âcustomer centric businessâ, being an effective communicator alone would not ... -Digital photography ... the Practice management software (PMS) (Table 1.).
Times... Page 4 The Secretary Says...
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Brochures to all members of the Society. * Patient information and appointment card to all life members of the Society. * Noncontroversial Scrutinizing and Judging of Scientific Papers & Awards. * Trademark Registration of IOS and its various brands are under process. * Launch and Regular publication of a newsletter ‘IOS Times” that communicates with the members of the Society. * Launch of Zonal PG Students’ Conference to give an opportunity for more students to present papers/posters. * IOS designed Ties & Tie Pins are available on payment. * 2 International Mid Year Conferences, in association with international associations, paving the way for a global presence of the Society. * The biggest ever scientific participation from India at a WFO conference. * Began a new trend of sending Birthday, Wedding anniversary and Festival Greetings from the Head Office. * A professionally run head office with all records intact and appropriately archived for the successor. At no point, do I take or wish to take all credit for these activities. They were the result of a sustained effort and a committed team of enthusiastic members, lead by dynamic Presidents, other Officials and Executive Committees during my tenure. I feel proud and privileged to be associated with each and every one of them!!! Of course, there are members who have dragged the society to court perhaps for their personal aspirations, this can be attributed to an unbiased decision making in my tenure, solely based on the constitution. Since, these matters are subjudice, it would not be appropriate to make any further comments. As I complete my term, I wish to state categorically, that there might have been occasions where things could have been done differently, but collective wisdom, in the best interests of the Society from all concerned and selflessly devoted to the Society, have paved the way for actions, which future generations of our Society will be in a position to judge, analyze and comment upon... As, I sign off, I wish IOS and all its members a bright future, and firmly believe that all Office Bearers, after serving a term should pro-actively contribute, enrich and guide the youngsters donning the mantle of our Society, in a positive manner, rather than provide road-blocks to their successors and the Society, to avenge personal electoral losses. I do feel, there is lot more to be done, but also wish to state, that youngsters in the society today, can do it competently, and as an elder...I will be available to provide any assistance and / or guidance, to those carrying out the affairs of an organization, that has always (more so during the last 4 years) and will always be dear to me... I wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to one and all who helped during my term directly and indirectly with healthy criticism, advice and guidance. The help rendered by my Students, Office Staff, my Colleagues and Bapuji Dental College authorities are priceless. I look forward to greeting all of you at Mangalore and to a life after that where I hope to make up for all my time away from my Students, and the precious family time lost out with my dear wife Elsy & son Abu... Jai IOS, Jai Hind
Dr. E. T. Roy, Hon. Secretary, IOS.
October 2010
IOS Times Feature...
Technology for enhanced communication in practice Dr. Ameet V. Revankar, Dharwad, Karnataka A successful clinical practice demands effective patient communication. Traditionally, good interpersonal skills have been the mainstay of effective communication. However, with the growing awareness and “customer centric business”, being an effective communicator alone would not suffice in the current scenario. The question posed by the changing needs of the patients, has answers in what information technology has to provide to the practioner. Communication begins from scheduling the patient’s initial visit progressing through diagnostic records, diagnosis, treatment plan, finances, culminating in execution of the treatment plan. All the aforementioned tasks have been aptly aided by software programs that enhance the patient doctor experience taking it to previously inconceivable heights. Role of Information Technology in Orthodontic Practice: I. Scheduling Patient Visit -Phone based -Web based II. Basic patient information documentation by the Assistant -Payment/Financial record maintenance III. Diagnosis a. Case documentation - Special modules in software for endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics b. Diagnostic record making -Digital photography - Standard Impression alternatives- Orascan - Study model digitization c. Computer aided diagnosis and treatment planning - Computer aided digitization- Manual and automatic algorithm based - Computer aided radiographic and model analyses - Computer generated predicted post treatment composites IV. Patient Motivation -Animated procedural video clips -Morphed composites showing different treatment options discussed
Scheduling Patient Visit Patient appointment scheduling software programs offer benefits like proper management of the practitioner’s time, cost-effectiveness, and flexibility can help to reduce overhead and increase patient satisfaction. Various software programs are available for scheduling patient visits – integrated through a Interactive voice based system (IVRS) which is phone-based or even ones integrated into the office website(web based) Patient demographic documentation often starts when a new patient fills out a patient information chart. This information includes the patient’s name, address and contact information, birthdate, employer, and insurance information. Office staff manually enters this information into the software Financial record documentation is paramount to be recorded for appointment to ensure transparency and ease of insurance claim if applicable. Each charge usually corresponds to a particular service that was performed in the particular appointment, and is usually associated with one or more diagnoses The aforementioned steps of appointment scheduling, capturing patient demographics, performing billing tasks is usually integrated into one module known as the Practice management software (PMS) (Table 1.) Software
Special features
1. Dentimax
IVRS, e moldule
2. SaralDent Dental
Manual SMS and Email reminders
3. Medipac dental
Automated SMS and email reminders
4. Curve Hero
Web Bases Interface . Anytime /Anywhere access
Table 1. Comparison of PMS systems. All are shareware. Free demo copy can be downloaded from the company’s website
IOS EC Meeting held on 26th September 2010 in Mumbai From L-R : Standing (Dr. G. Chandrasekhar, Dr. Joe Varghese, Dr. V. S. Kohli, Dr. B. S. Thakker, Dr. A. Kanase, Dr. G. Shivprakash, Dr. P. Shetty, Dr. A. Singla) L-R : Sitting (Dr. Sridevi P., Dr. P. Jain, Dr. G. Singh, Dr. E. T. Roy, Dr. G. Karandikar, Dr. N. K. Ahuja, Dr. Nikhilesh Vaid, Dr. Ashish Gupta)
All views expressed and features published are by contributors. The IOS Times does not take responsibility for the same.
Case documentation The above mentioned PMS include case documentation modules for routine dental complaints and special m o d u l e s f o r p e r i o d o n t o l o g y, orthodontics etc. (Fig 1.) Some of the local vendors offer case sheet customization based on the practioner’s needs
Diagnostic record making Digital photography is commonplace in current practice, totally replacing
(Fig 1.)
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