Timekeeper Manual

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TimeKeeper Employee Functions. Education Management Systems, Inc. You are now ready to use ISIS TimeKeeper! All the files have been set up, programs ...
ISIS TimeKeeper A Module of the ISIS Payroll System Version 5.60

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions You are now ready to use ISIS TimeKeeper! All the files have been set up, programs loaded, and the “switch” has been turned on. This section describes the employee functions. SIGNING IN & OUT The initial sign-on screen requests the employee number. For security purposes, the employee ID does not display as digits when entered.

Note that the date and time that is displayed on the Sign In/Sign Out screen is the current server time.

After keying the Employee number, click on Enter. The system will then prompt user for their PIN#.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

PIN (Personal Identification Number) is optional but suggested. This adds additional security for employees who may have the same last 4 digits of their SSN#. Type in PIN and click Enter to continue. An employee with multiple jobs will select the job for which the sign in time should be recorded. Note: The screen below is omitted for employees with only one job.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Confirmation of employee and job selected appear in top left of screen. Current date/time stamp indicate the begin time that will recorded when employee signs in. Messages for site selected employees or all locations are displayed in red at the bottom of the screen.

Several options appear for selection.

Click Sign In to record begin time for job. User is returned to Log In screen.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions To Sign Out, log back in to TimeKeeper. When the employee signs out, he/she will still enter the system using an Employee # and PIN. Notice the system knows which job the employee is signed in as. Click on Continue to Sign Out.

OR To sign out of the BUS job and into the TA job, just click TA. Then click Sign In. TimeKeeper automatically signs out the BUS and shows the sign in for the TA.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Reviewing Your Timesheet The employee signs in as noted previously. After clicking on the TIMESHEET button, their current timesheet displays: Note that there is a calendar available to look up and select dates.

The user will be allowed to scroll up and down the screen. The pay period dates default for display, but the selection may be changed. The calendar can also be used to look up and select dates. The user can select ALL JOBS to display on their timesheet or they can specify one job at a time. This is accomplished by clicking in the Select Job box and choosing an option- the default is ALL jobs. Next to the Pay Period selection are indicators. The Payroll Cutoff date is highlighted on your timesheet in green. Holidays are highlighted in pink. Required Annual Leave days are highlighted in lavender. The columns include Date, Job, Begin Time (signed in), End Time (signed out), Hours Worked, Absence Reason, and an Approval Flag. The options at the top of the screen include: BACK – Takes you back one screen where you can Sign Out, view your Timesheet, Change your PIN, and Exit to the main screen. MAIN – Takes you directly back to the main Sign-In screen. APPROVE – Marks all unapproved time records as approved by you, the employee. PRINT – Prints your Timesheet. REFRESH – Reloads/refreshes your screen if a different date selection or job ID is desired. Inquires

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions There are several employee inquiry options available. The employee can view their leave balances and past pay checks. To access these options, select Inquiries from the main menu.

The following screen will display, detailing all the inquiry options available to the employee:

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions View Leave Balances shows the employee their current leave balances effective as of their last pay check. Each type of leave that the employee is eligible for is displayed. The employee can use the PRINT function to print a copy of this leave balance screen.

View Pay Checks shows the employee a copy of their past pay checks. The employee can choose a month to display the checks for and the check automatically displays. From the drop down box, NOTE: With release 5.30, users will be able to see their actual leave balances, select the month you and W4 information as it was on the past check. wish to display the check(s) for. The checks that were earned during that month are displayed. If there is more than one, select the check you wish to display in detail.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions OVERVIEW Ideally, each site will have an employee who acts as the administrator of ISIS TimeKeeper for the site. Typically this will include entering absences for employees, providing the second level of approval for time records, and monitoring the exceptions that may occur. Exceptions will be: • Employees who are required to sign in but do not. • Employees who are required to sign out but do not. • You may also view employees who have worked MORE than the normal number of hours or those who have worked LESS than the normal number of hours as specified in their pay table. Administrators must have a valid ISIS Payroll Profile. The location screen within security set up is used to determine which employees they will have access to. Site administrators will see their location (school/department) name display on the main screen. The location name displayed is from the GL site file. Central Office staff will see the school system name on the main screen. The school system name displayed is the name in the GL control file.

