The Solar Neighborhood XXV: Discovery of New Proper Motion Stars ...

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Apr 19, 2011 - Jennifer G. Winters, Todd J. Henry, and Wei-Chun Jao ... These are papers VIII, X, XII, XV, and XVIII in the The Solar Neighborhood (TSN).
arXiv:1104.3765v1 [astro-ph.SR] 19 Apr 2011

submitted to the Astronomical Journal

The Solar Neighborhood XXV: Discovery of New Proper Motion Stars with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 between Declinations −47◦ and 00◦ Mark R. Boyd Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 [email protected] Jennifer G. Winters, Todd J. Henry, and Wei-Chun Jao Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30302-4106 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Charlie T. Finch U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington DC 20392-5420 [email protected] John P. Subasavage Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, La Serena, Chile [email protected] and Nigel C. Hambly Scottish Universities Physics Alliance, Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, Scotland, UK [email protected] ABSTRACT

–2– We present 2817 new southern proper motion systems with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 and declination between −47◦ and 00◦ . This is a continuation of the SuperCOSMOS-RECONS (SCR) proper motion searches of the southern sky. We use the same photometric relations as previous searches to provide distance estimates based on the assumption that the objects are single main sequence stars. We find 79 new red dwarf systems predicted to be within 25 pc, including a few new components of previously known systems. Two systems — SCR 17312452 at 9.5 pc and SCR 1746-3214 at 9.9 pc — are anticipated to be within 10 pc. We also find 23 new white dwarf candidates with distance estimates of 15–66 pc, as well as 360 new red subdwarf candidates. With this search, we complete the SCR sweep of the southern sky for stars with µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 and R59F ≤ 16.5, resulting in a total of 5042 objects in 4724 previously unreported proper motion systems. Here we provide selected comprehensive lists from our SCR proper motion search to date, including 152 red dwarf systems estimated to be within 25 pc (nine within 10 pc), 46 white dwarfs (ten within 25 pc), and 598 subdwarf candidates. The results of this search suggest that there are more nearby systems to be found at fainter magnitudes and lower proper motion limits than those probed so far. Subject headings: surveys — astrometry — stars: distances — stars: low mass, brown dwarfs — stars: statistics — solar neighborhood



The Research Consortium On Nearby Stars (RECONS)1 has been surveying the southern sky for proper motion objects using the database of the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey, with new discoveries dubbed SCR (SuperCOSMOS-RECONS). This sixth SCR survey paper is the second for objects with µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 and R59F ≤ 16.5, and completes our sweep of the southern sky for objects meeting these criteria. Results of previous efforts have been reported in Hambly et al. (2004), Henry et al. (2004), Subasavage et al. (2005a,b), and Finch et al. (2007). These are papers VIII, X, XII, XV, and XVIII in the The Solar Neighborhood (TSN) series, respectively (hereafter TSN VIII, TSN X, etc.). This paper specifically complements TSN XVIII, which presented results from our search from declinations −90◦ to −47◦ for objects with proper motions, µ, between 0.′′ 40 yr−1 and 0.′′ 18 yr−1 . Here we report results for objects with the same proper motions, but for declinations −47◦ to 00◦ . We have reported 1

–3– a total of 1971 objects in 1907 SCR proper motion systems in previous papers in this series, where a system is defined to be one or more objects that appear to be gravitationally bound, as evidenced during these searches by being near to one another on the sky and having similar proper motions. Here we report an additional 3073 objects in 2817 systems, which more than doubles the total SCR count, and brings the total to 5042 objects in 4724 SCR systems.2 One of the primary goals of this work is to add to the census of stellar systems known within 25 pc, in an effort to develop the most accurate measurements of the stellar luminosity and mass functions, and to provide the fundamental sample of nearby stellar systems for studies of multiplicity, activity, ages, and exoplanet searches. To date, our searches have focused on the southern sky, which historically has not been searched as methodically as the northern sky. Our SCR efforts are, of course, the latest in a long line of proper motion surveys for nearby stars. Early searches include the classics by Giclas et al. (1971, 1978) and Luyten (1979, 1980). Many more have since been done utilizing modern technology but fundamentally similar techniques, including the searches of Wroblewski & Torres (1994), Wroblewski & Costa (1999), Scholz et al. (2000, 2002), Oppenheimer et al. (2001), Pokorny et al. (2003, 2004), L´epine (2005, 2008), Deacon et al. (2005, 2009), and Deacon & Hambly (2007). Each of these searches has yielded new proper motion objects, including candidates close to the Sun. The significance of these searches individually is discussed in detail in previous papers in this series, so will not be addressed here. In this paper we present photometric distance estimates for the red dwarf, cool subdwarf, and white dwarf systems revealed during the search. We anticipate that 79 red dwarf systems from the present search are within 25 pc, including two estimated to be closer than 10 pc. While most of the systems from effort reported here are made up of red dwarfs, we also report 23 white dwarf candidates and 360 red subdwarf candidates selected via reduced proper motion diagrams. These three types of intrinsically faint objects are typically underrepresented in Galactic models. Thus, it is important to reveal these systems if we are to develop accurate pictures of Galactic structure and populations. 2

New proper motion systems reported in Winters et al. (2011) were found via customized searches different than our typical search methodology used for this and the other five SCR proper motion papers. Thus, for the statistics quoted in this paper, we only include new systems reported in Winters et al. (2011) if they were also (re)found via the search methodology outlined here.

–4– 2.

Search Criteria and Methodology

The searches use data from SuperCOSMOS scans of four Schmidt survey photographic plates taken of each field. The photographic plates scanned into the SuperCOSMOS database are 6◦ × 6◦ with a 0.5◦ overlap on each side, giving ∼25◦ square of unique sky coverage per field (in order to streamline computations of astrometric and photometric data, the overlap regions were not used). Six hundred fifty-four fields have been included in the current search, giving a total of ∼16,350 square degrees covered, or about 40% of the entire sky. In total, 16,748 candidate objects were detected, which is more than twice as many as the 7410 in TSN XVIII. TSN XV searched the same area of the sky as in this paper, albeit for objects with µ ≥ 0.′′ 40 yr−1 , and found 3879 candidate objects. The ratio of candidates from TSN XV to this paper (0.23) is similar to that of TSN XII to TSN XVIII (0.19), which both searched the sky from −47◦ to the southern celestial pole with proper motions that match TSN XV and this paper, respectively. The current search uses techniques for object detection and extraction of astrometric and photometric data similar to those of previous SCR searches, which are given in detail in previous papers (see TSN XVIII in particular). Briefly, we utilize astrometric position and proper motion information and photometric magnitudes in the BJ , ESO − R, R59F , and IIV N passbands. We generally require that sources be detected on all four plates, and that they have R59F ≤ 16.5 mag. As in previous searches, an ellipticity quality flag was checked for each of the four plates, and any object with two or more ellipticities greater than 0.35 was excluded. For the present search, we added an additional check: if the mean of the three best (i.e., lowest) ellipticities for an object was greater than 0.25, it was thrown out. This cutoff was chosen because in trial samples it removed a substantial number of false objects, but no real proper motion objects. Thus, it simply lowered the number of false detections in the sample that had to be investigated. Such “garbage” may result from blended images, plate defects, and objects near bright star halos, many of which can be eliminated by these ellipticity constraints. Undoubtedly, a small number of true proper motion systems were excluded using this criterion, e.g., binary systems that were elongated, that could be picked up in future searches with relaxed criteria. In addition to the ellipticity constraints, the further sifting process discussed in TSN XII and applied to subsequent searches was also used here — if the two R magnitudes differed by more than 1.0 magnitude the object was considered to be a mismatch or a variable giant with an erroneous proper motion, and was discarded from further consideration. Once a list of reliable candidates was extracted, the objects were then checked using SIMBAD and other proper motion surveys [e.g., NLTT — Luyten (1980), LEHPM — Pokorny et al. (2003), SIPS — Deacon et al. (2005)] in VizieR to identify previously known

–5– objects. In both SIMBAD and VizieR, a 90′′ radius was used to match objects in accordance with the findings of Bakos et al. (2002), who found that coordinates of stars in the Luyten half-second (LHS) catalog were usually accurate to within ∼90′′ (see their Figure 2). All new and known candidate proper motion objects were inspected using Aladin by blinking the BJ , R59F , and IIV N SuperCOSMOS plate images to confirm that the object was indeed a proper motion object. For real objects, 2MASS positions, epochs, and JHKs photometry were extracted. The blinking was done using a 5′ radius field and SIMBAD and VizieR overlays to ensure new discoveries were not incorrectly labeled as known and vice versa, and to ensure the correct 2MASS data were collected. The blinking process led to the discovery of many common proper motion systems, discussed in §5.6.


Comparison to Previous Searches

As in previous papers, we examine the discovery statistics of our SCR search, which have been updated to include systems from this paper. Results are summarized in Table 1. In order to be consistent with TSN XVIII, we reintroduce the terminology used there to describe the various samples. We divide the systems into three categories: MOTION, SLOWMO, and MINIMO, which contain systems with µ ≥ 1.′′ 00 yr−1 , 1.′′ 00 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 50 yr−1 , and 0.′′ 50 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 , respectively, with the two lower cutoffs chosen to match those of the Luyten Half Second (LHS) and Luyten Two Tenths (LTT) efforts. Here we update the hit rates — defined as the number of real objects, including new, known, and duplicates of new and known objects, divided by the total starting sample size including all candidate objects — for the MOTION, SLOWMO, and MINIMO samples from those given in TSN XVIII, which included SCR searches only between −90◦ to −47◦ . For the entire southern sky SCR searches, we find hit rates of 8.9% and 80.2% for the MOTION and SLOWMO samples, respectively. The previous hit rate for MINIMO systems, the focus of this paper, between −90◦ to −47◦ was 78.1%. In this paper our hit rate is 81.4%, which is slightly higher because of the additional ellipticity constraint that eliminated ∼500 garbage entries.3 Table 1 lists the distribution of real and garbage objects divided into their appropriate proper motion bins. There are 13,363 objects in the NLTT catalog that meet the sky location, magnitude, and proper motion parameters of the search reported here. Of these, 9474 were recovered, 3

The hit rate for all MINIMO objects listed in Table 1 is 81.5%, which is slightly higher than either of the rates given for the searches in TSN XVIII and that reported here, which include objects with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18. Objects with proper motions of 0.′′ 50 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 40 have very high, i.e., reliable, hit rates, thereby increasing the overall hit rate for MINIMO systems.

–6– corresponding to a 71% recovery rate. The 29% not recovered can be attributed primarily to the factors mentioned in TSN XVIII — differences in proper motion and magnitude measurements can lead to us dropping objects that were kept in the NLTT, i.e., the SCR measurements are different enough to push objects beyond the designated search limits. In addition, our search has trouble picking up bright sources. The brightest NLTT object recovered has R59F ∼ 5, while the brightest NLTT object in this part of the sky has Luyten’s r ∼ 2.



In Table 2 we list the first five of the 2817 total systems discovered during the present search. The table of discoveries is presented in full in the electronic version of the Astronomical Journal. For this total, we only count systems comprised entirely of new discoveries, i.e., an SCR companion to a known object is not included in this number. There are 3073 total SCR objects from the present search, which exceeds the number of systems because (a) some systems have more than one SCR object and (b) systems including both a known and SCR object are not included in the number of systems. We provide SCR names, coordinates, relative proper motions and position angles of the proper motions, plate magnitudes from SuperCOSMOS, photometry from 2MASS, the R59F −J color, a distance estimate, and notes, as we have done for systems found in previous SCR searches. The proper motions and position angles have errors of ∼ 0.′′ 010 yr−1 and ∼ 2.7◦ , respectively. All coordinates have been computed for epoch J2000.0 using the 2MASS coordinates and the SuperCOSMOS proper motions and position angles. Tables 3, 4, and 5 provide summary lists of our discoveries of red dwarfs within 25 pc, cool subdwarfs, and white dwarfs, respectively, from the searches to date using the methodology outlined in the six SCR proper motion papers. In TSN XVIII, the proper motion and position angle data from the SCR searches were shown to be consistent with those of Hipparcos and the NLTT. Hipparcos observed stars brighter than V ∼ 12, which tend to have the poorest proper motions in the SCR survey because of image saturation on the photographic plates. Even so, the proper motions and position angles had average deviations of 0.′′ 020 yr−1 and 3.9◦ , respectively. The agreement between SCR and NLTT values are rather worse, at 0.′′ 025 yr−1 and 6.8◦ . Finch et al. (2010) compared UCAC3 [Zacharias et al. (2010)] and SuperCOSMOS proper motion data for 137 objects in both catalogs. The average differences found were less than 0.′′ 020 yr−1 . We also compare the SCR sample to the PPMX [R¨oser et al. (2008)] and PPMXL [R¨oser et al. (2010)] catalogs. We have searched a single hour of RA between RA = 12 and 13 to derive representative samples for comparison, with the search radii for object matching set at 30

