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TASK 18: Post and create the CNC code file .... is a comma between the X and Y values, and you do not need to input the


Mastercam Training Guide Objectives You will create the geometry for Mill-Lesson-5, and then generate a toolpath to machine the part on a CNC vertical milling machine. This Lesson covers the following topics:  Create a 2-dimensional drawing by: Creating lines. Creating arcs. Using Xform Mirror to copy entities. Trimming geometry using Divide.  Establish Stock Setup settings: Stock size. Material for the part. Feed calculation.  Generate a 2-dimensional milling toolpath consisting of: Drill toolpath. Contour toolpath. Pocket toolpath.  Inspect the toolpath using Mastercam’’s Verify and Backplot by: Launching the Verify function to machine the part on the screen. Generating the NC- code.





Mastercam Training Guide TOOL LIST Â Â Â Â

Three cutters will be used to create this part. 0.5 diameter spot drill to spot drill all the 0.25 diameter holes. 0.25 diameter drill to drill all the 0.25 diameter holes through the part. 0.5 diameter flat end mill to machine the pocket and contour.



MILL-LESSON-5 - THE PROCESS Geometry Creation TASK 1: Setting the environment TASK 2: Create a rectangle 3 X 3 –– the centre is at X0 Y0 TASK 3: Create the pocket at the center of the part TASK 4: Create center points for the four .25 diameter circles TASK 5: Create the first .25 diameter circle TASK 6: Create the first .25 radius circle TASK 7: Use mirror to create the remaining .25 diameter and .25 radius circles TASK 8: Create the four 2.25 radius circles TASK 9: Trim the geometry TASK 10: Save the Drawing TASK 11: TASK 12: TASK 13: TASK 14: TASK 15: TASK 16: TASK 17: TASK 18:

Toolpath Creation Define the rough stock using stock setup Spot drill all .25 diameter holes Drill all .25 diameter holes thru part Rough and finish the pocket Rough and finish the contour Verify the toolpath Save the updated Mastercam file Post and create the CNC code file


Mastercam Training Guide

Geometry Creation TASK 1: SETTING THE ENVIRONMENT Before starting the geometry creation you should set up the grid, toolbars and machine type as outlined in the Setting the environment section at the beginning of this text: 1. Set up the Grid. This will help identify the location of the origin. 2. Customize the toolbars to machine a 2D part. 3. Set the machine type to a Haas Vertical Spindle CNC machine.

TASK 2: CREATE A RECTANGLE 3 X 3 –– THE CENTRE IS AT X0 Y0.  This task explains how to create the 3 square. These four lines could be created in many different ways, this is just one option. 1. Select from the pull down menu Create>Rectangle……

2. The Create Rectangle ribbon bar appears and you are prompted to Select position of base point, or Select position of first corner

3. On the ribbon bar click in the space for Width and enter a value of 3.0, hit the tab key and you will be moved over to the Height section.

4. In the Height section enter a value of 3.0 and then hit Enter. 5. Select the Anchor to Center option - this option is shown above. To activate the Anchor to Center option the icon is pressed down as shown above. Anchor to center: Sets the base point of the rectangle to the center point, and draws the rectangle outward from the center.


Mill-Lesson-5 6. Now you need to Select position of base point. Move the cursor over to the graphics screen and position the cursor at the center of the grid and as you get close to the Origin (X0Y0) a visual cue appears. This is the cue that will allow you to snap to the origin, with this visual cue highlighted pick the origin as shown below:

7. Click on the OK icon

to complete this feature.

8. Select the Screen Fit icon found at the top of the screen to fit the part to the screen

TASK 3: CREATE THE POCKET AT THE CENTER OF THE PART  This task explains how to create the geometry for the pocket at the center of the part. The pocket is a 1”” square with .25 radii on the corners. The geometry for the pocket could be created in many different ways, this is just one option. 1. Select from the pull down menu Create>Rectangular Shapes……


Mastercam Training Guide 2. The Rectangular Shapes Options dialog box appears and you are prompted to Select position of base point. Set the following values: A Activate Base Point, by ensuring the green dot is visible for the radio button. B Enter the value for the Width 1.0. C Enter the value for the Height 1.0. D Enter the value for the Fillet Radius on the corners of the rectangle 0.25. E Select the Rectangular Shape. F Set the Anchor point to the center. Rectangular Shapes Use this dialog box to create rectangles using a base point or 2-point method. Width Height Fillet Radius Shape Click the shape you want the rectangle to take: rectangle, obround, single D, or double D. Anchor Available for the Base Point method. Select the position of the base point of the rectangle. Mastercam draws the rectangle outward from the base point.

