the rock cobbler - Sam Barn

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There might be a video of this thing produced, smile for the camera (wipe off the mud ... Can you tell we did all these
THE ROCK COBBLER FEBRUARY 8, 2015 The ride... The food... The route... The prizes... The donkey… The Brewery... The Gold Sprints... The sock pinning... The glorious euphoric pain… The stupidly hard route again... The rocks, the dirt, the mud, the roads…

Gravel Grinder? Sorta...

The Rock Cobbler is a stupidly hard ride bordering on a race. It was conceived by Mad Men…on barstools in the dark hours of the night...passionate and driven to showcase roads, trails and a VERY challenging route not yet ridden, not yet tamed. It is NOW 100+ miles consisting of county asphalt roads, trails, private land, a river, a creek and a brewery. It is very hard but will be sickeningly fun. Some fun details will be posted and shared as we go, but you will NOT find a profile and stats. The final route, stats and profile will be revealed to those who have registered on Feb. 1st 2015. This “secret route” is now tradition and adds to the excitement. This thing is designed for a cross bike...with a file tread tire such as the Specialized Trigger Pro Tubeless. Great tire and a generous sponsor. A mountain bike will work. Some of us on the planning team have been stupid enough to try a road bike...don’t. If you wanna try a road bike, good luck and you will suffer 1000 deaths. That’s all we’re gonna say. It is NOT a cyclocross race, a road race or a MTB race. When you finish (if you finish) you will know WHY it’s called the Rock Cobbler. May the cycling gods bless you and good luck... ►► There are no categories but we will honor the first male and female finisher and the first male and female single speed finisher ►► There is a semi bottomless pint glass...soda if you must. Yep you can keep the glass ►► There are awesome medals for all Cobblers ►► There are awesome T shirts for all Cobblers ►► There is so much food it’s scary. Breakfast and post ride lunch day of the event ►► There is EMT roving medical, medical at the sag stop. IV optional ►► There is one main sag stop at the halfway point. It is the ONLY sag stop...but what a stop! ►► There will be 4 CHECKPOINT CHARLIES. You MUST get your Cobbler Card punched at each checkpoint. They will have fluids and snacks if you need them ►► And this is critical, critical! YOU MUST FINISH WITH YOUR CARD ►► And so is this: YOU MUST DO AS INSTRUCTED if you are instructed to do something at a checkpoint—if you fail, your card will NOT be punched and that is a 5 minute penalty per punch, Bro ►► 5 minute time penalty for lost cards ►► There might be a video of this thing produced, smile for the camera (wipe off the mud please) ►► The event is timed, you will be given a number ►► Just because the event is timed does not mean you can blow stop signs or lights. There are intersections that require you to cross the road. We will do our best to set any signals in flasher mode. All stop signs require you to STOP, look and proceed. You can be ticketed so don’t be stupid. If we catch you motoring thru a stop sign or riding 4 abreast into the road we will unpin your number and your event is over. Volunteers will be at important stop signs to assist you and flog any violators. The ride won’t be won or lost at any of these stops, we are sure of that. Have fun and be safe and smart. ►► You must start/finish with the same bike. Fix it as much as you can, take tools and flat fixing gear ►► If you get lost you are either blind or ....blind. And if you are blind your escort is blind. ►► The course, after the neutral roll out will be marked with so many orange cones and signs on the pavement its ridiculous ►► There will be live music post event ►► Can you tell we did all these bullet points as they came into our heads? Random is good ►► You will be so beat down tired ►► There will be an awesome raffle from 3-5pm. If you are ungodly fast, cool. Relax at the venue, take a nap and consider cheering on fellow Cobblers when they roll in half dead

►► You will get 2 raffle tickets with your entry, additional tickets are $1 and can be purchased when you pick up your packet and race day. Tickets will only be sold to riders, please don’t poach. The raffle is for the riders! ►► There is no prize list. Glorify yourself to your friends, family and to your heart in a way much more appropriate than getting on a podium ►► You may have to carry your bike...but not very far ►► We lamented a time limit and there is one sort of. A moto will follow the last rider until 4:00pm and or up until the last checkpoint. Checkpoint 4 closes at 4:00pm. The last checkpoint is roughly 20 miles from the finish. At that time if you are not finished we can call in sag for you. Period. If you insist on torturing yourself further you are on your own and we will need your number. Your time will be recorded as a AMF—“almost finished” Do not complain about this, it’s a hard ride. God bless you for giving it your best and now that you know, train HARD. It’s for safety and common sense. Lots of epic rides have cutoffs for lots of good reasons ►► GIVE YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS TO A LOVED ONE ALONG WITH YOUR WILL AND TESTAMENT if you plan on doing an all nighter…and carry a light The Cobbler starts at Lengthwise Brewing Co at the Marketplace, 9000 Ming Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93311 Feb. 8th 2015 AD at precisely 8:00am . Breakfast will be served from 6AM to 7:30AM. MANDATORY RIDER MEETING AT 7:15AM. All riders start at one time and there is a neutral roll out for 10-12 miles. All riders must stay behind the ED LUX recumbent. The finish line will be close to the start. Number, route map and packet pickup and carbo loading is from 4pm to 7pm at Lengthwise Marketplace Saturday Feb 7th. Gold Sprints roller racing will be ON. Now that’s fun stuff. Come have a pint, get your swag and enjoy the pre-race fun. Host hotel is the Hotel Rosedale, we love those folks. Mention code “Sambarn” for a room rate discount. 2400 Camino Del Rio Ct, Bakersfield, CA 93308 (661) 327-0681. The Cobbler entry fee is $100. We have been informed that Disneyland is $120. This year we will provide online registration at A USAC annual license is NOT required. Your entry includes your insurance surcharge. Online reg. will open November 1st. and is limited to 150 riders. It is likely the event will sell out. Updates will only be sent to registered riders. For more info, Bye now.