by analyzing the touch behavior of users on an Android phone. Keywords: ... or text messages) and as a consequence, mobile phones (and smartphones in particular) ...... Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 4(1), 3â10 (2010). 13. Jermyn, I.
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme for Touchscreen Mobile Phones Yuxin Meng, Duncan S. Wong, Roman Schlegel, and Lam-for Kwok Department of Computer Science, College of Science and Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Abstract. Nowadays, touchscreen mobile phones make up a larger and larger share in the mobile market. Users also often use their mobile phones (e.g., Android phones) to store personal and sensitive data. It is therefore important to safeguard mobile phones by authenticating legitimate users and detecting impostors. In this paper, we propose a novel user authentication scheme based on touch dynamics that uses a set of behavioral features related to touch dynamics for accurate user authentication. In particular, we construct and select 21 features that can be used for user authentication. To evaluate the performance of our scheme, we collect and analyze touch gesture data of 20 Android phone users by comparing several known machine learning classifiers. The experimental results show that a neural network classifier is well-suited to authenticate different users with an average error rate of about 7.8% for our selected features. Finally, we optimize the neural network classifier by using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to deal with variations in users’ usage patterns. Experimental results show that the average error rate of our optimized scheme is only about 3%, achieved solely by analyzing the touch behavior of users on an Android phone. Keywords: Behavioral Biometrics, Touch Dynamics, User Authentication, Access Control, Mobile Security and Usability.
Mobile phones using touchscreens (such as smartphones based on the Android OS1 or iPhones using iOS2 ) have been pervasively integrated into our daily work and everyday lives. In the current smartphone market, Android OS and iOS make up the largest share with a combined 80% of smartphones powered by either the Android OS or iOS, according to the Mobile Mix report [28]. Furthermore, touchscreens are the leading input method on the mobile platform, with 65% of all phones using a touch screen [28], and this percentage seems to be increasing. Thanks to the increasingly diverse capabilities of current touchscreen mobile phones, users store more and more sensitive information (e.g., credit card numbers, passwords, 1 2
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personal photos) on their phones [16] and use them for sensitive applications such as mobile banking, online shopping or as electronic wallets. This kind of stored sensitive information can more easily be exploited for financial gain (compared to phone numbers or text messages) and as a consequence, mobile phones (and smartphones in particular) are becoming an attractive target for hackers and for malware [26, 46]. Stolen mobile phones and particularly smartphones often contain a lot of personal and sensitive information which can be exploited for malicious use, and users are in fact concerned about the stored sensitive information when losing their mobile phones [29]. To mitigate this problem, it is very crucial to develop intelligent user authentication schemes for touchscreen mobile phones. Currently, user authentication systems for mobile phones are mainly based on three techniques: passwords, physiological biometrics and behavioral biometrics. Password authentication usually uses a Personal Identification Number (PIN) [5] or password patterns [13, 50] to verify a legitimate user. Passwords and patterns are the most commonly used methods to date for user authentication. But password authentication has well-known drawbacks [21], for instance, passwords can often easily be stolen through “shoulder surfing” [47].3 To overcome the drawbacks of password authentication, research is being done into biometric methods for user authentication on mobile phones. Biometrics are defined as an automated method of authentication by using measurable human physiological or behavioral characteristics to model and represent a user’s identity [25]. Physiological biometrics usually uses measurements from the human body such as fingerprints [23], iris scans [45], hand scans [8], retina scans [19] and facial scans [49]. These kind of biometrics can achieve a consistent performance, but the common drawback is that these authentication systems perform a one-time authentication at the beginning of a session and afterwards allow access for the duration of the session without re-authentication. In addition, physiological biometrics usually requires special hardware which is not typically available in mobile phones. Behavioral biometric methods, which are a kind of continuous authentication [9], use measurements from human actions such as keystroke dynamics [2, 31] or mouse dynamics [38]. Both of these dynamics have been actively studied in the context of desktop computers, but only keystroke dynamics has been explored on mobile phones [6, 15, 52]. Authentication based on keystroke dynamics on mobile phones learns legitimate users’ behavior and verifies a user periodically or continuously, which overcomes the drawback of physiological biometrics which only authenticates the user at the beginning of a session. A major limitation of behavioral biometric methods is that they are unsuitable for instantaneous authentication [9]. Motivation. With the increased popularity of touchscreen mobile phones, touch behavior is becoming more and more important compared to keystroke behavior, as many smartphones now feature touchscreens as the main input method [28]. Our motivation is therefore to develop a user authentication scheme based on touch gestures on mobile phones. In this paper, we employ behavioral biometric methods and mainly focus on a novel user behavioral biometric, namely touch dynamics, which refers to collecting detailed information about individual touches, such as touch duration and touch direction. The goal is to use touch dynamics on touchscreen mobile phones to enhance user authentica3
Shoulder surfing refers to using direct observation techniques.
