Chapter 13
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups: Intentionality and Specific Functions Rog´erio Grassetto Teixeira da Cunha and Richard W. Byrne
13.1 Introduction In group-living species, especially ones occupying low visibility habitats or in which group members tend to spread over large distances, there must be some signaling mechanism(s) to ensure that the group ultimately remains as a spatially cohesive unit. The very nature of the problem precludes the use of tactile and visual communication, while the slower rate of diffusion of chemicals in the air or water makes impractical the use of chemical communication. Thus, the acoustic channel is expected to be the mode of choice. Primates have been particularly well studied in that respect – besides being an intensively studied order, they are par excellence the mammalian taxon that exemplifies diurnal group living in poor visibility (forest) habitats. Vocalizations with some contact role have been found in almost all species studied (see, for example, Mitani and Nishida 1993; Rendall et al. 2000; Uster and Zuberb¨uhler 2001; Oda 2002; Mendes and Ades 2004; Range and Fischer 2004). However, poor conceptual and nomenclatural standardization has been the norm for vocalization studies, and calls with a variety of names have been proposed to perform a wide range of functions, all traceable to a “contact” or “cohesion” role (see Table 13.1 for a non-exhaustive review of Neotropical primates’ studies). These include: maintain contact at close (visual) range (Epple 1968; Pook 1977); maintain contact at intermediate ranges and/or in situations likely to lead to separation (traveling/foraging) (Byrne 1981; Harcourt et al. 1993); maintain contact at a distance/regain contact (Daschbach et al. 1981; Palombit 1992; Halloy and Kleiman 1994); coordinate or initiate and direct group travel (Boinski 1991; Boinski 1993); monitor the position of others (Caine and Stevens 1990); attract others in particular situations (Dittus 1988; Mitani and Nishida 1993).
Richard W. Byrne (B) School of Psychology, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, UK email:
[email protected] P.A. Garber et al. (eds.), South American Primates, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects, DOI 10.1007/978-0-387-78705-3 13, C Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2009
Heterotypical faint high-pitched notes Longer phee calls Phee cries Twitters Short whirr; whirr, short broken whirr, broken whirr Shrilling calls Closed mouth trill
Faint phee
Quiet trill J-call M. argentatus Contact calls Leontopithecus rosalia Pe calls Whee calls Heterotypical sequences culminated in p¨u p¨u p¨u when in high excitement Twitters
Cebuella pygmaea
C. jacchus
Callithrix geoffroyi; C. jacchus; Mico argentatus
Short-distance location calls
Rhythmical calls Monosyllabic calls Long-distance location calls Long-distance contact calls
Callimico goeldii
C. goeldii
Call name
When losing visual contact
Isolation Moving through the environment and sometimes when able to see each other Cohesion or contact over short distances Dispersion/visually isolated; Contact at larger distances Intra-group cohesion; coordinate group activities; loose contact Close visual contact When animals lose visual contact Isolated animals
“When losing visual contact with each other” Isolated animals Loose visual contact and isolation From close visual contact to visual separation ; rarely when isolated
“close visual and bodily contact”
Isolation Disturbances, but “may serve as contact calls” “when interindividual distances were estimated to exceed 20 m” “in the case where a vocalize attempted to maintain contact with other individuals over a long distance”; “emitted by a group member who was lost to all other animals” “when the vocalizer attempted to maintain contact with other individuals . . . within an interindindividual distance of approximately 10m” “Undisturbed and in close visual contact”
Context and/or function
Type of study2
e a
Table 13.1 Review of studies with Neotropical primates in which a given call could be described as a contact, cohesion, isolation or lost call by its explicit labeling, the description of the contexts in which it is emitted and/or the proposed function1
342 R.G.T. da Cunha and R.W. Byrne
Short calls
Saguinus fuscicollis
Adult trill Lost call
“Probably serves as a contact call” Distant contact call “Exclusively produced by individuals separated by great distances from other group members” Start, lead, and change direction of group travel Isolation/separation from group members
Social monitoring of group members; Group cohesion and coordination Isolated animals, responded by its troop. Socially isolated animals “Given greater than .6m from other animals in low arousal situations”
Isolation Undisturbed and in close visual contact Loose visual contact and disturbance Isolation
“to locate and to recognize group members, which are near them but out of visual contact” General activity; before congregating in groups; “spatially locating an individual . . . stray from the group”, and also aids group cohesion Same contexts and function, but higher arousal From close visual contact to visual separation ; rarely when isolated
Isolation from group members
“Promote group travel”
Context and/or function
Type of study2
l l m
i j k
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
C. capucinus
Cebus albifrons C. capucinus C. capucinus
S. labiatus S. mystax S. oedipus
S. geoffroyi; S. oedipus
S. fuscicollis
Soft long call Chee, chip, chee-chip, multiple Shrilling calls Te calls Variations on te Monosyllabic calls given in isolation, trills Slide call Long call Combination long calls Large initially modulated whistle Caw Raucous squawk Arrawh
One-phrase long call (wah-wah) Two –phrase long call (wah-wah and descending whine) Two –phrase long call
L. rosalia
L. rosalia
Call name
Table 13.1 (continued)
13 343
A. palliata A. palliata
Chiropotes albinasus; C. sagulatus Alouatta palliata
C. moloch
Callicebus moloch
S. sciureus S. sciureus
C. olivaceus Saimiri oerstedii
C. olivaceus
C. olivaceus
Notes similar to clucking Whimper Wrah-ha calls
Deep metallic cluck
Moan Whistle
Peep Chirp Whistles and trills Chirrup Chirrup
Chirps Peeps Twitters Squeak Isolation peep
Call name
Table 13.1 (continued)
