Mar 29, 2018 - National Center for Children in Poverty · US Bureau of ... Despite America's economic recovery, 43 millio
MAY 2018 Table of Contents Welcome from Denise Harlow
page 4
The Promise of Community Action
page 5
How to use the Toolkit
page 6
Community Action Month Activities
page 7
Community Action Month Calendar
page 8
Color the Huggy Heart Template
page 9
Community Action Month Social Media
pages 10-21
Sample Social Media Posts
pages 11-14
Image Creator
page 15
Sample Social Media Images to Share
pages 16-19
Other Social Media Images to Share
page 20
I Love Community Action Selfie-Sign Template
page 21
Publicizing Community Action Month in the Press
pages 22-25
Tips for Doing Interviews with the Press
page 23
Sample Talking Points on Community Action and its Success
page 24
Network Messaging - Sample Talking Points
page 25
Template Community Acton Month Press Release
page 26
Video Production Tips Video Shooting and Editing Tips Community Action Month Proclamation Sample Community Action Month Proclamation
page 27 pages 27-29 page 30 page 31
Site Visit with Elected Officials
page 32
pages 33-35 Sample Fundraising Letter / Email
page 34
Fundraising Appeal Tips
page 35
Other Community Action Month Resources
page 36 2
MAY 2018 Table of Contents Annual Conference Save the Date
page 37
Annual Conference Award Nominations
page 38
Jayne Thomas Grassroots Volunteer Recognition Award
pages 39-41
Jayne Thomas Award Information
page 40
Jayne Thomas Award Nomination Form
page 41
2018 Annual Convention Sargent Shriver Award
pages 42-44
Sargent Shriver Award Information
page 43
Sargent Shriver Nomination Form
page 44
2018 Annual Convention Avril Weisman Scholarship Nomination Form
pages 45-47
Avril Weisman Scholarship Information
page 46
Avril Weisman Scholarship Appliction Form
page 47
Community Action Partnership Board and Staff
page 48
Community Action Huggy Heart-- Helping People, Changing Lives
page 49
Welcome Dear Com mun ity Actio n Agencies: May is Comm unity Acti on mo nth — a perfect time for Commu nity Action Agencies to p rom ote their inn ovati ve work, exciting prog ra ms and client suc cess stories. We are a network of 100 0 plus agen cies who strive every d ay to p rovi de child ren an d families in 99 pe rcent of America’s cou nties with life-cha ngin g services th at create pat hways to pros perity. To pro mote Com munit y Action and r aise the visibilit y of you r agenc y, state associ ation, o r nati onal netwo rk dur ing this i mpo rta nt mont h, please use this Comm unity Acti on Mont h (CAM) toolkit. We’ve created several templ ates, social media posts, pi ctures, memes, videos, an d other c ontent to help you r agen cy raise awareness for n ot only C omm unit y Action b ut also y our agenc y. Share you r suc cess stories! Showc ase you r passi onate work a nd hi ghli ght yo ur volu nteers, boar d members, a nd staff who ha ve gone ab ove an d beyon d to create opp ort unities for ind ivid uals a nd families in y our c om munit y. Your work is impo rtant t o us, and we app reciate everythi ng y ou d o to help stru ggli ng indivi duals and fami lies.
Denise Harlow, CCAP Chief Executive Officer
THE PROMISE OF COMMUNITY ACTION Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves
and each other.
About the Toolkit The purp ose of the 2018 Co mm unity Acti on Mont h toolkit is to p rovi de resour ces to pro mote yo ur Com mu nity Actio n Agency a nd to r aise awareness of Com munit y Action Month t his May. We encour age yo u to sha re you r stories thr oug ho ut the entire year, but Co mmu nity Actio n Month is a g reat way to sh owcase yo ur successes in empoweri ng stru ggli ng families.
To those ends, this toolkit cont ains templ ates of social me dia post s, press releases, governmen t pro cla matio ns, fundr aisin g ideas, video p rod ucti on tips, and event a nd acti vity info rm ation t hat yo ur a gency can use to in crease yo ur visibility !
How to use the Toolkit We encoura ge you to use the templates, tips, and ot her resou rces in this to olkit and to c usto mize them to fit your a genc y, region, a nd au dience. When com muni catin g with indi vidu als in yo ur c omm unit y, especially the press a nd elected officials, be sure to specifically add ress the conce rns an d co nditio ns present in the area y ou serve. That will help yo ur a gency re ceive the most attention a nd m ake people feel personally i nvested in yo ur work. Statistic s related to yo ur regi on an d stories fro m indi vidu als an d families that y our agenc y has served will best engage y our lo cal su ppo rters an d stakeh olders.
However, even as you c ustomi ze the resources in this t oolkit a nd ad d yo ur own creativit y an d ideas to them, we encour age yo u to also be awa re of the leverage that co mes from ass ociati ng with ou r nati on al network. When we come together natio nally, we amplify o ur messa ges of being a voi ce for op port unit y.
Community Action Month Activities •
Color the Huggy Heart—The Communit y Action Month Hu ggy Heart c olori ng p age was so pop ula r we’ve decided to keep it for good! I n the toolkit, you’ll find a bl ank H ugg y Heart o n pa ge 9, which your pro gra m pa rtici pants c an c olor on Tuesd ay, May 8 — Hugg y Heart Day !
Video Production Tips—With increased interest in video pr odu ctio n, we have added a new section to the toolkit this yea r. Many Com muni ty Actio n Agencies are excited ab out tr ying t o inco rp orate more videos i nto their c omm uni catio ns work. On pa ges 27 -29, we have shared some valu able tips o n how yo ur agen cy c an cre ate spectac ula r videos.
Raising Visibility with the Local News Media—Commu nity Actio n Month is an excellent opp ortu nity to wo rk with you r loc al news media to ga rner c overa ge. This toolkit p rovi des tips on inter viewing, writing press releases and m ore.
Other Activities—A calenda r is ava ilable o n the following p age to indi cate social medi a has hta gs and spe cial events in May th at ca n inspi re you r Agency’s Comm unity Acti on Mont h acti vities. Please feel free to use the image creator on May 7, #Mission Monda y, insert you r missio n an d share o n soci al media. On May 31, #ThankfulT hu rsda y, feel free to use the meme creator. Insert yo ur staff’s photo an d tha nk everyo ne for celebrati ng Co mmu nity Actio n Month.
Hold a Pizza Party — On Nation al Pizza P arty D ay, co nsider h oldi ng a pizz a part y for yo ur team o r custo mers.
