This framework is composed of a single-population genetic programming. (SGP) based ... The only way is to consult researchers in the business school. In order to make ..... where Vt â¡ min(Bt,Ot) is the volume of trade in the stock. Based on ...
Toward an Integration of Social Learning and Individual Learning in Agent-Based Computational Stock Markets: The Approach Based on Population Genetic Programming∗ Chia-Hsuan Yeh AI-ECON Research Center Department of Information Management I-Shou University Kaohsiung County, Taiwan 84008 Tel&Fax: 886-7-3552758 E-mail: WWW:∼spock/
Shu-Heng Chen AI-ECON Research Center Department of Economics National Chengchi University Taipei, Taiwan 11623 Tel: 886-2-29387308 Fax: 886-2-27386874 E-mail:
Abstract Artificial stock market is a growing field in the past few years. The essence of this issue is the interaction between many heterogeneous agents. In order to model this complex adaptive system, the techniques of evolutionary computation have been employed. Chen and Yeh (2000) proposed a new architecture to construct the artificial stock market. This framework is composed of a single-population genetic programming (SGP) based adaptive agent with a SA (Simulated Annealing) learning process and a business school. However, one of the drawbacks of SGP-based framework is that the traders can’t work out new ideas by themselves. The only way is to consult researchers in the business school. In order to make the traders more intelligent, we employ multi-population GP (MGP) based framework with the mechanism of school. This extension is not only reasonable, but also has the economic implications. How do the more intelligent agents influence the economy? Are the econometric properties of the simulation results based on MGP more like the phenomena found in the real stock market? In this paper, the comparison between SGP and MGP is studied from two sides. One is related to the micro-structure, traders’ behavior and believe. The other is macro-properties, the properties of time series. The line of research is helpful in understanding the foundation of economics and finance, and constructing more realistic economic models.
Keywords: Evolutionary Computation, Genetic Programming, Agent-Based Modeling, Artificial Stock Market, Simulated Annealing
∗ Research
support from NSC grants No. 89-2415-H-214-002 is gratefully acknowledged.
Background and Motivation
Artificial stock market has been a hot topic in the fields of agent based computational economics and finance. Genetic algorithms, artificial neural net and genetic programming have been used to model this framework. The main difference between these approaches is twofold. • representation • social learning vs. individual learning Different representation constitutes different strategy space. Similarly, different style of learning explains different kind of human behavior. Both of them may induce different phenomena. Therefore, in order to obtain meaningful and reasonable results, employing the appropriate representation and learning behavior are the most important steps in studying agent-based computational economics and finance. In Lucas (1986), In general terms, we view or model an individual as a collection of decision rules (rules that dictate the action to be taken in given situations) and a set of preferences used to evaluate the outcomes arising from particular situation-action combinations. These decision rules are continuously under review and revision; new decision rules are tried and tested against experience, and rules that produce desirable outcomes supplant those that do not. (pp. 217) From the viewpoint of representation, if a decision rule can hopefully be written and implemented as a computer program, and since every program in terms of its input-output structure can be understood as a function. Then, based on the language of LISP program, every function can be represented as a LISP S-Expression, and hence a parse tree. This representation of decision rule is exactly what genetic programming does. Consequently, the Lucasian adaptive economic agent can be modeled as • evolving a population of decision rules • evolving a population of functions • evolving a population of programs • evolving a population of LISP S-Expression • evolving a population of parse trees Moreover, from the perspective of genetic programming, these decision rules can be reviewed and revised under the genetic operators (including reproduction, crossover and mutation). The performance of new decision rules are validated based on the fitness function. Selection is then conducted under the survival-of-the-fittest principle which approximates the concept of rules producing desirable outcomes supplant those that do not. Therefore, we can restate the Lucasian economic agent in terms of the language of genetic programming: In general terms, we view or model an individual as a population of LISP programs (which is generated by a set of function and terminals) and a set of fitness functions used to evaluate the performance arising from particular LISP programs. These programs are continuously under review and revision based on the genetic operators, new programs are tried and tested against experience, and selection is conducted according to the survival-of-the-fittest principle