After clicking on the ISIS TimeKeeper Administrator icon, the following sign-on screen displays.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions After entering a valid user id and password, the main screen displays.

Notice the menu options at the top of the screen. Click on a menu option to view sub-menu options. File – The only option is to Exit the system. This can also be done by clicking on the “X” in the top right hand corner of the screen. Employee – Allows you to view employee information and substitute phone numbers. Data – Provides you with a way to look up time records. Timesheet Approvals – Timesheets need “electronic” approvals by the cutoff date. Go to this option to approve Timesheets. Reports – Allows you to print reports of exceptions, leave balances, substitutes, absences or timesheets for further review. Utilities – Allows Central Office staff to select a particular site for viewing data. Each site administrator will only have access to one site. Alerts are also setup and maintained under Utilities. These alerts can be set for all locations or site specific.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Employee

Under this option you have Employee Lookup and Substitute Inquiry. Employee Lookup – allows the user to review information on employees such as their profile, deductions, leave balance, checks, assignments, tax information and direct deposit only as allowed in their ISIS PR security profile.


Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions This screen allows you to look up one sub or a list of substitute employees. Their phone numbers are listed to make calling a potential substitute easier. The substitute’s daily rate also displays. This information is extracted from the Employee Profile screen:

You may narrow the search by entering the first two characters of a last name, such as “Sm”, and then click the refresh button. The system will look for substitutes whose last names begin with a “Sm”. Likewise, you may enter a full last name in the search criteria.


Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

Notice the different options available under DATA: •

Employees Not Signed In: The calendar is used to determine who should be signed in on any given day.

Employees Not Signed Out: The assignment determines whether an employee should also be required to sign out. Those who have not signed out on the previous day (or days) are listed.

Exceeds Normal Hours: This provides a list of employees who have worked more than their normal daily hours. The pay table indicates the normal number of work hours.

Less Than Normal Hours: This provides a list of employees who have worked less than their normal daily hours, again pulling information from the pay table.

All Time Records: Allows a view of all the time records.

Add Records: This menu option takes you directly to a screen for adding records to TimeKeeper.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Screen Navigation

Title Bar indicates the data you are seeing:

If left blank, all employees are displayed. However, you can specify an employee.

In this case Employees Not Signed In.

The binoculars allow a search for an employee.

RECORD COUNT indicates the number of employees selected for this view.

The printer icon provides a preview and/or printout of the data.

The eraser clears out or “erases” the data in the Employee ID field. The green arrows will refresh the screen

The SEARCH OPTIONS allow you to specify a particular date or a date range. The current date defaults. You may also specify a particular employee using the Employee Id field. If left blank, ALL employees are displayed. Click on the REFRESH button to bring up the data request. Click on the CLEAR button to clear the screen. Click on a particular employee to see the details display in the bottom section of the screen.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Employees Not Signed In

This screen displays a list of employees who have not signed in for the date specified. This means there are no time records for these employees. It is suggested that you monitor these exceptions on a daily basis. This may be most important when TimeKeeper is first implemented, as some employees may not remember to sign in and/or out as required. Entering a time record or absences on a timely basis provides more accurate documentation. You may add time records or absences as needed. To do so, click on the employee and the following screen displays:

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

Notice the employee selected now has data in the bottom of the screen. Again, this employee does not have a time record so the administrator can add a “sign-in” record or an absence. Click on the ADD button on the right side of the screen. In this example, an absence will be added. See the next screen shot.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions There are two “radio” buttons allowing you the choice of: • Adding a time record for the employee (the default), or • Entering an absence

To enter an absence, click on the absence “radio” button.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

The Absence Box provides a list of absence codes to choose from.

After clicking on the radio button that activates the absence section of this screen, click on the absence reason box and a list of absences displays. Click on the appropriate absence reason. Enter the number of hours the employee is absent.

