Di Nolfo E: “Dagli imperi militari agli imperi tecnologici”, edizioni Laterza, ...
Richards A, Waterbury: “A Political Economy pf the Middle East“, Westview.
BIBLIOGRAFIA DI RIFERIMENTO a. Libri Consultati Basso S: “Medio Oriente – Storia e scenari delle guerre infinite.” Periodici S.Paolo, Milano 2003. Ferragina E: “L’acqua nei paesi mediterranei – Problemi di gestione di una risorsa scarsa”, Il Mulino 1997. Cassese Antonio: “Diritto internazionale”, edizioni il Mulino, Bologna 2003. Cleveland W L: “Modern Middle East”, Westview press Colorado 2000. Di Nolfo E: “Storia delle relazioni internazionali 1918 - 1999”, edizioni Laterza, Bari, 2001. Di Nolfo E: “Dagli imperi militari agli imperi tecnologici”, edizioni Laterza, Bari, 2002. Nirestein F: “Islam”. Edizioni Rizzoli, Milano, 2003. Perin G: “Manuale per conoscere l'islam”, edizioni Edup, Roma 2003. Richards A, Waterbury: “A Political Economy pf the Middle East“, Westview Press Colorado, 1996. Stefanelli R: “Guerre del petrolio“, Edizioni DATANEWS, Roma, 2003. Tawfik Y: “L’Iraq di Saddam”, Edizioni Bompiani Milano, 2003. Wasserstein B: “Israel & Palestine – Why they fight and Can they stop”. Profile Books, London, 2003.
b. Tesi, Saggi e Articoli. Al Qaryouti Beissan: “Le risorse idriche nel diritto internazionale con particolare riferimento alla Palestina”, Tesi di Laurea, Università La Sapienza Roma. Collini S: “Gerusalemme, profughi, acqua e Coloni – I nodi mai sciolti”, Grandinotizie.it, 2003. Collini S: “ Acqua Santa – Come lo stato ebraico utilizza le risorse idriche”, Grandinotizie.it, 2003. Collini S: “Acqua armata - Quando il controllo dei bacini scatena conflitti”, Grandinotizie.it, 2003.
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Dr. Peter H. Gleick: “Water Conflict Chronology”, Pacific Institute, agosto 2003. Deconinck
développement Bruxelles, Pax Christi Wallonnie-Bruxelles, settembre 2001. Farinelli X H: “Freshwater conflicts in the Jordan River Basin”, Green Cross International. Col. Giancotti F:”Il pensiero strategico e la mente ristretta”. Rivista Aeronautica, 2003. Picco G: “Il Grande Medio Oriente”, Limes. Smith D: “Water and Peave in the Middle East”, for National Geographic News July 14, 2000. Ian O. Lesser, Bruce R. Nardulli, and Lory A. Arghavan: “ sources of conflict in the greater middle east”. Musseref Yatif: “Governing International Rivers of the Middle East”, Americam Political Science Association, agosto 2002. Van der Hoeven JW: “Will Sharon give up the entire Golan to make peace with Syria? Web Golan, 2003. On. Mattarella S (Ministro della Difesa): “Una visione strategica per il futuro della Difesa Italiana”, 31 marzo 2001. Di Bella L: “Acqua come petrolio: in guerra per l’oro blu”, l’ink (SGRTV) 26 marzo 2003. Arcieri E: “Un fiume di rabbia”, L’ink (SGRTV), 26 marzo 2003 US Center for Security Policy: “Special Report-The Golan Heights” The peace Encyclopedia, 1998. Col. Tsiddon-Chatto Y: “The Golan in the balistic missile age”, Web Golan Sharon Interview: “Sharon is Sharon is Sharon”, Ha’aretz magazine – Web Golan 13 aprile, 2001. Le Fournise I: “Unesco designates Saudi Prince Talal as Special Envoy for Water” , UNESCO Press Release, 2003-104.