However, when we extend this idea to model a society of economic agents, a population of genetic programming is then employed. Each agent in this society is formed by a genetic programming. The action is determined by his own decision rules (strategies) and fitness function(s). The social and economic activities are the aggregate phenomena generated from these agents’ interaction and coordination. This is the concept of multi-population genetic programming (MGP) which is distinguished from single-population genetic programming (SGP). In Vriend (2000), the implications of SGP/SGAs and MGP/MGAs are distinguished from social and individual learning. In other words, in social learning, agents learn from other agents’ experience, whereas in individual learning, agents learn from their experience and thinking. Therefore, what Lucas (1986) mentioned focused on individual learning. Moreover, due to the criticisms given by Harrald (1998),1 it further demonstrated the importance of multi-population GP/GAs.2 However, there also exists problems in the MGP/MGAs modeling. The important phenomena found in economic activities, such as following the herd and rumors dissemination, or the style of social learning, are totally missing in the architecture of MGP/MGAs. In the past few years, MGAs is widely employed in the economic modeling. Although it passes the Harrald’s criticisms, whereas the concept of Lucasian economic agent is not well captured in the representation of GAs. Also, the traditional representation of GAs is the fixed-length bit string, the important economic activity, such as innovation and creation, can’t be modeled by GAs. Therefore, genetic programming seems to be the best tool to model the Lucasian economic agent. The problem mentioned above is twofold. Firstly, SGP ignores individual learning. Moreover, the traditional approach of SGP fails to pass the Harrald’s criticism. Secondly, the architecture of MGP merely focuses on individual learning. Therefore, we need a new architecture to integrate both of the key feature of social learning and individual learning. In Chen and Yeh (2000), a new architecture was proposed to solve Harrald’s criticism. The mechanism of “school” is introduced into SGP framework. However, it is still a type of social learning. The concept of Lucasian adaptive economic agent is not modeled. In this paper, we extend the previous research to a new architecture which is a multi-population GP framework with the mechanism of school. This framework passes Harrald’s criticism, it also integrates both of social learning and individual learning. This extension is very reasonable, while the economic implications of this extension are more important. In Lucas (1986), he didn’t mention how many decision rules are necessary (or enough) to model an individual. To some extent, this is related to the memory or intelligence. In other words, the more intelligent the traders are, the more decision rules (ideas) they have. From this perspective, the traders in our previous research (Chen and Yeh, 2000) are very naive. Each trader has only one idea in his mind. They are unable to work out new ideas by themselves. The only source of knowledge is the business school. On the other hand, the traders in this paper are more intelligent. Each trader has k (for example, 20) ideas. They have the ability of reasoning and imagination to create useful strategies. Therefore, we are interested in how the level of traders’ intelligence influences the economy. Is the economy more stable (or unstable) if the traders are more intelligent? Is the interaction between these more intelligent agents (or inherent complexity) more complicated (or simpler)? Consider a market composed of many traders. Each trader is modeled by a computer. The traders in our previous framework (Chen and Yeh, 2000) behave like basic computers with the ability of validation only. They have no way to reason. That means, the traders have only the basic intelligence. On the other hand, the traders in this paper behave like supercomputers (very intelligent traders). They could 1 He mentioned that the traditional distinction between the phenotype and genotype in biology and doubted whether the adaptation can be directly operated on the genotype via the phenotype in social processes. In other words, it is not easy to justify why we can learn or know other agents’ strategies (phenotype) by means of their actions (phenotype). 2 Arifovic (1995a, 1996), Miller (1996), Vila (1997), Arifovic, Bullard and Duffy (1997), Bullard and Duffy (1998a, 1998b, 1999), Staudinger (1998) are examples of SGA, while Andrews and Prager (1994), Chen and Yeh (1996, 1997a, 1997b, 1998), and Chen, Duffy and Yeh (1996) are examples of SGP. Examples of MGA can be found in Palmer et al. (1994), Tayler (1995), Arthur et al. (1997), Price (1997), Heymann, Pearzzo and Schuschny (1998).