Note that the current Leave Balances display for your reference. Unposted refers to any leave that has been entered but not processed by Payroll.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions You may also add a substitute to the absence record, if necessary. complete the record.

Click on ADD to

To add a substitute to an absence, click on the binoculars to find the sub you want to attach. Search (see page 28) and select the sub by double clicking on the name.

The box below will pop up with the substitute budget code built as per the template in the allowable absences in payroll. This code may be changed as needed. To search for another code click on the binoculars, scroll until you find the code you want. Click on it to accept it and then click the OK box. Notice that the substitute now shows on the absence.. Click Add to complete adding the record.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Employees Not Signed Out This screen provides a weekly view and shows a listing of employees who are required to sign out but who did not.

Notice that the Thursday record is highlighted in blue. To view the details, click on the record.

The details are shown above. To add an “end time” for this employee, click on the Add End Time button.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

Set the appropriate end time and click on the Update button.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Exceeds Normal Hours This screen provides a weekly view. For employees listed the normal hours per day shows in the far right column. Hours worked per day over this amount shows the day marked in blue.

Again, you can click on any day for any of these employees to bring the details to the bottom of the screen.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Less Than Normal Hours This screen provides a weekly view. Like the “Exceeds Normal Hours” screen, this screen uses the “normal number of hours” from the pay table to determine which employees did not work what is normally expected. These records are highlighted in blue. Records highlighted in yellow are absences. To view the details, click on the day in question and the detail time record displays in the bottom half of the screen.

ALL Time Records

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions This screen provides a weekly view. This screen works in the same manner as the previous screen. To view the details on any given employee, click on the day in question. If an employee signs in and out multiple times in one day, such as for lunch or for changing jobs, the middle of the screen will show a summary of those records. To view records One detail record at a time is displayed in the bottom portion of the screen. It already processed check this box. is highlighted in blue in the grid. To see only absence records in the grid, check here.

If a substitute record is attached to an absence, it will show here. You may remove it by clicking the eraser, or change the budget code by clicking on the change button.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions ADD RECORDS This menu option takes you directly to a screen for adding and adjusting time records to ISIS TimeKeeper. Records can also be added from any of the DATA menu options

Note that you can add a substitute record to the absence.

You might use this screen to add absence records for an employee who will be on vacation for a week. To do that, follow these steps: •

Enter the employee ID at the top of the screen. You can search for the employee by clicking on the binoculars.

Click on the “radio” button next to the absence section of the screen.

Then, select the absence reason from the drop down box.

Select the number of hours this employee typically works per day.

Set the date range to fit the vacation.

Click ADD and it’s done!

Note that you can add a substitute record on this screen as well.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions ADDING A SUBSTITUTE TO AN ABSENCE RECORD When adding a substitute to a teacher’s absence record, click on the binoculars.

The Substitute check box is used to allow a TimeKeeper Admin user with restricted sites to add a substitute record for any substitute, regardless of the substitute’s site.

The Substitute Lookup screen will display.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions You can type the desired substitute’s name or you can type part of the last name. Click on SEARCH to bring up all the substitutes who match the search criteria. Select the substitute you wish to attach to the teacher’s record from the list by double-clicking on the record in the grid. A new window will overlay, displaying the substitute’s name, daily rate of pay, absentee budget code, and the substitute budget code. If this is the correct substitute budget code, click on OK.

If you need to choose a different budget code and know the code you need to use, you can change the code by typing directly in to the Substitute Budget Code field. If you do not know the budget code, you can click on the binoculars to display a list of all budget codes to choose from.

To choose a code, select it from the list by clicking on it and click on OK. This takes you back to the Add Records screen where you can see the absence and the attached substitute. Be sure to click on ADD to add/save the record. Note: If the absentee is split funded, ISIS PR will split the sub pay according to the absentee’s assignments % employed and budget codes.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions TIMESHEET APPROVALS ISIS TimeKeeper is designed so that Timesheets have two types of approvals: • •

Employee Supervisor, principal, etc.

