The cornerstone of The Great Adventure is The Bible Timeline learning system,
which is built upon a chart that arranges the key people, places, and events of ...
CONTENTS The Great Adventure What is The Great Adventure? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 A Quick Journey Through the Bible . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The Bible Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Matthew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
There is a great hunger in the lives of Catholics for a deeper and richer understanding of God’s Word as found in the Holy Scriptures. I’ve met countless people who’ve told me they’ve tried time and time again to “get into the habit” of reading the Bible on a daily basis, but have become frustrated because they “lost the story.” I developed The Great Adventure for people, lay and religious, who want to know the story of salvation,
Ongoing Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-16 A Biblical Walk Through the Mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 NEW! Walking Toward Eternity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 The Teen Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Great Adventure Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23 Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25 Live Bible Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
and how they, at this moment in their lives, fit into God’s plan for all of humanity. As Catholics we are called to have an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ and the Church
How to order:
as revealed in the Scriptures. Hundreds of
The Great Adventure has Bible study consultants ready
thousands of people have found new meaning in
to help you implement the most exciting Bible study
their lives after going through Great Adventure Bible studies and seminars. My prayer is that you, too, will see that the God who loves us has
program you have ever experienced. Spanish–speaking representatives are available.
given us a special treasure in the Scriptures. I invite you to join me on a Great Adventure, and I guarantee your life will never be the same again.
Please call: 1.800.376.0520 Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. CST
Jeff Cavins Creator & President The Great Adventure
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NO-RISK REVIEW PROGRAM Ascension Press No-Risk Review Program Ascension Press offers you the opportunity to review our Bible Studies before you decide to implement a program. We understand there are many factors involved in choosing a program for your parish or school, and we want to equip you with all the tools you need to make the right decision. You may review any of our programs for 45 days. If you decide to keep the program, simply pay the invoice. If you decide the program is not right for you at this time, simply return it to us with the invoice and there is no charge. The Bible Studies on the following pages are dynamic in content and presentation, and are designed for ease of implementation. The programs contain a DVD component for group settings, along with accompanying study materials for participants and leaders.
How the Program Works: 1.
Choose the Bible Studies you wish to review. Feel free to review as many programs as you like.
Call 1-800-376-0520 and speak to a representative or visit Your materials will be shipped the next business day.
Mention Code: TGA12 3.
Take 45 days to review the materials. If you wish to keep the materials, simply pay the invoice included in the original shipment by calling 1-800-376-0520. You may return any items you do not wish to keep by placing them in the original box and shipping them back using the instructions provided.
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WHAT IS THE GREAT ADVENTURE? The Great Adventure: A Journey Through the Bible The Great Adventure is a Catholic Bible study program that seeks to draw people into a transformative relationship with Christ. Presented within the living tradition of the Catholic Church, The Great Adventure focuses on God’s plan of salvation as it unfolds throughout Scripture. Through parish Bible studies, resources, and live seminars, The Great Adventure helps people discover “the big picture” of God’s plan in Scripture, see their place in that story, and live it out in their lives.
The Bible Timeline Learning System The Great Adventure charts a way through the Bible using the innovative Bible Timeline learning system. By uncovering the narrative thread that runs through all 73 books of
“In the sacred books, the Father who is in heaven comes lovingly to meet His children, and talks with them.” —Dei Verbum, the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation no. 21
the Bible, it provides a context for understanding Scripture and God’s plan for our lives. This story is made accessible by focusing on fourteen narrative books of the Bible and organizing the key events into twelve periods of salvation history. The Bible Timeline learning system brings this story to life through the use of unique visual learning aids, study materials, and expert commentary.
No-Risk Review Program Parish and diocesan leaders have the opportunity to review The Great Adventure Bible study programs risk-free for 45 days. To learn more call us at 1-800-376-0520 or visit
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OUR APPROACH A Uniquely Catholic Bible Study The Great Adventure is catechetical in nature. As such, its focus is on the Bible as the living Word of God rather than as an object of academic study. It strives to foster a greater love for Scripture and for meditating on and living its truths through our sacramental way of life. The Great Adventure takes as its starting point the final, canonical text of the Scriptures as received by the Catholic Church and handed
“I am impressed with
the methodology and growth of The Great Adventure: A Journey Through the Bible. The canonical approach
on to her people. More specifically, beginning with the story that ties all Scripture together, this program
that The Great Adventure employs
provides a narrative context for Bible reading and study. Having established this “big picture” as a starting
is a marvelous way to introduce the
point, The Great Adventure uses the historical background and an appreciation of cultural influences and literary genres to illuminate the texts. The authors of The Great Adventure program follow the criteria for interpreting Scripture put forth in Dei Verbum, which are described in Catechism Nos. 112-114: • Be especially attentive “to the content and unity of the whole Scripture” • Read the Scripture within “the living Tradition of the whole Church” • Be attentive to the analogy of faith (the coherence of the truths of faith among themselves and within the whole plan of Revelation)
faithful to salvation history. When Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the Magisterium are all brought together in study the result is a clearer picture of God’s will, resulting in a road map for living. The Great Adventure, being faithful to Dei Verbum (the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Divine Revelation), is bearing much fruit in
Through all of this, The Great Adventure is changing lives by encouraging Catholics to get to know God through Scripture and to study, celebrate, and live out his word within the living Tradition of the
the Church today and contributing
to a stronger, more informed laity.
Catholic Church.
Home Preparation—Small Group Discussion—Lecture—Review The Great Adventure studies offer more than simply commentary and a reflection on Scripture. Using a combination of home study, small group discussion, commentary, and lectures from seasoned
Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.
Scripture scholars and teachers, these studies help people to dig into God’s word and make it their own. The Great Adventure Bible Study Program is based on a three-part Foundational Series that
Archbishop of Chicago
explores salvation history in depth while teaching Catholic principles for studying Scripture:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
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THE BIBLE TIMELINE CHART THE BIG PICTURE: MAKING THE COMPLEX SIMPLE The cornerstone of The Great Adventure is The Bible Timeline learning system, which is built upon a chart that arranges the key people, places, and events of the Bible in chronological order. This revolutionary study aid shows how all of the books of the Bible fit together to tell the story of salvation history. People who experience The Bible Timeline studies or live seminars learn the “big picture” of salvation history. They learn general principles that enable them to approach the Bible with confidence and purpose, because they have the tools needed to understand the story. Each period of The Bible Timeline is assigned a unique color to help you remember the narrative. For example, in the Early World, during which the world was created, turquoise is used to represent the color of the earth seen from space.
Early World
12 Periods
Patriarchs Job
suPPLemenTaL Books
genesis 1-11
narraTive Books
One Holy Couple
saLvaTion hisTory
god’s famiLy PLan
Cain Abel SEth •
(EVE) 1. Creation
2. Fall
genesis 12-50 One Holy Family
(Adam – Gen. 1-3)
norThern CounTries
The growth of God’s family is traced through history from “One Holy Couple” (Adam and Eve) in Genesis through “One Holy Catholic Church.”