be the econometricians at school, or the technicians in the stock market. They have the powerful abilities in computing (in computation complexity and speed) and reasoning. The interesting questions is, how are these supercomputers (more intelligent traders) different from those basic computers (less intelligent traders)? Of course, they may quickly discover the useful knowledge. Does it imply more efficient market just what the textbooks told us? If so, what is the reason behind it? Is it because they quickly realize the fundamental of market? Or the interaction between these intelligent traders makes the market more complicated such that they can’t predict others’ behavior and market dynamics well. In principle, the knowledge base of these intelligent traders is larger, so they have higher probabilities to get useful information. In other words, their adaptability is much higher than those who are less intelligent. Therefore, the survivability is also higher. However, they may cause the market more complicated beyond control. Their survivability is then reduced. Which one is the most possible outcome needed to be studied. As to the macro-phenomena, we also care about whether the econometric properties of time series are affected by the level of traders’ intelligence. Does it still have the stylized facts found in our previous simulations? More importantly, are the emergent properties more richer? If the answer is yes, what is the driving force behind it? If no, how does it happen? The psychological activities of each trader are also important. When does the trader intend to look for new strategies? When does he decide to do it by himself? However, researchers and traders may have different focuses. Researchers care about the accuracy of prediction (prediction accuracy oriented), while traders care about how to make money (profit oriented). Both of these criteria don’t necessarily lead to the same goal. It may cause traders to make wrong decisions when they consult with researchers. This further impacts the market dynamics. In the real world, there are many different types of traders. Sometimes, they could be “econometricians”, “technicians” or none of them. The diversity of traders’ behavior and believe is the key phenomenon in economics and financial market, it is what the conventional approaches lack. In the more general framework proposed in this paper, we can study the dynamics of interaction between these different types of traders and their impact on the market dynamics. Of course, in a more general point of view, according to Lucas (1986), each trader has a set of preferences to evaluate outcomes arising from particular situationaction combinations. Therefore, the performance of traders’ action may be influenced by several criteria. They could be profit, prediction accuracy, or others. Basically, these criteria could also evolve over time. However, it is not easy to model this idea. Also, the architecture used in this paper is more complicated than that used in Chen and Yeh (2000). Therefore, we have to be very prudent when we employ more complicated model. The questions proposed above are not easy to answer. Of course, we can’t have the answers by means of deductive processes. The architecture used in this paper provides us the chance to understand these issues. We can trace the simulations step by step, record the information about the dynamics of traders’ behavior, including the prediction about the stock price in the next period, the amount of stock holding, the strategies they use, how sophisticated the strategies are...., and so on. In the past few years, the new field of artificial stock market has been emphasized by several researchers. The reason of this field growing fast is that it opens a broader view, so we can study basic problems in the financial stock market. For example, why are the herd behavior, volatility clustering (autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity, ARCH), excess kurtosis (fat-tail distribution), bubbles and crashes, chaos, and unit roots usually found in the financial markets? And, how do they happen?3 The stock market is known as a complex adaptive system, the traditional techniques which are top-down perspective can’t serve this purpose. Furthermore, the technique tends toward the agent-based modeling which 3 See,
for example, Lux (1995, 1997, 1998), Lux and Marchesi (1998), and LeBaron, Arthur and Palmer (1999).
is a bottom-up approach. Such idea is more appropriate and reasonable to model social or economic activities. Genetic programming serves this task better than other evolutionary techniques.4 It is not only a new approach, but also a methodological innovation to economics. In sum, the advantages of this new framework is as follows: • It captures the concept of Lucasian adaptive economic agent. • It allows us to discuss the influence of the level of traders’ intelligence. • It allows more rooms to discuss the psychological activities which determine when the traders visit “school” to improve their strategies and when they would like to modify their thought by themselves. In this primary study, we focus on the characteristics of multi-population GP with the mechanism of school. Besides replicating the stylized facts, the issues related to the comparison between SGP-based and MGP-based simulations are discussed. In Section 2, the analytical model of our artificial market is described. The experimental design is provided in Section 3. In Section 4, we analyze the simulation results and the concluding remarks is given in Section 5.
The Framework of Artificial Stock Market
The basic framework of the artificial stock market considered in this paper is the standard asset pricing model employed in Grossman and Stiglitz (1980). The dynamics of market is determined by an interaction of many heterogeneous agents. Each of them, based on his forecast of the future, maximize his expected utility.