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c. Bibliografia ONU di specifico interesse44 Abate, Zewdie: Water resources development in Ethiopia: an evaluation of present experience and future planning concepts: a management method for analysing a key resource in a nation's development. Reading, UK: IthacaPress, 1993.206p. DHL Call no.: 627.1(63) A119 Abel, Robert B.: Cooperative marine technology for the Middle East. Environmental science and technology. - Vol. 27(7) July 1993: 1272-1278. DHL Call no.: Xa E2 Abel, Robert B. : The influence of technical cooperation on reducing tensions in the Middle East. Lanham : University Press of America, 1997. viii, 133 p. Abou Taleb, Maher F.; Mareschal, Bertrand: Water resources planning in the Middle East; application of the PROMETHEE V multicriteria method. European journal of operational research. - Vol. 81(3) March 16 1995 : 500-512. Akinyemi, Nurudeen B.: Sources of future conflict in the Horn: water management and interstate relations among Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia. The journal of African policy studies. - Vol. 1(3) 1995 : 23-43. DHL Call no. : X J37 Allan, J. A.: Mechanisms for reducing tension over water: substituting for water [in the Middle East]. Middle East economic digest - Vol. 38(4) January 1994: 12-14. DHL Call no.: Xf M4 Allan, J. A.: (ed.) Water, peace and the Middle East : negotiating resources in the Jordan Basin. London; New York: Tauris Academic Studies; St. Martin's [distributor], 1996. xix, 250 p. (Library of Modern Middle East Studies, 9). DHL Call no.: 627.1(56)04 W324 Allan, J. A: Mallat, Chibli (ed.) Water in the Middle East: legal, political, and commercial implications. London : I.B. Tauris, 1995. ix, 358 p. (Library of Modern Middle East Studies, 1). Allan, T.:An interdisciplinary research approach to allocating and managing scarce water resources. [Khartoum], Sudan: University of Khartoum, 1993. Note: International Workshop on Major Irrigation Schemes in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone.
Nota: This bibliography is a selective listing of books and journal articles concerned with the issue of Water Resources in the Middle East. The bibliography covers works published from 1993 to the present and is limited to the two working languages of the United Nations, English and French
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Amery, Hussein A.: The Litani river of Lebanon. Geographic review. - Vol. 83(3) July 1993 : 229-237. Amery, Hussein A.: Water security as a factor in Arab-Israeli wars and emerging peace. Studies in conflict & terrorism - Vol. 20(1) January-March 1997: 95-104. DHL Call no: S9 Arar, Nedal Hamdi: Cultural responses to water shortage among Palestinians in Jordan: the water crisis and its impact on child health. Human organization. - Vol. 57(3) Fall 1998 : 284-291. As thick as blood. Economist. - Vol. 337(7946) December 23 1995 : 53-55. DHL Call no.: Xf E35 Ash, Toby :Projects of peace. Middle East economic digest. - Vol. 38 November 1994: 2-4. DHL Call no.: Xf M4 Assaf, Karen: A proposal for the development of a regional water master plan. Jerusalem: Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, 1993. 191 p. Assessment of water quality in the ESCWA region. New York: UN, 1996. ix, 143 p. United Nations Document Symbol: /ESCWA/ENR/1995/14 Ayeb, Habib: L'eau au Proche-Orient: la guerre n'aura pas lieu. Paris: Karthala; Le Caire : Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation Economique, Juridique et Sociale, 1998. 231 p. (Economie et développement) Bagis, Ali Ihsan: The Euphrates and Tigris watercourse systems: conflict or cooperation? Turkish review of Middle East studies - Vol. 8 1993: 215-233. Note: The Turkish view with special reference to the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). Bagis, Ali Ihsan (ed.): Water as an element of cooperation and development in the Middle East. Ankara : Ayna Publications, 1994. Barkey, Henri J.: Reluctant neighbour - Turkey's role in the Middle East. Washington, D.C.: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1996. vii, 245 p. DHL Call no.: 327 (56:560)04 R382 Beaumont, Peter: The myth of water wars and the future of irrigated agriculture in the Middle East. International journal of water resources development. - Vol. 10(1) 1994: 9-22. DHL Call no.: X I53 Becker, Nir; Zeitouni, Naomi: Reallocating water resources in the Middle East through market mechanisms. International journal of water
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resources development. - Vol. 12(1) 1 March 1996: 17-32. DHL Call no.: X I53 Bellisari, Anna:Public health and the water crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories. Journal of Palestine studies. - Vol. 23(2) December 1994 : 52-63. DHL Call no.: X J35 Benantar, A.: La question de l'eau dans les négociations araboisraéliennes. Revue d'études palestiniennes. - No (47) 1993 : 81-98. DHL Call no.: X R351 Benvenisti, Eyal; Gvirtzman, Haim: Harnessing international law to determine Israeli-Palestinian water rights: the Mountain Aquifer. Natural resources journal. - Vol. 33(3) Summer 1993 : 543-567. DHL Call no.: X N285 Berck, Peter; Lipow, Jonathan: Real and ideal water rights. Milano: [s.n.], 1994. 