Untitled - Monoskop

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of our OWD theory md alm ... t my meehan!am would do. More· over, th" deta.U.. ...... and are marltfd for rectitude and
Tile ~nt b thla book aiIIu to apply. body ofeobeolye and Intupretable Id_, devl.l.oped (NM !he lut do:.en yt&rl or 10, to ...... o f .;,p.mc..."," in MloCOtinal PlycbolocY and epiitemololO'. "!'be lIiltory and u.elop_t of the. Ide.., "'h id! _rpd from n:periraenll on petceplual motor 1ear't"Ilq, IfOUP intenetion and .equential clK!1c:I'Cd Id .... 'rom Mrdlth (1966). It;. clNr, a t any no .... that many or my own "oriainaI ~" reeepllu.r.e the uaumen t in hlr Ep;,te",1u anc! WHlI! prabobi), born In dilewJion .nth the author .ome 15 yun 11&0. Mud!

the Ame c:omml!1lll apply to Gray Walter . Neady everylhm. worth uyln, that ~ aid In this boat about c:onculTf!ncy and 10I::II.I .,nchronlclty (of I priori .yrochrollOUA aylUlml' II contained In. prnciellt article (Walt...r 1956; tht pII(>er w .. prt'lCnt.ed In 19riS)

whue \.he m~analD.lln queaUon llnderlie a phenomonon hoopplly named "AtJ.cllllon-. Mn!OVer, tftlUplanted from cOil1ltlve rtudilll Into neIl1OphyAOLogy. the ""perimental method. he dniled for diopll,yina and qUlrltHyiog this phenomenon ant O'Irtually IdenUcal with 0tU' own meI.hDdI. Other ICknowlPirmlHl1l '""' quit.. _lIy \.raCked down. The ~ of eonv..... tIon Uw-oty to the u...on,Ucal undtrplnnlnc of !be VYlOtAy·Lwia Khool and the Piapt KIlool WU l'1'. Subnlntial portioN o f tho! book were rewrht.cn 1ft« I _ iu of .emlnan Ind ditol.rON wlt.h Gergely (a coUlbontor o f I~an. ltanko) anI;! Nemttl occuioned by their reCllPI.I to lOCI&! t)'.lelm and the I;!~lop"",nl of """,na' and hive pw'IIUed !.heir Itleereh II¥I!r more INn a~. In y~w or thu fad. it would plainly be impertineM to COtlItNet an ad hex: ··.trinl and -'In, wu" cal· culu. to .. pIKe wtD-developed noUoni. In uoin,i.heM notiolll, In .....y simplified form, _ a COIT"".1Qne of !.he ..... mllnt l hope I ..... nei!.her m~_1ed their position nOr distorted e very buolllrul theO!)'. Their own boob on the IUbject .... 1n p~.


I 1/11 paroleularly izIdebled to John Daniel both for helpful crtUdim and inlplrin, kI_; for ,""ample, thlt entire educationallYl-


tern. can be ch""",teriaed on • pu with lr1di"idual Of group learn· mg (hill re..".rQ on the div~nee bootw""", Mutational . tylen be verbal. If not, it iI a learning l/l'rllcl1)' (a concrete depidlon of Onn iI punctuated by "nde1lland;..,.. and th e intervall occupied in remh'lI an unde .. tandlng B1e oalled OCcuiOIli.

• 1.2. F_II/Qrlt adlNllin6lnr.,..lIc.

Another prernqu.Uit.e for Iodm_ibmty" \.hat. \heory IhaU haVi: llredlcu..e ",,"n!T ;and th~l I", r ...... IM.In .... ~. n 0.. ~mpirkally taW· rled when \.Cf,!.ed undcr the .UU>dard oondltion. The predlcUve

