Sensors and Actuators A 279 (2018) 278–283
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Towards a low current Hall effect sensor Yossi Sharon a , Bagrat Khachatryan b , Dima Cheskis a,∗ a b
The Physics Department, Ariel University, Ariel 407000, Israel The Physics Department, Technion, Haifa 3200003, Israel
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history: Received 30 January 2018 Received in revised form 10 June 2018 Accepted 11 June 2018 Available online 18 June 2018 Keywords: Hall sensors Magnetism Low current
a b s t r a c t Many modern electronic devices utilize linear Hall sensors to measure current and the magnetic field, as well as to perform switching and latching operations. Smartphones, laptops, and e-readers all work with very low (sub-milliampere) currents. To perform a switching function in low-power devices, however, Hall sensors must work in the microampere regime. This paper demonstrates, for the first time, the ability of a standard Hall detector to work linearly in the microampere regime between 0 and 0.7 Tesla. To do so, √ we developed a current source with RMS noise on the order of 10–100 pA/ Hz. An optimized electronic circuit with minimal connections feeds current to the Hall sensor, and the Hall voltage is measured with an industrial nanovoltmeter. After cooling this system down to temperatures as low as 77 K, we found mostly 1/f noise. In this regime the thermal noise was negligible. We demonstrate the capabilities of this system by precisely measuring the slope of the Hall effect with a four-point probe at current intensities of 100, 10, and 1 A. We expect that our system can work as a microampere Hall sensor using external voltage detectors. © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction Many modern devices, such as smartphones, tablets, e-readers, GPS units, and heart rate monitors, are controlled remotely and operated continuously for long stretches of time. These features come with a practical design constraint: the devices spend most of their time in a low-power sleep mode, using a battery or a DC lowpower bus to deliver current in the sub-milliampere (mA) regime. When transmitting information, the devices switch to high-power radio frequency (RF) activity, and the current increases to the mA or even Ampere scale. To control these switching behaviors, precise sensors must be used that are capable of measuring both low and high currents. Usually, noninvasive current control is done using Hall sensors. The current flowing through the Hall sensor creates a perpendicular Hall voltage, which is proportional to the current and detectable through the material of the sensor. Weak magnetic fields can be measured by various techniques, such as superconducting quantum interference (SQUID) devices [1] or magnetoresistance sensors (“giant”, “anomalous”, or “tunneling”, respectively denoted GMR, AMR, or TMR) [2–4]. Hall sensors are also cheap, so are used in many devices. However, to conserve battery life, the energy used by different types of sensors needs to be minimized. Usually, the
∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address:
[email protected] (D. Cheskis). 0924-4247/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
output current of the Hall sensor is in the mA regime. This current level gives a good signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and its Hall voltage can be easily detected. This paper presents work towards the development of a Hall sensor that can work in the microampere regime and still react while a device is in the sleep mode. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to first greatly reduce SNR and then find a voltage sensor capable of detecting the signal. The present work focuses on the first factor. We demonstrate for the first time a linear DC Hall sensor working in the microampere regime, with a SNR similar to the mA regime used by current technologies. We measure magnetic fields in the range 0–0.7 Tesla, for three very low DC current sources. The basic relation between Hall voltage, current and magnetic field is: VHall = RH BI/t
where RH is Hall resistivity, B is the magnetic field, I is the electrical current and t is a thickness of material. RH is equal to: RH = rh /nq
where n is the density of charge carriers, q is the carrier charge, and rh is the Hall scattering factor that different from one, depending on the material and the dominant charge carrier mechanism.
Y. Sharon et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 279 (2018) 278–283
Fig. 1. Current source.