“Single individual moving about and (. . .) apparently trying to locate its troop” “Movement (. . .) was blocked or (. . .) the individual acted as if it did not know where to go” Isolated animals; animals lagging during group progression or moving in a different direction Intermediate distances and several contexts, often within visual contact; may work to maintain a characteristic spacing Foraging/moving Increasing distance; Initiate/guide troop movement “contact call when left alone” Lost of visual contact/large separation from the group; “may help a separated animal find its way back to the group” “. . .Associated with contact and attention” “Contact call for short to medium distances” “May be uttered by individuals . . . “lost” or isolated” Captive animals when isolated “Contexts in which locating and recognizing group members foster group cohesion” Promotes approach of the mate to the caller “When group dispersion is relatively large (the animals are spread over an area of 1/4ha)” “Initiates progression, controls its direction and rate and coordinates the animals of the clan” “Maintain auditory contact between the individuals of the clan” Troop progression Mothers of dependent infants when separated from the troop
Context and/or function
Type of study2
x y
l s
q r
344 R.G.T. da Cunha and R.W. Byrne
A. geoffroyi
Group movements and sexual activity Several contexts. In some circumstances elicit vocal response and/or approach from distant individuals. It is a localization signal which promotes cohesion through “serves a contact function by providing information to listeners about the identity and location of the caller” Short-range vocal exchanges; “Co-ordination of nearby individuals”
Context and/or function
Type of study2
z aa
Staccatos and neighs with W ac large proportion of short elements Neighs with more long Long-range vocal exchanges elements a Epple (1968), for C. jacchus see also Schrader and Todt (1993), Norcross and Newman (1997; 1999), Norcross et al. (1999); b Masataka (1982); c Pook (1977); d Pola and Snowdon (1975), Snowdon and Pola (1978), Snowdon and Cleveland (1980), Snowdon and Hodun (1981); e Veracini (2002); f Halloy and Kleiman (1994); g Sabatini & Ruiz-Miranda (2008); h Moody & Menzel (1976); i Caine and Stevens (1990); j Snowdon and Hodun (1985); k Cleveland and Snowdon (1982), see also Jordan, Weiss, Hauser, and McMurray (2004); l Andrew (1963); m Boinski (1993); n Digweed, Fedigan and Rendall (2007); o Oppenheimer and Oppenheimer (1973); p Robinson (1982); q Robinson (1984); r Boinski (1991); s Winter, Ploog and Latta (1966), see also Masataka and Symmes (1986), Symmes, Newman, Talmage-Riggs, and Lieblich (1979), Lieblich and Symmes (1980), Smith, Newman, Hoffman, and Fetterly (1982); t Moynihan (1966); u Robinson (1979a), see also Robinson (1981); v Ayres (1981); w Carpenter (1934); x Collias and Southwick (1952); y Baldwin and Baldwin (1976); z Jones (1998); aa Teixidor and Byrne (1999); ab Ramos-Fern´andez (2005); ac Mendes and Ades (2004). 1 Here we follow the taxonomy of Rylands and Mittermeier (this volume), updating species names whenever in disagreement with such taxonomy and possible. Species are presented in alphabetical order within each family. Separate studies of the same species were treated in different lines. 2 C - captivity/experimental studies; W - naturalistic studies; C/W – when the species was studied by the same author(s) both in captivity and in the wild.
Broad band contact call Whinny
A. palliata Ateles geoffroyi
Brachyteles hypoxanthus
Call name
Table 13.1 (continued)
13 The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups 345
R.G.T. da Cunha and R.W. Byrne
13.2 To Inform or Not to Inform? That Is the Question Some researchers working with contact calls have reported the impression of a call-and-answer system, or at least vocal exchanges (Byrne 1981; Snowdon and Hodun 1985; Dittus 1988; Caine and Stevens 1990; Sugiura 1993; Teixidor and Byrne 1999). That is, they have the feeling, sometimes not backed up with strong data, that the core of the group answers to the isolated or distant animal as if informing it on the location of the group, or that separated animals or sub-groups exchange calls back-and-forth regularly, as if mutually informing each other of their location. This interpretation has been seriously questioned by some authors, however. If animals are to answer others on purpose, they argue, then by necessity they would have to know that the other animal is lost, isolated or wants to be in contact. In turn, such intentional answering would imply that these animals have a theory of mind (Premack and Woodruff 1978), an ability monkeys have yet to be proven to possess (Tomasello and Call 1997). It is argued that when there seems to be a system of vocal exchange in place, the supposed responses are actually a consequence of the state of mind of the “responder” itself, not an answer to the first caller (Cheney et al. 1996; Cheney and Seyfarth 1999; Rendall et al. 2000; Seyfarth and Cheney 2003). That is, the calls are not given with the intent of maintaining contact or informing the whereabouts of the group to the separated animal(s), something we label the personal-status hypothesis. This idea is received with some resistance by field workers, given the widespread impression of animals answering one another. And even among the original critics of the intentionality idea, the position is sometimes softened. Rendall and coauthors (2000) recognize that other mechanisms could produce vocal exchanges, and that there may be degrees of perception of the other’s perspective, falling short of full theory of mind, although they do not develop these ideas in detail. When analyzing this issue we draw on Dennett’s intentionality system. Dennett (1983, 1987) proposes that the degree of intentionality in animal communication can be understood in terms of a series of levels. In the lowest, zero-order intentional system, the reaction is mechanistic and does not involve mental states, as when a thermostat responds to low temperature. First-order intentionality involves purposive, goal-directed behavior by the agent, as when a monkey wants to deter a competitor. In second-order intentionality, the agent takes account of the mental states of others in addition to its own: for example when a monkey plans to deter a competitor, dominant to itself, by deliberately misleading it into believing that the monkey itself has seen a predator, when it has not. Thus, in the view of the personal-status hypothesis, monkeys performing contact calls need only be zeroorder intentional systems, emitting calls in mechanical response to environmental cues, or first-order-intentional systems, calling because they are themselves afraid of their own isolation. These authors have specifically criticized a second-order intentionality stance, in which monkeys uttering contact calls would be aware of the knowledge status of other fellow monkeys and would be calling in order to alter such status.
