Uniqueness and Regularity for a System of Interacting Bessel ...

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is a Euclidean semi-martingale if and only if the interaction is repulsive. Hence, contrary to classical results about reflecting Brownian motion in smooth domains, ...
Uniqueness and Regularity for a System of Interacting Bessel Processes via the Muckenhoupt Condition Sebastian Andres and Max-K. von Renesse Abstract We study the regularity of a diffusion on a simplex with singular drift and reflecting boundary condition which describes a finite system of particles on an interval with Coulomb interaction and reflection between nearest neighbors. As our main result we establish the strong Feller property for the process in both cases of repulsion and attraction. In particular the system can be started from any initial state, including multiple point configurations. Moreover we show that the process is a Euclidean semi-martingale if and only if the interaction is repulsive. Hence, contrary to classical results about reflecting Brownian motion in smooth domains, in the attractive regime a construction via a system of Skorokhod SDEs is impossible. Finally, we establish exponential heat kernel gradient estimates in the repulsive regime. The main proof for the attractive case is based on potential theory in Sobolev spaces with Muckenhoupt weights.


Introduction and Main Results

In this paper we consider the regularity of a reversible particle system with singular nearest neighbour interaction, confined to stay in a Weyl chamber by reflection. Brownian motion or more general diffusions in Euclidean domains with reflecting boundary condition are a classical subject in stochastic analysis, with strong connections to boundary regularity theory for parabolic PDE. Starting from the early works by e.g. Fukushima [14] and Tanaka [24], the field has seen perpetual research activity, cf. [6, 18] (cf. also [4] for more references). Likewise, reversible singular particle systems have been studied since long, cf. [13, 19, 9] with new interest emerging from random matrix theory cf. [21, 16]. Systems with both singular drift and reflection at the boundary were studied more recently in [26] and [12]. Apart from being not of mean field but nearest neighbor type the process proposed in this work differs from all aforementioned models, in particular from the well studied Dyson-type Brownian motion, in that the interaction between the particles in the interesting regime is not repulsive but attractive. As a consequence familiar regularity conditions for the reference measure q(dx) such as log-concavity, q ∈ H 1,1 (Ω, dx) in [26] or ∇(log q) ∈ Lp (Ω, dq), p > N in [12] do not hold. Therefore we find new arguments based on harmonic analysis in Sobolev spaces with Muckenhoupt weights. In particular, together with reversibility this yields a short proof for weak uniqueness. To specifiy our model, let ΣN = {x = (x1 , · · · , xN ) ∈ RN | x0 := 0 < x1 < x2 · · · < xN < 1 =: xN +1 } ∗

May 20, 2010, Technische Universit¨ at Berlin, email: [andres,mrenesse]@math.tu-berlin.de. AMS 2010 Subject Classification: 60J60, 42B37. Keywords: Bessel process, Reflecting Boundary Condition, Coulomb Interaction, Feller Property, Muckenhoupt Weights


be the N -dimensional Weyl chamber equipped with the measure N β 1 Y i+1 qN (dx) = (x − xi ) N +1 −1 dx1 dx2 · · · dxN , Zβ



where β > 0 is a free parameter and Zβ = (Γ(β)/(Γ(β/(N + 1)))N +1 )−1 is a normalization constant. We study the process (X·x ) induced by the L2 (ΣN , qN )-closure of the (pre-)Dirichlet form Z E N (f, f ) = |∇f |2 (x) qN (dx), f ∈ C ∞ (ΣN ), ΣN

whose generator L extends the operator (LN , D(LN )) N

X β L f (x) = ( − 1) N +1 N



1 1 − i+1 i i−1 x −x x − xi

∂ f (x) + ∆f (x) ∂xi

for x ∈ ΣN


with domain 2 2 D(LN ) = CN eu = {f ∈ C (ΣN ) | ∇f · ν = 0 on all (n − 1)-dimensional faces of ∂ΣN },

and ν denoting the outward normal field on ∂ΣN . On the level of formal Itˆo calculus (LN , D(LN )) corresponds to an order preserving dynamics for the locations of N particles in the unit interval solving the system of coupled Skorokhod SDEs µ ¶ √ β 1 1 i dxt = ( − 1) − i+1 dt + 2dwti + dlti−1 − dlti , i = 1, · · · , N, (1.3) i−1 i i N +1 xt − xt xt − xt where {wi } are independent real Brownian motions and {li } are the collision local times, i.e. Z t i i dlt ≥ 0, lt = 1l{xi =xi+1 dlsi . (1.4) s } 0


