TMa ia a .nooeaao.r7 part ot the progru,. •• yoo woro \be tirat to ..... t:bt OOWl\PJ
whtoh hat ct•en ~- a ret'\l.p; and. 12\ert lt ao doubt ..... It .vat be reOOII1&14. ~at ••.
-nt& UHDift IICAII1'AftY
M"J' PSI, 1940
tending the
At t~ched
letter tro• George Heaaeraolth to you
~• I
bel1eTe you will
t1n4 lt ot lnterett .
HabLCl& , Cuba , Way 25 , 1940.
Peraona1 and Coott4entlel .
Doar SW!I.Der :
You will r eoall tbat eo~e ti~e ago I sent you a memorand~ which r oaobod mo t r oo a banker in EUrope who i a a naturalized Amorican ci tizen and who hae over a number ot yoare given ~o aome very uaotUl infor mati on . You wUl &lao r e call t hat whilo I waa home you e.bowod. me a letter troa Loland Harriaoo 1n
wbicb. be tran84ltto4 aomo in.tormtion which had beon st• en b.1m by tbia auao pe.ra011 .
I have now received troa tb1s ~ eouroo e lotter dated MaT 6 ot which I send you a oopJ, aa well as a copy or the aoaorenduc whlcb bo tranamltto4 me.
I gacher t r om hia lottor thet tho appended
memorandum containa very l argely 14tormat1on which bo oonvoyod to Leland Harriaon and which wae tho subJect or Leland ' a lottor to you . I am novortholosa aonding you tho memorandum as it I bol1ovo oont a1na aomo ampl i tioationa or tho tnrorrnat ioo whioh Lalan4 t ran&mtt tod to you.
I nood not tell you, ot courao, that 1t la •ory important that Dr. Roeelor ' a name should bo kept vory contldeotial aa I happen to know that the peraooe wlth whca be ls in contact in con:an,. 1.d high ple.cea and well 1tlror~~6d aod UOJ:IC those whO ree.llze the to all thO •orlct, aa "ell aa to Ce:n:laft1. ot the Obje4t1•os ot the present Covernsent tbere.
I shall bo writlna you ahor t l .y on other mo.ttora . You bavo, I am aura, in tho maant lme rocolve4 ~ letter ot UCy 22 with whlo~ I sent tho momorondum on allen controls . I Am delighted to not e that action ie
Tho Honorable sumner Welles. Undoraooretary ot Ct ate , l/aahlllaton, D.C.
eo rapidly wuier way wltb r o1poot to tho trc.neto r ot Immi gration an4 Naturall~otlon tram Labor to ,
Ju.atlce . TMa ia a .nooeaao .r7 part ot the progru •• yoo woro \be tirat to reo~tz.e ud lt ls solo&
to be moat helpful to baYo thla done ~edlatolr. oro, ot oourae, these other things wbioh must bo done without dol~y also . e I as elYin& tho question or eaplona go and aabotag •orr careaotlYit los oo behalf ot verlo~• eleseat a tore about r~l attentio n and I aball bo ablo to write you this next week. With all good wl1bes to you and ~ • • Welloa, and boplag you wlll teU ber bow cwcb t!f1 wtro aJtd I rosret not aeon her Clu.rlDg ou.r briot stat at boco ,
Cordial lY and ta1 t h;,ul:y ;7~• •
ltlclosu roe:
~ th.
Oopy or l etter dated Nay& , Copy ot memorandum dated Nay 6.
III.T 6 , 1V40. Dear Mr. MI IIU' hl
l hope ~ let ter or llaroh 18 r oao.bo4 you . I bad oo4&aloo to bear ~ore troa the eaae poreona aA4 •• t hi e s.nt ora tloa. • • • • t o .. equally t t r1kl.D.& I wroto lt d..own a.tul \ U e gl• l n aeoU .a.c 1 t to you e.ooloee4 . Boploc tbu tblo letter rldo you u4 llro . llouoraal tb 111 tho\ or beal' b u4 t.bat. • • u r haft t ho &I'Mt _pl ..ave or a eelnc you 1A Per l oa \111• eWICer , I u
wl tb waraoat r egarG• t or Mre. ketaor..l th and rourt olt , alao tr0111 Kra. RoetlU' ,
Moat aincer elr
Rudolph Roool or.
day the Clipper train lot t, an MA7 8, I aaw
The bim aomo or t be wr. U&rri ton in Berne and meAt1one4 fttoceoo ot about
nowa Whlob I aa14 were ooota1ne4 in 3 pacoo • blob I 1ot oo4o4 to oon4 1 u by ollppor •• I waa aoec. &AX:iou.~ to get this 1AtoraaUo o to USA aa ~ . Barrlaon r eplied t t at 1t ~u10klJ aa poeelble. thll 11 rour With, t ho quto•••t • &7 would be tt I peaa it on 41r e ot f.O Waahlq·t oo, wt\et ne prob&~lr ba.a l.o t.b.e
Alt.hQU&Jl thl.o.aa ar• gart l7 "paet hi ator r • by
DOW I ne• atthe.llll u aendln& JOU tbe a..o wbllb I prepare4 tor rou aad • btob I bope wlll at1ll 1Dtereat rou . ot ~1 3 •ith Mra. Roealer and I apent t be lira . ooroth.r "nlOilP•oc - l.-nia bar • 1.n Zurich, Juat t bo d111 ot t ho meetlna• with m7 lnt ormant . So abo beard tra. . . a tow ot the t blnsa wbtoh atartle4 m. moat.
Yer1 al..a.oer•l.7 70u.f'a , (olen.) Ru4olpt Rnoolor. lla.T 10, 1V40.
0 p
May 6 , 1940 .
'l'his report is based on 1n1'ormot1on received
between May lst and Uay 4th rro~ the same persona wbo supplied the dat e fo r my memo or Mar ch 18th , 1940 .
Ot all I mentioned there nothing haa to be taken
back , much or it and even tbinss which at that time
appeared moat incredible like the occupation ot Denmark and hon.·ay have come true i the rest is unfortunately on the best ~y .
Progressively with the realization ot Hitler' s atms - as I outlined them on March l 8 tb - the danger for the USA becomes more r eal, actually increases .
my 1 n1"orcant sa! d .
I should ~ention that he also bad told me that the plan was to "wake up" the heada of the Scnnd1nav1an
countr1e& in the middle ot the ni ght to advise t bem tb&t Ge~n troop& were marching tb~ugh the s treets of their capitale . I lett these absurd sounding details ont of my memo of March 18th because I was afraid they would shake the oontidence in the reliability ot my informant.
Pointing to the proots showing that his io~orma tion was oorrect even in details, ho r epeated his advice that the United States must assi a t ~be Alli es at onoe with everything p.o&sible:- orelllts, raw materials and any goods they need , not to rorget our " el un," as they ·.d ll probably not win the war whiob without a ~;tu est io n would mee.n, that the USA would b&vo to t i ght thin war one day al one . To beli eve all that I stated before, he said, end
!lll1 going to t ell you now . you must tully realh;e that tha sole respona1b1 11ty tor all this , Hitler , la a mad Uk,D , and actually inaane , 4lthough in certain respcots a genius and that \-vithout exception he has surrounded himaelt with absolute criminals . - A true plebiscite in Carmany po~ttlng full treedo~ or epeecb would give Hitler not moro than 1~ ot the vote.
what I
But tor the time being there is no hope for a revolution in Gorm~ny , not even ror an upri$1ng, not on acoount or shortage of r ow material and still less tor food . Cermaoy has enougb. t·o carry them until the winter and perhaps l onger with all • especial ly toodsturr - they found and squeezed out or Austria , Czechoslovaki a , Poland , Denmark and Nor~ . .,_
- 2-
No revolution in Germany is possible unless Hi tler has suffered two or three setbacks . The first one will only wake the German people up . Bu~ without a setback which only arms can bring about , hitler will not stop and without a s top the danger is creeping cl oser and closer on to t he United States . There is no compromise with Hitler. They are gangsters and use gangster methods .
l4y i nforant insisted t he Allies cannot win the war without t he full suppor t of the Unit ed States , ar guing as follows : If South and :Uddle J,orwey i s gi ven up by the Allies ( whet unfortunately has been the case in the meant ime ) three events will follow:1) The European Neutrals ~~ ll f1~m t he experience of others probabl y consi der it best to pl~v ball with Germany . Sweden l et already pass German ambulance trai ns fill ed with -- ?? -- through her t erritory. They ell will come to the conclusion that a compromis e with Hitler is perhaps possible after a ll and t herefore the bes t solution for them . 2) I taly will enter the war at once; take Jugos l avia and Gr eece , probably also Malta and Cyprus end perhaps even cap ture or destroy the Bri tish and French fleets i n the Medi terrenian. 3) The attack of the British Is l es frora Denmark and Norway as my informant pic t ured i t to me accordi ng t o my memo of Mnrch 16th , which was planned f or May l st counting with the immediat e occupation of Denmark end Norway - will begin now mi ddl e of June , when the airports i n No~vay are sufficientl y rebuilt. At the same time , l:le said , that the Germans will ma.r ch t hrough Holland and Bel gium and my i nformant beli eves it v ery uncertain whether France can stop the German troops as she can attack them only from the flank .