14 “narrative” books tell the story from beginning to end.
One Holy Tribe
(Noah – Gen. 9)
(Abraham – Gen. 15, 17, 22)
Japheth ShEm • Ham
noAh • 4. Flood
3. Curse and promise
12 SonS oF iSrAeL (JAcob) 5. People scattered at Babel
1. Reuben 2. Simeon 3. Levi • 4. JudAh 5. Zebulon 6. Issachar
6. God calls Abram out of ur
Jesus’ Genealogy
7. Dan 8. Naphtali 9. Gad 10. Asher 11. Joseph 12. Benjamin
JudAh •
Matthew 1: 1-17 Luke 3: 23-38
Genealogy compiled from the biblical narrative and genealogies in Matthew 1 & Luke 3.
Ishmael (by Hagar) ISAAC •
ABrAhAm • (SArAh)
The Land of Canaan
7. melchizedek blesses Abraham
Esau (“Edom”) JACoB (“Israel”) • 11. Jacob steals blessing
9. Binding of Isaac
12. Jacob wrestles with God
10. Covenant with Abraham
8. Sodom and Gomorrah
PErEZ • (by TAMAR)
13. Joseph sold into slavery
AbrAhAMic covenAnt Three promises to be fulfilled in three future covenants:
Gen. 15 – land Promise
14. Jacob’s family moves to Egypt
(Mosaic Covenant)
Gen. 17 – Kingdom Promise
hEZron •
(Davidic Covenant)
souTh & egyPT
Gen. 22 – Promise of Worldwide Blessing (New Covenant in Jesus Christ) early World (Creation – 2000 BC)
Patriarchs (2000 BC – 1700 BC)
WorLd PoWer seCuLar hisTory
Great pyramids built, c. 2685 BC
2000 BC
The reigning world power is indicated for each time period.
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Stonehenge begun, c. 2000 BC
Events in world history place the biblical events in “real time.”
Code of Hammurabi, 1760 BC
68 key events provide an outline to the biblical story.
First urban civilization in China, c
The genealogy of Jesus, beginning with Adam, is traced throughout the biblical narrative.
rAm •
A QUICK JOURNEY THROUGH THE BIBLE A Quick Journey Through the Bible
8-Part Introduction to the Bible Narrative By Jeff Cavins (Presenter) and Sarah Christmyer This simple, accessible program uses The Bible Timeline learning system to give people a useful framework from which to read and understand the Bible. Half-hour video presentations are paired with small group discussion and light reading at home. This is an excellent way to “get your feet wet” in parish Bible study. Use it in RCIA or to prepare catechists; make it part of ongoing formation; or focus a Lenten program around it.
EgyPt & Exodus
conquEst & JudgEs royal Kingdom
WandErings Leviticus
joshua •
Psalms I Chron.
“A Quick Journey Through the Bible has had a profound impact on my faith. I IIcan judges sam. now I Kings pick 1-11 up the I samuel One Holy Kingdom Bible and not feel intimidated.”
One Holy Nation
(Moses – Ex. 24/Deut. 29)
II Chron.. Prov., Ecc., Song of Sol..
The Story of Sal
(David – 2 Sam. 7)
—Christopher Arriviello
The Bible Timeline Chart is a dynamic resource that and events of the Scripture in chronological order. Th how all of the books of the Bible fit together to tell the chart is the cornerstone of The Great Adventure Bible Features of The Bible Timeline Chart:
Your group will:
12 judges Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Gideon Tola
God Sends Moses 16. the burning bush 17. ten plagues 18. Exodus/1st Passover
AmmInAdAB •
nAShon •
Student Pack / $19.95
15. Four hundred Years of Slavery egypt and exodus (1700 BC – 1280 BC)
19. red Sea 20. manna 21. Covenant with moses (Mt. Sinai) 22. Golden calf 23. levitical priesthood 24. tabernacle
29. Covenant in moab 28. Bronze serpent 27. moses strikes the rock
Bible fit together within the central story woven throughout
Scripture oBEd
BoAZ • (ruth)
Aaron Moses
32. Covenant renewal
Solomon •
dAVId • (BAthShEBA)
conquest and Judges (1240 BC – 1050 BC)
(1280 BC – 1240 BC)
To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
(961 BC)
royal Kingdom (1050 BC – 930 BC)
• See how the 14 narrative books egypt fit in
Copyright © 2003, 2011 Ascension Press
with the other
Building projects of Pharaohs Seti I and Rameses II
1300 Review this Program Risk-Free!
40. 1st temple built
made with humanity, leading to Church
Desert Wanderings
The thro 68 k outl Eve bibl The indi
the establishment of the Catholic
25. 12 spies sent out
39. Ark moved to Jerusalem
• Discover the six covenants God
The Great Adventur system that makes th the story (the narra on fourteen historica follows the amazing biblical history. Seein Bible come alive, an understanding all of
38. Covenant with david
34. northern campaign
About The Great Adventure Bible Study System
story told in the 14 narrative books of the Bible for a king
33. Southern campaign
Leader’s Pack / $24.95 Joshua
59 books of the 1100 Bible
To learn more about Catholic •
• Learn how to use the color-coded tools to remember the important time periods of the Old and New Testaments
The Bible is divided among 12 color-coded time periods. The 14 “narrative” books that tell the story are indicated. The other 59 “supplemental” books are placed into their historical context. God’s plan of salvation is traced through a series of Covenants.
• Learn the 12 major time periods of salvation history and the 37. david kills Goliath 36. Israel asks
35. tribal allotment
.95 4 CDs (8 sessions) /26.$39 Aaron’s rod
Greek language first written, c. 1450 BC
• 7See how the major people, x • Saul places, events, and themes of the
31. Fall of Jericho
c. 1600 BC
Jair Jephthah Ibzan Elon Abdon Samson
30. Israel crosses Jordan
(1280 BC)
4 DVDs (8 sessions) / $99.95
SAlmon • (rAhAB)
A Quick Journey Through the Bible 8-Part Series Presented by Jeff Cavins
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Foundational Series
STEP ONE | THE BIBLE TIMELINE Step One The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation This is the foundational study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Series that has helped hundreds of thousands of Catholics learn to read the Bible. The Bible Timeline is a fascinating study that takes participants on a journey through the entire Bible. They will go deep into each period of salvation history and discover the amazing story woven throughout all of Scripture. Using a unique color-coded system, they will learn the major people, places, and events of the Bible and see how they all come together to reveal the remarkable story of our faith. The Bible Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • Read 14 narrative books of the Bible and discover the amazing story woven throughout Scripture • Learn how the key people, places, and events in the Bible fit together to reveal God’s plan for humanity • Study the Bible from a Catholic perspective and see how our faith is rooted in Sacred Scripture
Parish and Diocesan Leaders Review The Bible Timeline study risk-free! You have the ability to review any of our programs for 45 days with no obligation. Call 1-800-376-0520 for more information, or visit
• See how the events in the Old Testament are fulfilled in the New Testament by Christ and the Church • Gain a greater appreciation for the Scripture readings you hear during Mass • See how God reveals himself to us through Scripture and learn how God’s Word applies to your life today • Develop a life-long hunger for knowing God in his word and lay a strong foundation for further Bible reading and study
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NEW | VERSION 2.0 The Bible Timeline 24-Part Series
Presented by Jeff Cavins
“I’ve always called
The Bible Timeline a gift from God
This DVD or CD series contains 23, 50-minute lessons, plus an introductory session, for a total of 24 sessions. This series is the essential companion to The Bible Timeline Study Kit as it provides the commentary for the study.