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
tion. First, we illustrate the relationship between touch dynamics, keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics. We reveal that touch dynamics is different from keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics but that there are still some similarities. We then propose a biometric authentication scheme based on touch dynamics for touchscreen mobile phones. Similar to keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics, our scheme also does not require any special hardware device for data collection. In particular, our scheme extracts and constructs 21 features related to the touch dynamics of a user as an authentication signature by adapting behavioral features from keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics. We also consider multi-touch (i.e., the process of touching a touchscreen with multiple fingers at the same time) as one of the extracted features in our work, which we believe also clearly distinguishes our work from other schemes such as keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics. To validate the performance of our scheme, we conducted an initial experiment with 20 users using Android touchscreen phones. To classify users we then use several known machine learning algorithms (e.g., Naive Bayes, decision tree). Initial experimental results show that our scheme can perform well when using neural network classifiers such as Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). Finally, we implement a classifier that combines a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm with RBFN for our scheme to deal with variations in users’ touch behavior, favoring RBFN over BPNN because of its faster training speed and higher accuracy. In additional experiments, we explore the performance of our hybrid PSO-RBFN classifier on the collected touch gesture data. The results show that our proposed classifier achieves an average error rate of approximately 3%. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we briefly introduce the architecture of the Android OS to better illustrate how our feature collection works, and we describe some related work. We then describe touch dynamics, extracted features and the architecture of our authentication system on Android phones in Section 3. In Section 4, we investigate the feasibility and performance of our scheme by using several existing classification schemes. We also analyze the performance of our proposed PSORBFN algorithm and present the results in Section 5. The limitations of our current work and our future directions are discussed in Section 6 and we conclude our paper in Section 7.
As our prototype was built on the basis of the Android platform, we briefly introduce the architecture of the Android operating system to illustrate how the feature collection works in our system and to justify our design choices. We then briefly describe some related work concerning behavioral biometrics, including keystroke dynamics, mouse dynamics and touch behavior. 2.1
Android Operating System
The Android OS is an open source, Linux-based operating system for mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets. Fig. 1 shows the major components of the Android
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operating system. There are five major components in the architecture: the Linux kernel, libraries, the Android runtime, the application framework and applications. Android Operating System High Level
Application Framework
Android Runtime
Linux Kernel Low Level
Fig. 1. This figure shows the architecture of the Android operating system and its different layers.
– Linux kernel. Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management and drivers. This layer contains drivers for devices such as USB, display, camera, Bluetooth chip and flash memory. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack. – Libraries. Android includes a set of C/C++ libraries such as the System C library, media libraries and 3D libraries, which are all used by various components of the Android system. Developers can make use of these libraries through the Application framework. – Android runtime. Android includes a runtime which contains a set of core libraries that provide different functionalities. In addition, every Android application runs in its own process, with its own virtual machine instance. – Application framework. The Android application framework is a high-level layer to provide the developer with a development platform for creating new Android applications. Developers can access location information, run background services, add notifications to the status bar, and access lots of other information and functionality. – Applications. This is the highest level of the Android operating system architecture. Android ships with a set of core applications and widgets including an email client, messaging application, calendar, maps, browser, contacts and others. Users can also easily add more applications. Understanding the structure of the Android OS allows us to determine how to best integrate a system such as touch-dynamics-based user authentication into the OS. In our case, modifying the application framework layer allows us to implement the desired functionality without the need to modify any applications or to delve into any other parts of the OS. The details of how we collected data are described in Section 3.3. 2.2
Related Work
The idea of using touch dynamics for user authentication is not completely new, but most of the previous research focuses on desktop machines or on finger identification.
