Two methods for transmission line simulation model creation based on ...

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Isernia, T., Giovanni Leone, G. and Pierri, R.: Radiation Pattern. Evaluation from Near-Field Intensities on Planes, IEEE Transac- tion on Antennas and ...
Adv. Radio Sci., 9, 117–121, 2011 doi:10.5194/ars-9-117-2011 © Author(s) 2011. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Advances in Radio Science

Two methods for transmission line simulation model creation based on time domain measurements D. Rinas and S. Frei Dortmund University of Technology, Dortmund, Germany

Abstract. The emission from transmission lines plays an important role in the electromagnetic compatibility of automotive electronic systems. In a frequency range below 200 MHz radiation from cables is often the dominant emission factor. In higher frequency ranges radiation from PCBs and their housing becomes more relevant. Main sources for this emission are the conducting traces. The established field measurement methods according CISPR 25 for evaluation of emissions suffer from the need to use large anechoic chambers. Furthermore measurement data can not be used for simulation model creation in order to compute the overall fields radiated from a car. In this paper a method to determine the far-fields and a simulation model of radiating transmission lines, esp. cable bundles and conducting traces on planar structures, is proposed. The method measures the electromagnetic near-field above the test object. Measurements are done in time domain in order to get phase information and to reduce measurement time. On the basis of near-field data equivalent source identification can be done. Considering correlations between sources along each conductive structure in model creation process, the model accuracy increases and computational costs can be reduced.



Electromagnetic Compatibility plays an important role in the development of automotive systems. Beside the radiating cable bundles integrated Electronic Control Units (ECUs) are sources for electromagnetic emissions. Standardized component field measurement methods, like the ALSE antenna method provided in CISPR 25 for evaluation of electro-magnetic emissions from automotive sys-

tems, suffer from the need of large and expensive anechoic chambers. Also a single field strength value is often not sufficient to characterize the EMI behavior of a complex system. Furthermore it is not possible to use the measurement data for behavioral simulation model creation. Having simulation models, a statement about the radiating electromagnetic fields can already be made in early phases of development. Basically the electro-magnetic emission must be distinguished in the emission of circuit boards and their housing and the emission of their connecting cable bundles. Where in lower frequency range up to 200 MHz radiation from the bundles is dominant the importance of emission from ECUs grows with the rising frequency. In Rinas et al. (2010) a method for estimating the emissions from cable bundles is presented. Here the electromagnetic near-field at several points near a cable bundle is measured. With measured data a single transmission line model with equivalent current distribution is generated. The measurements are done in Time Domain with a standard oscilloscope to get phase information and to reduce measurement time. To create a behavioral model of PCB the electromagnetic near-field in a plane above the radiating structure is measured. Knowing the fields in an indefinitely extended plane above the test object all information is available to calculate any field vector above this plane (Balanis et al., 1996). This can be used to solve an inverse problem and to identify the equivalent sources of the planar structure. This approach is discussed in Vives-Gilabert (2007); Baudry et al. (2008); Isernia et al. (1996); and Tong et al. (2010). Several methods dealing with the inverse problem are ill-posed due to the presence of errors in measurement data, or suffer from the problem of converging to local minima. When optimization methods are applied this leads to long computation time (Isernia et al., 1996; Pierri et al., 1999).

Correspondence to: D. Rinas ([email protected]) Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the URSI Landesausschuss in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.





(Figure 2). Where Ri and RL are the terminating impedances II. asandshown in exciting Figure input 2. With adherence to (6) phase jumps V0 is the voltage. The number of dipoles is As shown in [2] the current distribution of a radiating single between two sources from ∆φ are prevented and the chosen following (3)different . This approach, in comparison with the Figure 1. Simple configuration to investigate cable (Figure 1) can be estimated by measuring the and magnetic 118 D. Rinas S. Frei: Two methods for transmission line simulation model creation method of equally distributed dipoles, can considerable reduce model becomes more physically. field in at least two field points along the cable. the amount of necessary elementary sources, decrease When calculation is based on two measurement sets computational cost and increase the model accuracy. E(t),H(t) 1 1 Dependencies between the neighboring elementary sources Iz = (Ve + ZI e )e jβ (l − z ) + (Ve − ZI e )e − jβ ( l − z ) (1) 2Z 2Z of each current path are used to correlate phases of the dipoles. RL For the spatial distribution ∆d the phase shift between two conductor Ri Cable Ri with Ze adjacent dipoles is set to V0(t) −1 2π V0 Ve   a1 b1   I1 ( z1 )  ∆ϕ = ∆d (6)  =   ⋅ λ (2) Plane ECU  I  aECUb   I ( zGround  ) 2  e  2  2 2  as shown in Figure 2. With adherence to (6) phase jumps structure between two sources different from ∆φ are simple prevented and the Figure 1. z. Simple Fig. 1. Simple configuration toconfiguration investigate. leads to current Iz at position Where Ve andto investigate Ie are voltage model becomes more physically. d current at the endcalculation of transmission Z is the wave When is based on line, two measurement sets