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
But these are not the only options available, and Byrne (2000) proposes a way out of this dilemma. He argues that contact calling may involve a genuine call-andanswer system, based on a rather more elaborate representation of the environment, but one that is entirely first-order intentional, without comprehension of others’ mental states. In this case “. . .both signalers and hearers want to reunite. . . and know that they should call in order to do so swiftly. It is not necessary that they be able to understand what others know. . .contact calling may be a goal-directed tactic, learned or even perhaps hard-wired, employed flexibly and selectively, but without insight into its mechanism” (Byrne 2000, p. 507). We baptize this idea the reunite hypothesis. An important aspect of contact calls that would favor the cohesive function in the manner proposed by the reunite hypothesis, or even be necessary for some of the predictions, is the individual distinctiveness of the signal. Individual distinctiveness in the acoustic structure of contact calls has already been found in several studies (Snowdon and Cleveland 1980; Macedonia 1986; Gautier and Gautier-Hion 1988; Rendall et al. 1996; Teixidor and Byrne 1999; Oda 2002). Furthermore, some of these studies have shown that individuals not only perceive such differences, but also respond to them in adaptive ways (e.g., Dittus 1988; Rendall et al. 1996 2000). The two hypotheses above lead to different, testable predictions (see Table 13.2). The personal-status hypothesis predicts that upon hearing isolated animals calling, only those animals that are themselves also separated would call back. The reunite hypothesis, on the other hand, predicts that hearers can call back irrespective of their own state of separation from the group. Also, if “both signalers and hearers want to reunite”, then one could go further and predict that the more closely two animals are associated (by kinship or friendship), the more likely it is for an answer to occur. Another possible prediction is that proximity with higher ranking animals is more desirable for a series of reasons (Ramos-Fern´andez 2005), and thus they should be answered more promptly by lower ranking one than the other way round. In the last two cases, note that the call would need to have cues for individual identity, something that seems to be the case with several contact calls (see above).
Table 13.2 Predictions of alternative hypotheses regarding the motivational basis underlying the answering behavior to contact calls Personal-status
Only if also separated/isolated Dependent exclusively on the state of separation/isolation
Calling does not depend on the state of separation Dependent on the degree of association by kinship and/or friendship with caller; Lower ranking more likely to answer to higher rank than the other way round.
R.G.T. da Cunha and R.W. Byrne
13.2.1 The Moo Call of Black Howler Monkeys Alouatta caraya In order to illustrate the different approaches to the question and the applicability of our framework, we attempt to compare these two hypotheses in a particular case, the moo call of the black howler monkey, Alouatta caraya. Note that our intention here is not a specific test of the hypotheses, but a broad discussion of some issues involved with them in a real-world context. Until recently there were very few studies in which low amplitude vocalizations of howler monkeys had been described, and evidence for a contact call was scant. Jones (1998) briefly analyzed a so-called “broad band contact call” of female mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), given during group movements but also during sexual activity. She suggested that the call was associated with food in both contexts, but may also incite male-male competition, a somewhat broad proposal. In the only extensive repertoire analysis of a howler species published to date (Baldwin and Baldwin 1976), no unambiguous and specific adult contact call was described. Thus, individuals of A. palliata emitted whimpers on a variety of situations, including troop progressions; infants produced caws when they were lost from their mothers, but also in other situations; and mothers of dependent infants produced wrah-ha calls when separated from the troop. Finally, in a very brief report on A. caraya calls, the authors mentioned a vocalization (cry) emitted in stressful situations, such as when the caller was away from the group (Calegaro-Marques and Bicca-Marques 1995). Recently, based on a 19-month field work study on the vocal behavior of a group of habituated wild black howler monkeys living on a forest patch in the Brazilian Pantanal, we determined that a low amplitude vocalization, the moo call, served a contact function (da Cunha and Byrne, in preparation) Moo calls are relatively long vocalizations (around 1 s), tonal, with a low fundamental, presenting just a few clear overtones, and in general with a typical convex frequency modulation but spanning a small frequency range (see Fig. 13.1). A broad noisy segment sometimes precedes this tonal vocalization, especially from infants. Fundamental frequency varies among individuals between 100 and 200 Hz. Frequency modulation can take other forms or even be absent, but the one depicted is the most common. Several data led us to infer a contact function for this call. First of all, travelling, the behavioral state which has the highest risk of separation between individuals, showed the highest calling rates among the analyzed behavioral states. On the other hand, rates were significantly lower during feeding, a sedentary activity for howlers. We were also able to show that group spread was significantly greater than normal during periods of moo calling. Furthermore, spread decreased significantly after calling began, although baseline levels of group spread were usually not reached by the time calling ceased. (da Cunha and Byrne in preparation) Since our field work was designed around other questions, we did not collect precise data that could allow us to test between the personal-status and the reunite hypotheses (below, we offer a detailed study design for those wanting specifically to pursue this and other questions related to contact calls). However, some ad libitum observations can offer hints. First of all, the field observer (RGTC) noted a mild
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
5000 4500
Frequency (Hz)
4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0
1.5 2 Time (s)
Fig. 13.1 Spectrogram of a moo call. Gaussian window. Time window: 0.04 s. Bandwidth = 32.5 Hz. Note the noisy component of the call