The process X = (x1 , · · · , xN ) may thus be considered as a system of coupled (two sided) real Bessel processes with uniform Bessel dimension δ = β/(N + 1). Similar to the standard real Bessel process BES(δ) with Bessel dimension δ < 1, the existence of X, even with initial condition X0 = x ∈ ΣN , is not trivial, nor are its regularity properties. The initial motivation for studying this model was its relation to the Wasserstein diffusion introduced in [28]. In [3] we show that the normalized empirical measure of the system (1.3) converges to the Wasserstein diffusion in the high density regime for N → ∞, assuming Markov uniqueness of the infinite dimensional Wasserstein Dirichlet form. The regularity properties of (X·N ) may thus give an indication of the regularity of the Wasserstein diffusion, although in this paper we deal with the case when the dimension N is fixed. Here our results read as follows. Theorem 1.1. For any β > 0, the Dirichlet form E N generates a strong Feller process (X·N ) on ΣN . Moreover, for β ≥ (N + 1) the associated heat kernel (Pt ) is exponentially smoothing on Lipschitz functions, i.e. for t > 0 ¡ Lip(Pt f ) ≤ exp −(

¢ β − 1)kN · t Lip(f ) N +1

for all f ∈Lip(ΣN ), where kN > 0 is a universal constant depending only on N . 2


As a result, the process X = (Xtx )xt≥0 can be started from any initial configuration x ∈ ΣN . A crucial ingredient for the proof of Theorem 1.1 is the following (’Markov-’)uniqueness result 2 ) which is interesting in its own right (cf. [7] for a different approach for the operator (LN , CN eu to a perturbation of independent Bessel-squared processes). Proposition 1.2. For β < 2(N + 1), there is at most one symmetric strongly continuous 2 ). contraction semigroup (Tt )t≥0 on L2 (ΣN , qN ) whose generator (L, D(L)) extends (LN , CN eu Note that Theorem 1.1 implies that X a Feller process on ΣN for all β > 0, i.e. the associated transition semigroup on L2 (ΣN , qN ) defines a strongly continuous contraction semigroup on the subspace C(ΣN ) equipped with the sup-norm topology. Hence we obtained the following well-posedness assertion for a generalized solution to (1.3) – (1.4). Corollary 1.3. The formal system of Skorokhod SDEs (1.3) – (1.4) defines via the associated martingale problem a unique qN -symmetric diffusion on ΣN . This process admits a unique extension to allow for arbitrary deterministic starting point in the closed simplex ΣN . As for path regularity we obtain the following characterization. Theorem 1.4. For any starting point x ∈ ΣN , (X·x ) ∈ ΣN ⊂ RN is a Euclidean semimartingale if and only if β/(N + 1) ≥ 1. In particular we obtain that a Skorokhod decomposition of the process X·x is impossible if β is small enough. This is in sharp contrast to the previous works, cf. [26, 12] (and [5] for the drift-free case). Moreover, again due to the uniqueness assertion of Proposition 1.2 the following negative result holds true. Corollary 1.5. If β/(N + 1) < 1, the system of equations (1.3) – (1.4) with initial condition X0 ∼ qN is ill-posed in the class of qN -symmetric diffusions, i.e. it admits no solution in the the sense of Itˆ o calculus. Theorems 1.1 and 1.4 generalize the corresponding classical results for the familiy of standard real Bessel processes, which are proved in a completely different manner, cf. [8, 20]. Strategy of proof. While the proof of Theorem 1.4 consists of a straightforward application of a regularity criterion for Dirichlet processes by Fukushima [15], the proof of Theorem 1.1 is more involved, and entirely different methods are used in the two respective cases β < N + 1 and β ≥ N + 1. Both cases are non-trivial from an analytic point of view due to the degenerating coefficients and the Neumann boundary condition. By comparison the case β ≥ (N + 1) is much easier since qN is then log-concave. Using a recent result by Ambrosio, Savar´e and Zambotti [2] on the stability of gradient flows for the relative entropy functional on the Wasserstein space the contraction estimate (1.5) is established by smooth approximation and coupling. For β < (N + 1) the measure qN is no longer log-concave and to prove the Feller property we proceed in three main steps. The first crucial observation is that the reference measure qN can be extended to a measure qˆ on the full Euclidean space which lies in the Muckenhoupt class A2 , allowing for a rich potential theory. In particular the Poincar´e inequality and doubling condition hold which imply via heat kernel estimates the regularity of the induced process on RN . The second step is to use the reflection symmetry of the problem which allows to treat the Neumann boundary condition indeed via a reflection of a suitable chosen process Y on the flat N -dimensional torus. The third step is to identify X with the projection of Y onto ΣN by 3

establishing the Markov uniqueness. Here we shall again depend on the nice potential theory available in the Muckenhoupt class. The partial resemblance of our proof for β < (N + 1) to the classical work by Bass and Hsu [6] is no surprise. However, we did not find any similar work in the probability literature where potential theory for Muckenhoupt weights was used so extensively as in our case.