And if the Briti s h are not very quick in destroying the Railroad Narvik - Lules and get the Swedi sh mine workers to st rike by paying thP.m their living t hrough the English Labor Unions or use other methods of stopping the Swedi sh iron mines to operate, Germany "~11 have this rich ore, whi ch is probably now transported to Lulea t o be t aken from there wi th a great f l eet to Germany in the summer and Brita in will not have one t on of it . Gern.e.ny •s
- 3-
Germany's attack on the British Isles with air torpedos , new explosives , new armed huge airplanes wi l l in Bitler' s mind lead to a peace with Britain t his fall, and consequently with France , as I described it in my memo of March 18th .- That such peace will bring Germany colonies, permitting the erection or flying fields and Submarine Bases thereby becoming an increased threat to USA , would be the obvious result . But every peace , every truce wi th Hitler , my informant said , is only the start of further enorwous rearming of Germany on land and on the sea; and where will Britain still be abl e to build ships and manufac ture arms if its factories , shipyards , harbours , breakwaters , eto ., are destroyed? Where could the United States even land help ? Practically all the large arm factori es in Europe are in German bands . The English have not yet destroyed the Norwegian plants, which now work for the Germans too . And in a year or two, i f not before, my infonn&.n't said , Gerraany will take the llorthern part of France "The rest of France" includi ng Hor.:1andy and Brittany. Hitler says , "is enough for forty million people . If the Nest or Europe is in Get~ny ' s hands then she vdll turn towards Russia , grab Ukraine and Eastern Russia, possi bly as fer as the Ural , he said, and went on: that Russia cannot resist if Germany stirs up the laps and leaves the Dutch East Indies to them, seems certai n. To unde't'•aine South Alnerioa further , which Germany a l ready started , see Br azil , see Argentine , will be the The United States , he continued , next step and easy . are not so much liked in South America and South America has raw matoriale which the Germans can barter tor f inished products . "Ge r many must export or di e ." The United St ates , he said , may , may go togeth~r with Canada , perhaps Uexioo and live in "Splendid isolation" - but in constant rear ot Germany. This is what the Americans have to face i f they do not help tho Allies as quickly and as extensively as possible, and it may be too late if they wai t still longer, he said . It seems possible that so~ebody will say: why should the United ~tates help the Alli es if the y are so stupid -
so stupid - tor instance knowing that only tbe Al!mar incident prevented the invasion ot Norway at that time, knowing al.l about the Corman or at least mysterious ships the llorwegian coas t and not doing anythi ng about it - or so incapab~e as to make such a blunder in r egard to NorHay. The United States unfortunately have to do it as they otherwise would apparently oommit,lie said , the same mistake that the European Neutrals who believed that they could save their interests not better than not to mix into any troubles as long as they do not concern them directly. But there is no coJnprmuioe, no truc e , no peace with these gangsters who are out for power by way ot rape, murder , treacheries , lies, kidnapping, torturing and all. the other gadgets ot criminals . Already 100 000 Danes are forced to work in Carmany and f} 700 000 Poles who were brought to Carmany many work behind iron bars in Carman munition fac t ori es . This, my informant told me , i s a certain fact . There is no end to it because Hitler bas no goal, he is a fanatic wbo doubled his efforts as he l ost sight of hi s goal - if he ever had one - exc ept unlimited power .
These a i ms , customary way or disappear betore less t hen 2 or 3
these methods must be stopped . In our measuring time one might ssy Hitler will all this . But at this pace be may need years for al l he said.
We are at the beginning ot a world conflagration and it th e United States, he said , do not hel p the /~lies as quickly o.a possible they will themselves be caught and will have to fight alone and perhaps unsuccessfully. To be honest, he said, the United States hove no army and no arms to fight such o machinery alone , especially if it CO!Des so rar that they have against them Cormany with !tillY and Japan , - a Germany reaching rroo the Atlantic to the Oral •nth a Roman Setrapy controlling the ;.(editerranian and Africa about as far dovm as the Congo and Japan with Manchuko and Nanking . 8otb - the Isolationists and the Interventionist s he said, can agree to help the Allies because this might s till ke~p t he United 3tates out ot the war , provided they supply the Allies with everything the latter - mis ht perhaps - eventually need. If the It
- ~-
wil l have I f the Uni ted Stat es wai t long they
to mob ili ze them selv es . Alli es The conc lus ions , he sai d , are : - ; The mus t bea r they tes cann ot win with out t he Uni ted Sta this in mi nd . too and Lib erty and peac e are lost for them ce and Fran ue subd the ir chil dren if thes e gang s t ers Gre at Bri tain . er of This is the seco nd chap ter of my lett same the of on ti rma info Mar ch 18th base d on the with ect corr so ly nate ortu unf pers ons who were ch 18th eve ryth ing they told me as my l ette r of Mar shows .
'lhtrt are approxt•tel7 ta., ooo , ooo all en• t n the 8tattt in ao-o.alle4 ptrw&nent reddtnot, tbt
Un1~ t4
1!7'0&\ MJOrt \)' ot wboe han lln4oubte4lf MciO lepl entr7 tnto t bt OOW\trJ'. .-,nc tbttt ll, ()()(), 000 allent there 11 t.ancaueeUonablJ AI\ W\dtttNlned nu:.btr, wbioh 11 a relat1Yt17 t.all •tnortt7, wbich, tn one -.y or oUlt ri u4t tlltpl enti'J. In &441 tton, U.trt are eo•• 6,000 allen tMpOP&J"7 Yilt tort 1D tb_t l1n1 tH
Statea, the cr-ater nu.btr ot who•
tnto the oountry tor a bo{a t14t and pi"'ptr purpoee. ~ng thttt tt~r~ Tit tore, lbow.. tr--••~ probabl7 aaons Choat 1101t rto«''tl7 arJ1.Yt4--1:htrt ta a 10"417 nu•l>er 'llho bHn etnt w the tint ted Stattt, tn tnt a ...,, at tbt txptntt o"r oU\tr FTtm•tntt and tor J)UJ'oo
po••• co ntrary t o our la•• and tnetttuttont.
tt wat bt reoognl&ed and re&llttloallr dealt W1. th tha t: t:be national allepanoet ot tOlll ot tht tl
&11ent, part1oularl7 'lhoae ot Oera11n an4 Itallan f)ripn, are ·~ • o1&117 t tJ"'ftl• It 1 1 a tao·t that 10111 ot O.r.ant an4 It&11an 1 Co lett tbelr OOW\1:1'1. 11 lD reeent 111.1'1 beoauet ot pereeout1on 'Dr tbll.r IOYtm.•entl haYt, n e•er'tb• lela, btoo• 1n our 00Wl1::1"7 eU'On l d.tftftclaftte or tibelr uti•• oou.ntrl tl and tbt praotloet ot tihelr J)l"lllftt flOTII"ftaeDt l . Aaong the IOo-Oalled. retUptl ln our oountl'7 11 a 1'&11" nu•b•r tho oan be dtpen4t 4 upon to aot at apntt of 1:h.e1r IO"el"'laeat aa4 wtao Will rtolate la aar tibe ho~1t~lt:J11l\10h tibe7 AM enJoJ1ng ut.