–7– arcseconds. In the PPMX catalog, we recovered 52 of 158 SCR objects, or 33%, with the proper motions differing by an average of 0.′′ 021 yr−1 and 0.′′ 027 yr−1 for RA and Dec, respectively. In the PPMXL catalog, we recovered 115 of 158 SCR objects, or 73%, with the proper motions differing by an average of 0.′′ 024 yr−1 and 0.′′ 027 yr−1 for RA and Dec, respectively. These values are the mean differences between proper motions values in RA and Dec for the catalogs. Systematic offsets between the SCR and PPMX results in RA and Dec are −0.′′ 022 yr−1 and 0.′′ 013 yr−1 , whereas offsets between SCR and PPMXL results are −0.′′ 026 yr−1 and 0.′′ 011 yr−1 . These indicate a small systematic shift between the catalogs. Hambly et al. (2004) describe the 11 relations generated from the six photometry values, BJ R59F IIV N JHKs (hereafter BRIJHK), associated with each object that can be used to estimate distances photometrically. The relations were generated using stars with accurate (errors less than 10 mas) trigonometric parallaxes, and the estimates assume that each object is a single main sequence star with colors corresponding to a K or M dwarf. Stars for which fewer than six relations produced distance estimates are noted with distances in brackets; these objects typically have colors too blue for the relations. For the stars with accurate trigonometric distances used to generate the relations, the mean of the absolute differences between their true distances and their estimated photometric distances is 26%. Thus, errors on the distance estimates listed for red stars are a minimum of 26%. An additional error for an object’s distance arises from the standard deviation of results from the (up to) 11 different distances from the relations. Away from the Galactic plane, this standard deviation error is typically 15%, which results in total errors for the distances of ∼30%. Near the Galactic plane, where crowding is an issue and one or more images on the plates may be corrupted by background sources, the photometry is less accurate and consistent between the BRI plate magnitudes, so errors may climb to 50% or more in extreme cases. Distance estimates will be erroneous for certain classes of stars, notably white dwarfs and subdwarfs, both of which are underluminous compared to main sequence stars of the same color. Thus, the overestimated distances for these candidates are listed in brackets in Table 2. Where possible, white dwarf candidates have more accurate distances listed in the notes of Table 5. SuperCOSMOS data were gathered manually for companions noticed by eye during the blinking process that appeared to have common proper motion with a target being checked. These objects were typically not picked up during the initial search because they are fainter than the R = 16.5 cutoff. Some lack SuperCOSMOS data, and therefore distance estimates, because they are blended on the plates or are too faint for reliable SuperCOSMOS magnitudes. We anticipate a roughtly 1% contamination rate of false positive proper motion objects in the sample of 2817 systems. Some false positives are particularly bright stars on the B

–8– or I plates where the blinker must use diffraction spikes to judge the location of the image center because the image itself is large and/or asymmetric. In these cases, we erred on the side of inclusion, so the list likely contains a a few bright objects that do not really exhibit proper motion. A second type of false positives are objects near plate edges. Plate edges are effectively ”cut” at designated locations to provide full sky coverage. In some cases, individual star images are split between, for example, a B plate and an R plate, and those images are offset, thereby causing a false proper motion. These detections were kept as candidates because they meet the SCR search criteria, but may not to be proper motion objects.

5. 5.1.


Color-Magnitude Diagram

Figures 1 and 2 show color-magnitude diagrams for SCR objects and previously known systems recovered during the present search. As in previous SCR efforts, the systems discovered here are generally fainter and redder than previously known systems, with a concentration of points around R ∼ 15 and (R − J) ∼ 3, representing red dwarfs of spectral types ∼M2.0V. The 21 SCR objects with (R − J) ≥ 4.5 are estimated to have spectral types of M5.0V to M8.0V. As in TSN XVIII, many of the systems discovered are brighter and bluer than in earlier SCR search papers. There are 55 objects with R brighter than 10, with SCR1843-0146 at R = 8.54 mag being the brightest. TSN XVIII reported only nine objects brighter than R = 10. In addition to sample size, the difference in detection rates may be due to the omission during the TSN XVIII search of several plates near the Galactic plane, where blue proper motion objects may be found superimposed on the swath of background stars and dust of the plane. Because of their blue colors, none of these objects have reliable distance estimates presented here, as the suite of distance estimate equations is only applicable to red stars. Nonetheless, the stars are bright and have confirmed proper motions so are certainly worthy of follow-up work. Points below the search cutoff of R = 16.5 represent common proper motion companions noticed by eye during the blinking process. In addition, white dwarf candidates represented by triangles are immediately visible, clustered around R ∼ 16 and (R − J) ∼ 0. The subdwarf population, while less well-defined, is also noticeable as a group of points stretching from R ∼ 12 and (R − J) ∼ 0 to R ∼ 16 and (R − J) ∼ 2. Further assessment of white dwarf and cool subdwarf candidates can be accomplished using a reduced proper motion diagram.

–9– 5.2.

Reduced Proper Motion Diagram

Figure 3 shows the reduced proper motion (RPM) diagram for SCR objects found during the present survey. The RPM diagram is a powerful tool for estimating the luminosity class of a star. It is similar in nature to the H-R diagram except that the proper motion is used instead of a distance, relying on the inverse statistical relationship between proper motion, µ, and distance. While obviously not foolproof — for example, subdwarfs may masquerade as main sequence stars, and vice versa — the diagram allows for the rough classification of systems. The equation used here to determine the pseudo-absolute magnitude HR59F plotted on the vertical axis of Figure 3 is HR59F = R59F + 5 + 5 log µ. The dashed line in Figure 3 is the same as for similar RPM plots in TSN XII, XV, and XVIII, and is used to separate white dwarfs from subdwarfs. The solid lines, while not plotted in previous papers, are used to denote the cool subdwarf area on the plot. We find 23 new white dwarf candidates from this effort. As in previous searches, we also use the RPM diagram to identify cool subdwarf candidates. From this search, there are 360 subdwarf candidates defined as having R − J > 1.0 and HR59F up to 4.0 mag brighter than the white dwarf-subdwarf line. Although this is a somewhat arbitrary definition, it has proven reliable for delineating subdwarfs from both main sequence stars and white dwarfs. Samples selected from the red dwarf, cool subdwarf, and white dwarf regions of the RPM diagram are discussed in the next three sections.


SCR Red Dwarfs Within 25 Parsecs

Table 3 lists the 152 red dwarf systems estimated to be within 25 pc found during the SCR proper motion surveys. We provide coordinates, proper motions, plate and 2MASS magnitudes, a photometric distance estimate using the suite of relations presented in TSN VIII, the paper in which the object was first published, and notes. Nine of the systems are estimated to be in the RECONS 10 pc sample. We reported trigonometric parallaxes for three of the systems in Henry et al. (2006), including SCR 0630-7643AB at 8.76 pc, SCR 1138-7721 at 8.18 pc, and SCR 1845-6357AB at 3.85 pc. As of January 1, 2011, the latter system ranked as the 23rd nearest system to the Sun4 . 4

– 10 – The current search adds 79 systems to the 25 pc sample, more than doubling the number of systems within this volume from previous SCR search efforts, including two systems likely to be within 10 pc — SCR 1731-2452 at 9.5 pc and SCR 1746-3214 at 9.9 pc. Four of the nine objects estimated to be within 10 pc have proper motions greater than 0.′′ 50 yr −1, the cutoff of the Luyten Half Second (LHS) catalog, while the other five are moving more slowly. For objects between 10 and 25 pc, 118 of 144 have proper motions less than 0.′′ 50 yr −1. The fact that so many nearby objects have relatively low proper motions suggests that there may yet be more nearby systems at even lower proper motions.


SCR Cool Subdwarfs

During the SCR surveys we have also identified potential cool subdwarfs, including 598 total candidates, of which 360 are from this paper. We provide data similar to that given for the SCR red dwarfs for the first five entries in Table 4; the complete list is given in the electronic version of the Astronomical Journal. Subdwarfs are less luminous than their main-sequence counterparts and so have distance estimates that are larger than their true distances. For this reason, their distances have been listed in brackets in Tables 2 and 4. The methodology used to identify the subdwarfs, detailed in §5.2, leads to some contamination of the sample by white dwarfs and main sequence objects, so spectroscopic confirmation is desired. We have continuing programs to confirm cool subdwarfs spectroscopically (Jao et al. 2008) and to measure their distances via trigonometric parallax, as described in Jao et al. (2005) and Jao et al. (2011), the latter reporting the first two SCR subdwarf parallaxes, for SCR 1107-4135 (67.61 pc) and SCR 1916-3638 (67.66 pc).


SCR White Dwarfs

During the SCR surveys we have found 46 white dwarf candidates, which are listed in Table 5. All of the white dwarf candidates were selected based on the criteria described in §5.2. The current search has provided 23 white dwarf candidates, matching the total of our previous SCR searches. In Table 5, we provide the same data as for the 25 pc red dwarf and subdwarf tables, except the listed distance estimates are from the single color linear relation of Oppenheimer et al. (2001). Ten white dwarf candidates are estimated to be within 25 pc

– 11 – using this relation, although none have been added to the 10 pc sample.5 Fifteen of the 46 candidates discovered have been spectroscopically confirmed to be white dwarfs by Subasavage et al. (2007, 2008), and similar spectroscopic confirmation is underway for the rest of the SCR white dwarf sample. Of particular interest are three relatively hot WDs (Teff > 10,000 K) estimated to be within 25 pc — SCR 1920-3611 at 14.7 pc, SCR 1107-3420A at 16.0 pc, and SCR 0711-2518 at 20.3 pc (see §5.8). The distance relation of Oppenheimer et al. (2001) becomes unreliable at hotter effective temperatures, in effect, because hot white dwarfs are underrepresented in the local neighborhood sample of white dwarfs that was used to generate the relation. Thus, we adopt the distance estimates determined by Subasavage et al. (2007, 2008) using V RIJHKs and fits to atmospheric models. These distance estimates, as well as those for all of the spectroscopic confirmations, are listed in the notes of Table 5. In Subasavage et al. (2009), we reported trigonometric parallaxes for four of these white dwarfs, SCR 0753-2524 (17.69 pc), SCR 0821-6703 (10.65 pc), SCR 2012-5956 (16.55 pc), and SCR 2016-7945 (24.96 pc). Using the best distance estimates available, we find seven WDs predicted to be within 25 pc, Of these, three have proper motions less than 0.′′ 50 yr−1 , while the 39 beyond 25 pc all have proper motions less than 0.′′ 50 yr−1 .


Common Proper Motion Systems

This search yielded 250 potential common proper motion (CPM) systems, listed in Table 6. These systems were found in two ways. First, if two sources appeared to be CPM when blinking frames, they were noted for further investigation. Second, we used search criteria that linked pairs of objects with separations ≤ 1200′′, ∆µ ≤ 0.′′ 025 yr−1 , and ∆θ ≤ 15◦ . In total, 121 systems have all components as new discoveries, and an additional 129 systems have at least one new SCR component. The list includes 239 doubles, ten triples, and one possible quintuple system. Table 6 lists identifiers for system members, the proper motions and position angles for each component, separations and position angles between the components, distance estimates from the BRIJHK photometry where available, and notes. The separations and position angles were determined using 2MASS positions and used spherical trigonometric relations. As in TSN XVIII, because of errors in the plate relations, distance estimates that agree to within a factor of two are considered to indicate a 5

We note that the potentially nearest white dwarf candidate, SCR 1800-5112B at 10.2 pc from TSN XVIII, has colors that are inconsistent with it actually being a white dwarf. Nonetheless, we include this object in Table 5 because it falls below the white dwarf cutoff line drawn in the RPM diagram.

– 12 – candidate system. Table 6 is broken into two classes of CPM candidate systems depending on the reliability of physical association. Those at the top we consider probable because all components of the systems have complete sets of µ and θ values that match within 0.′′ 025 yr−1 , and 15◦ . The second class of systems have either (a) mismatched µ and θ values extracted from SuperCOSMOS, or (b) no available values. In the former case, the pairs often appeared to be better matched when blinking the plate images, and the available data are suspected to be erroneous. Companions that were not retrieved during the initial search tended to be either fainter than the R59F = 16.5 cutoff or moving slightly beyond the limits of the proper motion range searched. Figures 4 and 5 compare the proper motion sizes and position angles for components of multiple systems, respectively. As is well known, the position angle of an object’s proper motion is often better determined than the size of its proper motion, particularly for low proper motions. As such, the position angles are more reliable in helping determine whether or not two moving objects comprise a system. Systems for which at least one component had its proper motion and position angle data gathered manually from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey database are marked with open circles. These data were retrieved from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey website one-by-one and tend to be less reliable than those from the initial search because the initial search utilized a specialized high proper motion version of the SuperCOSMOS data. The SSS website from which some data were retrieved used nearest-neighbor pairing within a restricted radius, while the specialized database used all possible pairings regardless of spurious pairings (which were removed at a later stage). Systems marked with solid points are those with both components retrieved during the initial automated search, and tend to have better agreement between these values, particularly for the proper motions. There is more spread in the distribution of points in Figures 4 and 5 here that compare components in multiple systems than is seen in comparable Figures 6 and 7 in Finch et al. (2010). The reason is that in order to be circumspect in our search for possible multiple systems, we have relaxed the by-eye criteria in this paper.


Sky Distribution of SCR Systems

Figure 6 shows the sky distribution of SCR systems, broken into discoveries from the first five proper motion papers and this paper. Of note for this portion of the survey is the dense bar from RA = 4h to 22h and declinations −33◦ to −47◦ , which fills in the sparse area in Figure 7, the southern sky distribution of NLTT systems. A dense patch from RA = 6h to 9h traces the Galactic plane (represented by a solid line), which has previously been poorly searched in the southern hemisphere. The area from RA = 17h to 19h centered near

– 13 – declination −35◦ corresponds to the Galactic center/bulge region, which is an extraordinarily crowded region on the plates and in the SuperCOSMOS database. Our detection rate is much lower there than in the rest of the Galactic plane, where the crowding is not so extreme. However, some systems have been discovered in this region because they have a backdrop of gas and dust that obscures many of the background stars that would otherwise make unique source identification difficult.