2. Current source As was previously described, our main innovation is to use a power source with very low noise. This device is shown in Fig. 1. We use a 9 V battery as the source of voltage, and disconnect the measurement circuit completely from the external network. The load on the source should be no more than 9 V, and ideally much less, in order to reduce noise. To create a constant current through the sample, we use a Texas Instruments lm 234 current source and adjustable system. The formula which connects output current and resistivity R2 on an adjustable wire is shown below: Iout = (227 V/K)/R2
If the voltage load is no larger than a few millivolts, and fluctuations in the load are small, then the noise in the current is very small. In order to test our sensor, we built an experiment which performs Hall effect measurements on an industrial GaAs sensor. 3. Noise treatment Having reduced the current by three orders of magnitude, it is necessary to understand how the signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio changes. In order to measure small magnetic fields with the same accuracy, we need to reduce the noise level. DC systems mainly harbor two types of noise: the non-thermal 1/f (flicker) noise, and broadband noise which depends on temperature. Our system includes three main parts: the current source, the circuit comprising current source and sensor, and the detector. This paper focuses on the first two. First we need to understand the noise in the current source, then we will look at the noise in the electronic circuit that includes the Hall sensor. Fig. 2 illustrates the noise spectral density as function of frequency in the range of 10 Hz–100 kHz in the logarithmic scale in our system: According to definition, the 1/f noise decreases until some “corner frequency” is reached, and then levels off to a constant value. This figure clearly shows that the corner frequency is around 100 Hz for the 3 and 5 mA current sources. At 100 A, the corner frequency lies between 10 and 100 Hz. As expected, 1/f noise climbs in these plots as we move left from the corner frequency. Although this is not shown, we expect that √ the noise spectral density for the 100 A source reaches 100 pA/ Hz for some frequency around 1 Hz. For the 10 A source, the noise curve is flat and we expect that it does not change drastically between 1 and 10 Hz. The 1/f noise curve for the 1 A source is not shown, but we expect that will be lower than the 10 A curve. For comparison, the Keithley 6221 current source √ has approved broadband RMS noise levels on the order of nA/ Hz. The level of 1/f noise achieved by our source is 3 orders of magnitude smaller than any industrial current source connected to the external grid.
Fig. 2. Current source noise.
We place our circuit consisting of current source and Hall sensor inside a cryostat. Its connections are a coaxial cable, Fisher connectors and cryogenic wires. The nanovoltmeter is connected in a similar manner, and will have its own noise. The noise generated by the coaxial cables, connectors, and the Hall sensor itself has a thermal origin. We perform measurements at 300 K and at 77 K in order to see how this thermal noise influences our system. In electronic circuits, the main type of broadband resistance noise at room temperature in DC circuits is Johnson–Nyquist noise. The noise level of the sensor voltage equals [5]: V=
4kb TRf
where kb is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, R is the resistance, and f is the frequency bandwidth. Laboratory power supplies are designed to provide currents and waveforms over a wide range of intensities and frequencies. They are therefore built with many electronic components, which increase the noise in the system. Moreover, the alternating voltage of the power supply grid introduces additional noise. The standard way to reduce noise is to decrease the bandwidth using a modulated signal and a lock-in amplifier. In our case, we instead use a DC battery to supply a small amount of current without introducing any noise from extraneous electronic components or the external grid.
Y. Sharon et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 279 (2018) 278–283 Table 1 Hall coefficients for 1 A, 10 A, 100 A current sources at 300 K.
Fig. 3. Experimental setup.
4. Experimental setup Our setup for making Hall effect measurements is shown in Fig. 3. This system consists of a DC current source, a very accurate nanovoltmeter, Helmholtz magnetic coils, and a liquid nitrogen cryostat. With this system, we can measure both the resistance and the Hall Effect. This can be done using two different configurations: a Hall bar [6,7] and the Van der Pauw sample arrangement [8–10], as shown in Fig. 4. In the Van der Pauw arrangement, the electrical contacts are connected to the boundaries of a square sample and the Hall voltage is measured diagonally. In a Hall bar, the current flows through an elongated plate and the Hall voltage is measured at the cross section. In both cases, the voltage is measured perpendicular to the current, and the voltage and current contacts are separated. Such configurations are called four-point probes. Measurements of resistance effects in these configurations are only related to the properties of sample, not to the measurement circuit. The sample is attached to a special holder with connected wires. The plane of the holder is perpendicular to the axis of the magnetic coils and can rotate 180 degrees. The holder is inserted into the evacuation area of the cryostat. This allows us to hold the sample either in vacuum or at a low constant gas pressure. The gas delivered to this region is pure helium. The outer walls of the cryostat are cooled by liquid nitrogen. The inside cools to 77 Kelvin, so the helium remains gaseous at a pressure of a few millibars. The temperature of the area containing the sample can be adjusted
1 A
10 A
100 A
100 mA (manuf.)
