two new dolerus species from korea (hymenoptera ...

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red; posterior margins of abdominal tergites 2-9 white. Legs entirely .... ron with crater-like punctures, most expressively seen on upper half of mesopleuron.
Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 42(1), pp. 59-63, 1996


A. 1 andS. BLANK2


'Cöncöl Foundation, Vác, Ilona u. 3, H-2600, Hungary Deutsches Institut, Eberswalde, Schicklerstr. 5, D-16225, Germany Two new Dolerus species are described from Korea, D. albolineolatus sp. n. and D. pseudojaponicus sp. n. They are compared to D. lewisii CAMERON, 1886 and D. japonicus KIRBY, 1882. Key words: Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Dolerus albolineolatus, D. pseudojaponicus, new species

The following descriptions are part of an investigation of Palaearctic Dolerus, which is intended to clarify the taxonomy, distribution, and biology of species of the genus. The only comprehensive treatment of the species of Dolerus of Korea is that by (LEE & RYU 1989). They give a key and illustrate 12 species and one subspecies. Most of them also occur in Japan. Six of the species are widely distributed of which four are Palaearctic and two are eastern Palaearctic, and the other six species occur only in Japan and Korea. TAKEUCHI (1952) listed the Japanese species. The following two new species are known only from Korea. Although each is based on a single female, they differ significantly from other species of Dolerus.

Dolerus albolineolatus sp. n. Female: Body black with metallic reflection, only lateral lobes of mesonotum and tegulae red; posterior margins of abdominal tergites 2-9 white. Legs entirely black. Head roughly and deeply punctured with shining interspaces on vertex. Antenna about as long as length of abdomen. Occipital furrows slightly developed. Head in dorsal view parallel behind eyes. Clypeus deeply excised for depth of half its total length. Pronotum and mesonotum deeply and sporadically punctured. Inner half of lateral mesonotal lobes smooth and highly polished. Outer half of these lobes covered by relatively large rectangular or triangulär pits. Mesoscutellum coarsely and roughly punctured with smooth area in middle above. Mesopleuron coarsely and densely punctured without shining interspaces. Wings slightly infuscated; venation black, forewing stigma with brown margin. Thorax moderately covered with white pubescenee. Hairs as long as diameter of front ocellus. Abdomen shining. Abdominal segments 2-9 covered with dense transverse microsculpture. Sawsheath rounded apically. The distance of the tips of hairs of the opposite sides of sawsheath larger than the breadth of the sawsheath. Apical setae of sawsheath black and strong. Apices of these setae always straight, never inwardly curved. Dorsal view of sawsheath as in Fig. l. Length: 9.5 mm. Male: unknown. Aaaaml.himi;. 42,1196 Hunffarian Natural History Muxenm, Budapest



Holotype: female, Korea, 04. 04. 1987, leg.: S. M. RYU. Deposited in STEPHAN BLANK'S collection, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde. Etymology: The specific name reters to the white margins of the abdominal segment.

This species closely resembles Dolerus lewisii CAMERON, 1886. Dolerus lewisii has a very strong greenish-blue metallic reflection which entirely covers the black base colour, the pronotum and propleuron are red, and it i s much smaller species, 6.5-7.5 mm long. Dolerus albolineolatus sp. n. is black with a metallic shine but lacks a greenish-blue reflection the pronotum and propleuron are black, and it is a larger species, 9.5 mm long. The setae of the sawsheath are also different, äs compared in Figs l and 2. CAMERON (1886) is not precise in his original description: "Bluish-black; the middle lobes of mesonotum coppery, edges of abdominal segments white".

Figs 1-5. Sawsheath (from above) of Dolerus species: l = D. albolineolatus sp. n., 2 = D, lewisii CAMERON, 3 = D. yokohamensis ROHWER, 4 = D. pseudojaponicus sp. n., 5 = D. japonicus KIRBY Aaazmi/. Illini;. 42, 1996



This suggests that Dolerus lewisii has a black pronotum, which is not true, and his description is not entirely in accordance with his holotype. We examined numerous specimens of D. lewisii in the Deutches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde and in The Natural History Museum, London, including the holotype. The holotype has the pronotum, propleuron, and the lateral lobes of the mesonotum entirely, and front lobes of mesonotum mainly red. The base colour is very shiny greenish-blue and the sawsheath is äs in Fig. 2. Dolerus manticatus KONOW, 1907 is also closely related to D. albolineolatus, but it is easily distinguished by its very clearly apically dilated sawsheath, red pronotum and front lobes of the mesonotum. Dolerus hordei ROHWER, 1925 is also closely related to D. lewisii CAMERON (but not to albolineolatus). One significant difference is the expressive violet luster on the mesoscutellum of D. hordei. The fourth related species, Dolerus yokohamensis ROHWER, 1925 also differs from albolineolatus. The former species the lateral lobes of the mesonotum are deeply and uniformly punctured äs in Fig. 7. The cenchri are light brown. The temple has shining interspaces about äs large äs the single or double punctures. The apices of the hairs of the sawsheath are inwardly curved äs in Fig. 3. In Dolerus albolineolatus n. sp. the lateral lobes of the mesonotum are smooth and shining on their inner half and with large rectangular or triangulär pits on their outer half äs in Fig. 6. The cenchri are yellowish white. The temple is deeply and densely punctured, moderately shining without interspaces. The apices of the hairs of the sawsheath are straight. The new species belongs to the nitens group according to GoULET's System (GOULET 1986). Dolerus albolineolatus runs to D. lewisii in LEE and RYU's key. The most closely related European species is Dolerus sanguinicollis (ZOMBORI1982, BENSON 1952).