Comments on Individual Systems

Here we highlight a few of the 2817 systems reported from this portion of the SCR search. There are many systems worthy of further investigation, but those selected here represent the most extreme cases in proximity, color, brightness, or complexity. Trigonometric parallax observations are underway for many of these targets. SCR 0225-1829AB is a binary system in which the primary is the bluest object found in the present search, having R − J = −1.42. It is also one of the brightest, with R = 8.63. As such, a distance estimate is unavailable. The secondary, however, is a red dwarf estimated to be at 28.7 pc. SCR 0711-2518 is a hot white dwarf initially estimated to be at 20.3 pc using the single-color photometric distance estimate. However, this is inaccurate because it is a very hot white dwarf. Subasavage et al. (2008) presents spectroscopic confirmation and an updated distance estimate of 30.5 pc using CCD photometry and atmospheric models, thus likely placing it beyond the 25 pc horizon. SCR 1107-3420AB is in a binary system with a red dwarf estimated to be at 19.2 pc. Subasavage et al. (2007) reported spectroscopic confirmation of the white dwarf. The initial photometric distance estimate of 16.0 pc is inaccurate because the white dwarf is hot. Thus, we adopt the distance estimate of 28.2 pc presented by Subasavage et al. (2007) using CCD photometry and atmospheric models. The red dwarf’s distance estimate leaves open the possibility that this system lies within 25 pc. SCR 1337-1046DE is a blended pair and part of a possible quintuple system that includes NLTT 34652 as the primary and the double HD 118512BC. We are obtaining CCD photometry to help confirm or refute the nature of this potentially complex system. SCR 1731-2452 (R = 13.39, R − J = 4.12) is the nearest star from this portion of the SCR search, a red dwarf with an estimated distance of 9.5 pc.

– 14 – SCR 1746-3214 (R = 15.89, R − J = 5.56) is the second nearest star from this portion of the SCR search, a red dwarf with an estimated distance of 9.9 pc. It is also one of the reddest objects found. SCR 1843-0146 is the brightest object found in this search at R = 8.54. With R−J = −0.14, it is too blue for us to estimate a reliable distance using the suite of 11 plate relations. SCR 1920-3611 is a hot white dwarf initially estimated to be within 25 pc (14.7 pc). This estimate is inaccurate because the white dwarf is too hot for the relation. Subasavage et al. (2008) presents spectroscopic confirmation and an updated distance estimate of 41.7 pc using CCD photometry and atmospheric models. SCR 2354-0352AB is a CPM system that has both exceptionally good agreement on distance estimates (A = 60.6 pc, B = 60.0 pc) and a very wide separation, 695.′′4. This gives a projected separation of ∼ 42000 AU for the pair, making it an extraordinary candidate for a very wide multiple system.



This paper completes our SCR sweep of the entire southern sky for objects with R59F ≤ 16.5 and µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 using the methodology outlined. In total, the SCR search has revealed 4724 new proper motion systems, 2817 of which are from the effort described in this paper. Among these discoveries, we have found 152 red dwarf systems within 25 pc, including nine within 10 pc. Seventy-nine of the 25 pc systems, including two of the 10 pc systems were revealed in the current search. In addition to these red dwarf systems, 46 white dwarf candidates (ten estimated to be within 25 pc) and 598 cool subdwarf candidate systems have been found, with 23 white dwarf candidates and 360 candidate subdwarfs from the current search. Overall, the total of 5042 objects added via the SCR searches constitutes an increase of ∼20% over the number of entries in the NLTT south of DEC = 0◦ . Table 7 provides the discovery statistics for the SCR sample to date, broken into bins by proper motion and distance. The first number in each column represents the number of systems from previous papers, and the second is the number of new systems from this paper. The breakdown confirms the trend described in TSN XVIII that slower proper motion bins have comparable numbers of 10 pc objects (although the small numbers of objects in each bin preclude a robust analysis) and many more 25 pc objects. This suggests that there exist more systems very near the Sun at even lower proper motions. The nearest systems also tend to be among the faintest and reddest of the red dwarfs. Many of the 25 pc objects, and four of the nine 10 pc objects, have R within 1.0 mag of our cutoff of 16.5 mag. This suggests

– 15 – that there are many nearby objects at fainter magnitudes than those we have probed so far. We are currently conducting searches for both slower proper motion and fainter objects to reveal additional nearby systems. Additional searches using both the SuperCOSMOS and other databases will undoubtedly reveal new proper motion systems, as has already been done using UCAC3 in a complementary search of TSN XVIII by Finch et al. (2010). The SCR survey sample has provided a rich sample of CPM systems, many of which have very wide separations. The sky separations range from less than five to nearly 700 arcseconds (e.g., Table 6). Even at relatively close separations, the estimated distances to the systems give projected sky separations of hundreds of AU. The most widely separated systems have extremely large spatial separations, often greater than 10,000 AU. Because most of the systems found by the SCR searches contain red dwarfs of low mass, their binding energies are quite low. We are currently gathering CCD photometry for a sample of the widest pairs to provide better distance estimates and to determine whether or not these systems are, indeed, gravitationally bound. If so, these wide pairs can be used to explore the long-term survival of such systems, and provide clues about the overall mass content of the Galaxy. In addition, because we have found several hundred multiple systems of low mass with reasonably accurate distance estimates, we can begin to map out the distributions of separations and mass ratios that result from the star formation process. Finally, we are measuring accurate trigonometric parallaxes for ∼60 of the SCR systems as part of our Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory Parallax Investigation (CTIOPI), an astrometry program carried out at the CTIO 0.9m [Jao et al. (2005), Henry et al. (2006), Subasavage et al. (2009), and Riedel et al. (2010)]. We are focusing primarily on the nearest and highest proper motion systems. While we cannot observe the complete samples of nearby red dwarfs, subdwarfs, and white dwarfs found during the SCR search, we hope that by identifying these potentially nearby stars now, we will be poised to take advantage of the future large scale parallax efforts such as Gaia and LSST, and thereby help to paint a more accurate portrait of the solar neighborhood.



The RECONS effort is supported by the National Science Foundation through grant AST 09-08402. This effort has also been supported by NASA grant NNX08BA95G. We thank GSU Honors Students Gregory Brooks, Daryl Giuliano, Skyler Green, and Scott Stinson, each of whom assisted in the blinking process. Funding for the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey was provided by the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council. N.C.H. would like to thank colleagues in the Wide Field Astronomy Unit at Edinburgh for their work

– 16 – in making the SSS possible; particular thanks go to Mike Read, Sue Tritton, and Harvey MacGillivray. This research has made use of results from the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System Bibliographic Services, the SIMBAD and VizieR databases operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France, and the Two Micron All Sky Survey, which is a joint project of the University of Massachusetts and the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center, funded by NASA and NSF.

– 17 – REFERENCES Bakos, G. A., Sahu, K. C., & Nemeth, P. 2002, ApJS, 141, 187 Deacon, N. R., Hambly, N. C., & Cooke, J. A. 2005, A&A, 435, 363 Deacon, N. R. & Hambly, N. C. 2007, A&A, 468, 163 Deacon, N. R., Groot P.J., Drew J.E., Greimel R., Hambly N.C., Irwin M.J., Aungwerojwit A., Drake J., & Steeghs D. 2009, MNRAS, 397, 1685 Finch, C. T., Henry, T. J., Subasavage, J. P., Jao, W. C., & Hambly, N. C. 2007, AJ, 133, 2898 (TSN XVIII) Finch, C. T., Zacharias, N., & Henry, T. J. 2010, AJ, 140, 844 Giclas, H. L., Burnham, R., & Thomas, N. G. 1971, Flagstaff, Arizona: Lowell Observatory, 1971 Giclas, H. L., Burnham, R., & Thomas, N. G. 1978, Lowell Observatory Bulletin, 8, 89 Hambly, N. C., Henry, T. J., Subasavage, J. P., Brown, M. A., & Jao, W. C. 2004, AJ, 128, 437 (TSN VIII) Henry, T. J., Subasavage, J. P., Brown, M. A., Beaulieu, T. D., Jao, W. C., & Hambly, N. C. 2004, AJ, 128, 2460 (TSN X) Henry, T. J., Jao, W. C., Subasavage, J. P., Beaulieu, T. D., Ianna, P. A., Costa, E., & Mendez, R. A. 2006, AJ, 132, 2360 (TSN XVII) Jao, W.-C., Henry, T. J., Beaulieu, T. D., & Subasavage, J. P. 2008, AJ, 136, 840 Jao, W.-C., Henry, T. J., Subasavage, J. P., Brown, M. A., Ianna, P. A., Bartlett, J. L., Costa, E., & M´endez, R. A. 2005, AJ, 129, 1954 (TSN XIII) Jao, W.-C., Henry, T. J., Subasavage, J. P., Winters, J. G., Riedel, A. R., & Ianna, P. A. 2011, AJ, submitted (TSN XXIV) L´epine, S. 2005, AJ, 130, 1247 L´epine, S. 2005, AJ, 135, 2177 Luyten, W. J. 1979, LHS Catalogue (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press) Luyten, W. J. 1980, NLTT Catalogue (Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press)

– 18 – Luyten, W. J. 1980, Proper Motion Survey with the 48-inch Telescope, Univ. Minnesota, 55, 1 (1980), 55, 1 Oppenheimer, B. R., Hambly, N. C., Digby, A. P., Hodgkin, S. T., & Saumon, D. 2001, Science, 292, 698 Pokorny, R. S., Jones H. R. A., & Hambly, N. C. 2003, A&A, 397, 575 Pokorny, R. S., Jones, H. R. A., Hambly, N. C., & Pinfield, D. J. 2004, A&A, 421, 763 Riedel, A. R., et al. 2010, AJ, 140, 897 (TSN XXII) R¨oser, S., Schilbach, E., Schwan, H., Kharchenko, N. V., Piskunov, A. E., & Schloz, R.-D. 2008, A&A, 488, 401 R¨oser, S., Demleitner, M., & Schilbach, E. 2008, AJ, 139, 2440 Scholz, R.-D., Irwin, M., Ibata, R., Jahreiß, H., & Malkov, O. Y. 2000, A&A, 353, 958 Scholz, R.-D., Szokoly, G. P., Andersen, M., Ibata, R., & Irwin, M. J. 2002, ApJ, 565, 539 Subasavage, J. P., Henry, T. J., Hambly, N. C., Brown, M. A., & Jao, W. C. 2005, AJ, 129, 413 (TSN XII) Subasavage, J. P., Henry, T. J., Hambly, N. C., Brown, M. A., Jao, W. C., & Finch, C. T. 2005, AJ, 130, 1658 (TSN XV) Subasavage J. P., Henry T. J., Bergeron P., Dufour P., Hambly N. C., Beaulieu T. D. 2007, AJ, 134, 252 (TSN XIX) Subasavage J. P., Henry T. J., Bergeron P., Dufour P., Hambly N. C. 2008, AJ, 136, 899 (TSN XX) Subasavage J. P., Jao W. C., Henry T. J., Bergeron P., Dufour P., Ianna P. A., Costa E.; Mendez R.A. 2009, AJ, 137, 4547 (TSN XXI) Winters, J. G., Henry, T. J., Jao, W.-C., Subasavage, J. P., Finch, C. T., & Hambly, N. C. 2011, AJ, 141, 21 (TSN XXIII) Wroblewski, H., & Costa, E. 1999, A&AS, 139, 25 Wroblewski, H., & Torres, C. 1994, A&AS, 105, 179 Zacharias, N,. et al. 2010, AJ, 139, 2184

– 19 –

This preprint was prepared with the AAS LATEX macros v5.2.

– 20 –

Table 1. Discovery Statistics for Entire SCR Sample to Datea

Category New Discoveries Known Duplicates Garbage Total hits

MOTIONb SLOWMOc MINIMOd Total 9 171 15 1989 2184

141 1159 91 344 1735

4574 4724 17244 18574 1640 1746 5335 7668 28793 32712


A few objects were also reported in searches done concurrently by Deacon et al. (2005); Deacon & Hambly (2007); L´epine (2005, 2008). b c

MOTION sample includes µ ≥ 1.′′ 00 yr−1

SLOWMO sample includes 1.′′ 00 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 50 yr−1


MINIMO sample includes 0.′′ 50 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1

Table 2. New SCR Objects with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 between Declinations −47◦ and 00◦ Name


RA (J2000)

0000-4117B 0001-2641 0002-0622 0002-4644A 0002-4644B

a Common b Fewer

00 00 00 00 00

00 01 02 02 02

19.18 37.84 31.46 35.66 36.20

DEC (J2000)

-41 -26 -06 -46 -46

17 41 22 44 44

46.2 51.8 49.5 51.9 57.8

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







0.245 0.184 0.187 0.197 0.240

124.1 142.1 117.4 122.5 112.3

··· 14.44 12.03 17.20 21.82

20.26 13.39 11.10 15.39 19.48

17.45 12.95 10.40 14.70 18.33

15.00 12.53 10.16 14.23 16.95

14.47 12.12 9.66 13.60 16.17

14.48 12.00 9.57 13.45 15.92

5.26 0.86 0.94 1.16 2.53

114.9 [147.5] [55.1] [328.3] [625.3]


a b b ac ac

proper motion system; see Table 6.

candidate, see Table 4; unreliable distance estimate [in brackets].

dwarf candidate, see Table 5; unreliable distance estimate [in brackets].

e Proper

motion or position angle suspect.

2MASS data available, so no distance estimate.

g Coordinates

not J2000.0 due to lack of proper motion or 2MASS data. SuperCOSMOS coordinates used instead.

dwarf candidate within 25 pc, see Table 3.

