Traffic Signal Operations/Timing - City of Coronado

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Full-Service Civil Engineering Firm. ▫ Public Works Department. (Transportation Engineering. Planning and Design). ▫
City of Coronado 4th St and Alameda Blvd

Michael Baker International  Full-Service Civil Engineering Firm  Public Works Department (Transportation Engineering Planning and Design)  Registered Civil and Traffic Engineer, 19 years of experience  Registered Civil Engineer, 4 years of experience

Ryan Zellers, PE, TE

Blanca Soto, PE

4th St and Alameda Blvd (Existing All-Way Stop)

Warrants and Operations  Volumes warrant a traffic signal  Existing All-Way stop • LOS = F, Delay = 58.1 sec

 Traffic Signal, 2017 (PM Peak Hour) • LOS = C, Delay = 22.6 sec

 Traffic Signal, 2030 (PM Peak Hour) • LOS = D, Delay = 51.5 sec

Traffic Signal Configuration

Traffic Signal Plan

Traffic Signal Plan (Enlarged)

Traffic Signal Operations/Timing  Shared through-right turn lane leaving base  ½-street closure will be done on the Navy side  Traffic signal timing is a function of the controlling jurisdiction (Caltrans)  Optimized based on peak traffic flows  Different timings for various days, times, and events  Video detection with adv. loops (on Navy base)  Coordination also controlled by Caltrans (3/4-mile maximum for vehicle platoons)

Queuing Results  Understanding 50th % and 95th % Queuing  2017 Queuing Results • • •

NB Alameda 50% / 95% = 86’ (4 cars) / 166’ (7 cars) SB Alameda Left 50% / 95% = 154’ (6 cars) / 255’ (10 cars) SB Alameda Through 50% / 95% = 101’ (4 cars) / 158’ (7 cars)

 2030 Queuing Results • • •

NB Alameda 50% / 95% = 137' (6 cars) / 226' (9 cars) SB Alameda Left 50% / 95% = 249' (10449 cars) / 449' (17 cars) SB Alameda Through 50% / 95% = 135' (6 cars) / 201' (8 cars)

Benefits and Issues  Platoons create downstream gaps in traffic  Platoon “wave” will affect all 4th Street side streets  Change in traffic patterns may arise, but depends on individual driver preferences  Efficiency better and overall delay reduced  Peak traffic times could be compressed  Signal timing adjustments to balance side street priority

Decorative Signal Poles

 Caltrans approved manufacturer  10-15% increase in equipment cost