Figs 6, 7. Mesonotum of Dolerus species: 6 = D. albolineolatus sp. n., 7 = D. yokohamensis ROHWER Aaa zmil. hl/na. 42, 1996



Holotypes examined: Dolerus lewisii CAMERON, 1886; female, Nagasaki, Japan, deposited in The Natural History Museum, London. Dolerus hordei ROHWER, 1925; female, Yamanshi, Japan, 15-27. 04. leg. S. I. KUWANA, on barley, type no. 27303, in the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

Dolerus pseudojaponicus sp. n. Female: Head and antenna entirely black. Pronotum, front and lateral lobes of mesonotum, and tegulae red; prosternum red with two lateral black spots; upper third of mesopleuron also red; other parts of thorax black. Basal part of fore coxa, fore knee, and upper half of fore tibia red; middle and hind legs entirely black. Abdomen red except for black first segment. Sawsheath and cereus black; sawsheath with dorsal and apical margins red. Wings darkly infuscate. Head and thorax moderately covered by whitish pubescence about as long as diameter of front ocellus. Two large, smooth and moderately shining areas alongside occipital furrows each about as large as hall of vertex between occipital furrows. Head in dorsal view with sides slightly converging behind eyes. Antenna as long as length of abdomen. Clypeus roundly emarginated for depth of half its total length. Occipital furrows well developed. Pronotum and mesonotum sporadically punctured with interspaces about same size as punctures. Mesoscutellum deeply and roughly punctured. Mesopleuron with crater-like punctures, most expressively seen on upper half of mesopleuron. Abdominal Segments smooth and shining. Dorsal view of sawsheath as in Fig. 4. Length: 9.5 mm. Male: unknown. Holotype: female, Korea, 04. 04. 1987 (no further data available). Deposited in STEPHAN BLANK'S collection, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde. Etymology: The specific name refers to its remote similarity to Dolerus japonicus KIRBY, 1882.

Dolerus pseudojaponicus is closely related to D. japonicus KlRBY, 1882, but the latter is shorter and a much more slender species, 8.0-9.0 mm long, its wings are hyaline, and the apical setae of the sawsheath are pale and curved at their apices (Fig. 5). In contrast, D. pseudojaponicus is larger and stouter, its wings are clearly infuscate, and the apical setae of the sawsheath are dark and straight (Fig. 4). According to GOULET's System Dolerus pseudojaponicus belongs to the subgenus Dolerus. It runs to Dolerus japonicus in LEE and RYU's key. The most closely related European species is Dolerus aericeps THOMSON, 1871 (ZOMBORi 1982, BENSON 1952). Holotype examined: Dolerus japonicus KIRBY, female, Japan, in The Natural History Museum, London.

REFERENCES BENSON, R. B. (1952) Hymenoptera 2. Symphyta. Section (B). Handbook for the Identification of British Insects 6 26: 51-137. CAMERON, P. (1886) Hymenoptera from Japan and the Pacific. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow 1: 268.

Aaa zool. hang. 42, 1996



GOULET, H. (1986) The genera and species of the Nearctic Dolerini (Symphyta: Tenthredinidae: Selandrinae): classification and phylogeny. Mein. Ent. Soc. Canada 135: 481^-83. LEE, J.-W. & RYU, S.-M. (1989) A systematic study of the Symphyta (Hymenoptera) in Korea I. scanning electron microscopic study of the Dolerinae (Tenthredinidae). Ent. Res. Bull. KoreanEnt. Inst., Korean Univ. 15: 1-10. KlRBY, W. (1882) List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the typical specimens in the British Museum. 1. Tenthredinidae and Siricidae. Trustees of the British Museum. London, 450 pp. KONOW, F. W. (1907) Neue Chalastogastra aus Museum Hamburg und Madrid. Zelts. Hym. Dipt. 7: 163-164. ROHWER, S. A. (1925a) Sawflies from the Maritime Province of Siberia. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 68: 1-12. ROHWER, S. A. (1925fc) Three sawflies from Japan. Washington Acad. Sei. 15 21: 481-483. TAKEUCHI, K. (1952) A generic classification ofthe Japanese Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). Kyoto, 90 pp. ZOMBORI L. (1982) Tenthredinoidea 2. In: Fauna Hungarlae 153. Akadémiai Kiadö, Budapest, 144 pp. Received December 13, 1995, accepted May 22,1996

Aclazaol. hung. 42, 1996