Description about Traders
For simplicity, we assume that all traders share the same constant absolute risk aversion (CARA) utility function, U (Wi,t ) = −exp(−λWi,t )
where Wi,t is the wealth of trader i at time period t, and λ is the degree of relative risk aversion. Traders can accumulate their wealth by making investments. There are two assets available for traders to invest. One is the riskless interest-bearing asset called money, and the other is the risky asset known as the stock. In other words, at each period, each trader has two ways to keep his wealth, i.e., Wi,t = Mi,t + Pt hi,t
where Mi,t and hi,t denotes the money and shares of the stock held by trader i at time t. Given this portfolio (Mi,t ,hi,t ), a trader’s total wealth Wi,t+1 is thus Wi,t+1 = (1 + r)Mi,t + hi,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 )
where Pt is the price of the stock at time period t and Dt is per-share cash dividends paid by the companies issuing the stocks. Dt can follow a stochastic process not known to traders. Given this wealth dynamics, the goal of each trader is to myopically maximize the one-period expected utility function, Ei,t (U (Wi,t+1 )) = E(−exp(−λWi,t+1 ) | Ii,t ) 4 The
advantages of genetic programming has been stressed in LeBaron (2000).
subject to Wi,t+1 = (1 + r)Mi,t + hi,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ),
where Ei,t (.) is trader i’s conditional expectations of Wt+1 given his information up to t (the information set Ii,t ), and r is the riskless interest rate. It is well known that under CARA utility and Gaussian distribution for forecasts, trader i’s desire demand, for holding shares of risky asset is linear in the expected excess return:
h∗i,t =
Ei,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ) − (1 + r)Pt , 2 λσi,t
2 where σi,t is the conditional variance of (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ) given Ii,t .
The key point in the agent-based artificial stock market is the formation of Ei,t (.). In this paper, the expectation is modeled by genetic programming. The details is described in next section.
The Mechanism of Price Determination
Given h∗i,t , the market mechanism is described as follows. Let bi,t be the number of shares trader i would like to submit a bid to buy at period t, and let oi,t be the number trader i would like to offer to sell at period t. It is clear that ∗ hi,t − hi,t−1 , h∗i,t ≥ hi,t−1 , (7) bi,t = 0, otherwise.
and oi,t =
hi,t−1 − h∗i,t , h∗i,t < hi,t−1 , 0, otherwise.
Furthermore, let Bt =
and Ot =
N i=1
be the totals of the bids and offers for the stock at time t, where N et al. (1994), we use the following simple rationing scheme:5 if hi,t−1 + bi,t − oi,t , t b − o , if hi,t−1 + O hi,t = i,t i,t Bt t hi,t−1 + bi,t − B o , if Ot i,t
is the number of traders. Following Palmer
Bt = Ot , Bt > Ot , Bt < Ot .
All these cases can be subsumed into hi,t = hi,t−1 +
Vt Vt bi,t − oi,t Bt Ot
where Vt ≡ min(Bt , Ot ) is the volume of trade in the stock. Based on Palmer et al.’s rationing scheme, we can have a very simple price adjustment scheme, based solely on the excess demand Bt − Ot : Pt+1 = Pt (1 + β(Bt − Ot )) 5 This
simple rationing scheme is chosen mainly to ease the burden of intensive computation. An realistic alternative is to introduce the double auction price mechanism.
where β is a function of the difference between Bt and Ot . β can be interpreted as speed of adjustment of prices. One of the β functions we consider is: tanh(β1 (Bt − Ot )) β(Bt − Ot ) = tanh(β2 (Bt − Ot ))
if Bt ≥ Ot , if Bt < Ot
where tanh is the hyperbolic tangent function: ex − e−x ex + e−x
tanh(x) ≡
The price adjustment process introduced above implicitly assumes that the total number of shares of the stock circulated in the market is fixed, i.e., Ht =
hi,t = H.
In addition, we assume that dividends and interests are all paid by cash, so Mt+1 =
Mi,t+1 = Mt (1 + r) + Ht Dt+1 .