16 p. (Nota di lavoro; 94, 17) Berck, Peter; Lipow, Jonathan: Real and ideal water rights: the prospects for water rights reform in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank. Resources and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994 : 287-302. Berkoff, Jeremy: A strategy for managing water in the Middle East and North Africa. Washington, D.C : World Bank, 1994. xix, 72 p. Beschorner, Natasha: Water and instability in the Middle East. Adelphi paper. - Vol. 273 Winter 1992/93: 82 p. DHL Call No.: 355.4 A2 Bilen, Özden: A technical perspective on Euphrates-Tigris basin. Foreign policy. - Vol. 18(3-4) 1993 : 129-145. DHL Call no.: X F716 Biswas, Asit K.: Management of international waters: problems and perspective. International journal of water resources development. - Vol. 9(2) 1993 : 167-188. DHL Call no.: X I53 Biswas, Asit K.: (ed.) International waters of the Middle East: from Euphrates-Tigris to Nile: Middle East Water Forum. Bombay; New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. xvii, 221 p. (Water resources management series, 2). Note: Papers presented at the Middle East Water Forum held in Cairo, Egypt, 7-9, February 1993. DHL Call no.: 627.1(56)063 I61 Biswas, Asit K.; El-Habr, H. N.:Environment and water resources management: the need for a new holistic approach. International journal of water resources development. - Vol. 9(2) 1993: 117-126.DHL Call no.: X I53
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Biswas, Asit K.: Core and periphery: a comprehensive approach to Middle Eastern water. Delhi: Oxford University Press: IWRA: SPF, 1997. xvii, 160 p. (Water resources management series ; 5) Blank, H.G.; Jackson, G.: AID's strategy for water resource management in the Middle East. Desalination. - Vol. 99(2/3) December 10 1994: 233-244. Bleier, Ronald: Will Nile water go to Israel? North Sinai pipelines and the politics of scarcity. Middle east policy - Vol. 5(3) Sept 1997: 113124.DHL Call no.: X A5 Boisvert, Michel; Senouci, Lahouari: L'eau au Maghreb: stratégies de mobilisation, pratiques tarifaires et préoccupations environnementales. Peuples méditerranéens. - Vol. 62-63 janvier-juin 1993 : 217-233. Bolukbasi, Suha:Turkey challenges Iraq and Syria: The Euphrates dispute. Journal of south asian and middle eastern studies. - Vol. 16(4) Summer 1993: 9-32. DHL Call no.: X J861 Brimberg, Jack; Mehrez, Abraham; Oron, Gideon: Economic development of groundwater in arid zones with application to the Negev Desert, Israel. Management science. - Vol. 40(3) 1994 : 353-363. DHL Call no.: Xf M266 Brooks, David B: Adjusting the flow: two comments on the Middle East water crisis. Water international. - Vol. 18(1) 1 March 1993 : 35-39. DHL Call no.: X W3 Bulloch, John; Darwish, Adil: Water wars : coming conflicts in the Middle East. London : V. Gollancz, 1993. 224 p. DHL Call no.: 627.1(56) B938 Caponera, Dante A.: Legal aspects of transboundary rivers in the Middle East: the Al Asi (Orontes), the Jordan and the Nile. Natural resources journal. - Vol. 33(3) Summer 1993 : 629-663. DHL Call no.: X N285 Carmon, Naomi; Shamir, Uri; Meiron-Pistiner, Sigalit: Water-sensitive Urban Planning: protecting grounwater. Journal of environmental planninng and management. - Vol. 40(4) July 1997 : 413-434. Chesnot, C.: La bataille de l'eau au Proche-Orient. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1993 222 p.
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Conway, D.: Climate change and water resources in the Nile basin. London: University of London, 1993. A SOAS Middle Eastern and African Water Issues Workshop Presentation at the University of London. Cooper, Mary H.: Global water shortages. The CQ researcher - Vol. 5(47) December 15 1995: 1113- DHL Call no.: 930.9(08) E23 Dabbagh, Taysir: Desalination: the neglected option: water in the Arab world: symposium at Harvard University, 1-3 October, 1993. Kuwait: [s.n.], 1993. 44 p. Dadwal, Shebonti Ray: The politics of water in West Asia. Strategic analysis. - Vol. 19(3) June 1996 : 467-482. DHL Call No.: Xm S73 Deshazo, Randy; Sutherlin, John W.:Building bridges : diplomacy and regime formation in the Jordan River valley. Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 1996. iii, 175 p. Dellapenna, Joseph W: Rivers as legal structures: the examples of the Jordan and the Nile. Natural resources journal. - Vol. 36(2) Spring 1996: 217-250.DHL Call no.: X N285 Dichter, Harold: The legal status of Israel's water policies in the occupied territories. Harvard international law journal - Vol. 35(2) Spring 1994: 565-594. DHL Call no.: SA Xl H31 Dinar, Ariel; Wolf, Aaron: Economic and political considerations in regional cooperation models. Agricultural and resource economics review. - Vol. 26(1) April 1997: 7-22. Dinar, Ariel; Wolf, Aaron: Economic potential and political considerations of regional water trade: the Western Middle East example. Resources and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994 : 335-357. Dinar, Ariel; Wolf, Aaron: International markets for water and the potential for regional cooperation: economic and political perspectives in the Western Middle East. Economic development and cultural change. Vol. 43(1) October 1994 : 43-66. DHL Call no.: Xf E16 Dinar, Ariel; Wolf, Aaron:Potential for regional water transfer and cooperation: the case of the Western Middle East. Milano: [s.n.], 1994. 39 p.