In •1•• ot the oooupatlon nt Yarlout oountrlel ln DJ.rope bJ the toroee, ot the oontrolle-d co•ern•ente wbloh haY• been tet Up there, and of \be lnen table .xt:endon of euoh O.rwan control o r 1nflu411\0I lhould the 8J"l t.1 tb and J'renob eutfer a &11 t &rJ de rea t, 1:1111 pro'bl. . . of the al-len• in our oounU"J wlll be tr'·IMDdO\lllJ •ore OOIIpliX &nd will haTI 4anpJ"Q\II 1Jtpllutitone. Molt of the &l.lent ln tht lttl ted. ftatee, li"'NIIptoU•• or ort.Sn, baTt near rllan••• tn thtlr n&t1l'l ooun.tr1 11. the Oerll&n IJoYII"fttllrtt, in ~t.loular, and 'Che Italian OoYemaertt, in a l111tr deer••• beert exerotelna 41Not pretiiUJ'•oa U.tlr nauonale ln the Unt t ed !tatee, thle extend.lng "'"' to tho •• 1fto •a.r ha•• b100111 na't\lral1se4 AMI"ioan ol t1 una. '11th the txtentlon of GeNU\ oontrol o•er other oountr1 el or lbropt, o ther national poupl ln the ~1 ted ftatet rill be 41reotl7 1nnuenol4 b7 'the•• prttiNP IJ. J:xptr1.,.oa hae alrea4)' ebown ua that 10 . . ot th111 national• do
not need the tro• Dlroptaa ao•ena.-entt, at
thtr .,., raaauoe, ol"1 tlo&l ot U\t lntU tuttont or t:bt OOWl\PJ whtoh hat ct•en ~- a ret'\l.p; and. 12\ert lt ao doubt t:htt, \&Ddtr ct•en olro\attanoee, th17 would beoo•• Wllllnc a nd dan &trova el••n•, belftg 10 w14tl7 IO&tttre4 OTIJ" OUP OOUfttr7 &n4 1~107~ ln all k.lndt ot k17 la&&ttritt ln all kln4t ot oapaoltitt, f'raa .ztout1Yt podUont do•• Aootbtr taotor wbloh wet bt oona14trK ttrlO\Ul7 an4 rtltOlUttlJ' at thlt tl•e 11 that eoat O.raant and Jt&llant ln our OOW1tl"7 wbott atU tu.dt ba1 been .ZtNatl7 orltioal ot tbt wtlolt p011t1o&l, aoo1al, ud central progna of tht to tall tartan etattt art btlhl lftfeoted trith tht • • • 41••••• •toh ll"adu&llt toot hold or tht reaeonablt people ln O.raan7 and ItaJ.r . A oont14trabla aobtr or O.raant and Ital.l&nt, aort p&.rUOul&.l"l7 O.I'Milt, Cl"a4U&ll7 btOUI dna.nk W1 'tb thlt drt&a of power Md bep.n, tht,..fort, to 'lhelr full wpport to tb• ..,...,.....,.t 'lhlob thq bad abhorr.d. 1o 1 t net be r.okon.e4 wt th that tn the UJU. ted Statee <ent, partleulul7 ot O.N&a aad Itallu oripn, who h aTe haNtoton Hen oollpletal7 0\&t ot IJ11P&t.h7 w1 t:b 1ha O.raan an4 I'Caltu QoYam•tn'tl and thetr pl"OIJ"UI 11111 eD41&Yor to Ollab on the ban4ftSOD ot what tb17 bell••• to ba the w111A1.ns a14e. It aet aot be "'~' laote4, in oon.naotton, U\at tba text'bookt ueed ln the O.rwan. tohoola ln. r-eoen.t J••.r•, the nlwi'J)&pert,
the ra41o, u4 all publto-optnton-tol"llins • ••• h••• bean 41r.ttt4 to tht en4, o\ber tbtnsa, ot &bow-
las that tb• .,.oph
thota wbo
o r111n ln til• Ul\1 U4
reaponalble tor the poet U on
ot tb• UnUM statu lB tb• .01'14 todq I that tb•7 haTe aade Ute pJ"1 nolp&l oontJ"lbu Uol\ to l te Ol&l tur&l, IOOlal, &n4 IOOftoall l i te.
In I"HMt 71&1"1 \ba Qe,
p - h ba•• b•• l nOIIloahd with til• lha that th• 0.1'aAnl
tbl Uftltlld. 8't&tll AN IUoh
IUpJ)NIII4 111DOr1 t7 1
N.,Oftllbll p&pll"l II th1
~ftlf!l,a!~~:;: ~baTe ap~aare4 artlolee to .t I 4llt7 to 11"-Pah th• hatea. In Ob1oap, tt
onl7 thare, tbare baa b aan a 41aUno1; oaatar an4aaYor1na to aur up tb.a pOp\alaU.on ln \ha Ulll ted 8tataa ot Or1&1n to t:he neaaea1 t7 ot their •etllng power t:brous;b the elaotoral JIAohtnerr o f the aountl"J.
1f1 tb 10 lara• a nu•'ber or t.Uan• tn Ute Un1 t •4 Stataa and kaeptng tn aln4, o ther raotora, the abo•a, it 11 olaar that the ~a e'i on of all an oontrola tn the Unlted ltat,aa 11 one tbat aan no longer ba poatpontd, t or reaeone ot publt o eatatr.
1bt eo-•all e4 fttO Otl~ uU•lU tt 1-a lo,...,, ....... , PolM4, hlll•, \bt lt\berl aa4 t , •Cl•ct , &Ad , . .•• tbow 1ba t Mt 0Dl.7 -.llMI bit
aa u •• ana a atvaU M4 at u
are attaat.e 4
U\ 111 aot1't'l tlta lntUpt e4 bJ oUter IOYt"'a tzata.
tba tlrtt aa4 tba ol attlt a~.-plt .., Auatrta , ln eloll 1t ... 4otlD1 hlJ nru. Oolla• oouuu oo thot ,.,..,.,.. . U.t . . , tor 1:ht 4 tttN:t\t OA ot b a r .o•arl iptJ oa4 lepaNt o
AlUiouF Ulo baa4wr ttt nr " "
b1 l ar. . oa tht Mll, 11 'U• a t:teUon . ., p.a14 to 1 t : n a u4 1 t \ook Vt.t aotual 0\atbr.U o t war an4 o~r.Uo 4tlrtnc tbt -.r 10 oorrrlft tt \ha . .,,,,, a nd ln eo•• U.a lead•• of .,• .,....,, ot the 4•P"• ot • ••• Plt'tb Cblua .,,.• •, , . 1bt
••••• «•
~i~f~,_ .
4-M..,. ••
raooant ...S too l a t a, Wl ~ 1211 eft .ott 'llhiob art ao• appu• t ln a&ropa.
ot Uleta ntth Col•• aaU't"l ttat the 4.1tN t1at'ted , • • ~•allt4 Ula aao111 towa4 a.ra ••• pP1Ylla ced, a"d t 11d.lar poovpe. !beat to:rw U1t on whloh Plt'lh Co.l~ aaUYi Ute are baa... 1ha l aadareh lp 001111 fi'OII naUTt ud natural lae4 oltlatn t Md. &llnt ttlo b.a'f't \ht httpt tbat, t:brouah 1bt1P a ot.trt t1tt , thq . , b t a bll t to prot. . t IlOilo ptr-tona l tho ..,..,.,.ln l or taYOr &114 n -o1 lntOP. . t of a to tall tartu po,... w1 U. ....-etd. Yo a18t oa Ute oount.r7 of ft.leb tl'lq are nauona lt or 1ft whloh t:btJ &N 11Y1,... O&trt nwrt.• Ulo llopo ot power, plaot, &Ad pre:ftnM Rt UD4 tr the •n•• order• wblob thq ""llt'f't 1 1 ooatac. !be r t 1 1 M 4ov_bt that ta owo
eouU"J the ..,.._, Itall• , and
J...,.,, .. Olwe"'-
their ~· aa4 '*84t i"'OYII' ac-ta, bAYt &l r ea4J •no4 people Ia ro-ll'l >lo poo1 U ono 1 D our OOWI tr)' eo 101ll 'l>e NOOOpt l 'l>lo \0 lbol r .,.proao boo. MoDI \hooo ol'9 poOplo ID bill> ploooo I& p raotlo& llJ t'fii"J' . . . . . , ot ou.r o• lift t,a tht Oalt. . ltate e\Lal'f'tl"d t)", tvltu.ra l, ttauot al, bw.ti_n ttt, tt o tttra. 'lbt . .Jli&Nftt , JIDt t 'f''Oft foaa1D& b•, h F tllt , I t t.belr pro\otT P•• t a oth tr eov.fttl" let, o•t•••i
...,,, *""'ab
tnolu4 1\l our OWl.
!b ert lt, therefo re, tbt • t•tdlat .t dancer o f tabota p 1n 0\ll" bQ_a 1nttl 1 fta&nol Al 1 &ad. I OODOII10 11 ft, at tht t.op.
'lbt .... 1• clanpr ot eabotac e on our Ullpt, oond4t N'blt •• •oll •• ot Ute aerohan t .a.rt. nt . !bt t to-.ualt t e l • • t ..,., the pti"IOft atl Gf tbt awebaa
MJ"lnt 11 an ,.., J)J"t J &D4 tool tor toNip tnn.u. ... oe.
1hore l a daapr o r M ltot.,.. , la
1Muat:rt &1
plutaJrocbaotaa &tNr&tt, a.atll tto u , aM o tba r Mter1 1 tor \ la 0\lr de t •H , aa4 tn. plaate NHepUble o r 4"1ek u.aarorwauoe to • • ,_,..,_ duoUoa.
!boN l a daa• r or eabo..._. to 0\&.1" . . . , or t.raaeporMUoa, ..,,,. npplJ , l l llf\t "l"'¥1 oo, aad l llllla r uUll t111.
