The Street Lighting Integrated System Case Study, Control Scenarios, Energy Efficiency
Ożadowicz A. Eng.D.
Grela J. MSc.
the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland e-mail:
[email protected]
the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Poland e-mail:
[email protected]
Abstract— In this paper some results of the research works are presented, especially focusing on energy savings in street lighting installations and possibilities of remote lamp monitoring and control, lamp maintenance and reducing the cost of maintenance. The research is based on a system using the LonWorks technology – an open standard of distributed building automation systems, with the power line communication in the field level. A new approach to development of control scenarios and algorithms for such systems and installations has been proposed as well. Keywords— Street Lighting, algorithms, energy consumption
I. INTRODUCTION Street lighting it is a very important and energy-intensive element of infrastructure in modern cities. According to street lighting energy consumption accounting for almost 40% of the total energy consumption in cities. This puts a lot of pressure on the electric energy supply and impacts the environmental protection. Apart from being costly, street lights contribute to environment pollution. The production of electricity needed to power street lighting systems, adds to carbon dioxide emissions (CO2, greenhouse gas) and nuclear dust. These factors also have a negative influence on the environment, impacting plants, animals, and people’s habits [1][2][4]. It is for those reasons that it is important and useful to propose some technical solutions to control and monitor the street lamps, reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency of the street lighting systems. A. Technical solutions The main groups of technical solutions possible to implement in this area include [3]: • Innovative light sources – energy saving fluorescent lamps, LED, induction lamps • Intelligent control and monitoring systems of lighting with network communication.
implementations. This paper will also introduce abilities to integrate different devices on the field level and what possibilities the new technology brings – an Internet of Things to operate the street lights with as an element of the integrated control and monitoring network. All of the described solutions will allow to manage energy and media more effectively, in the huge urban agglomeration in the first place, optimize the balance and sustainability of energy systems in individual countries and in larger areas – for example in Europe, together with energy demand management (Demand-Response idea) and services for prosumers [6][7][8]. B. Control of the Street Lighting installations – new approach Researches and tests have been conducting of the Smart Lighting system, to compare them and their functionalities with the previously used technical solutions, especially in the relation to energy and maintenance costs savings [7]. Another area of research concerns the development and construction of lighting control algorithms, where two basic approaches are proposed: static and dynamic. The first of them is based on the setting certain parameters constant to the lighting system: the type and power level of light sources and the on/off time periods, according to the calendar, changing the length of day and light sensor signal. On the other hand, dynamic algorithms offer far greater possibilities of control, optimization and adjustment of the lighting but require a larger number of the infrastructure elements and may have different functional development levels. The simplest solutions allow to change light intensity at certain periods of time (eg. at different hours of the night) [9][10]. In more functionally advanced systems, various types of sensors and other infrastructure subsystems are integrated. These include, for example: weather stations, motion/presence and light intensity sensors, elements of wireless and mobile phones networks etc. Acquiring information and data from such devices, at the field level, allows to expand the control algorithms of a single lamp and groups of lamps [4][6][11]. There is new approach proposed in this paper, based on the European Standard EN 15232 [5].
The research findings described in this paper are focused on the technical solutions, especially based on the international standards of distributed building automation systems, very popular in the Building Management Systems
2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA)
c 2014 IEEE 978-1-4799-4845-1/14/$31.00
classical building automation devices in the building (lighting inside the building, heating, air conditioning, etc.).
In the last year, at the AGH University of Science and Technology (AGH-UST) in Krakow, a test installation of intelligent public spaces lighting was established. It is located at one of the car parks of the University Campus. A schematic diagram of the system is shown in Figure 1.
It is possible to manage and monitor the state of each lamp separately, as shown in Figure 2. This monitoring provides information about: on/off states; light intensity level (LOW40%, MEDIUM-60%, HIGH-80%); the voltage at the contacts of the light source mounted in the luminary, the total electrical energy consumed, amount of working hours, temperature of the ballast and the so-called status of the lamp (alarms). This information is very important and useful for service groups and managers of the street lighting system, responsible for the lamp maintenance.
Fig. 1. A schematic diagram of the test Street Lighting installation at AGH-UST. Source: own work.
The installation consists of eight modern road lighting luminaires. In the luminaires, high pressure sodium lamps (HPS 70W) are installed. Also, in each of the luminaires a special CANDELON module is installed, with an electronically adjustable ballast and filter (SELC company). The applied low frequency electronically controlled SMART BALLAST is a source of power for HPS lamps. The mentioned CANDELON module is the interface between the ballast SELC 2000 and the data transmission medium (in this system it is supply network – Power Line Communications PLC). Thanks to the CANDELON module, equipped with a Neuron Chip processor 31xx series with PL transceivers, the luminaire is an autonomous control node in the distributed automation network, based on open standard LonWorks (ISO/IEC EN 14908). This provides additional opportunities offered by the LonWorks technology: remote monitoring and control level of the load lamp (the on/off function and adjusting the level of illumination); information about the number of work hours, energy consumption, temperature of the ballast, the supply voltage and the voltage at the terminal contacts on the light source itself; settings for low or high voltage values, alarm limits and informing the user/service about exceeding them. The Street Lighting control system also includes Echelon's server module – i.LON and the L-IP router from Loytec placed in the AutBudNet laboratory at AGH-UST in Krakow [12]. This allows to integrate the Street Lighting control system with
Fig. 2. Screenshot of the operating status for a single lamp in the street lighting system. Source: own work.
