Tool Kit Workshop Series

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May 27, 2008 ... element of the ALAR tool kit. This discussion includes what each element is, why it is in the tool kit, and some recommendations on how it might ...
The Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia is to proud to present the

Approach and Landing Accident Reduction

Tool Kit Workshop Series Supported by


Perth Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Woodside Plaza Auditorium, 240 St Georges Terrace, Perth

Melbourne Thursday, 29 May 2008

Supper Room, Melbourne Town Hall, 120 Swanston Street, Melbourne

Brisbane Friday, 30 May 2008

Aviation Australia Cabin Crew Training Centre Auditorium, 15 Boronia Road, Brisbane International Airport

For More Information: Phone 1300 557 162

Flight Safety Foundation

ALAR Tool Kit Workshop Series Australia 2008 Workshop Details




Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Friday, 30 May 2008

8.00am for 8.30am (sharp) to 5.15pm

8.00am for 8.30am (sharp) to 5.15pm

8.00am for 8.30am (sharp) to 5.15pm

RSVP by Sunday, 25 May

RSVP by Tuesday, 27 May

RSVP by Wednesday, 28 May

Controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) is the leading cause of fatalities in commercial aviation. Approach and landing accidents (ALA) cause over 50% of all hull losses at every level of aviation. Starting in 1992, the Flight Safety Foundation conducted a major effort to identify the causes of CFIT and ALA, develop interventions, and get this critical information to the aviation personnel around the world. The product of this effort is the ALAR (approach and landing accident reduction) tool kit. This tool kit consolidates the data, products, findings, conclusions, and recommendations of nine years of work by over 300 international aviation experts. The Flight Safety Foundation’s “controlled flight into terrain and approach and landing action group” (CAAG) conducts regional ALAR workshops to get this important safety information to the people who can use it. All aviation related organizations and

individuals are encouraged to attend these workshops. We recommend attendees include; operators (commercial, cargo, and corporate), pilot groups, regulators, airports, and ATC representatives. At the workshops, the CAAG team provides briefings on the history of the ALAR effort, some background on the region’s safety statistics, and a detailed discussion of each element of the ALAR tool kit. This discussion includes what each element is, why it is in the tool kit, and some recommendations on how it might be used. Some suggested practical applications of the ALAR material are also presented. The Flight Safety Foundation’s CAAG has conducted 26 highly successful workshops around the world including: Miami, Mexico

City, Cairo, Iceland, Bangkok, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Perth, Melbourne, Beijing, Dakar, Moscow, Brussels, Dubai, Bahrain, Korea, Washington DC, Christchurch, Anchorage, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, New Delhi, and Caracas, Tokyo, and Baku, and Bangladesh. The aviation authorities in Mexico, India, and Cuba have made ALAR training based on the ALAR tool kit mandatory for all pilots. CFIT and approach and landing accidents continue to be a major challenge for aviation. The ALAR tool kit and the ALAR workshops are designed to meet that challenge, and to assist attendees to reduce the risk of these killers in aviation.

The workshops are suitable for anyone within the aviation industry, including: airline operators (commercial, cargo, and corporate), pilot groups, regulators, airports, and ATC representatives. It is hoped to attract as many people as possible to the events from a broad cross section of the industry.