The Timesheet Approvals menu offers the following choices: • • •

ALL TimeSheet Approvals Admin Approval Required Employee Approval Required

Select the date range in the From / To date selection boxes. You may change these to suit your needs. You may leave the Employee ID field blank to pull all employee Timesheets for the approval state selected. You may leave the Job ID field blank to pull all employee timesheets or you may specify one type of Job ID to pull timesheet records for.

Admin Approval Required

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions After choosing to see Timesheets where administrator approval is required for the time period of 01-07-08 through 01-11-08, the following list displays:

Notice the arrow is pointing to a record count of 8 records. You can narrow the search to a particular employee or by all employees with the same Job ID. You can click on the CHECK ALL button to select all records for approval. Should you check some or all records, the UNCHECK ALL button will do just that: uncheck all records with a check mark. After you have selected records for approval, click on APPROVE.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions REPORTS The reports menu now offers eleven reports.

Click on the report of your choice and set the date either by Month or Date Range for your needs. There are several report icons that can be helpful in previewing any report: • • •

• • •

The left and right arrowheads allow you to move from one page of the report to another or to jump to the end or back to the top of the report. The red arrow on the white page allows you to select a page to view. The printer icon spools the report to your default printer, but that may be changed. It defaults to printing the entire report. However, you may specify which pages to print. This icon allows you to export this report to a file. The magnifying glass gives you a drop down box to specify whether to increase or decrease the view. The binoculars allow you to search for data within the report (such as a name).

The bottom of the screen also provides report information. Ex: currently viewing page 1 at a 100% zoom factor.

Absence Calendar Report

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions This report is a calendar grid with the employee absences shown for each day. You must choose one employee and may select By Month or By Date range.

Absence History

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions This report is similar to the report available on the ISIS PR main menu #65. It does not replace that report. If a user has security clearance to many sites, they must choose one site before proceeding with this report. Go to Utilities-Site. Select a site from the dropdown box. Select a specific employee or leave blank for all employees. Select the date range you would like to see on this report.

Absence Input Report This report shows all (unprocessed) absences that have been entered into TimeKeeper.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Employee Assignment All options on this report have drop down boxes for your convenience in selecting the data you would like on this report. Select those desired and click Ok.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions EMPLOYEES NOT SIGNED IN

The report is sorted by date and provides an alphabetical list of employees who did not sign for the date range selected.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Employee Profile

This report allows you to choose either Base or Address Data. It may be sorted by Name or Base Location and Name and options may be selected for a particular status or site.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Hourly Input This report is exactly like the ISIS PR option #32, Hourly Input Edit Report. Select a paygroup and ALL locations or a specific location. User ID may be left blank for all users.

Leave Balance Report

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Substitute Input Report This report shows all subs that have been entered against teacher absences. You many choose a specific employee ID or run for all within a specific pay period.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions Timesheet By Employee

The time sheet report gives you a list of the employee time records for the date range selected. The heading indicates the report name, the print date, and the date range selected. The report is sorted by employee and breaks on each employee. The number of hours worked for the requested report time frame may be summarized as shown below (detail), or by Week or by Day. You may run this report for all employees by leaving the ID blank, or a specific employee ID. The columns include: Employee ID, Date, Job, Begin Time, End Time, Actual Hours Worked, Lunch Deduct, Absence Hours, Total Hours and Absence Code.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions TIMESHEET BY JOB ID allows for the selection of TimeSheets for a specified group of employees by their Job ID. Notice that there is a drop down menu that displays a list of all the Job ID’s to choose from. After a desired Job ID is chosen, click on the OK button to pull up all the TimeSheets for that Job ID.

The TIMESHEET BY JOB ID report produces the following:

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions UTILITIES


This feature allows the user to select a site if they have access to more than one location.

Education Management Systems, Inc.

TimeKeeper Employee Functions MANAGE ALERTS

This feature in TimeKeeper allows the Central Office to setup messages and alerts to display on the employee sign in/out screen. You can set up messages for specific sites or to all locations. The Central Office also has the ability to set the messages and alerts for a specific date range.

Education Management Systems, Inc.