– 21 –

d White

h Red

Est Dist (pc)

than six relations for distance estimate, therefore unreliable [in brackets].

c Subdwarf

f No

R59F − J

Table 3. SCR Red Dwarf Candidates Estimated to be within 25 Parsecs Name

0017-3219 0027-0806 0111-4908 0135-6127 0137-4148 0138-5353 0143-3840 0211-0354 0232-8458 0238-1420 0246-7024 0325-0308 0327-3634 0337-1056 0420-7005 0509-4325 0517-4252 0527-7231 0630-7643AB 0631-8811 0635-6722 0640-0552 0642-6707 0644-4223AB 0702-6102 0713-0511 0717-0501 0723-8015 0724-3125 0733-4406 0736-3024 0740-4257

00 00 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 03 03 03 04 05 05 05 06 06 06 06 06 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07

17 27 11 35 37 38 43 11 32 38 46 25 27 37 20 09 17 27 30 31 35 40 42 44 02 13 17 23 24 33 36 40

15.73 45.36 47.51 53.66 23.49 20.51 03.26 51.67 50.12 07.50 02.25 03.09 46.79 38.22 12.54 43.85 21.43 06.99 46.63 31.28 48.81 13.97 27.15 32.09 50.33 11.23 17.10 59.65 21.23 42.67 56.69 11.80

DEC (J2000)

-32 -08 -49 -61 -41 -53 -38 -03 -84 -14 -70 -03 -36 -10 -70 -43 -42 -72 -76 -88 -67 -05 -67 -42 -61 -05 -05 -80 -31 -44 -30 -42

19 06 08 27 48 53 40 54 58 20 24 08 34 56 05 25 52 31 43 11 22 52 07 23 02 11 01 15 25 06 24 57

54.0 04.7 09.0 11.1 56.2 26.1 07.5 02.5 09.5 11.3 06.3 20.4 40.4 54.8 58.8 17.4 47.3 20.0 09.2 36.8 58.5 23.5 19.9 45.2 47.6 48.6 04.0 17.8 57.7 12.5 16.3 40.1

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







Est Dist (pc)


0.210 0.184 0.542 0.255 0.238 0.297 0.188 0.185 0.220 0.221 0.259 0.197 0.184 0.181 0.670 0.225 0.187 0.368 0.483 0.516 0.383 0.592 0.811 0.184 0.786 0.304 0.580 0.828 0.209 0.298 0.424 0.714

094.3 122.3 213.1 256.8 054.3 071.0 101.2 178.9 141.9 158.0 113.2 082.7 244.5 091.7 021.2 324.9 012.8 018.3 356.8 349.9 340.0 170.5 120.4 159.7 041.4 183.6 133.6 330.4 282.6 161.5 145.7 318.1

16.81 18.65 18.93 15.62 16.91 15.70 12.71 16.77 12.31 12.99 15.71 15.22 13.40 11.81 18.18 15.12 12.79 16.01 15.78 16.96 12.21 11.23 17.00 15.34 17.50 11.76 13.86 18.68 15.25 16.19 14.76 14.52

14.69 16.26 16.50 13.67 14.54 13.70 10.51 14.53 10.17 11.41 13.33 13.17 11.29 9.68 15.68 13.00 10.29 13.97 13.56 14.67 9.84 8.79 14.69 13.08 15.10 9.31 11.34 16.44 12.35 13.89 12.06 12.37

12.48 13.49 13.01 11.81 12.24 11.74 9.22 11.90 9.88 9.75 10.71 11.39 9.27 8.44 12.58 10.71 9.25 11.77 10.74 11.46 8.67 7.59 11.60 10.32 11.73 8.84 8.83 13.27 10.25 11.53 9.46 9.99

10.64 11.57 11.54 10.06 10.68 10.28 8.52 10.68 9.00 9.05 9.84 10.06 8.92 8.41 11.19 9.61 8.34 10.34 8.89 10.04 8.54 6.84 10.61 9.93 10.36 7.65 8.87 11.30 9.79 10.32 9.36 8.68

10.08 10.97 11.00 9.53 10.07 9.69 7.85 10.07 8.34 8.39 9.33 9.45 8.26 7.80 10.59 9.00 7.73 9.76 8.27 9.46 7.96 6.21 10.15 9.27 9.85 7.08 8.35 10.82 9.22 9.73 8.79 8.09

9.73 10.61 10.61 9.24 9.78 9.42 7.68 9.73 8.18 8.16 9.02 9.20 8.04 7.59 10.25 8.73 7.45 9.47 7.92 9.07 7.69 5.96 9.81 8.98 9.52 6.82 8.05 10.44 8.89 9.44 8.49 7.77

20.6 22.9 23.6 20.8 21.8 24.2 19.3 22.9 24.9 23.3 20.0 24.8 20.2 21.3 22.5 18.0 16.6 22.6 6.9 12.8 22.7 8.5 24.1 22.9 15.9 13.1 15.9 19.3 24.5 22.3 20.2 10.0



21.3 18.6 17.6 24.8 24.1 39.7

pca pca pca pca pca pca

43.3 pca 14.2 pca 31.5 pca

16.3 pca 16.5 pca 25.1 pca 8.75 pcb 10.4 pca 26.1 pca 9.3 pca 17.6 pca 17.5 pca 10.8 pca 13.5 pca 13.2 pca 17.1 pca

17.3 pca 7.2 pca

– 22 –


RA (J2000)

Table 3—Continued Name

0754-3809 0803-1939 0805-5912 0827-2526 0837-2819 0838-5855 0840-3113 0850-0318 0852-3507 0853-3924 0853-4137 0914-4134 0939-4300 1107-3420B 1110-3608 1124-3900 1125-3834 1138-7721 1147-5504 1157-0149 1204-4037 1206-3500 1209-3815 1210-2213AB 1214-4603 1217-7810 1217-3557 1220-8302 1224-5339 1227-4039 1230-3411 1240-8116 1241-4655

07 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 09 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

54 03 05 27 37 38 40 50 52 53 53 14 39 07 10 24 25 38 47 57 04 06 09 10 14 17 17 20 24 27 30 40 41

54.86 26.89 46.18 06.99 20.42 02.24 56.62 08.60 54.12 28.65 55.16 17.43 44.66 50.25 29.03 23.24 37.28 16.82 52.49 45.56 15.54 58.52 23.61 42.18 40.01 26.93 55.84 03.71 24.44 03.90 01.76 56.05 03.26

DEC (J2000) -38 -19 -59 -25 -28 -58 -31 -03 -35 -39 -41 -41 -43 -34 -36 -39 -38 -77 -55 -01 -40 -35 -38 -22 -46 -78 -35 -83 -53 -40 -34 -81 -46

09 39 12 26 19 55 13 18 07 24 37 34 00 21 08 00 34 21 04 49 37 00 15 13 03 10 57 02 39 39 11 16 55

37.4 28.2 50.6 54.2 57.5 58.7 32.6 26.3 32.7 41.0 35.7 38.9 27.3 00.6 24.7 43.1 43.2 48.0 11.9 02.4 52.6 52.2 42.6 09.0 14.4 45.9 14.6 29.2 08.8 39.6 24.2 31.1 23.4

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







Est Dist (pc)



0.401 0.292 0.637 0.216 0.256 0.320 0.226 0.223 0.346 0.356 0.194 0.749 0.394 0.287 0.527 0.186 0.586 2.141 0.192 0.451 0.695 0.422 0.254 0.286 0.750 0.212 0.208 0.243 0.189 0.201 0.527 0.492 0.260

351.4 149.5 155.0 167.9 140.7 188.9 160.0 260.3 272.3 262.3 316.7 312.5 209.4 167.0 268.5 168.3 252.1 286.7 011.3 116.4 150.0 229.3 207.9 038.2 250.8 056.6 274.4 244.2 251.9 233.7 234.9 279.8 259.3

16.90 15.19 15.76 14.91 17.05 18.44 15.57 12.49 14.89 13.21 15.65 16.33 14.05 16.34 17.20 15.67 16.04 16.45 14.96 17.29 14.70 15.55 16.38 13.56 16.80 17.55 15.05 17.03 16.93 12.90 15.29 15.15 12.84

14.68 12.66 13.76 12.29 14.60 16.11 13.32 10.43 12.79 10.86 13.36 13.69 12.14 14.14 15.07 13.65 13.80 14.12 12.23 15.13 12.61 13.46 14.15 11.41 14.53 15.69 13.06 14.94 14.78 10.82 13.18 13.12 10.44

11.75 10.02 11.33 10.12 11.95 12.44 11.35 9.77 10.17 8.34 11.13 10.98 10.30 11.81 12.72 11.37 11.66 11.45 10.25 12.62 10.72 11.19 11.82 9.92 11.60 13.15 11.02 12.80 12.30 9.40 10.92 11.25 9.07

10.01 10.02 10.07 9.65 10.73 10.31 10.06 8.63 9.77 8.51 9.94 9.98 9.50 10.26 10.93 10.00 10.09 9.40 9.67 10.90 9.57 10.01 10.33 9.03 10.32 11.20 9.94 10.97 10.51 8.93 9.34 9.73 8.68

9.42 9.45 9.52 9.09 10.19 9.71 9.54 8.02 9.19 7.94 9.37 9.42 8.87 9.70 10.34 9.45 9.51 8.89 9.08 10.35 9.02 9.40 9.75 8.66 9.75 10.64 9.33 10.39 9.93 8.27 8.77 9.16 8.09

9.08 9.15 9.22 8.78 9.89 9.27 9.27 7.82 8.94 7.72 9.10 9.12 8.64 9.41 10.00 9.10 9.19 8.52 8.81 10.02 8.75 9.13 9.45 8.37 9.44 10.36 9.09 10.07 9.65 8.08 8.44 8.89 7.81

12.0 23.8 20.4 23.8 24.4 8.4 23.8 21.2 24.7 15.1 20.4 18.2 24.8 19.2 22.3 19.1 18.1 8.8 24.1 22.2 21.2 21.0 20.0 24.5 18.0 24.5 24.4 25.0 18.1 24.4 12.6 19.2 21.5


11.3 pca 19.4 pca

8.0 pca

14.6 pca 19.1 pca 23.8 pca 20.5 pca 8.18 pcb 23.1 pca 21.3pca 25.2 pca 17.7 pca c

14.2 pca 23.3 pca 26.3 pca 26.3 pca 11.7 pca 19.2 pca


– 23 –


RA (J2000)

Table 3—Continued Name

1245-5506 1247-0525 1254-3811B 1343-4002 1347-7610 1410-2750 1420-7516 1437-2613 1441-7338 1444-3426 1448-5735 1450-3742 1456-7239 1511-3403 1528-3807 1532-3622 1551-3554 1601-3421 1604-3303B 1626-3812 1630-3633AB 1636-4041 1637-4703 1639-4652 1656-2046 1656-4238 1712-1907 1716-2239 1721-3129 1724-3727 1726-8433 1728-0143 1731-2452

12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17

45 47 54 43 47 10 20 37 41 44 48 50 56 11 28 32 51 01 04 26 30 36 37 39 56 56 12 16 21 24 26 28 31

52.60 14.74 35.41 41.48 56.80 22.57 36.84 51.41 14.42 06.58 39.82 02.86 02.29 38.62 50.57 13.90 12.15 55.72 18.97 51.69 27.29 57.58 56.52 25.81 33.61 49.84 26.05 35.68 36.75 06.97 23.04 11.06 03.84

DEC (J2000) -55 -05 -38 -40 -76 -27 -75 -26 -73 -34 -57 -37 -72 -34 -38 -36 -35 -34 -33 -38 -36 -40 -47 -46 -20 -42 -19 -22 -31 -37 -84 -01 -24

06 25 11 02 10 50 16 13 38 26 35 42 39 03 07 22 54 21 03 12 33 41 03 53 46 38 07 39 29 27 33 43 52

49.9 13.5 11.5 29.3 20.0 59.2 05.9 27.7 41.4 47.3 17.7 10.1 41.4 16.6 41.0 31.0 48.4 57.0 10.6 32.6 56.0 08.8 45.5 00.4 37.4 48.1 04.1 49.2 54.0 52.7 08.4 57.0 43.6

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







Est Dist (pc)



0.412 0.722 0.161 0.243 0.194 0.186 0.195 0.190 0.207 0.451 0.202 0.449 0.207 0.561 0.376 0.438 0.193 0.683 0.322 0.397 0.413 0.284 0.503 0.301 0.275 0.220 0.231 0.294 0.184 0.241 0.518 0.184 0.199

107.0 319.8 121.1 117.8 089.7 241.6 243.7 231.5 029.0 187.7 188.8 212.2 225.0 202.9 232.5 235.4 205.1 118.2 249.0 229.7 249.2 192.6 215.4 195.5 224.0 191.9 117.6 184.4 180.0 203.9 134.8 145.0 217.6

14.84 15.90 12.00 16.44 12.40 17.04 14.23 12.98 18.28 15.01 12.47 15.41 16.50 16.04 13.74 15.48 15.94 17.05 19.52 17.46 15.94 14.69 16.17 14.46 18.65 14.42 17.03 17.33 12.21 16.53 15.42 15.61 14.76

12.82 13.38 11.15 14.05 10.27 14.83 12.68 10.24 16.15 12.49 10.60 13.23 14.22 14.05 11.96 13.50 14.26 15.75 17.48 15.82 14.39 12.88 13.49 12.44 16.39 11.96 15.40 15.94 10.42 14.58 13.31 13.93 13.39

10.34 10.92 10.21 11.37 8.88 12.63 10.45 9.57 13.05 10.47 12.46 11.30 11.99 12.09 10.63 11.96 12.39 13.27 14.34 13.15 11.88 10.93 14.16 10.46 13.66 10.32 14.10 14.82 9.99 12.64 11.16 11.98 13.00

8.99 10.13 9.06 10.14 8.62 10.89 9.44 8.95 11.20 9.74 9.15 9.95 10.62 10.05 9.25 10.10 10.12 10.96 11.96 10.37 10.04 9.20 10.60 9.30 11.30 9.52 10.72 10.69 8.51 10.69 9.87 9.89 9.27