About the Flight Safety Foundation Flight Safety Foundation is an independent, non-profit, international organisation engaged in research, auditing, education, advocacy and publishing to improve aviation safety. Membership is open to everyone interested in promoting aviation safety - in any of its aspects. The FSF roster of more than 1,070 members from 142 countries represents a “who’s who” of industry leaders from airlines, helicopter manufacturers, corporate operators, suppliers, insurance companies, regulators and others. The Flight Safety Foundation’s mission is to pursue the continuous improvement of global aviation safety and the prevention of accidents. Their objectives are to: Pursue the active involvement and participation of the diverse elements of global professional aviation; Anticipate, identify and analyse global aviation safety issues and set priorities; Communicate effectively about aviation safety; and, Be a catalyst for action and the adoption of best aviation safety practices. Often referred to as the “conscience of the industry,” Flight Safety Foundation has contributed significantly to the evolution of aviation safety and the saving of lives. The Flight Safety Foundation occupies a unique position among the many organisations that strive to improve flight safety standards and practices throughout the world. Effectiveness in bridging cultural and political differences in the common cause of safety has earned the Flight Safety Foundation worldwide respect. They are distinguished by their objectivity. While interacting with others in the aviation industry, they are independent of government and commercial organisations. The air transport industry is a unique global enterprise — a single flight can cross the borders of several countries and several continents. The Foundation, with members from more than 142 nations around the globe, transcends local, regional or national political interests.

About the Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia The Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia (the Foundation) aims to actively promote aviation safety and deliver important training, research, and thought leadership in the aviation sector. Representing all areas of the aviation industry, the Foundation is committed to promoting and facilitating safe aviation practices across all industry sectors in the Australasian region. Established in 1997, the Foundation is a non-government, not-for-profit, incorporated public company administered by an honorary Board of Directors and supported by its Patron His Excellency Major General Michael Jeffery AC CVO MC (Ret'd) Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia. Providing both corporate and individual membership, the Foundation offers its members access to professional development programs and spe cial briefings, as well as direct access to the latest safety information, research and publications. The Foundation has a broad range of industry strategic partnerships. Within the region, the Foundation works closely with organisations including, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Airservices Australia, Aerospace Maritime and Defence Foundation Australia, and many of the major airlines within Australia. Internationally, the Foundation is a regional partner of the United States based Flight Safety Foundation providing access to substantial research and other resources, regarded as one of the leading players globally in the area of aviation/airline safety.

“The Flight Safety Foundation and the members of the CAAG team are committed to spreading the risk-reducing interventions contained in the ALAR Tool Kit to as many operators and regulators as possible. These workshops are an effective and practical way to get this important information to the people who can put it to use.” Jim Burin, Director of Technical Programs, Flight Safety Foundation

Workshop Presenters JAMES M. BURIN Director of Technical Programs. Flight Safety Foundation; Chairman of CFIT and ALA Action Group (CAAG). Jim Burin has 39 years of aviation experience and 31 years of expe rience in the aviation safety field. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and has a Master of Science Degree in Systems Analysis from the Naval Postgraduate School. His work in aviation safety includes controlled flight into terrain, human factors, safety program organization, accident investigation, operations, administration, education, and organizational and leadership influences on safety. He is a retired Navy Captain, having commanded an attack squadron and a Carrier Air Wing during his 30-year career. Prior to joining the Flight Safety Foundation he was the Director of the School of Aviation Safety in Monterey, California. As the Director of Technical Programs his duties include organizing and overseeing safety committees and managing safety related conferences and research. He has frequently spoken at safety conferences, seminars, and workshops around the world. KYLE L. OLSEN Federal Aviation Administration- Retired; B Aerospace Engineering Kyle Olsen joined the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aircraft Engineering Division in 1970. He was the FAA certification project manager for the Lockheed L -1011 and McDonnell Douglas MD- 11. And Manager of Propulsion Branch in the FAA Los Angeles Aircraft Certification Office. Since 1997, as Manager for Continuous Operational Safety for the FAA Transport Airplane Directorate, he has been instrumental in the development of the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST). CAST has developed safety interventions which have contributed to the 80% reduction of the US commercial aviation fatal accident rate between 1997 and 2007. In addition, over the last ten years he has helped aviation safety teams in Europe, The Americas and Asia implement CAST safety interventions. (CAST website: http://www.cast- In 2001, he received the Flight Safety Foundation President’s Citation for his work developing the CAST safety process. Kyle retired from the FAA in January 2008. He has a Bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California. CAPT. JOHN LONG Safety Consultant for AirLine Pilots Association, International. Capt. Long retired from US Airways, Inc in 2005. At the end of his 27 year career he was flying Boeing 757s and 767s in International Service. He had previously flown the Boeing 737 models 200, 300 and 400, and YS-11 aircraft, in airline service. He was active with the ALPA Safety Committee for 19 years, and during that time participated in two major accident investigations. In 1996, Capt Long, became the ALPA Representative to the Flight Safety Foundation’s Approach and Landing Accident Reduction Working Group. He continued to work with this project for the remainder of his career, and was asked by ALPA to continue after retirement as a Consultant and Representative to the FSF’s CAAG. Capt. Long has participated in 23 of the previous CAAG presentations. CAPT. THOMAS L. LANGE Senior Safety/Instructor Pilot, Flight Operations Safety, The Boeing Company.