Remember to take pictures and videos of these activities and post them on social media with the hashtags #Co mmu n i t yA c t io n W o r k s and #WeR1000Stro ng.
Color the Community Action Hugg y Heart #WeR1000Strong
Community Action Social Media Outreach Social medi a is a great way to get the word out a bout C omm unit y Action, especially d uri ng Comm unity Acti on Mont h! Thro ugh so cial medi a, you r agenc y can c ont rol y our messages an d enlist you r followers as amb assa dors who share yo ur c ontent with their own networks. Social medi a also hel ps supp orters en gage with yo ur a gency a nd helps you re ach new people who m ay n ot know ab out the excellent work th at Comm unity Acti on is doi ng. Plus, soc ial medi a lets you be creati ve and in nov ative as you exper iment with different co ntent (im ages, phot os, articles, facts, events, videos, infog rap hics, etc.). In this section of the toolkit, we have sample social media posts and memes that you can use throughout Community Action Month. W e enc o u r a g e y ou t o use these resources to emph asize our network an d unify o ur n ation al awareness efforts durin g Comm unit y Action Mon th.
We also hope that y ou will put y our own uni que spin o n these resources a nd sh are your i deas with us on Faceb ook, Twitter, and I nstag ra m. Use our has htag #Commu nityActi on all yea r ro und o n soci al media to em phasize the ways th at ou r Agencies take positive acti on in thei r com mu nities to fight po verty, an d use #Commu nityActi onWo rks an d #WeR1000Str ong th ro ugh out May to pro mote Comm unity Acti on Mont h. Please follow the Partnership on social me dia.
Tweets & Posts For Specific Days in May Tue s da y, Ma y 1, S ha re the Com m uni ty Ac ti on Pr omi se : S har e t he ki ck-off C AM Prom ise im age , or share a sim ple video w it h your C AA st aff highlighting t he prom ise . #C omm unit yAct ionWorks #W e R1000S trong We dne s day, Ma y 2, Ol der Ame ric a ns Month: H ig hl ig ht y our CA A pr ogr am s t ha t hel p s e ni or s . Use any of t he follow ing post s/twe et s, or highlight one dire ct ly re late d to your age ncy: 1) Providing service s t o he lp se niors m aint ain a high qualit y of lif e can be t ough in t oday’ s e conom y, but #C AAs m eet t his challe nge by de live ring me als, transport at ion, in-hom e assist ance, grocery shopping, me al pre p & m ore . #C om m unit yAct ionW orks #Olde rAme ricansMont h 2) F or se niors, socializat ion is ke y in m aint aining inde pe nde nce & qualit y of life . #C AAs e veryw he re cre ate opport unit ie s w here se niors de ve lop st ronge r social ne tw orks, he lping t he m live longe r, he alt hie r live s. #C omm unit yAct ionW orks #Olde rAm ericansMont h 3) 1,853, 810 se nior cit ize ns have re ce ive d se rvice s & m aint aine d inde pe ndent living sit uations t hanks t o t he #CSB G net work. #C om munit yActionW orks #Olde rAme ricansMont h 4) #C AAs have serve d ne arly 1.6 m illion f am ilie s living on ret irem ent incom e f rom S ocial Se curit y or pe nsions. #C om m unit yAct ionWorks #OlderAme ricansMont h
Fr i da y, May 4, Ma y the 4th B e Wi th You: S har e t he i m age honor i ng y our #CAA ’ s s tr e ng t h a nd f or ti t ude as you w ork dilige nt ly e ve ry day to m ove individuals t ow ard se lf-suf ficie ncy. #We R1000St rong #MayThe 4t hB eW it hY ou S a tur da y, May 12, S ta t Sa tur da y: Fe el f re e t o us e one of t he s e s t a t s t oda y, or one of y our ow n. 1) Ne arly 443, 000 pe ople re ce ive d fe de ral & st at e t ax cre dit s w it h t he he lp of #C AAs in 2016. #C om m unit yAct ionWorks #S t at S at urday 2) In any give n ye ar, m ore t han 15. 6 m illion pe ople and 6. 3 m illion f amilie s participate in #C AA program s. #Comm unit yAct ionW orks #St atS at urday 3) The nation’ s #C om m unit yAct ion Age ncie s are a robust, st at e, & local net w ork force— re aching childre n & f amilie s in 99 pe rcent of Am erica’ s count ie s, of fe ring lif e-changing service s. #We R1000St rong #C om m unit yAct ionWorks #S t at S at urday 4) Did you know t hat 15.6 m illion individuals se rved by #C AAs repre se nt 33. 4 perce nt of t he 46. 7 m illion Ame ricans in pove rt y? #C om m unit yAct ionW orks #S t at S at urday
Tweets & Posts For Specific Days in May Tue s da y, Ma y 15, Tr a ns for ma ti on Tues da y/ I nter na ti onal Da y of Fam ili es : Pr om ot e y our fa mil y program s. C hoose f rom any of the f ollow ing 5 post s: 1) L iving in #pove rt y is t ough f or t he e nt ire f am ily. That is why #C AAs focus on “w hole f am ily” approache s. Re se arch show s a w hole-f am ily approach can t ransform live s, le ading t o e conom ic advance me nt. #C omm unit yAct ionW orks #Transf orm at ionTue sday 2) #C AAs provide food, she lt er, he at ing assist ance , housing, child care , job t raining & m ore, oft en t hrough w hole-f am ily approache s t o care . Our crit ical w ork he lps f am ilie s achie ve se lf-suff icie ncy. #C om m unit yAct ionWorks #Transform at ionTue sday #Inte rnat ionalDayOf F am ilie s 3) On this #Inte rnat ionalDayOfF am ilie s, we are rem inde d t hat #pove rt y oft e n aff e ct s se veral ge ne rat ions. That is why #C AAs bundle se rvice s & use w hole-f am ily approache s to he lp childre n, f am ilie s & individuals re ceive ne eded se rvice s. #Transform at ionTue sday #C om m unit yAct ionWorks 4) Transf orm ing live s is what #C AAs do. On #Transf orm at ionTue sday, w e’ re highlight ing our #He adS t art program , w hich ensure s low-incom e childre n are we ll pre pare d f or school & a lif e of le arning. #C omm unit yAct ionW orks #Inte rnat ionalDayOfF am ilie s We dne s day, Ma y 16 Wea theri z a ti on: 1) Over it s 40 ye ar hist ory, #W AP has we at he rize d m ore t han 7. 4 m illion home s, cre at ing #he alt hyhom e s & lowe ring #e ne rgy burde ns f or f am ilie s— t hanks t o #C AAs. #W APw orks #We at he rizat ionWe dne sday #C omm unit yAct ionW orks 2) #W AP he lps worke rs, support ing m ore t han 8,500 jobs. The program ofte n t rains & te ache s st ruggling f amilie s how t o save on e ne rgy cost s. #TrainingTue sday #We at he rizat ionW orks #C om m unit yAct ionWorks 3) #W AP is an incre dibly succe ssf ul f ederal, st ate , & local partnership. Did you know it ’ s t he large st re side nt ial e ne rgy ef ficie ncy ret rof it program in t he nation, providing crit ical #W e at he rizat ionW orks se rvice s? #C om m unit yAct ionW orks