pedance, β the propagation constant, l the length of the line, sources for emission the conducting 1 1 of PCBs −are and b includeAs themain and I1 e and Ipropagation (Ve + ZI e functions )e jβ (l − z ) + (Ve − ZI )e jβ ( lI− 2z ) are the (1) z = traces, the distribution of the 2approximating sources can be 2Z Z rrent values corresponding to the magnetic field data.

Elementary sources R

L conductor bounded Ri with to the routing geometry. Furthermore techniques The current can also be ofestimated directly by for distribution correlating the properties the approximating sources ∆φ −1 V0 b1  model Ve physically  a1 field  I1 ( z1 )can along creasing thetoamount measured points the cable computeofa more be integrated in the  =    ⋅ (2)  respect  the number of free pending onmodel the frequency with to reduce creation process. This can  I e  a 2 b2   I 2 ( z 2 )  source parameters and computation time. Furthermore the simple structure model leads toof current Whereand Ve and Ie are voltage z at positionisz.given possibility error accuracy of the N = l Icorrection and current at the∆dend of transmission line, Z is (3) the wave Fig. 2. Drawin g of the test board (above), model of the board results increases. 2. Drawing of the test board (above), model of the board (below) with impedance, β the propagation constant, l the length of the line,Figure(below) with equally (grey) andthe sources Elementary paper athe for source identification transdistributed sourcesdistributed (grey) and sources sources only along currentonly path 1method a In andthis b include propagation functions and I1 and of I2 are the equally sources along the current path (blue). ∆d > λ (blue) (4) mission lines, in form of cables bundles and conducting paths current values corresponding to the magnetic field data. 10 on PCBs, with considering correlations between the sources The current of distribution can also be estimated by To compute the dipole moments ∆φ M the magnetic near-field where N is the amount measurement points and ∆ddirectly the up isincreasing presented. are done in apoints frequency theInvestigations amount of measured field along range the cablehas to where N is the amount of measurement points and 1d the be measured in a plane above the planar structure. atial discretization width between the neighboring points. For todepending 500 MHz.onThe generatedwith model enables the frequency respect to different types of spatial discretization width between the neighboring points. Afterwards the system of equations hieving Iz the discrete current are approximated to a postprocessing e.g. farvalues field estimations. model For achieving Iz the discrete current values are approximated l nusoidal function with nonlinear regression algorithms. N = (3) ∆d −nonlinear 1 to a sinusoidal function with algorithms. = Α(above), H modelregression Figure 2. Drawing of the testI 0board of the board (below) with (7) In order to2 create an equivalent emission model elementary In order to create an equivalent emission model elemenequally distributed sources (grey) and sources only along the current path Source identification of cable bundles 1 ∆d along > λ the cable path in a (4) ectric dipoles are placed in a line (blue)in a line along the cable path tary electric dipoles are placed 10 where Α contains the wave vector k0 and the fixed (4). The of a ight h over As ground the2010 cable, in a height h over ground adopted from the cable, following shownadopted in Rinasfrom et al., thefollowing current distribution geometric parameters for moments each dipole H the complex To compute the dipole M the and magnetic near-field where N is the amount of measurement points and ∆d the pole moments M …M are calculated with 3. The dipole moments M1 ...M K are calculated with 1 K radiating single cablewidth (Fig. between 1) can bethe estimated by measuring has tofield be measured in a plane above the planar structure. spatial discretization neighboring points. Formagnetic at K near-field points is solved. the magnetic field in two values field points along the cable. AfterwardsIthe system of equations achieving Iz the current are approximated to a Idiscrete + Iatk +least 1 k + Ik+1 M calculation ∆d k with For integrating the correlation between sources into model When is based on two measurement sets sinusoidal function nonlinear regression algorithms. k = M = 1d (5) (5) k 2 2 I 0 = Α −1 H can be treated with creation the inverse problem the (7) In1order to createjβ(l−z) an equivalent elementary 1 emission model −jβ(l−z) expandable minimization function F following (7) . where Ik isIzelectric the z. a line = discretized (V )eplacedI+ (Vealong − ZIethe )e cable path in (1)a where Ik is the discretized current Iz . e + ZIare ecurrent dipoles in 2Z 2Z where Α contains the wave vector k0 and the fixed height h over ground adopted from the cable, following (4). The T M M dipole and H the complex geometric parameters −for each  dipole moments M1…M calculated with jϕ m − jϕ m  K are with III. SOURCE IDENTIFICATION OF CONDUCTING TRACES ON F = magnetic , y1 , at z1 )KMnear-field ,...,points α m is ( xsolved.  ∑ α m ( x1field  ∑ me N , y N , z N )M m e traces on planar 1 3m=1 Source identification ofm=conducting  (8) TRUCTURES   PLANAR  S−1 = ∆d I k +I k +1 M For integrating the correlation between sources into model structures k (5) T Ve a1 b1 I1 (z1 ) 2 ),..., inverse H 0 ( x N , yproblem Minbe treated with the 0 ( x1 , y1 , z1the N , z N )) → = ·lines on planar structures, esp. (2) − (Hcreation can According to Ie II transmission a2 b2 I2 (z2 ) expandable minimization function F following (7). planar strucwhere I is the discretized current I . k z According transmissionparameters lines on CBs, can also be approximated with elementary dipoles. With With αm aretotheTable fixed2 geometric at observation can also beand approximated T owledge ofleads the to current e.g. based on CAD-data, M currentpaths, Iz at position z. Where Ve and Ie arethe voltagepointtures, xn, yMnesp. , zn,PCBs, the amplitude Mm is andwith the− jϕelementary phase e-jφm of  − jϕ III. S OURCE IDENTIFICATION OF C ONDUCTING T RACES ON F = α ( x , y , z ) M e ,..., α ( x , y , z ) M e   dipoles. of∑them current e.g. based ∑ mWith proximatinganddipoles distributed alongline, these m N N N paths, m 1 1 knowledge 1 current can at thebeend of transmission Z ispaths the wave m =1  m=1  (8) PLANAR STRUCTURES on CAD-data, the approximating dipoles can be distributed impedance, β the propagation constant, l the length of the T − ( H ( x , y , z ),..., H ( x , y , z ) ) → Min 0 1 1 1 0 N N N to II transmission lines onfunctions planar structures, esp. along these paths (Fig. 2). Where Ri and RL are the termiline, According a and b include the propagation and I1 and PCBs, can also be approximated with elementary dipoles. With nating and Vgeometric inputat voltage. The Withimpedances αm are the fixed parameters observation 0 is the exciting I2 are the current values corresponding to the magnetic field knowledge of the current paths, e.g. based on CAD-data, the point xn, of yn,dipoles zn, the amplitude and Mm is Eq. and(3) theThis phase e-jφ of number is chosen following approach, data. approximating dipoles can be distributed along these paths in comparison with the method of equally distributed dipoles, The current distribution can also be estimated directly by can considerable reduce the amount of necessary elementary increasing the amount of measured field points along the casources, decrease computational cost and increase the model ble depending on the frequency with respect to accuracy. N = l/1d (3) m



1d >

1 λ 10

Adv. Radio Sci., 9, 117–121, 2011



magnetic field h probe





Magnitude [dBuA/m]

Magnitude [dBuA/m]

f0 = 4 MHz, pulse/pause th/tl =a 1, and aplane. risingItand in thea height h = 50ratio mm over ground has falling a length of Figure 4 shows the magnetic field at point p1 in a frequency edge of tlr,f==490 2.5mm ns. and Source impedance Ri1 ismm. 50-Ohm. a thickness of d = It is terminated with a range of 10 1 MHz full tofield500 MHz. The results in comparison with simulation Ze = 50 Ω impedance. The magnetic field is measured at two the full field equivalent dipole model with maximum error of about 3 0 simulation agree 1) Single Conductor – Measurement Based Results positions 120Frei: mm Two and methods y2 = 360for mmtransmission along the cable at a dB. model creation 1 = S. D. Rinas yand line simulation 119 -10 The cable 3) consists of a single conductor placed height (Figure hS = 20 mm over ground. in the height h = 50 mm over a ground plane. It has a length of -20 10 magnetic field probe with a l = 490 mm and a thickness of d = 1 mm. It is terminated full field simulation -30 Ze = 50 Ω impedance. The magnetic field is measured at two equivalent dipole model 0 l positions y1 = 120 mm andhs y2 = 360 mm along the cable at a -40 -10 height hS = 20 mm over ground. Ze