CAPT. ANDRES FABRES ROBLES Vice President, Technical /Chief Operating Officer, Volaris Airlines. Airline Transport Pilot with more than 10,000 hrs. in large jets. Began flying career at Mexicana Airlines , as a Flight Engineer on the B727. Moved to Aviacsa Airlines (Mexican regional and international charter operator) and served as Pilot and Safety Manager. Responsible of the creation and development of Aviacsa’s Safety Department. Became Secretary of the Board, Vice Chairman and finally Chairman of the Board of the Mexican Air Transport Chamber’s Safety Committee. Became involved with the FSF while acting as Safety Manager for Aviacsa, initially on the Data Acquisition Group of the ALAR effort, and then on the CFIT-ALAR Action Group. Invited to become part of the FSF International Advisory Committee in 2001. Moved to the position of Operations Manager at Mas Air Cargo, and in 2000 promoted to Director of Operations responsible for the restructure the Flight Operations department. In 2005 was offered a position as the “first” employee of Volaris, a new Mexican LCC. Tasked with the certification of the airline, initially as Director of Operations, and then Technical Director. In April 2008 appointed C hief Operating Officer of Volaris, and still flying as Captain on the A320 fleet. Involved in several safety initiatives with the FSF, the Mexican Air Transport Camber and the FAA. CAPT. CHRISTIAN CARDOSO IFALPA representative; Secretary of Honor and Justice of the College of Mexican Aviators; First Officer Airbus A320 Family in Mexicana Airlines; Airplane Accident Investigator. Has flown with Mexicana Airlines since 1998 and during 2003 - 2005 flew for Qatar Airways in the Middle East. Working for the 2 nd year with the C.A.A.G (CFIT Approach and Accident Group). in the ALAR workshops. Representing IFALPA in P.A.A.S.T (Pan American Aviation Safety Team). CAPT. CARLOS LIMON President, IFALPA/Mexicana Airlines. STEVE NOTA (Perth workshop) Aviation Safe ty Advisor, Civil Aviation Safety Authority D AVID PATTIE (Melbourne workshop) Manager Safety Promotion, Civil Aviation Safety Authority MICK QUINN (Brisbane workshop) D eputy CEO Operations Civil Aviation Safety Authority KERRI HUGHES Senior Researcher , Australian Transport Safety Bureau DR STUART GODLEY Team Leader Aviation Safety Research and Analysis , Australian Transport Safety Bureau

18 years with Delta Air Lines; B727, MD88, B737, B757, B767. 20 years with US Air Force and USAF Reserve; T37, KC- 135, C- 5A/B. Graduate of USAF Safety Officer Course. Joined The Boeing Company in 2005, as a B737 and B777 instructor pilot. Moved to Flight Operations Safety in April 2007. Worldwide aviation experience; RNP, ETOPS, EFB and Low Visibility Approaches.

Workshop Agenda Time




5 min

Official Welcome


10 min

Opening Address


10 min



30 min

Brief Summary of ATSB “CFIT: Australia in Context, 1996-2005” Report


20 min

Regional Safety Statistics: Why ALAR is Important for Your Region


30 min

ALAR Effort: History, Background


20 min

The ALAR Effort in Latin America


15 min

Morning Tea Break


20 min

Regional Safety Efforts


20 min

ICAO and the ALAR Effort


60 min

ALAR Tool Kit Elements: What, Why, and How to Use CAAG


60 min

Lunch Break – 1 hour


60 min

ALAR Tool Kit Elements: What, Why, and How to Use CAAG (cont.)


