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The Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) is a test from Cambridge ESOL about .... learner learning and development, knowledge about planning young learner ...
International House Accademia Britannica Viale Manzoni 22 00185 Rome


All Modules

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


What is TKT? The Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) is a test from Cambridge ESOL about teaching English to speakers of other languages. It aims to increase teachers' confidence and enhance job prospects by focusing on the core teaching knowledge needed by teachers of primary, secondary or adult learners, anywhere in the world. This flexible and accessible award will help you to understand:

After taking TKT, teachers who want to develop their knowledge further can progress to Cambridge ESOL's well-established Teaching Awards, such as ICELT and CELTA. Who is TKT for? TKT gives teachers a strong foundation in the core areas of teaching knowledge needed in the English language teaching classroom. It is ideal for all teachers, whatever their background and teaching experience, and is also suitable for people who would like to teach English but do not yet have a teaching position. There are no formal entry requirements. However, anyone wishing to take TKT is strongly advised to have at least an intermediate level of English — Level B1 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) — e.g. PET, IELTS band score of 4. What does TKT involve? TKT has three core modules. These can be taken together in one exam session or separately, in any order, over three sessions. Each module consists of a test of 80 objective questions, lasting 80 minutes, which require you to select the correct answer and mark this on a computerised answer sheet. The exam dates are established by individual centres. Module One- language and background to language learning and teaching:

Module Two- Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching:

Module Three- Managing the teaching and learning process: classroom

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


What is the TKT CLIL? CLIL describes an evolving approach to teaching and learning where subjects are taught and studied through the medium of a non-native language. In CLIL, learning a curricular subject in a second, third or sometimes fourth language involves best practice from a range of different educational contexts. TKT: Content and Language Integrated Learning is an optional module of TKT and follows that exam’s format. It consists of a single paper lasting 1 hour and 20 minutes and containing 80 questions. There are two parts to the test: 1 Knowledge of CLIL and Principles of CLIL (25 questions) * aims of and rationale for CLIL * language across the curriculum * communication skills across the curriculum * cognitive skills across the curriculum * learning skills across the curriculum

2 Planning, Teaching and Assessing Lesson Preparation (25 questions) * planning a lesson and a series of lessons * language demands of subject content and accompanying tasks * resources, including multi-media and visual organisers * materials selection and adaptation * activity types Lesson Delivery (20 questions) * classroom language * scaffolding content and language learning * methods to help students develop learning strategies * consolidating learning and differentiation Assessment (10 questions) * focus: content; content and language; cognitive, learning and communication skills * types of assessment * support strategies

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


What is the TKT KAL? The aims of TKT: Knowledge about Language module are: • to test candidates’ knowledge of concepts related to language and language use • to provide an easily accessible test of English language knowledge to teachers of English, which is prepared and delivered to international standards, and could be used by candidates to access further training, and enhance career opportunities • to encourage teachers in their professional development by providing a step in a developmental framework of awards for teachers of English Who can do the TKT KAL? KAL is suitable for teachers of English in primary, secondary or adult teaching contexts and is intended for an international audience of non-first language or first language teachers of English. Candidates taking KAL will normally have some experience of teaching English to speakers of other languages. KAL may also be taken by: • pre-service teachers • teachers who wish to refresh their teaching knowledge • teachers who are moving to teaching English after teaching another subject What level of English must I have? To access KAL, teachers need a level of English of at least level B2 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. However, candidates are not required to have taken any English language examinations. What does it test? KAL candidates are expected to be familiar with language and terminology relating to the description of lexical, phonological, grammatical and discoursal features of the English language. What is involved in the test? KAL consists of 80 questions in four parts. Candidates are required to answer the questions by selecting a letter for the correct answer. As KAL tests candidates’ knowledge of language systems rather than their proficiency in the English language or their performance in classroom situations, candidates are not required to listen, speak or produce extended writing when taking KAL.

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


What is TKT Practical? The TKT: Practical aims to provide candidates with the opportunity to: • apply their knowledge of planning and teaching to a practical classroom situation • plan and deliver a lesson/lessons which focus on language and skills development • set up and manage learning activities designed to achieve specified aims • manage the classroom environment in a way that encourages learner participation. Who can do the TKT Practical? The TKT: Practical is suitable for teachers of English in primary, secondary or adult teaching contexts and is intended for an international audience of non-first language or first language teachers of English. Candidates taking TKT: Practical will normally have some experience of teaching English to speakers of other languages. Candidates may include: • teachers who wish to develop their teaching practice • teachers who are moving to teaching English after teaching another subject • teachers on initial teacher training courses. What level of English must you have? To access TKT: Practical, teachers need a level of English of at least Level B1 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. However, candidates are not required to have taken any English language examinations. What does the TKT practical involve? Candidates are assessed on 40 minutes’ teaching. This may consist of a single session with real learners or two 20-minute lessons. If two 20-minute lessons are taught, then one of the 20-minute lessons may be peer teaching. The other 20-minute lesson must be with real learners.