VH /T (VH /T) (VH /T)/VH /T*100%
0.371 V/T 1.5 nV/T 0.42%
3.955 V/T 6.5 nV/T 0.16%
39.85 V/T 81 nV/T 0.21%
39.93 mV/T 80 V/T 0.2%
from 77 K to 300 K. This control is achieved by cooling the gas or adjusting the heater with the help of a Cernox temperature sensor and a controller from Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc. [11]. This control system stabilizes the sample area to a temperature constant within 0.1 K. Measurements of the Hall voltage are performed under a constant magnetic field. The field can be adjusted from 0 to 0.8 Tesla, in both directions. The sample that we use is the HSPT Hall Sensor of the Cryomagnetic, Inc. [12]. The sample type is a Hall bar with one voltage output. The sample is completely isolated from the external environment in the evacuation chamber of the cryostat, which makes it possible to avoid oxidation. Although we do not know the material of the sample or its exact thickness, the manufacturer provides the dependence of the Hall voltage on the magnetic field. Hence, we can compare our measurements with those of the manufacturer. As it was shown previously, the Hall voltage depends on the magnetic field, the current, the charge of the carriers, the population density of the charge carriers, and the thickness of the sample. Changes to the measured Hall voltage can only occur because either the magnetic field B or the electric current I changes. All other factors are constant for the sample. 5. Experimental results The Hall bar calibration sample has a linear Hall effect when the magnetic field is perpendicular to the current passing through the sample. The manufacturer provides the ratio of the Hall voltage to the magnitude of the magnetic field for a current of 100 mA. In order to test our system and learn its sensitivity, we measured the Hall voltage as a function of the external field using our fourpoint probe. Due to our assumption that the density of carriers does not depend on the current, we can measure this relation for different currents and check whether it is proportional to the manufacturers values. We measured the Hall effect under three currents: 100 A and 10 A and 1 A. The dependencies of the Hall voltage as function of magnetic field are shown in Fig. 5. This figure shows an approximately linear dependence of the Hall voltage on magnetic field for all current values. In Table 1, we compare the slopes of the Hall effects measured at all currents to the slope provided by the manufacturer at 100 mA. with statistical errors on the slopes derived from least-squares linear fits. The slopes at 1 A and 10 A differed from the slope at 100 A by factors of 107 and 10.07, respectively. These deviations were
Fig. 4. Hall measurement configurations.
Y. Sharon et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 279 (2018) 278–283
Fig. 5. Measured Hall voltage, VHall , as a function of the magnetic field for three current intensities at 300 K.
Fig. 6. Hysteresis deviation in VHall [V] for the 1,10 and 100 A signals, as a function of the magnetic field at 300 K.