15 min



25 min

CFIT Lessons Learned


15 min

Afternoon Tea Break


45 min

Managing the Risks during Approach and Landing


20 min

ALAR for a Small Airline


30 min

Questions and Answer Session


15 min



“The ALAR workshops are a great opportunity for the industry in Australia to take advantage of the significant experience and expertise of the Flight Safety Foundation and its CFIT & ALA Action Group.” “Access to these workshops is significantly subsidised, with workshops of this calibre normally priced at many times what is being offered here.” “This is only possible due to both contributions of the Aviation Safety Foundation, its partners and supporters, and the international presenters themselves - who have paid their own way to Australia to deliver the workshops.” “I strongly urge you to attend.” Trevor Jensen Chairman, Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia

Finish Time

Supporters of the Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia

Registration Form – ALAR Workshops Australia 2008 Registration Instructions: To submit your registration:

(a) Fax: +61 1300 557 182 or (b) Email: [email protected]

Workshops Please indicate below which workshop you are attending:


Must RSVP by Sunday 25




Tuesday 27 th May

Woodside Plaza Auditorium, 240 St Georges Terrace

Thursday 29th May

Supper Room, Melbourne Town Hall, 120 Swanston Street,

Friday 30 th May

Aviation Australia Cabin Crew Training Centre Auditorium,15 Boronia Road


Must RSVP by Tuesday 27 th May


Must RSVP by We d 28 May

Registration Type

 

Member - Aviation Safety Foundation/Flight Safety Foundation

($50.00 plus GST)


Non -Members

($100.00 plus GST)


Registration fee includes morning tea, a light lunch and afternoon tea.

Participant Details Title (Ms/Mrs/Mr/Dr, etc.)


Preferred Name

Given Name


Position in Organisation Organisation Name






Postal Address Address 1 Address 2 City




Payment Details

A/C Name: BSB: A/C No.: Ref:

Electronic Funds Transfer Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia 083004 450684243 “your surname”

Cheque Please make cheques payable in Australian Dollars and made out to: Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia Mail to:

Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia GPO Box 3026 , Melbourne Vic 3001, Australia

Credit Card


Card Type:


Cardholder’s Name (please print):

____________________________________________________________ __________

Card Number:

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Expiry Date:

___ ___ / ___ ___





Privacy Statement

I would not like to be notified of any other initiatives or events of the Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia or the Flight Safety Foundation.

Request for Information on Membership of the Foundation

I am interested in finding out more about becoming a member of the Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia and the Flight Safety Foundation. Please contact me.

Cancellation 90% Refund of Registration Fee for cancellations received prior to the 26 May 2008. No refunds will be given for cancellations received after this date.

Disclaimer Please note that every effort will be made by the Foundation’s officers, employees, representatives and agents, to furnish yo u with accurate, reliable and objective information, advice and guidance in furthering aviation safety. However, neither the Foundation nor its officers, employees, representatives or agents can accept any responsibility or legal liabilit y whatsoever, (whether to you or to other members or to third parties) arising from any reliance by you upon any opinion or representation expressed, or material disseminated (through whatever means), or the consequences (whether direct or indirect) of any such reliance. The Foundation strives to promote and enhance aviation safety an d proficiency through education and guidance. It does not seek to override or suggest alternatives to the legally binding licensing and other aviation regulations in force within Australia. Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy in promoting the Foundation’s aims and objectives, each member is recommended to seek their own independent advice and to comply with all regulat ions applicable to them when undertaking any aviation activity or when seeking employment within any aspect of the aviation industry.

Aviation Safety Foundation Australasia

 web:  phone: 1300 557 162  fax: 1300 557 182