Tue s da y, Ma y 22 Tra i ni ng Tue s day: Pos t i nf orm a ti on on t ra i ni ng s . #Tr ai ni ng Tues da y, #C om m unit yAct ionWorks 1) To cre ate opport unit ie s f or st ruggling individuals & f am ilie s, #C AAs train pe ople on how t o bet te r m anage mone y. #TrainingTue sday #C omm unit yAct ionW orks 2) #C omm unit yAct ion Age ncie s nat ionwide he lped 243, 000 individuals in 2016 obt ain t he skills nee de d t o f ind jobs. #TrainingTue sday #C omm unit yAct ionW orks 3) Did you know t hat povert y is highe r in rural are as? One re ason: t he lack of good jobs. #C AAs w ork t o ret rain pe ople in rural are as, he lping t he m f ind “ living w age” jobs. #TrainingTue sday #C om m unit yAct ionWorks
Tweets & Posts For Specific Days in May Fr i da y, May 25, Fa c t Fri da y: S har e f ac t ua l pos ts . 1) L ast ye ar, #C AAs he lpe d 7,588 low –income individuals f ind “ living w age ” jobs. #C AAs also cre ate d or save d 26, 612 jobs. #C om munit yAct ionW orks #F act Friday 2) #C AAs helped 19,168 pe ople obt ain safe & aff ordable housing. We also he lpe d const ruct, re hab & we at herize 128,823 hom e s. #C omm unit yAct ionW orks #F actF riday 3) S ince 1964, #C om m unit yAct ion has cre at ed m illions of jobs & opport unit ie s for st ruggling individuals and f amilie s. W e cre ate opport unitie s f or all! #C omm unit yAct ionW orks #F actF riday 4) Many #C AAs are de signate d He alt h Insurance Navigat ors or have st af f w ho assist individuals nee ding he alt h care cove rage. #C AAs m ade he alt h care m ore acce ssible t o 718, 000 low-incom e individuals in 2016. #F actF riday #C omm unit yAct ionW orks 5) #C omm unit yAct ion use s sophist icate d m anageme nt & account abilit y pract ice s to align a w ide array of fe de ral, st ate , & privat e re source s to cre ate he althy, vibrant com m unit ie s & opport unit ie s f or st ruggling individuals & f am ilie s. #F actF riday #C om m unit yAct ionWorks
Tue s da y, Ma y 29, Tr a ns for ma ti on Tues da y: Ci te CAA pr ogra m s t ha t hav e t ra ns f or me d li v es . #C om m unit yAct ionWorks #Transform at ionTue sday 1) C omm unit y E conom ic De velopme nt program s t ransf orm live s in com munitie s suff ering from disinve st me nt , #C omm unit yAct ion CE D proje ct s cre at e jobs, af fordable housing & busine ss re vit alizat ion. #Transf orm at ionTue sday #C om munit yActionW orks 2) Did you know t hat #Comm unit yAct ion #CE D proje ct s t ransf orm live s, cre at ing qualit y jobs, e ntrepreneurship opport unit ie s & aff ordable housing? #Transf orm at ionTue sday #C om m unit yAct ionWorks 3) #C AAs m obilize initiat ive s t o be ne fit comm unit ie s & t ransf orm live s, such as e ffe ct ive re sponse s t o pre dat ory le nding or providing capit al f or local busine sse s. C AAs w ork dilige nt ly to de ve lop inve stm ent part ne rships t o support comm unit y-w ide im provem ent s. #C om munit yActionW orks 4) F am ilie s who live in safe r, m ore st able housing can bet te r m anage t he ir daily live s & t he ir childre n’ s nut rit ion, he alt h, de ve lopme nt & academ ic pe rform ance . #C AAs t ransform live s. #C om m unit yAct ionWorks #Transform at ionTue sday 5) [ insert your comm unit y action age ncy] provide d [insert num be r of pe ople your C AA he lpe d] pe ople w ith safe & aff ordable housing last ye ar. #Transform at ionTue sday #C om m unit yAct ionWorks
Tweets & Posts For Specific Days in May We dne s day, Ma y 30, Wi s dom We dne s da y: Us e a ny of t he se #W is dom W e dne s day pos t s t o e ducate your social m e dia f ollow ers about som et hing in C om munit y Act ion, like the The ory of Change . 1) E ve ry com munit y has diffe rent challe nge s. The The ory of C hange ( #TOC ), w hich #C AAs f ollow, says a one-size approach doe sn’t w ork. W hat doe s w ork? Asse ssing local nee ds, cre at ing a local st rate gy & monitoring progre ss. #C omm unit yAct ionW orks #Wisdom We dne sday 2) To he lp m ore people at t ain se lf-suff icie ncy, #C AAs look at f am ily & comm unit y w ell-be ing t o ide nt if y how t he y can de ve lop program s & cre ate opport unit ie s f or st ruggling individuals. #W isdomW edne sday #TOC #C om munit yAct ionW orks 3) #C omm unit yAct ion age ncie s f ollow t he Nat ional Theory of C hange — a f ram ew ork t hat re quire s gauging a comm unit ie s we ll-be ing, ide nt if ying biase s, & cre at ing program s to he lp pe ople t hrive . #W isdom We dneday #C om m unit yAct ionWorks Thur s da y, Ma y 31, Tha nk ful Thurs da y / Fi nal Da y: S har e our #CAM Tha nk-Y ou im age. Cre at e an im age using your st af f’ s phot o t o thank others. #ThankfulThursday #Com munit yAct ionW orks
The Faces of Community Action
Social Media Image Creator You may use these sample templates to create a mission & thank -you image. Just download the word document from our website and insert text / a pi cture, then share on your soci al media sites.
Type your mission in this text box
P o st fo r May 7 — #Missio n Mon d ay
Thursday, May 31 — #ThankfulThursday
On the following pages, we have posted a series of social medi a images, which your agency can re post on its social medi a sites. If you prefer, please feel free to download the images from our website: www.communit and share them on the appropriate days.