Formation of Adaptive Traders
As to the formation of traders’ expectations, Ei,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ), Ei,t (.). (Pt + Dt )(1 + θ1 fi,t ∗ 10−4 ), (Pt + Dt )(1 + θ1 ), Ei,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ) = (Pt + Dt )(1 − θ1 ),
we assume the following functional form for
if − 10000.0 ≤ fi,t ≤ 10000.0, if fi,t > 10000.0, if fi,t < −10000.0
The population of fi,t (i=1,...,N ) is formed by genetic programming. That means, the value of fi,t is decode from its GP tree gpi,t . According to the martingale hypothesis, the trader holds martingale belief if Ei,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ) = Pt + Dt . Therefore, the cardinality of set {i | Ei,t (Pt+1 + Dt+1 ) − (Pt + Dt ) = 0}, denoted by N1,t , gives us the information how well the efficient market hypothesis is accepted among traders. As to the subjective risk equation, we modified the equation originally used by Arthur et al. (1997). 2 2 = (1 − θ2 )σt−1|n + θ2 [(Pt + Dt − Ei,t−1 (Pt + Dt ))2 ]. σi,t 1
where 2 σt|n 1
n1 −1 =
[Pt−j − P t|n1 ]2 n1 − 1
n1 −1 j=0
P t|n1 =
2 In other words, σt−1|n is simply the historical volatility based on the past n1 observations. 1
Single-Population Based Business School
Before introducing the different architecture of multi-population GP, we have to review the mechanism of “business school” once again. The business school serves as a faculty of researchers. Traders can consult with them when they face the peer pressure or losing lot of money. However, the researchers and traders may have different focus. Traders care about the models or strategies which are helpful for making money. While the 7
researchers put attention on the accuracy of forecasting, for example, mean absolute percentage error (MAPE). Therefore, the business school considered here can be viewed as a collection of forecasting models. Then, the single-population can be applied to model its evolution. Each researcher (forecasting model) is represented by a tree (GP parse tree). The school will be evaluated with a prespecified schedule, say once for every m1 trading days. The procedure proceeds as follows. At the evaluation date t, the business school will generate a group of new forecasting models in order to fit (or survive in) the new situation. Each forecasting model gpi,t−1 at period t − 1 will be examined by a new model which is generated from the same business school at period t − 1 by one of the following three genetic operators, reproduction, crossover and mutation, each with probability pr , pc and pm (Table 1). The tournament selection is applied in the procedures of three genetic operators as follows: • Reproduction: Two forecasting models (GP trees) are randomly selected from GPi,t−1 . The one with lower MAPE over the last m2 days’ forecasts is chosen as the new model. • Mutation: Two forecasting models are randomly selected from GPi,t−1 . The one with lower MAPE over the last m2 days’ forecasts is chosen as the candidate with the probability of pM (In Table 1, the probability is 0.3) being mutated. No matter the candidate is mutated or not, the one (the new one if it is mutated) is chosen as the new model. • Crossover: Two pairs of forecasting models are randomly chosen, say (gpj1 ,t−1 ,gpj2 ,t−1 ) and (gpk1 ,t−1 ,gpk2 ,t−1 ). The one with lower MAPE in each pairs is chosen as parent. One of the two children which is born by the crossover of their parents is randomly chosen as the new model. Therefore, each forecasting model at period t − 1 is compared with the new model generated by one of the three genetic operators based on the criterion of MAPE. The lower one is selected as the new forecasting model in next period (generation). The following is a pseudo program of the procedure of Business School (Also see Flowchart 1). Table 1 is an example of the specification of the control parameters to evolve the business school. Procedure [Business School] 0. begin 1. Calculate M AP E(gpi,t ) 2. A = Random(R,C,M) with (pr ,pc ,pm ) 3. If A = C, go to step (11). 4. (gp1 , gp2 ) = (Random(GPt−1 ),Random(GPt−1 )) 5. Calculate M AP E(gp1 ) and M AP E(gp2 ). 6. gpnew = Tournament Selection (M AP E(gp1 ),M AP E(gp2 )) 7. If A = R, go to step (17). 8. gpnew ← Mutation (gpnew ) 9. Calculate M AP E(gpnew ) 10. Go to step (17) 11. Randomly select two pairs of trees from GPt−1 12. Calculate MAPE of these two pairs of GP trees 8