A o-.pal .. or .. botace oo~ld oaetl r ha•• a u••••n4ou a r o\a1'41DI otteo t on o\lr dtteneo pi'OP'•• , aad tho •ral e:ttoote or auoh aota ot aabotac• I U U\Ot ltl 41 1HIU"de4o
fh tN l&n
be ft.O dal., ln
r .t'tlllon. ot t:bo noo••••rr oontl"ol e, t or a ou delq or d tt\1'07 prop-111 t o r 110n1:b a eJ.n c o o r our dot • •• prosr• , u cl ta an liiPO"'t.Mt doavor ta aa l nabutt Uao -orll o r a M n or ~·
Tba otteota on .oralo o t aabota,. aotl•ttlll
haYo beooM 7 appar-'t ln reoent ••U.a, whon
thoro baa bean a taacleftOJ on tho part ot oon alclorablo eootlone or popula ttona or oountrt oa taoocl b7 el •••rr
-.111 tho • doa•ore to brlna about .,ral eabo· co. . l A tllo li>Ho4 ftatoo ww14 u4oubW41J oo' 'Ito baYe Hen ln. ot b e:J" OCNntrtee , •• ett. . U Ye •• U • • ' bo ....,opl•..S tlla\, W1~ OW' l ar. . &11001 populaUoe •4 wl th O\U ' l a .rp poP'&la t:loa ot Ra''YNlt:&ed OUl&OOIO ... 0 oUU bno OOOI U - U l &llo11UOOOi tll o &et1'f1.Uee ot pa14 ..,..,, an4. tan.t1oa &.J"'e an 1 ••lft't ...10b . . . , b o OU'\OU&lJ kopt lft •1114,
Atteatton, therefore, wtll haYe to be pa14 t n prop.,an41e'tl, Wftether th17 ar e colu.nlete, ooaeen.· talOre , or preu. It aak11 no dJf' t e r ·. ,Ot whether t:bOII llft&apd tn t heee a oUY1t1 11 are •enal, eubetdtt.ed, taftatt o, or 111t-eelktns1 \be etteata ot thetr aott•tUea are the •••· CarefUl oone14eNU on .S. ll h &YI to b1 ct•.n, and e a t r pUo 1\epl tUM, I"IIJ)H't to YarlO\I I t;;rpea ot or -1 u.Uoaa *18 , *tle appareaur ot u 1a.noevoua or 4e a11"Ule obar. . t•r, v ...., o.r aao.,u'Dl e of M1aa ltMBC Chi l l AN ~~ • H 4 1 tor 4eiMUI\ JMI'POIII. trMk17 pol1t1oal o.....,Uaa\t one .aleUaa a.ona oerta.l n allen poupo 1A ~· Ual hd ""'"" tlh1oh ba. . bon 411"11114 &.-J,Mt tbl IOYirft.lft'tl of 1ftl 00Wlt1'1 11 Ot
1hetr or1ctf'l . Ctr""ln or tbt eo-oalle4 pea a t eool ttltt ln tht Uftt ted Stattt ar-t a thln oloall ror oo-.anl t t
and eubYtrt1'f't ao t l YltJ .
fh t b t ftt•olent, eootal, and
bur1.a l tool t\ltt &IIGftl o ur t ll t n popul.&Uon ha't't &lrttdJ,
1n a Maeur·t, bt oo•• \ht lnttru•tntt o r t ortllft •11 tatort , and tht t ttftdtnor oan raptdlJ bt oo•• • csr••ate4 under dt•eloptnc otrov• ttanott tn IUropt and 1n t h t Far Eatt. A oona14trablt ftu.•ber of orpni u.t1 ont , tn IIMJ' or wb1oh tbt •••b trlhtp l t l a_r pl.r Mtl'ioan:, ha•• rtt«l tl7 IJ"'WD up 'lhl ob ad.wo•tt a-AIIt rtoaA dooU"lntt. W\llt 80M o r tbt t t Pltt l a..rpl J on paper aDd \htl r 11&1nl pl"'1DC 1ft rao lal P N J1.l4J.ot , 12:ttN poWDU< U tt ln thttt orpaJ &&t1ont CJ.ah, u.ntil H c enU ,7 , o.ou.ld h Ttt•-.4 W1 tb a Otrt&tn aaou.nt or OOIIpla c enoy ; Wt 11bteb,
uadtr .xi t ttnc oondi ttoae, beoa.e 4&Acwroue.
!btre 1 1 , tbt rero,.., not 0Dl.7 r ·t e.l neo ea•t t7, bu.t l•e41att W"Pf'01 tor tht ttta'bllebatnt ol c t rt&ln oontrole 1n the tint te4 Stattt. !beN wtll b t a hut u d Of7 fro• a •err tiMll lllnort tr tn GUJ" oo\ln'trf. 'lllbo wt ll I&J that & totall~ M ttat l 11 beln1 INOtH ln 0\11' o• .S.4 t t an4 \hat 01Y1 1 llhrUet &N bolln& 4.tttr-ore«. Aa • . .,ttr or taot, tt t • neo ttt&r7 t o r . .ft1"1•• tbat tht exttteftot or ot Ytl llbtrtJ a nd the Miat •aM t ot all tbo tt pr1no1pltt wh1oh •• rtOOiftllt 111 at tht bat1t ot our Oo••m•tnt and our 'lt\ol e poll Uoal, eoolalt an4 e oono.S.o o rder are at tt&ke. It 11 onl7 br rtttr1ol1ftl the eo-oal.lt4 ol¥11 ltbertttt ot a -.11 voup aeonc ou.r popula tion 'Cha t 1 t wi ll be pottlbl t to aa1nta1n the o1 Y11 11bert1tt or all. Moac 1:tt.o.t 'lbo wtll orr l oudeet 'Ul& t otY11 lt bt;rt)' l t bltnc 4 ttV07ed ,,.. tbo t t 111bo, ln Ule etna1C1e tor 11bat tb17 belitYt ~ 'bt \ht Miii UDanot or aa tde&l , a.r. pPep&rH. to r1U. th e eGYI1'11p'J or 0\U" OOUAti"'J &nd \ht OOIIplt t l batlt Of ou..r •&7 ot 11 rtac. It 11 t uob t-.11 lf"'UP• ln o ther ooUAtrt tt Wlb1oh b&Yt pro~ t tt4 ap.l ntt eo-oallld. r .... IU'iOtlODI o f OlY'll llbtl't7 wbioh baYt J"tallJ 1 &14 'Cbt batlt lor tbt 4t ttNOt:lOD or W oh llbert1t t l n U'lt lr
OOllfttrl. 11 .
'!b.ere 'Will bt dttlnl tt ettor-tt •an.a unc kln4t ~ r unexpt ott 4 qua r ttrot t o lnouloatt teart an4 a gentNl dtrtatltt poltc.r . .o ns tht p t t>plt or tht ttd 8ta t tt. ""' power or tht to tal l t a rtan atattt wt ll be ••snt l t td , ., th the l4t• ot la.:rlnc \he bael e t or tht lnON•t lng oon·• totlon tha t a t ru.gCle a &:&lntt tuoh power i t 1\I.U le. There Will b • 1trt e t1na or the 4 t adl7 ttftote ot ra14t 1'1"011 the a.tro; the d_a nct rt to ol• -Ulan popula tion tro• 1104trn will be tllphaal atd ln and 1n•14lout • r • t and
-6tate 14" ot • • nperlo rt. t.J ot
or-.1aa t1on, an4
oul "'-"·•,
1he pner&l O.rwaa
INpeNU 14ta, wi ll k p ropapt t4 . Our OWl rela\\Y t«neee will be ,,,..,,. ., .t \h a ....:Nl 14ea
ot lnov.loa Uoc a 4eteat.t et asu W4e. "'' ' ' onl7 u• .upweb a te• ..,, '" p,..ooM , ettOI'u nh " • 4• "' 'briq a -...o\ a pNaeh •nt o t 4eteat l• .
