In this work, inexpensive methods were used to fabricate quasi monodisperse ... reflection of the samples by terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS).
TiO2 microspheres metamaterials with negative permeability in the terahertz bandwidth C. Kadlec,1 H. Němec,1 F. Kadlec,1 F. Dominec,1 R.Yahiaoui,2 U.-C. Chung,3 C. Elissalde,3 M. Maglione,3 P. Mounaix,2 and P. Kužel1 1 Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 182 21 Prague 8, Czech Republic 2 LOMA, Univ. Bordeaux 1, CNRS, UMR 5798, F-33400 Talence, France 3 ICMCB, CNRS – UPR9048, 87 Avenue du Dr Albert Schweitzer, 33608 Pessac cedex, France Abstract— We developed a new chemical procedure for the fabrication of TiO2 dielectric microspheres. We also proposed an elegant way to evaluate of the effective dielectric permittivity and magnetic permeability of single-layer films made of independent resonators. The resonant magnetic response of was observed in the THz range. Experimental results are in agreement with simulations.
ince their advent, metamaterials, have been explored for their potential application for sub-diffraction-limited imaging [1], medical imaging [2], sensing applications [3], cloaking [4] and so on. We focus in this paper on the study of All Dielectric (AD) metamaterials based on layers of Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) microspheres. Their effective electric and magnetic responses are related to Mie resonances in each single particle. For high-enough dielectric permittivity of the particles, it is then possible to achieve e.g. negative effective magnetic permeability [5]. Although AD metamaterials raise broad interests [6], only few experimental works demonstrated undoubtedly an effective response in THz spectral range. This statement relies mainly to the difficulty to the material quality and the difficulty in realizing samples with a top down technology. For example, laser micromachining was employed to fabricate a tunable THz metamaterial made of SrTiO3 rods [7]. Vendik et al., [8] showed that effective isotropic double negative media (DNG) can be realized in the frequency region where resonance of TM mode in one kind of particles and TE mode in another kind of particles are attending simultaneously. Shibuya et al., [9] predicted theoretically a left-handed behaviour in an array combining sets of TiO2 cubes with two different sizes. Moreover, experimentally verification of their left-handed behavior is a challenge to prove their desired properties. Basically, the dielectric and magnetic response can be fairly extracted when both complex transmittance and complex reflectance spectra are precisely measured. In practice, it is very difficult to assess the reflectance phase with a sufficient accuracy. In this context, we propose an elegant experimental approach permitting simultaneous measurement of complex transmittance and reflectance of a thin layer material, which in turn enables evaluation of its effective dielectric permittivity and effective magnetic permeability.
technique through a flame. This resulted in assembling nanoparticles into fragile mostly spherical dense clusters of TiO2. These microspheres were then sintered in a tube furnace at 1200°C for 2 hours, in order to solidify them and to minimize their porosity. A scanning-electron-microscope image of these particles is shown in Fig. 1b. Hinc k
100 μm
20 μm
(b) Figure 1: (a) Schematic view of the simulated microspheresbased metamaterial, with the relevant geometrical dimensions: diameter d = 45µm, period P = 103µm, and the appropriate electric and magnetic field polarizations. (b) SEM images of our fabricated TiO2 microspheres before the sorting procedure. The microspheres were finally sieved and sorted along their diameters d. We obtained then a big quantity of dielectric resonators. III. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD We measured simultaneously the complex transmission and reflection of the samples by terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS). One layer of TiO2 microparticles have been placed between two thick blocks of sapphire crystals separated by a 70 µm thick Teflon (PTFE) o-ring. This ensures and limits the thickness of the film which is then essentially composed of one single layer of the resonators. Einput
II. FABRICATION In this work, inexpensive methods were used to fabricate quasi monodisperse micron-sized dielectric spheres. First, we used commercial TiO2-nanoparticles with ethanol to obtain a liquid suspension, which was suddenly dried upon spraying
Einput Einput
978-1-4673-1597-5/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
E0B E ref
resonance (in brackets we provided values relative to 38/40 µm diameter powder. We found a good agreement between measured and calculated permeability spectra (see Fig 2).
THz signal (arb. u.)
-1 60
120 125 130 Time (ps)
180 185 190
(b) Figure 2: (a) Scheme of the pulse propagation through the structure AXB (sapphire – powder – sapphire) and within the three associated reference measurements. (b) Example of the time-domain signal transmitted through the structure AXB. Dotted lines delimit the intervals containing: I – main pulse (E0-AXB); II – 1st echo in A (E1st nd AXB); III – superposition of 1 echo in B and 2 echo in A.
THz pulses going through the structure directly held informations about the complex transmittance of the metamaterial while THz pulses coming from internal reflections in the blocks and from the partial reflection on the sapphire/powder interface carry information also about the complex reflectance of the powder (Fig. 2a). These pulses are resolved as a sequence of echoes in the time-domain signal transmitted through the entire structure [10] (see Fig. 2b). The sapphire block B is chosen 2 times thicker than the block A which ensures that the first internal reflection in the block A does not mix with the internal reflections from the block B. The measurement has to be supplemented by three reference measurements: (i) waveform transmitted through the block A (including the first echo), (ii) waveform transmitted through the block B and (iii) waveform transmitted through an empty space. The complex transmittance and reflectance spectra of the metamaterial are then calculated from E AXB E ref 4z B t= 0 A B ⋅ , (1) (1 + z A )(1 + z B ) E0 E0
E1AXB E0A 1 − z A ⋅ , E1A E0AXB 1 + z A
where zA and zB are the relative wave impedances of the blocks A and B, respectively, and E denotes the Fourier transformations (spectra) of the time-domain signals defined in Fig. 1a. The use of the same blocks in the reference measurements ensures that the transmittance and reflectance phase is not corrupted by a possible uncertainty in the determination of the thickness of these blocks. We used thick sapphire blocks (3 and 6 mm). The internally reflected pulses (echoes) are thus separated by more than 60 ps (see dotted lines in Fig. 2b) which enables a good spectral resolution [1/(60 ps) ≈ 0.03 THz]. We validate our experimental method and compared the extracted data with a numerical finite-element simulations of a periodic array of microspheres using commercial software Ansoft HFSS. There, the magnetic resonance is defined by four parameters: the mean size (39 μm) and the permittivity (92) of microspheres mainly determine the resonant frequency, the filling fraction (12 %) controls the resonance strength, and the polydispersity (8 %) of particles broadens the
. Fig 2. Permeability of 40µm diameter resonators . Symbols: measurement; lines: simulation IV. CONCLUSION The experimental method we developed has enabled us to retrieve both permittivity and permeability of thin films from THz transmission experiments. We have proved its strength on TiO2 microspheres by extracting their effective magnetic response. Simulations have confirmed the observed behavior, which is due to Mie resonances. Further simulations have shown that negative permeability can be achieved with such microspheres, either by reducing their polydispersity or by increasing the filling fractions of the films [15]. This could be a way to fabricate cheap metamaterials in the THz range. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
The work at the University of Bordeaux was supported by the project “GIS-AMA-SAMM”. The financial support by the Czech Science Foundation (Project No. P204/12/0232) is also acknowledged.
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