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
Numabe et al. [35], for example, presented a finger identification method which works on touch panels. According to their research, when tapping a touch panel, the exact coordinates of a tap depend on the finger used, so that different fingers generate slightly different coordinates. They called this phenomenon tapping fluctuation and mainly used it to make touch input more versatile, by varying the function executed depending on which finger was used to tap the touchscreen. A peculiar characteristics of touch-screen input is the possibility to use several fingers, which is often called multi-touch input. Kim et al. [18] exploited the features of multi-touch interaction to inhibit shoulder surfing, with the goal of enhancing PIN input (e.g., at an ATM-Automated Teller Machine). Fiorella et al. [12] provide a preliminary study about multi-touch input for 3D object manipulation on mobile devices, compared to a traditional button GUI. De Luca et al. [9] proposed using touch dynamics to assist the password pattern based authentication mechanism on a touchscreen phone with the purpose of defending against shoulder surfing attack during the mobile phone logon process. But it is the instantaneous authentication approach which is very different from the continuous authentication approach that we are studying in this paper. In their studies, various characteristics associated with touch-movement are studied, while characteristics regarding multi-touch gesture and single-touch are not covered, and touch dynamics for continuous authentication are not addressed. To the best of our knowledge, touch dynamics for continuous authentication on mobile phones has not been explored in the research literature with regard to its suitability for continuously authenticating users on mobile phones. In this paper, we therefore make an effort in further exploring it, especially by providing a comprehensive studies on single-touch, touch-movement and specific multi-touch gestures in touch dynamics. To better illustrate the relation between touch dynamics, keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics in Section 3.1, we briefly summarize some of the most prominent research on keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics in the remaining part of this section. Keystroke dynamics has been studied for authenticating users for mobile phones. Clarke et al. [6] presented a study which demonstrated the ability of neural network classifiers to authenticate users based on their key hold-time and inter-key latency on keypads of mobile handsets. In their work, they found that neural network classifiers were able to perform classification with an average equal error rate of 12.8%. Karatzouni et al. [15] investigated the performance of keystroke analysis on thumb-based keyboard deployed on mobile devices by using the same features of key hold-time and inter-key latency. Their approach achieved an average equal error rate of 12.2% when using the inter-keystroke latency. Zahid et al. [52] analyzed keystroke dynamics of smart phone users with six features (e.g., key hold-time, digraph time4 , error rate, etc.). They collected and analyzed keystroke data of 25 smartphone users and showed that a fuzzy classifier is suitable for clustering and classifying users. They finally used an optimized classifier based on Particle Swarm Optimizers and Genetic Algorithms together with a PIN-based verification mechanism and achieved an average error rate of 2%. Maiorana et al. [24] proposed a statistical approach based on keystroke dynamics for mobile phones that achieves good verification rates even when the number of enroll4
The time difference between releasing one key and pressing the next one.
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ment acquisitions is low. The results show that their approach can be employed effectively as a password hardening mechanism in operational contexts where there are a low number of stored acquisitions. Nauman et al. [34] pointed out that current keystrokebased authentication scheme cannot be applied to services outside of the mobile phone and proposed a protocol for keystroke dynamics analysis which allows web-based applications to authenticate users. There are also several other, earlier studies related to keystroke dynamics (e.g., [4, 20, 30, 32, 44]). Mouse dynamics is mainly suitable for authenticating users on a desktop machine which uses a mouse as an input device. Pusara and Brodley [38] described an approach for user re-authentication based on mouse movements. They collected raw cursor movement data and extracted features such as distance, angle and speed between data points. Their results from experiments with 11 users show that their method achieved a false positive rate of 0.43% and a false negative rate of 1.75%. Ahmed and Traore [1] introduced a new biometric system based on mouse dynamics. Specifically, they used a set of features (e.g., mouse movement speed, mouse movement direction) to model the normal behavior of a user by means of artificial neural networks. The results of their main experiment showed that their approach achieved a false acceptance rate of 2.4649% and a false rejection rate of 2.4614%, respectively. Some recent work on authenticating users by using mouse dynamics can be found in [33, 53] and several limitations regarding to mouse dynamics were discussed in [14].
User Authentication based on Touch Dynamics
In this section, we first introduce the notion of touch dynamics and analyze how it is related to keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics. We then give an overview of the architecture of our touch-dynamics-based authentication system and describe the method for collecting data on Android phones. Lastly, we give an in-depth description of the feature selection and feature extraction used in our scheme. 3.1
Touch Dynamics
Compared to other behavioral dynamics [1, 52], touch dynamics can be described as the characteristics of the inputs received from a touchscreen when a user is interacting with a device (e.g., a touchscreen mobile phone). The characteristics of touch dynamics can be described by a set of features generated by analyzing touchscreen inputs. In this paper, we classify inputs as captured by the touchscreen on a mobile phone into one of the following categories: – Single-Touch (ST): the input starts with a touch press down, followed by a touch press up without any movement in-between. – Touch-Movement (TM): the input starts with a touch press down, movement (also called drag), followed by a touch press up. – Multi-Touch (MT): an input with two or more simultaneous, distinct touch press down events at different coordinates of the touch screen (i.e., two fingers press down on the touchscreen simultaneously), either with or without any movement before a touch press up event.