Ill•-' •
*iN ual•••
,..,.P&l ••1
1'be t\aa4 . . .atal t aot tha t o\ll' ll'berU ea, our l, ot 11 ft , .,.. our *ol e 171t. . o t ,,... . . ot ,.reofta ••oaoat t, aa4 poll Uoal aeuoe a_re at eute a e t AOt M b144eo t ro• tbe ••rt•u ,_ople . I t .aaet ~. olear that •••n 1t . . eoul4 llYt wtthln 0\4J" pHeent trontte re w1 thout an.r da_,...r ot attaok t ro• w1 Ulou.t, 4 t'f'tlOJ)M nte w1 tb1n aM w11bout ou..r oowtt17 ln. • ••• ot a \ o -.lUan u rtow17 ..,..14 llrlal oa-.ouo pblO ohupe w11hln ou- o .. ecM&atr'J lnYOlY1AC a lo. ..rlDI V\1 e'taa4&1"4
ot U •t na
a eo.plet e relll4J \I•••t
ot 1ft our poll tloal., .oolal, aa4 . .ono•to l.lte. It ..,.,, M loroqb\ o~\ \ba' •••" 11\o~.,. 11\o Aooort OM pooplo .... w1111DI "' DMop\ IIll o,_ a rtowrJ of 11\o w\alltartaa t at t l W.U. l&t'91 e9MWA 11J lln'OlYI VI 1ft ..,., •• ...,. polate of 1'1"l1Uo a eaul4 W \&14 ukl l t l.,Oi d ~1 1
tor \tl
a b etaln f1ooa
tn 11lf dlft•ll . tt .u1t be . .4, ol. .r that ~~ 110\al.l \artan 1~t 1 1 M•• a t their o'bJeot1 •• the 4et Uv.ot1o a of the power ot the &all ted Sta t e e. ju1t II INN17 e.l Ul17 haYI ha4 II their ObJ Ht1Ye tbl
4 . . \NoUol \ or , _ . aiOil 11\o Brl tlob Dopl,.• ao4 ot 11\o oo....lp\J ot lUll o\aho . 'l'ho .lllon ooa p- l o • • t reel. ill tha t tb1 dlflftle o f the ~1 114 ftateeIre , l DYilYII 'Chi 4 1 f lall of • • W.Oll WIIU. . b..S..,.. •• AJl7 ••1'0&411b.Mat oe M7 pArt of the . .,,.,,. bftt.,...,. 'bJ \llo w\a lUal'ia a ._.._. W'OI&l.4 llrlq \llo 'boo• of 1bt1r _ , .uhtae eo •ob tbt n ..,.,,. • 4 -.:Nl4 10 CN.r a\&ob WAkl1l 0\& P pGWIP O f 41fiRII , ftO •ttll' wbat aate.rt& l Neou.. "'' aA4 4 tt••• -,,.,arat u.l lll&bt be. It eaa ao loa..,. be toMMl t4 troa tht .,.rtou piOpl• U:ta t a to tall t artu 'f'tlt:oi'J would • • tha t the pro4tao Uoa ...h.1DI J'7 o f p.PUUa& l.l7 &11 Of' ..,.Opl WOU.l d be tA the\41 ot the Oenan OoYI J"'Wt n' a nd wovld atrYt •• ltl tne t ruaent.
Obder 1h••• o1re~etanoee, 1t 1• o~·t ow e that QoYe,. .lftt INit take &t O.ftO ... - NIIOlUt elJ &JI4 1ft rttJ 10 a1 0&111, nt1tll11 117-- . .a ANI wbl ob would or4ln.a. be taken 1tep b7 ,,.,. It .vat be reOOII1& 14 ~at •• are taoed b7 the Fe&tll t netlona l • •rPft07 11btob our
-1oou.nvr bat ' ' ' h &A \ o oontront . 1ber1 11 ,.,,,. ... ooa to NllO'fo that tr J"'blla optat ol\ u o4o'!"at011 lnto ...d and U\1 nent1 ln the reet ot Ute •orld ue aaa\lNtalr taurp .. ta4 to tho A. .ri • .., poopla1 thor l"tepoftd.t Ud tbt ftMIII&J7 a . .e\11"11 'lllbilft 0\lJ" tor Ul.e pubUo MfttJ taft lJt OU'r1a4 - OilF •ltho\lt 41tfi..ltT an4 91th GOtlplaU J"'blta wpport.
.,.,,,...., ••' "*' ftll
All• aad o er\&ln other oontrol t .... n : b e ttta'b11alla4 .tthooat 4al ar . 'ftlo J"''blla oatov, t n Yln o r
Ute torecotnc &.D4 ot o1ber tao tore wb..l ob 1 t bat not to MUtt here, r . . a " ' that
t.. ... d e•..
o trt&la aU• u 4 o t.btr ooatrolt H .-de . U't't 91 thl>llt 4alq .
tt 1 1 4e.tra~t that th••• oontJ'Ol l abo\ll4 be
t.aaM oa •••httt ...,,. . "r 1:bt Ol:mCJ"ell AA4 oa
&dalaletraU.•• ' ' " ' W\.loh U'ltll n . . etalUtta and. tsle tln& on•• M7 J)INl t. It 1 1 otr.l~u that , l a wh.,. , . are raoed br a r.&l tlatt llkt ,.no7 on the s. ..u , ot ml oh t h e whole f'Utw" t of our OOUiltl'7 and 1 t 1 lfttU t\IUOftl M.7 depead, the Prteldlftt aaet M 11••n .S.dt powtrt . J t 1 1 11IJ)Otl 1blt , tb.rovlh ltaitl&UYt aouon, to tore••• all of 1h1 pro'bl•• aacs taotora .tll ah Wi ll h••• to be d.l< With tn 1\&0b an . ., ..,.._.,.. Cert &ln oon i141NtlOI"ll, 1heretore, .-b1oh wo\114 oth1rwl t1 p N'f&ll , and Oil ..tll oh 1:h 1 Conpttt and our people WO\al.d \UNAllr 1 n11at, •at 'M aet &114e; aa4 'lbat. .er l ellalats.oa .., be •utld ahou.ld Uutlude lanp.aae 11•1•1 \b1 lrtl14et wldt 41MPetlon&l")' powU'I 'lb11 11 ot prt.-.rr With " " " ' to U\111 eoat:rol t . 1-.ortue1 'blo. . tl, ao •t\er wb1Ullr Ute Ooall"lll lhCM&l.4 reaa.l ft l a tltl10ft ooatlauau lll.J, -.b!oh 1 t 1 1 aot l lk~7 to do, tbe l tclal aU•• prooe11 11 t on alo•, 1n. Ul1 tae t of aa l•er.-or Uke \hlt, \o proTldt tor a 1tatut071 beat• tor all or Ult •I&I'\I.J"'I wb.lob tor tb1 pu.bllO 1&1'1\7 Mr7 b 1 ~tNtlYI . .U 'lht 1"1&1 t...U••'·'o"' &a4 Mopt or the pro'bl• wt1b 'lt\lob •1 w:ll.l ba•1 t.o 4 1&1 ln Ut11 h ...S.trpb1re .._.., b etoa1DC &J»partnt to tht Conpo111 and to tbt ptopl• o r t:bt O'Dlte4 5 \aUt , lt l t ftOt bell ..14 \bat tbll"' WIN.ld 'be ·~ 41tnoultJ' lA teoui1. DI l tllll•tt•• baal t •er1 cru.t our t or 1uoh broe4 po•tl"'l of tht Prel141ftt wt 1b I"II'PIIt t o Oc)ft\1"01 1 tihlCih h t ..,. nn4 ft i OII -I U'J.
li4'lall7 l!IJM)rtt.nt and rwutaaental 11 tht ntot "l tr that All 4qut.ent ll. , p41r-eon~, aftd. looa l oona14tratton t 'lbloh al&ht artat 1n oonntot1on wtth .uoh oont rol e . ., , be Itt ~•14t, and that cnlJ' tht publlo tnttrttt 'bt oont14trlt4. Ae thttt 4t'P&I"t.tntal, 4t~ p treonal, a nd l ooal oona ldtretlont are eta ted aa4, na W.rallJ, pn•Hl. 1 t will o"·1CN I11 be BIOIIIU'7 tor tht PJ-tl14•t to 11•1 tht plaiftllt, oattFrt• laet:rueUon t to \ht •ar1ou.t as-notet ot tbe
Pederal Gnerwte n.' tha' 11: wt ll not be J)l r altted that an,. eu.oh. 4epart.e at&l, p ePtOa&l., or looal oonetd eNUone lap&lr or liipMe Ute .rt.. U•eDeee o r tb.e ooatrol a a:ft4 Mallllat r aU•e , ,...u oee •toh 1 t ..,. b • de old-.4, at'ter due oone14eN .t1on, to aet up,
UBtton n aa ,..,..1 ,......nta Cleb &11. ., would b.aYe co •••t t o enter V\e ~ t..S Mate a tor a penMDen t o r a te~or&J'7 ata7 lhcNl4 be .., up, 1rr eiJ)eOt11'1 ot the orlpa of the &11M. 'ft\1• 11 po edbl e, under u-s a unala ~, ~\&P exeo\lUY e aott.on. It: 1n1"01Yet the ,...,.,&1 ot ate p reeeat • •ptlOD ot ft &U oMla o t Cua4a, ot &r1U eh w bJ . . t:• 4oatolle 4 ht Cana4a, an4 ot o1 t1 Nfta ot Wes1oo,, aad ttther ln41an llllandt t ro. o erta1n Hf{'ltr• eete fto• eat torUl 1ft the 1••· 'lh1 e utlon 11 l~ap eNt11'e ln order \bat the lllll\&a 1nt:o the U:nl t~ hate• o t -...4eelr& b:l e allen• ho• -.u .., OU.M , ud o\be r ••~ ln41u ltla nch l>e o tc>pp44.
