Thickening of the western part of the Greenland ice sheet

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thickening/thinning, of the ice-sheet catchment area inland from the velocity trm·erse. ... balance, but localized regions inland from Uperna\'ik Isstrom andJakobsha\'n rsbnc both .... Within the catchme11l area (S), corresponding to an exit ... ice and basal sliding is to increase the column-a\'eraged ... As new data become.
JournalofClaci%gy, T,-ol. 44, .Vo. 148, 1998

Thickening of the western part of the Greenland ice sheet R OBERT





C. J


KARL K UIVI NEN:l '2 B yrd -

I Code 1 5,. V.!lSA Headquarters, 300 E Stmt S /I : rI ashillgtoll, DC 20546, CS.A. PoLar Research Center, Th e Ohio State [;niversit)" 1090 Carmack Road. CO/limbus, Ohio '13210, Cs. ... l. 3 PoLar Ice Coring Office, enil'asiLy if. \ ebra;ka- Linco/Il, LiIlCO/II. ,\ ebraska 68588, Cs. .../.

ABSTRACT. NASA's Program for Arctic Reg io n a l C lim a te Assess m e nt (PARCA )

inc ludes measuremel1ls of ice velocity and ice thi ckn ess a long the 2000 m ele\'ation conto ur line in the western part of the icc sh ee t. H ere wc use th ese Illcas u remcnts together with published estim a tes of snow-accumulation rates to infer the mass balance, or rate o f thi cke ning/t hinning, of the ice-sh ee t catchm ent a rea inl and from the ve loc it y trm·e rse. \\'ithin th e acc uracy to which we kn ow sno\\'-accum ul ation rates, the ent ire area is in balance, but localized regions inl a nd from Uperna\' ik Iss trom a ndJakobs h a\'n rsbnc both appear to be thickening by abou t 10 c m a I.

L INTRODUCTION Desp ite seve ral decad es of int ensive Geld im-csti gati o n s, wc still do not kn ow whether the Greenland a nd Antarctic ic e sheets arc increasing or dec reas ing in volume. The answe r to thi s questio n has d ea r reie\'ance to o ur understand ing o f~ a nd ability to predict, sea-level change. The goa l o f~ASA's Program for Arctic R egional C lim a te A ssessment (PARCA ) is to measure a nd understand th e mass ba lance o f th e Greenland ice sheet (Abdalati and o thers, in press ), \\'ith direc t meas urem c- nts of changrs, 0\ '(' 1' time, in ice-surface eleva ti on as the pr i m a ry object i\'C'. Th e program a lso includes "traditi o na l" m ass-balance investigations by co mpa rin g ice discharge w ith tota l snow acc umul at ion . Thi s is the work th at we report he re. Figure I shows t he locati ons of stat ions where ice m ot io n is inferred from repeated global positioning system (GPS ) measurements. Those a long most o r thc \\'es tern part or the ice sh eet were establi shed in 1993 and 1 99 -~ by snowmobilc, a nd remea sured in 1995 and 1996 us ing a Twin Otter a irpl a ne [o r tra nspo rta tion. Thi s part o f the traverse li es 'within th e percolati o n zo ne. "Ve use ice vel oc iti es dcri\'ed from th ese sta ti ons, a nd m eas urements of ice thickness a lo ng th e sam e rou te, to calcu late total ire discharge [or co mpa ri so n wit h total inl a nd snow acc umul a ti on in o rder to infe r thl' rate of thicken ing o r thinning of this part of' the ice sh eet. A lthough th is is a \'olum e-bala nee calc ul a tion, wc use th e te rm "mass ba la nce" elsewhere in thi s paper because thi s is co mmon ly enco unte red in glac io log ica l literature, an d vo lume ba lance can readi ly be con\"e rLed to m ass bala nce with knowledge o r ice density. Each t raverse sta ti on comprises a j ointed a luminu m po le, wh ich is the reference ma rke r fo r GPS meas ure m e nts, a nd a closely ad jacent fl agged bamboo pole to aid re location

Presen t address: EG&G, 900 C lopper Road, Suite 200, Gaithersburg, rfaryland, U.S.A.