because I think that in this one
12 DVDs (24 sessions) / $399.95
My prayer honestly has been that
24 CDs (24 sessions) / $149.95
every Catholic in the country, or
study you can understand so much of salvation history and have the sacraments come alive so strongly.
maybe in the world, would do it because I think it would light a fire
Free Leader’s Guide and video highlights available online:
The Bible Timeline Study Kit By Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer
The Bible Timeline Study Kit Questions and Responses follow each of the 24 lessons in the study. It is essential that each student have a Study Kit as it includes everything a participant needs to complete the 24-part study. This Kit includes: • Study Set Questions and Responses (260 pages) • Custom Bible Timeline Binder • Bible Timeline Chart • Bible Timeline Bookmark • Memory Bead Wristband Bible Timeline Study Kit / $44.95 (Bulk Discounts Available for Group Orders. Call for Details.)
under this Church.
–Therese Coons
“The effect on my
parishioners has been wonderful: a deeper love for Christ, a deeper experience with the sacraments, and continued growth and love for the
–Fr. Michael Becker
“The Great Adventure has led me to do daily scripture
which I never thought would ever be
A Spanish version of the Timeline chart and bookmark are also available.
part of my life. It’s a wonderful thing to be at mass and understand what’s
going on in a deeper context.
–Angus Bennette Hosting a “Bible Timeline” seminar to kick-start a 24-part study is a great way to make your experience a success. See page 26 for details.
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Foundational Series
STEP TWO | MATTHEW Step Two Matthew: The King and His Kingdom Matthew: The King and His Kingdom is an exciting study that explores the life and mission of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel. Matthew demonstrates how the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament are fulfilled in Christ, who establishes a New Law and inaugurates the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Set in the rich context of Jesus’ Jewish culture, this study will help participants understand who Jesus is and what his life and teachings mean for us today. Matthew is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline study. Matthew: The King and His Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • See Jesus as the Son of David, the Son of Abraham, the new Moses, the true manna, the new Temple – and learn what this means for us today. • Learn how Jesus reconstituted the struggling kingdom of Israel around Himself and opened the Kingdom of God to all people. • Witness how Christ established his Church with the Twelve Apostles, and Peter as his vicar.
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom 24-Part Series Presented by Jeff Cavins This is a 24-part DVD or CD series (24, 53-minute lessons) on 12 DVDs or 24 CDs. This series is the essential companion to the Matthew Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study. 12 DVDs / $399.95
24 CDs / $149.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
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• Discover the roots of the sacraments, and see how Jesus’ words and actions are reflected in the holy sacrifice of the Mass. • Watch Jesus re-live the history of Israel as the obedient Son who trusts the Father, defeats hell and the grave, and rises to new life.
Study Set with Binder By Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer The Matthew Study Set, Questions (100 pages) and Responses (96 pages), follow each of the 24 lessons in the study. It is essential that each student have a Study Set as this contains the reading assignments, discussion questions, and responses for the study. Study Set with Binder (196 pages) $ 29.95
Foundational Series
STEP THREE | ACTS Step Three Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom, builds on The Bible Timeline and Matthew by showing how the Church, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, is empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue the work of Christ. The book of Acts portrays the Church teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did. It follows the journeys of the apostles as they preach the Good News and expand the Kingdom of Heaven throughout the earth. Acts provides an historical framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters, in particular, come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • See how the Gospel witness spread outward in waves, from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria, and finally to the ends of the earth. • Share with the early Christians the joys and struggles of living the life of Christ, and learn how these apply to us today. • See how the Holy Spirit guided the apostles into Truth. • Observe the way the Spirit-filled Church adapted to new cultures when proclaiming the Gospel. • Watch the seeds of Church structure and authority take root, and see how conflicts were resolved even at that early stage.
Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom 20-Part Series
• See their place in Christ’s Church, and how they should live day-to-day as a disciple of Christ.
This is a 20-part DVD or CD series (20, 53-minute lessons) on 10 DVDs or 20 CDs. This series is the essential companion to the Acts Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study.
Study Set with Binder
10 DVDs / 329
The Acts Study Set, Questions (100 pages) and Responses (96 pages), follow each of the 20 lessons in the study. It is essential that each student have a Study Set as this contains the reading assignments, discussion questions, and responses for the study.
Presented by Jeff Cavins
20 CDs / 139
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
By Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer
Study Set with Binder (168 pages) $ 29.95
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ONGOING STUDIES | REVELATION Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come Revelation is the first “ongoing” study in The Great Adventure Bible Study Program. In this intriguing look at one of the most talked-about books in Scripture, Jeff Cavins explores Revelation to demonstrate how the Kingdom established by Christ in his Church is intimately connected with the Kingdom of Heaven, especially through the celebration of the Mass. You will also learn what all the mysterious figures and images of Revelation represent, as well as what will happen during the Second Coming of Christ, what has already happened, and what is happening now in salvation history. Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • Learn the meaning of the mysterious figures and events in the book of Revelation. • Discover how the Mass is really heaven on earth. • Learn about the Antichrist and his destruction. • See the Second Coming of Christ and the Final Judgment in the context of history. • Learn what will happen at the end of time and the establishment of a new heaven and a new earth.
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come 11-Part Series Presented by Jeff Cavins This DVD or CD series contains 10, 53-minute lessons, plus an introductory session, for a total of 11 sessions. This series is the essential companion to the Revelation Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study. 6 DVDs / $179.95
11 CDs / $89.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
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Study Set with Binder By Jeff Cavins and Thomas Smith The Revelation Study Set Questions (56 pages) and Responses (40 pages) follow each of the 10 lessons in the study, preparing participants with a reading assignment and in-depth questions for home study and group discussion. Study Set with Binder (96 pages) $ 22 .95 REVELATION The Kingdom Yet to Come
Revelation Key Card
Tools for Interpreting The Revelation to John “Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written therein; for the time is near.” – Revelation 1:3 Heavenly Throne room
This invaluable tool shows you the significance of the themes, numbers, colors, and symbols in the book of Revelation. Included in Study Set.
