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Abstract. Modelling has been used as a general technique in many companies for the last decades. Some already started using modelling in the eighties, trying.
Understanding Model Quality Concerns When Using Process Models in an Industrial Company Merethe Heggset1, John Krogstie1(), and Harald Wesenberg2 1

Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU, Trondheim, Norway [email protected], [email protected] 2 Statoil ASA, Stavanger, Norway [email protected]

Abstract. Modelling has been used as a general technique in many companies for the last decades. Some already started using modelling in the eighties, trying out the first industrial CASE-tools. Their usage of modelling techniques has evolved over the years, finding new uses, and thus using the modelling techniques for supporting new goals. In our case company semi-formal modelling techniques have been taken into use on a large scale as a backbone for the company’ quality system. In this paper we report on the use of process modelling in particular on the aspects found necessary to emphasise to achieve the right quality of the models in this organisation, and how the understanding of needed quality has evolved as the usage of modelling has evolved. A recent evaluation of the use of models in the company is reported, using the SEQUAL framework as an analytical lens for understanding and assessing the quality of models. Whereas earlier a focus has been on objective quality characteristics, with detailed guidelines for empirical and syntactic quality of models, the later investigations have identified the importance of also supporting the process to achieve and keep higher level quality on the semantic, pragmatic and social level. Keywords: Enterprise process modelling · Case study · Model quality



Process modeling has been performed relative to IT development and organizational development at least since the 70ties. The interest has been going through phases with the introduction of different approaches, including Structured Analysis in the 70ties [6], Business Process Reengineering in the late eighties/early nineties [7], and Workflow Management in the 90ties [41]. Lately, with the proliferation of BPM (Business process management) [8], interest in and use of process modeling has increased even further. Models of work processes have long been utilized to learn about, guide and support practice also in other areas. In software process improvement [4], enterprise modeling [5] and quality management, process models describe methods and standard working procedures. Simulation and quantitative analyses are also performed to improve efficiency [22]. In process centric software engineering environments [2] and workflow systems [40] model execution is automated. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 K. Gaaloul et al. (Eds.): BPMDS 2015 and EMMSAD 2015, LNBIP 214, pp. 395–409, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-19237-6_25


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Statoil is a company which has used process modelling and other type of modelling for many years. It is a Norwegian oil company with more than 23 000 employees and around the same number of external contractors. Statoil operates in 36 different countries all over the world and has in particular in the last decade been using process modelling in order to structure their vast amount of organizational knowledge. A lot of research has been done in the field of enterprise process modelling, as well as on the subject of how to judge the appropriateness of models. Much work is done regarding the use and creation of models on a theoretical level, but in order to better understand the mechanisms at work in the application of enterprise process models, real-life cases can provide interesting insights. How enterprise process models are actually used within an organisation will vary from case to case, so collecting as much information as possible about this from several sources seems appropriate and useful. This paper presents some of the results from an ongoing case study on the use of enterprise process models in Statoil, in particular analysing how we can understand quality of models in an industrial setting. The main research question we have investigated in connection to this paper is;”How can we use existing frameworks of quality of models for structuring our understanding of the important aspects of model quality as it appears and evolves in practice” Background on the evolution of the use of modelling in Statoil is found in section 2. An overview over the main analytical lens, the SEQUAL framework, is provided in section 3. In section 4 we discuss the current means for developing high quality models, and the challenges identified in this regard using the categories of SEQUAL. Discussion of results, concluding remarks and ideas on further work on understanding the trade-off on different quality aspects are found in section 5.


Modelling in Statoil Through the Last Decades

As an advanced technology company, Statoil has a long tradition of taking new approaches into use for IT and organizational development. Back in the eighties, they experimented with the use of process and data modelling in connection to the use of CASE tools [32]. In the nineties, modelling where used for a broader set of tasks. As summarized in [3] the usage of process and enterprise models in Statoil was divided into three categories, based on their purpose, in what they called "The PAKT taxonomy": 1. 2.


Construction of reality: Modelling as a technique for creating a common understanding among people whose cognitive models do not necessarily coincide Analysis and simulation: Making changes to simulated enterprise models and monitoring the consequences, in order to decide if a change should be put into action. Model deployment and activation: An enterprise model being used for controlling and performing work. The operation of the enterprise is being done through and in the enterprise model.