contagion effect exerted by the call, especially in more protracted sessions. But, more critically, moos were at times apparently answered by other moos from distant individuals or by a volley of mutters (another soft call), in which case several individuals would call nearly simultaneously. In neither case did it seem necessary for all the calling animals to be separated. In fact, having several individuals simultaneously out of reach of various others was quite an uncommon situation for these howler monkeys. At most, one animal or a small sub-group was isolated from the remainder of the group. Strangely, mutters are rather quiet calls, given mostly during feeding, that almost certainly do not carry far in the forest: they do not seem to offer any locational cue for the isolated animal. This seems to indicate that, though the “answerers” may desire to reunite, they do not always perform the most adequate behavior to that end. This interpretation would support the notion that the responders do not intend to inform the original callers. However, these data give little support for the notion that monkeys only answer when they are also separated from other individuals. Occasionally, when a moo session was very prolonged, with calls from various individuals being emitted for quite some time, the alpha male would emit an oodle, a soft call type, often marking pauses in the middle of loud call sessions. This call, although not loud, could function as an acoustic beacon for the group if they are not too spread out. Additionally, on at least one occasion, animals resting in close proximity emitted a noticeably long sequence of calls, in the absence of only the alpha male. The male later reunited with the group, apparently without emitting calls himself. This confirms that separation is not a necessary condition for calling, but wanting to reunite with group members may be a sufficient one. A more puzzling set of observations occurred when animals were in close proximity (e.g., with a group spread of 15m or less) yet still called. There were also situations in which there was a high rate of calling involving adults, and, although the group was more spread out, every animal was within visual reach of a couple of
R.G.T. da Cunha and R.W. Byrne
others. Another intriguing fact is that large group diameters were not necessarily followed by emission of moos, and on many occasions separated individuals regained contact without calling. These observations all seem to indicate that the status of the caller was not a necessary condition for moo calling, since animals that called were not necessarily separated from others: this runs against the personal-status hypothesis. Neither was the separation status of the caller sufficient to trigger calls or “answers”, since separated animals were observed not to call at times. All these apparently puzzling observations can be more easily accommodated under the reunite hypothesis. On this account, animals are expected to call more often (but not always) when they themselves are separated: the situation most likely to lead to a desire to reunite. The reunite hypothesis can potentially also explain calling between animals in closer proximity, within visual reach and calling from the core of the group when one or a few individuals are absent, since it is not the separation status but the desire to reunite that triggers calling.
13.3 Contact Calls, Yes, and so What? Another issue, unrelated to the problem of intentionality, is that of the specific function played by a given contact call. As we have already noted, authors have labeled a range of vocalizations as contact or cohesion calls, though they apparently perform quite different specific functions. These run from maintaining contact at close or visual range up to regaining contact among widely separated individuals, from gaining access or proximity to an individual up to initiating group travel. A first problem with respect to such variation, and one common to most vocalization studies, is that authors do not specify at which functional level they are working. In other words, authors may use the same word, “function” or “purpose”, to imply quite different meanings. They may be referring to (1) the ultimate social consequence, (2) the immediate behavioral means of operation, or (3) the informational content of a call from the point of view of the receiver (we arrange these variants from more general to more specific levels). Note that there is another explanatory level when dealing with calls, which is the proximate mechanism through which a call operates. This level is located between the immediate behavioral means of operation and the informational content of a call. Since it has rarely been proposed as a “function” in the literature we will consider it alongside level (2). Consider, for example, a call that helps isolated animals to regain contact. This description refers to its immediate behavioral means of operation. While its social consequence may be to keep the spatial cohesion of the group, the proximate mechanism could be the exchange of calls between animals who wish to reunite. Finally, the informational content of the call could be the position of the group to the isolated individual and/or the emotional state of the caller. An additional problem pertaining more specifically to the immediate behavioral means of operation of contact calls is that, in some cases, a given label may apply to a continuum. For example, “maintaining/regaining contact between group
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
members” can be applied to calls given between animals that are separated in different degrees. The division into different categories (such as maintaining contact between close or distant group members) may be arbitrary. Keeping these problems in mind, we will attempt here to propose a classification scheme for different functional explanations that could be grouped under the label “contact”. The scheme was devised to help the study of contact calls by organizing the diversity of proposals into a common framework. This can both help to compare the studies that were already conducted, as well as organize future data collection aimed at providing data that could be used in a comparative way. We will stop at the level of the proximate mechanism, since the problem of the informational content of the call is a more specific (and thorny) one, with a whole body of literature related to the discussion of the referential vs. emotional content of vocalizations, or even if calls do have any informational content at all (Owren and Rendall 2001). Starting at the first functional level (social consequence), we will only consider calls which function to retain the spatial cohesion of the group, thus following the majority of studies on contact calls, or at least their unstated assumptions. This restriction leaves out a few studies in which vocalizations were labeled as contact calls but were proposed to have a different function, namely gaining or maintaining access/proximity/physical contact to an individual. We take these to refer to the second functional level (immediate behavioral means of operation), with a completely different social consequence (first functional level), probably related to purely social issues. As examples, we have the contact chatter of Leontopithecus rosalia emitted in physical contact contexts (McLanahan and Green 1977), and the contact calls of Macaca fuscata and Theropitecus gelada, produced before grooming contacts (Masataka 1989), and “before or during positive social interactions” (Aich et al. 1987), respectively. For a call that works in keeping the spatial cohesion of groups, there are three possible immediate behavioral means of operation. For each, there seems to be only one possible proximate mechanism (the next lower level of explanation).
