Universidad Pablo de Olavide Sage Fitz-Gerald sfitger@upo.es

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Mauk, D. and J. Oakland. American Civilization: An Introduction. New York: Routledge, 2005. Ruland, Richard. From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of ...
Universidad Pablo de Olavide Facultad de Humanidades Licenciatura: Traducción & Interpretación Curso: Segundo Asignatura: Fuentes Culturales (Lengua C) Carácter: Obligatoria Créditos: 6 créditos


Sage Fitz-Gerald


I. INTRODUCTION Fuentes Culturales Aplicadas a la Traducción de Lengua C is an introductory level Cultural Studies course in which 2nd year T&I students are introduced to topics related to the cultural and linguistic reality of the US, the UK and Ireland. Socio-cultural and historical aspects not included in traditional language, linguistics or literature courses will be covered. The course contents are directly related to the texts, films and songs we will read, watch and listen to throughout the course. Students are strongly encouraged to reinforce classroom learning with pertinent extracurricular activities including original version cinema and language exchanges with visiting students from English-speaking countries. This survey course will help Translation Studies students better understand the most important historical events and contemporary currents shaping the English-speaking world today. II. METHODOLOGY Intensive reading and in-depth text analysis are the backbone of the course. Students are expected to have thoroughly read and understood assigned readings from required texts (An Illustrated History of the USA / An Illustrated History of Britain) before class, as well as participate freely and regularly in classroom activities and discussions. We will employ cooperative learning techniques to analyse films, documentaries, poems, cartoons, and a variety of other primary and secondary texts and audiovisual material chosen to complement the required reading. Critical thinking will be encouraged and all topics will be approached from a multidisciplinary perspective including basic ideas from disciplines such as historiography, sociology, cultural studies, translation studies, and anthropology. Classes will be held primarily in English and opportunities for practical English-Spanish (direct) translation practice will be afforded. III. EVALUATION Continuous assessment (15%), a 30-minute oral presentation (15%), midterm exam (30%) and a final exam (40%) will be the basis for the final grade. As future translators, students should demonstrate that they have acquired sufficient knowledge of the history, society and cultural discourse of the English-speaking countries studied.

Translation & Interpreting 


Prof. Sage Fitz-Gerald

The written exams will have two parts. In the first part, students will be asked to define/discuss/translate a series of terms, topics and/or texts related to social, cultural and historical questions. The second part of the exam will consist in an essay on one or more of the themes brought out in the course. In addition to the oral presentation and the exam, active participation in class and consistent completion of reading/homework assignments throughout the course will be taken into account for the final grade. IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY • Required: McDowall, David. An Illustrated History of Britain. Harlow: Longman, 2004. O’Callaghan, Bryn. An Illustrated History of the USA. Harlow: Longman, 2004. Garwood, Christopher. Aspects of Britain and the USA. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Photocopy packet(s) • Recommended: Translation Studies Basil Hatim and Ian Mason. Discourse and the Translator. Harlow: Longman, 1990. Eco, Umberto. Mouse or Rat? Translation as Negotiation. London: Phoenix, 2004. U.S. Cultural Studies Angier, Natalie (Ed.) The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2002. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2002. Bradbury, Malcolm (Ed.) Introduction to American Studies. Harlow: Longman, 1998. Campbell, Neil. American Cultural Studies: An Introduction to American Culture. London: Routledge, 1997. Cullen, Jim. The Art of Democracy: A Concise History of Popular Culture in the US. New York: Monthly Review Press, 2002. Mauk, D. and J. Oakland. American Civilization: An Introduction. New York: Routledge, 2005. Ruland, Richard. From Puritanism to Postmodernism: A History of American Literature. New York, 1992. Verdú, Vicente. El Planeta Americano. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1996. British & Irish Cultural Studies Bassnett, Susan. Studying British Culture. London: Routledge, 1997. Oakland, John. Contemporary Britain: A Survey with Texts. London: Routledge, 2001. Oakland, John. British Civilization: An Introduction. London: Routledge, 2004. O’Driscoll, James. Britain. The Country and It’s People: An Introduction for Learners of English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003. Yeats, W.B. Fairy Tales of Ireland. Dublin: Roberts Wholesale Books Ltd., 1998. Miscellaneous Forché, Carolyn (Ed.) Against Forgetting: 20th-Century Poetry of Witness. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. Translation & Interpreting 


Prof. Sage Fitz-Gerald


Introduction • •

Translation & Culture BRAINSTORM: Major themes in American History Major themes in British History

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 3-10  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 4-7

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 11-33 WEEK 2  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 34-56

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 57-65  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 8-15 WEEK 3 DÍA de ANDALUCÍA 28 feb. (puente)

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 67-85 WEEK 4  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 87-105

FILM: Selections from Cromwell (Dir. Ken Hughes)

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 107-120  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 16-27 WEEK 5 

FILM: Selections from Oliver Twist (Dir. Roman Polanski)

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 28-31 

Oral Presentations

Translation & Interpreting 


Prof. Sage Fitz-Gerald

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 32-39  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 121-137 WEEK 6 

Oral Presentations

Oral Presentations

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 40-57 WEEK 7 

Oral Presentations

FILM: Selections from Feel Like Going Home (Dir. Martin Scorsese)

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 58-71  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 138-148 WEEK 8 


Oral Presentations SONG: My Country ‘Tis of Thee… (Buffy Sainte-Marie) Discussion

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 72-83  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 149-150 SEMANA SANTA WEEK 9 

Oral Presentations

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 84-87  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 151-157  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 88-95  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 159-165 FERIA WEEK 10 DIA del TRABAJO

Translation & Interpreting 


Prof. Sage Fitz-Gerald

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 96-103 WEEK 11 

Oral Presentations

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 166-167  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 104-107

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 168-174  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 108-111 WEEK 12   

Oral Presentations FILM: Selections from JFK / Nixon / The Doors (Dir. Oliver Stone) / No Direction Home: The Dylan Years (Dir. Martin Scorsese) Discussion

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 112-115  An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 175-176 


Oral Presentations SONG: With God on Our Side (Bob Dylan) Discussion

 An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 116-135 WEEK 13  


FILM: Selections from Twilight: Los Angeles (Dir. Anna Deavere Smith) & Bowling for Columbine (Dir. Michael Moore) Discussion SONG: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Gil Scott Heron) Discussion

 An Illustrated History of Britain pp. 175-184  An Illustrated History of the USA pp. 136-139

Oral Presentations

 “Jihad vs. McWorld” (Benjamin R. Barber) WEEK 14

Translation & Interpreting 


Prof. Sage Fitz-Gerald

Oral Presentations

Exam Review


FILM: Fahrenheit 9/11 (Dir. Michael Moore) Discussion

Exam Review… THAT’S ALL FOLKS!

* Scheduling changes may occur due to holidays and/or other unforeseeable delays.

Translation & Interpreting 


Prof. Sage Fitz-Gerald