Frequency [MHz]


Figure 4. Magnetic field at p1 in comparison with full field simulation -40


3) Multiconductor – Simulation Based Results -50 1 10 100 500 on The following investigations are presently based Frequency [MHz] computer simulations.

Ri Figure 3. under Singletest. conductor under test Ze Fig. 3. Single conductor h

With the identified sources the magnetic field is calculated The4. 4. multiconductor 5) consists offield three single Fig. Magnetic fieldfield at pat in with fullfull field simulation. 1(Figure Figure Magnetic p1comparison in comparison with simulation at a position p1 = (3, 3, 3)T [m]. Exemplary the fields of the Dependencies between ththeth neighboring conductors placed in the height of h = 10 mm over ground th th elementary ground fundamental wave and the 2 , 7 , 15 and 20 harmonics of plane. length conductor is Model l = 600 sources of each used to in correlate phases Table 1. The Magnetic Field ofeach Measurement based at mm; p1 in the Multiconductor –ofSimulation Based Results the pulsed inputcurrent signal path are are presented TABLE 1. Asof a 3) thickness is d= 0.3 mmsimulation. and they are arranged in a distance of with full field the dipoles.a full For field the spatial distribution 1d the phase comparison simulation of the cable under test shift given comparsion The following investigations are presently based on Figure 3. Singledipoles conductor D = 5 mm. The internal source resistances are set to Ri = 50 Ω. between twosolver adjacent is under set The totest results agree with a by a MoM [10] is shown. computer simulations. are Z = 50 Ω || jω·0.1nF, Z = 50 Ω, The terminations e1 e2 Magnitude [dBµ A/m] maximum error of 3 dB. With the identified sources the magnetic field is calculated 2π = 50 Ω +Frequency jω·1µH.(Figure TheSim. excitation is impressed in the center Model TheZe3multiconductor 5) consists of three single T 1ϕ = 1d (6) at a position p1 λ= (3, 3, 3) [m]. Exemplary the fields of the conductor. conductors placed in the height of h = 10 mm over ground th th th th TABLE I. MAGNETIC MEASUREMENT MODEL AT fundamental wave and the 2 F,IELD 7 ,OF15 and 20 BASED harmonics ofP1 IN COMPARSION WITH FULL FIELD SIMULATION as shown Fig. 2.areWith adherenceintoTABLE Eq. (6) phase the pulsed input in signal presented 1. Asjumps a between different from 1φ are prevented comparison a full two fieldsources simulation of Magnitude the cable under test givenand [dBµA/m] Frequency the model physically. by a MoM solver becomes [10] is more shown. The results agree with a Sim. Model To compute maximum error of 3 dB.the dipole moments M the magnetic near-field


4 MHz



plane. The length of each conductor 20 MHz 32.4243 32.9482is l = 600 mm; the D mm and thickness is d =600.3 they are37.3562 arranged in a distance of MHz 36.7945 Z Ri D = 5 mm. The internal resistances 124 MHz source 43.1243 45.2324are set toe2 Ri = 50 Ω. 164 MHz The terminations are Z47.7698 || jω·0.1nF, Ze2 = 50 Ω, e1 = 50 lΩ50.1270 4 MHz 29.4963 has to be measured in a plane above the 26.3542 planar structure. Af- Ze3 = 50V0Ω + jω·1µH. The excitation is impressed in theZe1center 4 Results conductor. terwards the system of equations 20 MHz 32.4243 32.9482 MAGNETIC FIELD OF MEASUREMENT BASED MODEL AT P1 IN COMPARSION WITH FULL FIELD SIMULATION −1

I0 = A

60 MHz H

124 MHz





Magnitude 43.1243 [dBµA/m] 45.2324

Frequency where A contains the wave vector k0 and the fixed geometric 50.1270 Sim.47.7698 parameters164 forMHz each dipole and H the Model complex magnetic field at4KMHz near-field points is solved. 29.4963 26.3542 For integrating the correlation between sources into model 20 MHz 32.9482 creation the inverse 32.4243 problem can be treated with the expandable minimization function F following 60 MHz 36.7945 37.35624. 124 MHz