13.3.1 Keeping Contact In this category we include all calls that apparently function to keep regular contact, although they may be given by individuals in different states of separation. It encompasses calls given by animals at close (or visual contact) range, and calls given by animals when visibility between them is poor or not possible at all. The pigmy marmoset illustrates these possibilities, showing three different contact calls depending on the separation distance (Snowdon and Hodun 1981). Northern muriquis use different calls to keep contact with close and quite distant group members (Mendes and Ades 2004), something apparently useful for this fission-fusion species. There are a number of situations in which it could be useful for animals to produce such calls even when at close ranges or in visual contact. One of these is in nocturnal species, for which visual contact is made even more difficult; indeed,
R.G.T. da Cunha and R.W. Byrne
categorization based on distance becomes somewhat arbitrary here. Another situation is when animals are concentrating on a given activity, such as when feeding or moving fast, and can maintain contact through calling without having to scan constantly for others, something that was observed to happen with the “monitoring” call of saddle-back tamarins (Caine and Stevens 1990). In all these cases the most likely mechanism to accomplish the behavioral means of operation of “keeping in contact” is reciprocal (or antiphonal) calling, which then guides the actions of the individuals.
13.3.2 Regaining Lost Contact Here we include those calls given in cases in which an animal/sub-group gets accidentally separated from others, usually described as being “lost” or isolated (a description that is somewhat contentious and hard to prove). We also incorporate in this category those calls used by fission-fusion species to help in guiding reunion of individuals. In these cases, the separation is not accidental but forms part of the normal behavioral repertoire of the species. As well as reciprocal calling, there is another theoretically possible proximate mechanism, in the light of the reunite hypothesis. If an animal wants to reunite with a separated member, before the individual itself wants to, then calling just by the first individual might then attract the attention of the separated one, who can then reunite without calling itself. The whinny of the spider monkey illustrates well this possibility, with calls not always being responded antiphonally, but sometimes just with an approach by another individual (Ramos-Fern´andez 2005).
13.3.3 Coordinating Group Travel Vocalizations included in this class may be of two kinds. (A) Calls given just before the initiation of a group travelling session, with the aim of inducing other individuals to follow the leader. (B) Calls uttered in the middle of travelling bouts with the apparent intent of changing route direction (and thus changing the lead as well). In this latter case, we take it that animals do not call because they want to reunite or maintain continuous contact with other(s). Rather, we are talking about a situation in which only one individual calls in order to change the behavior of all others, and who do not need to call back in order for the vocalization to fulfill its role. As examples, we have the studies by Boinski, who found calls with such functions in white-faced capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus (Boinski 1993), and squirrel monkeys, Saimiri oerstedi (Boinski 1991). In this category, the mechanism is either a temporal association between a vocal signal and a change of behavior (start of travelling bout or change of direction) or constant calling by the leader to help group members to orient themselves.
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
13.4 The Moo Call: Applying the Scheme In order to illustrate the application of the categorization presented above, we will analyze the possible immediate behavioral means of operation of the moo call of black howler monkeys. The first question to be addressed in this case is the relation between calling and the variables “travelling” and “group diameter”. Group diameter tends to be large during travel, so if calling is associated with travel, it is bound to relate to large group diameters as well. (The reverse relationship does not hold, as the call may be specifically used in static contexts of large group spread.) However, the proximal cue for calling might be either the travelling context itself, or a high dispersion. In the latter case, the specific function could be keeping contact between dispersed members or regaining lost contact. When travelling itself is the primary cause of calling, the immediate function could be to keep contact with other animals or be more specifically related to co-ordination of group travel. Anecdotal observations point to higher-than-average dispersion as the primary cause for calling. First, it was observed that animals did not call exclusively when travelling or about to start travelling. On a variety of occasions, animals (singles, small sub-groups or even the “core” of the group when one or more individuals were missing) gave moo calls when there was loss of visual contact between members of the group. The individual or party that joined the others would normally be the calling one, and the calls usually ceased after reunion. In a couple of cases, the separated animal(s) stopped calling after hearing a moo from another individual, and started travelling in the direction of the sound. Once, the alpha male was quite separated from the group (+/ − 150 m, a very large value for these howlers), kept emitting moos for at least 40 minutes at regular intervals. His erratic movements and apparent indecision gave the impression he was trying to re-locate the group. We have already mentioned the situation in which the core of the group gave moo calls for a long time in the absence of only the alpha male. All these observations point toward a function of regaining contact (category 2), and do not fit well into a regular exchange of calls as it happens in those cases where the function is keeping contact (category 1). Given the kinds of circumstances in which it was produced, an exclusive role in travel coordination (category 3) also does not seem to apply. Sometimes, however, there was a high rate of calling involving adults, yet every animal was within visual reach of a couple of others, although not of the whole group. Examples include cases when there were two animals heading in very different directions, or part of the group started moving while others kept resting, or travelling sessions that led to a large group spread. The calls usually terminated when the group was more cohesive or when a clear travel session ensued. Those observations seem to indicate a function of keeping contact (category 1) or coordinating group travel (category 3). Such an interpretation is reinforced by the observation that travelling under very windy conditions, which impairs hearing the sounds made by other travelling animals, also seemed to trigger calling. However, if co-ordination is the role, it is definitely of a different nature from that described in squirrel and capuchin monkeys (Boinski 1991, 1993), as initiators and leaders were not the main or exclusive callers.
