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4. Culture Changing Programs ... The Machine That Changed the World - The Story of Lean. Production; James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel. Roos  ...
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Introduction to The TWI Programs Delivered by Donald A. Dinero, TWI Learning Partnership

What Do The TWI Programs Do? They provide standard methods to help you handle variations in three of your most important activities: 1- Production 2- Improving production 3- Dealing with people (585) 305-6820

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What Do the TWI Programs Do? “If an organization wants to thrive by continually improving and evolving, then it needs systematic procedures and routines - methods - that channel our human capabilities and achieve the potential.” Toyota Kata. Mike Rother. McGraw Hill. 2010. P.14 (585) 305-6820

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Basic Gains From TWI Improvements in •  Quality •  Productivity •  Safety •  Cost (585) 305-6820

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Core Advantage •  Good Management Principles Are USED •  Employees Are More Engaged In Their Work (585) 305-6820

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Higher Gains From TWI Improvements in: •  Communication •  Teamwork •  Cohesiveness •  Morale (585) 305-6820

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What Are The TWI Programs? A series of three training programs that teach fundamental skills everyone needs if s/he is to be successful plus a fourth program that helps people solve problems. (585) 305-6820

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What Are The TWI Programs? 1.  Training Programs 2. Employee Development Programs 3. Problem Solving Programs 4. Culture Changing Programs (585) 305-6820

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What Is Training?

A Problem-Solving Tool (585) 305-6820

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What Are The TWI Programs? •  Job Instruction – Transfers Knowledge •  Job Methods – Reduces Waste •  Job Relations – Personal Relationships •  Program Development – Problem Solving (585) 305-6820

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Why Were These Skills Chosen? • TWI Service Created in 1940 • Response from industry to increase productivity • Used in 16,511 plants • Common needs in all companies in all industries (585) 305-6820

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Five Needs Concept 1.  Knowledge of Work 2.  Knowledge of Responsibilities 3.  Skill In Instructing 4.  Skill In Improving Methods 5.  Skill In Leading (585) 305-6820

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TWI & TPS “[TWI is critical because] it helps build capability into the organization at the supervisor level which is very critical for TPS to succeed.” Isao “Ike” Kato, 35 year Toyota manager, at Toyota is known as “father of standardized work and kaizen courses, interview with Art Smalley; (585) 305-6820

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Why Should I Start A Lean Journey With TWI? “If people want to succeed with lean or TPS they have to emphasize people development and making leaders capable of delivering improvements. TWI is a great starting point even today and a hidden strength of Toyota’s production system.” Smalley- Kato interview (585) 305-6820

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Why Should I Start A Lean Journey With TWI? “So in the end, it is the dynamic work team that emerges as the heart of the lean factory.” The Machine That Changed the World - The Story of Lean Production; James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos; HarperCollins; NY; 1990; page 99. (585) 305-6820

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How Is TWI Different From Other Programs? • It’s Practical • It’s Universal • It’s Straightforward • It’s Fundamental • It Works! (585) 305-6820

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Characteristics of the TWI “J” Programs •  Learn By Doing •  10 Hours in (5) 2-Hour Sessions •  10 Participants •  4 Steps •  Practical •  Standard •  Tools - writing board & paper (585) 305-6820

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Specifically, How Is Each Program Different? Job Instruction: • Job Breakdown Sheet • Important Steps/Key Points/Reasons • Employees follow Standard Work (585) 305-6820

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JI & Standard Work “I don’t think you can do a good job of implementing standard work or several other elements of TPS without the JI skill set in place.” Smalley - Kato interview (585) 305-6820

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Comments From JIT Participants •  Great way to apply/develop standard work •  Will change the way we approach Lean implementation •  I really never understood standard work before. •  It will really help me focus on my job. •  I can see how [JI] will help me right away. •  The ability to transfer knowledge is a very powerful tool. (585) 305-6820

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Descriptions of the TWI “J” Programs Job Instruction is The way to get a person to quickly remember how to do a job correctly, safely, conscientiously. (585) 305-6820

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Job Instruction Four Points To Get Ready To Instruct •  •  •  • 

Prepare a Timetable Break down the Job Get everything ready Prepare the workplace (585) 305-6820

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Job Instruction Four Step Method 1.  2.  3.  4. 