M X F 164 = MHz αm (x1 ,y147.7698 ,z1 )Mm e−j ϕm 50.1270 ,...,

αm (xN ,yN ,zN )Mm e−j ϕm



With αm are the fixed geometric parameters at observation point xn ,yn ,zn , the amplitude and Mm is and the phase e−j φm of each dipole. H0 (xn ,yn ,zn ) stands for the measured reference field at observation points. Optimization methods are used for solving the minimization problem.




This chapter presents the results for model creation process of a single radiating and al smallunder bundle. Some reFigurecable 5. Multiconductor test V0 are presently derived from an electromagnetic full field sults Ze1 solver (EMCoS Consulting and Software, h 3) is a pulsed signal The input signal V0 (Figs. 1 and Ze3 with an amplitude V0 = 5 V , a fundamental frequency of f0 = 4 MHz, a pulse/pause ratio th /tl = 1, and a ground rising and falling edge of tr,f = 2.5 ns. Source impedance Ri is 50 Ohm. 4.1.1


−(H0 (x1 ,y1 ,z1 ),...,H0 (xN ,yN ,zN ))T → Min


Cable bundles

Figure 5. Multiconductor under test

m=1 M X


Single conductor – measurement based results

The cable (Fig. 3) consists of a single conductor placed in the height h = 50 mm over a ground plane. It has a length of l = 490 mm and a thickness of d = 1 mm. It is terminated with a Ze = 50  impedance. The magnetic field is measured at two positions y1 = 120 mm and y2 = 360 mm along the cable at a height hS = 20 mm over ground. With the identified sources the magnetic field is calculated at a position p1 = (3, 3, 3)T [m]. Exemplary the fields of the fundamental wave and the 2th, 7th, 15th and 20th harmonics of the pulsed input signal are presented in Table 1. As a comparison a full field simulation of the cable under test given by a MoM solver (EMCoS Consulting and Software, is shown. The results agree with a maximum error of 3 dB. Adv. Radio Sci., 9, 117–121, 2011

d with a d at two ble at a

full field simulation

Magnitude [dBuA/m]

Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement As0 presented, field approximation shows better equivalentthe dipole model for the protection of on-board receivers”. accuracy if the distribution of sources is matched with the [2] D. Rinas, S. Niedzwiedz, S. Frei, “Far Field Estimations and Simulation -10 distribution depending on the conductor path. The current In Figure 6 the magnetic field at point p in comparison with Model Creation from Cable Bundle Scans”, EMC 1Europe, Wroclaw, result plots show also a smaller deviation if the phase 2010 full field simulation is shown. The magnetic agrees 120 -20 D. Rinas and S. Frei:the Two methods for transmission line simulation model field creation correlation between sources is integrated in the model [3] Constantine A. Balanis, Analysis & Design”, Wiley, with a maximum error“Antenna of 3 dBTheory at most frequencies. computation. 1996. -30

10 Yolanda Vives Gilabert, “Modélisation des emissions rayonées de full field simulation composants électroniques”, Université de Rouen, 2007. equivalent dipole model 0 [5] D. Baudry, M. Kadi, Z. Riah, C. Arcambal, Y. Vives-Gilabert, A. Louis, FULL FIELD SIMULATION -50 B. Mazari, “Plane wave spectrum theory applied to near-field 1 10 100 500 Frequency [MHz] measurements for electromagnetic compatibility investigations”, IET -10 Science, Measurement and Technology, 15. June 2008. Full field [6] Tommaso Isernia, Giovanni Leone, Rocco Pierri, “Radiation Pattern simulation Figure 4. Magnetic field at p1 in comparison with full field simulation -20 Evaluation from Near-Field Intensities on Planes”, IEEE Transaction on und Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1996. 3) Multiconductor – Simulation Based Results [7] Xin -30 Tong, D.W.P. Thomas, A. Nothofer, P. Sewell, C. Christopoulos, Equally distributed sources Sources along current path “A Genetic Algorithm Based Method for Modeling Equivalent Emission The following investigations are presently based on Sources of Printed Circuits from Near-Field Measurements”, APEMC computer simulations. -40 Beijing, 2010. No phase 1 10 100 500 lculated correlation [8] T. Isernia, G. Leone, R. Pierri, “Radiation pattern evaluation from nearFrequency [MHz] The multiconductor (Figure 5) consists of three single of sources field intensities on planes,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propogat., vol. 44, pp. s of the conductors placed in the height of h = 10 mm over ground 701–710, 1996. field at p1 in comparison with full field simulation Figure 6. May Magnetic onics of Magnetic field at p1 in comparison full field simulation. plane. The length of each conductor is l = 600 mm; the [9]Fig. R. 6. Pierri, G. D’Elia, F. Soldovieri, “A two probeswith scanning phaseless . As a near-field far-field transformation technique,” IEEE Trans. Antennas thickness With phaseis d = 0.3 mm and they are arranged in a distance of st given In Figure 6correlation the magnetic field at point p1 in comparison with Propogat., vol. 47, pp. 792–802, May 1999. D = 5 mm. The internal source resistances are set to Ri = 50 Ω. B. Printed Circuit Boards – Simulation Based Results with [10] EMCoS Consulting and FullSoftware, field simulation of sources theafull field simulation is shown. The magnetic field agrees