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
– No input: there is no input on the touchscreen. Comparing the above inputs to the inputs in keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics, we can see that they are different and each category has their own, particular inputs. Keystroke dynamics usually has two input types: press button down and press button up with characteristics such as key hold-time and digraph time. The typical inputs of mouse dynamics are mouse-move, drag-drop and move-click with characteristics such as movement speed, movement direction and movement distance. Differences between Touch, Keystroke Dynamics and Mouse Dynamics. Intuitively, touch dynamics is different from keystroke dynamics in that touch dynamics has more input types such as multi-touch and touch-movement. Touch dynamics is also different from mouse dynamics in that touch dynamics has a possibility of multi-touch input. Keystroke dynamics only has buttons as input devices, which do not have a movement feature, while touch dynamics has movement and can therefore provide more behavioral characteristics. Looking at mouse dynamics, the trace in mouse dynamics is continuous (i.e., mouse inputs start from the last point where the last mouse input was terminated) while the trace in touch dynamics can be non-continuous (i.e., a touch input can start at a different point than the point where the last touch input ended). Similarities between Touch, Keystroke and Mouse Dynamics. Although these three types of behavioral dynamics have their own input types and special characteristics, touch dynamics is still similar in some aspects to the other two. The inputs of press button up and press button down in keystroke dynamics are similar to the actions of touch press up and touch press down (e.g., single touch) in touch dynamics. Compared to mouse dynamics, touch dynamics has similar movement input types (i.e., mouse movement versus touch movement). In addition, a single touch input can be considered to be similar to a click action in mouse dynamics. Touch dynamics can therefore be considered as a combination of keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics with respect to the main input types. This allows to use some behavioral features in touch dynamics that are also used in keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics. 3.2
Architecture of Touch-Dynamics-Based Authentication System on Mobile Phones
To realize a touch-dynamics-based user authentication system, which collects touchbased behavioral data to authenticate whether a user is legitimate, a system is needed which continuously collects raw data from the touchscreen and translates them into features and performs verification of the user. A high-level architecture of our touchdynamics-based authentication system is shown in Fig. 2. The system consists of three main components: data collection component, behavior modeling component and behavior comparison component. The data collection component is responsible for collecting raw data from the touchscreen (i.e., recording and storing all touch gesture data into a database) and converting the raw data into meaningful information (i.e., identifying sessions for users, distinguishing a single touch or multi-touch action and filtering out noise data). The behavior modeling component is responsible for analyzing collected data, extracting features to generate an authentication signature for a legitimate user and modeling a user’s touch behavior
Y. Meng et al.
Touch-Dynamics-Based Authentication System
Touch Input
Behavior Modeling Component
Session Identification
Feature Extraction
Data Collection Component Behavior Comparison Component
Comparison Phase
Training Phase
Output Decision
Fig. 2. This figure shows the architecture of the touch-dynamics-based authentication system.
by training the authentication system with several generated authentication signatures during the training phase. Lastly, the behavior comparison component is responsible for comparing the current user’s behavior with the relevant generated authentication signatures during the comparison phase and determining whether the current user is a legitimate user or an impostor. 3.3
Data Collection Component
In this section, we describe the main tasks performed by the data collection component. Data Collection For this paper we used a Google/HTC Nexus One Android phone with a capacitive touchscreen (resolution 480 × 800 px) to perform the experiments. The advantage of this particular phone is that the stock Android operating system installed on it can be replaced with a modified custom version of the Android OS. In particular, we updated the phone with a modified Android OS version 2.2 based on CyanogenMod5 . The modification consists of changes to the application framework layer to record raw input data from the touchscreen, such as the timing of touch inputs, the coordinates x and y, and the type of the input (e.g., single-touch, multi-touch or movement). In addition, we installed a separate application, which allowed us to easily extract the recorded data from the phone. A sample of raw data collected from the touchscreen and recorded by the phone is shown in Table 1. Each record consists of at least the following four fields: input type, x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and system time (S-time). The system time in Table 1 is relative to the last start-up of the phone. The duration of each touch input can then be calculated by taking the difference in system-time. These four fields allow us to precisely determine the type of touch inputs, their coordinates and their duration. 5