Understanding Model Quality Concerns when Using Process Models


Detailed case-studies particular on the first usage area were done and reported in [38], analyzing four case-studies in detail 1.


3. 4.

VPT – Creation of value across organizational and disciplinary borders. Enterprise modeling of the Statoil value chain related to the Norwegian continental shelf, arguing for new and improved ways-of-working across existing boundaries. PA30 – Process Plant 30+: Enterprise modeling as an activity in a large restructuring project at a Statoil-operated gas processing plant, conducted in order to have an overall view of business processes before changing them. Gazz – Gas logistics – Development of an enterprise modeling software tool to be used for holistic and strategic thinking concerning Statoil’s gas business. TEK-s Technology strategy: Enterprise modeling as an aid in both development and dissemination of a corporate technology strategy.

Although the notations used in the different cases differed and partly covered larger part of the enterprise than the business processes, a standardized process modeling notation appeared. This was evaluated and compared with other notations in 2001 [20] using the current version of SEQUAL, but was at that stage kept with some changes. Some years later when BPMN arose as a standard this was also chosen and adapted by Statoil. Statoil decided to use enterprise process models as part of their corporate management system in 2004. The introduction of models has had a positive effect on operations. The models contribute to reducing risk, from an operational, environmental and safety perspective [39]. To illustrate, the number of serious incidents per million work hours have been reduced from 6 to around 0.8 since the introduction of enterprise models. Statoil employees and sub-contractors perform around 2 million work hours per week in total, so the reduction is important also in absolute terms. While other aspects certainly have contributed to this reduction, enterprise modelling has played a large role in changing the way of working in Statoil during the last decade. The current enterprise model is realized through the Statoil management system. The Statoil Book [37], which is the foundation the management system is built upon, describes the management system as "the set of principles, policies, processes and requirements which support our organisation in fulfilling the tasks required to achieve our goals". It defines how work is done within the company, and all employees are required to act according to relevant governing documentation. The Management System consists of three main parts: • Process models using a restricted subset of BPMN represented in ARIS, the modelling solution from which all governing documentation (GD) is accessed by the end users. • Docmap, used for handling and publishing textual governing documentation. • Disp, a tool which supports the process of handling applications for deviation permits in cases where compliance with a requirement is difficult or impossible to achieve.


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The three main objectives of the Statoil Management System are: 1. Contributing to safe, reliable and efficient operations and enabling compliance with external and internal requirements. 2. Helping the company incorporating their values, people and leadership principles into everything they do. 3. Supporting business performance through high-quality decision-making, fast and precise execution and continuous learning. Governing documentation (GD) describes what is to be achieved, how to execute tasks, and ensures standardisation. Each process area has governing documentation in the form of documents and/or process models, accessible from the ARIS start page. The management system function is responsible for creating and improving the management system based on business needs and ensuring that the governing documentation is understood and used, as well as monitoring compliance with work requirements. The work of the function follows a five-step cycle; Assess and plan, design, implement, use, and monitor and control. This is done in close collaboration with line management and owners of the governing documentation. The enterprise process model is created according to a set of rules for structuring and use of notation, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as compliance management, competence management, portfolio management, decision making and performance analysis. There are three levels of abstraction in the enterprise model: The contextual level, the conceptual level and the logical level, including the following interrelated diagrams as illustrated in Fig. 1: • The top-level diagram is a mandatory navigational diagram visualizing core value chain processes, management processes, and support processes, capturing what they in Statoil term the contextual level. This is similar to what is known as a process map [15], depicting the core, support, and management processes at the highest level. • The navigation diagram(s) are optional diagrams to support more tailored access to the processes than the top-level diagram. • Model diagram: Is a mandatory diagram that visualizes the model of one process area in the organization. • Process navigation diagram is an optional model for navigational support on the conceptual level. • Workflow diagram - Contains BPMN models [1, 31] on the descriptive level. The quality system contains around 2000 BPMN models at this level, qualifying the case to be an example of BPMN in the large [12]. An example of a simple workflow diagram is found in Fig. 2 (labels in Norwegian). Note that this example follows the specific version of BPMN made by Statoil, which differs a bit from the official BPMN-definition, e.g. including special semantics to the grouping mechanism.