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Thus, it seems that moos can perform two, or even all three of the proposed immediate behavioral roles. There are few species in which the same call performs the three different behavioral roles categorized above. In the majority of cases there is a call which is used for keeping contact, and when the animals are “lost” there is another call type. Guinea baboons are an exception (Byrne 1981), although splitting in sub-groups is part of their routine, while this is not true of howlers. The possibility that moos might have a broader range of functions than contact calls of most other species makes them an interesting target for further research, as does the fact that it is also produced by immature individuals in stressful situations, a completely different context and apparently unrelated to its contact role.
13.5 Proposed Study Designs: a Road Map to Contact Calls We now propose some designs for future work, with three related aims in mind: testing whether a given vocalization is indeed a contact call (in the sense of functioning to retain the spatial cohesion of a group); elucidating the behavioral role and the particular mechanism of a contact call; and testing the two alternative hypotheses that could explain the motivation behind a proposed contact call.
13.5.1 Contact Call In order to show a given vocalization is indeed a contact one, it seems obvious to begin by looking at spatial cohesion. Thus, one must have clear and detailed measures of group spread. For that end, instantaneous samples should be taken of the group diameter (understood as the maximum distance between any two group members) at regular intervals, in order to provide a baseline picture of spread. However, this is a crude measure and somewhat unrealistic, given that a group of primates is not spread out in an even way in all directions. It would therefore be interesting as well to register the distance on an axis 90 degrees to the first one, as done by Palombit (1992). The multiplication of the two provides an index of group spread which might reflect more accurately the larger variety of situations in the real world than mere maximum distances. The next step is to record these measures focally at those times when an animal produces the vocalization suspected to be a contact call, and also at regular intervals after the call or the start of the session (if calls are produced in volleys, be it by a single individual or by many) and after the cessation of calling. These intervals should be smaller than the ones used for the baseline data collection, but the experience of the researcher with the species being studied will indicate the best intervals. The idea behind all these measures is to compare the baseline values with the focal ones in order to test two predictions. First, if the call possesses some contactrelated function, then its emission should be associated with group diameters larger than usual. (Larger group spreads are situations in which maintaining contact is
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
presumably more necessary or in which it is more likely for animals to get separated from the group or to be already isolated.) One would also predict a relation between the cessation of a call (or a bout of calling) and a decrease in values of group diameter, perhaps returning to average (or lower) values. Alternatively we could expect to observe reductions of group diameter more often than increases after calling. The measures above allow a quantification of group spread, but not of the separation between individuals or whether they were within visual reach or not. Ideally one should also register the distances of every individual in relation to all others at regular time intervals. Such data would provide useful baseline figures about the average separation between each pair of animals. Clearly, however, this is not feasible with a large group of animals. In this situation the researcher might be able to sample a sub-set of the group on each day, or the distance of focal animals to all visible animals, and alternate the focal animal between previously defined sampling periods. These distances could also be recorded when a focal individual calls, noting especially which animals are likely to be in the visual field of the caller. Data collection, analysis and predictions are similar to those described above. The baseline data could also be analyzed in a similar way as done by Palombit (1992), using multiple regression, with the number of calls in a given time period as the dependent variable and distances of interest as the independent ones. However, even if a given call is not produced in situations of large group spread and does not lead to a decrease in group diameter, it might still function as a contact call. For example, it could be used during fast travel or travel through a low visibility habitat, when the group diameter is within normal values but the animals must maintain contact vocally to avoid losing track of others, or to avoid having to scan the environment constantly. The call could also have a behavioral role of coordinating group travel. In order to take account of these and other possibilities, we imagined some refinements in data collection. To investigate visibility, since conditions vary hugely from one study site to the other, the simplest measure would be to record regularly—alongside the distance of each animal to the others—whether pairs are likely to be within sight, with yes/no sampling. If the call were indeed a contact one, we would predict that the more animals that are out of sight of each other, the more likely it is for the animals to call. Where calling functions to coordinate travel, one would predict that calling should be more associated with travelling than other behavioral states—with the proviso that initiation of travel may fail to produce this association. To test this prediction, the most straightforward method would be to collect data continuously on focal animals for fixed periods of time, recording behavioral states, such as travelling, feeding, resting, etc. Afterwards, the researcher would have a sample of calling rates along different behavioral states for the group individuals, and could perform an appropriate statistical test of the prediction above. Additionally, it may be interesting to focus on the mechanics of “travelling” itself, which can be divided into leading, following, or travelling alone. If the call does have a role in co-ordination, then one would expect it to be associated with leading but not to following or travelling alone. Special attention could be paid to attempts to change group direction,