3. Now you need to Select position of base point. Move the cursor over to the graphics screen and position the cursor at the center of the grid and as you get close to the Origin (X0Y0) a visual cue appears. This is the cue that will allow you to snap to the origin, with this visual cue highlighted pick the origin as shown below:



4. Click on Apply

to fix the entity.

5. Click on the OK icon below:

to complete this feature. The completed geometry is shown

TASK 4: CREATE CENTER POINTS FOR THE FOUR .25 DIAMETER CIRCLES  In this task you will create the four points at the center of the four .25 diameter circles.  Create Point #1 1. Select Create>Point>Position……

2. The Point Position ribbon bar appears and you are prompted to Sketch a point. To satisfy this first prompt click on the FastPoint Icon on the Auto Cursor ribbon bar.

3. In the space input the X (1.0), Y (1.0) values for the first point and hit enter. Note that there is a comma between the X and Y values, and you do not need to input the Z value for this example.


Mastercam Training Guide  Create Point #2 4. You are prompted to Sketch a point. To satisfy this prompt click on the FastPoint Icon on the Auto Cursor ribbon bar. 5. In the space input the X (-1.0), Y (1.0) values for the first point and hit enter. Note that there is a comma between the X and Y values, and you do not need to input the Z value for this example.

 Create Point #3 6. Again you are prompted to Sketch a point. To satisfy this prompt click on the FastPoint Icon on the Auto Cursor ribbon bar. 7. In the space input the X (-1.0), Y (-1.0) values for the first point and hit enter. Note that there is a comma between the X and Y values, and you do not need to input the Z value for this example.

 Create Point #4 8. Again you are prompted to Sketch a point. To satisfy this prompt click on the FastPoint Icon on the Auto Cursor ribbon bar. 9. In the space input the X (1.0), Y (-1.0) values for the first point and hit enter. Note that there is a comma between the X and Y values, and you do not need to input the Z value for this example.

10. Click on the OK icon below:

to complete this feature. The completed geometry is shown


Mill-Lesson-5 TASK 5: CREATE THE FIRST .25 DIAMETER CIRCLE  You will first create the .25 diameter circle by using the point previously created as the center point of this circle. 1. Select Create>Arc>Circle Center point……

2. The Circle Center Point ribbon bar appears and you are prompted to Enter the center point.

3. Click in the space for diameter (shown above) and enter a value of .25 and then hit the Enter key. 4. To satisfy the prompt Enter the center point move the cursor over the upper right point you just created and as you get close to the point a visual cue appears. This is the cue that will allow you to snap to this point. With this visual cue highlighted pick the point.

5. Click on the OK icon above right.

to complete this feature. The completed geometry is shown


Mastercam Training Guide TASK 6: CREATE THE FIRST .25 RADIUS CIRCLE  You will create the .25 radius circle by using the center point of the previously created circle as the center point of this circle. 1. Select Create>Arc>Circle Center point……

2. The Circle Center Point ribbon bar appears and you are prompted to Enter the center point.

3. Click in the space for radius (shown above) and enter a value of .25 and then hit the Enter key. 4. To satisfy the prompt Enter the center point move the cursor over the upper right circle you created earlier and as you get close to the center a visual cue appears. This is the cue that will allow you to snap to the center point of the .25 diameter circle. With this visual cue highlighted pick the point.

5. Click on the OK icon above right.

to complete this feature. The completed geometry is shown


Mill-Lesson-5 TASK 7: USE MIRROR TO CREATE THE REMAINING .25 DIAMETER AND .25 RADIUS CIRCLES Â In this task you will use Xform Mirror to make copies of the two circles in the top right corner of the part and Mirror about the Y Axis. Â The final mirrored entities are shown below:

1. Select Xform>Mirror……

2. You are first prompted to Mirror: select entities to mirror. Select the two circles by clicking on each circle as shown below:

3. To move onto the next step you now need to pick the End Selection icon located over in the top right of the screen as shown below:


. This is

Mastercam Training Guide 4. After selecting End Selection the Mirror dialog window appears. Set the following values: A: Activate Copy by ensuring the green dot is visible for the copy radio button. B: Activate Y Axis to mirror about the Y axis, by ensuring the green dot is visible for the Y Axis radio button. The mirrored entities are now previewed on the screen. Mirror Use this dialog box to create mirror images of geometric and drafting entities by reflecting them symmetrically with respect to a defined axis or point, including: When mirroring entities, you can move, copy or join the original entities within the drawing. X axis: select point Choose this option to select a reference point (Y value) in the graphics window that defines the horizontal axis used to mirror the selected entities. Y axis: select point Choose this option to select a reference point (X value) in the graphics window that defines the vertical axis used to mirror the selected entities. For more information on Mirror see the Tips and Techniques section on the multimedia CD supplied with this text. 5. Click on the OK icon to complete this feature. 6. Click on the Clear Colors at the top right hand corner of the screen.

 The next step will be to Mirror the four circles about the X Axis.


Mill-Lesson-5 7. Select Xform>Mirror……

8. You are prompted to Mirror: select entities to mirror. Â Now you need to select the four circles on the screen. We could accomplish this by selecting each one as we did in the previous mirror operation, but for this mirror operation you will explore another method utilizing the General selection ribbon bar to capture the four circles for the mirror operation. General selection ribbon bar Use the General selection ribbon bar to select entities in the graphics window for most Mastercam functions. Mastercam's selection mode is always active when you are not using a function such as creating geometry or analysing an entity.

9. The General selection ribbon bar is shown below. Open up the drop down for Entity Selection settings to review the various options and ensure it is set to In before leaving.

Entity selection settings Determines how the polygon and window selection methods select entities: In - Selects only entities that lie completely inside the window. Out - Selects only entities that lie completely outside the window. In + - Selects entities that lie completely inside and entities that intersect the window. Out + - Selects entities that lie completely outside and entities that intersect the window. Intersect - Selects only entities that intersect the window.


Mastercam Training Guide 10. Open up the drop down for Selection methods to review the various options and ensure it is set to Window before leaving. Selection Methods Sets the method by which you select entities in the graphics window. Chain - Selects/chains entities that are connected to other entities. Window - Lets you select entities by drawing a window around them. Polygon - Lets you select entities by drawing a polygon around the entities. Single –– Lets you select a single entity with your mouse. Area - Selects multiple nested shapes with a single mouse click. Vector - Lets you select multiple entities by drawing a vector line through them. Any entities physically intersected by the vector line will be selected. 11. Now finally it is time to capture the four circles; left mouse click approximately at position 1 hold the mouse button down and drag to the right and down and release the mouse button at approximately position 2. Then pick at approximately position 2. What you have done is described a window around the entities you wish to capture.

12. To move onto the next step you now need to pick the End Selection icon. located over in the top right of the screen as shown below:


This is

Mill-Lesson-5 13. After selecting End Selection the Mirror dialog window appears, set the following values: A: Activate Copy, by ensuring the green dot is visible for the copy radio button. B: Activate X Axis to mirror about the X axis, by ensuring the dot is visible for the X Axis radio button. The mirrored entities are now previewed on the screen as shown below:

to complete this feature. 14. Click on the OK icon 15. Click on the Clear Colors at the top right hand corner of the screen.


Mastercam Training Guide TASK 8: CREATE THE FOUR 2.25 RADIUS ARCS  In this task you will create the four 2.25 radius arcs shown below.  These four 2.25 radius arcs are tangent to the .25 radius circles.  You will create the arcs using two different methods, for Arc #1 and #2 you will use Arc Tangent and for #3 and #4 the Fillet function will be used.  Create Arc #1 1. Select Create>Arc>Arc Tangent……

2. The Arc Tangent ribbon bar appears and you are prompted to Select the entity that the arc is to be tangent to.

icon to activate it as shown above. Ensure the icon 3. Click on the Arc tangent 2 entities is pressed down to signal that it is activated. 4. Click in the space for Radius (shown above) and enter a value of 2.25 and then hit the Enter key. 5. To satisfy the prompt Select the entity that the arc is to be tangent to move the cursor over the upper right .25 radius circle and select it as shown below:


Mill-Lesson-5 6. To satisfy the prompt Select the entity that the arc is to be tangent to move the cursor over the lower right .25 radius circle and select it as shown below:

7. After selecting the second circle you are confronted with a plethora of arcs all tangent to the two circles you just picked. The prompt changes to Select the fillet to use. Select the Fillet shown below:

8. On the Arc Tangent ribbon bar click on Apply above on the right:

to fix the entity. The first arc is shown


Mastercam Training Guide  Create Arc #2 9. To satisfy the prompt Select the entity that the arc is to be tangent to move the cursor over the upper right .25 radius circle and select it as shown below on the right:

10. To satisfy the prompt Select the entity that the arc is to be tangent to move the cursor over the upper left .25 radius circle and select it as shown below:


Mill-Lesson-5 11. After selecting the circle you are confronted with a selection of arcs all tangent to the two circles you just picked. The prompt changes to Select the fillet to use. Select the Fillet shown below:

12. Click on the OK icon above right:

to complete this feature. The completed geometry is shown

 For Arc #3 and #4 you will explore another method using Fillet to create the 2.25 radius circles.  Create Arc #3 13. Select Create>Fillet>Entities……

14. On the Fillet ribbon bar enter 2.25 for the radius and hit enter. Ensure the Style of radius is set to Normal and the No trim button is depressed to turn the trim off.


Mastercam Training Guide 15. When prompted to Fillet: Select an entity, move the cursor over the upper left .25 radius circle and select it as shown below:

16. To satisfy the prompt Fillet: Select an entity move the cursor over the lower left .25 radius circle as you mover over the circle a preview of the fillet will appear. Select the lower left .25 circle as shown above right: 17. After selecting the circle you are confronted with a selection of arcs all tangent to the two circles you just picked. The prompt changes to Select the fillet to use. Select the Fillet shown below:

18. On the Fillet ribbon bar click on Apply

to fix the entity.


Mill-Lesson-5 Â Create Arc #4 19. When prompted to Fillet: Select an entity, move the cursor over the lower left .25 radius circle and select it as shown below:

20. To satisfy the prompt Fillet: Select an entity move the cursor over the lower right .25 radius circle as you mover over the circle a preview of the fillet will appear. Select the lower right .25 circle as shown above right: 21. After selecting the circle you are confronted with a selection of arcs all tangent to the two circles you just picked. The prompt changes to Select the fillet to use. Select the Fillet shown below:

to complete this feature. Your completed part geometry should 22. Click on the OK icon look like the figure shown above right:


Mastercam Training Guide TASK 9: TRIM THE GEOMETRY Â In this task you will Trim the four .25 radius arcs shown below. Â The .25 radius arcs will be trimmed back to the 2.25 arcs as indicated by the arrows below. Â To perform this Trim operation you will use the Divide function found on the Trim/Break/Extend ribbon bar.

 Trim Arc #1 1. Select Edit>Trim/Break>Trim/Break/Extend.

 The Trim / Extend / Break ribbon bar appears and you are prompted to Select the entity to trim/extend.

2. Click on the Divide/Delete icon to activate it as shown above. Ensure the icon is pressed down to signal that it is activated.


Mill-Lesson-5 3. The prompt changes to Select the curve to divide/delete. Move the cursor over the upper right .25 radius circle and select it as shown below left:

The arc is trimmed back to the two closest intersections as shown above right: Â Trim Arc #2 4. To satisfy the prompt Select the curve to divide/delete move the cursor over the upper left .25 radius circle and select it as shown below left:

The arc is trimmed back to the two closest intersections as shown above right. Â Trim Arc #3 5. To satisfy the prompt Select the curve to divide/delete move the cursor over the lower left .25 radius circle and select it as shown below left:

The arc is trimmed back to the two closest intersections as shown above right: Mill-Lesson-5-24

Mastercam Training Guide  Trim Arc #4 6. To satisfy the prompt Select the curve to divide/delete move the cursor over the lower right .25 radius circle and select it as shown below left:

The arc is trimmed back to the two closest intersections as shown above right: 7. Click on OK


This completes the geometry for this part; the completed geometry is shown below:

TASK 10: SAVE THE DRAWING 1. 2. 3. 4.

Select File. Select Save As... In the File name box, type Mill-Lesson-5. Save to an appropriate location.

5. Select the green check mark button

to save the file and complete this function.



Toolpath Creation TASK 11: DEFINE THE ROUGH STOCK USING STOCK SETUP Â Defining the Rough Stock using stock setup. 1. For a better view of the part use the toolbar at the top of the screen to change the graphics view to Isometric.