Dirichlet Form and Integration by Parts Formula

The rigorous construction of (X·N ) departs from the symmetrizing measure qN on ΣN defined above in (1.1). Note that one can identify Lp (ΣN , qN ) with Lp (ΣN , qN ), p ≥ 1. R Throughout the paper qN denotes both the measure and its Lebesque density, i.e. qN (A) = A qN (x) dx for all measurable A ⊆ ΣN . For all β > 0, N ∈ N, the measure qN satisfies the ’Hamza condition’, because it has a strictly positive density with locally integrable inverse, cf. e.g. [1]. This implies that the form E N (f, f ) with domain f ∈ C ∞ (ΣN ) is closable on L2 (ΣN , qN ). The L2 (ΣN , qN )-closure defines a local regular Dirichlet form, still denoted by E N . General Dirichlet form theory asserts the existence of a Hunt diffusion (X·N ) associated with E N which can be started in qN -almost all x ∈ ΣN and which is understood as a generalized solution of the system (1.3),(1.4). The following integration by parts formula for qN can be easily verified (e.g. by approximation from corresponding integrals over increasing sub-domains Σ²N ⊂ ΣN ). Proposition 2.1. Let u ∈ C 1 (ΣN ) and ξ = (ξ 1 , . . . , ξ N ) be a vector field in C 1 (ΣN , RN ) satisfying hξ, νi = 0 on ∂ΣN , where ν denotes the outward normal field of ∂ΣN . Then, " ¶# µ Z Z N X 1 1 qN (dx). h∇u, ξiqN (dx) = − u div(ξ) + ( Nβ+1 − 1) − ξi xi − xi−1 xi+1 − xi ΣN ΣN i=1

Remark 2.2. Let u ∈ C 1 (ΣN ) and ξ be a vector field of the the form ξ = wϕ ~ with w ∈ C 1 (ΣN ) 1 N ∞ and ϕ ~ (x) = (ϕ(x ), . . . , ϕ(x )), ϕ ∈ C ([0, 1]) and h~ ϕ, νi = 0 on ∂ΣN , in particular ϕ|∂[0,1] = 0. Then, the integration by parts formula above reads Z Z i h β + h∇w, ϕ ~ i qN (dx), h∇u, ξiqN (dx) = − u wVN,ϕ ΣN


where β VN,ϕ (x1 , . . . , xN ) := (





X ϕ(xi+1 ) − ϕ(xi ) X β − 1) + ϕ0 (xi ). N +1 xi+1 − xi

2 2 Let CN eu = {f ∈ C (ΣN ) : h∇f, νi = 0 on ∂ΣN } as above with ν still denoting the outer 2 normal field on ∂ΣN . Then, for any f ∈ C 1 (ΣN ) and g ∈ CN eu we apply the integration by parts formula in Proposition 2.1 for ξ = ∇g to obtain Z E N (f, g) = − f LN g qN (dx). ΣN

Moreover, it is easy to show that ¯ N ¯ ¯E (f, g)¯ ≤ C kf kL2 (Σ ,q ) , N N

∀f ∈ D(E N ).

2 N and In particular, CN eu is contained in the domain of the generator L associated with E 2 . LN f = Lf for all f ∈ CN eu



Strong Feller Property

In the proof of Theorem 1.1 the cases β < (N + 1) and β ≥ (N + 1) are treated separately. Both cases are not trivial from an analytic perspective due to the combination of degenerate coefficients and the Neumann boundary condition. In fact we could not find any general result in the PDE literature which covers the current model.