All all en • teourl niJ a Y1 .. t or p iJ"'Mftlnt: , ,. tapora.r 7 A411lte1 on tnto the Ulll t.CS State• lhoul4 b e tlnatrpf t nted--el ther at the CoruNlat e tbe 1'11& l e IJ"M te4 or at the port ot efttr7, ae M7 b e e4 .oat teaelble .
Jn a eeparete a..oran4~• no• •••tl a ble wltaln th e DepartiiM t o t ltat e , o Vter ad.tftl lt,..UYI etepa whloh tor1ib. oa.n be taken \lnd er ex.tetlnr ate'"'' &1"1
ACfiOW !'HIOOUCII LI:OI lll.lfi f t S\'II'S
It wtll be liiJ)OIIlb le , ror rM80ftl Whloh 1 t 11 no t ne oeii&J'7 \o . , tn"' ..S. th1ft Cbe eoopo or thl o M.ONn4 u•, t o eowre Cb e . , , , el'teoU• • a 4Jd.nt atNtlon loac •• ot our 1-tpa tloa &a4 naWJ"all ulloa l a•• ••r ;...ta e ta Ute . .,...... of I ..S.cntt oa aad. latuN.U aat:t on •ernUt.e o.,.ar•e nt o t La'ao.r4 1b101 two tw.otton • o f p the • e nt: tall •uob aor• u.turall J W1 thla the .. o, . or ao\1 rt ,,. of 'the Depllrtllo n t ot .1U.1Uo e; &n4 t•ecUat o l •P•a_ouo. lboul4 H t:aken, 1:hrouah Vl.e to pro'lide t or Ul11 lat11'e or U.lDiet: NUYI true f • r. aue U".....t•r oa:n H IMide e.tfoot11 'e al80at: t • •41a tllJ &A4 w.l lbcNt: •ob d1ttl1Ul. t:7, •• l t: t ~~Yol••• 7 •• a l»o4117 tl'aaater to J\l otloe ot Wbat t o aoe ~al.l oat:ru.ou.e t\ine'lton of Lal»or. It 1 1 belll'ft4 11\at: tba Ooacre•• a ftd the J*blto ~4 H 1101t ea..,. to ••• euob a at:., t U:•n, 'booat.ale 1 t l e ~Mrell 7 N IOI'n1 1e4 U!&t t t wolll4 1114 to bot-.r a4Ca1et N.UoD aa4 1:hat:, la tbe
- 9... ~07 ~1 oh .. baYo to taoo, .ore ettoet1 YI a41lla1 11:reu.on t a neoou&r)'.
tho ltt. . rt ll ll, oa ~1ob ta•ora-lo aot ton Me beeA \&Ilea b7 U.e appMJJrt&t o oenate oo..lttoo, llb.aul4 rooot•• t.-.41ato aouon 'by tho Concr•••· I t pro•14oe , a.Dftl o\h t r thln~1 t or tho flftl t rprl nttna ot alton• alr t &4J ln ~· uat tt4 st&t ll aa4 tor 1t1o rop eurtng ot allen• ln Ulo ooutrJ.
It 1o bou o....4 that "-l o bill • Ul Noein olaoot unaalMVI •p-pOrt ta ~ Con..v•••• odor Pltttnc
&JtJ).roY"al , &ad. U\&t 1 t1 I D&.Ot..nt O&n be H OUNd Wl tbln. & N l &t1Yi lJ abort 'ftl.l t . .t Of Uli t bill 11 ftOt &Yat lablo : 1 t t1 H .
oo,St no·n• aM wl41 poJ*lU"
..., bo toa atble to oonatd or ttl qproprl at4 • •nd•
• • nt ln o Nu to proorl41 ao t GD17 tor the t1n.p,rp:r1nUaa and r ollotet"t nc o r allMa ta tho Oa1 W4 Statea . liNt &leo tor \ho tolloWln« o r tho .o••n t a
o r alt ona atwr tho ortllnal reelatrauon.
1b1 publto a.atet7 olauoe l D ~ odnc etatuto to OOYIJ" I'IOD-181ill'&ntl II 1 t
lbou.14 be Ol"lft4 H
now ooYoJ"o t•tvante. A prort aton ehould b e auoted &1•1n• the Pre etdeftt broad ,.ne,..l po.. r. to uke •e rceno7 re~l& ttona OO't'l rtns a ll en oon~ol e and the •o•• • ente Of 01 t1t·e ftl tl\t) aN W I J)I Otl4 Of 1111)1"0J)I P 1 0t1 rt tl el.
llbat .. e r le11 tlatt on 11 ena o'ted. lh~d be 1\lftt .. ot ent17 broad. 10 •• to requ1H alten.1 and., ln oe rt.aln oa111 1 olU unt to r ep1ter a t their n.ew a44reea tlban 'ther ohup thetr 4oalolle , ••• n t~rar117. t a oNer t o aU• 1:h11 proYl tt on. atteoU•e, the atatute ~n et p ro• l4e a p eftlll,lt:J' of t or t &il\lrt t o reatater pi"'III)t17 on oh&l\3• ot &44rll t. ln. orde r tha t the a siattac aaab-l a t f'J' of ID•ti'Uitftt ,.,-.ataet adYaata&a, to pNYaat tbe a e tttna "P ot a ew acenot ea, to ke~~p 4o• the ooat ot
a&7 be \lll 4 to \he
&4at a1 a t,.t1on &ftd to b l"ll\1 &bovt a.ttaotl•e N P atN-tlon, 1 t 1 1 beit••" tbat the .r•ll•U'aUoa ot a l l • • aa4, ln oa oaeat, of ot t11Mll , a nd the H r ap ttrat1oft ot 1\loh al1 1DI and. 01t1una on tba lr eh.a.ap ot ..alotle, 11\ou,ld lM ln 1:1\1 han4t ot a. Po t ~ -etert h••• at thllr dtepo al Uoa tb.t ed.S.Nblt poat&l tnape ot1on aart1o1 or the Poetotn• • hpartllent and Ute tlbol e u.ohln1P7 o t 'U""&n &ad Nr.l o&J"''1tH, 'llbo oa n, Nllatretlon W&JI 1 'be helpt\1.1 ln the ett.. tn ot llllena.
OOifti!Ol, AYAI!.Aa,t
.Pt1.UJ"7 ..,nr ttt.e a c enolaa ot oontrol Uld 1nYaat1p.Uon •••U•bl. • to O\U" OoYtnUIIft't la the
r..tor&l luro"" or IDYooUpU on or tho o.,..r "'""' ot ..Tueuoa. In that: Depa rtaet:, alao , aN the t ed.t ral. oour t:t and l:ha . .oh1Dtr"7 t or 1ht pi"OattuUo n ot ot t ..der e. In any 17 1t: . . ot oontrol, thttt tbrea
of the Depa.rtaant: ot JueUoa , t:opUltr wl th Uta a.u-eau or J«aturallaatlon and I:•tvatlon, • blob lhoul4 ba pla o..S 1he·retn, ~ oloa t l7 ooordlna ted • • a aott etta ot1Yt 1na t1'\lllent. &. .1\.0111
'!he ...,a tott1ot J>epar11111t1: 11 able \ o oooperat t , th.rOVi&b tht a an loa or po t totfloa 1 n8J)t otora, wbo a dla oNe t, oap ablt ,
t or ln•eet1 pUon purpoata,
and t f t'eoU • • or C*ftl aat:lon. It: oan l a nd lta aott• a and w14t oooptNttoa tbi'O\llb tb.t u ae ot po a,..t tera and. or ur ban a nd n~ Nl poatal oarrtert. 'fbt 'frt a a\IJ"'f oan oontJ"lbutt 1 tt ooope r a Uon tbroulb tiht ooaet 8\\*l'd, tbroulb tbt Bl.lrtau ot Cu at.o••· through 1 ta ~•olal a pate, a nd throustt auo.h aeoret
•cen'• ••
be a t t ta 41epoeal.
the ~7 c an"1bu' • 1 t a 00t)parat1on throup the e:Ua una organ1 aat1on o r the Ds:~ l al on ot JG.llt&.rJ Intelllgenoe and bJ l a n41ng the aar.loea of euoh r eeerYe aa4 a ot1 'YI oftloara wl Ul epeolal oa pao1 t l ea • • 1' b e foW\4 dlalrable to &I IIli" to 'th1 1 d.ut7.
oan l e nd 1 t1 GOOpara.tlon 1ibe
Ot tioe ,.,, In,tlll pnoe aft4 tbrc)u&h t h e a a llpMnt ot qual11'1e4 reraerta an4 a otl"Yt otn oara . In tbl a oonneots.on , 1 t 11 blll a.,ld ~r'tbwblla to potnt ou t t.bat there are .aA7 pll"eeAI uaroupout t he 00UAtJ"7 now ooopaNttnc • ltb lf.I . D. aa4 O.M . t . oa a oonf 14eat1Al an4 an.o..,.ou a Meta, &D4 tba ooopeNtlon ot auob ~reon1 .lhoald. be turtber ext n cte«, tbl"ov&b the U .l i UD.I OP8an1UUOD.