8.43 9.62 8.45 9.61 8.01 10.31 8.91 8.17 10.61 9.18 8.56 9.37 10.06 9.42 8.59 9.54 9.49 10.33 11.34 9.80 9.50 8.57 10.04 8.69 10.71 8.86 10.16 10.07 7.95 10.12 9.33 9.32 8.61

8.12 9.29 8.23 9.25 7.77 10.05 8.63 7.97 10.27 8.88 8.43 9.07 9.74 9.13 8.38 9.28 9.19 9.98 10.95 9.44 9.03 8.31 9.70 8.43 10.37 8.61 9.89 9.84 7.82 9.79 9.02 9.01 8.38

11.5 24.2 22.0 18.0 22.5 24.8 21.3 23.6 19.0 24.0 18.2 21.2 24.9 16.1 21.1 23.0 16.9 20.2 20.5 11.7 14.8 13.3 20.8 17.6 17.8 23.4 22.1 24.5 19.8 23.4 20.1 16.4 9.5


11.3 pca 20.3 pca c

29.2 pca 17.9 pca 17.2 17.7 62.4 25.9 22.8 20.5

pca pca pca pca pca pca

31.5 pca 18.7 pca c d e

15.4 pca 32.0 pca

20.6 pca

– 24 –


RA (J2000)

Table 3—Continued Name

1733-2452 1738-5942 1745-2020 1746-8211 1746-3214 1750-2530 1755-0455 1800-0755 1802-1919 1805-2042 1809-0755A 1820-6225 1821-0700 1826-6542 1841-4347 1842-2736 1844-1310 1845-6357AB 1847-1922 1853-7537 1854-2859 1855-6914 1856-4704AB 1856-4011BC 1901-0737 1901-3106 1904-2406 1924-0931 1927-0409 1931-0306 1932-1119 1932-0652 1932-5005

17 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19

33 38 45 46 46 50 55 00 02 05 09 20 21 26 41 42 44 45 47 53 54 55 56 56 01 01 04 24 27 31 32 32 32

04.62 41.02 17.51 21.54 40.66 07.56 30.65 33.93 28.73 15.13 36.84 49.35 54.16 46.83 09.79 56.66 59.57 05.09 16.69 26.61 20.76 47.87 38.40 59.22 32.37 59.16 21.84 10.95 13.01 04.70 08.11 46.33 48.64

DEC (J2000) -24 -59 -20 -82 -32 -25 -04 -07 -19 -20 -07 -62 -07 -65 -43 -27 -13 -63 -19 -75 -28 -69 -47 -40 -07 -31 -24 -09 -04 -03 -11 -06 -50

52 42 20 11 14 30 55 55 19 42 55 25 00 42 47 36 10 57 22 37 59 14 04 11 37 06 06 31 09 06 19 52 05

57.1 24.4 46.0 56.6 04.4 21.0 42.4 02.8 18.7 28.0 26.5 52.7 18.0 39.9 32.6 32.8 24.0 47.7 20.8 39.8 53.1 14.8 58.3 41.6 24.3 45.0 15.7 34.1 49.0 18.6 57.3 18.1 38.9

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







Est Dist (pc)


0.251 0.280 0.192 0.228 0.240 0.271 0.195 0.204 0.189 0.272 0.193 0.190 0.206 0.311 0.790 0.243 0.195 2.558 0.626 0.304 0.183 0.832 0.252 0.219 0.190 0.214 0.213 0.234 0.264 0.578 0.244 0.318 0.257

181.9 148.2 207.3 184.9 062.2 226.7 073.0 219.3 156.8 232.3 193.0 164.8 216.3 178.9 264.2 156.9 214.4 074.8 230.7 168.7 178.3 145.3 131.3 171.0 227.1 120.2 289.9 165.6 166.5 031.0 085.3 193.3 157.5

15.64 16.57 13.32 13.42 17.94 16.75 16.63 14.71 16.14 16.84 14.61 13.35 13.93 18.68 17.65 14.94 16.12 ··· 15.36 12.20 15.30 18.01 16.29 16.80 16.53 15.14 15.63 14.76 16.47 17.87 15.03 14.91 16.87

14.40 14.21 11.51 11.36 15.89 14.89 15.34 13.56 14.51 15.08 13.48 11.18 12.57 16.44 15.19 13.68 14.84 16.33 13.08 9.85 13.86 15.63 13.93 14.72 14.44 13.87 13.53 12.71 14.77 16.06 13.09 13.27 14.51

14.36 11.93 11.16 9.65 12.71 12.48 13.76 12.08 13.76 12.96 12.59 8.44 12.34 12.91 12.32 13.00 13.75 12.53 10.94 9.09 13.03 12.20 11.65 11.99 12.12 12.91 11.59 10.81 12.47 ··· 10.82 11.50 11.99

10.63 10.38 9.14 8.55 10.33 10.65 10.70 9.86 10.64 10.58 9.88 9.14 9.63 10.57 10.48 10.02 10.69 9.54 9.91 8.34 10.01 10.47 10.29 10.61 10.57 9.61 10.12 9.83 10.56 11.15 9.60 9.94 10.75

9.97 9.83 8.52 7.99 9.74 9.95 10.08 9.26 9.97 9.95 9.22 8.49 8.91 9.96 9.94 9.37 10.12 8.97 9.38 7.73 9.42 9.88 9.75 10.00 10.00 9.01 9.55 9.20 9.94 10.56 8.98 9.36 10.11

9.77 9.58 8.39 7.71 9.39 9.68 9.78 8.98 9.77 9.62 9.01 8.30 8.73 9.55 9.60 9.18 9.89 8.51 9.09 7.50 9.20 9.51 9.45 9.73 9.70 8.77 9.27 8.93 9.68 10.23 8.71 9.10 9.85

22.6 20.8 20.4 14.6 9.9 19.1 21.5 21.1 23.1 17.4 19.9 22.4 18.5 9.2 14.6 21.0 23.2 3.5 23.0 20.0 18.8 12.5 21.4 21.2 22.4 13.5 22.3 24.5 20.5 18.0 17.4 23.7 24.4



24.0 pca 15.5 pca


36.6 pca

– 25 –


RA (J2000)

9.3 pca 11.9 pca

3.85 pcb 20.6 pca 25.9 pca 10.7 pca 22.6 pca c e

18.0 pca 26.7 pca 23.5 pca


Table 3—Continued Name

1959-3631 1959-6236 1959-5549 2016-7531 2018-3635 2025-1534 2025-2259 2025-3545 2040-5501 2042-5737AB 2112-5428B 2122-4314 2130-7710 2230-5244 2241-6119A 2252-2220 2253-1238 2307-8452 2330-0838A 2335-6433A 2356-0429

19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23

59 59 59 16 18 25 25 25 40 42 12 22 30 30 41 52 53 07 30 35 56

21.03 33.55 58.76 11.25 06.52 08.55 18.93 29.98 12.40 46.44 56.65 16.92 07.07 27.95 44.36 25.82 42.76 19.88 16.88 18.43 20.41

DEC (J2000) -36 -62 -55 -75 -36 -15 -22 -35 -55 -57 -54 -43 -77 -52 -61 -22 -12 -84 -08 -64 -04

31 36 49 31 35 34 59 45 01 37 28 14 10 44 19 20 38 52 38 33 29

03.9 13.4 29.6 04.5 27.7 16.1 06.0 46.1 25.7 15.3 06.8 05.0 37.5 29.1 31.2 06.8 43.3 03.8 37.4 42.4 31.6

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







Est Dist (pc)



0.436 0.189 0.413 0.253 0.237 0.190 0.191 0.242 0.514 0.264 0.152 0.262 0.589 0.369 0.184 0.299 0.191 0.613 0.190 0.196 0.204

158.1 288.7 169.9 081.3 125.0 179.3 219.5 268.7 125.4 142.6 117.0 184.7 118.0 125.7 124.0 187.6 104.4 097.2 090.8 103.1 095.2

11.58 17.48 16.19 17.07 16.31 13.33 15.26 15.93 16.56 15.07 17.08 14.26 18.28 19.02 15.64 14.95 13.49 16.33 15.47 11.80 14.74

9.44 15.36 13.95 14.75 14.07 11.23 13.26 13.55 14.26 13.22 15.27 12.06 15.93 16.34 13.65 12.82 10.90 14.16 13.57 9.97 12.75

8.40 12.68 11.82 12.25 11.46 9.29 11.40 11.31 12.16 11.56 13.49 10.01 13.44 ··· 11.70 10.85 9.78 11.83 11.58 9.02 10.54

8.24 11.07 10.47 10.47 10.21 8.91 10.00 9.98 10.56 9.97 10.15 9.13 11.29 11.85 10.21 9.70 9.02 10.36 9.97 8.64 9.64

7.62 10.49 9.88 9.86 9.66 8.30 9.48 9.39 10.02 9.53 9.54 8.53 10.67 11.24 9.61 9.11 8.40 9.81 9.36 8.02 9.04

7.41 10.23 9.63 9.51 9.44 8.05 9.16 9.04 9.69 9.03 9.32 8.21 10.36 10.91 9.35 8.86 8.16 9.47 9.12 7.86 8.78

19.8 24.3 25.0 16.2 20.7 20.9 23.5 17.8 22.9 22.7 13.5 17.0 20.6 24.6 23.2 21.3 23.4 20.6 19.9 24.5 21.6


25.0 pca 21.9 pca

a 2011AJ....141...21W b 2006AJ....132.2360H c Common dµ

proper motion; see Table 6.

and/or PA suspect.

e Not

detected during automated search but noticed by eye during blinking process.

14.3 pca 24.9 pca 24.6 pca 23.3 pca 25.3 pca 14.9 18.4 24.8 26.6 24.1

pca pca pca pca pca

19.9 pca c

35.9 pca

– 26 –


RA (J2000)

Table 4. SCR Cool Subdwarf Candidates Name


RA (J2000)

0002-4644A 0002-4644B 0005-6152 0008-5843 0009-7305

a Common b Fewer

00 00 00 00 00

02 02 05 08 09

35.66 36.20 31.98 15.37 48.15

DEC (J2000)

-46 -46 -61 -58 -73

44 44 52 43 05

51.9 57.8 48.7 31.7 37.5

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )







Est Dist (pc)


0.197 0.240 0.283 0.224 0.276

122.5 112.3 161.1 123.7 117.6

17.20 21.82 18.40 16.40 18.10

15.39 19.48 16.25 14.54 16.04

14.70 18.33 15.16 13.45 15.31

14.23 16.95 14.36 12.91 14.58

13.60 16.17 13.70 12.33 14.04

13.45 15.92 13.69 12.15 13.87

[328.3] [625.3] [324.9] [167.0] [380.3]



a a

proper motion system; see Table 6.

than six relations for distance estimate, therefore unreliable [in brackets].

c Coordinates d Proper

not J2000.0 due to lack of proper motion or 2MASS data. SuperCOSMOS coordinates used instead.

motion or position angle suspect.

– 27 –

Table 5. SCR White Dwarf Candidates Name

0004-6120B 0018-6851 0104-5742B 0125-4545 0150-7207 0245-6038 0252-7522 0311-6215 0337-4609B 0355-5611 0402-4037 0426-4153 0429-5423B 0454-3439 0605-3857 0710-4144 0711-2518 0711-0240 0715-3706 0728-1302 0753-2524 0818-3110 0821-6703 0840-7826 0841-3407 0857-6032 0859-3647 0909-0903 1046-4146 1107-3420A 1246-1236 1402-0736

00 00 01 01 01 02 02 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 06 07 07 07 07 07 07 08 08 08 08 08 08 09 10 11 12 14

04 18 04 25 50 45 52 11 37 55 02 26 29 54 05 10 11 11 15 28 53 18 21 40 41 57 59 09 46 07 46 02

45.41 08.56 12.14 18.04 38.49 27.77 45.57 21.28 12.04 31.89 41.53 43.97 05.93 23.72 35.56 39.41 14.39 48.86 50.55 05.01 56.58 40.27 26.67 29.00 59.80 08.21 11.29 35.15 45.99 47.89 00.70 34.11

DEC (J2000)

-61 -68 -57 -45 -72 -60 -75 -62 -46 -56 -40 -41 -54 -34 -38 -41 -25 -02 -37 -13 -25 -31 -67 -78 -34 -60 -36 -09 -41 -34 -12 -07

23 51 42 45 07 38 22 15 09 11 37 53 23 39 57 44 18 40 06 02 24 10 03 26 07 32 47 03 46 20 36 36

40.0 19.4 48.6 31.2 16.8 58.2 44.5 15.9 59.6 28.2 47.8 41.2 03.6 48.3 13.2 24.8 15.1 30.2 42.2 56.4 01.4 20.4 20.4 46.0 31.2 45.4 30.8 20.2 38.9 51.5 19.4 50.0

µ (′′ )

(◦ )


0.171 0.220 0.239 0.759 0.334 0.196 0.496 0.416 0.286 0.279 0.307 0.262 0.170 0.231 0.186 0.225 0.223 0.198 0.311 0.204 0.426 0.842 0.758 0.399 0.273 0.217 0.332 0.240 0.261 0.287 0.406 0.328

127.6 091.6 091.1 137.8 223.9 049.6 063.5 083.3 141.9 029.1 189.2 103.2 039.7 126.1 000.3 123.9 334.4 188.9 303.6 188.9 300.2 162.6 327.6 010.3 157.8 333.3 267.0 222.3 122.6 168.0 305.4 257.3







Est. Dist. (pc)

16.86 16.55 16.19 17.04 16.18 17.15 17.10 15.68 19.61 17.36 15.66 17.16 17.91 15.97 16.49 16.18 14.42 16.12 16.87 14.71 16.18 15.74 16.44 16.06 16.50 15.20 15.59 16.18 16.52 13.98 15.84 16.69