. 2. Now select the Fit to screen icon 3. Your screen should look like the image below:

4. Select the plus in front of Properties to expand the Toolpaths Group Properties. Alt-O will Show/hide Operations Manager pane.


Mastercam Training Guide 5. You may need to extend the toolpaths manager window, if so left mouse button click on the right hand pane hold and extend to the right.

6. Select Stock setup in the toolpath manager window.

7. Change the parameters to match the Stock Setup screenshot below:


Mill-Lesson-5 8. Select the Tool Settings tab and change the parameters to match the Tool Settings screenshot below. To change the Material type, follow the next set of instructions.

9. To change the Material type to Aluminium 6061 pick the Select button at the bottom of the Tool Settings page.

10. At the Material List dialog box open the Source drop down list and select Mill –– library.


Mastercam Training Guide 11. From the Default Materials list select ALUMINIUM inch -6061 and then select

12. Select the OK button

again to complete this Stock Setup function.



Mill-Lesson-5 TASK 12: SPOT DRILL ALL THE .25 DIAMETER HOLES  In this task you will spot drill the four .25 diameter holes with a .5 spot drill.  There are many different methods to select the center of the .25 diameter holes. In this example you will use the Mask on Arc function. 1. Change the Graphics View to Top by clicking on the Top Gview icon. 2. From the menu bar select Toolpaths>Drill……

3. When prompted to Enter new NC name input Mill-Lesson-5 as shown below and then select the OK button


4. Now you are prompted to:

5. Also the Drill Point Selection dialog box appears.


Mastercam Training Guide  Your screen will look similar to the screenshot below:

6. As you need to spot drill all four holes at the center of the .25 diameter circles, click on the Mask on Arc button in the Drill Point Selection dialog window to activate it as shown below. The Mask on Arc icon is pressed down to signal that it is activated and the prompt on the screen changes to Select Arc to match. 7. At the prompt Select Arc to match click on the .25 diameter circle in the top right hand of the part as shown below:


Mill-Lesson-5 Mask on an arc Use Mask on Arc to drill holes at the center of all the arcs whose diameter matches one that you select. Click Mask on Arc and select an arc from the graphics window. Mastercam reads its diameter and displays it in the dialog box. Mastercam will now only allow you to select arcs whose diameter is within the specified tolerance to the first arc. Use the General Selection toolbar options (like window selection) to select the other arcs. Arcs can be either open or closed. 8. The prompt now changes to Select Arcs, hit Enter when finished. To capture the center points of the circles left mouse click approximately at position 1 hold the mouse button down and drag to the right and down and release the mouse button at approximately position 2. Then pick at approximately position 2 and then hit Enter. What you have done is described a window around the .25 diameter circles you wish to capture.

 The holes will be drilled in the following order, with the top right hole first as shown above right:


Mastercam Training Guide 9. Let’’s now explore how you can change the order of drilling and start with the upper left hole first and continue in the order shown below. To change the order click on Sorting in the Drill Point Selection dialog window:

10. At the 2D sort page select the sorting method button shown below X ZIG+ Y-. Sorting Use this dialog box to set the drilling order for a set of points. Each tab lets you sort for a specific drilling application: Sort method Click on a button to change the point sorting pattern. Mastercam will try to apply the pattern indicated on the button to the selected point. Choose the pattern which makes the most sense for the point layout in your part. The red dot on the button indicates where Mastercam will try to locate the first drill point.

11. Select the OK button

in the 2D sort page.


Mill-Lesson-5 Â The holes have been re-sorted and will now start drilling at hole 1 and drill in the order shown below:

12. Select the OK button selection of points.

in the Drill Point Selection dialog window to complete the

 After selecting the OK button you are confronted with 2D Toolpaths-Drill/Circles Simple drill page. The first task here will be to select a .5 diameter spot drill. 13. Ensure the Toolpath Type is set to Drill as shown below and then select Tool from the list on the left.


Mastercam Training Guide 14. Click on the Select library tool button in the lower left corner.

15. Select the .5 diameter spot drill by picking anywhere along its row as shown below.

16. Select the OK button

to complete the selection of this tool.


Mill-Lesson-5 17. Make changes to the Tool parameter page as shown below:

18. Select Cut Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page as shown below. The Cycle should be set to Drill/Counterbore.


Mastercam Training Guide 19. Select Linking Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page as shown below. Input the depth of 0.0 and the other values as shown below. Note all the values are set to Absolute.