Understanding Model Quality Concerns when Using Process Models

Fig. 1. Structure of models in STATOIL Management System

Fig. 2. Example of BPMN model from Statoil




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Background on Modeling and Quality of Models

Model quality has been discussed by many researchers over the years, and many frameworks and methods have been developed based on scientific theories from various fields. However, as stated by Moody [26], many of these methods suffer from a lack of adoption in practice, partly since they provide too limited guidance. While the main goal of applying such frameworks in practice normally is providing a detailed evaluation of model quality in a specific case, it can also give indications of the usefulness of the framework and, based on the results improve the framework, and possibly enforce its position in the field which again may lead to a wider adoption. From the start of the modelling initiative supporting the new management system in 2004, Statoil has been aware of the need to balance different levels of quality of the models. According to [34, 39] Statoil have found that it is useful to differentiate between at least three dimensions of model quality: Syntactic quality (how well the model uses the modelling language), semantic quality (how well the model reflects the real world) and pragmatic quality (how well the model is understood by the target audience), building upon distinctions first described in [23], which is a predecessor to the current SEQUAL framework on quality of models and modelling languages [15]. In enterprise models the balance between these dimensions becomes very important based on the goal of modelling; else the model will not be used by its intended target audience in the right way. In our analysis, we have thus applied the current version of SEQUAL. SEQUAL is a quality framework used for assessing the quality of models and modeling languages. The choice of using SEQUAL as an analytical lens for studying the Statoil enterprise model is mainly based on that the company has applied the three core quality levels of SEQUAL (syntactic, semantic and pragmatic) as also reported in earlier work [39]. Krogstie and Arnesen [20] used parts of SEQUAL to evaluate various enterprise modelling languages for use in Statoil. SEQUAL builds on early work on quality of models, but has been extended based on theoretical results [26, 27, 30] and practical experiences [15, 21, 25] with various versions of the framework. It has earlier been used for evaluation of modelling and modelling languages of a large number of perspectives, including data [17, 18], ontologies [11], process [16, 19], enterprise [20], topological [28] and goal-oriented modelling [13, 14]. Quality has been defined referring to the correspondence between statements belonging to the following sets: • G, the set of goals of the modelling task. The goals of modelling can be many, and may vary greatly. Nysetvold and Krogstie outlines five main usage areas of enterprise models [29] (partly inspired by the PAKT taxonomy [3] described in section 2 and general model theory [33]): 1.

Human sense-making and communication: Actors can use the enterprise model to make sense of various aspects of the enterprise, and best practices and requirements can be communicated throughout the organisation to create a common understanding.

Understanding Model Quality Concerns when Using Process Models



Computer-assisted analysis: Models can be used e.g. for simulation of process changes. 3. Business process management and quality assurance: Models can be used for quality assurance of work processes (e.g. ensuring compliance to regulations). 4. Model deployment and activation: The model can be deployed directly to be used for controlling, supporting and performing work. The activation can either be manual, automatic or interactive. 5. To give context for other tasks such as supporting system development.

• D, the domain, i.e., the set of all statements that can be stated about the situation. The goal of modelling restricts the domain to only those things relevant to achieve this/these goal(s). • L, the language extension, i.e. what can be expressed by the modelling language chosen. • M, the externalized model itself. • K, the explicit knowledge that the audience (both modelers and model interpreters) have of the domain. • I, the social actor (human) interpretation of the model • T, the technical actor (tool) interpretation of the model The main quality types relates these sets and are depicted in Fig. 3:

Fig. 3. SEQUAL Framework for quality of models

• Physical quality: The basic quality goal is that the relevant parts of the externalized model M is available to the relevant actors (and not others) for interpretation (I and T). • Empirical quality deals with the comprehensibility of the model M.