If you have any problems downl oadi ng the images from our website, contact the Part nership’s Di rector of Communications & Brandi ng, Dyan Lee, at
Don’t forget to add the following has htags : #CommunityAct ionW orks, #WeR1000Strong. Also use the hashtags that are specific to each day. You will see those listed underneath each image.
Sample Social Media Images Follow the Partners hip on Facebook and Twitter to share these images as we post t hem on the dates indi cated below ! You can also find the m on our website at:
P ro mise Po st fo r May 1— Kick -o ff #CAM
I mage fo r May 4 — #MayT h e4 th BeWith Yo u
I mage fo r May 3 — #T BT
I mage fo r May 8 — #Hu ggyHeartDay
Sample Social Media Images
I mage fo r May 9 — #Wisd o mWed n esd ay I n 19 68 , Sh irley Ch isho lm b ecame th e first b lack wo man elected to Co n gress.
I mage fo r May 14 — #Mo tivatio n Mon d ay
I mage fo r May 13 — #Mo th ersDay
I mage fo r May 17 — #T BT
Sample Social Media Images
I m age fo r May 19 — # Arm ed Fo rcesDay
I m age fo r May 21 — # Missio n Mo n d ay Mu h am m ad Yu nu s is a Banglad esh i so cial en trep ren eu r, ban k er, eco n om ic au th o r & civil so ciety lead er wh o was award ed th e No b el P eace P rize.
I m age fo r May 28 — # Mem o rialDay
Sample Social Media Images
T h ank- yo u I m age fo r May 3 1 — Wrap p in g u p # CAM
T h ank-yo u I m age fro m th e P artn ersh ip Bo ard. I mage fo r May 3 1 — Wrap p in g up # CAM
Other Social Media Suggestions I Love Community Action Selfies Show your lo ve for Com munit y Action by taki ng a selfie of yourself and y our st aff with one of our “I Lo ve Comm unity Acti on” selfie signs. A sample selfie sign is avail able on the next p age an d features the Hug gy Hea rt in ou r log o. Remember to tag #Com munit yActio nWork s and #WeR100 0Stro ng when yo u post it.
Social Media Posts about Activities and Programs When lookin g for soc ial medi a conte nt, the best place to start is y our a genc y’s regula r acti vities and p rog ra ms. Take photos and vi deos of yo ur staff and custo mers pa rticip atin g in the acti vities suggested in the To olkit as well as in prog ra ms and events t hat yo ur a genc y nor mall y hosts. (Make sure that you get written permission from your clients and/or your clients’ legal guardians before posting any photos or videos of them.) Y ou r wo r k i s v i t a l t o t h e com munities th at yo u serve, and the best way to in crease yo ur soci al media visibility is to sh ow you r co mmu nities how yo u serve them.
Be sure to tag you r posts with #Com mu nityActi onWo rks an d #WeR1000Str ong if you’d like them to get a so cial medi a boos t. Also, please tag @CAPart nershi p on Twitter, and email Dy an Lee, director of co mmu nica tions & br andi ng, at dlee@com mun itya ctio npa rtners m so that our n atio nal office can s hare yo ur success stor ies!
Community Action #WeR1000Strong 21
Tips for Interviewing with the Press Know the Facts—Have a list of facts and sta tistics on #CSBG and create o ppo rtu nities in you r regio n as part of y our tal king p oints. (See the list below.) Tell Stories—In you r talkin g poi nts, also incl ude anecd otes abo ut indi vidu als an d families served by yo ur agen cy th at ca n illustr ate you r poin ts. Speak Clearly—In an in terview, enuncia te, be direct, and use words an d terms tha t the reporter and gener al pu blic c an easily u nderst and. Practice Interviewing—Doing inter views is a learned skill, and p racti cin g regula rly ca n help y ou feel more at ease and feel more prepa red.
Resources for Finding Talking Points on Creating Opportunities 2016 Annual Report 5 Ways to Use Your State CSBG Fact Sheet The State of Poverty Blog 2016 Census Bureau Poverty Data Feeding America on Food Insecurity US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on Homelessness United States Dept. of Agriculture on Rural Poverty National Center for Children in Poverty US Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment Data
Publicizing Community Action Month in the Press The press loves goo d stories. Reporters at newspapers, ra dio, television st ations and o nline news sites are always lookin g for fresh co ntent. In pa rtic ular, local a gencies are lo oking fo r compelling, emotionally driven, and useful content with a local angle. A s active an d integr al pa rts of their com munities, Com mun ity Actio n Agencies are uniq uely positi oned to prov ide these stories as well as serve as experts on p overty a nd rela ted socia l and eco nomi c pr oblems. Posit ive press cover age ca n show the wider com munit y the value of Com mu nity Action’s imp orta nt work, enco ura ge local eng agement with y our agenc y, and prom ote you r events an d services.
Tips for Pitching Stories and Responding to Reporters •
Be Spe cif ic— Reach ou t to repo rters wh o co ver to p ics an d areas related to yo u r agen cy’s geo graph ic s cop e and p rogram is s u es .
Be Creat iv e —Fin d u n iq u e h oo k s o r angles th at m ak e yo u r s to ry in teres tin g.
Be Re sponsiv e —Rep o rters wo rk o n tigh t d ead lin es an d ap p reciate p rom p t rep lies an d fo llo w-u p s , esp ecially fo r in terview req u es ts .
Be Know ledg eable — P res en t you rs elf as an exp ert on you r agen cy’s p ro grams an d o n is su es o f po verty in you r co m mu n ity.
Be Prepar ed —Wh en s u gges ting a s to ry to rep o rters o r d o in g an in terview, h ave relevan t talk in g po in ts , facts , an d an ecd o tes o n h and .
Be Person able —P u b lic relatio n s is ab ou t
Maybe you r Com munit y Action Agen cy b u ild in g an d m ain tain ing on go in g, has alrea dy fostered relati ons hips with m u tu ally b en eficial, p os itive relatio n s h ips reporters in you r area o r ma ybe you’ re with rep o rters . just getting sta rted in yo ur p ress outrea ch. Wherever y ou are in y our p ubli c relatio ns efforts, Community Action Month is a great opportunity for you to reach out to the media and strengthen your relationships with the press. Th i s s ec t io n of t h e t o ol k i t wil l give you c on crete tips and tem plates for pu blicizi ng y our a genc y in the press.
