Fuchs and Lewis
Tools for the Measurement of Outcome after Minor Head Injury in Children: Summary from the Ambulatory Pediatric Association/EMSC Outcomes Research Conference* Susan Fuchs, MD, Roger J. Lewis, MD, PhD Abstract This article summarizes discussions held during a conference on outcomes research in emergency medical services for children. It provides detailed information on existing outcome measures for pediatric minor head injury. Benefits and/or limitations in their applicability for use in pediatric
emergency medicine and pediatric minor head injury research are highlighted. Key words: pediatrics; outcomes; minor/mild head injury. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2003; 10:368–375.
A conference entitled ‘‘Improving Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) through Outcomes Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach’’ was held in March 2001 in Reston, Virginia. This conference was supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, EMSC program, and the Ambulatory Pediatric Association (APA). The goals of the conference were to educate researchers in pediatric emergency medicine (PEM) about the importance of outcomes research, review existing outcomes measures, explore the applicability of these measures to PEM research, and promote a dialogue between health service researchers and PEM investigators. The participants in the conference included investigators in PEM, emergency
medicine, health services researchers, and representatives of federal agencies. As part of this conference, several workgroups were convened to focus on research topic areas and their associated outcome measures. These included: asthma, head injury, pain management, and trauma. In the workgroup focusing on the measurement of outcomes after pediatric head injury, the participants discussed available outcome measures and their usefulness for pediatric patients, designated priority areas where additional outcomes tools are needed, and formulated recommendations for priority research areas. This article summarizes these deliberations. Head trauma continues to be a leading cause of death and disability in children. Every year there are more than 400,000 emergency department (ED) visits related to brain injury.1 Almost 50% of these injuries result from falls, and this mechanism is particularly common for young children (0–2 years).1 Although the majority of head injuries are classified as mild, approximately 10–15% of children sustain a severe head injury. This latter group often develops the most serious long-term disabilities.2 The workgroup members focused on the measurement of outcomes relevant after minor head injury. Minor head injury was defined by a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)/Children’s Coma Scale (CCS) score of 13– 15.2 Within this definition, some participants believed that patients with a GCS of 13 are substantially different from patients with a GCS of 15 (more likely to have a clinically important intracranial injury [ICI]), and that there are additional characteristics that indicated more severe injury, such as a loss of consciousness [1 minute.3 Consideration of this heterogeneity even within the population of children with apparently mild head injury is important during the design, selection, or testing of an outcome measure.
From the Department of Pediatrics, The Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Memorial Hospital, Chicago, IL (SF); and the Department of Emergency Medicine, The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Department of Emergency Medicine, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA (RJL). Received August 19, 2002; accepted October 24, 2002. Address for correspondence and reprints: Susan Fuchs, MD, Associate Director, Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Children’s Memorial Hospital, 2300 Children’s Plaza, Box 62, Chicago, IL 60614. Fax: 773-880-8267; e-mail: s-fuchs@northwestern. edu. *The conference entitled ‘‘Improving Emergency Medical Services for Children through Outcomes Research: An Interdisciplinary Approach’’ was held March 30–April 1, 2001, in Reston, VA. It was presented by the Ambulatory Pediatric Association in collaboration with the Emergency Medical Services for Children Program, Health and Human Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Workgroup participants: Sheryl E. Allen, Shireen Atabaki, Peter Baker, Jonathan Bennett, David S. Greenes, James F. Holmes, Pamela Okada, Vidya Sharma, Wendy J. Pomerantz, and Linda Quan.
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ISSUES REGARDING CURRENT OUTCOME MEASURES During the discussion of each outcome measure, the group sought to answer the following key questions regarding the available measures: 1.
2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Was the outcome measure developed and tested in a patient population similar to the one we hoped to use it in? Was the distribution of severity of illness or level of disability similar to our study populations? Were the settings in which the outcome measure was developed and tested similar to the settings in which we intend to use it? Does the outcome measure have adequate sensitivity and specificity? Is the outcome measure free from significant bias? Does the measure have sufficient precision? Does it have adequate inter-rater reliability? Is the outcome measure valid? What is the respondent burden—the time, energy, and other demands required to complete the outcome instrument? What is the administrative burden—the time and required qualifications of those who administer the outcome instrument? Did the tool require face-to-face contact, only a telephone interview, or could it be based on a chart review?