Earthly Visions
Rev 4-5
Introduction & Seven Letters
Rev 7
Seven Seals
Rev 11:15-19
Seven Trumpets
Rev 14-15
“The Cosmic Cast”
Rev 19
Rev 21-22
Marriage Supper of the Lamb
Seven Bowls
THE SIGNIFICANCE OF NUMBERS, COLORS, & SYMBOLS IN THE BOOK OF R EVELATION… NUMBERS Primacy, greatness, God himself (Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13) Two witnesses needed to judge a crime (Rev. 11:3; 2 Cor. 13:1) Limited or restricted timeframe (Rev. 8:7; 9:15; 12:4) Cosmos, creation, creatures: four animals, four winds,four corners (Rev. 4:6; 7:1; 9:14; 20:8)
6 7 10
Revelation is not a linear description of sequential events but rather a “re-capitulative” foretelling of the same events several times in different ways. These diagrams show how the narration describes a number of visions of the same judgment, each time with increasing intensity until the book culminates, after the judgment, in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Between each set of visions the reader is drawn up into the heavenly Throne Room and the worship of the saints. The diagrams are described more fully in the study materials for Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come. Interlude (Rev 12-14)
Seals # 1-6 (Rev 6-7)
7th Seal (Rev 8:1)
Trumpets 1-6 (Rev 8-9)
7th Trumpet (Rev 11:15)
Seven Bowls (Rev 16)
Copyright ©2008 Ascension Press •
Black Red
Place of exile; the greatest threat to Israel and her freedom to worship (Rev. 14:8)
Foreign nations opposed to God’s people (Rev. 11:7; 13; 14:9,11)
Authority (Rev. 4:4,10; 6:2; 9:7)
Dragon, Satan (Rev. 12, 13) Imperfection (Rev. 13:18) Serpent Completeness, covenant (Rev. Eyes, full of All-seeing, all-knowing 1:4,12; 2:1; 3:1; 4:5; 5:1; 8:2; etc.) power (Rev. 4) Short, incomplete, finite (Rev. Egypt Oppressor of God’s 2:10; 9:16; 12:3; 13:1; 17:3, 7, people (Rev. 11) 12, 16) Eagle, Ox, The four mightiest As the product of 10x10x10, Lion, Man creatures (Rev. 4:7 and 1,000 represents a long time, but 8:13; 9:17; etc.) still a finite time (Rev. 5:11; 9:16; Horns Power (Rev. 5:6; 12:3; 11:13; 20:2-3) 13:1,11) Continuity with the 12 tribes Jewels Unique, rare, and precious of Israel (for example, the 12 (Rev. 4, 21) apostles in the New Israel) (Rev. 7:5-8; 12:1; 21:12,14,16; Key of Power to open or shut 21:21; 22:2) David God’s kingdom (Rev. 3:7) As the product of 12x12x1000, Palm the number 144,000 represents all branches of God’s people in union with him (Rev. 7:4; 11:2; 13:5; 14:1; 21:17) Right hand
COLORS Interlude (Rev 10:1-11:14)
This set of interlocking “keys” illustrates the growing intensity of the descriptions of judgment found in the seven seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls. The two “interludes” introduce major characters in the cosmic drama.
1 2 ½; 3 ½ 4
Death, disaster, distress (Rev. 6:5, 12) Bloodshed, violence (Rev. 6:4; 9:17; 12:3)
Seals, bowls, trumpets
Joy, victory (Rev. 7:9) Power, authority (Rev. 1:16-20; 5:1,7) Liturgical images used in Revelation to call for repentance, to announce and dispense judgment (Rev. 1:10; 4:1, 5-6; 8; 16)
Immorality (Rev. 11:8)
(Lit. “pale”) Impending death (Rev. 6:8)
Angels (Rev. 1:4, 3:1, 4:5; 5:6)
Purple/ scarlet
Immorality (Rev. 17:4; 18:16; 28:12)
God’s voice (Rev. 4:5; 6:1; 8:5; 10:3-4; 14:2; etc.)
Copyright ©2008 Ascension Press •
ONGOING STUDIES | JAMES James: Pearls for Wise Living James is one of the most practical books of the Bible. Like the book of Proverbs, it is a book of wisdom, a collection of teachings on issues faced by ordinary Christians in everyday life. These teachings speak loudly to all those who feel torn between the competing demands of this world and their faith. This study offers “pearls for wise living” by applying the wisdom of James to the present. For anyone who has struggled to live a truly Christian life, James offers a wealth of practical solutions for handling and even sanctifying everyday circumstances. James: Pearls for Wise Living has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • Find an anchor to hold you steady through the storms of life. • Learn how just a few small words can change your entire life – for better or for worse. • See how God’s wisdom helps us face suffering and temptation. • Learn the secret to finding joy in the midst of trials. • Find value in suffering. • Find reason to trust in God’s providence over wealth or position or personal talent. • Learn to recognize the source of discord and the way to peace.
James: Pearls for Wise Living 11-Part Series
Study Set with Binder
By Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer
Presented by Jeff Cavins This DVD or CD series contains 10, 50-minute lessons, plus an introductory session, for a total of 11 sessions. This series is the essential companion to the James Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study. 6 DVDs / $179.95
11 CDs / $89.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
The James Study Set Questions (56 pages) and Responses (40 pages) follow each of the 10 lessons in the study, preparing participants with a reading assignment and in-depth questions for home study and group discussion. Study Set with Binder (96 pages) $ 22 .95
James Memory Card
Pearls for Wise Living
This card offers “Pearls for Wise Living” so you can apply the lessons you learn to daily life. Included in Study Set.
Create Your Own Memory “Pearls” Choose a verse to memorize each week and write it in a pearl below.
Two ways to become “a doer that acts” and not a “hearer that forgets” (James 1:25) are to memorize Scripture and put it into practice. Each lesson in this study closes with a verse from that lesson to help you take the Word to heart and apply it in your daily life. These “pearls of wisdom” are written below so you can memorize them as you study. If you would rather select your own verses, write them on the blank pearls on the back of this card. Keep this card in your Bible and refer to it throughout the week. Tips for memorizing Scripture can be found on the back.
“Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.”
“Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good life let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.”
“Therefore put away all filthiness and rank growth of wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.”
“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
“My brethren, show no partiality as you hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.”
“But there is one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you that you judge your neighbor?”
“For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead.”
“You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”
“…but no human being can tame the tongue—a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”
“The prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects.”
Copyright ©2009 Ascension Press •
1 2 3 4
6 Tips For Memorizing Scripture
• Review, review, review!