20. The spotdrill is going to be used to put a countersink on the holes as well. To get Mastercam to calculate the appropriate depth click on the calculator button beside the depth field.

21. Change the values in the Depth Calculator window as shown below. The Finish diameter for the countersink will be 0.28125 (.25+1/32). Use the Depth Calculator to calculate the proper drilling depth when the finish diameter of the hole is different from the drill diameter——for example, when countersinking a hole. Once you calculate the depth, you have two options: Choose Overwrite depth to replace the existing depth value on the parameter page. Choose Add to depth to add the calculated depth to the existing depth value on the parameter page.

22. Select the OK button

to complete this function. Mill-Lesson-5-37

Mill-Lesson-5 23. The absolute depth is calculated at -0.140625 and is placed in the Depth value.

24. Select Coolant from the list on the left. Open up the drop down menu for Flood and set it to On.

to complete this function. 25. Select the OK button 26. Your part should look like the screenshot below:


Mastercam Training Guide TASK 13: DRILL ALL THE .25 DIAMETER HOLES Â In this task you will drill all the.25 diameter holes with a .25 drill thru the part. Â Once again you will explore some different methods to drill holes. Â In this example you will copy the spot drill operations and then modify the copied operations into the .25 diameter drilling operation. 1. Note the new Drill/Counterbore operation in the Toolpath manager. Copy this operation by Holding down the Right mouse button over the folder and dragging it below the red arrow. Release the mouse button. 2. Select Copy after from this menu.

3. Your screen will look similar to the screenshot below on the left. Move the Insert arrow to the bottom of the list of operations by clicking the


icon show below on the right:

Mill-Lesson-5 4. In the Toolpath manager click on the folder Parameters for the second operation as shown below:

5. Select Tool from the list on the left and click on the Select library tool button in the lower left corner.

6. Scroll down and select the .25 diameter drill by picking anywhere along its row as shown below.


Mastercam Training Guide 7. Select the OK button to complete the selection of this tool. 8. Make changes to the Tool parameter page as shown below:

9. Select Cut Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page as shown below. The Cycle should be set to Drill/Counterbore.


Mill-Lesson-5 10. Select Linking Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page as shown below. Input the depth of -0.25 and the other values as shown below. Note all the values are set to Absolute.

11. Select the plus sign to the left of Linking Parameters to expand the list and click on Tip Comp.

12. Ensure the Tip Comp is activated by clicking on the small Tip Comp box and make certain the green check mark is showing. The Breakthrough amount should be set to 0.1 as shown below.


Mastercam Training Guide 13. Select Coolant from the list on the left. Open up the drop down menu for Flood and set it to On.

14. Select the OK button

to complete this function.

to remove the red X from the drilling 15. Select the Regenerate all dirty operations button operation you have just edited, see below right. You need to update the toolpath with the new parameters you have just input. Your part should look like the screenshot below:


Mill-Lesson-5 TASK 14: ROUGH AND FINISH THE POCKET  In this task you will use a 0.5 diameter flat end mill to rough and finish the pocket at the center of the part.  The pocket depth is 0.125. 1. From the menu bar select Toolpaths>Pocket……

2. On the screen you will now see the Chaining dialog box with Chain set and in the graphics screen a prompt to Select Pocket chain 1. Select the top horizontal line as shown below:


Mastercam Training Guide 3. After selecting the top vertical line your graphics screen should look like the screenshot below, with the green arrow pointing to the left, if not see below. Â The material for this part is aluminium so to attain a good finish when pocketing climb milling should be employed.

4. If the arrow is not pointing to the left select the arrow from the Chaining dialog box shown below to reverse the direction.

5. Select the OK button

at the bottom of the Chaining dialog box.


Mill-Lesson-5 6. Ensure the Toolpath Type is set to Pocket as shown below:

7. Select Tool from the list on the left and click on the Select library tool button in the lower left corner.


Mastercam Training Guide 8. Use the slider bar on the right of this dialog box to scroll down and locate a 0.5”” diameter flat end mill. Select the 0.5”” diameter flat end mill by picking anywhere along the 0.5 end mill row as shown below:

to complete the selection of this tool. 9. Select the OK button 10. Make changes to the Tool parameter page as shown below:


Mill-Lesson-5 11. Select Cut Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page if required.