While we could not answer all of the questions for each measure/instrument discussed, we developed a table of relevant outcome measures, which would assist the workgroup in selecting outcome measures for future studies. The table also helps define specific age groups or populations for which adequate outcome measures/instruments do not exist.
AVAILABLE OUTCOME MEASURES When the available outcomes measure were discussed, parameters of interest included the appropriate age range, the domains tested, who needed to perform the test (administrative burden), the amount of time required (respondent burden), and other issues. Table 1 organizes answers to some of these issues. [Since the conference, several other outcome measures have become available, and are being utilized. These measures are noted in the table by an asterisk (*).]
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ON SPECIFIC MEASURES Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ). Domains tested by this tool include physical function, social/ emotional role, social/behavioral role, bodily pain, general behavior, mental health, self-esteem, general
369 health perception, change in health, parental impact– time, parental impact–emotional, family limitation in activities, and family cohesion. It can be administered by a parent or child, is scored by a computerized algorithm, using scannable forms, and is useful to track changes in the individual and population status over time. There are long (50, 87, 90 items) and short (28 items) versions, and a toddler version is under development. The 98-, 50-, and 28- item versions are based on parent report, and the 87-item version is based on child report (for children $10 years). It can be self-administered or interviewer-administered.7 –9 Some limitations include no published studies of use in children with traumatic brain injury, and limited data about sensitivity to change over time.6 Functional Independence Measure (FIM). This tool is an 18-item ordinal scale used for children aged [8 years, to monitor progress in an inpatient rehabilitation. It is useful to assess individuals’ ability to perform daily activities such as self-care, sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognition.12–16 Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM). This tool was designed to measure independence in self-care, sphincter control, transfers, locomotion, communication, and social cognitive tasks. It is useful for measuring developmental strengths and limitations across health at home, in school, and in the community. It is an 18-item, sevenlevel ordinal scale with levels of independence (score 7 ¼ no helper, to score 1 ¼ total assistance). It has been tested in non-disabled children aged 6 months to 8 years, children with developmental disabilities aged 6 months to 12 years, and for individuals of all ages with developmental disability and a mental age \7 years.9,17,18 Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). Only five levels of outcome are defined: death, persistent vegetative state, severe disability, moderate disability, and good recovery. Because we were interested in those with good recovery only, this tool would be too insensitive to detect subtle differences in outcome in the population with minor head injury. It has been used successfully in a number of adult studies of more severe injury.10–12,19,20 Halstead Impairment Indexes (HII) and HalsteadReitan Neuropsychological Test Battery. The HII is based upon the patient’s five core tests that make up the test battery. It includes the Halstead Category test, a measure of abstract reasoning and concept formation; a tactile performance test, which is a form-board with slots in which the blindfolded patient must place appropriately shaped blocks; the seashore rhythm test, where the patient differentiates between 30 pairs
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of tones; the speech sounds perception test, consisting of 60 nonsense words the patient hears on tape and then selects from choices on an answer sheet; and the finger oscillation test, which is a measure of finger tapping speed. The HII is a summary value based on seven scores derived from these five tests.21 Neurologic Outcome Scale for Infants and Children (NOSIC). The NOSIC is intended to allow nonspecialists to obtain a valid measure of the overall neurologic functioning of infants and children. It requires a face-to-face interview and a brief neurologic examination, yielding a numerical score in the range of 3–100 (or 3–80 or 3–90, depending on the age of the child). It can assess neurologic outcome over a wide range of functional levels, but is insensitive to subtle neurologic or cognitive deficits. It has been validated with Bayley infant scales and with standardized intelligence tests.22,23 Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category (PCPC) and Pediatric Overall Performance Category Scale (POPC). These tools were developed to quantify short-term cognitive impairments and functional morbidity. The POPC