The Case β < (N + 1)

For β < (N + 1) the measure qN is not log-concave. The proof below, however, extends also to all cases when β < 2(N + 1) (cf. Proposition 1.2). Let QN = {x = (x1 , · · · , xN ) ∈ RN | kxk∞ ≤ 1} denote the closed N -dimensional hypercube of length 2 in RN and let T : QN → ΣN

x 7→ (|x(1) |, . . . , |x(N ) |),


where (1), . . . , (N ) denotes the permutation of 1, . . . , N such that |x(1) | ≤ . . . ≤ |x(N ) |. To simplify notation the density qN on ΣN is extended as a measurable function on ΣN assuming values in the extended reals by +∞ on ∂ΣN , then we define qˆN : RN 7→ R ∪ {+∞} by qˆN (x) = qN (T (x)). Let qˆN also denote the 2-periodic extension on RN satisfying qˆN (x + 2k) = qˆN (x) for x, k ∈ RN and kkk∞ = 1. As above the function x 7→ qˆ(x) = qˆN (x) is identified with the induced σ-finite measure qˆN (x)dx on RN and QN respectively. Lemma 3.1. For β < 2(N + 1) the measure qˆ belongs the the Muckenhoupt class A2 , i.e. there exists a positive constant C(N ) such that for every Euclidean ball BR Z Z 1 1 qˆ dx qˆ−1 dx ≤ C, (3.2) |BR | BR |BR | BR where |BR | denotes the Lebesgue measure of the ball BR . To prove Lemma 3.1 we will need some more notation. Let Q be the family of hypercubes defined by © ª Q := k + QN | k ∈ (2Z)N . The map T : QN 7→ ΣN has a natural 2-periodic extension T : RN 7→ ΣN given by T (x) = T (y) if x = k + y with x ∈ QN and k ∈ (2Z)N . Also, for every Q ∈ Q, Z Z ±1 ±1 N qˆN dx = 2 N ! qN dx. (3.3) Q


For some small positive δ set Ωi := Ωδi := {x ∈ ΣN : xi+1 − xi ≥ δ},


i = 0, . . . , N.

For any R > 0 and m = (m1 , . . . , mN ) ∈ RN let PRi (m) denote the parallelepiped in RN given by © £ ¤ £ ¤ PRi (m) =m + x ∈ RN : x1 ∈ [0, R] , x2 ∈ x1 , x1 + R , . . . , xi ∈ xi−1 , xi−1 + R , £ ¤ £ ¤ ª xi+1 ∈ xi+2 − R, xi+2 , . . . xN −1 ∈ xN − R, xN , xN ∈ [1 − R, 1] . Then the following elementary statement holds. Lemma 3.2. There exist two constants c0 = c0 (δ, N ) > 0 and l = l(N ) > 0 such that for all balls BR in RN with radius R < c0 there exists i ∈ {0, . . . , N } such that K := T (BR ) ⊂ Ωδi i (m) ⊂ Σ 1 N and K ⊆ PlR N for some m = (m , . . . , m ) ∈ QN . Proof of Lemma 3.1. We will consider large and small balls seperately. Case 1: R > 2. Then #{Q ∈ Q : BR ∩ Q 6= ∅} ≤ (1 + R)N . Hence, using (3.3) we obtain Z Z Z ±1 ±1 ±1 N N N qˆN dx ≤ (1 + R) qˆN dx = (1 + R) 2 N ! qN dx, BR



and since |BR | ∼ RN this gives (3.2). Case 2: c0 ≤ R ≤ 2 with c0 as in Lemma 3.2. Similarly to the previous case we have #{Q ∈ Q : BR ∩ Q 6= ∅} ≤ 3N so that Z Z ±1 ±1 N N dx, qN qˆN dx ≤ 3 2 N ! ΣN


and since |BR | ∼ RN ≥ cN 0 we obtain again (3.2). Case 3: 0 < R < c0 . In the following the symbol C denotes a positive constant depending on i (m) N and δ with possibly changing its value from one occurence to another. Let K, i and PlR be as in Lemma 3.2. Then, we observe that by construction Z Z ±1 ±1 qˆN dx ≤ C dx. qN K





Moreover, since K ⊂ we have δ ≤ − ≤ 1 for every x ∈ K, which implies Z Z Y Z N β β Y −1) ±( ±1 j+1 j ±( N +1 −1) dx ≤ C (xj+1 − xj ) N +1 dx qN dx = C (x −x ) K

K j=0



β ±( N +1 −1)


≤C i (m) PlR

(xj+1 − xj )

0≤j≤N j6=i


0≤j≤N j6=i

By the change of variables yj = xj − xj−1 , j = 1, . . . , i, and yj = xj+1 − xj , j = i + 1, . . . , N we obtain Z i Z mj +lR N Z −mj +lR β β Y Y ±( −1) ±( N +1 −1) ±1 qN dx = yj dyj yj N +1 dyj , K

j=i+1 −mj

j=1 mj

so that 1 |BR |2


Z qˆN dx



−1 qˆN dx

≤ CR


i Z Y

mj +lR

j=1 mj



−mj +lR

j=i+1 −mj


β N +1 −1 yj dyj

β N +1 −1 yj dyj

i Z Y

mj +lR

j=1 mj


−mj +lR

j=i+1 −mj

β −( N +1 −1) yj dyj

β −( N +1 −1) yj dyj .