Magnitude [dBuA/m)

Table -40 2. Near-Fields of different Models in Comparison with full TABLE II. NEAR-FIELDS OF DIFFERENT MODELS IN COMPARISON WITH field simulation.




conductor. full field simulation equivalent dipole model

Magnitude [dBuA/m)


D Ze2



l V0


Ze1 h





Ze3 100

ground 500

Frequency [MHz]

Figure 6. Magnetic fieldFigure at p1 in with under full field 5. comparison Multiconductor test simulation

Fig. 5. Multiconductor under test.

B. Printed Circuit Boards – Simulation Based Results 4.1.2 planar Single conductor – simulation resultsof a A simple structure is analyzed. based It consists 0.1 x 0.1 m plane and a conductor with total length of 0.16 m. The following are presentlyis based comThe source voltage investigations is 1 Volt; termination a 50onOhm puter simulations. resistance. The magnetic field is measured in a height of The ground cable (Fig. consists of a single conductor 0.01 m over at 3)256 near-field points. The placed sourcein the height h = 10 mm over the ground plane. It has a length parameters are computed with amplitude-data only. Simulated of l = 600 mm and a thickness of d = 0.3 mm. It is terminated Annealing is used as optimization method for model parameter with a serial circuit of resistor Re = 50  and inductance Le = calculation. 1 µH. The model parameters are taken from the cable under

In TABLE II source near-field calculations models test. The internal resistancefrom is set different to Ri = 50 . The are shown and compared with a full field simulation magnetic field is measured at two positions y1 = (MoM) 200 mmof and the planar at along a frequency of at 100 MHz. Figure 7 shows y2 structure = 400 mm the cable a height h = 20 mm over S the magnetic field at point p1 = (3, 3, 3)T [m] in comparison ground. with the full field4simulation a frequency of p 1 MHz to Figure shows the inmagnetic field range at point 1 in a fre500 MHz. quency range of 1 MHz to 500 MHz. The results in comwith the full fieldapproximation simulation agreeshows with maximum As parison presented, field better of about 3 dB. of sources is matched with the accuracyerror if the distribution current distribution depending on the conductor path. The 4.1.3 show Multiconductor – simulation basedifresults result plots also a smaller deviation the phase correlation between sources is integrated in the model The following investigations are presently based on comcomputation. puter simulations. The multiconductor (Fig. 5) consists of three single conTABLE II. -FIELDS OF DIFFERENT MODELS IN COMPARISON WITH ductorsNEAR placed in the height of h = 10 mm over ground FULL FIELD SIMULATION

A simple planar structure is analyzed. It consists of a Equally distributed sources; without phase correlation Sources along current path;with without total phase correlation 0.1 x 0.1 m plane and a conductor length of 0.16 m. Sources along current path; with phase correlation The source voltage is 1 Volt; termination is a 50 Ohm -40 resistance. The magnetic field is measured in a height of 0.01 m-60 over ground at 256 near-field points. The source parameters are computed with amplitude-data only. Simulated -80 Annealing is used as optimization method for model parameter -100 calculation. Magnetic Field [dBV/m]

The terminations are Z = 50 Ω || jω·0.1nF, Z = 50 Ω,

e1 e2 with a maximum of 3 dB at excitation most frequencies. Z = 50 Ωerror + jω·1µH. The is impressed in the center