III. CONTROL ALGORITHMS – RESEARCH AND TESTS Presented in this paper research works are aimed at analyzing the possibility of reduce the energy consumption in the test installation of outdoor lighting, functionalities and abbilities of the distributed building automation systems (standard ISO/IEC EN 14908 – LonWorks) and to evaluate the effect of various control algorithms implemented in the integrated control system, on the energy efficiency of the lighting system. The research focused on several scenarios of control tests, with different time schedules and settings of the level of light intensity. Finally, a few scenarios have been proposed and then verified practically and numerically. The first scenario was proposed based on Technical Department and Security Service of AGH experiences. It provides high level of comfort in lighting of the concerned parking area and creates possibility to find time intervals to reduce the level of light intensity, with the assumption that it is unacceptable to switch the lamps off during the night. The second scenario is a certain modification of the first one. Some modifications have been made in the levels of light intensity for given working periods of the lamps. Implemented new levels of light intensity are more suited to the different types of usage of the parking area, with the assumption that it is unacceptable to switch the lamps off during the night.
The third scenario is a modification of the second one. Only minor changes in level of light intensity settings have been implemented as well as the ability to switch a few lamps off in the time period identified as “lack of use of the parking”. A group of further three scenarios was based on the concept that the lamps could be controlled automatically, taking into account the day-lighting. This means that switching the lamp on or off does not depend only on the main management device and its schedules (i.LON module) but also on the integrated intensity outdoor lighting sensor. For the proposed control algorithms and scenarios, an analogy could be observed to efficiency classes in automation and building control systems (BACS), described in the European Standard EN 15232 “Energy performance of buildings – Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building Management”, where Class A corresponds to the systems BACS with very high energy efficiency impact and Class D – BACS systems without any impact on the energy efficiency of buildings. Between them of course are C and B classes [5]. Assuming some simplification and addressing concepts described in the EN 15232 standard to the tested street lighting installation, it has been assumed that the installation with standard lamps, not offering any control options, corresponds to Class D [13]. By adding different automation functionalities, it is possible to create systems for other classes respectively, described in the EN 15232 standard. In Figure 3, results of one of the scenarios in Class B are presented. It is for algorithm with the levels of light intensity control and the switch on and off schedule. The average daily consumption of electrical energy for a single lamp is 0.97 kWh. For each scenario a 15-hour work cycle for the lamp has been considered.
A further group of control scenarios, consistent with the Class A assumptions, related to an advanced control system with implemented functions of the technical management and the automatic adaptation to external conditions changes (level of daylight). The measurement results for the first scenario representing system Class A are shown in Figure 4. The average daily consumption of electricity for a single lamp is 0.94 kWh.
Fig. 4. Scenario 1 Class A (Class A1) - measurements and results of energy consumption.
Some different scenarios for Class A have been tested as well (see the Fig. 5). The proposed control algorithms and scenarios, consistent with the Class A of the automation and control system assumptions, provide significant electrical energy savings by about 45%. Comparission of all mantioned scenarios for Class B and A, with reference to basic D and C classes is presented in Figure 5.
Fig. 3. Scenario 1 Class B (Class B1)- measurements and results of energy consumption.
Some different scenarios for Class B have been tested as well (see the Fig. 5). The proposed control algorithms and scenarios, corresponded with Class B assumptions, cause the street lighting system has a much lower energy consumption compared to installations made with standard lamps. The electrical energy consumption reduced by approx. 41%.
Fig. 5. The average daily consumption of electricity for a single lamp for different control scenarios tested during the research works.
IV. CONCLUSIONS Based on the studies and research described in the paper, it could be inferred that using modern devices to reduce lighting energy consumption in public spaces is reasonable and economically viable. The greatest potential in this field offer control systems made in classes A or B, according to the European Standard EN 15232. The guidelines and the building automation functions assignments to the four efficiency classes, presented in this Standard, could be used as a reference tool to propose and develop new control scenarios for different, advanced and integrated systems. The Street Lighting installations based on open distributed control systems, could be easily adapted to the increasingly emerging and on-going Smart City projects, allowing for integration with other subsystems of control and monitoring In addition, at the level of individual buildings, campuses and their surroundings, it will be possible to integrate them into a network of information exchange with other systems such as Smart Metering – energy and media monitoring and other devices used in buildings – supporting the Internet of Things idea. The Internet protocol IPv6 will be soon enabled to implement in the control network installations. This will increase the degree of integration between building control and lighting of public spaces systems and other elements of the socalled Smart Grids and Smart Cities infrastructures. The next step will be in developing predictive control, based on intelligent devices and modules, with ability to adapt to the changes of the seasons, months and schedules and even able to react to unexpected changes in the environmental parameters, etc. [13][14][15]. Currently, a research group is working on ways to create and integrate in this kind of system the Internet of Things modules, in the first based on IzoT solutions, proposed by Echelon and compatible with LonWorks standard networks. Therefore it seems that the presented problems and solutions create a wide field for both research, development and implementation activities.
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[9] [10]
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