ottloera e o, t n
'f'1•• of
1ftleN U'l - 7 r a ael"f'l
the •erpno7, wt.ll be oalled
to a otlYI aerrtoa ; aa4 a.ons 1baM are ..,. tbo are a41d.rabl7 a d ap tM bJ J)I"I'Yioue t Nlalnl aa4 u:partaoa tor work ln eoMa otlt)ft W1 th allen oontrol a and. J)J"IYifttlOft ot 11bo tap and. l lplouaa. 'lbara 11 DO r a&..Oil tb7 aoa.•• otn oa r a lhoul4 not ba d..a talle4 to 1:hl1 4utr fro• both tba AN7 aad. I&YJ, •• lt 1 1 N l tha t w ob ot tloa r e wll l ba &Ya.ll abla tor 1:bl a 4\atr wl tbou' ortppllnl' tba o Uter a otl"Y1 t111 of Anl7 aft4 MaYJ.
tbe ~utaent of Co•eroe l a l n a poal Uon to lend 1 ta ooopara tton throu&b th• Stau boa t l a iptOtlon kJ'Tlce.
-11'lho Popar•ont ot lAbor ohoul4 bo a blo t o
ooopt Ntt ta u .S.ns 1 t e po4 otttoee tn brlneln.l
&'bou' &J\ \lftd ertt&A41nl b7 Labor Of 'thl lllpeP&tlYI n t otta1tJ lft the publlo t nte ... et o~ Ult oonVol 81&8\l.l"tl '41hto.b h a•• to b e W\de.rtu:en . '8\t hpar••t or . ,., , 1 • ln • poal t10ft tD reDd er Yal\&&bl e OOOJ»tNtlon tn th e 17s t • ot oontrol e, both throu., tho Pol'ftp Soro1oo IUI4 throu ... tho OPIJIAl &&Uoll ot \be Departlltnt t n Wallblqtoa. or the effHUYt tntor.at1on Qiob r e a ohtt our CloYt f'DAtiU oonoeratns the aotlYltitl or toret p apnte oo•• t:bl"au&b the J'ol"eip Sernoe or the DepaJ"tll.nt or atate; and, par·U O\llarlJ ta '&ht . .,tens b ta1~ere , tftt 1oJ"Gift Se"lOI Otn oera Of 0\lJ' IJoYtm•ent &1'1 t h t
ou.tpoett or aaob oont1'0l.
!bert ar.
Y&r10\l l 'WIUI
lihtoh W:lt Y&J"l0\11 1>1Y1 110ft l Od OfnotH Of Ult l)epart81ft 't f'i t State ou cooperate ta the oontrola.
It ww.l4 M l aok or good a4a1nletrat1.t:tn and would
tre•endoullJ alo• up the orptd. aatton of allen aa4 other oont rola t t the ex:lettns apao\11 o'f IOTII'8811lt:
aboTI •et1one4 •1r1 not 1f'f10UY1l7 and 81)))1"0pr1atelJ t llplO)'td. In Ol"dtr tha t oontrol 1 1b1oh are neoatMJ"7 no• and 'Cioh M7 b e towut n eeetaaJ'f ahal.l M oo•• etteou.-e, 1\ will not lM neoe1ear7 to create &n7 epeo1al ' '" ioee ot .,.-ei"'UUent. I' Will, bo-.Yttr, be neoei i&J'T t o plUI 1ft I 11DC11 4epar 111tnt Of p 't'IJ'"ft .. 111nt the oool"d.1nat1on of the•• a ot1Y1 U e1, wt'Gl r Ml NipOftl 1b111 tJ tor d.lreoUon.
In •1•• ot the taot tha t the l)epa.r'talat of state aa1nta.1nt no lnYeeUpttns •CW"o1 ee 1n the tJa1 t l4 at a tee uct 1 1 1ft tblt euae a neutral ...-•:r. and tn 'f'le• ot the taot Uaa t ln Ute Yer:r nature o'f thlftp 1 t 11 t he Depar11Mat la. Wlblob. Uli a eoor41u.ttoa oaa be . , , , etteot1Yelr pla ee4, wt1hovt oi'MUac tJ", 1 t 11 b elle't'ecl that Ulla ooor41nat1on abo\1.14 be pla oe4 b:r the Jtre·et4e nt 1n the llepart:.ent ot lta te. To thle lftd " hl. .-rultln& ott1Hr ot tho PoJ)U"••nt ot ltato tboul4 be auK b7 t:he Pree14tat •• the oool'dlnator-, u4 h• would aot •• the obalraaa of the loar4 ot Control e. I t 11 bt l11YI4 that all the oU\er 4tp&r1:aentl ID4 1Ciftl111 ot the OoY•rn•eat waul4 prefer t o eee the ooordinatloa ot theta oont:rol a oU 't1.U 11 pla otd ln tht Departllftt ot ltta t:e, ... tber than ln AA7 o"\11" a seno:r ot our Oo1'era.ent.
or JH& OOD'R"'
4 ....... - 1 4 ... oet wp loT lbo hoot4•t , or tho o Nloor o r - - - or a lllll>-rek laa • ••• Matloea4. ft\a 4epar111• 1• .,.. apa.taa -•Hr o t the IH.r d toJ" tilt Deput:.aa t ot ftate ob""l4 ... tho ollal...,. Ulo,...r. !blo ..arol """ld bo Oh&rpd W1 Ul t ho du t7 o r OOJ'J'Jlftl thi'O\Iah all
or tho ooatrol aoaeuroo Wllob '""' bo prooor1...4 loT l aw aad Neul&U on. 1be ••N, ln or4er to ..,.1"7 throoo&h U o 4uUoo, -oh Will bo l araal7 or U aleon bet. . . n tbe 4.,..,.tat• t• aa4 tor die UteJ"aa.M t1oa ot It aotloa . . . . , 'De pre"f14.e4 w1 th a -.all ... to aot llo1.1o...4 that thoro - 1 4 ... bQUt up """""' U'lll hrd. ot Oontrol ..._,. l arp ,.raonnel ot l ta o• , •• l t: ebou.ld. aot 1hPOU.Jb, ea1aU.ftl &IIMlll ot so••m"""' portlo1po U aa to tho _ , . a nd thi'O\IIh tllo
ta o NaJ" Ulat: P I J"II08Re l &Yatl&'bll to tbl l l acen•1••· Ute repna•ta t:l Yl ot Ute Dlp&l". .rtt ot lt:ate, llbo
,... ornoor o r that Dopu - t M4 WIN14, tlut_..t ore, be pertoratn c oth•,. ~u ea, eboul4 M able t o exero111 th1 11 4utl ea, 1 t: wlll be
""'"14 ... a b1.,._ _
d.ealrabl• to &'PJ)Olnt: •• hl • aaalat:.Mt: an altopthe r qu_al1t1 e4 peraor. to &It: tor hla ln tba &ott 'It dlreoUon of the wo.-: of the Board. ot ODn t:J"ol.
tn a441 U on to tbl ta4ai'*J. apn0111 alrea4J ••nUoae4 la tb11 a.aran4u. •, t:he aoard of Ooat:rol e, th.J"'U&b t:Ae Y&ri0\11 d.epar1111at:1 Nl4 apn1111 r ·. ,HIIftted ettHU'II ~rati o n l n 1t, wt.U be • -1• to aHuoe or •oololpal aa• otato polloo th...,.&ho• t tho - . ...,. M ,.,....17 ratoplaa4 tba' I• \b11 eouaat:t oa, 11 .-oq tbt pollee ot ao .. ot the l &J"''Ir ot tl tt thaJ"' aN a oar..S.a mwb.,. of e~th1aere W1 tb 'ot&l1 t:artu ua 00-aiat: 4 0I,:ftfttl. '11171'111'" l\leb pol lll J)ll"loaDil 11 ~~ ll:no• t o llol4 • • '11•••~ approprla '• 1t:ep1 lhou.l4 tat• to Mftl"l tbtlr au•aatlo a fJ'08 Qa 1. .a1 u4 lt&tl pollee , &I tbl:lr Ylr"J' ~ HIM OI Oa.Jl aabo \a. . tbt att e otl ••••• ot m1 oofttrol . . . wre • •
1h1 ottto•• o t Ma•&l IatelllpD ot u4 o t lllllta17 tntelllpa oe, 1ft &4dlt10R t4 thatr OJ"Pftl aaUon o f aott•• ot t1oare 11 .._iblacto a &JWS t 'Ule oauntrr, b&Ye the aoatt41at ta1 oooptNtlo n or olUaenae o ettha:r M• 1a 1he
• ..,,..,,.,. a
f oro•• at ••• tt•
4o, &ad 1lbo
ha•• a
o r Wlbo h &YI
eapae1 tr
t or, \l llh.l ltl1'1 1 t la thla OOftAHtto n. 'Bat pror.r e:a:p.Met ca ot thea• ar-ntt a ttan• ot 0.1.1. An4 • · • J>•
• ., bl uaatull1
o~n t
to M7 -., tndlllll •• 1• '01. "" huu a• t t 11 N lt e•.. tha t aa7 17 1't• ot eontPOl t or .or:i and -t•rt& l .abo\a p u4 ot tttplo u p Will lD"fOlYI Ut.t Mll&'DoH tloft of olU a•• t n pl"&ot1 oall7 ,.,.,,.,. W• u4 ot tJ' of 1:h1 oou.t:r7 . 4 Q'IW. fop the ••..,rta c ot eueb ooll.allioraUo• of ~~pprop.Ptate, eou4 •~Ill t7 ou b e wofte4 0\11: b7 1he •t U••• ln loord ot ConU'Ol a. U w111 h o. . \ o b e dono OllNtlll lJ , ln o rder to &Yotd the ptrttou tlon of ln41¥14\l&l.e .