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a leading role performed by animals that are not at the front of the progression. A possible criterion is to register if a following animal starts moving in a direction that deviates more than, say, 30 degrees from the current one. If the call is associated to such attempts then it also has a role in travel co-ordination. If the researcher has a large sample of events, including for example other calls, displays, etc., then the prediction is that if the two events (calling and attempts) are indeed associated, transition probabilities between them should be significantly higher than expected by chance (see Robinson 1979b; Snowdon and Cleveland 1984 for examples of the use of the technique). If a call is associated with travelling, but is produced by many or most animals, then it will probably have a role of “keeping contact”. Such an idea would be reinforced if they were emitted more often during fast travel or in locomotion through poorer visibility habitats. The data collection suggested up to this point can also help to elucidate if a call functions to regain lost contact. In this case, the prediction is that the call should be given by those individuals that are separated or visually isolated from all or the majority of others. Here the researcher needs also appropriate criteria to define separation. We suggest two alternatives. One could use fixed criteria based on experience (for example if an animal is more than y meters from the majority of the group, it is considered to be separated). Alternatively, separated animals could be those whose distance in relation to the majority of others lies at the upper end of the distribution of baseline distances. To address the specific possibility of initiation of group travel, one should note all attempts to get a group moving. A preliminary definition of an attempt could be: a situation whereby an animal starts travelling after a resting or feeding session, moving away from the nearest individual more than x meters (x, for example, might be a proportion of the diameter of troop dispersion). To differentiate between “true” initiation attempts on one hand and solitary movement and failed attempts on the other, it is necessary to note if the group started moving within y minutes of an attempt, and the azimuth taken with respect to the initial alignment of the initiator with the rest of the group (Boinski 1991; Boinski 1993). If the majority of the animals in the group start moving in the same direction of an attempt, it is deemed successful, otherwise is a failure (or a solitary movement). However, particularities of different species may make a universal criterion worthless, and the researcher should use one that is appropriate for his/her species. If the vocalization under study does have a role in initiation of group travel, then one would expect a temporal association between calling and initiation of travel. Another prediction is that successful initiation attempts should be more associated to the call under study than failed attempts/solitary movements. In both cases, the test of the prediction can be made using transition probabilities, as proposed above with respect to attempts to change travel direction. Some possible refinements include noting, in successful initiation attempts, the time lag between the attempt and the last animal to start moving. A distribution of those latencies should provide a more objective evaluation of those cases in which there seems to be “resistance” to follow. Conflicting initiation attempts, leading to real or potential group splitting, may be especially revealing. In both cases, if the
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
leader(s) make use of the call, one has further data that reinforces the notion it plays a role in initiation of group travel. Showing that there is a system of call exchange would help in determining a call works in keeping contact between group members. Here one can also make use of transition probabilities since, if there is a call-and-answer system, transition probabilities between calls from different individuals should be higher than expected by chance.
13.5.2 Personal-Status × Reunite Since the personal-status and the reunite hypotheses differ in the predicted effect of separation between individuals in their answering behavior, this can provide a test between the hypotheses. In the case of the personal-status hypothesis, one would expect answers only from animals that are themselves separated, while this is not necessary in the light of the alternative hypothesis. Note that, for this test, the researcher needs to have specific criteria for two parameters: answer and separation. To determine if a given call is an answer to a previous emission, transition probabilities could help once again. An “answer” should be a call that is produced after another with a transition probability significantly higher than expected by chance. Some authors, however, have used either a time criterion (Cheney et al. 1996; Jordan et al. 2004; Ramos-Fern´andez 2005) or considered answers as calls produced during an emission of another animal (Digweed et al. 2007). Regarding separation, there could be many ways to define it or to test if the degree of separation interferes with the probability of an answer. For example, one could compare the distances between an answerer and the nearest individual to it, to the baseline sample of “nearest individual” distances (compiled from the regularly collected data on the distances between each individual and all others). The personal-status hypothesis predicts that there would be a significant difference between the two samples, while this is not true for the reunite hypothesis. However, reality may not be as simple as the test above suggests. Proponents of the personal-status hypothesis could still argue that, apart from distance itself, many other factors could also influence the “feeling” of separation and the likelihood of an answer. These factors could include degree of visibility, position of the animal within the cloud of group spread, kind of activity being carried out, among others. Thus further data should be collected to tease apart these possibilities, as we suggest below. The personal-status hypothesis predicts that animals in the periphery of the group, or lagging behind in travel sessions, should exhibit a higher probability of answering to a contact call than centre ones, something not expected under the reunite hypothesis. Thus, the position of the animal within the “cloud” of group spread should also be noted. For stationary behaviors (resting/feeding), a centre/periphery criterion should suffice. For travelling, one should record the position of the animal in the line of progression, divided in thirds, for example, as done with
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baboons (Cheney et al. 1996), or even the position of every individual if species’ characteristics allow. If visibility and species allow, a sketch of the group cloud, with distances indicated, would provide much useful data. We suggest collecting such kind of information at regular intervals and also focally, during call emission. The reunite hypothesis predicts that answers should be more likely to be given to calls emitted by close kin, friends or higher ranking animals (see Table 13.2 above). The data collected (both regularly and focally during call emission) regarding the distance of every individual in relation to others is enough to test these predictions. Regarding visibility, using the data collected as suggested above, the prediction from the personal-status hypothesis is that the more animals who are out of an animal’s sight the more likely it will answer the calls of others, and that animals with many others in sight should not answer at all. The alternative hypothesis would predict that the likelihood of answers is not influenced by the presence/absence of other individuals within sight, and that answers could be given in situations of full visibility of the majority of the group. We acknowledge that the collection of all the data suggested above would be taxing, and in fact impossible to do all at once. Alternation between different kinds of data collection on different days may be needed.