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Dörpinghaus, Ernst H. :The pollution of groundwater supplies via marine springs, as exemplified by the "Ain-Zayanah" well in Benghazi. Applied geography and development. - Vol. 43 1994 : 119-130. Downey, Terrence J.; Mitchell, Bruce: Middle East water: acute or chronic problem? Water international. - Vol. 18(1) 1 March 1993 : 1-4. DHL Call no.: X W3 Drake, Christine: Water resource conflict in the Middle East. The journal of geography. - Vol. 96(1) January 01 1997 : 5-12. Drezon-Tepler, Marcia: Contested water and the prospects for ArabIsraeli peace. Middle Eastern studies. - Vol. 30(2) April 1994 : 281-303. DHL Call no.: X J861 Dumont, Sophie: L'eau au Proche-Orient: enjeu stratégique et instrument de paix. Défense nationale. - Vol. 51(2) février 1995 : 119-132. DHL Call no.: Xm D3 Elmusa, Sharif S.: Dividing common water resources according to international water law: the case of the Palestinian-Israeli waters. Natural resources journal. - Vol. 35(2) Spring 1995 : 223-241. DHL Call no.: X N285 Elmusa, Sharif S.:Dividing the common Palestinian-Israeli waters: an international water law approach. Journal of Palestine studies. - Vol. 22(3) Spring 1993 : 57-77. DHL Call no.: X J35 Elmusa, Sharif S.: The Jordan-Israel water agreement: a model or an exception? Journal of Palestine studies. - Vol. 24(3) Spring 1995 : 6373.DHL Call no.: X J35 Elmusa, Sharif S.:The water issue and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Washington, D.C: The Center for Policy Analysis on Palestine, 1993. 18 p. DHL Call no.: 327(56:569.4)05 I6 no.2 Fathallah, Raed Mounir: Water disputes in the Middle East : an international law analysis of the Israel-Jordan peace accord. Journal of land use and environmental law. - Vol. 12(1) Fall 1996 : 119-152. Feuilherade, Peter; George, Alan: Water pressure. The Middle East. - No. (229) December 1993 : 31-33. DHL Call no.: X M63 Fishelson, Gideon: The water market in Israel: an example for increasing the supply. Resource and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994 : 321-334.
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Fisher, Franklin M.: The economics of water dispute resolution, project evaluation and management: an application to the Middle East. International journal of water resources development. - Vol. 11(4) 1 December 1995: 377-391. DHL Call no.: X I53 France. Direction des relations économiques extérieures: Le secteur de l'eau en Egypte. Paris : CFCE, 1996. 160 p. (Etude de débouches) Garfinkle, Adam M.:War, water, and negotiation in the Middle East: the case of the Palestine-Syria border, 1916-1923. Tel Aviv : Tel Aviv University, 1994. 153 p. Gleick, Peter H; Yolles, Peter; Hatami, Haleh: Water, war and peace in the Middle East. Environment. - Vol. 36(3) April 1994 : 6-15. DHL Call no.: X E57 Green, Elizabeth Anne: Hydropolitics in the Middle East. Strategic review. - Vol. 21(2) Spring 1993 : 72-76. DHL Call no.: Xm S7 Gruen, George E.: Turkey's potential contribution to Arab-Israel peace. Turkish review of Middle East studies. - Vol. 8 1993 : 179-214. Göner, Serdar: The Turkish-Syrian war of attrition: the water dispute. Studies in conflict & terrorism. - Vol. 20(1) January-March 1997: 105-116. DHL Call no.: X S9 Haddadin, M. J.: Learning to share: divided sovereignty over water resources. Harvard international review. - Vol. 17(3) Summer 1995 : 22-25. DHL Call no.: X H32 Hillel, Daniel: Rivers of Eden: the struggle for water and the quest for peace in the Middle East. New York : Oxford University Press, 1994. x, 355 p. DHL Call no.: 627.1(56) H651 Hoch, Dov: The Middle East water crisis. Midstream. - Vol. 39(4) May 1993 : 16-19. Hoch, Gary: The politics of water in the Middle East: the fast dwindling resource remains the region's most dangerous problem. Middle East insight. - Vol. 9 March/April 1993 : 17-21. DHL Call no.: X M42 Hoch, Gary: Will the next war be over water? Middle East countries struggle over limited supplies of life-giving water. Moment. - Vol. 18(4) August 1993 : 34-38.
