Amor l'alma m'allaccia wp. Richard Glover. Corradiation wp. Michael ...
Solamente por oìr wp. Un galan y el aire wp ... Inscription wp. Nakedness wp.
Judith Weir ...
EXAUDI Repertoire 20th-CENTURY AND CONTEMPORARY A Ignacio Agrimbau The Humanist wp Georges Aperghis Récitations Richard Ayres No.33 (Valentine Tregashian considers…) UKp B Joanna Bailie Artificial Environment no.6 wp Harmonizing (Artificial Environment no.7) wp Sam Belinfante Radio Music wp Luciano Berio E si fussi pisci Harrison Birtwistle Three Latin Motets The Last Supper On the Sheer Threshold of the Night Carmen Paschale Pierre Boulez cummings ist der Dichter C John Cage The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs Nowth upon Nacht A Flower Living Room Music Four2 Five Hymns and Variations Litany for the Whale Ear for EAR Song Books Radio Music Cornelius Cardew Ode Machines from Paragraph 5 of The Great Learning Ah, Thel Aaron Cassidy A painter of figures in rooms wp Niccolò Castiglioni Hymne Stephen Chase Jandl Songs Aldo Clementi Im Frieden dein, o Herre mein D Peter Maxwell Davies
Four Carols from O Magnum Mysterium Jesus autem hodie; Carol on St Steven; Nowell James Dillon Hyades E Peter Eötvös SCHILLER: Energische Schönheit Gabriel Erkoreka Hymni Sacri F Morton Feldman Christian Wolff in Cambridge Voices and Cello Brian Ferneyhough Missa Brevis Stelae for Failed Time Finis terrae wp Michael Finnissy Anima Christi Seven Sacred Motets Descriptive Jottings of London wp Maldon Vertue Palm-Sunday Now wp Kiss me as if wp Marriage wp Gesualdo: Libro Sesto wp Robert Fokkens Flytrap wp Christopher Fox Catalogue Irraisoné Open the Gate American Choruses A Glimpse of Sion’s Glory Rendered Account Preluding wp comme ses paroles wp four-piece suo tormento wp G Stefano Gervasoni In dir Limbus Limbo wp Amor l’alma m’allaccia wp Richard Glover Corradiation wp Michael Zev Gordon nine birds (rising wp There we sat down II Larry Goves
Sherpa Tensing stands up from the piano, says something quiet, and walks outside wp H John Habron Con beso de su boca wp Hossein Hadisi Zahhák wp Andrew Hamilton right and wrong wp Bryn Harrison eight voices wp Morgan Hayes E Vesuvio monte wp Chung Shih Hoh River South wp Mantra:Imagine UKp Heinz Holliger “nicht Ichts – nicht Nichts” Frp Philip Howard Do not look down on me wp J Evan Johnson Colophons ("That other that ich not whenne") reflecting pool / monument wp three in, ad abundantiam wp vo mesurando wp K Mauricio Kagel Fünf Vokalisen Dorothy Ker The Truth of Fire wp Dmitri Kourliandski Voice-off wp L Alvin Lucier Unamuno György Ligeti Lux Aeterna Nonsense Madrigals Elisabeth Lutyens The Country of the Stars Verses of Love Motet (Excerpta Tractati Logico-Philosophici) Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis M Jackson Mac Low Young Turtle Asymmetries Arnold Marinissen Von Pferden, Gräsern, Sonnen, Menchen UKp Rytis Mažulis
ajapajapam UKp Sybilla UKp Codex Lolita wp Cassandra Miller Guide wp Eduardo Moguillansky band: wachs Claudia Molitor Das Schwein, das Schwein wp Lorem ipsum wp N Peter Nelson Bloom Luigi Nono Sarà dolce tacere ¿Donde estas, hermano? P Arvo Pärt Stabat Mater Wallfährtslied Gerard Pesson cantate = pays wp Enno Poppe Interzone Alberto Posadas Vocem flentium wp Tenebrae wp Amber Priestley Unloose to the murmur wp bien ou chaud, bien serrés Ukp Gwyn Pritchard Luchnos R Filip Rathé Solamente por oìr wp Un galan y el aire wp Wolfgang Rihm Quo me rapis UKp mit geschlossenem Mund Sieben Passions-texte UKp Vigilia Klangbeschrieben II S Evis Sammoutis Onomatopoeia wp James Saunders assigned #3 wp Giacinto Scelsi Tre Canti Sacri Three Latin Prayers
Johannes Schöllhorn Madrigali a Dio UKp Salvatore Sciarrino Tutti i miraggi delle acque UKp Responsorio delle Tenebre UKp 12 Madrigali Arnold Schoenberg De profundis (Psalm 130) Matthew Shlomowitz Instrumental Music wp Howard Skempton Rise up, my love He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven The Flight of Song The Voice of the Spirits The Bridge of Fire Roundels of the Year The Song of Songs Five Poems of Mary Webb Two Poems of Edward Thomas Music wp Music, when soft voices die Four by the Clock Snape Interval wp Igor Stravinsky The Dove Descending Threni (solos) A Sermon, a Narrative and a Prayer (solos) The Flood (solos) T Michael Tippett complete a cappella choral music Andrew Toovey LUX V Edgard Varèse Etude pour Espace UKp Philip Venables numbers 76-80 tristan und isolde wp W James Weeks Amor de lonh wp Selbstbildnis als Laute wp Sint lumbi Stella Matutina wp Liebeslied als Geige wp The Open Consort Mala punica wp Inscription wp Nakedness wp Judith Weir
Missa del Cid King Harald’s Saga Vertue Love bade me welcome Christian Wolff Instrumentalist(s)-Singer(s) Madrigals Ashbery Madrigals wp X Iannis Xenakis Nuits