Sample Talking Points We encourage you to use local facts, statistics and success stories from your agency specifically! Below are some sample talking points. •
The mission of CSBG is to pro vide assistan ce to states and lo cal com munities, workin g thr oug h a network of Comm unit y Action Agencies and ot her neigh bor ho od based or gani zatio ns, for the reducti on of po verty, the revitalizat ion of co mm unities where people with low- incomes live, and the empowerment of families an d indivi duals with low - incomes in ru ral and u rba n areas to become fully self -sufficient.
Every dolla r put in to CSBG pro gra ms leverages a n aver age of $20.80 in lo cal, state and p rivate fun ds.
Comm unity Acti on Agencies emb ody o ur n ation’s spi rit of hope, ch ange people’s lives, and imp rove c omm unities. For exam ple: •
Accor ding to t he Natio nal Associ atio n for State Comm unity Servi ce Prog ra ms (NASCSP), 16 5,000 u nempl oyed in divi duals o btai ned jobs thro ugh the servi ces pro vided b y Com munit y Action Agen cies.
Also acco rdi ng to NASCSP’s Annual Repo rt, 48,92 3 people enrol led scho ol -age child ren in before or after sc hoo l pro gra ms.
205,3 78 peop le obtai ned health care servi ces for themselves or a fam ily member.
More details abo ut Com munit y Action’s su ccess are av aila ble in NASCSP’s
Annual Report
COMMUNITY ACTION MONTH | TOOLKIT MAY 2018 Network Talking Points The Need:
Whether our neighbors are experiencing a temporary set back from an event like Hurricane Harvey or have been priced out of affordable housing – too many struggle to achieve a good quality of life. Despite America’s economic recovery, 43 million of us are still living in poverty and even more are just one missed paycheck away from hardship. Everyone should be able to take care of their families and have an equal opportunity at success.
How the Network The nation’s 1,000-plus Community Action Agencies are a robust, state and Addresses the local force – reaching children and families in 99% of America’s counties with life-changing services that create pathways to prosperity. These Agencies: Need: Connect individuals and families to approaches that help them succeed – including quality education programs for children, job retraining for adults, stable and affordable housing for families, utility assistance for seniors, and so much more. Promote community-wide solutions to seemingly stubborn challenges throughout our cities, suburbs, and in rural areas – whether it’s the lack of affordable housing or the need to promote economic growth that benefits all families. Share expertise with national, state, and local leaders looking for evidence on what works to promote greater economic opportunity for children and families. Community Action Agencies are locally run but receive a range of public and private resources for their work. This includes funding from the federal Community Services Block Grant – America’s commitment to putting tax dollars back into communities to strengthen the economic security of families.
The Vision: Voice for Opportunity
America’s Community Action Agencies connect millions of children and families to greater opportunity, transforming their lives and making our communities – and our nation – stronger. Every year, these agencies help: Tens of thousands of children and youth with before-and after-school programs. More than 165,000 unemployed people get a job. Almost 220,000 families find safe and affordable housing. About 6.5 million people, including seniors, make their homes more energy efficient and lower their utility bills.
Template Community Action Press Release I n s ert You r Agen cy’s Lo go at th e T op o f th e P res s Releas e
[Insert Your Agency Name] Celebrates 54 Years of Service in [Community] F o r Imme diate Re le ase C ont act : [ Insert Name , Phone Num ber, and E m ail of Y our C omm unicat ions S t aff ] ( [ Inse rt Y our C it y] , [ Insert Y our S t at e] , May 1, 2018)— [ Inse rt your age ncy name ] is ce le brat ing C om m unit y Act ion Month, de dicate d to re cognizing t he succe ss of t he national C omm unit y Action Net work. Am erica’ s C omm unit y Act ion Age ncie s conne ct m illions of childre n and f am ilie s t o gre ate r opport unit y, t ransf orm ing t heir live s and m aking our com m unitie s — and our nation— st ronge r. This m ont h, [ your age ncy nam e] will be e ngaging in program s and e vent s t hat show case our innovat ive work in [ your com m unit y] .
“ C om munit y Act ion Month is a w onde rf ul time t o honor and celebrate t he impact C om munit y Act ion has in t he live s of f amilie s and comm unit ie s across t he count ry,” st at e d [ E xe cut ive Dire ct or/Pre side nt of your age ncy - nam e and t itle] . “The C om m unit y Act ion Part ne rship Ne tw ork of fe rs insight to le ade rs looking to underst and w hat is w orking on t he ground t o he lp f amilie s t hrive— cre at ing sm art er solutions that can be put t o w ork w it hin com m unit ie s across t he count ry.”
[ L ast nam e of spoke spe rson] continue d, “ This past ye ar, our age ncy has se rve d [ insert num be r] of f am ilie s in [ your com munit y] and em powe re d t he m t o at t ain se lf-suff icie ncy. [ Inse rt a ve ry brie f st at ist ic or pie ce of inf orm ation that highlight s your age ncy’ s succe ss, such as t he num be r of childre n serve d in a He ad S t art program, t he number of home le ss individuals now in housing, or t he num be r of people w ho graduate d f rom a job t raining program . ] Our work change s live s and stre ngt he ns our e nt ire com m unit y. ”
To ce le brate it s succe ss and raise aw are ne ss in t he com munit y, [ inse rt your age ncy name ] w ill host [insert e ve nt name ] on [ date] t o [ inse rt e ve nt det ails— w hat is t he e ve nt? W he re will it t ake place ? W hy is it im port ant?]. F or more inform at ion, visit [ Insert link t o e ve nt inform at ion online ].
[ Insert your agency nam e] w as e st ablished in [ inse rt ye ar] t o cre ate opport unit ie s in [ insert cit y, count y and/ or st ate ] through [ inse rt m ajor program s/nee ds se rve d]. [ Age ncy name ] is a me m be r of t he Comm unit y Act ion Ne tw ork, originally cre ate d in 1964. ### [ Inse rt yo ur age ncy name , hy pe rlinke d t o yo ur we bsit e]’ s m issio n is [ inse rt y our m issio n].