16.76 16.46 15.89 16.13 15.71 16.36 16.32 16.05 17.91 16.46 15.55 16.43 17.08 16.30 16.35 16.00 14.36 15.99 16.46 14.92 15.25 14.80 15.08 15.82 16.17 15.37 15.59 16.23 16.05 13.89 15.80 16.29

16.53 16.48 15.78 15.80 15.24 16.07 16.17 16.13 17.55 16.11 15.38 16.26 16.97 16.34 16.30 15.78 13.97 16.09 16.21 14.95 15.67 14.52 14.61 15.77 15.99 15.45 15.67 16.22 15.59 13.83 15.86 16.21

16.43 16.62 15.67 15.11 15.65 15.83 15.77 16.13 16.75 16.05 15.31 15.86 ··· 16.56 16.41 15.78 14.39 16.34 16.18 15.45 14.75 14.92 13.79 15.62 15.88 15.94 15.32 16.40 15.22 13.95 15.74 16.19

15.93 16.13 15.56 14.84 15.64 15.47 15.76 16.31 16.23 15.53 15.30 15.70 ··· 17.41 17.12 15.77 14.39 15.76 15.99 15.58 14.47 14.73 13.57 15.57 15.54 16.20 15.35 16.25 15.08 13.98 15.73 15.92

16.47 17.18 15.75 14.91 15.42 15.66 15.34 16.50 16.09 15.44 15.25 15.62 ··· 15.96 16.34 15.12 14.49 17.09 16.34 15.55 14.30 14.83 13.34 15.47 15.67 15.78 15.02 16.60 14.96 14.05 16.13 15.68

59.3 52.2 34.5 24.7 28.0 29.9 29.6 60.4 31.2 28.9 33.8 32.4 40.5 65.8 47.8 39.4 20.3 40.8 41.4 31.9 16.2 13.1 11.0 34.8 38.1 38.2 37.2 51.9 32.8 16.0 39.9 38.5





DA6.5c , 44.4 pcc DA8.5c , 24.9 pcc DCc , 36.2 pcc DCb , 34.7 pcb DA3.5b


DA4.5c , 30.5 pcc

DCc , 17.69 pce DZc , 23.8 pcc DA10.0b , 10.65 pce

DA3.5b , 28.2 pcb DA4.0b , 62.6 pcb

– 28 –


RA (J2000)

Table 5—Continued Name

1412-1842B 1447-3931 1800-5112B 1821-5951 1857-2650B 1920-3611 1959-1543 2012-5956 2016-7945 2020-7806 2032-4948B 2126-3541 2352-4611 2354-6023

a Estimate

14 14 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 23 23

12 47 00 21 57 20 59 12 16 20 32 26 52 54

-18 -39 -51 -59 -26 -36 -15 -59 -79 -78 -49 -35 -07 -60

42 31 12 51 50 11 43 56 45 06 48 41 01 23

41.7 10.9 12.7 48.5 59.3 02.7 39.4 51.6 53.0 18.7 57.2 45.1 16.1 16.0

µ (′′ )

(◦ )


0.174 0.308 0.317 0.365 0.323 0.208 0.186 1.440 0.434 0.276 0.270 0.221 0.194 0.230

132.6 217.7 220.3 194.9 112.9 132.0 136.7 165.6 128.4 209.2 182.4 138.7 094.8 098.6

given using relation of Oppenheimer et al. (2001)

b Subasavage

et al. (2007)

c Subasavage

et al. (2008)

d No

20.37 33.10 29.91 59.54 09.10 02.83 34.01 31.79 49.73 52.98 41.74 48.10 48.01 50.63

DEC (J2000)

2MASS data available

e Subasavage

et al. (2009)







Est. Dist. (pc)

17.77 16.55 14.23 17.49 16.86 13.08 15.67 16.66 16.75 16.03 17.15 16.16 16.31 16.31

16.91 16.25 13.67 16.31 16.32 13.27 15.72 15.63 16.09 16.09 16.77 16.22 16.03 16.06

16.62 16.10 11.46 15.72 16.29 13.38 15.76 15.13 15.75 16.11 16.73 16.22 15.83 15.93

16.08 15.89 13.42 15.20 15.68 14.10 15.78 14.93 15.11 15.92 16.62 16.59 16.27 15.87

15.81 15.58 12.90 15.00 15.51 14.22 15.76 15.23 15.03 15.59 15.87 16.53 16.21 15.77

15.70 16.13 12.69 14.90 15.54 14.21 15.53 15.41 14.64 15.68 15.88 17.08 14.98 16.31

36.5 40.7 10.2 22.2 35.5 14.7 41.2 18.0 29.1 49.1 48.7 52.1 37.1 38.6





DCc , 20.9 pcc DBc , 41.7 pcc DCb , 16.55 pce DA8.5b , 24.96 pce

– 29 –


RA (J2000)

Table 6. Common Proper Motion Systems Primary

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

Distance (pc)


µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )


Probable Common Proper Motion Systems 0.228 0.255 0.241 0.296 0.189 0.187 0.188 0.184 0.211 0.182 0.223 0.220 0.215 0.257 0.195 0.350 0.203

123.8 276.5 173.3 220.7 100.8 129.6 155.3 159.4 156.9 132.3 080.5 261.4 225.3 153.1 295.3 203.8 102.9

36.3 17.8 91.4 34.0 24.0 [128.7] 85.4 82.6 50.7 39.0 57.0 ··· 28.2 15.7 33.4 46.1 69.2


0.207 0.199 0.364 0.353 0.234 0.204 0.214 0.204 0.237 0.192 0.252 0.259 0.324

212.0 177.2 261.6 202.3 230.6 159.2 221.6 161.9 212.3 210.4 192.4 207.4 110.8

20.7 59.4 26.7 [ 87.4] 37.3 219.4 52.5 [116.3] 43.5 51.5 90.3 39.4 28.6

25456 25650 26561 26563 28317 30602 32779 36808 37696 41537 42067 42882 47206

SCR 2352-0404B SCR 1344-4535B SCR 0329-0502B SCR 1816-1246B SCR 2150-1812B SCR 2125-4408B SCR 1140-1749B SCR 2336-3242B SCR 0857-1917B SCR 1412-1842B SCR 0303-3955B SCR 1106-4609B SCR 1836-4414B SCR 0924-4005B SCR 0943-4338B SCR 1002-3823B SCR 0045-3509B NLTT 2510 SCR 1049-1759B SCR 1053-3922B SCR 1111-3533B SCR 1110-4416B SCR 1142-3453B SCR 1223-1202B SCR 1304-3616B SCR 1416-0422B SCR 1433-3912B SCR 1557-4228B SCR 1608-1941B SCR 1629-3122B SCR 1857-2650B

0.213 0.247 0.226 0.307 0.182 0.190 0.181 0.180 0.199 0.174 0.227 0.238 0.194 0.257 0.207 0.347 0.183 0.212 0.188 0.203 0.359 0.349 0.231 0.205 0.223 0.212 0.236 0.181 0.235 0.234 0.323

128.5 277.2 180.5 232.1 113.3 136.2 147.8 160.9 158.8 132.6 081.9 257.5 222.1 139.6 298.8 201.1 110.5 104.6 212.9 175.6 260.4 203.2 231.3 159.6 219.2 170.9 209.0 220.8 185.9 206.6 112.9

237.0 26.1 264.9 46.0 111.6 [384.6] 40.1 91.3 62.5 [ 800.5] 80.9 179.8 72.3 32.9 129.0 62.7 123.0 115.0 38.6 79.9 58.3 [187.8] 68.6 283.7 115.9 [419.3] 75.5 48.2 119.7 44.2 [ 720.5]

531.0 27.6 15.3 15.5 57.4 319.5 433.7 49.0 37.5 51.3 14.2 99.6 174.9 25.6 99.7 14.8 180.0 125.3 66.1 174.9 21.5 118.0 33.0 25.7 26.7 8.1 68.0 192.5 13.0 221.5 63.7

1.1 52.2 78.4 45.2 10.5 216.1 74.6 242.5 305.1 298.8 36.4 289.3 346.1 11.9 63.4 45.2 299.0 325.4 222.4 86.1 29.0 206.5 296.0 273.0 4.7 87.0 2.5 28.3 230.8 63.9 338.5


b b db h

WD candidate at 36.5 ± 7.3 pcbg a

Hipparcos distance at 156.74 pc b b

b d


bd b bh

b b

WD candidate at 35.6 ± 7.1 pcg

– 30 –

BD-05 6069 CF 11339 G 077-057 G 154-053 HD 207554 LEHPM 2-2835 LEHPM 2-3181 LEHPM 2-5986 LP 786-023 LP 799-074 LP 994-039 LTT 4092 LTT 7379 NLTT 21700 NLTT 22466 NLTT 23274 NLTT 2520

Table 6—Continued µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

NLTT 47389 NLTT 48063 NLTT 51683 NLTT 7295 SCR 0053-4656A SCR 0146-1736A SCR 0152-2212A SCR 0157-3625A SCR 0254-4529A SCR 0507-1158A SCR 0533-0810A SCR 0542-2220A SCR 0558-2239A SCR 0609-1002A SCR 0629-4648A SCR 0635-3324A SCR 0654-2208A SCR 0709-2535A SCR 0749-3128A SCR 0750-4305A SCR 0751-0916A SCR 1020-0633A SCR 1107-3420A SCR 1125-1903A SCR 1151-4343A SCR 1205-3237A SCR 1213-1243A SCR 1233-3426A SCR 1244-0814A SCR 1252-0538A SCR 1424-1733A SCR 1443-3439A SCR 1454-1715A SCR 1455-3742A

0.261 0.200 0.210 0.230 0.271 0.185 0.180 0.196 0.223 0.180 0.250 0.289 0.186 0.191 0.219 0.225 0.196 0.225 0.185 0.282 0.319 0.188 0.287 0.206 0.223 0.186 0.246 0.247 0.229 0.185 0.212 0.201 0.183 0.194

239.4 199.3 158.0 090.7 090.0 095.3 122.3 130.9 197.2 105.4 118.5 109.5 150.3 169.1 066.9 132.4 193.9 176.1 050.0 066.8 167.4 262.5 168.0 143.4 268.3 197.6 174.6 274.6 236.1 213.4 231.0 172.2 201.6 224.5

Distance (pc) 44.8 47.2 90.3 ··· 116.6 111.0 62.1 57.7 56.4 147.7 34.4 [185.2] 86.0 55.1 25.8 36.1 59.0 126.2 105.6 68.1 71.3 35.1 ··· 74.8 55.4 36.8 76.2 39.3 [193.0] [296.5] 171.3 [128.7] 100.7 69.2


µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

SCR 1906-2604B SCR 1940-4440B SCR 2137-1223B SCR 0211-4523B SCR 0053-4656B LEHPM 2-1847 SCR 0152-2215B SCR 0157-3625B SCR 0254-4527B SCR 0507-1158B SCR 0533-0810B SCR 0542-2220B SCR 0558-2239B SCR 0609-1001B SCR 0629-4648B LEHPM 2-2260 SCR 0654-2209B SCR 0709-2535B SCR 0749-3128B SCR 0750-4305B SCR 0751-0917B SCR 1020-0634B SCR 1107-3420B NLTT 27345 SCR 1151-4344B NLTT 29579 SCR 1213-1243B SCR 1233-3427B SCR 1244-0814B LP 676-024 SCR 1424-1733B SCR 1443-3438B SCR 1454-1715B SCR 1455-3742B

0.257 0.216 0.207 0.226 0.270 0.190 0.196 0.187 0.225 0.185 0.241 0.281 0.166 0.183 0.244 0.213 0.196 0.225 0.185 0.272 0.313 0.182 0.287 0.227 0.241 0.194 0.238 0.245 0.235 0.183 0.223 0.209 0.178 0.187

244.1 195.8 159.4 083.3 092.5 103.8 126.1 140.6 198.0 102.2 127.6 112.4 152.1 170.5 078.9 134.3 193.5 179.3 048.0 060.9 166.9 263.5 167.0 138.7 269.8 200.6 175.8 273.9 235.8 214.7 235.5 179.5 202.9 224.2

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

144.7 85.7 142.4 89.6 114.1 78.3 58.2 61.0 69.4 126.4 98.0 [495.0] 236.8 69.8 31.0 42.7 83.4 263.1 151.3 59.3 85.6 37.5 19.2 22.8 68.5 37.8 97.8 59.6 [510.6] [298.2] 204.9 [169.2] 148.2 116.4

19.2 15.9 46.4 96.1 8.5 17.2 193.8 38.3 108.6 8.8 8.0 5.3 16.3 23.1 12.2 44.2 14.2 20.3 79.6 8.0 15.7 86.8 30.2 254.0 57.8 12.6 13.5 23.2 9.7 145.8 9.5 22.8 13.1 37.8

319.5 29.1 44.3 190.4 14.2 354.5 33.2 203.7 46.3 229.9 279.5 41.9 302.0 50.8 23.8 296.5 191.1 79.7 228.5 195.5 209.4 22.8 72.8 70.1 246.1 23.7 13.2 37.8 191.0 87.4 325.9 39.7 46.3 64.4


b b a b a d ad

b bcd bh b


bh b


WD candidate at 16.0 pcg


bh h b h b b

– 31 –


Table 6—Continued Primary

θ (◦ )

0.188 0.195 0.210 0.192 0.192 0.183 0.283 0.184 0.245 0.212 0.212 0.182 0.223 0.213 0.264

191.0 217.2 187.9 288.8 184.5 180.4 141.4 192.6 130.8 189.5 139.9 128.6 122.0 115.1 244.1