scale is dependent on the PCPC scale, as the PCPC status is included in POPC. Scores range from 1 to 6 for both scales with 1 ¼ good, 2 ¼ mild disability, and 6 ¼ brain death. The scales are good for pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) patients, and correlate with PICU length of stay and PRISM (Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score). Studies of patients with scores of 1–4 at PICU discharge, hospital discharge, and one- and six-month follow-up show association with the Stanford Binet Intelligence Quotient, Bayley scales, and Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale.4,7,24,25 Pediatric Evaluation of Disability (PEDI). This tool assesses functional skills, caregiver assistance, and modification of environment for self-care (15 domains), mobility (13 domains), and social function (13 domains) for children aged 6 months to 7.5 years in a pediatric rehabilitation setting. There are 197 questions, 20 caregiver assistance items, and 20 environmental modification items.9,18 A new version is in development that is designed to be completed by parents or providers, is designed for children 1 to 18 years, and focuses more on community and school participation than did the original version.6 Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (Peds QL). This tool is useful for measuring quality-of-life measures in healthy children and adolescents (aged 2–18 years) with both acute and chronic problems. It consists of a 23-item modular core with eight physical functioning items, five emotional functioning, five social functioning, and five school functioning items. A seven-item cognitive functioning module can be
added. It can be done by children aged [5 years, or by the parent for all age groups, and takes less than 4 minutes to complete. It has been tested for reliability and validity, and is responsive to change over time. There are 30 disease-specific modules, such as asthma, diabetes, cancer, and cardiac conditions. It does not measure family function or family impact.9,26 RAND Health Insurance Study (RAND HIS){part of the Health Insurance Experiment–HIE}. This tool looks at functional limitations in physical activity, role activity, self-care activity, and total functional limitations (ages 0–4 years); and mobility, physical activity, role activity, self-care activity and total functional limitations for ages 5–17 years. Other aspects include social functioning, behavior, general health, impact on parent, mental health, and general health perceptions. It can be self- or parent-administered and encompasses 154 questions (0–4 years) and 122 questions (5–17 years).9,27 RAND-36. This tool is a generic health status measurement designed to measure a patient’s quality of life. It measures health from eight domains: physical functioning, social functioning, role limitations due to physical or emotional problems, mental health, vitality, bodily pain, general health perception, and health change. It can be performed by selfadministration (via mail) for those aged $14 years, or by telephone or in person by a trained interviewer. It does not correlate with degree of physical or cognitive impairment.16,27 Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS). This tool measures communication, daily living, socialization, and motor skills for children from birth to 18 years. For children under 8 years, it consists of a total of 261 items, which includes 47 communication items, 57 daily living skill items, 38 socialization items, and 36 motor items. The optional maladaptive behavior section has 36 items and is for children aged 5–18 years. The interview is semistructured and takes 30– 60 minutes.4,14,18,19,29 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–Revised (WISC-R). This test consists of 11 subtests: information, similarities, arithmetic, vocabulary, comprehension, digit span, picture completion, picture arrangement, block design, object assembly, and coding (digit symbol). The first six make up the verbal subtests, and the later five comprise the performance subtests. The intelligence quotient (IQ) is derived from these two subtests scores, plus a full scale (all subtests), and is comparable to an overall IQ score. In addition, some research has determined that three separate factors underlie the test: verbal comprehension (information, similarities, vocabulary, and comprehension), perceptual organization (picture completion, picture arrangement, block design, object
Outcome Measure
Age Range
Domains Tested
Characteristics of Tester
Time Required
Neuropsychological assessment and intelligence scales: mental (Mental Development Index) and motor (Psychomotor Developmental Index)
Tester with specialized training
1 hr
More a measure of developmental status; does correlate modestly with later IQ scores
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF)*
2.5–5 yr
Self-administered by parent Self-administered by parent and teacher Self-administered by patient
10 min
More specific than some other measures; sensitive to stimulant medications
