thirst and other physical needs are not able to outshine my desire for creativity. 21.I am convinced that my behavior is determined by my needs, values and interests more than life circumstances. 22.I can control my emotions.
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23.I realize that my actions may be offensive to others, but the final result is more important for me. 24.When I get in trouble, I often think that this is my fault. 25.I can spontaneously change my route just because I wanted to do this. 26. Even though I am listening to the opinions of others, I always make the choice independently. 27.I aspire to be significant in the eyes of others. 28.Sometimes my relationships break down because of my beliefs and ideals, but it does not frustrate me. 29.I try to control my behavior almost always. 30.When I am planning something, I understand that it might hurt other people, but for me it does not matter. 31.The success often depends on the efforts and abilities of the individual. 32.I can occupy myself. 33.My behavior is a result of my decisions. 34.The purpose of my life is the realization of my abilities. 35.I do something not because I was asked or forced, but because I like it. 36.“Think Before You Speak” – It’s about me. 37.I try to act in a way that brings less negative consequences for me, but not for others. 38.Often people are to blame for their failures. 39.I try to behave naturally in dialogue, and not to be guided by opinions of other people. 40.I have freedom of choice. 41.The need for self-realization is more important for me than the physical needs. 42.I behave in accordance with the ideals of love, kindness, creativity, altruism. 43.At any time I can stop and reflect on my behavior. 44.I can anticipate certain situations and always preparing for them. 45.If something does not work out, it means that I have not made sufficient efforts. 46.Very often I want to create something new, make new friends, and help people. 47.I try to make my own decisions. 48.Sometimes I ready to take risks in order to self-realization. 49.My ideal is a successful man, sometimes neglecting the feelings and needs of others to achieve his goals. 50.Before I fell asleep I often think about how I behaved during the day, trying to objectively evaluate myself. 51.I consider different options for outcome of events, depending on my actions. 52.If my relationship with someone deteriorated, it’s my fault too. 53.If I want to say something while being in company of people, I wouldn’t think too long about how it may be perceived by others. 54.I am convinced that neither people, nor fate, nor God, nor anybody else is able to influence my decision. 2
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55.Personal development and self-realization are the highest purposes in life for me. 56.When deciding how to conduct myself, I always follow my principles and beliefs, regardless the circumstances.
The analysis of questionnaire responses Self-awareness and Self-control: items 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 43, 50. Anticipation and Predicting: items 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51. Internal locus of control: items 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52. Spontaneity: items 4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53. Autonomy in decision making: items 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 47, 54. Metaneeds: items 6, 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55. Self-Initiation and Proactive attitude: items 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56. Constructive proactivity: items 6, 9, 13, 20, 42, 46. Destructive proactivity: items 4, 23, 28, 30, 37, 49.
References: Erzin A.I. The Proactive Behavior Inventory: scales description and psychometric assessment test. [Metodika «Proaktivnoe povedenie»: opisanie shkal i pervichnaja ocenka psihometricheskih pokazatelej]. Current issues in psychological knowledge [Aktual'nye problemy psihologicheskogo znanija]. 2014. Vol. 1. pp. 100-110.