Distance (pc) 78.7 57.9 53.0 51.2 71.6 [249.6] [236.6] 26.2 123.6 114.7 ··· 98.2 53.5 60.6 33.7



1526-0251B 1526-0809B 1530-2509B 1558-0915B 1729-3257B 1825-4540B 2008-3012B 2102-3129 2111-4215B 2124-0754B 2141-2725B 2148-3431B 2308-0603B 2355-0354B 1343-3815B

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

0.188 0.198 0.218 0.191 0.195 0.191 0.280 0.196 0.240 0.209 0.214 0.175 0.228 0.231 0.248

192.1 218.5 191.6 286.4 184.6 187.2 134.9 191.0 132.9 179.8 135.7 127.3 128.3 113.6 241.3

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

81.3 115.1 37.4 65.4 88.3 [334.3] [168.4] 22.7 152.7 148.5 111.7 121.5 83.4 60.0 104.4

21.3 120.4 10.3 132.6 97.0 14.5 77.0 50.6 50.1 577.4 656.2 7.9 511.9 695.4 398.6

222.6 217.0 198.7 11.8 246.1 259.3 19.3 0.8 227.0 51.9 274.7 73.5 38.4 78.1 355.8

6.5 10.0 11.8 9.9 9.8 6.5 8.1 2.8 202.4 58.1 8.1 5.8 11.8 24.4

182.7 17.7 351.0 9.7 202.8 355.9 77.5 7.4 4.3 13.8 48.2 352.8 236.5 31.5



b bdh bh


b d

– 32 –

SCR 1526-0251A SCR 1526-0808A SCR 1530-2509A SCR 1558-0913A SCR 1730-3256A SCR 1825-4540A SCR 2008-3013A SCR 2102-3128A SCR 2111-4214A SCR 2123-0800A SCR 2142-2725A SCR 2148-3431A SCR 2308-0556A SCR 2354-0352A SIPS 1343-3823A

µ (′′ )

Possible Common Proper Motion Systems BD-06 3279 BD-07 3307 BD-16 0647 BD-16 1266 BD-16 3858 BD-21 0450 BP 16547-0006 CCDM 12328-4007A

0.187 0.198 0.207 0.204 0.189 0.185 0.270 0.287

205.3 207.4 176.6 180.7 228.6 084.5 229.8 294.5

62.1 ··· 28.9 ··· ··· ··· [169.3] ···

CD-25 2902 G 022-025 G 114-022 G 155-020 G 159-055

0.093 0.321 0.247 0.254 0.294

113.4 191.7 172.3 003.3 096.0

[38.6] 44.3 39.6 19.4 ···

SCR 1059-0729B SCR 1152-0755B SCR 0330-1532B SCR 0550-1610B SCR 1423-1646B SCR 0231-2111B SCR 1512-0303B CCDM 12328-4007B SCR 1232-4011C SCR 0604-2553B SCR 1920-0157B SCR 0856-0424B SCR 1831-0958B SCR 0218-0636B

··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.181 ··· 0.312 0.191 0.211 ··· 0.217 ···

··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 265.1 ··· 296.2 147.5 163.7 ··· 355.9 ···

··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· [374.6] ··· 60.0 [263.1] 55.7 ··· 27.6 ···

bde be bde be bce be bdf h bce

df h bf bce

Hipparcos distance at 87.72 pcbe

Table 6—Continued µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

G 266-049 G 266-124 G 267-075 G 270-114 G 274-001 GJ 604 HD 196276 HD 213261 HD 213565 HD 295038 HIC 68166 HIP 000027 HIP 085236 L 304-035 LEHPM 2-1156 LEHPM 2-3039 LEHPM 2-3482 LEHPM 2-3487 LEHPM 2-3560 LEHPM 2-3658 LEHPM 2-3992 LEHPM 2-4820 LP 734-014 LP 895-011 LP 917-019 LTT 1644 LTT 2416 NLTT 11457 NLTT 12773 NLTT 14952 NLTT 16432 NLTT 21562 NLTT 22497 NLTT 24839

0.206 0.287 0.214 0.204 0.242 ··· 0.225 0.227 0.185 0.217 0.273 0.180 0.187 0.389 0.184 0.212 0.212 0.189 0.190 0.196 0.189 0.184 0.239 0.249 0.256 0.240 0.239 0.255 0.198 0.220 0.187 0.252 0.212 0.253

173.4 211.2 182.0 105.1 067.6 ··· 111.3 121.5 095.6 163.2 232.0 129.5 187.5 073.5 146.9 162.8 042.0 073.5 296.1 160.6 181.2 267.0 191.6 163.8 261.3 052.1 032.5 152.8 056.5 167.4 359.7 107.4 255.7 255.1

Distance (pc) 155.6 ··· 146.9 44.8 35.7 ··· 18.8 35.3 17.1 ··· 24.7 19.8 6.3 42.0 58.9 81.0 30.5 38.4 50.3 25.2 58.2 107.4 18.6 60.7 10.9 20.9 29.6 40.8 35.4 ··· 40.9 ··· 128.3 92.3



0007-2444B 0030-1911B 0020-2642B 0101-1153B 0118-3146B 1557-4237B 2037-3312B 2230-1756B 2232-2437B 0623-0456B 1357-3832B 0000-4117B 1725-0913B 0447-4631B 0100-3040B 0304-4425B 0424-3918B 0343-3735B 0634-4007B 1922-4318B 0433-4018B 2232-4032B 1201-1213B 0627-3157B 1604-3303B 0328-4101B 0556-4511B 0337-4609B 0412-3605B 0521-1609B 0621-4302B 0921-3656B 0944-3023B 1036-1154B

µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

··· ··· 0.186 ··· 0.284 0.387 0.198 ··· 0.139 ··· 0.302 0.245 0.132 0.419 0.146 0.215 0.286 0.217 ··· 0.189 0.127 0.227 ··· ··· 0.322 0.335 0.218 0.286 ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.197 0.127

··· ··· 181.6 ··· 064.3 219.7 124.6 ··· ··· ··· 230.8 124.1 180.0 069.2 166.8 139.1 059.3 067.0 ··· 142.3 187.5 266.3 ··· ··· 249.0 066.7 012.7 141.9 ··· ··· ··· ··· 240.3 294.8

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

··· ··· 504.8 ··· 89.4 101.0 [339.5] ··· 128.7 ··· 39.9 114.9 44.0 42.6 72.4 96.0 40.0 [ 541.3] ··· 261.5 76.6 138.0 ··· ··· 20.5 49.2 91.5 [ 905.6] ··· ··· ··· ··· 141.8 233.7

92.4 23.8 27.7 9.2 58.0 41.3 11.8 7.1 44.4 5.8 21.7 16.8 57.6 9.6 16.2 11.8 18.5 41.4 3.9 34.5 129.6 17.2 6.0 3.9 57.9 20.9 22.7 13.0 6.1 8.4 2.5 7.6 176.1 9.8

231.9 298.8 13.9 183.1 45.4 71.8 45.0 53.9 64.4 78.2 321.4 290.1 194.1 320.1 82.3 243.7 279.1 193.1 29.9 327.6 245.0 324.0 23.7 30.3 299.1 54.3 88.0 290.9 241.2 48.2 192.7 183.7 80.2 50.8

notes be

Hipparcos distance at 84.96 pcbe bd bde bd

Hipparcos distance at 14.67 pcae bg dbe db be


Hipparcos distance at 74.35 pcbd bd b b b

WD candidate at 47.2 ± 9.4 pcbdg bce b bd b bce be

Hipparcos distance at 23.26 pcbf Hipparcos distance at 67.07 pcbdf Hipparcos distance at 72.25 pcbd WD candidate at 31.6 ± 6.3 pcbg bc

Hipparcos distance at 107.30 pcbe bcde be bd bdf

– 33 –


Table 6—Continued Primary


24930 26054 26348 30124 30414 31162 31886 34018

NLTT 34652

35361 35513 37615 40174 40546 41770 43214 45817 465 46764 47391 47412 47860 48631 49772 50958 51069 51151 51937 52044

θ (◦ )

0.250 0.198 0.196 0.312

174.3 281.7 310.9 299.6

0.368 0.285 0.201 0.220 0.182

0.338 0.210 0.244 0.345 0.205 0.208 0.186 0.303 0.259 ··· 0.218 0.182 0.291 0.182 0.309 0.181 0.284 0.274 0.190 0.232

261.9 257.4 244.1 222.8 147.9

250.1 197.1 257.8 241.4 207.9 196.4 195.5 153.5 099.2 ··· 202.7 169.7 144.5 068.3 183.4 118.3 207.8 179.5 129.8 172.0

Distance (pc) ··· ··· ··· 44.6 15.3 41.6 ··· 39.2 39.3

41.0 51.4 ··· 37.6 30.5 39.3 23.1 17.8 42.3 ··· 18.8 36.7 ··· 33.5 ··· 32.8 32.7 34.7 27.9 36.6


µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

SCR 1038-1345B SCR 1101-2952B SCR 1107-1521B SCR 1215-3202B SCR 1215-3202C SCR 1220-1953B SCR 1234-4428B SCR 1247-4344B NLTT 34014 SCR 1324-0153C HD 118512B HD 118512C SCR 1337-1046D SCR 1337-1046E SCR 1350-4210B SCR 1352-4240B SCR 1432-3152B SCR 1526-4502B SCR 1534-2744B SCR 1602-3230B SCR 1638-3541B SCR 1803-4551B SCR 0010-4600B SCR 1838-3045B SCR 1906-1903B SCR 1907-2808B SCR 1929-3310B SCR 2004-3548B SCR 2044-3000B SCR 2118-1025B SCR 2121-3212B SCR 2123-2613B SCR 2144-2753B SCR 2146-3543B

··· 0.092 ··· 0.273 ··· ··· ··· 0.168 0.227 0.116 0.164 ··· 0.146 ··· 0.399 ··· ··· ··· 0.146 0.127 ··· ··· ··· 0.186 0.086 ··· 0.248 ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.296 0.124 0.329

··· 279.2 ··· 296.5 ··· ··· ··· 247.1 224.3 232.8 143.6 ··· 134.1 ··· 221.9 ··· ··· ··· 242.4 220.9 ··· ··· ··· 171.2 192.9 ··· 115.6 ··· ··· ··· ··· 155.6 156.8 176.5

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

··· 35.7 ··· 99.4 ··· ··· ··· 100.1 50.3 103.8 ··· ··· ··· ··· 25.1 ··· ··· ··· 31.3 47.2 ··· ··· ··· 26.2 41.6 ··· 65.3 ··· ··· ··· ··· 70.4 ··· 39.0

7.0 37.2 11.8 140.7 ··· 6.6 4.3 36.4 34.8 35.7 85.6 81.3 150.6 148.3 7.8 3.5 3.7 3.4 101.4 10.6 8.7 16.3 6.4 3.6 55.1 6.5 298.0 5.9 6.0 3.0 8.5 6.9 73.6 11.4

216.8 53.2 236.5 344.4 ··· 292.0 52.6 11.2 230.4 331.3 74.9 73.7 45.3 46.8 231.3 68.5 201.9 310.7 13.4 5.1 2.8 87.7 285.4 45.1 318.4 25.7 229.6 258.2 54.9 43.2 319.3 272.5 70.7 2.3

notes be bf be


Hipparcos distance at 29.73 pcbcde bcde

Hipparcos distance at 103.20 pcb f bcd bce bc bce bdf bcej be bcde b b bde

Hipparcos distance at 73.86 pcbde be ace bdf bde


Hipparcos distance at 136.61 pcbe bde bde b bd bf

– 34 –


µ (′′ )

Table 6—Continued µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

Distance (pc)

NLTT 6939 NLTT 7624 ROSS 57 SCR 0002-4644A SCR 0051-1409A SCR 0056-2139A SCR 0123-1404A SCR 0145-0815A

0.198 0.222 0.201 0.197 0.191 0.182 0.212 0.184

070.4 095.7 264.0 122.5 117.3 125.5 135.5 140.7

··· 32.8 30.5 [328.3] 49.8 130.2 82.1 [189.5]


0150-0244A 0151-0939A 0152-1259A 0215-0644A 0221-0554A 0225-1829A 0249-2343A

0.147 0.198 0.162 0.214 0.230 0.277 0.172

161.6 138.8 159.2 157.3 102.2 127.3 188.9

89.4 91.0 43.7 73.0 114.0 ··· 57.8


0324-1106A 0330-1212A 0413-1055A 0425-3329A

0.210 0.214 0.199 0.124

179.5 153.1 172.5 133.8

34.9 ··· 52.6 34.8


0447-4329A 0454-4237A 0455-0143A 0500-2804A 0507-2847A 0602-3952A 0613-3437A 0655-2341A 0706-0942A

0.185 0.193 0.183 0.248 0.184 0.194 0.312 0.398 0.187

109.2 162.1 082.2 349.8 167.9 024.1 042.7 019.2 189.9

96.2 249.9 50.7 26.4 ··· 45.8 26.2 95.1 31.5

SCR 0731-3702A SCR 0814-1312A

0.192 0.202

159.2 136.6

51.8 66.2


µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

SCR 0204-4622B SCR 0218-2715B SCR 0721-1139B SCR 0002-4644B SCR 0051-1408B SCR 0056-2139B SCR 0123-1406B SCR 0145-0813B SCR 0146-0815C SCR 0150-0241B SCR 0151-0939B SCR 0152-1259B SCR 0215-0644B SCR 0221-0554B SCR 0225-1829B LEHPM 2-2808 NLTT 9088 SCR 0324-1105B SCR 0330-1212B SCR 0413-1055B LEHPM 2-2133 LEHPM 2-2321 SCR 0447-4329B SCR 0454-4237B SCR 0455-0143B SCR 0500-2804B SCR 0507-2848B SCR 0602-3952B SCR 0613-3437B SCR 0655-2341B SCR 0706-0942B SCR 0706-0942C SCR 0731-3702B SCR 0814-1312B