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• Syntactic quality is the correspondence between the model M and the language extension L. Is the language used correctly in the model? • Semantic quality is the correspondence between the model M and the domain D. • Perceived semantic quality is the similar correspondence between the social actor interpretation I of a model M and his or hers current knowledge K of domain D. • Pragmatic quality is the correspondence between the model M and the actor interpretation (I and T) of it. Thus whereas empirical quality focus on if the model is understandable according to some objective measure that has been discovered empirically in e.g., cognitive science, we at this level investigate to what extend the model has actually been understood. • The goal defined for social quality is agreement among social actor’s interpretations of the models. • The deontic quality of the model relates to that all statements in the model M contribute to fulfilling the goals of modelling G, and that all the goals of modelling G are addressed through the model M. When we structure different quality aspects according to these levels, one will find that there might be conflicts between the levels (e.g. what is good for semantic quality such as completeness might be bad for pragmatic quality), thus it is important to make a trade-off between achieving the different quality levels for achieving the most important goals of modelling.


Evaluation of Quality of Models in Statoil

As reported in [9], the detailed guidelines for how modelling should be done to support high-quality models in Statoil, the TR0002, has earlier been analysed. As described in section 2, modelling has been used for a number of years in Statoil. The requirements for modelling to achieve a balance of syntactic, semantic and pragmatic quality has through this period evolved based on concrete needs identified. Thus, although we in [9] in particular analysed the current requirements (Version 3, valid from Dec. 5 2013) [35] we also investigated the development, in particular relative to version 1 of the requirements, that was made available Feb. 12 2009 [34]. Although the levels of syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic quality are emphasized, the existing requirements are not structured according to these levels. Also other levels of SEQUAL are relevant, partly since the original SEQUAL-categories have been divided in sub-areas in the later versions of the framework (e.g. splitting pragmatic quality into empirical quality (for aspects that at least in theory can be evaluated objectively by a tool) and pragmatic quality for aspects of understanding that have to take the human interpreter into account). Looking first at the sets of SEQUAL in the light of the case of the Statoil management system, we have the following: •

M: The models we analyse here are in particular the workflow-models (bottom level) of the overall model-framework. Relative to the description of purpose of modelling in Section 3 the models are meant to be as-is models, to support communication on the current process, manual activation (i.e. supporting human

Understanding Model Quality Concerns when Using Process Models


action in the organization according to the models), and checking of compliance (area 3: quality assurance). G: Whereas the general requirements for the quality system were described in Section 3, five main more concrete usage areas have been defined: 1. Compliance management: To monitor and control that the way of working is compliant with the standards set for the way to work. This enables producing predictable output from work. 2. Competence management: Document the competency profiles needed to perform tasks, compare required competency profiles with competence represented in the organization, and therefore manage the competency gap. 3. Portfolio management: Gain an overview of the current portfolio of e.g. processes, information systems, and technologies. This gives opportunities for analysing whether the existing portfolio/installed base will meet future needs, and to plan the roadmap to get from the current to the future portfolio. 4. Analysis and decision making: The model enables analysis of the relationships between different objects in the models and how changes to one object (e.g. a process) will impact other objects (e.g. the information systems used by that process or relations between different work processes) 5. Performance analysis: Monitoring of these results to get experience and data on the quality. This information can be used to analyse if the way of working produce the best possible result.

Even if several possible purposes are listed, one model always has one primary purpose, with potentially a (set of) secondary purpose (s). The current primary purpose of the enterprise model is compliance management therefore the priority is given on achieving the right quality of governing documentation models with corresponding governing elements, roles and responsibilities. We notice that two of these goals were not in version 1 of the requirements (competency management and performance analysis). Rather than being an example of ’goal creep’ (that models used for one purpose over time is used also for other things not originally envisioned [21]) it is because the models have to be current as-is models (due to focus on compliance). First recently the underlying infrastructure to support competency management and performance analysis has been put in production. • • • • • •

D: Domain: The work processes in Statoil. L: The language for workflow modelling is a subset of BPMN 2.0. In the original version of the requirements [34] it was a similar sub-set of BPMN 1. A: The target audience comes from the whole company. It is therefore necessary to do a stakeholder analyses to ensure that models have the right abstraction level, complexity, with a terminology suitable for the target audience. K: The relevant explicit knowledge of the actors (A). T: The tool currently used is ARIS. We note that two other tools (APOS and QLM/BPM) were used at the time version 1 of the requirements was made, ARIS being introduced at a later stage. I: Relates to how easy it is for the different actors to interpret the data as it can be presented in ARIS.