Ice Sheet Local Ice Cap Land \ ® Ice Core Sites + GPS Velocity Traverse

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Fig. 1. Green /and mal) showillg low/iolls qjs/a/ions Id/e re ice 1II0/ioll is ill/nredjrom repealed CPS measurements. Contollrs qjsIlOl(' -({(ClllI1l1la /ioll ratesfroll1 Olunllra and Reeh (1991) ill {Ill a I water eqlli1'(l /ent are a/so illcluded. R esu/ts presenter! here flreJor /he bored area. 653

J ournal qfClacioLogy of the sta ti o n. Freshl y pl a nted , both po les extend about 2.5 m above the surface, a nd th e ex posed leng th of each pole was m eas ured to prQ\'ide a n estim ate of loca l snow acc umulati on. For the snowmohi le trave rse, one or two stati ons were esta bli shed each work d ay, whereas with the Twin Otter as m a ny as ten stations were establi shed or remeasured in a d ay, w ith brief stops to establi sh a GPS receive r at th e site, and a seco nd \'isit la ter in th e day to retri eve the recei\·e r. Th e GPS receivers acqu ired severa l hours of data at most stati o ns, with a minimum occupation of about 40 min. Comparison of th e repeated GPS locations, separated by a minimum of I yea r, yields estimates of surface ice velocit y with mag nitudes, generally, of a few tens of m a I. iVlost of the GPS so luti ons arc acc urate to better than 20 cm in a ll coordinates, but additiona l errors arc introdueed by tilting of the m a rker poles a nd inadyertent mi slocat ion of the GPS antenn a. H ere, we ass ume the effect of th ese various errors to r es ult in a vcloci t y error of ()












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400 600 Distance (D) in km



Fig. 3. Rates of ice-Ihickness change ( T ) along pari of the wesl side of Ihe Greenlalld ice sheet. Th e distance, D, is measured perpendicuafr to iceflowJrom the nOTthem end of Ihe ice-motion lraverse. falues ofTJor individual exit gates are shown b..y the vertical bars, and associated errors aTe between ±6 and ±20 cm a I Th egrey band dejJicls values of TcalClllatedJor larger gates, comprising several travem staliol1s, such that the catchm enl area is approximatefy 30000 kill H ere, the lIncertainlj' in T is indicated tv the thickness oflhe grl!)I band. whirh is a smoothed versiolZ ofthe bm'plolthat is It-righted according to catchment area, and conseqllentfy peaks and troughs il1 the two plots do notnecessari{J' malch. C and] indicate sites discussed ill the text. one traverse station a t a tim e, to gi\'e the va lues depicted by the grey band in Fi g ure 3. To reduce errors furth e r, we ca lculated the mass ba lance fo r th e fo ur la rge regions show n in Figure 4, with a reas o f 80000- 100000 km 2 , a nd with di stinc ti ve p atterns of thick-


o'---------' 100 km

f ig. -1-. FOllr regions. A-D, It'ill! distinctive JJClttems of i(ethickness change shown, in cm a I, b)' th e circled numbers. U and] indicate sites discussed ill the text, and hatching indicates the small area that ajJPears to be rajJidfy thinning.