11–22 yr
Assesses functioning such as self-monitoring, organizational control, individual planning; each form has 86 items
Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ)
5–18 yr
14 domains (see text)
Parent/child selfadministered via telephone or in person
Depends upon version
Four versions (28, 50, 87, 98 items); does not include cognitive function; toddler version (\5 yr) in development
Disability Rating Scale
Older juveniles and adults
Impairment, disability in feeding, grooming, toileting, handicap, employability
Self-administered, 6 medical record review
15 min
Tracks individual from coma to community, low sensitivity for mild traumatic brain injury
Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
[8 yr
Functional independence and daily activities
In person, or via telephone by trained interviewer
15–20 min
18-item, 7-level ordinal scale; proprietary measure
Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM)
6 mo–18 yr (age limits based on population characteristics)
Functional independence in 5 domains
In person, via telephone, non-specialist
15–20 min
18-item, 7-level ordinal scale, measures disability, most useful for 2–5 yr
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS)
All ages, but school/ work factors are evaluated
Functional level
In person, via telephone, no specific training
\5 min
5 levels, insensitive, inadequate to distinguish levels of minor traumatic brain injury
10–12, 19,20
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychologic Test Battery
[18 yr
Abstract reasoning and concept, tactile performance, speech sounds, seashore rhythm, finger oscillation
Tester with specialized training
3–8 hr
WISC-R is often performed with this test battery
Neurologic Outcome Scale for Infants and Children (NOSIC)
Birth–21 yr
Mental status, abilities and disabilities, neurologic exam, activities of daily living
Face to face, non-specialist
10–15 min
Not sensitive to minimal or subtle deficits, wide range of outcomes, associated with Bayley infant scales and intelligence tests
10 min 10 min
April 2003, Vol. 10, No. 4
5–18 yr
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
TABLE 1. Outcome Measures for Pediatric Head Injury
TABLE 1. Outcome Measures for Pediatric Head Injury (cont.) Outcome Measure
Age Range
Domains Tested
Characteristics of Tester
Time Required
References 4,24,25
Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category (PCPC)
Birth–21 yr
Short-term cognitive disability after critical illness or injury
Nurse, physician
\5 min
Definitions subject to interpretation; wide range of outcomes (normal to brain death); correlation with length of stay in pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), Pediatric Risk of Mortality Score (PRISM); association with Stanford-Binet Intelligence Quotient, and Bayley (Mental index only)
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability (PEDI)
6 mo–7.5 yr
41 items: 5 domains
Trained professional
45–60 min
Useful in pediatric rehabilitation settings
Pediatric Overall Performance Category (POPC)
Birth–21 yr
Short-term physical disability after critical illness or injury
Nurse, physician
\5 min
Excellent inter-rater reliability, correlation with length of stay in PICU, and PRISM; association with Bayley Infant scales (mental motor) and Vineland (VABS)
Pediatric Quality of Life (Peds QL)
2–18 yr
23 items-specific modules; cognition can be added
Parent/child report forms
\5 min
No family function or impact; good for acute and chronic health conditions
Birth–4 yr, 5–13 yr
10 domains (see text)
Parent, self-administered
Depends on age
0–4, 154 questions; 5–13, 122 questions
$14 yr
Patient quality of life in 8 domains
Patient response (mail), via telephone, or in person
36 questions
Scales of Independent Behavior—Revised (SIB-R)*
Birth–80þ yr
Long form 259 items; short form 40 items; good for early childhood (0–5 yr)
Structured interview or parent checklist
Long form 45–60 min; Short form 15–20 min
Global index of independence based on adaptive (motor, communication, personal living, and community living skills) and maladaptive (internalized, asocial, and externalized) behaviors
Birth–12 yr
Locomotion, self-care, communication
Chart review or via telephone by nurse or physician
\5 min
Four levels: normal to dependent; does not measure cognitive deficits, good for children with orthopedic problems (can use aid or wheelchair)
4,7,24, 25
Fuchs and Lewis d
5–105 min
assembly), and freedom from distractibility (arithmetic and digit span).32,33
1 hr
Short attention span, motor or visual impairment may alter performance, non-Englishspeaking patients perform poorly
Although the workgroup was able to delineate and discuss the measures listed in Table 1, several key clinical questions require further research and/or the development of new outcome measures. These include:
6–16 yr
3–7 yr
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children— Revised (WISC-R)
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
*Recent outcome measures not discussed at the 2001 meeting.