Video Production Tips How to shoot videos Cinematography and Videography are the art of visual storytelling. Anyone can set a camera on a tripod and hit record, but the artistry of cinematography comes into play when you control what the viewer sees (or doesn't see) and how the image is presented. Shot sizes, angles, and movements are the heart of exceptional camerawork, and when coupled with good lighting, enhances emotions, forming the essence of cinematography. They provoke, inspire, frighten, relieve, and amaze us. Your opening shot , often referred to as an establishing shot, is usually a long shot. It establishes the general location of where the action will follow. Video producers and editors often showcase something moving toward the camera. For example, in a movie, you often see a car driving into the scene toward the camera or a person walking toward the camera. Those are common establishing shots. Rain can signify change in your story. If you want to change the direction of your story from happy to sad or vice versa, many videographers use a rainy shot to subliminally highlight that the story is changing. The end/close of your story always works nicely if you provide a closing shot or sequence. Videotape something moving away from the camera to subliminally signify the end. For example, in a love story the subject of your story may walk off into the sunset holding the hand of his or her romantic love interest. You only see their backs and not their faces. This signifies the story is ending. Bottom line: When you are videotaping a story, you need to look for opening sequences, middle transition shots and closing sequences.
Video Production Tips Continued Important Video Tips 1. Depending upon which social media platform you use, the length of your video will need to fit within their guidelines. For example, Twitter supports the MP4 video format. You can upload videos up to 512MB; however, you will be prompted to ke ep videos to 2 minutes and 20 seconds or less in length. Facebook has different parameters. Per Facebook: Videos should be l ess than 45 minutes long and sma ller than 1.75 GB. The longer your video…the larger its file size. This m ay affect the qual ity of the video. K eep in mind that most people don’ t watch v ideos longer than 2:00 minutes. 2. Use a tripod or other method to st abiliz e the camer a. (Unl ess y ou’ r e going f or a certain creative look, it is highly recommended that you stabilize your camera or video recorder.) 3. Make sure the recording environment is quiet and there is no background noise in your video. 4. Use a plain background for your video and ensure that your subject doesn’t blend into or clash with your background. (Solid walls / brick walls work well.) 5. Avoid busy patterns in clothing and jewelry and stay away f r om shir ts or patter ns with stripes. 6. Make sure there is plenty of light and that the subject’s face is well-lit in the recording. 7. Shooting B-roll refers to shooting video footage that sets the stage. For example, at a school play, besides shooting the play, you need to get b-roll of the outside of the school, the program, faces of audience members, cast members hiding in the wings, or costume details. These shots will be spliced into your story to help tell the story. 8. Shoot more footage than you think you'll need. Include footage that enhances the story or sets the scene. You can use it for smooth transitions in your video.
Video Production Tips Continued More Important Video Tips Before you begin, check the lighting and sound. Say a few lines for the camera / recorder, and then review the footage. Does your lighting need to be adjusted? How does your shirt look against the background? Is your video Inviting and appropriate or unflattering and amateurish? Can you be easily heard on a laptop computer with the volume at a normal level? You might have to experiment a bit to get the lighting, the colors of your wardrobe, and the sound just right. Placing your subject slightly off center, so there is space on the left or right side is preferred in videography and photography. Try to stay away from videotaping people in the center of your frame. If the person is on the right side, angle their body inward. If the person is on the left, also have them turn their body slightly inward. These are common videography and photography tips that even the pros follow.
Editing Tips When choosing a video editor, it’s all about control. Do you need something simple? If so, iMovie and the YouTube video editor work well. To use the YouTube editor, sign into your account, click Video Manager, click create in the menu at the left and select Video Editor. Create a new project. If you need something more robust and polished, you should use Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, or Avid. Keep in mind, these take longer to learn.
The top 10 Video Mistakes to Avoid Video Editing Tips & Tricks
Community Action Proclamation Elected officials may offer pr ocla mati ons desig nati ng the obser van ce of a parti cula r da y or mo nth in t heir loc al com mu nity or st ate. We encoura ge our Comm unity Acti on Agencies to rea ch o ut to loc al may ors, co unt y officials, an d gover nors to request that t hey design ate May 201 8 as Com mun ity Actio n Month. The nation’s 1 000 - plus Comm unit y Action Agen cies are a rob ust, state and lo cal force — reachi ng chil dren a nd families in 9 9% of America’s co unties with lifechan gin g services th at create pat hways to p ros perity. These agencies c onnec t indivi duals and fami lies to app roa ches that help them suc ceed, prom ote com munit y -wide solutions to difficult ch allenges, an d share expertise with natio nal, state, and lo cal leaders l ookin g to pr omo te greater econ omi c oppo rtu nity for all. To learn how y ou ca n reac h out to y ou r elected officials an d their staff to suggest a Comm unity Acti on Mont h Pr ocla mati on, visit their websites. We also encour age you to use the templ ate pro clam atio n in this toolk it and a da pt it with you r Agency’s specific info rmati on.
Sample Community Action Month Proclamation Proclamation Inse rt Y our Age ncy’ s L ogo He re
WHEREAS, Community Action connects individuals and families to approaches th at help them su cceed and promotes community-wide solutions to challenges throughout our cities, suburbs, and rural areas; and WHEREAS, Community Action builds and promot es economic st ability as an ess ential as pect of en abling and enhancing stronger communities, which in turn promotes self-sufficiency, ensuring that all Am ericans are able to live in dignity; and WHEREAS, Community Action connects millions of children and families to gr eat er opportunity, transforming their lives and making our communities — and our nation— stronger; and WHEREAS, Community Action serves 99% of America’s counti es in rural, suburban, and urb an communities, offering life-changing services that create pathways to prosperity by connecting families to job training, affordable housing, utility assistance for seniors, promoting community-wide solutions and sharing expertise; and WHEREAS, Community Action will continue to implement innovative program s that create a greater ch ance at success for everyone, will continue to focus on a broader range of community challenges to ignite economic growth and ensure all families can benefit, and will continue to be a voice for the disenfranchised. NOW, THEREFORE, I [ins ert name & title] of [in sert city and/or state n ame], do her eby proclaim M ay 2018 as COMMUNITY ACTION MONTH in recognition of the hard work and dedication of all [ins ert city and/or stat e name] Community Action agencies. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of [insert city and/or state name], on this day of [insert date]. SIGNATURE OF: [insert name] BY THE: [insert title] ATTEST: [insert name]
OF: [insert city and/or state name] [insert position]
Suggest a Site Visit with Elected Officials An o th er way to ed u cate yo u r elected o fficials ab o u t th e s tellar p rogram s an d excellen t wo rk th at yo u r Co m mu n ity Actio n Agen cy is do in g is to in vite th em to a s ite vis it to o bs erve o n e o f yo u r p ro gram s . A site visit provides them an opportunity to see first hand how vital Com m unity Action is t o t he f am ilies and const it uent s in t heir jurisdict ion. B e sure t o cont act t he Nat ional Com m unit y Act ion F oundat ion as soon as you schedule a sit e visit so t hat t hey are aw are of it in t heir advocacy ef f ort s!