ness change. H ere, all erro rs a re insignificant compa red to those assoc iated with unce rta inty in the average snow-accumul atio n rates within a region, which we ass ume to be ± 10% . Thi s is equi va le nt to a n error in the ice-thickness change of between ± 4 a nd ± 5 cm a 1 which represe nts about the hi g hest acc uracy to which we can estimate mass balance b y co mparing snow fa ll wit h ice di sch a rge until we have be tte r estimatcs of snow-accumu lation rates. 'L,ke n LOgether. all four o f the regions shown in Fig ure 4 a re in balance, with a n average thickenin g ra te of onl y 1.5 cm a I. Fo rtuitously, thi s \'a lue is almost ide ntica l to that estim a ted far the entire ice shee t from a m odel ing study of its long-te rm beha\'iou r (Hu ybrechts, 1994). The re a re two regio ns of thi c ken ing, Band D , separated by a regio n ofpossible thinning immediately nort h ofJ a kobshav n Isbn'C . Th e most striking aspec t of Figure 3 is the hig h var iabilit y in thic ke ning rates for catc hm ent a reas co rres ponding to individu a l ex it gates. Th e la rge r negative va lu es a re associated w ith \'C ry small catc hment a reas, and associated errors arc la rge. I n par tic u lar, th e \'er y la rge thinning rate of8 0 cm a 1is fo r th e sma ll tri a ng ula r catchm e nt area in th e middl e of th e traverse (Fig. 4), where th cre is a large veloc ity g rad ient ac ross th e gate. Thi s gate straddl es th e ridge se parating th e Upernavik dra in age basin from that o f th e Rink Isbn:c. Consequently, we calc ul a ted ice di scharge through the ga te by assum ing zero velocity at the gate cente r, a pprox im ately a t the cres t of th e ridgc. With thi s ass umption, th e total vo lume of ice discharged was m ore than three times la rge r th an the \'o lum e acc umul ated, but thi s cou ld result from errors in ou r estim a ti on of the catc hme nt a rea. The neighbori ng gate to the so uth has a ve ry la rge catchment a rea, an d has a calc ul ated thi c ke ning rate of 17 c m a 1 Taken together, the catchmen t areas fo r th e two gates have a calcu lated thickening rate of on ly 5 cm a I. Furth e r n o rth, within th e catchmcnt area la belled U in Figure :1, G. H am ilton and 1. M . Whill a ns ( perso na l communication, 1998) measured a local thinning of more than 50cm a 1.\Vca lso infcrthinnin g (of 20± IOcma I) for th e single-gate catc hment area con ta ining this site (F ig. 3). Our results show bo th of the neig hboring single-gate catchmen t