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Classification of Existing Model Requirements

In the analysis of the current version of the guidelines in [9], we found requirements relative to the following levels Physical quality • • •

The models should be available to the right people in a physical form (through the ARIS-tool) when needed for interpretation. Only the relevant parts should be available. Both the current and previous versions of the model should be available. It should be possible to store relevant meta-data e.g., on purpose and validity (a Statoil-term for what part of the organization the model applies for).

Empirical quality • • •

Focus on naming conventions for labels – a large number of detailed rules has been defined for this. Detailed rules for readability of textual parts Rules for colour usage in models

Syntactic quality • • •

The language used should be a well-defined subset of BPMN Some specific additions to BPMN defined in the language Many strict usage rules and guidelines for the use of the selected elements

Semantic, Pragmatic, Social, Deontic quality • • • • •


Fewer concrete guidelines on these levels, much supported in the modelling process adhering to regulations (cf. compliance goal) Pragmatic quality regarded as most important (including using the model to act correctly), but this level is mostly supported through rules on the empirical and syntactic level Mechanisms for providing input on models by users if errors are found Different parts of the model relevant for different parts of the organization – limiting the visibility is limiting the problem of social quality. More emphasis on safety and compliance than business performance. The relation between the different goals of modelling, different quality aspects and the goals of the quality systems are not explicit. Neither are the cost/benefit tradeoffs between effort used and sufficient quality achieved. Evaluation of the Management System

During the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014, a large-scale user survey [36] was conducted in Statoil in order to better understand users' experiences and opinions related to the management system and governing documentation. A similar survey was also conducted in 2012. 4828 employees took part in the survey, which was about half of those invited. Many challenges were identified from the survey, related to the management system itself, learning processes and work practice, all of which contribute in some way to the management system goals of safety, reliability and efficiency (relative to objective 1 described in Section 2). The survey is seen as very useful, due

Understanding Model Quality Concerns when Using Process Models


to the large amount of quantitative data as well as the amount of detailed feedback given by the participants. Statoil is using the survey results as a basis when planning and implementing changes to the management system, and will use a similar survey in 2015 to hopefully be able to see a measurable improvement. Many of the issues discovered can be connected to model quality, and below the most important findings are summarised using the quality-levels of SEQUAL. 4.2.1 Physical Quality Issues The survey showed that many of the employees have trouble finding what they need when they look for governing documentation. Moreover, when they do find the relevant documentation, more than half of the respondents are unsure that they have found all relevant documentation. Some describe ARIS as a "maze", in which it is hard to keep track of where the displayed page is situated in the hierarchy. According to the respondents, the search function often does not produce the desired result. Each user has a personal space called "MyPage", accessible from the menu at the top left of each page. From a workflow model page, users can click the "Subscribe" tab, and confirm that they want to subscribe to this particular model. The familiarity with this functionality is unfortunately low among many respondents. Many are not satisfied with the way changes to GD affecting their work are communicated, which makes it difficult to know if the information they possess is current. Employees are not aware of the possibility for staying updated on changes, and when they do, they experience that the reasoning behind the changes are not clearly communicated. 14% of the respondents report using paper copies to access GD, so unless employees are clearly notified of changes they might keep using old versions. 4.2.2 Empirical Quality Issues Users feel that governing documentation suffers from lack of clarity, and 42% of the survey respondents often do not understand abbreviations used in text and models. Note that the guidelines for modeling discourage explicitly the use of abbreviation, thus here it seems that it is not necessarily the guidelines that are the problem, but the lacking adherence to the guidelines. 4.2.3 Syntactic Quality Issues Although there are many guidelines on this level, there is many examples that these are only partly adhered to, as also will be reported in [10]. Still this was not explicitly mentioned as an issue. 4.2.4 Semantic Quality Issues The possibility for users with hands-on experience with the process to add improvement suggestions could improve the semantic quality of workflow models, as it could impose an improved correspondence between model and domain. However, the process of handling improvement proposals appear to be too slow and inconsistent, as many users experience waiting a long time to get feedback on their suggestions, and often the reasoning behind the outcome is not clear. Almost half of the respondents have experienced not receiving any feedback at all on their proposals. This could lead to lack of motivation for posting suggestions in the first place, even though they might