In-120 TABLE II near-field calculations from different models are shown and compared with a full field simulation (MoM) of -140 the planar structure at a frequency of 100 MHz. Figure 7 shows -160 [m] in comparison the magnetic field at point p1 = (3, 3, 3)T 100 1 10 200 500 [MHz] with the full field simulationFrequency in a frequency range of 1 MHz to 500 MHz. Figure 7. Magnetic field at p1 for different source distribution in comparison Fig. 7. Magnetic field atwith p full for different source distribution in comfieldapproximation simulation As presented, the 1 field shows better

tra and can nei

me sim


parison with full field simulation.

accuracy if the distribution of sources is matched with the current distribution depending on the conductor path. The V. CONCLUSION result plots show also a smaller the the phase plane. The length of each conductordeviation is l = 600ifmm; In this paper methods for source identification of radiating correlation between sources is integrated in the model thickness islines d = are 0.3presented. mm and they arranged in a distransmission The are focus is on cables bundles computation. tance of D = 5 mm. The internal source resistances are set is and conducting traces on planar structures. Model accuracy to R 50. The by terminations are Zcorrelation · 0.1 nF, the e1 = 50||j ω can bei =increased considering between Z = 50, Z = 50 + j ω · 1 µH. The excitation is im-WITH TABLE II. N EAR -F IELDS OF DIFFERENT M ODELS IN C OMPARISON e2 e3 neighboring approximating sources. FIELD SIMULATION pressed in the centerFULL conductor. The approaches were In Fig. 6 the magnetic fieldtested at pointbyp1 simulations in comparisonand with first measurements and were compared with numerical full the full field simulation is shown. The magnetic field agreesfield Full field data. simulation with a maximum error of 3 dB at most frequencies. simulation


Equally distributed sources



[3] [4] [5]


Printed circuit boards – simulation based results REFERENCES Sources along current path

simple 25 planar is analyzed. consists of a – [1]A “CISPR Ed.3: structure Vehicles, boats and internalItcombustion engines 0.1×0.1 m plane and a conductor with total length of 0.16 m. Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement No phase forsource the protection on-board The voltageof is 1 Volt;receivers”. termination is a 50 Ohm resiscorrelation [2] D. Rinas, Niedzwiedz, “Far Field Simulation oftance. sources The S. magnetic fieldS.isFrei, measured inEstimations a height ofand 0.01 m Model Creation from Cable Bundle EMC Europe, Wroclaw, over ground at 256 near-field points.Scans”, The source parameters 2010 are computed with amplitude-data only. Simulated Anneal[3] Constantine A. Balanis, “Antenna Theory Analysis & Design”, Wiley, With phase ing1996. is used as optimization method for model parameter calcorrelation culation. [4] Yolanda Vives Gilabert, “Modélisation des emissions rayonées de of sources In Table 2 near-field calculations different composants électroniques”, Universitéfrom de Rouen, 2007.models are shown and compared with a full field simulation (MoM)A.ofLouis, [5] D. Baudry, M. Kadi, Z. Riah, C. Arcambal, Y. Vives-Gilabert,

Adv. Radio Sci., 9, 117–121, 2011

Full field simulation


B. Mazari, “Plane wave spectrum theory applied to near-field measurements for electromagnetic compatibility investigations”, IET Science, Measurement Technology, 15. June 2008. Tommaso Isernia, Giovanni Leone, Rocco Pierri, “Radiation Pattern Evaluation from Near-Field Intensities on Planes”, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1996.





D. Rinas and S. Frei: Two methods for transmission line simulation model creation the planar structure at a frequency of 100 MHz. Figure 7 shows the magnetic field at point p1 = (3,3,3)T [m] in comparison with the full field simulation in a frequency range of 1 MHz to 500 MHz. As presented, the field approximation shows better accuracy if the distribution of sources is matched with the current distribution depending on the conductor path. The result plots show also a smaller deviation if the phase correlation between sources is integrated in the model computation. 5


In this paper methods for source identification of radiating transmission lines are presented. The focus is on cables bundles and conducting traces on planar structures. Model accuracy is can be increased by considering correlation between the neighboring approximating sources. The approaches were tested by simulations and first measurements and were compared with numerical full field simulation data.


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Adv. Radio Sci., 9, 117–121, 2011