Recall that we have assumed β < 2(N + 1) and that in one dimension the weight function x 7→ |x|η on R is contained in A2 if η ∈ (−1, 1) (see p. 229 and p. 236 in [25]). Hence, we get for every j ∈ {1, . . . , N } and a < b Z a



yiN +1


Z dyi a


−( Nβ+1 −1)


dyi ≤ C(b − a)2 ,

and the result follows. Corollary 3.3 ([27], [11]). The measure qˆ is doubling and satisfies a uniform local Poincar´e inequality on RN , i.e. there exists a constant C > 0 such that for all Euclidean balls BR qˆ(B2R ) ≤ C qˆ(BR ). and



|f − (f )BR | dˆ q ≤ CR BR




|∇f |2 dˆ q,



and f ∈ C 1 (RN ), where (f )BR denotes the integral

1 qˆ(BR )


f dˆ q.


Let TN denote the N -dimensional torus obtained from QN by gluing together opposite faces of ∂QN , i.e. TN = QN /∼ with ½ 2 if i = j for some j ∈ {1, · · · , N }, x ∼ y for x, y ∈ ∂QN iff |xi − yi | = 0 else. TN is naturally equipped with the measure qˆ|QN , which is again denoted by qˆ and let dN : TN × TN 7→ R+ be the induced metric on TN , which coincides locally with the flat Euclidean metric. For f ∈ C 1 (TN ) let Z N ˆ |∇f |2 qˆ(dx), (3.6) E (f, f ) = TN

then by the same reasons as in section 2 we obtain the closability of EˆN on L2 (TN , qˆ). Letting EˆN denote also its closure, thanks to (3.4) and (3.5) the following result is obtained. Proposition 3.4. The tuple (EˆN , D(E N )) is a local Dirichlet space on L2 (TN , qˆ) whose intrinsic metric dEˆ N coincides with dN . Moreover, qˆ is doubling on TN and EˆN supports a local Poincar´e inequality in the sense of conditions Ib) and Ic) of [23]. ˆ N on L2 (TN , qˆ), Corollary 3.5 ([23]). Let Y be the qˆ-symmetric diffusion on TN associated to E N then Y admits a symmetric dN -H¨ older-continuous heat kernel on T . In particular, Y is a strong Feller process. Note for the map T : QN 7→ ΣN that T (x) = T (y) for boundary points x, y ∈ ∂QN with x ∼ y Hence the map is also well defined and continuous from TN to ΣN . Moreover, T is a local isometry. ˜ · = T (Y· ) ∈ ΣN . Then X ˜ is Markovian and qN -symmetric. Lemma 3.6. Define the process X ˜ ˜ is a Moreover, X admits a (symmetric) H¨ older-continuous transition kernel. In particular, X strong Feller process on ΣN .


Proof. The Markov property is implied e.g. by the condition that for any Borel set A ⊆ ΣN Px [Yt ∈ T −1 (A)] = Py [Yt ∈ T −1 (A)]

whenever T (x) = T (y).


Now the choice of qˆ implies that for any Borel set A ⊆ ΣN condition (3.7) is satisfied. To see this, let {σk | k = 1, · · · , N + N (N − 1)/2} be the collection of line-reflections in RN with respect to either one of the coordinate axes {λei , λ ∈ R} or a diagonal {λ(ej +ek )}, then for x, y ∈ TN with T (x) = T (y) there exists a finite sequence σk1 , · · · σkl such that τ (x) := σk1 ◦ σk2 · · · ◦ σkl (x) = y. Now each of the reflections σi preserves the Dirichlet form (3.6), such that the processes τ (Y·x ) and Y·y are equal in distribution. Moreover, τ (T −1 (A)) = T −1 (A), from which (3.7) is obtained. ˜ because qˆ is the image measure of qN under The qˆ-symmetry of Y implies the qN -symmetry of X ˜ T . The strong Feller property of X is immediate from the fact that Y is strong Feller and T is locally invertible with continuous inverse. In order to complete the proof of Theorem 1.1. it remains to identify the laws of the processes ˜ and X. This will be achieved by showing that both X ˜ and X solve the same martingale X problem on a large enough set of test functions. To this aim note that as in section 2 the following integration by parts formula holds for the generator of Lˆ the Dirichlet form EˆN . Z N 2 N ˆ N f (x)ˆ ˆ (3.8) g(x)L q (dx) ∀ g ∈ C 1 (TN ), f ∈ CN E (f, g) = − eu(S ) (T ), TN

where S = {x ∈ TN | qˆ(x) = ∞}, 2 N 2 N CN eu(S ) (T ) = {f ∈ C (T ) | ∇f · νS = 0 on all (n − 1)-dimensional faces of S }

with νS denoting (any choice of) the normal vector to the subset S ⊂ TN , and for x ∈ TN \ S N