very close to the expected factors of 100 and 10. The most precisely determined slope in this series of measurements was for the 10 A current, which had a relative error of only 165 m%. The uncertainties in the slopes (reported in Table 2) are directly proportional to the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of the Hall voltage measurements. RMSE, measured in nanovolts, defines the real limit of our
Table 2 RMSE(accuracy limit) and hysteresis deviation for 1 A, 10 A, 100 A current sources at 300 K. Current
1 A
10 A
100 A
RMSE (accuracy limit) Hysteresis deviation
10.4 nV 0.09 V
48.7 nV 0.1 V
530 nV 0.6 V
Y. Sharon et al. / Sensors and Actuators A 279 (2018) 278–283
Fig. 7. Hysteresis deviation in VHall [V] for 100 A signals, as 300 K and 77 K, full scale in the left side and zoomed on the right side. Table 3 Hall coefficients for 1 A, 10 A, 100 A current sources. Temperature
300 K
77 K
VH /T (VH /T) (VH /T)/VH /T*100%
39.85 V/T 81 nV/T 0.203%
39.68 mV/T 78 V/T 0.197%
ability to resolve nonlinear phenomena in the sample. For example, the Hall voltage curve displays hysteresis, being differently shaped for increasing and decreasing magnetic fields. One possible source of hysteresis is a small amount of spontaneous magnetization in the sample. The manufacturer does not emphasize the hysteresis deviation, but this effect is well known in the literature. Fig. 6 shows zoomed-in plots of the hysteresis deviation normalized by Hall voltage for all three currents. The hysteresis deviations were a major source of uncertainty in the slopes. Table 2 reports the maximal separations in Hall voltage due to hysteresis. The hysteresis deviation was larger than the precision of the voltage measurements, characterized by the RMSE. As the current decreased from 100 to 10 A, the normalized hysteresis deviation does not change drastically, but it strongly increases at 1 A. In our experiment, 10 A is the minimal current which gives a linear Hall effect. As mentioned before, we want to know whether or not the noise in our system is thermal. To answer this question, we performed measurements with a 100 A current source at 300 K and at 77 K. The results are shown in Fig. 7. We see from Fig. 7 that at 77 K, the sensor has almost exactly the same Hall voltage/Magnetic field dependence, with a little less error. These results are summarized in Table 3. Comparing them to Table 1, we see that reducing the noise by cooling has much less effect than simply choosing a lower current source with lower 1/f noise. This is one additional proof that the main part of the noise is not thermal.
6. Conclusion We have shown that a standard industrial Hall sensor exhibits a linear response for currents in the microampere range. We were able to deliver stable currents in the A regime by using a modified electric circuit, free of extraneous electrical components and the external power grid, and an external nanovoltage detector. We characterized the precision of the Hall effect slope measurement for
three different current intensities, and also measured hysteresis in the Hall voltage at these currents. We observe a general trend that the hysteresis deviation decreases with increasing magnetic field, both at room temperature and at 77 K. For very low currents (1 A), the Hall sensor started to lose its linearity. By comparing the accuracy limits and linearwe estimate the 1/f noise in the ity of the 1 A and 10 A currents, √ 0.1–10 Hz range to be below 20 nV/ Hz. It is impossible to see such low noise levels using a standard DC current source. However, it is achieved in our system, because we start with a current noise level √ of at most 100 pA/ Hz. These interesting results have motivated us to design additional low-noise current sources, to see if we can further decrease the RMSE of individual voltage measurements while preserving Hall linearity. In our system, we use a doped GaAs Hall sensor whose Hall resistance is almost independent of temperature. The thermal noise is reduced by stabilizing the temperature of the system within a liquid nitrogen cryostat. The focus of this work has been on testing the linearity of Hall voltage/magnetic field dependence. Trying to achieve a high resolution in magnetic field strength was beyond the scope of this work. The long-term goal of this research is to develop low-cost, accessible methods to accurately characterize the electronic behavior of thin films. Modern technological devices offer many advantages, but also require sophisticated power management circuits that increase the noise in the system. This issue can only be solved by measuring low-intensity magnetic fields with stable and simple systems. Our experiment shows a new way to understand and measure such small effects, and may eventually lead to the development of new equipment that can take full advantage of currents in the microampere regime.
Acknowledgements We would like to thank to Prof. Boris Ashkinadze from Technion, Haifa, Israel, for his advice and expertise in the area of transport measurements. This study was partially funded by the Kamin program of the Israel Innnovation Authority.
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Biography Dr. Dima Cheskis is a senior stuff member in the Physics Department at the Ariel University. Dima Cheskis completed his PhD in Physics at Tel Aviv University under supervision of prof. Shimshon Barad. The subject of his experimental research was ultrafast phenomena in a transient metals and specifically in nickel thin films. The next step was postdoctorate studies in the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in the area of nanocrystal semiconductor laser spectroscopy. After two years in industry which includes work in Applied Materials Company, he joined to the Physics Department at Ariel University. His research interests lie in the areas of magnetic and electrical phenomena of thin films, including Hall Effects measurements. In these days he build of laboratory which will study magnetic dynamics of thin films like graphene and its composition using Faraday and Magneto-optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) setups. He teaches in number academic courses which includes basic physics courses as Mechanics and Electromagnetism and number of advanced physics laboratories.