Site Visits •
Plan a head a nd co nsider the g oals of the site visit. Do you wa nt mo re suppo rt from elected officials? Do y ou want to sh owcase yo ur p rog ra m’s successes? All of the above? How best can you a chieve those g oals?
Craft an age nda a nd identif y key players t o parti cip ate in the site visit, includi ng staff and pr ogr am c ustomers wh o can best showcase the suc cesses of the prog ra m and wh o are willing a nd eager to be in volve d. The agenda will also ensure that the event rema ins on t opic a nd o n task so that t he site visit remains focused on y ou r goal s.
Keep the event small and be respectful of everyo ne’s time. The Weatherization Assistance Pr ogr am Tech nical Assista nce Center ad vises havi ng n o more th an 1 0 guests and keepin g the site visit to one ho ur.
Perform a d ry r un or dress rehears al of the site visit the day before the event.
Allow time for a questions a nd answers sessio n at the end of the site visit. Prepa re and review talkin g poi nts ab out the pr ogr am in a dva nce.
Fundraising During Community Action Month You can use Co mmu nity Actio n Month as a fundr aising opp ortu nity to re ach o ut to yo ur dono rs an d other su pp orters a nd stakeholders. I n you r fund raisi ng letter or email, you c an pr ovi de them with inform ation abo ut the pur pose of Comm unity Acti on Mont h and t hen reflect upon t he positive ou tco mes and lives y our agenc y has c han ged over the p ast year. Comm unity Acti on Agencies gi ve their time, energy, and passio n to help peo ple help themselves, and tho se who are inspi red by the dedic ated efforts of you r agen cy may wish to offer their sup po rt for yo ur pr og rams. A good fund raisi ng a ppeal tells the story of a n agen cy an d the indi vidu als it serves. It uses specific examples of suc cess stories to illust rate the needs in the com munit y an d explicitl y states how yo ur Co mmu nity Actio n Agency is meeting those needs and assi sting fa milies to achie ve self- sufficiency. While fundr aisin g can often seem intimi datin g, once y ou make y our ini tial ask, yo u’ll often find that there are man y people in yo ur c omm unit y who are mo tivated and h app y to cont ribute to y our c ause. Even as you ask for fu nds, Com munit y Action Mo nth ca n also be a time when y ou thank y our d on ors, bot h indiv idu als in the co mmu nity who h ave co ntrib uted to your wo rk as well as to found ations, b usinesses, and g overn ment gr ant makers who supp ort y our a genc y and its a nti -povert y pr ogr ams. You c an also com muni cate yo ur gr atitu de to volu nteers who give their ti me and talents and who may fur ther alo ng als o be motiv ated to gi ve financi ally. People alwa ys appre ciate tha nk -you n otes, and by s howing y ou r app reciati on for y ou r don ors and v olunteers, yo u ca n strengt hen an d affirm yo ur relati ons hips with them.
Sample Fundraising Letter / Email Dear [Insert Name of Individual], We are excited to announce that May 2018 is Community Action Month, a celebration of the accomplishments of Community Action Agencies across the country who are a robust state and local force—reaching children and families in 99 percent of America’s counties with life-changing services that create pathways to prosperity. As a Community Action Agency, [insert name of your agency] is committed to the Promise of Community Action: to change people’s lives, embody the spirit of hope, improve communities, and make America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. In the past [month/year], [insert name of agency] served [number] of families with lowincome and transformed their lives by helping them become self-sufficient. We are particularly excited to share the story of [name of individual served], who participated in [name of program]. [Insert brief anecdote about how the person was helped by the program and give a tangible example of how his/her life has improved.] But [name of individual] is not the only person positively impacted by [insert name of agency]. [Insert relevant facts that demonstrate your agency’s success to show how you are having a positive impact on the region.] As [insert name of agency] improves the lives of people in our community, we also need our community to help us. We request that you make a special Community Action Month gift of [insert suggested amount, appropriate to audience and link to online donation form, if an email]. Your generosity will allow us to continue to change people’s lives in [name of community]. We very much appreciate your generous contribution! Yours truly, [Insert name of Board President] Board President [Insert Name of agency]
Fundraising Appeal Tips Emphasize the need in your community —Inform y our dono rs ab out the pr oblems in you r co mmu nity th at you r agenc y is working t o solve. Using specific fa cts an d statistics a bout p overt y in yo ur regi on is helpful bec ause it shows that there is a need that y ou r Agency is resp ondi ng to. Emphasize individual stories— There’s a saying in fundr aising t hat peo ple give to people. Pick o ne or two cust omer sto ries that showcase how their li ves have been signific antl y an d positi vely cha nged b y yo ur work. What was their situat ion befo re they found C omm unity Acti on? What prog ra ms did they p arti cipate in a nd what d o their lives lo ok like now that they have co mpleted these pro gra ms? How did they feel before they found Comm unity Acti on an d how do t hey feel now? Just make sure that yo u ha ve you r custo mers’ permissio n to use their sto ries. Emphasize your agency’s role in solving the problem—After you’ve shown the need in your com muni ty, make sure th at you r do nors c learly u nderst an d how Comm unity Acti on is ad dressin g and meetin g that need. Present d ata th at demonst rates the difference you a re makin g, whether it’s the number of indivi duals you h ave served in a yea r, the num ber of indivi du als who ha ve successfully com pleted you r pr ogr ams, or the n umber of indivi duals wh o are selfsufficient because of yo ur help. Emphasize the ask—Don’t be shy a bo ut directl y askin g you r do nors fo r money. Your fund raisi ng ap peal sho uld in clude a secti on where you a sk don ors to gi ve a gift. You may even want to p rovi de suggested d onat ion a mou nts, which sh ould be appr opri ate to yo ur au dience. (You p rob abl y don’t want t o ask former custo mers for lar ge don ation s, and y ou pr oba bly d on’t want to ask wealth y phila nthr opists in y ou r com mu nity for sm all do natio ns.)
Other Community Action Resources Looking to get press coverage around Community Action Month? Follow these “Ten Media Relations Tips for Your Nonprofit” to get your story covered in the news. If you need help getting started on social media, check out our webinars with basics on how to use Twitter. We also have a more detailed webinar about sharing your stories online here. Nonprofit Quarterly also has a great article about how nonprofit organizations can most effectively use social media, “Social Media Effectiveness for Public Engagement.” Community Action Partnership branding materials, including the specific colors, high-res image files of our logo, the Huggy Heart and other elements of the Community Action brand, are available online here. If you’re thinking about using Community Action Month as a way to boost fundraising and need some ideas to start off with, try GuideStar’s “Top Ten Fundraising Tips.” “A Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising” also has some helpful links and resources to kick off fundraising campaigns. If you’re looking for customized data and mapping, you can access our Community Needs Assessment Tool online. For detailed information about the successes of CSBG funded Agencies in the past year, please consult NASCSP’s 2016 Annual Report.