• Read the verse silently and aloud; write it down; listen to it being spoken; and above all, DO what it says. • Recite the reference along with the verse so that you can fi nd it in your Bible later.
9 5 10 014.CON.0112
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ONGOING STUDIES | EXODUS Exodus: Called to Freedom The Exodus can be viewed as the defining moment in Israel’s history, for it was then that God called Israel out of slavery in Egypt and to a life of freedom as his people. Exodus: Called to Freedom looks through the lens of Christ and the Church to show that, more than just seeking to free his people from the domination of Pharaoh, God desired to free his people from the far more sinister tyranny of sin, so they could live the authentic freedom that belongs to children of God. Because of this, the Exodus story is not just Israel’s story, it is our story as well; it tells us who God is and what he calls us to be. Exodus: Called to Freedom has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • Learn the keys to authentic freedom. • Learn the personal significance of God’s revelation of His name, “I AM.” • Discover the divine purpose behind the plagues on Egypt as more than simply a demonstration of God’s power. • Understand the importance of the Sabbath to God’s people. • Discover that God’s Law is in fact a reflection of God’s love and concern for his people. • Learn how a proper understanding of the Exodus event can illuminate one’s understanding of the Christian Faith.
Exodus: Called to Freedom 10-Part Series
Study Set with Binder
By Dr. Tim Gray and Scott Powell
Presented by Dr. Tim Gray
This DVD or CD series contains 10, 28-minute lessons.This series is the essential companion to the Exodus Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study. 3 DVDs / $99.95
5 CDs / $39.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
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The Exodus Study Set Questions (56 pages) and Responses (40 pages) follow each of the 10 lessons in the study, preparing participants with a reading assignment and in-depth questions for home study and group discussion. Study Set with Binder (96 pages) $ 22 .95
ONGOING STUDIES | FIRST CORINTHIANS First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community The conflicts of the early Christians in Corinth are in many ways similar to our struggles today as Christians. With divisions, immorality, persecution, and other trials of the faithful, the message of St. Paul to the Corinthians is a much-needed message for our own times. First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community explores the key elements that the apostle Paul introduced to a new and growing Church. St. Paul taught the Corinthians about the nature of grace and the Church as the Body of Christ. In addition, he introduced the Corinthian Christians to the most powerful gift of all, the Eucharist.
Your group will: • Learn the importance of Christian unity in relation to the Church as the Body of Christ. • Explore St. Paul’s strategy for successful evangelization. • See how to live a Christian life in the midst of a pagan culture. • Discover why St. Paul sees the Church as the Body of Christ. • Learn how St. Paul’s letter proves that the sacrifice of Christ is truly made present in the Eucharist.
First Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community 11-Part Series Presented by Dr. Tim Gray
This DVD or CD series contains 10, 28-minute lessons, plus an introductory session, for a total of 11 sessions. This series is the essential companion to the First Corinthians Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study. 4 DVDs / $99.95
6 CDs / $44.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
• Gain a new vision for seeing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Study Set with Binder By Dr. Tim Gray
The First Corinthians Study Set Questions and Responses follow each of the 10 lessons in the study, preparing participants with a reading assignment and in-depth questions for home study and group discussion. Study Set with Binder (96 pages) $ 22 .95
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ONGOING STUDIES | PSALMS Psalms: The School of Prayer With Psalms: The School of Prayer, The Great Adventure moves from telling the Story to making it personal. While the historical books of the Bible recount God’s creative and redemptive acts in history, the Psalms reveal Israel’s response to God’s covenant offer and serve as a model for our response to him. Indeed, one could say that the historical books tell the “outside” of the story of Israel by giving an historical perspective, while the Psalms tell the “inside” story, which comes from the deeply personal perspective of one who is seeking God. Our communication with God is enhanced by a deeper understanding of the book of Psalms and of the individual psalms that reside in each of our hearts. Psalms: The School of Prayer has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will: • Discover a rich school of prayer for all life’s circumstances. • Experience the transforming power of the responsorial psalms in the Mass. • Learn how to visualize the psalms in order to empower their meditation. • Study the many ways the Psalms foretell the life and mission of Jesus. • See how the Psalms can empower their prayer to become an honest and personal dialogue with God.
Psalms: The School or Prayer 11-Part Series Presented by Jeff Cavins, Sarah Christmyer, and Dr. Tim Gray This DVD or CD series contains 10, 53-minute lessons, plus an introductory session, for a total of 11 sessions. This series is the essential companion to the Psalms Study Set as it provides the commentary for the study. 6 DVDs / $179.95
11 CDs / $89.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
Study Set with Binder
By Jeff Cavins, Sarah Christmyer, and Dr. Tim Gray The Psalms Study Set Questions and Responses follow each of the 10 lessons in the study, giving you and your group engaging questions to discuss during the study, or to be assigned as “homework” by the group leader. Study Set with Binder (96 pages) $ 22 .95
Psalms Memory Card Learn how to pray the Psalms with Lectio Divina. Included in Study Set.
Praying the Psalms with Lectio Divina
The School of Prayer Preparing to Pray with the Responsorial Psalm Use the following guide to prepare your heart for a living conversation with God during the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Do not be discouraged if a particular week’s readings are difficult for you to enter into. This time of preparation may or may not yield immediate fruit. At times, you will be planting and watering seeds that must mature before they surface. Either way, making a habit of preparing your heart and entering into the Responsorial Psalm will increasingly draw you closer into communion with God. You might want to use a journal to write down your thoughts and prayers each week. The Sunday Scripture readings for every week of the year have been carefully selected, beginning with the Gospel. The First Reading is chosen to harmonize with the Gospel, and the Responsorial Psalm helps us reflect on the First Reading and prepares us to hear Christ in the Gospel. (Since the Second Reading is not always directly related to the others, it is not used in this exercise.) Find the First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, and Gospel for next Sunday’s liturgy. • Pray first, then read all three readings through once. • Read the First Reading again. Restate it simply in your own words. • Read the Responsorial Psalm, paying particular attention to the response (antiphon). What does it say? What connections do you see with the first reading? How does it draw you in? Write down your personal response. • Read the Gospel. What is it about? What links do you see between it and the first reading or Responsorial Psalm? • Review the first reading and the Responsorial Psalm, and then read the Gospel again. What is God saying to you?