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
Table 1. This table shows a sample of raw data collected from touchscreen inputs. Input Type Press Down Press Move Press Move Press Move Press Move Press Move Press Up
X-Coordinate Y-Coordinate Time (ms) 475.46866 659.6717 1770785 472.56793 660.3004 1770807 470.2978 660.9292 1770814 466.76645 662.0609 1770852 470.55002 659.9232 1770898 472.56793 658.6658 1770910 471.6851 658.9172 1770933
This description of the data collection also shows that no special hardware is required for our touch-dynamics-based authentication system, the information can be collected by updating certain parts of the Android application framework. Also, our system could easily be adopted for passive user monitoring which would be useful for intrusion detection [10, 27]. Session Identification The purpose of the session identification module is to determine when a new session starts, and when an existing session ends. During the authentication, our scheme has to extract the authentication signature which consists of 21 touch gesture features. By means of comparing different extracted authentication signatures across sessions, our scheme can determine whether the current user is a legitimate user. Session identification is therefore critical for extracting an authentication signature. The specific length of a session can be configured, for example 10 minutes per session. Beginning and end of a session are determined as follows: – A new session starts when a touch input is recorded and the last session has ended. – A session ends if the duration of the current session has reached or exceeded the maximum session duration time. For instance, if we choose a session duration time of 10 minutes, then our scheme will terminate a session and start a new session when the duration time of the current session reaches or exceeds 10 minutes. The session start and session end events can easily be determined by looking at the timing information in the raw data log. In the evaluation part, we selected the length of a session to be 10 minutes because longer sessions provide more information to better model a user’s behavior. We leave it as an open problem for our future work to study the performance of shorter sessions (e.g., 5 minutes). 3.4
Feature Extraction
The main task of the behavior modeling component is to extract touch dynamic features from the collected raw data. As mentioned earlier, we extract 21 different features to construct an authentication signature for user authentication. The features are the following: average touch movement speed per direction (8 directions), fraction of touch movements per direction (8 directions), average single-touch time, average multi-touch
Y. Meng et al.
0˚ 8 1 270˚
7 6
2 3
5 4 180˚
Fig. 3. This figure shows the 8 different directions of a touch movement.
time, number of touch movements per session, number of single-touch events per session, and number of multi-touch events per session. In the remainder of this section, we give an in-depth description and analysis of each feature extracted from the collected raw data. Average Touch Movement Speed per Direction Here we use 8 different directions to divide a touch movement input into different features. The 8 different directions are defined as shown in Fig. 3. After categorizing the touch movements according to their direction, we then calculate the average touch movement speed (denoted ATMS) for each of the 8 directions, represented by ATMSi (e.g., ATMS1 represents the ATMS in direction 1, ATMS3 represents the ATMS in direction 3). Suppose that there are two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in a touch movement with S1 and S2 (suppose S1 < S2) as their event system time. The touch movement speed (TMS) and touch movement angle between these two points can be calculated as follows: p (x2 − x1)2 + (y2 − y1)2 TMS = S2 − S1 Touch movement angle: θ = arctan
◦ y2 − y1 , θ ∈ [0, 360 ] x2 − x1
Fig. 4 shows the distribution of the average touch movement speed against the direction of the touch movement for two different users (User1 and User2) in their first session. It is clearly visible that the distributions for these two users are different: the touch movements of User1 in direction 1 and 8 are performed with a higher speed than other directions, while the touch movements of User2 have a higher speed in direction 2, 3, 6, and 7. This illustrates nicely that the feature ATMS per direction (total of 8 features) can be used to model the characteristics of a user’s touch behavior. Fraction of Touch Movements per Direction We observe that there are usually certain directions that contain more touch movements than other directions and that for different users the fraction per direction varies. Fig. 5 shows the distribution of the fractions of touch movements (denoted FTM) versus the direction of a touch movement for User1 and User2.
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
1 2 0 1 0 0 8 0 6 0 4 0
1 5 1 0 5
2 0 0 0 1
1 8
D ir e c tio n o f M o v e m e n t
1 4 0
1 8
1 2 0
1 6
1 0 0
1 4
8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0
D ir e c tio n o f M o v e m e n t
U s e r2
F r a c tio n ( % )
A v e r a g e S p e e d ( p ix /s )
U s e r1 2 0
1 4 0
F r a c tio n ( % )
A v e r a g e S p e e d ( p ix /s )
U s e r1
U s e r2
1 2 1 0 8 6 4 2
0 0 1
D ir e c tio n o f M o v e m e n t
Fig. 4. This figure shows the average touch movement speed versus the direction of movement for 2 different users.
D ir e c tio n o f M o v e m e n t
Fig. 5. This figure shows the fraction of touch movements versus the direction of movement for 2 different users.