13.6 Playback Experiments Besides collecting behavioral data, a researcher can also conduct playback experiments. Although a powerful technique, its use in the field of primate vocal communication studies in the wild has been mostly restricted to loud or alarm calls (Cheney et al. 1996; Rendall et al. 2000; Ramos-Fern´andez 2005 are the exceptions with contact calls that confirm the rule). In this final section we suggest some designs useful for the issues discussed above, but the possibilities here are limited only by the creativity of the researcher. We assume the reader is familiar with all the care that must be taken to avoid pseudo-replication, and similar precautions, to ensure the playback mimics as natural a situation as possible. To test between the personal-status and the reunite hypotheses an experiment could be used. The starting point is a sample of contact calls from all individuals in the group (note that we must use calls from the study group itself in order to avoid possible confounding effects due to group members recognizing calls from strangers, and behaving as if an unfamiliar individual is nearby). Then, when a given individual is isolated from the group, the researcher can employ two tactics (following Cheney et al. 1996; Rendall et al. 2000). Contact calls from this separated individual could be played to the core of the group. If the personal-status hypothesis is correct, then one should expect no answer at all, since none of the individuals in the core of the group are in any way separated. On the other hand, the reunite hypothesis predicts that answers will occur, and that these will be more likely the higher the degree of association of an individual to the separated one whose calls were played back. The second tactic is to play calls from core group members to
The Use of Vocal Communication in Keeping the Spatial Cohesion of Groups
the separated animal. The prediction under the personal-status hypothesis is that the isolated animal should answer irrespective of the animal whose call was played back, since calling is triggered only by its own state of separation. Alternatively, the reunite hypothesis predicts that answers will be more likely the higher the degree of association between the caller and the isolated animal. The designs of Ramos-Fern´andez’s (2005) experiments are elegant ones to show the use of calls in regaining contact or keeping contact at large distances. Regarding the possible behavioral roles that can be played by a contact call, playback experiments might also be useful. For example, if the call in question works in keeping contact between group members, the researcher can play back calls at a range of situations varying in their need for keeping contact. For example, calls (always from individuals that are out of sight of the majority or considering only the answers of those animals out of the sight of the “caller”) at various group diameters. If the call works in keeping contact, then one expects that the higher the group diameter at the playback time, the more likely it is for animals to answer or the higher its intensity. Another option is to test if a call works in initiation of group travel. For this, one must play calls from different individuals to the group during a resting session (again ensuring that the real animal whose call is going to be played is out of the sight of the majority). If the call does promote travel initiation then one would expect that the reaction (either in looking at the speaker direction or actually starting to move in its direction) should be proportional to the frequency of the “caller” as a travel leader. Thus calls from infants, juveniles or lower ranking animals would generally be ignored, while calls from high ranking adults should generate stronger reactions. Unfortunately, apart from initiation, it may not be possible to test if a call works in other aspects of travel co-ordination, since this would involve playing back at an ongoing travel session, a situation which poses very difficult logistic constraints.
13.7 Summary The existence of a call-and-answer system in primate contact calls has been questioned on the grounds that it would need a theory of mind in order to operate. On this view, answers would occur depending only on the state of separation of the answerers themselves (personal-status hypothesis); We suggest that the behavior might be explained by a first-order intentionality mechanism, with no theory of mind implied: both animals involved want to reunite and know that they should call for that end (reunite hypothesis); Anecdotal observations on a contact call of black howler monkeys Alouatta caraya, the moo, indicates that the behavior of the animals conforms to the predictions of the reunite hypothesis; Part of the great variety of functional proposals for contact calls in the literature stems from a lack of precision of authors with respect to the explanatory level they are working, which they usually label as the call function;
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Three levels are commonly used in vocalization studies, and we added a fourth one for completeness (number 3 below). These are (from the more general to the more specific): (1) the social consequence of the call, (2) its immediate behavioral means of operation, (3) its proximate mechanism, or (4) the informational content of a call from the point of view of the receiver; Applying this hierarchical categorization to contact calls, most authors restrict the usage of the term to calls having a social consequence of keeping the spatial cohesion of the group; We identified three immediate behavioral means of operation to achieve that consequence: keeping contact; regaining lost contact, and coordinating group travel; The proximate mechanism of “keeping in contact” is reciprocal calling, which guides the necessary actions of the individuals; to regain lost contact animals can also use reciprocal calling or a member at the core of the group might want to reunite with a separated member, and then call, guiding the isolated individual, with no counter-calling being necessary; to coordinate group travel, there must be an association between calling and a change of behavior, be it the initiation of a travel bout or a change of direction, or constant calling by the leader to help group members to orient themselves; The moo call seems to operate through the behavioral means of keeping in contact, and regaining lost contact, and maybe in coordinating group travel as well; Our proposed observational and experimental design can help to address both questions raised here, the alternative hypotheses about the possibility of a calland-answer system in contact vocalizations, and the various explanatory levels for these calls. Acknowledgments We would like to thank EMBRAPA for kindly allowing using the study area for the conduction of the research on black howler monkeys’ vocalizations and for providing many logistic facilities. In particular, Emiko Kawakami de Resende and Jos´e Anibal Comastri Filho for speeding up the work permission, decreasing the fees, and providing access to logistical help, Gentil Cavalcanti and Marcos Tadeu, responsible for logistics at the farm, Sandra Santos for general help, and the cowboys and drivers for helping to sort out a myriad of small problems. Dr. Eckhard Heymann and an anonymous reviewer provided many insightful comments in an earlier version of the manuscript, which was greatly improved with their contributions. RGTC’s Ph.D. study was funded by a CAPES studentship (n◦ 1373/99 4). Field work was partly funded by a Russell Trust Award from St. Leonard’s College, University of St. Andrews. The help of Marcelo Oliveira Maciel (fieldwork assistant) was invaluable at all phases of data collection.
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