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


What is TKT YL? TKT: YL is an additional module of the Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT). It tests knowledge of teaching English to young learners. It tests knowledge of concepts related to young learner learning and development, knowledge about planning young learner lessons and knowledge of teaching strategies, practice activities and resources used to support and challenge young learners’ language learning. It also tests knowledge of informal classroom assessment of young learners’ work. Do I have to teach a class? TKT: YL is designed to offer maximum flexibility and accessibility for candidates and therefore does not test context-specific knowledge nor does it include compulsory teaching practice. It is intended to be a platform for professional development. However, it is likely that centres and other institutions will offer preparation courses for the TKT: YL module. These may include practical issues arising from specific young learner contexts and some teaching practice. It should be noted that TKT: YL tests knowledge of teaching young learners rather than teaching ability. Do I need to be teaching in a school in order to be eligible? The TKT: YL module offers candidates a step in their professional development as teachers. As a result of the global need for language learning, candidates who are language teachers can add TKT: YL to their existing qualifications. The TKT: YL module can be taken at any stage in a teacher’s career. It is suitable for pre- or in-service teachers of English or classroom assistants who work with young learners of English. What level of English must I have? TKT YL is intended for international candidates who may either be non-first language or first language teachers. It is suitable for general young learner teachers who already teach other curriculum subjects in their first language, specialist young learner teachers who teach only English, or teachers of older learners or adults who also teach young learners.

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


TKT modules at a glance:

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


Taking a TKT course at our centre Duration A typical TKT course at our centre lasts exactly 20 hours. A course can be delivered weekly, monthly, fortnightly or intensively upon request. Courses with 5 candidates or fewer are not usually run. Our centre offers 12 hours of face to face seminars and 8 hours of an on-line component to compliment these face to face seminars. Seminars The core content on any complete (all modules) TKT course covers:

language in the classroom

On-line component In contrast to many other centres, we provide an on-line component to our courses. This acts as a depository for academic reference materials and general course materials. It is a space for you to discuss assignments and seminars in either a chat room or discussion forum. Feel free to browse it before your course begins: You need to have broadband connection in order to exploit the online content fully. Certification On successful completion of the exam you opt to take, you will be awarded a certificate. Our centre There are six computers in our study centre, a space for all our students which is open in the evenings and Saturday mornings, if you need to use the internet the Study Centre computers are all on-line. Refunds Please remember that the moment you have signed to follow a DELTA course at any centre you are obliged to complete full payment of the course fees and relinquish any right to a refund. At the board of directors’ discretion we may be able to provide a place on a future course but the dates of the second course are non-negotiable We wish you an enjoyable and successful TKT course at our centre and please don't hesitate to contact us at Department of Teacher Training IH Rome

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


General FAQs Do course fees include exam fees? Course fees do not include Cambridge ESOL exam fees which change every year and are not at a fixed rate in this centre. Can I just take an exam at the school without taking a course? If you are the only person taking an exam and not following a course with the school, we would incur administration expenses which cannot be absorbed in course fees and therefore must be absorbed by your exam fee. In essence, a single individual re-taking the Module 1 exam may be charged a fee of €300 to incur these administration expenses. What can you tell me about your centre? We offer the following services to our candidates: • Lockers • Photocopier • Library Is there an extra cost for these services? A cautionary refundable deposit is needed to avail of each service. Keep all receipts in order to reclaim the original deposits! Do we have a personal study space? We also provide you with your own study room where computers and printers are available. Due to the fragile nature of computers, and the fact that many hands are on these on a daily basis, these computers may misbehave. Therefore, we strongly advise that you bring a laptop just in case! More computers are in our study centre, a space for all our students, if you need to use the internet when the computers in your room are busy. Do we have access to the internet? All our computers are connected to the internet. Can you help me with accommodation? We can only arrange accommodation from the day before the course begins until the morning after it finishes. Any additional requests, such as extra days or visitors, must be negotiated with the person renting the accommodation. When you enrol on a course, you will be sent all relevant details on accommodation arrangement. N.B.: The school does not charge a fee for helping to place trainees in their chosen accommodation, but simply acts as a go-between and is not responsible for day-to-day problems which may arise. Will I need a visa to study in Italy? To attend a course, non EU citizens would only need a student visa. In a few, specific cases, a student visa can be extended and changed into a working visa, according to law requirements. For non EU citizens we recommend that you contact your local Italian embassy regarding work visas as bureaucracy in Italy can be difficult. A single word of advice is

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


to always speak to the same person in order to ensure consistency of instructions regarding your application, otherwise you may be told 101 different things.

If I decide to drop out do I get a refund? Please remember that the moment you have signed to follow a course at any centre you are obliged to complete full payment of the course fees and relinquish any right to a refund. At the Board of Directors’ discretion we may be able to provide a place on a future course but the dates of the second course are non-negotiable. We wish you an enjoyable and successful course at our centre. Is broadband essential? It is preferable. There are 2 or three essential videos which are ‘core’ course content and a normal land-line internet connection although slower than broadband may suffice. Can I have a preview of the course content? You can visit our online space for TKT at Where can I get an application form? Please visit our site: where you will find a current list of fees and an application form which should be completed and returned to

We wish you every success with your TKT.

Margaret Horrigan Director of Teacher Training

TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802


International House Accademia Britannica Viale Manzoni 22 00185 Rome TKT All Modules

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TRAINING DEPARTMENT VIALE MANZONI 22 – 00185 ROMA Tel.: 0670476894 – 0670476802