In Fig. 5, User1 performed relatively more touch movements in direction 1, 2, 6 and 8, while User2 performed more touch movements in direction 1, 3, 4, 6, and 8. The FTM in 8 directions (total of 8 features) can therefore also be used to characterize the touch behavior of a user. Average Single-touch/Multi-touch Time In addition to touch movements, singletouch and multi-touch are also two important types of touch inputs. We observe that the average duration time of a single-touch or multi-touch is different for different users. Fig. 6 shows the histogram for these two features, Average Single-touch time (denoted AST) and Average Multi-touch time (denoted MTT) again for the two users User1 and User2. In this example, User1 on average spent a longer time for AST and MTT compared to User2, showing that these two features can also be used to characterize and hence distinguish the touch behavior of different users. Number of Touch Action Events Single-touch, touch movement and multi-touch events are three major input types on a touchscreen, and we observe that the total number of these three touch events over one session varies for different users. We therefore distinguish the three features number of touch movements per session (denoted NTM), number of single-touch events per session (denoted NSTE), and number of multi-touch events per session (denoted NMTE). Fig. 7 shows the histogram for these three features for the two users User1 and User2. We can see from Fig. 7 that User1 performed more touch movements and multitouches than User2, while User2 performed more single-touches than User1. It is also clearly visible that the numbers differ significantly between the users, making this also a suitable feature to distinguish between users’ touch behavior.
Y. Meng et al. U s e r1 U s e r2
U s e r1 U s e r2
1 .4
6 0
5 0
1 .0 4 0 0 .8
F r a c tio n ( % )
A v e r a g e D u r a tio n T im e ( s )
1 .2
0 .6
3 0
2 0
0 .4 1 0
0 .2
0 .0
0 S in g le - to u c h
M u lti- to u c h
S in g le - to u c h
In p u t T y p e
Fig. 6. This figure shows the average singletouch time and the average multi-touch time for 2 different users.
T o u c h M o v e m e n t
M u lti- to u c h
In p u t T y p e
Fig. 7. This figure shows the number of singletouch events, touch movements and multi-touch events per session for 2 different users.
Training and Comparison Phase
As mentioned earlier, our system generates authentication signatures for each session, where each session has a determined length (e.g., 10 minutes). Each authentication signature comprises the 21 features explained above, which are extracted from the collected raw data input from the touchscreen. These 21 features (e.g., ATMS1, ATMS2, ATMS3, ATMS4, ATMS5, ATMS6, ATMS7, ATMS8, FTM1, FTM2, FTM3, FTM4, FTM5, FTM6, FTM7, FTM8, AST, MTT, NTM, NSTE and NMTE) together then characterize and authenticate a user’s touch behavior. In the training phase of the behavior modeling component, our scheme uses a classifier to recognize a user’s profile by training with the user’s authentication signatures. The training itself can be further divided into two types: initial training and dynamic training. A training phase starts with the initial training by collecting and utilizing several initial sessions from a user (i.e., several authentication signatures) to model a user’s profile. Then it moves to dynamic training, which continuously trains the authentication system to integrate changes in the user’s behavior. In the comparison phase of the behavior comparison component, the system extracts the authentication signature from the current user’s touch behavior and compares it with the profile of a legitimate user.
Evaluation of Classification Classifiers
In this section, we investigate the performance of 5 existing classification schemes when applied to our system: Decision tree (J48), Naive Bayes, Kstar, Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN). J48 [40, 41] is a decision tree classifier that classifies data items by generating decision trees from training data. Naive Bayes [42, 43] is a probabilistic classifier based
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
on the assumption that the presence (or absence) of a particular feature of a class is unrelated to the presence (or absence) of any other feature. Kstar [7] is a statistical classifier based on the assumption that similar instances will have similar classes. Thus, it uses similarity functions to create instance-based classifications. RBFN [3, 36] and BPNN [11, 37] are neural network classifiers. RBFN is an artificial neural network that uses radial basis functions as activation functions. Its approximation capabilities are used to model complex mappings. The BPNN classifier has two main steps: (1) to present input and propagate it forward through the network to compute the output values for each output unit; (2) to perform backward passes through the network and calculate appropriate weights. To remove any implementation related bias, we performed our evaluation using WEKA [48] (using default settings), which is an open-source machine learning software that provides a collection of machine learning algorithms. For the evaluation in this paper, we ran the classification algorithms on a desktop machine. In a real-world setting, however, the classification itself would be run on the smartphone itself. Current smartphones are becoming comparable in terms of computation power to desktop machines, but it could also be envisaged to off-load the heaviest part of the computation to the cloud. This is already commonly done for example when transcribing speech as an input method, or enabling voice commands.6 We leave running the classifier also on the smartphone for future work. 4.1