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Hof, Frederic C.: The water dimension of Golan Heights negotiations. Middle East policy. - Vol. 5(2) May 1997 : 129-141. Hof, Frederic C:The Yarmouk and Jordan Rivers in the Israel-Jordan peace treaty. Middle east policy. - Vol. 3(4) April 1995 : 47-56. DHL Call no.: X A5 Holubeshen, Moufida; Amery, Hussein A: Annotated bibliography of water in the Middle East. [Toronto] : Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 1995. XVII, 129 p. Note: Foreward and overview by Joyce Shira Starr. Howell, P.P.; Allan, J.A.: The Nile: sharing a scarce resource: a historical and technical review of water management and of economic and legal issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. xvii, 408 p. DHL Call no.: 627.1(62)04 N696 The International Law Commission's first ten draft articles on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses. Fordham international law journal. - Vol. 19(5) 1996: 2180-2230. DHL Call no.: LSA Xl F7 Isaac,J: A Palestinian perspective on the water crisis. Palestine-Israel journal of politics, economics and culture. - Vol. V(1) 1998 : 54-58. DHL Call no.: X P22 Isaac, J: (ed.) Water and peace in the Middle East: proceedings of the First Israeli-Palestinian International Conference on Water, Zurich, Switzerland, 10-13 December 1992. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1994. XVIII, 529 p. (Studies in Environmental Science; 58) DHL Call no.: 627.1(56)063 I85 Isaac, J.; Selby, Jan:The Palestinian water crisis: status, projections and potential for resolution. Natural resources forum. - Vol. 20(1) February 1996 : 17-26. Israel and Middle East review: World water and environmental engineering. - Vol. 19(5) 1 May 1996 : 26-31. Israel water study for the World Bank (draft report) Tel Aviv : Tahal, 1993. Kally, Elisha; Fishelson, Gideon:Water and peace: water resources and the Arab-Israeli peace process. Westport, Conn: Praeger, 1993. XVI, 127 p.Note: Published in cooperation with the Armand Hammer Fund for Economic Cooperation in the Middle East, Tel Aviv University. DHL Call no.: 628.1(56) K14
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Kibaroglu, Aysegül:Prospects for co-operation in the Euphrates-Tigris river basin. Turkish review of Middle East studies. - No. 8, 1994/1995 : 137156. Kingstone, Heidi: Political deep water. The spectator. - Vol. 279(8836) 6 December 1997 : 16-21. DHL Call no.: X S74 Kliot, Nurit:Water resources and conflict in the Middle East. London : Routledge, 1994. XV, 309 p. DHL Call no.: 627.1(56) K65 Kolars, John F.; Naff, Thomas; Malouf, Khalil: The waters of the Litani in regional context. Oxford: Centre for Lebanese Studies, [1993]. v, 66 p. (Pr spects for Lebanon, 7). Note: Contains two papers originally presented at a conference on peace-keeping, water and security in South Lebanon, held in October 1991 and organized by the Centre for Lebanese Studies and the Norwegian Institute on International Affairs. Land and water policies in the Near East region: case-studies on Egypt, Jordan and Pakistan. New York: UN, 1994. iv, 84 p. United Nations document symbol: E/ESCWA/AGR/1994/10 Lebanon water: how much of it is used and how much wasted. Middle East reporter. - Vol. 72 June 18 1994 : 14-16. Libiszewski, Stephan: Source of life, source of strife. Swiss review of world affairs. - Vol. 6 June 1994: 8-10 DHL Call No.: X S94 Libiszewski, Stephan: Water disputes in the Jordan Basin Region and their role in the resolution of the Arab Israeli Conflict. Zurich: Center for Security Studies and Conflict Research, Swiss Federal Research Institute of Technology; Bern: Swiss Peace Foundation, 1995. 106 p. (Occasional paper, 13). Lowi, M.: Bridging the divide: transboundary resource disputes and the case of West Bank water. International security. - Vol. 18(1) Summer 1993: 113-138. DHL Call no.: X I624 Lowi, Miriam: Rivers of conflicts, rivers of peace. Journal of international affairs. - Vol. 49(1) Summer 1995: 123-144. DHL Call no.: X C727 Lowi, Miriam: Water and power: the politics of a scarce resource in the Jordan River basin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. xix, 291 p. (Cambridge Middle East library, 31). DHL Call no.: 627.1(56) L918