ˆ N f (x) = ( L

X β − 1) N +1 i=1


1 1 − (i+1) (i) (i−1) x −x x − x(i)

∂ f (x) + ∆f (x). ∂x(i)

Recall that in the formula above (1), . . . , (N ) denotes the permutation of 1, . . . , N such that 2 N ˆ |x(1) | ≤ . . . ≤ |x(N ) |. In particular, CN eu(S ) (T ) is contained in the domain of L. Finally, since ˆ N (f ◦ T ) = (LN f ) ◦ T in this case and the measure qˆ f ◦ T ∈ C2 (TN ) for f ∈ C 2 (Σ), L N eu(S )

is preserved (up to the factor

N eu N 2 · N !)

by the map T : TN 7→ ΣN , the following assertion holds.

˜ solves the martingale problem for (LN , C 2 (ΣN )) on ΣN with Lemma 3.7. The process X N eu initial condition qN ∈ M1 (ΣN ). ˜ and X are Markovian, qN -symmetric solutions to the martingale problem for Since both X 2 (LN , CN eu (ΣN )) it suffices to show that there is at most one Markov semigroup on L2 (ΣN , qN ) 2 (Σ ), q ) as stated with these properties. This is the Markov uniqueness property of (LN , CN N N eu in Proposition 1.2, cf. [10, Chap. 1., Definition 1.2]. Proof of Proposition 1.2. Let H 1,2 (ΣN , qN ) (resp. ’H01,2 (ΣN , qN )’ in the notation of [10]) denote 2 2 2 1/2 and let the closure of CN eu w.r.t. to the norm kf k1 = (kf kL2 (ΣN ,qN ) + k∇f kL2 (ΣN ,qN ) ) W 1,2 be the Hilbert space of L2 (ΣN , qN )-functions f whose distributional derivative Df is in L2 (ΣN , qN ), equipped with the norm kf k1 = (kf k2L2 (ΣN ,qN ) + kDf k2L2 (ΣN ,qN ) )1/2 . Clearly, the quadratic form Q(f, f ) = hDf, Df iL2 (ΣN ,qN ) , D(Q) = W 1,2 (ΣN , qN ), is a Dirichlet form on L2 (ΣN , qN ). Hence we may use the basic criterion for Markov uniqueness [10, Chap. 3., 2 ) is Markov unique if H 1,2 = W 1,2 . Corollary 3.2] according to which (L, CN eu 8

To prove the latter it obviously suffices to prove that H 1,2 is dense in W 1,2 . For any f ∈ W 1,2 (ΣN , qN ) we show first that f can be approximated w.r.t. k.k1 by functions which are smooth up to boundary and secondly that such functions can be approximated in k.k1 by smooth Neumann functions. Due to Lemma 3.1 the extension qˆ(x) = qˆ(T (x)), x ∈ RN , lies in the Muckenhoupt class A2 . Further note that W 1,2 (ΣN , qˆ) ⊂ W 1,2 (ΣδN , dx) = H 1,2 (ΣδN , dx) if β ≤ N +1, and W 1,2 (ΣδN , qˆ) ⊂ W 1,1 (ΣδN , dx) = H 1,1 (ΣδN , dx) by the H¨older inequality if N + 1 < β < 2(N + 1), such that f has well defined boundary values in L1 (∂ΣN , dx). Hence we may conclude that the extension fˆ(x) = f (T (x)), x ∈ [−1, 3]N , can again be extended to a weakly differentiable function fˆ ∈ W 1,2 (RN , qˆ). By [17, Theorem 2.5] the mollification with the standard mollifier yields an approximating sequence {ul }l of smooth functions ul ∈ C0∞ (RN ) of fˆ in the weighted Sobolev spaces H 1,2 (RN , qˆ). Hence, we obtain a sequence of C ∞ (ΣN )-functions {ul }l which converges to f in H 1,2 (ΣN , qN ). This finishes the first step. In the second step we thus may assume w.l.o.g. that f is smooth up to the boundary of ΣN . In particular, f is globally Lipschitz. Since qN is integrable on ΣN we may modify f close to the boundary to obtain a Lipschitz function f˜ which satisfies the Neumann condition and which is close to f in k.k1 . (Take, e.g. f˜(x) = f (π(x)), where π(x) is the projection of x into the set Σ²N = {x ∈ ΣN , |dist(x, ∂ΣN ) ≥ ²} for small ² > 0.) We may now proceed as in step one to obtain an approximation of f˜ by smooth functions w.r.t. k.k1 , where we note that neither extension by reflection through the map T nor the standard mollification in [17] of the extended f˜ destroys the Neuman boundary condition. Hence we arrive at the following statement which implies the first statement of Theorem 1.1 in case of β < 2(N + 1). ˜ ·x and X·x are equal in law. In Corollary 3.8. For quasi-every x ∈ ΣN , the the processes X particular, X is a strong Feller process on ΣN .