User Data Collection
Methodology. For this paper we had 20 Android phone users (12 female and 8 male) participate in our experiments and among the participants were students (85%) as well as professionals (15%). All participants were regular mobile phone users and ranged in age from 20 to 48 years. For the data collection we provided participants with an Android phone (a Google/HTC Nexus One) equipped with a modified version of the Android OS. All participants used the same phone to ensure that all data was collected using the same device. Before starting the collection, we described our objective to all participants and showed what kind of data would be collected. We asked participants to use the Android phones the same way they would use their own phones during the data collection period. Participants were asked to do the actual data collection outside of the lab, allowing them to get familiar with the phone first. They could also decide by themselves when to start the collection process (allowing them enough time to get familiar). Participants were asked to complete the collection of 6 sessions (with each session lasting 10 minutes) within 3 days, and they could use the phone freely as their own phones (e.g., using it to browse the web, install new software, etc.) during the entire collection period. We collected raw data for altogether 120 sessions of 10 minutes each, with an average of 6 sessions per user. If the duration of a session from a participant was shorter than 10 minutes, we discarded the data and asked the participants to record a new session. During the collection, only one invalid dataset was found and it was due to a transmission error. After collecting the raw data for a particular user, the phone was 6
Y. Meng et al. Table 2. Evaluation results for the tested classifiers. Measure FAR (%) FRR (%) Avg. err. rate SD in FAR SD in FRR
J48 22.43 25.01 23.72 16.46 21.33
NBayes 22.45 18.36 20.41 18.1 7.63
Kstar 14.11 16.69 15.4 12.3 13.73
RBFN 7.08 8.34 7.71 6.4 6.83
BPNN 8.85 14.3 11.58 7.72 10.6
restored to its original state, to ensure that all participants had the same conditions for their experiment. Completing the data collection (i.e., collecting 120 sessions in total from 20 users) took altogether two months. The collected data was then analyzed and the selected features were extracted from the raw data. 4.2
Evaluation Measures
Ideally, a machine learning classifier would be able to classify whether a phone user is a legitimate user or an impostor with 100% accuracy. However, this is not realistic in real world systems. The following two measures are used to measure the accuracy of touch dynamics authentication: – False Acceptance Rate (FAR): indicates the probability that an impostor is classified as a legitimate user. – False Rejection Rate (FRR): indicates the probability that a legitimate user is classified as an impostor. In practice, a trade-off is usually made between the false acceptance rate (security) and the false rejection rate (usability). In general, a false rejection is less costly than a false acceptance, since a higher false acceptance rate will lower the security level of the authentication system, while a higher false rejection rate will frustrate a legitimate user, which is still unfortunate but arguably less problematic than a lower security level. In terms of security and usability, both lower FAR and FRR are desirable. 4.3
Evaluation Results
For the evaluation of the system, we used the WEKA framework to test each classifier and get the FAR and FRR for each user, and we also calculate an average error rate over all users for each classifier. The results of the evaluation are shown in Table 2. The evaluation results show that for the data collected from our participants, the two neural network classifiers (RBFN and BPNN) have the best performance with an average error rate of 7.71% and 11.58%, respectively, compared to the other classifiers, which have average error rates of between 15% and 24%. Although these experimental results are encouraging for the feasibility of our scheme, an average error rate of about 7.8% is still very high for real world systems. The reason for an error rate of around 7.8% is that the performance of the classifiers decreases as
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
the variance of the feature datasets increases. Table 2 shows the standard deviation of the FAR and FRR for each classifiers, ranging from 7% to 22%. A more ideal classifier suitable for our system should therefore meet the following requirements: – The classifier should provide a relatively small FAR and FRR (less than 5% each) [52]. – The classifier should be economical in terms of computational power required, considering that it will be run on mobile devices with limited resources. – The classifier should be able to deal with the sometimes significant variations in the feature dataset.