··· 0.142 ··· 0.240 0.150 0.102 0.153 0.213 0.187 0.208 ··· 0.213 ··· 0.083 0.125 0.223 0.228 0.153 ··· ··· 0.224 0.192 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.368 ··· 0.195 ··· ···

··· 115.6 ··· 112.3 118.3 141.3 134.9 126.8 136.4 137.4 ··· 139.1 ··· 124.1 095.9 176.9 188.8 179.9 ··· ··· 170.6 154.1 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 017.5 ··· 196.5 ··· ···

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

··· 117.9 ··· [625.3] 129.5 157.1 133.1 [423.2] [39.4] 143.6 ··· 56.4 ··· 213.4 28.7 116.3 304.2 75.6 ··· ··· 83.2 343.9 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 82.7 ··· 62.9 ··· ···

10.4 11.6 7.8 6.9 91.0 78.8 101.6 184.7 407.1 248.8 5.0 4.3 3.8 32.1 12.6 218.8 134.8 13.0 5.9 5.0 107.7 216.5 ··· ··· ··· 5.3 53.2 ··· ··· 6.7 6.0 52.1 ··· 3.8

214.1 302.8 27.2 43.6 283.8 80.3 191.2 320.7 90.0 44.7 212.4 353.1 200.4 251.5 33.7 232.6 260.9 8.9 26.1 56.6 11.9 257.2 ··· ··· ··· 52.8 252.2 ··· ··· 68.3 30.5 222.8 ··· 80.7

notes Hipparcos distance at 91.58 pcbe b bde bh b bf b h

ad bce acd bce bf bdf ad

bd bce bcde adf d bcej bcej bcej bcde be bcej bcej bd bcde b beij bcde

– 35 –


Table 6—Continued Primary

0836-3009A 0848-2932A 0900-3529A 0908-0321A 0909-0611A 0919-4302A 0920-0431A 0922-0454A 0928-4403A 0930-4443A 0934-3002A 0934-4407A 0957-3454A 1059-0652A 1107-3728A 1107-4052A 1113-0246A 1115-4103A 1118-4402A 1135-2259A 1142-0549A 1154-0144A 1210-2213A 1212-2042A 1253-1717A 1254-2430A 1254-3811A 1352-0215A 1416-4036A 1430-2434A 1433-2524A 1508-1419A 1512-4014A 1558-2820A

θ (◦ )

0.188 ··· 0.250 0.210 ··· 0.197 0.186 0.220 0.221 0.223 0.190 0.185 0.159 0.195 0.210 0.190 0.189 0.199 0.203 0.204 0.182 0.195 0.286 0.190 ··· 0.128 0.208 0.248 0.252 0.188 0.196 0.181 0.191 0.181

309.1 ··· 130.3 165.4 ··· 306.8 141.8 145.6 309.8 302.9 312.5 155.1 170.7 277.5 175.5 099.9 257.4 244.0 296.4 245.3 253.1 239.1 038.2 269.4 ··· 264.4 097.5 282.7 208.5 188.0 244.4 287.6 242.1 226.8

Distance (pc) 60.3 ··· 107.7 35.3 ··· 67.9 39.9 145.8 55.8 46.1 87.8 39.3 52.6 32.1 77.7 56.4 95.7 74.3 51.8 65.6 31.3 [334.7] 24.5 90.4 ··· 58.9 26.2 ··· 39.3 43.8 70.8 35.4 57.2 59.3


µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

SCR 0836-3009B LP 900-011 SCR 0900-3529B SCR 0908-0321B SCR 0909-0611B SCR 0919-4302B SCR 0920-0431B SCR 0922-0454B SCR 0928-4403B SCR 0930-4443B SCR 0934-3002B SCR 0934-4407B SCR 0957-3454B SCR 1059-0652B SCR 1107-3728B SCR 1107-4052B SCR 1113-0246B SCR 1115-4103B SCR 1118-4402B SCR 1135-2259B SCR 1142-0549B SCR 1154-0144B SCR 1210-2213B SCR 1212-2041B SCR 1253-1717B NLTT 32271 SCR 1254-3811B SCR 1352-0215B SCR 1416-4036B SCR 1430-2434B SCR 1433-2524B SCR 1508-1419B SCR 1512-4014B SCR 1558-2820B

··· 0.214 0.188 ··· 0.202 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.184 ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.164 ··· ··· ··· 0.140 ··· 0.171 0.213 0.189 0.161 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.111 ···

··· 114.5 106.9 ··· 301.1 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 175.6 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 267.2 251.4 265.4 121.1 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 097.8 ···

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

··· 37.1 220.0 ··· 56.7 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 101.5 ··· ··· ··· ··· [ 347.3] ··· ··· ··· [109.6] ··· 105.0 82.5 90.4 22.0 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 105.1 ···

··· 3.0 19.4 3.2 4.1 ··· ··· 8.2 ··· ··· ··· 5.3 14.9 ··· ··· ··· 4.4 20.8 7.2 ··· 3.0 19.6 3.2 59.1 4.2 85.3 20.9 4.5 4.5 4.8 9.6 3.6 17.6 5.1

··· 249.9 352.9 207.5 311.6 ··· ··· 238.3 ··· ··· ··· 350.9 50.4 ··· ··· ··· 223.2 23.8 286.1 ··· 351.0 237.4 0.9 347.0 346.4 269.0 60.0 41.5 31.7 236.8 241.2 323.5 78.7 216.2

notes bcej ade b bcde acde bcej bcej bde bcej bcej bcej bde a bcej bcej bcej bde h be bcej be bf h bce b ade ad bd bce bce bcde bde bcde bdf bde

– 36 –


µ (′′ )

Table 6—Continued Primary

Distance (pc)

θ (◦ )

1606-4346A 1609-0245A 1613-4539A 1710-4029A 1727-4226A 1809-0755A 1823-1720A 1857-4011A

··· 0.261 0.311 0.316 0.256 0.193 0.270 0.212

··· 197.7 192.5 217.4 191.3 193.0 200.4 177.8

··· 59.0 55.0 34.5 65.1 19.9 ··· 28.9

SCR 1920-2241A SCR 1939-3821A SCR 1945-4036A SCR 2012-2841A SCR 2017-2826A SCR 2019-4502A SCR 2055-3305A SCR 2056-4039A SCR 2108-0924A SCR 2113-3408A SCR 2114-4125A SCR 2115-4612A SCR 2128-0732A SCR 2152-3926A SCR 2235-0223A SCR 2324-2049A SCR 2330-0838A SCR 2352-3113A SCR 2356-0222A WT 1136 WT 1558A

0.230 0.207 0.216 0.224 0.195 0.228 0.225 0.189 0.324 0.367 0.241 0.184 0.210 0.367 0.209 0.132 0.190 0.175 0.194 0.226 ···

182.7 200.0 160.8 157.9 160.0 140.4 172.0 170.3 120.2 204.4 113.6 087.4 177.1 090.1 130.8 116.2 090.8 127.4 098.8 149.9 ···

··· 66.2 52.8 53.9 58.4 71.1 47.0 45.3 ··· 82.3 53.5 64.7 60.1 44.2 63.4 55.3 19.9 65.6 84.5 53.7 ···

WT 1604 WT 2441

0.183 0.206

243.7 149.4

26.6 [198.6]



µ (′′ )

θ (◦ )

SCR 1606-4346B SCR 1609-0245B SCR 1613-4539B SCR 1711-4025B SCR 1727-4226B SCR 1809-0755B SCR 1823-1720B SCR 1857-4011B SCR 1856-4011C SCR 1920-2241B SCR 1939-3821B SCR 1945-4036B SCR 2012-2841B SCR 2017-2826B SCR 2019-4502B SCR 2055-3305B SCR 2056-4039B SCR 2108-0924B SCR 2113-3408B LEHPM 2-4673 SCR 2115-4611B SCR 2128-0733B SCR 2152-3926B SCR 2235-0223B SCR 2324-2047B SCR 2330-0835B NLTT 58216 SCR 2356-0222B SCR 0044-1149B WT 1558B SCR 0832-2140C SCR 0921-1554B SCR 0548-3617B

0.218 ··· 0.217 0.288 ··· 0.124 ··· ··· 0.219 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 0.287 ··· ··· ··· 0.238 0.201 0.278 ··· ··· ··· 0.181 0.208 0.260 ··· 0.185 ··· 0.214 ··· 0.164

226.1 ··· 293.2 210.4 ··· 168.8 ··· ··· 171.0 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 114.0 ··· ··· ··· 322.1 107.7 087.0 ··· ··· ··· 121.7 087.6 142.5 ··· 125.4 ··· 196.8 ··· 149.0

Distance (pc)

Separation (′′ )

Position Angle (◦ )

153.7 ··· 94.7 26.3 ··· 30.9 ··· ··· 21.2 ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· 58.2 ··· ··· ··· 76.9 68.9 50.4 ··· ··· ··· 53.3 137.2 124.5 ··· 60.8 ··· 216.2 ··· [ 500.2]

3.3 3.6 13.9 566.1 1.3 25.0 ··· 1.5 22.4 9.1 3.3 8.7 ··· 3.2 9.2 4.1 3.5 4.5 5.8 27.3 9.9 6.7 ··· ··· 88.9 458.5 45.5 4.2 99.0 4.0 140.4 8.0 15.9

65.1 201.6 257.5 62.6 64.0 44.4 ··· 283.2 294.4 308.0 64.7 74.5 ··· 46.6 215.7 35.5 38.4 46.2 182.9 241.0 69.8 84.0 ··· ··· 2.8 63.3 21.0 30.0 54.0 194.5 277.4 215.9 43.5


acde be bd

bce b bceij be

bd be b bcej bcde b bcde bcde be bf b bf bde bcej bcej ad

af bde


bde bh

– 37 –

µ (′′ )

a Primary

detected by eye during blinking process.

b Companion(s) c Unresolved b Fewer e No

detected by eye during blinking process.

pair on plate; no proper motion, position angle, or distance estimate for at least one component.

than six relations for distance estimate, therefore unreliable [in brackets].

BRI photometry data available, therefore no distance estimate.

f Proper

motion or position angle suspect.

g White

dwarf candidate with unreliable distance [in brackets]. More accurate estimate in notes if available. See Table 5

h Subdwarf i No

candidate with unreliable distance [in brackets]. See Table 4

2MASS data available for component, therefore no distance estimate

j Distance

unreliable due to blended photometry

– 38 –

– 39 –

Table 7. Distance Estimate Statistics for SCR Red Dwarf Systemsa

Proper motion


1. 00 0.′′ 80 0.′′ 60 0.′′ 40

µ ≥ 1.′′ 00 yr−1 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 80 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 60 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 Total


d ≤ 10 pc


yr yr−1 yr−1 yr−1

2 0 1 2 2

+ + + + + 9

0 0 0 0 2

10 pc < d ≤ 25 pc

d > 25 pc

0+0 3+0 11 + 0 24 + 0 29 + 77

6+0 3+0 48 + 0 188 + 0 1542 + 2715



Entire SCR sample excluding white dwarf candidates and new common proper motion companions to known objects noticed by eye. The first number is the number of discoveries from previous papers. The second is the number of discoveries from the current paper. This paper did not search µ > 0.′′ 40 yr −1 so no stars were added in those proper motion ranges.

– 40 – Fig. 1.— Color-apparent magnitude diagram for new SCR objects with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 found during the search described in this paper. Data points below R59F = 16.5 are common proper motion companions found during the blinking process. Triangles represent white dwarf candidate objects from the RPM diagram. Fig. 2.— Color-apparent magnitude diagram for known objects with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 found during the search described in this paper. Data points below R59F = 16.5 are common proper motion companions found during the blinking process. Fig. 3.— Reduced proper motion diagram for new SCR systems with 0.′′ 40 yr−1 > µ ≥ 0.′′ 18 yr−1 found during the search described in this paper. The dashed line separates candidate white dwarfs and subdwarfs and matches that in other TSN papers. The solid lines denote the upper and bluest boundaries of the cool subdwarf candidate section. Fig. 4.— Plot of the proper motion of the primary versus that of its companion(s) in common proper motion systems. The solid line denotes perfect agreement between the two proper motions, while the dashed lines indicate limits of 0.′′ 020 yr−1 in accordance with our uncertainties. Filled circles represent pairs in which both members had data from the automatic phase of the search. Open circles denote pairs in which proper motion data for at least one component were gathered manually. Fig. 5.— Plot of the position angle of the primary’s proper motion versus that of its companion(s) in common proper motion systems. The solid line denotes perfect agreement between the two, while the dashed lines indicate limits of 5◦ in accordance with our uncertainties. Filled circles represent pairs in which both members had data from the automatic phase of the search. Open circles denote pairs in which position angle data for at least one component were gathered manually. Fig. 6.— Sky distribution of SCR systems. Large circles represent discoveries from the current paper, while small circles represent discoveries from previous SCR searches. The curve represents the Galactic plane. Fig. 7.— Sky distribution of southern NLTT systems. The curve represents the Galactic plane.

5 7 9 R59F

– 41 –

11 13 15 17 19 21 -2




2 3 (R59F- J)





5 7 9 R59F

– 42 –

11 13 15 17 19 21 -2




2 3 (R59F- J)





9 11


– 43 –

13 15 17 19 21 23 -2




2 3 (R59F - J)





– 44 –

– 45 –


Dec (degrees)

– 46 –

0 -15 -30 -45 -60 -75 -90 0



12 16 RA (hours)



– 47 –