Prepare The Worker Present The Operation Try Out The Performance Follow Up (585) 305-6820

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Job Instruction Motto: If the person hasn’t learned, the instructor hasn’t taught. (585) 305-6820

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Specifically, How Is Each Program Different? Job Methods Improvement Participants Learn to: • Question • See Waste • Separate good ideas from poor ones • Sell & Implement their ideas (585) 305-6820

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Comments from JMT Participants •  [JM shows that there is] great potential for eliminating waste •  [JM is a] cohesive process for workers (bonding) •  It’s a good way to make everyone feel involved in company decisions •  [JM would get] everyone [to] open their eyes to their jobs •  It’s a very good platform to drive discussion and provoke thought on what we do daily that is waste. (585) 305-6820

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Job Methods Job Methods is A practical plan to help you produce greater quantities of quality products in less time by making the best use of the people, equipment, and materials now available. (585) 305-6820

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Job Methods Four Step Method 1.  2.  3.  4. 

Break Down The Job Question Every Detail Development The New Method Apply The New Method (585) 305-6820

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Job Methods Step 2 Why? What?

Step 3 Eliminate





Who? How?

Simplify (585) 305-6820

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Job Instructions Job Methods “This is the foundation for the Toyota way of learning standardization punctuated by innovation, which gets translated into new standards.”

The Toyota Way; Jeffrey K. Liker; McGraw-Hill; New York; 2004; p.251 (585) 305-6820

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Specifically, How Is Each Program Different? Job Relations is: • Concise • Basic • Effective • Practical • Based on the Scientific Method (585) 305-6820

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Comments from JRT Participants Job Relations •  [Is a] skill that everyone can use when dealing with people •  Gives you structure and a tool to consistently deal with problems & create better relationships •  Is an effective way to deal with confrontation •  [Is] something that I can actually use in life. (585) 305-6820

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Job Relations Job Relations offers a plan to successfully solve personnel problems in a non-emotional way. (585) 305-6820

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Job Relations First - Determine Your Objective Then - Use The Four Step Method 1.  Get The Facts 2.  Weigh & Decide 3.  Take Action 4.  Follow Up (585) 305-6820

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Job Relations Foundations For Success •  A Supervisor gets results through people •  Treat people as individuals •  Let each person know how s/he is doing •  Give credit where credit is due •  Tell people in advance about changes affecting them •  Make the best use of each person’s ability (585) 305-6820

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How To Use TWI Generally: •  Stabilize Production – JIT –  Start Small - Spread Virally

•  Personnel Issues – JRT as needed •  Continual Improvement - JMT (585) 305-6820

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How To Use TWI “In thinking about Kaizen in the U.S. and other countries, Mr. Isau Kato believes that they should first do proper Job Instruction as this will eliminate a whole bunch of problems, stabilize the line, improve productivity and quality, as well as establish the fundamental elements of the job on paper. Then it is a small step to create standardized work and implement it more smoothly. Then finally true kaizen can be done to improve the line and efficiency even further…in the U.S. the normal pattern is to start with kaizen but never work their way back to JI and the role of the supervisor on keeping the jobsite running smooth. Smalley, Art. Interview with Former Toyota Internal TWI trainer, Isau Kato, Feb, 2005 (585) 305-6820

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How To Use TWI Isolate the Problem Mechanical JMT

People JIT or JRT

Correct Check & Evaluate (585) 305-6820

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Points For Successful Implementation •  Top Management Backing •  Management Support •  Line Organization Participation •  A Coordinator

•  Correct Use of Programs •  Quality Institutes •  Complete Coverage •  Coaching •  Auditing •  Reporting of Results

40 (585) 305-6820

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