PSO-RBFN Classifier
The variation in the datasets is a major challenge for a regular RBFN classifier [22]. To improve the performance of the classification when working on data with significant variations in a user’s behavior, we applied an algorithm that combines Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and an RBFN classifier. In our work, the RBFN classifier was selected for two reasons: (1) RBFN has the lowest FAR and FRR compared to the other classifiers, as shown in Table 2; and (2) comparing the two neural network classifiers (RBFN and BPNN), RBFN has better accuracy and is faster when authenticating a user (e.g., to analyze 120 sessions, RBFN only requires about 1 second for building the model while BPNN requires about 3 seconds), which is a desirable property for applications that are run on resource-limited devices such as mobile phones. PSO, on the other hand, was selected for the following two reasons: (1) PSO [17] is one of the most commonly used evolutionary algorithms used to optimize the structure of neural networks (e.g., RBFN) [51]; and (2) PSO can achieve faster convergence speed and requires fewer optimized parameters compared to other evolutionary algorithms such as Genetic algorithms [22], which benefits the implementation on a mobile phone. The principle of the PSO-RBFN classifier is described below. RBFN is a three-layer feedback network which consists of an input layer, a hidden layer and an output layer. The input layer contains a set of source nodes that connect the network to the environment. In the hidden layer, each hidden unit employs a radial activation function that carries out a nonlinear transformation from the input space to the hidden space, while in the output layer, each output unit implements a weighted sum of hidden unit outputs. In hybrid PSO-RBFN, PSO can be used to enhance the RBFN training by optimizing the radial activation function and weighted sum of RBFN with a population-based iterative search procedure, so that PSO-RBFN can better deal with variations in a user’s touch behavior compared to regular RBFN. Hybrid PSO-RBFN has also been tested in the field of artificial intelligence and implementation details can be found in [39]. In our work, we implemented the PSO-RBFN classifier using the WEKA platform [48]. We applied this combined classifier on the data collected in our experiments, and the results of PSO-RBFN compared to regular RBFN are shown in Table 3. The numbers clearly show that using a combination of PSO and RBFN significantly improves the accuracy, reducing the average error rate from 7.71% for RBFN to 2.92% for PSORBFN. An FAR of 2.5% and FRR of 3.34% mean that the possibility of identifying an
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Table 3. This table shows the experimental results of comparing the PSO-RBFN classifier against the regular RBFN classifier. Measure FAR (%) FRR (%) Average error rate SD in FAR SD in FRR
RBFN PSO-RBFN 7.08 2.5 8.34 3.34 7.71 2.92 6.4 1.22 6.83 1.89
impostor as a legitimate user and the possibility of identifying a legitimate user as an impostor are low. Furthermore, both the FAR and the FRR are below 5% when using the PSO-RBFN classifier and the standard deviation is also significantly lower compared to RBFN.
Limitations and Future Work
In this section, we discuss some open problems of our touch-dynamics-based user authentication system and propose some possible future work. – Multi-touch Gestures. In this work, we define a multi-touch action as an input with two or more simultaneous, distinct touch press down events at different coordinates of the touch screen. That is, our scheme only identifies a multi-touch action either without specifying the specific multi-touch gestures (e.g., pinch to zoom, scroll, spread, etc.) or without distinguishing two or more fingers on the touch screen. We leave it as an open problem for future work to collect such data and analyze these specific multi-touch gestures for user authentication. – Other Platforms. Our current user authentication scheme is effective on an Android operating system. Other mobile phone operating systems, however, might incur different touch gestures and user behavior. We plan to explore the feasability of our scheme on other mobile operating systems such as Windows Mobile, Symbian and others. – Complexity. A user authentication scheme on a mobile phone should have a small computational complexity to not impact the performance of the mobile phone adversely. Possible future work could be to evaluate the resource consumption of our scheme and to explore the relationship between the number of features analyzed and the computational complexity incurred, and the relationship between the collection of training profiles and the computational complexity. – Consistency. The scheme presented in this paper can achieve an FAR of 2.5% and an FRR of 3.34% respectively, when evaluated with 20 users and data from 120 sessions. Nevertheless, involving more participants and collecting more touch gesture data would help us to get an even better understanding of the performance of our scheme. In addition, future work could also include evaluating the consistency of our scheme, such as how having several profiles on a phone impacts the accuracy of our system, and the impact of the session duration on the accuracy of our system.
Touch Gestures Based Biometric Authentication Scheme
Concluding Remarks
In this paper, we studied and proposed a behavioral biometric authentication approach which is based on touch gestures on a touchscreen mobile phone. Through this approach we obtained encouraging results on authenticating individuals through the collection of features extracted from raw touchscreen inputs. We showed that touch dynamics is similar yet different from keystroke dynamics and mouse dynamics. We also described an authentication signature which consists of 21 touch-related features that can be used for user authentication. To evaluate the performance of our scheme, we performed a comparison of 5 existing classifiers, applying them to touch gesture data collected from 20 Android phone users. The experimental results show that regular neural network classifiers can achieve an average error rate of about 7.8% for our collected experimental data. To further improve this result, we implemented a hybrid classifier called PSO-RBFN. Applied on the same experimental data, the results show that our optimized PSO-RBFN classifier significantly reduces the average error rate down to 2.92% (FAR of 2.5% and FRR of 3.34%). To the best of our knowledge, our work represents an early work in the aspect of continuously authenticating users by means of touch dynamics on touchscreen mobile phones. We reported positive results and discussed some open problems. As part of our future work we plan to include more specific multi-touch gestures. We also plan to evaluate our solution with a larger set of participants. In addition, future work could also include further development of our solution in terms of scalability, complexity and consistency. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.
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