Copyright ©2010 Ascension Press •
Perhaps the best way to learn to pray with the Psalms is to follow the ancient Christian practice of lectio divina (“divine reading”), in which “the Word of God is so read and meditated that it becomes prayer.”1 The following steps, which add a practical resolution to the traditional four steps of lectio divina, are taken from Praying Scripture for a Change: An Introduction to Lectio Divina by Dr. Tim Gray (Ascension Press, 2009). Before you begin: Choose a psalm or a portion of a psalm to meditate on. Spend a few moments preparing your heart and asking God to meet you in His word. Step 1 – Read (lectio): Slowly read the psalm, letting the words sink in and take hold. Look for key words, patterns, details, and images. What stands out to you? Step 2 – Meditate (meditatio): As you continue to ponder what you have read, seek understanding for the Psalmist’s use of the key descriptive words, patterns, details, and images that caught your attention in the lectio stage. Mentally “chew” on them to extract their meaning. Step 3 – Pray (oratio): Continue meditating on the psalm, but pay attention to the way your meditation moves your heart. Bring it into contact with your life and respond to what you find. Talk to God about it. Step 4 – Contemplate (contemplatio): Savor being in God’s presence. When words are done, sit with Him as you would with a loved one, enjoying Him and experiencing His joy and peace. Step 5 – Resolve to act (“operate” – operatio): Make a practical resolution, based on your prayerful meditation, by which you hope to conform your life more perfectly to that of Christ or to bring His word to the world.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 1177.
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A Biblical Walk Through the Mass A Biblical Walk Through the Mass As Catholics, the Mass is the center of our Faith. We celebrate it every day. We know all the responses. We know all the gestures. But do we know what it all means?
Based on the New Translation of the Mass
Based on the revised translation of the Mass, this five-part program takes participants on an exciting tour of the Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. Your parishioners will come to know and understand the Mass like never before. They will see, perhaps for the first time, why they say what they say and do what they do every week at Mass. The words and gestures will be seen in a new light, giving new life to their liturgical experience. A Biblical Walk Through the Mass has been granted the Imprimatur.
Your group will:
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass 5-Part Series by Edward Sri
3 DVDs (5 sessions) / $74.95
3 CDs (5 sessions) / $29.95
• Learn the biblical background to the words, prayers, and gestures of the Liturgy, all in the context of the revised Mass translation. • Discover how the Mass is a true “re-presentation” of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the Cross. • Explore the three key aspects of the Mass as a Sacrifice, Real Presence, and Holy Communion. • Gain helpful insights on getting the most out of every Mass.
Student Pack The pack includes A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Book (157 pages), and Student Workbook (36 pages). Student Pack / $19.95
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
Leader’s Pack The pack includes A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Book (157 pages), and Leader’s Guide (51 pages). Leader’s Pack / $20.95
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Walking Toward Eternity Walking Toward Eternity Daring to Walk the Walk Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help students live their faith more fully. Through daily prayer and meditation with Scripture (lectio divina), they will be drawn into an intimate and life-changing encounter with Christ. By putting the fruits of their study into practice, they will be able to make real changes in their lives, changes that will make them more like the people God created them to be. Daring to Walk the Walk, the first series of Walking Toward Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines practical steps for living them out in daily life. Your group will learn how to walk in: • Love • Forgiveness
• Humility • Prayerfulness • Faithfulness
• Sacrifice • Thankfulness
Walking Toward Eternity has been granted the Imprimatur.
Featuring powerful vignettes from people walking in each virtue!
Your group will: • Learn practical steps for living a life of Christian virtue. • Discover lectio divina and uncover the riches and wisdom of Scripture. • Learn how to listen for and respond to the voice of God in your life.
Review this Program Risk-Free! To learn how you can review this program risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
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• See the inspiring stories of those who have faithfully walked in Christian virtue. • Discover the life-changing power of personal prayer. • Commit to making real and lasting changes in your life.
Daring to Walk the Walk How it Works...
This tells us how to really put into
This program uses a unique combination of:
what Christ is calling us to do.. practice
• Bible Reading &
• Guided Self-
• Expert Video
Lectio Divina
• Group Discussion
As students prayerfully reflect on God’s Word, they will begin to hear the subtle ways God is speaking to them, and they will be challenged to set aside those things in life that keep them from growing closer to him.
–Liz T.
I think this is a great way for
Daring to Walk the Walk 8-Part Series
a deeper relationship with God. people to tap into
Presented by Jeff Cavins
This DVD or CD series contains 7, 50-minute lessons, plus an introductory session, for a total of 8 sessions. This series is the essential companion to the Walking Toward Eternity: Daring to Walk the Walk Journal as it provides the presentations for the study. 4 DVDs (8 sessions) / $99.95 8 CDs (8 sessions) / $79.95
–Jodie M.
of the best “ programs I think I’ve ever been to, and I would
certainly recommend it to everyone
Free Leader’s Guide and video highlights available online:
Daring to Walk the Walk Journal with Bookmark
By Jeff Cavins and Sarah Christmyer This Journal is your guide throughout the Daring to Walk the Walk program. It provides Scripture readings and thought-provoking questions that will help you to prayerfully meditate upon the Word of God. Each lesson contains questions for group discussion, as well as space for you to share your own thoughts.
in our parish.
–Chet H.
It is paramount that people
how to communicate with God.
learn this and learn
Included is a bookmark that describes the steps of lectio divina, which you will use throughout the study. Each lesson in this Journal is designed to be followed by the corresponding presentation from the Walking Toward Eternity. Daring to Walk the Walk DVD series. Daring to Walk the Walk Journal / $15.95 (Bulk Discounts Available for Group Orders. Call for Details.)
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–Ann Marie L.
T3 | THE TEEN TIMELINE The Teen Timeline The Teen Timeline—or T3—is the teen version of the revolutionary Great Adventure Bible Timeline learning system that hundreds of thousands of Catholic adults have used to learn the Bible. Dynamic teen presenter Mark Hart makes the Bible come alive for Catholic teens by unpacking God’s word in a way they can relate to and understand. T3 teaches teens the Bible by following the fascinating story of Scripture and showing them the “big picture” of salvation history. When young students of the Bible first understand the “story,” they are eager to learn more. The net result: teens begin to wrap their minds and hearts around the Scriptures. They come to see the Bible as a relevant part of their lives. The Teen Timeline has been granted the Imprimatur.
The Teen Timeline will:
The Teen Timeline 8-Part Series Presented by Mark Hart
4 DVDs (8 sessions) / $99.95 4 CDs (8 sessions) / $39.95
• Reach teens with the truth of God’s word in an engaging presentation. • Give teens a solid foundation for years of future Bible study. • Make the job of teachers easier with systematic instruction materials. • Make Bible instruction easy with DVDs specifically designed for teens. • Give instructors valuable insights in effective communication of the Gospel to a post-modern generation of Catholics. • Offer you the flexibility to implement T3 in any setting. • Paint portraits of some of the great heroes/heroines of the Bible in a fresh, modern context. • Leave teens laughing, pondering, and desiring to read Scripture!
Study Kit The Study Kit includes the 33” fullcolor Bible Timeline Chart, Student Workbook, and a full-color Bible Timeline Bookmark.
