10.00 The vitality of the alpine silviculture of Comelico and in Cadore, among memory, oblivion and renewal of tradition
THE SILVUCULTURE IN THE ALPINE FORESTS - GREEN ECONOMY AND FUNCTIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 28 June 2018, Santo Stefano di Cadore (BL) Sala della Regola di Santo Stefano di Cadore - Via Udine, 60 An initiative by the Italian Delegation to the Alpine Convention CLIK here to register 9:00 Institutional greetings Dr. Paolo Angelini, Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea – Head of Delegation to the Alpine Convention Ambassador Markus Reiterer, Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention
FIRST SESSION* Coordinated by Paola Berto, Veneto Agricoltura The role and the awareness of the silviculture of the Alpine forests for the green economy, the protection of drinking water, and the climate change effects: tradition and experience of Comelico. 9.30 The Protocol Mountain forests of the Alpine Convention – The National board on wood supply chain and the new forestry law. Rinaldo Comino, EGTC Euroregio without Borders and President of Working group Mountain forests of the Alpine Convention 10.00 The vitality of the alpine silviculture of Comelico and in Cadore, among memory, oblivion and renewal of traditions. Orazio Andrich, President of the Order of Agronomists and Foresters of Belluno 10.30 Forests and policies: information, perception and construction of an identity by the wide public Davide Pettenella, TESAF University of Padova 11:00 Coffee break 11.30 Valorization opportunities of the quality timber in the mountain woods of Veneto Region. Giustino Mezzalira, Veneto Agricoltura 12.00 The role of the silviculture for the Alpine economy, water quality and climate change. EUSTAFOR: goals and main data of the organization. Roland Kautz, EUSTAFOR Bruxelles
12.30 Naturalistic silviculture and forest uses: both essential and delicate relationship. Alessandro Wolisky, Forest and Wildlife Service of the Autonomous Province of Trento. 13.00 - 14.00 Standing Lunch by A.N.A. Gruppo di Santo Stefano di Cadore.
SECOND SESSION Coordinated by Graziano Martini Barzolai Naturalistic silviculture and sustainable economy; where and how: problems and perspectives in the Alps of Veneto Region 14.45 -16.30 The role of state-owned forests. Alberto Negro, President of ANARF Good practices of Regole del Comelico. Market problems in the current context. Pietro Buzzo Contin, Presidente ARCFACO Management and planning policies of Veneto Region for Naturalistic Forestry. Luigi Alfonsi, Directorate ADG FEASR parks and forests Veneto Region Control as a good practice of collaboration between State and Region, Province and Local Authorities. Paolo Zanetti, Comand of Carabinieri Forestry Group of Belluno 16.30- 16.45 coffee break 16.45 -17.30 The management of mixed forests in the state–owned mountain area of Veneto Region. Massimiliano Fontanive, Veneto Agricoltura The wood that produces landscape: impact on the territory. Viviana Ferrario, Foundation Transboundary Studies Center of Comelico Experiences of naturalistic silviculture in the European Natura 2000 ecological network Michele Da Pozzo, Regole d’Ampezzo, Director of Dolomiti d’Ampezzo Regional Park 17.30 Debate 18.00 End of the session
* During the first session of the conference, there will be translation from Italian to English.
ESCURSIONS 29 June 2018 Meeting place at 9.00 am in viale Papa Luciani - Santo Stefano di Cadore ITINERARY 1: The silviculture in Comelico: types of treatments in disetaneous and monoplane forests Locality: Val Visdende – Municipalities of San Pietro di Cadore and Santo Stefano di Cadore Chaperone: Marco Casanova Borca PROGRAMME Departure for Val Visdende, destination locality Pra Marino. 9.30 Arrival at Pra Marino. Visit to spruce wood of the silicate substrates just used. Return to the bus and transfer to Costa d'Antola. 10.30 Arrival at locality Costa d’Antola. Visit to monoplane woods: description of the main characteristics and method of collection. Visit to the nearby path of the monumental trees of Val Carnia, where can be admired some majestic specimens of spruce more than 50 meters high. 11.30 Transfer on foot to Piani di Sesis, to the highest quality forest in Val Visdende. 12.30 Return to locality Costa d’Antola. 13.00 Return to Santo Stefano di Cadore Arrival estimated around 13.20 pm.
ITINERARY 2: When the forest becomes intrusive. The evolution of the forest in the last 60 years. Advantages and disadvantages Locality: Casamazzagno, Dosoledo, Val Comuna – Municipality of Comelico Superiore Chaperone: Graziano Martini Barzolai and Paolo Scarzello PROGRAMME Departure for Comelico Superiore. 9.15 Arrival at Casamazzagno. Visit to artificial spruce plants and new woodlands for abandonment of agricultural activities. 10.45 Arrival in the city square of Dosoledo and departure for locality Val Grande. 11.00 Visit to the thermal springs (where it will be possible to resume the theme of the previous day on the relationship between forest and water resource) and the largest spruce specimen of Comelico, nicknamed the Queen, as well as the population that surrounds it in Val Comuna. Descent to locality Val Grande. 12.45 Return to Santo Stefano Arrival estimated around 13.10 pm.