J ournal qfGlaciology areas to be thickening, a nd wc origin a lly ass umed thi s la rge \·ar iability over sma ll di ta nces to be caused by errors in our reco nstruction of the nowlin es. However, th e reaso na ble ag ree ment with th e single-point estim ate of H amilton a nd Whill a ns suggests that th ere m ay be a hig h degree of spa ti a l \·a ri a bility in ice-thickening rates in thi s region. If" th ere is, then highl y locali zed meas urements of ice-thickness cha nge should be interpreted with great ca re. Errors a re significa ntly less for results frOI11 the approxima tel y 30000 km 2 catchment a reas, d epicted by the g rey ba nd in Figure 3. H ere, the dominant features are the hi gh rates of thickening close to Uperna\'ik Isstrom (14 ± 6 cm a I) a ndJa kobshav n Isbra:: (10 ± 6 cm a I). Th ese thickening r a tes a re equi va lent to abo ut 35% (Up ernav ik ) and 20 % Ua kobsha\'n ) of th e snow-accumulati on rates meraged over th e catchment a reas. Evidence fro m recent cores (perso nal communicati on from R. C. Bales a nd others, 1998) indi cates tha t Ohmura a nd Reeh's acc umul ation r ates are approxim atel y 25 % too la rge a t a site upstream of Uperna\' ik Isst ro m (U in Fig. 4) but ve ry e10se to obsen ·ed \·alues a t a site sli ghtl y north of th e J a kobsha" n drain age basin U in Fig. 4). Thus, a lthough th e single-ga te thi ckening ra te a t U p ern avik in Figure 3 is probably too hig h, we believe o ur error assumpti ons to be reasonabl e, a nd th at ac tu al th ickening rates, ave raged over 30000 km 2 a reas, li e within th e sha ded band shown in Fig ure 3. Our results a re broadl y consistent with those from o ther studi es. Weidick (1991) presented evidence for retreat o f m a ny of the outl et glaciers in so uthern Gree nl and, fro m the mid-19th century until th e 1950s, since wh en there has bee n a readva nce. Of pa rticul a r relevance to our slUdy is th e genera l readvance of the ice sheet so uth ofJakobsh av n Isbra:: (o ur region D ), with co ntinuo us retrea t immedi a tel y to th e north (our regio n C ). Zwally (1989) a nd Davis a nd othe rs (1998) interpreted satellite rada r a ltimetr y d ata to co nclude th at th e ice sheet, south of 72 N, thickened betvveen 1978 a nd 1986- 88. Z wa ll y's resu lts show significa nt thickening for most of thi s area, but r ecent a nalysis ta king acco unt of improved satellite orbits, etc. , indicates ave r age thickening rates of abo ut 6 cm a I, or a bout 25% o f the ea rli er estimate'S (perso nal communi cati on from H.]. Z wa lly, 1997). Davis and others' results indicate an ave r age thickening rate of 1 m between 1980 a nd 1993 at locations approxim a tely 300 km so uth of th e region (D in Fi g. 4) where \Ve infer thi ckening 01' 6 cm a I. Th ere arc mi xed res ults from th e soca lled EGIG lin e, approx im ately a long th e ma rgin between our regions C a nd D, where repeated le\"Cling indicated thickening of about Im between 1959 a nd 1968 (Sec kcl, 1977), but thinning by abo ut 3.5 m between 1968 and 1992 (K ock, 1993). H owever, it is difficult to assess the rel iabilit y of th e EGIG res ults. It is importa nt to no te that these va rio us m ass-bala nce estim ates refer to different time peri o d s, with our va lues indicative of trend s over the pas t few decades. D a ta collected during 1997 will permit us to co mplete

our mass-bala nce stud y a round the entire trave rse shown in Figure I. Th en, during 1998 a nd 1999, repeat a irborne surveys of a ll the 1993- 94 lase r-altimeter sur vey li nes will re\·ea l a ll a reas of signifi ca11l thickening or thinning over the ice shee t; and other PARC A im"Cstigati ons should help identify th e causes of these cha nges. Changes d etec ted by the airborne lase r sur veys will refer to th e 5 year period 1993- 94 to 1998- 99. Longer-term trends wi II be measured by ~ASA's G eoscience Lase r A ltimeter Sys teITl (GLAS ), to be launched in 2001. This w i II acc urately measure ice-sheet ele\·ati ons a t latitudes up to 86°, covering th e entire Greenland ice sh eet a nd most o f Antarctica. GLAS data will extend th e time seri es of Greenl a nd aircra ft m eas urements, and wi ll provide a first opportunity to meas ure ice-thickn ess changes over la rge areas in Anta rctica.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS \ Ve th ank M :. Fa hnestock for hi help in remeasuring some of the traverse stations in 1995, Vv. Krabill a nd ]. Sonntag for processing th e GPS data, H o ng Xu for assistance with the mass-ba la nce computation, a nd P. Hu ybrechts for prm·iding res ults o f his model simula tions of the ice sh eet. \Ve are particul a rl y indebted to the pi lot, ]. Finnboga son, a nd crew orthe Gree n la ndairTwin Otter used in 1995 and 1996 to re\·isit th e traverse stati ons. Their skill, pati ence a nd hard wo rk ma d e thi s proj ect feasible. We thank R. Bindsc hadlcr and D. M acAyeal for helpful comments tha t significantl y impro\·ed the text. This proj ect IS supported by NASA's Polar R esea rch Program. Thi s is Byrd Pol a r Research Ce nter co ntributi on No. 11 16.

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illS received 20 Oc/ober 1997 and accefJled ill rellisedjorm 12 J une 1998 658