Review the T3 Programs Risk-Free! To learn how you can review these programs risk-free, call 1-800-376-0520, or visit
Teen Study Kit / $14.95 *(one per student)
Leader’s Guide This 112 page guide is essential for each facilitator of a T3 Study. T3 Leader’s Guide / $19.95
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T3 | ADDITIONAL TEEN STUDIES T3: Matthew – Thy Kingdom Come 8-Part Series
Presented by Mark Hart You’ve seen the incredible response your teens had to T3: The Teen Timeline. Wait until you see how their faith is deepened and their perspective transformed by our teen Scripture study on the Gospel of Matthew, Thy Kingdom Come. Witness firsthand the timeless power of the Gospel on this post-modern generation, as your young Catholics come face to face with the love and the mercy of Jesus Christ! 4 DVDs (8 sessions) / $99.95 4 CDs (8 sessions) / $39.95 Student Workbook / $9.95 Leader’s Guide / $18.95
T3: Acts – Thy Keys and the Sword 4-Part Series
Presented by Mark Hart T3: Acts–The Keys and the Sword equips teens with a foundational understanding of the main characters, doctrines, events, and journeys that make up this incredible “gospel of the Holy Spirit.” Beginning with the Ascension and Pentecost, these four sessions offer a deeper look at Sts. Peter and Paul, the evolution of the early Christian Church, the call to evangelization, the sacramental ministry, the first Christian communities, the trials of an evangelist, the call to offer our lives as a living witness, and much more. T3: Acts will leave your young people laughing, engaged, and ready for more! 2 DVDs (4 sessions) / $49.95 2 CDs (4 sessions) / $24.95 Student Workbook / $7.95 Leader’s Guide / $14.95
T3: Revelation – The Lion and the Lamb 4-Part Series
Presented by Mark Hart In T3:Revelation–The Lion and the Lamb, Mark Hart calms the concerns and unpacks the myths about Revelation, the end times, the mark of the beast, and so much more. T3:Revelation gives your teens an invaluable foundation for understanding the book of Revelation, while pointing out its modern significance, practical application, and daily relevance to a teenager’s life. In each of the four lessons, Mark skillfully unpacks the book’s main points and key chapters, while continually referring to the wisdom offered by our Catholic faith. 2 DVDs (4 sessions) / $49.95 2 CDs (4 sessions) / $24.95 Student Workbook / $7.95 Leader’s Guide / $14.95
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Fun and Engaging Catholic Bible Materials for
Great Adventure Kids is a dynamic new learning system designed to teach children the story of the Bible in a fun and interactive manner. This system is based on the very popular Great Adventure line of adult Bible study materials, which have helped hundreds of thousands of people all over the world grow in their love for Sacred Scripture and make reading it a part of their daily lives.
For Kids 3-12 and beyond!
Great Adventure Kids Pack The five items included in this educational package (Bible Timeline Chart, Bible Card Game Set, Bible Story Coloring Book, Bookmark, and Prayer Beads) are based on the color-coded system of The Great Adventure and will aid in teaching children the narrative story of salvation history. Through play, memorization, prayer, and interaction, these learning tools bring familiar Bible stories into a system where children can relate them to their own lives. / $24.95
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KID’S PACK CONTENTS Great Adventure Kids Bible Timeline Chart by Emily Cavins and Sarah Christmyer The Great Adventure Kids Bible Timeline Chart is a color-coded, accordion-style folding chart that details the 12 periods of Bible history. With its vibrant colors and kid-friendly illustrations, this unique resource shows children the chronology of the Bible in a way they’re sure to remember. This double-sided resource includes important maps, prayers, an explanation of the six historical covenants between God and man, and “How You Fit into the Story,” a summary of the sacraments of initiation and life in Christ. / $4.95 Full-color chart, unfolds to 33” wide
Great Adventure Kids “Let’s Journey Through the Bible” Bible Story Coloring Book by Emily Cavins, Illustrated by Eileen McCook This 10” x 13” Bible Story Coloring Book includes 49 pages of illustrated Bible stories. It is designed to help you teach your children the story of salvation history in chronological order. There are four coloring pages from each of the 12 periods of Bible history. A brief summary of the time period or Bible story accompanies each picture, bringing the Scriptures to life for your children. This is ideal for younger children, but it is also helpful for all readers to understand the overall story of the Bible in an historical context. / $7.95
Great Adventure Kids Bible Card Game Set by Emily Cavins & Sarah Christmyer Illustrated by Eileen McCook
The color-coded bookmark is a scaled-down version of the Great Adventure Kids Bible Timeline Chart for easy reference. / $1.00
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Great Adventure Kids Prayer Beads
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Great Adventure Kids Bookmark
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Six Games in One!
The Great Adventure Kids Bible Card Game Set is a fun-filled and beautifully illustrated system designed to teach children as young as three the “big picture” of salvation history. Kids young and old—and adults, too —will have fun while learning the story of the Bible. Instructions for six games are included, from the easier “Memory” and “Go Fish” concepts, to the more complex “Rummy,” “Crazy Eights,” “Doubt It,” and “Spoons.” These cards are designed to help players learn the progression of the periods of Bible history by color as well as to recognize key characters, events, and Bible references. The games can be played with a small group or with a larger one in a classroom or religious education setting. 80 full-color cards. / $11.95
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The Great Adventure Prayer Beads are designed to be used in conjunction with the Bible Timeline Prayer printed on the back panel of the Great Adventure Kids Bible Timeline Chart. The Bible Timeline Prayer emphasizes the important lessons God wants us to learn from each period of Bible history and helps children learn God’s plan for their lives. Choking hazard: contains small parts; not suitable for children under 3 years old. / $3.95
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RESOURCES FOR THE JOURNEY Walking with God: A Journey Through the Bible by Dr. Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins If you enjoyed learning salvation history with The Great Adventure Bible Timeline, then get ready for an incredible journey through the Bible in Walking with God. Walking with God retells the story of salvation history with a chapter dedicated to each of the twelve periods of The Bible Timeline. With new and fascinating insights, Dr. Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins dive deeper into the story, giving you detailed analysis and exciting commentary in a fast-paced and easy-to-read journey through salvation history. 298 Pages. Hardcover. Price: $24.95
“Nothing captivates the human heart like a good story, and the best story of all is the one authored by God himself in Scripture. With keen insight and a genius for making the complex simple, Gray and Cavins help us see the big picture of God’s word by guiding us through the depths and compelling details of the biblical narrative. This book is an invaluable guide to the mystery and meaning of Sacred Scripture.” Imprimatur
Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. Archbishop of Denver