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Mahal, Ibrahim: Environmental and socioeconomic effects of irrigation schemes in the Arab Near East. Desertification control bulletin. - Vol. 24 1994 : 42-47. Majzoub, T.; Le Moigne, Guy J. M.:Les fleuves du Moyen-Orient: situation et prospective juridico-politiques. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1994. 281 p. (Comprendre le Moyen-Orient) Manisali, Erol: Water and Middle East relations. International journal of Turkish studies. - Vol. 6(1/2) Winter 1992-1994 : 165-170. Matthews, O:Judicial resolution of transboundary water conflicts. Water resources bulletin. - Vol. 30(3) June 1994 : 375-383. Menu, Bernadette: Les problèmes institutionnels de l'eau en Egypte ancienne et dans l'antiquité méditerranéenne. Paris: Institut français d'archéologie orientale, 1994. xxiv, 326 p., 4 p. of plates. (Bibliothèque d'étude, 110). Middle East peace canal poses questions. International water power and dam construction. - Vol. 46(11) November 1994 : 38-41. DHL Call no.: Xa I74 Middle East Water Commission Observations regarding water sharing and management: an intensive analysis of the Jordan River Basin with reference to long-distance transfers. International journal of water resources development. Vol. 11(4) December 1995 : 351-375. DHL Call No.: X I53 Moore, James W: Defining national property rights to a common property resource: the case of the West Bank aquifers. Resources and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994 : 373-391 Moore, James W: Parting the waters: calculating Israeli and Palestinian entitlements to the West Bank aquifers and the Jordan River basin. Middle East policy. - Vol. 3(2) April 1994 : 91-108. DHL Call no.: X A5 Morris, Mary E: Dividing the waters : reaching equitable water solutions in the Middle East. Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 1993. 7 p. Note: Paper delivered at World Affairs Council conference, Who Owns the Water?, San Francisco, September 11, 1993. Morris, M. E.:Water and conflict in the Middle East: threats and opportunities. Studies in conflict & terrorism. - Vol. 20(1) January-March 1997: 1-13. DHL Call no.: X S9
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Morris, Mary E: Water scarcity and security concerns in the Middle East. Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates: Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, 1998. 57 p. (Emirates occasional papers; 14) Mubarak, Jamil Abdalla: Middle East and north Africa: development policy in view of a narrow agricultural natural resource base. World development. - Vol. 26(5) May 1998 : 877-895. DHL Call no.: Xf W92 Murakami, Masahiro: Managing water for peace in the Middle East: alternative strategies. Tokyo; New York: United Nations University Press, 1995. x, 309 p. DHL Call no.: [UNU] UNUP 858 Eng. Nachmani, Amikam: Water Jitters in the Middle East. Studies in conflict & terrorism. - Vol. 20(1) January-March 1997: 67-93. DHL Call no.: X S9 Naff, Thomas: Information, water, and conflict: exploring the linkages in the Middle East. Water international. - Vol. 22(1) 1 March 1997: 16-27. DHL Call no.: X 3 Neff, Donald: Israel-Syria: conflict at the Jordan river, 1949-1967. Journal of Palestine studies. - Vol. 23 Summer 1994 : 26-40. DHL Call no.: X J35 Niestle, Axel:Drought risk modelling in the Nile valley based on a stream- aquifer interaction model. Berlin: Technische Univ., Institut für Geographie, 1994. 94 p. (Berliner geographische Studien; 39) North, A: Saddam's water war. Geographical. - Vol. 65(7) July 1993 : 1014. Olson, Robert: Turkey-Syria relations since the Gulf War: Kurds and water. Middle east policy. - Vol. 5(2) 1997 : 168-193. DHL Call no.: X A5 O'Sullivan, Edmund; Bodgener, Jim; Allan, Tony: Water. Middle East economic digest. - Vol. 38(4) 28 January 1994: 7-16. DHL Call no.: Xf M4 Otto, Ingeborg; Schmidt-Dumont, Marianne:Die Wasserfrage im Nahen und Mittleren Osten : Literatur seit 1985: eine Auswahlbibliographie = Water in the Middle East and North Africa: literature since 1985: a selected bibliography. Hamburg : Deutsches šbersee-Institut, šberseeDokumentation, Referat Vorderer Orient, 1995. xlv, 162p. DHL Call no.: Ref 016:386.7(56) W322 Pearce, Fred: Raising the Dead Sea. New scientist. - Vol. 147 July 1995 : 32-37. DHL Call no.: Xa N28