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be useful. In addition, even though 68% feel that the governing documentation has the right amount of detail, it is also often seen as too rigid and general to account for local needs and variations, which leads to a lot of requests for deviations as the models are not experienced to fit the domain properly. 17% of survey respondents report often seeing gaps between what is described in the GD and what is being done in practice. 4.2.5 Pragmatic and Social Quality Issues The survey uncovered challenges regarding understanding and processing. About half of the respondents feel that governing documentation is easy to understand. By others, governing documentation is perceived as vague and ambiguous, especially when it comes to authorities and responsibilities. This ambiguity often causes interpretations by different users to differ from each other. One in five of the respondents often or always experience this within their department or unit. A good support system for learning could improve users' understanding of the models and the system in general, but only 44% report being satisfied with the support they are given. About half of the respondents have participated in organised training related to the use of GD. These have a higher score for confidence in, use of and compliance with GD than the ones who have not participated in a training program. The survey showed that good leadership support has a strong positive effect on use, but in general, leaders do not sufficiently encourage better use of the governing documentation, and are often not able to answer questions related to the management system that they receive from their employees. 4.2.6 Deontic Quality Issues Considering how governing documentation contribute to the goals of the management system, the results from the survey indicate that it contributes a lot to high safety (as confirmed by 75% of the respondents) and moderately to high reliability, but not to high efficiency (37%). One in five of the respondents feel that safety and efficiency is not properly balanced. Reasons for this imbalance are given as: • • • • • • •


The GD is too focused on safety, and this slows down execution of tasks Requirements are too rigid and complying with them is time-consuming Low user-friendliness. The relevant GD can be hard to find Differing interpretations lead to time-consuming discussions Local best practice is not always reflected in the GD Lack of cost awareness Competitiveness is not addressed, the emphasis is put on meeting formal requirements to assure compliance

Discussion, Conclusion and Further Work

The quality system of Statoil is developed supporting in particular compliance to requirements to reduce risk, an area where large improvements have been observed over the last decade. Still one find challenges with among other things the comprehension of some of the models as described above. Whereas the requirements given in TR0002 are quite detailed and structured providing guidelines on most quality

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levels of SEQUAL, they focus mostly on empirical and syntactic quality. Although quality on these levels is also important for pragmatic quality, the guidelines are not always followed [10]. Through the user survey [36], interviews and conversations have provided valuable insights into how users experience the management system. The use of SEQUAL to structure this discussion points to issues also on higher levels (semantic, pragmatic, social, and deontic) where the following of concrete objective guidelines for the quality of models is not sufficient. Some measures can be taken to achieve higher quality. Some users feel that governing documentation is hard to understand. Increased understanding is a necessity if 100% compliance is the goal. Measures that can contribute to this include applying the language guidelines and naming conventions more strictly and tailoring the complexity of models according to the needs of its target audience. Processes for taking the knowledge of the employees more directly into the loop, and for clearer model governance is also pointed to as important. Interestingly it can also be noted that also different emphasis in the organization (more towards efficiency and not only safety and compliance) seems to influence the perception of quality. As we saw in section 2, the use of modelling within the company has evolved over the years, and models and modelling practices that were regarded as good on an earlier stage might no longer be looked upon as being sufficient. We pointed earlier to that theoretical frameworks such as SEQUAL is little used in practice. We hope this and other case studies of its use can make it easier to apply the framework for quality assessment tasks also in other situations and organizations. That all aspects pointed to in the investigation can be categorized according to one of the quality levels also support the completeness of the framework. There are several possibilities for further work related to the Statoil enterprise process model. Based on the internal evaluation, a new modelling standard and improved tool support is being developed and implemented. When the new functionality developed has been implemented in full-scale, the actual effect of these changes on model quality and the effect of the models in practice can be analysed. A new user survey, similar to the one carried out in 2013/2014 will be distributed by Statoil when these changes have been put into effect. Studying the results based on the new standards and tools and comparing them to the old may give important insight into the real value of such changes. In particular, following the implementation of the new TR0002 document in practice, and how it impacts model quality and use is an interesting possibility for future research.

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