The Case β ≥ (N + 1)

The estimate (1.5) looks like a straightforward application of the Bakry-Emery Γ2 -calculus. However, the complete Bakry-Emery criterion requires the Γ2 -condition on an algebra of functions which is dense in the domain of the generator L of E w.r.t. the graph norm. The verification of the latter typically leads back to elliptic regularity theory for L which we want to avoid. Instead our argument below is based on a recent powerful result by Ambrosio, Savare and Zambotti [2] on the stability of reversible processes with log-concave invariant measures. Proof of (1.5). By abuse of notation let qN be the extension of the measure qN to RN given by Z β 1 qN (A) = qN (A ∩ ΣN ) = e−( N +1 −1)V (x) dx Zβ A∩ {V 0 denotes the smallest eigenvalue of the strictly elliptic matrix A = (2δij −δ1,|i−j| ) ∈ RN×N . Hence the measure qN is log-concave in the sense of [2]. (Note that according to ibid. Theorem 1.2.b. the Feller property of X. on ΣN is automatically implied.) Let x ∈ ΣN denote the barycenter of the simplex ΣN . For ² > 0 let ½ V ((1 − ²)x + ²x)) x ∈ ΣN V² (x) = ∞ x ∈ RN \ ΣN ² on RN by and define the measure qN ² qN (A)

1 = Zβ



e−( N +1 −1)V² (x) dx.


Since V² ∈ C ∞ (ΣN ) and the boundary of ΣN is piecewise smooth the corresponding reflecting process can also be constructed by the associated Skorokhod SDE. Moreover, the classical coupling by reflection method can be applied, cf. [29]. Taking expectations in [29, eq. (2.5)] (note that I = 0 in our case) and using the strict convexity of V² together with Gronwall’s lemma this yields the estimate ¡ ²,1 ²,2 ¢ β 2 EC X t , X t ≤ e−( N +1 −1)(1−²) kN t d(x, y), ²,1


where C denotes the law of the coupling process (X t , X t )t≥0 , starting in (x, y). In particular the following estimate in the L1 -Wasserstein distance d1 for the heat kernel of (X.² ) is obtained β

2k t N

d1 (Pt² (x, ·), Pt² (y, ·)) ≤ e−( N +1 −1)(1−²)

d(x, y).

² → q weakly, we may now invoke Theorem 6.1. of [2] in order to pass to the limit for Since qN N ² → 0 in the left hand side above, using also the continuity of the L1 - w.r.t the L2 -Wassserstein metric. Hence we arrive at β

2k t N

d1 (Pt (x, ·), Pt (y, ·)) ≤ e−( N +1 −1)(1−²)

d(x, y),

for all ² > 0 small enough, thus also for ² = 0. Via Kantorovich duality this implies β

|Pt f (x) − Pt f (y)| ≤ e−( N +1 −1)kN t Lip(f ) d(x, y), for or all f ∈ Lip(ΣN ) and x, y ∈ ΣN , which is the claim.



Semi-Martingale Properties

In this final section we prove the semi-martingale properties of X stated in Theorem 1.4. To that aim we establish the semi-martingale properties for the symmetric process X N started in equilibrium, which imply the semi-martingale properties to hold for quasi-every starting point x ∈ ΣN and by the Feller properties proven in the last section for every starting point x ∈ ΣN . In order to establish the semi-martingale properties of the stationary process, we shall use the following criterion established by Fukushima in [15]. For every open set G ⊂ ΣN we set CG := {u ∈ D(E N ) ∩ C(ΣN ) : supp(u) ⊂ G}. Theorem 4.1. For u ∈ D(E N ) the additive functional u(XtN ) − u(X0N ) is a semi-martingale if and only if one of the following (equivalent) conditions holds: 10

i) For any relatively compact open set G ⊂ ΣN , there is a positive constant CG such that |E N (u, v)| ≤ CG kvk∞ ,