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Picard, E.: La nouvelle dynamique au Moyen-Orient: les relations entre l'Orient arabe et la Turquie. Paris : L'Harmattan, 1993. 214 p. (Comprendre le Moyen-Orient) Postel, Sandra: The politics of water. World watch. - Vol. 6 July/August 1993 : 10-18. DHL Call no.: X W85 Proceedings of the Expert Group Meeting on the Implications of Agenda 21 for Integrated Water Management in the ESCWA Region, Amman, 2-5 October 1995. New York: UN, 1996. ix, 510 p. United Nations document symbol: E/ESCWA/ENR/1996/5 Reguer, Sara: Controversial waters: exploitation of the Jordan River, 1950-80. Middle Eastern studies. - Vol. 29(1) January 1993 : 53-90. Retzky, A: Peace in the Middle East: what does it really mean for Israeli business? Columbia journal of world business. - Vol. 30(3) Fall 1995: 26-32. DHL Call no: Xf C6 Rio Luelmo, Jesus del: Water and regional conflict : Turkey's "peace pipeline". European Urban and regional studies. - Vol. 3(1) 1996 : 67-74. Rogers, Peter P.; Lydon, Peter: (ed.) Water in the Arab world: perspectives and prognoses. Cambridge, Mass : Harvard University Press, 1994. 19, 369 p. Rouyer, Alwyn R: The water issue in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. Survival. - Vol. 39(2) Summer 1997 : 57-81. DHL Call no.: LSA Xm S8 Rouyer, Alwyn R: Zionism and water: influences on Israel's future water policy during the pre-state period. Arab studies quarterly. - Vol. 18(4) Fall 1996 : 25-48. Rowley, G: Multinational and national competition for water in the Middle East: towards the deepening crisis. Journal of environmental management. - Vol. 39(3) November 1993 : 187-198. Salameh, Elias; Bannayan, Helen:Water resources of Jordan: present status and future potentials. Amman : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 1993. vii, 183 p. Sale, K.; Cordes, H.: The drying game. Utne reader. - No. (57) May 1993: 74-79.
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Salmi, Ralph H: Water, the red line: the interdependence of Palestinian and Israeli water resources. Studies in conflict & terrorism. - Vol. 20(1) January-March 1997: 15-65. DHL Call no.: X S9 Scheumann, Waltina; Schiffler, Manuel: Water in the Middle East: potential for conflicts and prospects for cooperation. Berlin; New York : Springer, 1998. x, 190 p. Schwarzbach, David A: Promised land: but what about the water? Amicus journal. - Vol. 17(2) Summer 1995 : 35-39. Shapland, Greg: Rivers of discord: international water disputes in the Middle East. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1997. xi, 183 p. Shechter, Mordechai: Sharing water resources in the Middle East: economic perspectives: introductory remarks. Resource and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994 : 265-269. Shechter, Mordechai; Zeitouni, Naomi; Becker, Nir: Water sharing through trade in markets for water rights: an illustrative application to the Middle East. Haifa : University of Haifa, 1994. 14 p. (Working paper/Bertha von Suttner Special Research Program for Conflict Resolution in the Middle East; 4) Sherman, Martin: The politics of water in the Middle East: an Israeli perspective on the hydro-political aspects of the conflict. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1998. p. Shuval, H. I.: A water-for-peace plan. Palestine-Israel journal of politics, economics and culture. - Vol. III(3/4) Summer/Autumn 1996 : 74-83. DHL Call no.: X P22 Sofer, Arnon: The Litani river: fact and fiction. Middle Eastern studies. Vol. 30(4) October 1994: 963-974. Sofer, Arnon: Rivers of fire: the conflict over water in the Middle East. Lanham, Md. : Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, 1998. p. Spiegel, Steven L; Pervin, David J: Practical peacemaking in the Middle East, Vol. 2, The environment, water, refugees, and economic cooperation and development. New York: Garland, 1995. 398 p. Note: "A project of the University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation". DHL Call no.: 956(063) P725 Starr, Joyce: Covenant over Middle Eastern waters: key to world survival. 1st ed. New York : H. Holt, 1995. xiv, 222 p.