12. Select Roughing from the list on the left and make changes to this page.


Mastercam Training Guide 13. Select the plus sign to the left of Roughing to expand the list and click on Entry Motion.

14. Select Ramp and make changes to this page:

15. Select Finishing from the list on the left and make changes to this page:


Mill-Lesson-5 16. Select the plus sign to the left of Finishing to expand the list and click on Lead In/Out.

17. Ensure the Lead In/Out is activated by clicking on the small Lead In/Out box and make certain the green check mark is showing. Make the following changes as shown below: Â Hint: once you fill in the Entry parameters you can click on the arrow as shown below. The Exit parameters will be filled in with the same figures as the Entry parameters.


Mastercam Training Guide 18. Select Linking Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page as shown below. Input the depth of -0.125 and the other values as shown below. Note all the values are set to Absolute.

19. Select Coolant from the list on the left. Open up the drop down menu for Flood and set it to On.

20. Select the OK button

to complete this function.


Mill-Lesson-5 TASK 15: ROUGH AND FINISH THE CONTOUR Â In this task you machine the contour with a 0.5 diameter 2 flute end mill. Â The contour will be roughed and finished using Multi Passes. 1. Make sure the graphics view is to the Top View by using the toolbar at the top of the screen.

2. From the menu bar select Toolpaths>Contour……

3. On the screen you will now see the Chaining dialog box with Chain set and in the graphics screen a prompt to Select Contour chain 1. Select the left arc as shown below:


Mastercam Training Guide 4. After selecting the arc your graphics screen should look like the screenshot below, with the green arrow pointing upwards in a clockwise direction. Â The material for this part is aluminium so to attain a good finish when contouring climb milling should be employed.

5. If the arrow is not pointing upwards select the arrow from the Chaining dialog box shown below to reverse the direction.

6. Select the OK button

at the bottom of the Chaining dialog box.


Mill-Lesson-5 7. Ensure the Toolpath Type is set to Contour as shown below and then select Tool from the list on the left.

8. You will be using the same flat end mill that was used for the pocket, a 0.5 diameter flat end mill, Tool #3. Ensure the 0.5 diameter flat end mill is selected by selecting it in the tool list. Make changes to the Tool parameter page as shown below:


Mastercam Training Guide 9. Select Cut Parameters from the list on the left and make changes to this page if required.

10. Select Lead In/Out from the list on the left and make changes to this page.


Mill-Lesson-5 11. Select Multi Passes from the list on the left and ensure Multi Passes are activated by clicking on the small Multi Passes box. Make certain the green check mark is showing and make changes to this page.

12. Select Linking Parameters. Input the depth of -0.125 and the other values as shown below. Note all the values are set to Absolute.


Mastercam Training Guide 13. Select Coolant from the list on the left. Open up the drop down menu for Flood and set it to On.

14. Select the OK button

to complete this function.


Mill-Lesson-5 TASK 16: VERIFY THE TOOLPATH Â Mastercam's Verify utility allows you to use solid models to simulate the machining of a part. The model created by the verification represents the surface finish, and shows collisions, if any exist. Â This allows you to identify and correct program errors before they reach the shop floor. 1. Set the graphics view to the Isometric View by using the toolbar icon at the top of the screen. 2. In the Toolpath Manager pick all the operations to verify by picking the Select All icon 3. Select the Verify selected operations button circled below:

4. Adjust the Verify speed to midway along the speed control bar.

5. Select the play button to verify the toolpaths.

The verified toolpaths are shown below:

6. Select the OK button

to exit Verify.



Mastercam Training Guide TASK 17: SAVE THE UPDATED MASTERCAM FILE 1. Select the save icon from the toolbar.

TASK 18: POST AND CREATE THE CNC CODE FILE 1. Ensure all the operations are selected by picking the Select All icon manager.

from the Toolpath

2. Select the Post selected operations button from the Toolpath manager. Please Note: If you cannot see G1 click on the right pane of the Toolpath manger window and expand the window to the right.

3. In the Post processing window, make the necessary changes as shown below:

4. Select the OK button

to continue.


Mill-Lesson-5 5. Ensure the same name as your Mastercam part file name is displayed in the File name window as shown below:

6. Select the Save button. 7. The CNC code file opens up in the default editor:

in the top right corner to exit the CNC editor. 8. Select the 9. This completes Mill-Lesson-5.


Mastercam Training Guide MILL-LESSON-5 EXERCISES




Mastercam Training Guide