The Bible Compass: A Catholic’s Guide to Navigating the Scriptures by Dr. Edward Sri The Bible is central to our faith as Catholics. But approaching such a large and complex collection of writings that span thousands of years is intimidating for most of us. We need a guide, a compass, to set us off on the right course so that our time spent studying the Scriptures is a time spent encountering the living God. The Bible Compass provides readers with the tools to study the word of God with confidence and purpose. This book demonstrates how to read the Bible within the living Tradition of the Catholic Church, and it addresses all the common questions about the Bible including: • Where did the Bible come from? • Why is the Bible so important? • Why do Catholic Bibles have more books than Protestant Bibles? • Do I have to take the Bible literally? • Why do we need Tradition and the Magisterium to understand Scripture? Imprimatur
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• What are the four senses of Scripture? • Why are there different translations of the Bible? Which is best? • How should we as Catholics interpret Scripture? • What about Gnostic gospels and other nonbiblical books? Price: $12 .99
RESOURCES FOR THE JOURNEY Praying Scripture for a Change: An Introduction to Lectio Divina by Dr. Tim Gray As St. Augustine notes, “When we pray, we speak to God; when we read Scripture, God speaks to us.” The key to enriching our prayer is learning the language of Christianity, and the most effective way to learn the language of Christianity is an ancient technique known as lectio divina (“divine reading”). In this succinct book, Catholic theologian and biblical scholar Dr. Tim Gray walks the reader through the Bible and the wisdom of the saints to reveal the practical steps of this great treasure of our Tradition. Learning the simple steps of lectio divina will provide a practical and effective way for you to enhance your prayer life through the power of God’s word. $12 .99
Then & Now Bible Maps Make Bible study even more interesting by showing where Bible places are today. The Then and Now Bible Maps book includes full-color Bible maps with clear plastic overlays of modern cities and countries in a hardcover spiralbound book. This helps to engage your Bible studies by showing you where a biblical city or country was then and is today. Shows Old Testament events, life of Jesus, Journeys of Paul, City of Jerusalem, and much more! 20 pgs, 8 ½” x 11” $19.95
The Great Adventure Bible Tabs Easily index your Bible with pre-cut, self-adhesive tabs! Bible Tabs are essential tools to assist you as you embark on The Great Adventure and discover the “big picture” of the biblical narrative. These tabs are color-coded to match The Great Adventure Bible Timeline’s 12 periods of salvation history, and make it easy to find the book of the Bible you’re looking for. You’ll always know where you are in the story. / $6.95
The Bible Timeline Guided Journal By Sarah Christmyer This valuable journal will assist you with a 90-day plan for reading 14 of the narrative books of the Bible. With plenty of room for notes, this resource contains thought-provoking questions to help jump-start your journaling, tips on how to study the Bible, and a prayer for each day of readings. Pages: 236 • Dimensions: 6” x 9” Hardcover with Ribbon $ 14.95
The Bible Thumper Vols. 1 & 2 The Bible Thumper is a miniconcordance, Bible verse finder that fits right inside your Bible. It is very helpful when used in combination with the Bible and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Bible Thumper’s size is compact, but offers more than 350 verses in each volume that support Catholic doctrine. Granted the Imprimatur. $
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LIVE BIBLE STUDY SEMINARS Bringing The Great Adventure to Your Parish
“The quality of
presentations and presenters was the most valuable part of the conference. Both the content and the delivery were
A live seminar presented by our Great Adventure teachers will lay a firm foundation for your parishioners to begin a lifetime of fruitful Bible study. We guarantee that this will be one of the most successful events you will ever host at your parish.
compelling in every situation. I can’t
wait for the next one!
–Mark H.
The Bible Timeline Seminar
“The conference was very helpful, energetic, and gave us ideas and renewed vigor. We were overjoyed by the amount of materials available!
–Tim J.
“It was wonderfulto ” –Jill W.
The Bible Timeline Seminar has proven to be an incredibly effective way to introduce your parishioners to authentic Catholic Bible study. The seminar will begin with Jeff Cavins or another Great Adventure teacher presenting your parishioners with an overview of “How to Read the Bible,” explaining the Catholic approach to Scripture and an introduction to The Bible Timeline. A detailed explanation of the full-day seminar is available on This seminar is used by many parishes as an effective way to kick-start their Bible Timeline study.
see so many Catholics excited about
the Bible and willing to lead their own studies!
When you decide to host a Great Adventure Seminar, we will make the experience as smooth and successful as possible by providing you with: • An experienced seminar coordinator who will not only walk you through every aspect of your event, but will act as a guide throughout the entire seminar process. • A seventeen-page seminar planning handbook that outlines the key people to have in place.
To learn more about Great Adventure seminars, contact Janene Montlouis at 484-875-4550, ext. 204 or email
[email protected]
• Bulletin and pulpit announcements to promote the seminar to your parishioners at weekend Masses. • Customized advertising: Fifteen 11x17 full-color posters and a reproducible black & white flyer. • Access to a one-time mailing list of your area for promotion of the event. • Speakers available for local radio and newspaper interviews. • An event listing featured on the web site. • A promotional DVD including testimonials and a message from Jeff Cavins to be played at the end of Mass to encourage attendance.
Seminars on Matthew, Acts, Revelation, and Teen studies may also be available. Visit for information.
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Dr. Edward Sri
Jeff Cavins is the director of the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute. Over the past several years, Jeff has dedicated his life to developing The Great Adventure, a Bible study program that enables students to understand the chronological flow of the Scriptures. He resides with his wife, Emily, and their three daughters in Minnesota.
Dr. Edward Sri is provost and professor of theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute, and founding leader with Curtis Martin of FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students). Dr. Sri holds a doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome. He resides with his wife, Elizabeth, and their six children in Littleton, Colorado.
Dr. Tim Gray
Thomas Smith
Dr. Tim Gray is the president of the Augustine Institute and professor of Sacred Scripture at the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. Dr. Gray is the author of several books, and has teamed up with Jeff Cavins in the development of The Great Adventure Bible Study Series. Dr. Gray resides in Denver with his wife, Kris, and their son Joseph.
Thomas Smith is the co-author of Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come and a presenter for The Bible Timeline Seminar. He has taught as an adjunct professor at the St. Francis School of Theology in Denver, and is the former director of the Denver Catholic Biblical School and the Denver Catechetical School. Thomas lives with his family in southeastern Idaho.
Sarah Christmyer
Mark Hart
Sarah Christmyer has dedicated her life to sharing with other Catholics the riches of Sacred Scripture. Sarah is director of the Great Adventure Bible Study program and co-author of three Great Adventure studies: The Bible Timeline, Matthew, and Acts. Sarah lives near Philadelphia with her husband, Mark, and their four children.
Affectionately known as the “Bible Geek®,” Mark passionately echoes the Gospel to all whom he meets. Mark is the author and presenter for the The Teen Timeline or T3. Mark serves as executive vice president of Life Teen International. A graduate of the University of Notre Dame and an author of three books. Mark currently lives in Phoenix with his wife and three daughters.
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