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Starr, Joyce: The quest for water from Biblical times to the present. Environmental science and technology. - Vol. 27(7) July 1993: 1264-1267. DHL Call no.: Xa E2 Stikker, Allerd: Water today and tomorrow. Futures. - Vol. 30(1) February 1998 : 43-62. DHL Call no.: X F9 Stout, Glenn E.; Al-Weshah, Radwan A: International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East: Policy and Institutional Aspects. Urbana, Ill: International Water Resources Association, 1993. iv, 285 p. Note: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Water Resources in the Middle East: policy and institutional aspects : University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A., October 24-27, 1993. Swain, Ashok: A new challenge: water scarcity in the Arab World. Arab studies quarterly. - Vol. 20(1) Winter 1998 : 1-11. Tamimi, Abdel-Rahman: A technical framework for final-status: negotiations over water. Palestine-Israel journal of politics, economics and culture. - Vol. III(3/4) Summer/Autumn 1996: 68-73. DHL Call no.: X P22 Tarasofsky, Richard G: International law and water conflicts in the Middle East. Environmental policy and law. - Vol. 23(2) 1 April 1993 : 70-73. DHL Call no.: Xl E61 Tekeli, S: Turkey seeks reconciliation for the water issue induced by the Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP). Water international. - No. 15 : 206216. DHL Call no.: X W3 Trolldalen, Jon Martin: Troubled waters in the Middle East: the process towards the first regional water declaration between Jordan, Palestinian Authority, and Israel. Natural resources forum. - Vol. 21(2) 1 May 1997 : 101-108. Turan, Ilter: Turkey and the Middle East: problems and solutions. Water international. - Vol. 18(1) 1 March 1993 : 23-29. DHL Call no.: X W3 Turan, Ilter: Water problems? Can the United Nations help? A discussion with special reference to the Middle East. Water international. - Vol. 21(1) 1 March 1996 : 1-11. DHL Call no.: X W3 Turan, Ilter; Kut, Gun: Political-ideological constraints on intra-basin cooperation on transboundary waters. Natural resources forum. - Vol. 21(2) May 1997 : 139-145.
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Water resources of the Near East region: a review . Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997. x, 38 p. Water : special report Middle East economic digest. - Vol. 39 January 1995 : 8-13. DHL Call no.: Xf M4 Water : special report Middle East economic digest. - Vol. 40 January 1996 : 6-13. DHL Call no.: Xf M4 Wening, J. M.: Water and peace: the past, the present, and the future of the Jordan River watercourse: an international law analysis. New York University journal of international law and politics. - Vol. 27(2) Winter 1995: 331-.DHL Call no.: Xl N531, LSA Xl N531 Wolf, Aaron:Hydropolitics along the Jordan River : scarce water and its impact on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Tokyo; New York : United Nations University Press, 1995. viii, 272 p. DHL Call no.: [UNU] UNUP 859 Eng. Wolf, Aaron: International water dispute resolution : the Middle East Multilateral Working Group on Water Resources. Water international. Vol. 20(3) September 1995: 141-150. DHL Call no.: X W3 Wolf, Aaron: Middle East water conflicts and directions for conflict resolution. Washington, D.C : International Food Policy Research Institute, [1996]. vi, 28 p. Wolf, Aaron: Water for peace in the Jordan River watershed. Natural resources journal. - Vol. 33(3) Summer 1993 : 797-. DHL Call no.: X N285 Wolf, Aaron; Dinar, Ariel: Middle East hydropolitics and equity measures for water-sharing agreements. The journal of social political and economic studies. - Vol. 19(1) Spring 1994 : 69-93. DHL Call no.: Xs J88 World Bank: Peace and the Jordanian economy. Washington, D.C. : World Bank, 1994. VII,74. DHL Call no.: IBRD(02)/ P322 Yalcintas, Nevzat ...(et al.): Water conflict in the Middle East. Istanbul : Aydinlar Ocagi, 1996. 72 p. Yaron, Dan: An approach to the problem of water allocation to Israel and the Palestinian Entity. Resources and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994: 271-287.
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Zeitouni, Naomi: Two models of water market mechanisms with an illustrative application to the Middle East. Milano : [s.n.], 1994. 28 p. (Nota di lavoro; 94,12) Zeitouni, Naomi; Becker, Nir; Shechter, Mordechai: Models of water market mechanisms and an illustrative application to the Middle East. Resources and energy economics. - Vol. 16(4) November 1994 : 303-320. Zeitouni, Naomi; Dinar, Ariel: Mitigating negative water quality and quality externalities by joint management and adjacent aquifers. Environmental and resource economics. - Vol. 9(1) January 1997 : 1-20.
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