······--·· lt 11 reallte d that Ute prov - 111: t or1b tn. U'll t
ta.r4etatle . roeubin c tor 1.-.d.t.a te .xeoutt oa ta all 111 o417 ft>o ,..,u ._ tnto .,, .. , o r ..a~~ a J>I'OVU ..SU Wldo~l>t I t 11 O&\l l l oerw.t n OGDOII'ft a.oft& a part ot OUJ" people. 4ou'b\t\a l, ho . .'f'ar, llhetl\er , 1ft Y119 o f tbt vo-tnlwt tb. reoopt \loA ot tbe ... rc-ao7 &ad. tibe ,..&1. 4ance r a• • . , " - too Ulorou,e hptn.s and ~
*lob •• &N taoe4 1 &lMtt oo~~pl et.e popula r w pport 9\11 toiUOII l•o41U olJ. ft>o 4aapr or Mtorta l ... f ONII MMl. t&ktA« e 1 1 80 PMl • • , &.1} till &'t'a1l <l.l
ao \ h
to r Ul e oova-.r aott• c 1htreot INit M ..,.1.,1 4
u4 • ••a• del aJ. r or uar -u4 MPlOJt d. etteo\1 vel J a nd wt tho\ltaetton, 1 1 .... ,.~,. reaeoa1 d.rattlt a ouon, aDd t • t41ate It 11 Muu te ta other 4.-.DNO l el e tP\ala ooat 14t .. U oaa
h &YI reetJ!'&1 . .4 . ,••, _ . . ,, t ftd
l)~l te
fro. Ull &HIIa& J'7
tftl tt whlob " a o u of tllt-p.r otHUoa ~t: "'' oCMt141'1.. 1itllta all OtiP At & u &N Wltattl 1a& b &YI 10 M about:. e otYS.l r t &bte are ta 4aftrr, 'ther. 1 1 ao reaeoa wbf th oYe.-..l la:la.c •Jort t7 o our people 'lb~t .,.. 41Mat aad. - - . . . al4ot la ... P1F~tll1M.l q *011114 ao\ 1>o tht pJ"'III"&Uoa ot tboll 1"1Fte, tY• l t 1 t ~ 1DYI1Yt ' "lueion o r pereoat t a oo.wen t••• ot 1bt 4t teattoe oo tho n Pllbh ot tba\ oaall alnort ' ' oho wo1&14 proJII4l!be ~~&ptr1 . .o t ot ud eho ..,.. poteat:l &llJ eo 4u. . roue. or Hfte14e . . \lon odatr OOIIlatrl tt ._14 • o• tha' ao . . lihtWJ.4 ~ ebo.. to tboet pU'-tOftt 'lllo would. etuct ta Ult t •• well ..., of p ropel' prot:ett lYt • e&IUNt . • • • P rt&ll at 'that J!t!.! of our 1"13htt -.,, tor the t:tae btl ftC, h-aYe t o bt rtilrfot~, if " U t to oont tP'It .1!1 tor Vlt til ...... tt 1 1 • .-al17 ol e~ that , C!lt eo per..,a a t t bt f dt prt•e4 of lt berV or 'be ••tf"tt trate4, 12\t attloa oMlbt tht oourt:t autt 'bt nlft, aad. t n otrUin oaett Cit o t Mbtat oorpv,t r ettPlot:. ..
It I a
1 . .&117
n t o ettU"J" 1ba t:
l••~U a tt
bt \ln4er ·'*e" to pHY-. t the aot1Tt tltt
&'tepa lhtna.ld
ot tbt ...., , o f
Otbtr IOYIJ"M Mtt ftO W 10 a oUYO ln 0\lP OO\&fttl"7 , wbtthtr
**1 'be aoUaa \&Mtr 41ploea t1t toYer or ...ter eoYtr. tbt t l at or 10M ot 1:ht . ue aM oonwla r ,.,..
bae ~ablt~t• or oertalA 10Ytrft8 eatt tft our oountrr a.acs the IJ"'•111 or cro• M7_.. all rea ...a'-l.t ... Nrt; tJ'eOM'b ll to UltU• ...
11\a~l . . .Dtl
1&8 0al7 M
1bt nPCtA. a la attl.-!U tt w.l thia our eautry aot ta ta people. ~Ulwt tn -.r eett or our
Oo••.,..., •-'
rettP1t t1na \he pro,tr a o tlYllJ ot 41plo.a t1o ur u4 r apfttt, tht aoaN or Q)ntrol t lhou.ld • u4 1••41a ttl7 ·~ the etat or toretp altalon ttttate eat alalt.a. .ata ta OW" eout:ry aa4 &av.14 no t h &I U 't"l t7 to rH~4 1bt reet:Ple Uon tn pereoua el ADd. 11ft1oh tht Oli"'\\•t lanOtl • 1 4lttatt •
be t&\4 1n ~·~••, therefo re, In OOftelveton, lt aPe tha t, tn 11•• or Ult na "onal ••rpn or • hloh •• t taotnc an4 • h lob 11 tn toat r tepto te d\t •oat ttPlOY l o•tr
. . ban w1 til tiled: lD 0\IP hiatoPJ , Otrtaln OOAtl"'l "7 &1110 & &ad other J)eftODI la OU.P eout:J7 &ft DNIIMJ ta or4tr to ,.._.., tllplOM p &n4 Mbota ,., boUt Mral 04'>ntro lt •AT be aacS aa1e.rS& l.. ln ord.I J" U'lat etteol:1 Yil7 ett&bll lhe4 l•e41a ttl7, the epproJ)I "iate a4a1a1a t:r:at1•• etep1 ab0\ll4 lN t &UD M4 the l iCltlaU oa tor ~t pGWII"I ot 1be PreeJ.cS •t &Ad tor . ,. .1no nVIor!. \7 eo..1• be OOII!Ibt. 'lbo •t.~ •r a botll4 be Ulld as-o1 11 ot f.C.eral u4 looal 1" the O&I'I'J1DI tbi"'\\Ih ot tb111 ooetrol a , r atber'Detha.a tala' n•• a.-ol et be eet up. !be ooatrol lboulc1 . . .,..too4 thro1111b • . . .I'd ot Ooft\rol o .a4o "" or h1FI'Mk1a.c ott1 e na ot the appropr tat• 4epaPt a•t:• aa4 n\at1Ye o t ac••t•• or wr a.,..,... .ot. iJhe repl'lee DOJ>a1'11Hnt of etato lllloul4 bo doo1 ....to4 l>7 tho Pr. .14ont W1 \b tho ao t b o ollo1.... ., an4 liN d of thl o ""tbo rt t7 t ooo4uot 111l100I\ betw• \l.o -•too onll e to 41r"t &IUOft. tht .. riOftftll ot the 8Dard. ot Oontrol n -•0&1'7 tor ""-14 l>e " ' ' " " ' " 1lo \bat 1•od.1o tel7 tho •An'71• 1 Uoroup ot no ""'•11 -• o t Ullloo" -
betac ooat:rol e , ooft,.rol , uerolee ct thi'O\IP the apno11 1 or co•e,.... ,nt alrt•47
a¥a1 l abll.
At 'Utt _.rpn oy 11 real tht ~r alre-.!7 preaeftt wttht n 0\lr own eouatry , •J)l"'pr late aoUoa
ehoul4 be taken n 1bovt: 4elq aa4 apa:rop rta te •••eve • oawttcl t:hro\&lb etteoU ••l7. tYen tt tblt a&J laYOlYt , to a o er1A1ft 4 ~ , \be ovtail Hnt or . . ha¥1 ooaotaa H