Neuropsychological assessment and intelligence scales; 11 subtests
Birth–18 yr, 11 mo Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS)
Neuropsychological assessment and intelligence scales; 11 subtest measures
Communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills; optional maladaptive behavior domain
Infants to adolescents
Tester with specialized training
Short attention span, motor or visual impairment may alter performance, non-Englishspeaking patients perform poorly 1–1.5 hr
Modified version for children \8 yr 30–60 min Interviewer trained in administration and scoring
Tester with specialized training
Requires specialized training to administer and experience to interpret 3–4 hr
Standardized neuropsychologic tests (various)
Intelligence, language, visuospatial/motor, attention/ memory, academic achievement, social/ adaptive behavior
April 2003, Vol. 10, No. 4
Special testing: neuropsychologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech therapist
1. The development of additional tests for the evaluation of children with minor head injury. Some of the measures listed above may be sensitive enough for the evaluation of these children, but may not be practical. The need for sensitivity to detect small changes is often achieved at the expense of a long battery of tests, which may be difficult to administer in some children. 2. The value of imaging in minor head injury needs further clarification. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) practice parameter on minor head trauma provides for some practitioner variability in the decision to obtain diagnostic imaging, and which diagnostic modality to utilize.35 This practice parameter was developed for use in children aged 2 through 20 years with isolated minor head injury, who were previously neurologically normal. The parameter addresses two patient populations: a) those with minor closed head injury (no abnormal findings on neurological examination, no evidence of skull fracture on physical examination) and no loss of consciousness, and b) those with minor closed head injury with a brief loss of consciousness (\1 minute), a seizure immediately after the trauma, vomiting, or symptoms such as lethargy and headache. The imaging options include none (observation alone), computed tomography (CT) scan/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or skull radiographs. The imaging decision is based upon the availability of adequate observation time and personnel (physician office, ED, home), discussions of the health care practitioner with the patient or parents, and imaging modality available (CT scan vs skull radiographs).35 A recent consensus document on the evaluation and management of children younger than 2 years old with minor head trauma tried to help clarify imaging guidelines for the group not covered by the AAP practice parameter.3 For these guidelines, patients were categorized into four groups: a) high risk for intracranial injury, b) intermediate risk with potential risk factors or clinical indicators of brain injury, c) intermediate risk with concerning or unknown mechanism, or findings on physical examination that may indicate an underlying skull fracture, and d) low risk. CT scan was the imaging modality of choice for the high-risk group; observation (4–6 hours) or CT scan for intermediate-risk group b; observation, CT, or
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skull radiographs for intermediate-risk group c; and no imaging for group d.3 3. Cost analysis methods need to be used appropriately. When a cost-effective analysis is performed, many costs must be included. From the standpoint of health care resources: the cost of the ED visit, imaging costs, the cost of observation unit vs admission to an impatient unit, the cost of missed injury, the cost of false-positive tests, and the costs of repeat visits must be included. Non-health care costs include loss of productivity, school problems, caregiver time costs, lost wages (parent), parental anxiety, and patient time.
CONCLUSIONS From the workgroup discussion, several priority areas of research emerged: 1.
Defining strategies for baseline assessment or for adjusting for pre-injury level of functions, when conducting outcome measurements on children who did not have formal testing pre-injury. 2. Development and validation of a standardized assessment battery for use after minor head injury. 3. Development and testing of a grading system for CT scans. 4. Defining the optimal follow-up period for children who have sustained minor head injury (1 month, 1 year, 5 years). 5. Defining clinical predictors of sequelae after minor head injury. 6. Defining a cost structure for decision analysis after head injury. References 1. Weiss HB, Mathers LJ, Forjuoh SN, Kinnane JM. Child andAdolescent Emergency Department Visit Databook. Pittsburgh, PA: Center for Violence and Injury Control, Allegheny University of the Health Sciences, 1997. 2. Gedeit R. Head injury. Pediatr Rev. 2001; 22:118–23. 3. Schutzman SA, Barnes P, Duhaime AC, et al. Evaluation and management of children younger than two years old with apparently minor head trauma: proposed guidelines. Pediatrics. 2001; 107:983–93. 4. Fiser DH, Long N, Roberson PK, Hefley G, Zolten K, BrodieFowler M. Relationship of pediatric overall performance category and pediatric cerebral performance category scores at pediatric intensive care unit discharge with outcomes measures collected at hospital discharge and 1- and 6-month follow-up assessments. Crit Care Med. 2000; 28:2616–20. 5. Gioia GA, Isquith PK, Guy SC, Kenworthy L. BRIEF—Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc., 2000. 6. Langlois JA (ed). Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States: Assessing Outcomes in Children. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2001. 7. Aitken ME. Morbidity measurement. Proceedings from the National Congress on Childhood Emergencies. Baltimore, MD: Maternal Child Health Bureau/EMSC, Mar 2000. 8. Landgraf JM, Abetz LN, Ware JE. The CHQ User’s Manual, 1st ed. Boston, MA: The Health Institute, New England Medical Center, 1996.
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Where to Find AEM Instructions for Authors For complete instructions for authors, see the January or July issue of Academic Emergency Medicine; visit the SAEM web site at www.saem.org/inform/ autinstr.htm; or contact SAEM via e-mail at
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