∀v ∈ CG .


ii) There exists a signed Radon measure ν on ΣN charging no set of zero capacity such that Z N E (u, v) = − v(x) ν(dx), ∀v ∈ C(ΣN ) ∩ D(E N ). (4.2) ΣN

Proof. See Theorem 6.3 in [15]. Theorem 4.2. Let X N be a symmetric diffusion on ΣN associated with the Dirichlet form E N , then X N is an RN -valued semi-martingale if and only if β/(N + 1) ≥ 1. Proof. Since the semi-martingale property for RN -valued diffusions is defined componentwise, we shall apply Fukushima’s criterion for u(x) = xi , i = 1, . . . , N . Let us first consider the case where β 0 := β/(N + 1) > 1. Then, for a relatively compact open set G ⊂ ΣN and v ∈ CG , Z ∂ N v(x) qN (dx) E (u, v) = i ΣN ∂x Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 Z 1 N Y 1 0 1 2 i+1 i+2 = dx dx · · · dx dx · · · dxN (xj+1 − xj )β −1 Zβ 0 x1 xi−1 xi+1 xN −1 j=0 j6=i−1, i



× xi−1

∂ 0 0 v(x) (xi − xi−1 )β −1 (xi+1 − xi )β −1 dxi . ∂xi

Since β 0 > 1, we obtain by integration by parts Z


∂ 0 0 v(x) (xi − xi−1 )β −1 (xi+1 − xi )β −1 dxi i xi−1 ∂x Z xi+1 i h 0 0 0 0 = − (β 0 − 1) v(x) (xi − xi−1 )β −2 (xi+1 − xi )β −1 − (xi − xi−1 )β −1 (xi+1 − xi )β −2 dxi xi−1

so that ¯Z i+1 ¯ ¯ x ¯ ∂ ¯ i i−1 β 0 −1 i+1 i β 0 −1 i¯ v(x) (x − x ) (x − x ) dx ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ xi−1 ∂xi ÃZ i+1 ! Z xi+1 x 0 0 ≤(β 0 − 1)kvk∞ (xi − xi−1 )β −2 dxi + (xi+1 − xi )β −2 dxi xi−1

≤2 (β 0 − 1)kvk∞



xi−1 0

rβ −2 dr ≤ C kvk∞ ,


and we obtain that condition (4.1) holds. For β 0 = 1 the measure qN coincides with the normalized Lebesgue measure on ΣN , condition (4.1) follows directly. Let now β 0 < 1 and let us assume that u(XtN ) − u(X0N ) is a semi-martingale. Then, there exists a signed Radon measure ν on ΣN satisfying (4.2). Let ν = ν1 − ν2 be the Jordan decomposition


of ν, i.e. ν1 and ν2 are positive Radon measures. By the previous calculations we have for each relatively compact open set G ⊂ ΣN and for all v ∈ CG E N (u, v) = −

1 0 (β − 1) Zβ


Z v(x) G


(xj+1 − xj )β −1

j=0 j6=i−1, i

h i 0 0 0 0 × (xi − xi−1 )β −2 (xi+1 − xi )β −1 − (xi − xi−1 )β −1 (xi+1 − xi )β −2 dx. Hence, we obtain for the Jordan decomposition ν = ν1 − ν2 that 1 ν1 (G) = (1 − β 0 ) Zβ


1 ν2 (G) = (1 − β 0 ) Zβ




i β 0 −2

−x )




(xj+1 − xj )β −1 dx

j=0 j6=i i

i−1 β 0 −2

(x − x G




(xj+1 − xj )β −1 dx.

j=0 j6=i−1

Set ∂ΣjN := {x ∈ ∂ΣN : xj = xj+1 }, j = 0, . . . , N , and let for some x0 ∈ ∂Σi and r > 0, A := x0 + [−r, r]N ∩ ΣN be such that dist(A, ∂ΣjN ) > 0 for all j 6= i. Furthermore, let (An )n be a sequence of compact subsets of A such that An ↑ A and dist(An , ∂ΣiN ) > 0 for every n. By the inner regularity of the Radon measures ν1 and ν2 we have v1 (A) = limn ν1 (An ) and v2 (A) = limn ν2 (An ). Since β 0 − 2 < −1, we get by the choice of A that ν1 (A) = ∞, while ν2 (A) < ∞, which contradicts the local finiteness of ν and ν1 , respectively.

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