Right: HEY! Anyone down here? For years, my wife and I and our kids have been talking about creating an underbay sleepin
Blast from the past
The Underbay Sleeping Compartment By Michael Kadletz
or years, my wife and I and our kids have been talking about creating an underbay sleeping compartment. Every time we took the bus out, the kids and their friends love to clean out a belly of the bus, lay down a piece of foam and the sleeping bags, and sleep down below. The kids kept saying, “Dad, finish this off like the rest of the cabin.” (We had a Moose Creek Motorcabin). Well, I kept talking about it, the kids kept asking, and finally someone purchased our MCI 9 Motorcabin, with the condition that I finish off the underbay sleeping compartment. Isn’t that the way it always goes: you do something to a house or bus in order to sell it, and miss the enjoy ment of the finished project! So the job got
done! With photos to prove it! The compartment has a hatch under the dining table that allows entry to and from the compartment. Just lift up, and climb down (or up). Also in the lower cabin, I would installed a TV, DVD, CD players and stereo. The heat and A/C was ducted down from the vents above. I also placed windows on both sides. Look closely at the picture and you’ll see how we fit them into the area where the rub rail is. Another item to mention is where I placed a lever on the inside of each door, so the bay door can be opened from the inside of the upper compartment. The “lower bedroom” has 12volt reading light along with 12volt and llOvolt outlets for the kids to plug in their favorite games, toys or curl-