Strategies in Electrification of Platforms and Subsea Process ... Verne, France, IES Distinguished Lec- turer and IES ... able energies and railway industries in.
for multilevel inverters, low-order harmonic elimination, suppression methods using capacitive filters, and a scheme that generates scalable 24-stepped phase voltage for the full operating range for induction motor drives. Extensive analysis and experimental results validating
the effectiveness of the techniques were also presented to the audience. These presentations were attended by more than 500 participants in total, including faculties, experts from industry, and students from different universities in and around Canada and Spain.
Finally, Prof. Gopakumar pointed out advances and current trends of research in multilevel inverters and medium voltage high-power motor drives, followed by conclusions and a description of future scenarios. The presentations were followed by lively open discussion sessions with the participants (Figure 1).
TPES 2015 held in Tehran, Iran
he Power Electronics Technologies Seminar (TPES 2015) was held on 3–4 March 2015, in Tehran, Iran, at the Sharif University of Technology. The seminar was organized by the students of the Resana ScientificCultural Club at the Sharif University of Technology under the leadership of Kiana Afzali, B.Sc. student (Figure 1). The program committee organized an exciting and invigorating program comprising invited talks from distinguished experts in the field of power electronics, as well as outstanding workshops and tutorials. Lectures, tutorials, paper presentations, and panel sessions Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2015.2429932 Date of publication: 23 June 2015
provided an excellent forum for information exchange and collaboration on related topics and brought together about 200 participants from universities, companies, and government agencies. TPES 2015 featured internationally distinguished keynote speakers who provided new insight into power electronics and new technologies. Seven keynote speeches representing a variety of important and wide-ranging contributions on state-of-the-art research were delivered by seven distinguished scholars: ■■ “Power Semiconductor Devices: Technology Trends and Challenges in Application,” by Prof. Leo Lorenz, Infineon Technologies Munich, Germany
“Power Electronics Topologies and Strategies in Electrification of Platforms and Subsea Process Plants,” by Dr. Hamed Nademi, ABB Group, Norway “Modern Electrical Drives: From Integration to Fault-Tolerant Techniques,” by Prof. Gérard-André Capolino, University of Picardie Jules Verne, France, IES Distinguished Lecturer and IES junior past-president “An Overview of Power Electronics and Electrical Drives Applications in Germany,” by Prof. Omid Forati Kashani, Coburg University, Germany, past chair of the IEEE Industry Applications Society/IES/IEEE Power Electronics Society German joint Chapter “Power Electronics and Future Large Grids,” by Prof. Seddik Bacha, SuperGrid Institute, France
FIGURE 1 – TPES 2015 organizers at the top of the Azadi tower.
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“Recent Advances in Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Inverters: A Survey of Academic and Industrial Trends,” by Prof. Shahrokh Farhangi and Dr. Babak Farhangi, University of Tehran, Iran ■■ “Contactless Power Transmission,” by Prof. Sadegh Vaez-Zadeh, University of Tehran, Iran. In addition, five tutorials were held during the seminar: ■■ “Modeling of Power Electronic Systems,” by Prof. Seddik Bacha, SuperGrid Institute, France ■■
“Modular Multilevel Power Converters Technology: Recent Developments and Challenges,” by Dr. Hamed Nademi, ABB Group, Norway “Rapid Prototyping of FPGA and DSP Systems Using Matlab/Simulink,” by Prof. Mohammad Reza Zolghadri and Dr. Mahmoud Shahbazi, Sharif University of Technology, Iran “The Effects of Harmonics on the Local Loads of Power Plants,” by Mohammadyar and Sadoughi, MAPNA Electric & Control, Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Iran
“Photovoltaic Systems,” by Morteza Ferdowsi, Gita Afrouz Energy Company, Iran. A total of 21 papers were presented in two oral sessions and one poster session during the seminar. Two discussion panels on power electronics in renewable energies and railway industries in Iran rounded off the program. During the discussion panels, participants had the opportunity debate and outline their opinions on these subjects. —Gérard-André Capolino and Farzad Tahami ■■
Changes Coming for IEEE Technically Cosponsored Conferences
uring the February 2014 IEEE Board of Directors Meeting Series, a motion was adopted to change the way IEEE Meetings, Conferences, and Events (MCE) expenses are allocated for costs associated with conference technical cosponsorship (TCS) [1]. Effective for TCS conferences held after 31 December 2015, for any technically cosponsored conference in which there is no IEEE financial interest, IEEE organizational units (OUs) Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2015.2429933 Date of publication: 23 June 2015
that technically cosponsor the conference will be charged a fee. ■■ This fee will be US$1,000 plus US$15 per paper sent to IEEE Xplore. ■■ If multiple IEEE OUs technically cosponsor the same conference, the fee will be divided equally between the OUs. ■■ The fees collected will be used to reduce the MCE cost. This charge replaces the US$50 fee currently charged to IEEE OUs, and it replaces the US$500 charge currently assessed when a technically cosponsored conference does not elect to provide content from the conference to IEEE Xplore.
If the sponsoring IEEE OU(s) desires, it may ask MCE to bill the conference a fee (determined by the OU) for this technical cosponsorship. If the sponsoring OU elects to charge a fee to the conference, MCE will handle all billing and collection. All revenue collected by MCE from external conferences will be given to the sponsoring IEEE OU.
[1] IEEE Conference Organizer’s Newsletter, Feb. 2014.
(continued from page 56)
[4] A. M. Smith, From Sight to Light. The Passage from Ancient to Modern Optics. Chicago: Univ. Chicago Press, 2014. [5] A. M. Smith, Ptolemy’s Theory of Visual Perception. Philadelphia, PA: American Philosophical Society, book 86, 2000. [6] P. M. Neumann, “Reflections on reflection in a spherical mirror,” Amer. Math. Month, vol. 105, no. 6, pp. 523–528, June–July 1998. [7] F. Risner (Ed.), Opticae Thesaurus, Basel, 1572 (reprint, NY: Johnson Reprint, 1972). [8] I. Newton, The Optical Papers of Isaac Newton. Vol. 1: The Optical Lectures, 1670–1672. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1984. [9] P. Friedrichsen and C. G. Tortzen, Ole Rømer— Korrespondanceogafhandlingersamt et udvalgafdokumenter (in Danish). C. A. Reitzels Forlag, 2001.
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Maxwell’s Theory and Wireless Telegraphy. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Univ. Library, 1904. [14] M. Guarnieri, “The conquest of the Atlantic,” IEEE Ind. Electron. Mag., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 53– 55/67, Mar. 2014. [15] J. C. Maxwell, “Dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field,” Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., vol. 155, pp. 459–512, Jan. 1865. [16] J. C. Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, Vols. I and II, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1873. [17] H. R. Hertz, “Uebersehrschnelleelectrische Schwingungen,” Annalen der Physik, vol. 267, no. 7, pp. 421–448, May 1887.