Community Action Partnership’s 2018 Annual Conference
To learn more about the Partnership’s annual convention, visit our website:
2018 Annual Convention Award Nominations
2017 Annual C onve ntion Jayne Thom as Grassroot s Volunte e r Aw ardee : De anna Mille r B erry
2017 Annual C onve ntion S arge nt S hrive r Achie vem ent Aw arde e : E Lee C oulte r
Do yo u know an y outst andi ng v olunteers o r other in divi duals wh o have adva nced the work of Co mmu nity Acti on, foug ht pover ty in their c omm unities, and ena bled low -inco me families to achieve self- sufficiency? These individ uals shoul d be hon ored an d reco gnized for t heir suc cessful and exem plar y efforts, and we invite you t o nomi nate them for Co mm unity Acti on Pa rtners hip’s 20 18 Annual Co nventi on awa rds.
Full descripti ons an d no mina tion for ms are a vaila ble in the following p ages. Please note that if you r no minee is selected, you will be asked to provi de a twominute vide o featurin g you r no minee.
Please submit n omin atio ns via email t o Jovi ta Tolbe rt, Deputy Di recto r, at: or via snail mail at the following address: Jovit a Tolbert, Depu ty Direc tor Comm unity Acti on Pa rtners hip 1020 19th Street NW Washin gton, DC 2 003 6
Jayne Thomas Grassroots Volunteer Award Nomination Form
Name of Nominee: Nominator’s Name & Title: Nominator’s Community Action Agency (CAA): CAA Full Address: Nominator’s Phone: Nominator’s Email:
Awards: If your state or agency recognizes customers or volunteers during National Community Action Month, or at any time during the year, please submit their names as nominees. The Partnership will provide hotel accommodations and convention registration for each award recipient.
Deadline: Form, narrative, supporting letter (s) and / or documentation must be postmarked or mailed on or before June 6, 2018
Send To: Jovita Tolbert, Deputy Director Community Action Partnership 1020 19th Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 Director Phone: (202) 265-5031
2018 Sargent Shriver Achievement Award Nomination Form
Name of Nominee: Nominator’s Name & Title: Nominator’s Community Action Agency (CAA): CAA Full Address: Nominator’s Phone: Nominator’s Email:
Awards: If your state or agency recognizes customers or volunteers during National Community Action Month, or at any time during the year, please submit their names as nominees. The Partnership will provide hotel accommodations and convention registration for each award recipient.
Deadline: Form, narrative, supporting letter (s) and / or documentation must be postmarked or mailed on or before June 6, 2018
Send To: Jovita Tolbert, Deputy Director Community Action Partnership 1020 19th Street NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 / (202) 265-5031
Avril Weisman Scholarship Application Form
Name: Title: Organization: Organization’s Full Address: Phone: Email:
Please Check One: I am applying for the CAA / State Association Staff Member scholarship
I am applying for the Board Member scholarship Deadline:
Form, narrative, supporting letter (s) and / or documentation must be postmarked or mailed on or before June 6, 2018
Send To:
Please send the aforementioned with “AW Scholarship” in the subject line to and “CC”
Community Action Board of Directors and Staff Members Board of Directors C h air B r ya n D unca n Sta tes vi ll e, N C
R egio n 5 A ndr ew (J oe) D eva ny, C C A P Ma r i on, OH
1st Vice C h air El i za beth "B i z " Stei nber g Sa n Lui s Obi s po, C A
D en ise Harlo w C C A P, N CR T, MSW
D y an L ee D i r ector of
C hi ef Executi ve Offi cer
C om m uni ca ti ons & B r a ndi ng
J o v it a To lb ert R egio n 6 K a r en Swens on N a cog doches , T X
D eputy D i r ector
J o h nn y Eud aly C om m uni ca ti ons Inter n
J arle C ro cker
R egio n 7 A r l ene McA tee
Ph. D ., C C A P, N C RT D i r ector of Tr ai ni ng a nd T echni ca l
C h erit a C lait t MSW Event a nd Pr og r a m
Ma r s ha ll tow n, IA
A s s is ta nce
A s s ocia te
R egio n 8
Kev in Kelly
Elizab et h "L iza" P o ris
W i ll y Soder hol m Mi not, N D
D i r ector of C om m uni ty Econom i c D evel opm ent
Pr og r a m As s ocia te, T r ai ni ng & T echni cal A s s is ta nce
R egio n 9 D a ri ck Si m ps on
C o u rtn ery Koh ler C C A P, N CR T, MA
Long B ea ch, C A
Seni or A s s oci a te, T ra i ni ng a nd T echni ca l As s is ta nce
A dm i ni s tra ti ve a nd Mem ber Ser vi ces C oor di na tor
R egio n 1
Nat alie Kram er MSW , N C RT
X iao Wei Inter i m C ontr ol l er
Steve G ell er W es tm i ns ter, VT
Pr og r a m a nd Pol i cy A s s ocia te
R egio n 2
T if f n ey Marley
A m y T ur ner , CC A P U ti ca, N Y
C C A P, N CR T Lea r ni ng C om m uni ti es
Mad iso n Wicks T r ai ni ng & T echni cal
Pr oj ect D i r ector
A s s is ta nce Inter n
2n d Vice- C h air Peter K i l de, C C A P G l enw ood C i ty, W I 3rd Vice -C h air Ma l col m R a tchfor d, CC A P Lexi ng ton, K Y Secret ary D a l i ts o S. Sul a m oyo, C C A P U r ba na, IL T reasu rer A a r on Fr a nkl i n, C C A P T r enton, MO
R egio n 10 Sus a n G r i ndl e
E lle nsburg, W A
R egio n 3 R ober t G ol ds m i th, C CA P
C h arit y F ran ko wski R ur a l Im pa ct VIST A Lea d
Hy acin t h “X and y ”
R egio n 4
McKin ley MA , N C RT Pr og r a m As s ocia te,
Pa ul D . D ol e, C CA P B a r bour vi ll e, K Y
Lea r ni ng C om m uni ty R es our ce C enter
A bi ng don, VA
Sran d a Wat kin s
Helping People, Changing Lives