copabUltiet. of cf>nveTMl.hm theory chien)' emerge from pI),cholOf1· ital or ryJt.ernic poItulalellntroduced In Older to tumilh I meehlnilm of uf>dentamli",. 'IlIe critical mecbaniJm'pocWlalei d memories an. rrprded AI dynamic conIliluenli o f theiii eoucepl lJ reprd. eel • • pn;Ked1ln! that ..· ' h " or Mti&fia a tnplc and Ow! topic ltoell'lI In 1n\.lll')Jftied (formal) relat.lon. For IICf\t:no)ily, _ _y that • OOIIOI!'f)t 10 a pl'OQ!!dure th.t rKO . .tzucl.l or .. produeeo • IOp!c (T). By wirtlJe of thio dcl'",;t.iQn 1110 natural and In line with orolnuy IanIJWl£l' "-"'lIe to '". i L that • memory II • procedu .... that recorutroctl o r reproducet. concept. We eontCInd 01'1 ltable alIIoepl.l, for all practical purpoHl the concepti ullt/nll in. menIal repertoire. aM thOR .. hleh eM be reconUn""t.ed Or nproduced by .1 I..ot one ("p'.lly many) m,unory-prDCe oc:culons of. 5lJict conversation al"l! intervals of partilll , ynchroniAlion botw""" the panldpanla during wblch they both attend to the same topic. Notably, ""ch """""ionl ,,", rare in nature. Srains. "nUke co mputinS ",,"chines. are not. priori Iynchronised by a rnuter d""k and it :akes an act ot attention (one type of "provocam-e transaet.ion" noted In Ule pr"";OUI monosraph) to lIe"u", synchrooi.clty. II llliltistyins ",latien If Un.. cltabliahed between the dialogue or i)o,hovioW" of • Itrict conve .... tion alld a tundamental notion of informat.ion·tn.nder, due to Petri (1964). Ac cording to Petri's argument. Informatie n.!.ranrler taka placl! It and only It two or mo", dynlllllic IYI\eJrul whicb do not hive a commOO mllt", clock (1-f .•• priori asynchronous "ystemo) come Into local rynehronicity (lgcal with ""!)eet to Lopl,," in the convelSltlonaJ domain). Uoder tIIit interpretation. the occtUionl of a IlIrid convcnsation are, as tIIey inwitivel)' . hould be, indicato", o r lnformaUon t.ransfcr. 1.3.. Ob ..."",blf Unit,

We I'Ointed out, III the prevlou. monOl(n.ph. that. theoretical r",,,,,,work ot lhi< kind pennlts 5I!Vera! a lt.emuivc be bralna (the,e are tome inanimate L-Pr'" 7J 'OTI ).

AU.hough either formulat.lon 1& loegjumate the P· lndlv\dual iI wuaUy • more con...".,ient unit to. COII¥f:Z"IItion theory; for ........ pie •••trict con¥f:Z"IItion iI. protypical P·lndlyldual llll d the \OR of tIlii fnrmulotion ... nidll • number nf ptJullnll'*CudO queotlonri Uke ''where did the l:ODCept co ..... from?" or ",,1Ucl! linin dOH It belonll.o? "

• In

tit. u.o..p.

book . . d o not make much explieil UIe or )I.l ndiriduaUua ouch an .,t it i.s o f aema.1ttc: Intel l"elation that are u ....... y c:aIled " mal upw.ationa .. the produetion o f propatJIlilUnp which rep. ..,I !he cbu of programa making up a con~ We refer 1.0 tho com· pilaUon of lIIeII ""llfeICntatlve IHograms In a modc!llinl facility .. modell and., when i\f'Cp rruy, refer to Ille of modo>ls In. modelling fa:ility (under the .,.,.,\1"0] of tlw! ("".,ily IlIld not under cognitive """trol). Thll brlnp the ugume nL back ;nt.o kilter willi the previouo monowaph. But the revision admQ • relatively un· complicated ""Collnt o f anllOl)' relation. IlIIrI their modell (Ille non .... erb;o.l "",planation of maloti ... ), a topic .. hidl oft." dy ........ • nd .........1110 ... _ ~ I .. .. 3~


B ~n31::ra-o ~3· .... o.oi;~S" ~~i _. .... 3Q '< >-cr 3 ~g~ ~~~n ~~5;~~~wa~i= ¥ ~;;:.,< .. ::-"a~ g,E~3S",
p, ,....... Whlo ... , U· p. olin

- I.

...... 1.1 o!

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.,n Intuitive pnundl (S«t.ion 2.5), it would hlwe been ponibk! to "'lfUe that OD and PB are Kenu(nely diitlnct beCQUH, in on ope""tillll lyitem, it a poAible (and nece....,.y It the ayltem "", . ks) to fumllh ,Hff"",ntial on .nd PH ... istarn,:e to th e Mudenl. Th"," augmMtro (by DB Or PB ... nef!dt'd) and th .... rftUIcted

(to ... nd.....tand """h topic. If neoil" and JetilllisL "'" mlnifmBtioru in an Open-tlnily,te rn (or in t.eachbac k regulated eon...,rat.lonlj o f th~ more lIene.al chlll1lclnlat;ct of I ty le, Our hypothesll Is cryl ta.l lill!e Wppl'Oprial.oo to cit.! patlan frequ enciea UIlW more work hN been d one; the.,..., ;. ~e ju.t. _ c:onvlncin&ly by noUni that all the patkma o f TaMe 3.1 '1 ~. been ot... oed with nry!nli: frequency (minimu m' patterN) Over more t.h;m 50 -'"u. dl!Jll.I (run d urlrlfl the Orlflo1ng field It udiaJ and that Lb e undct.! .. lIllned ""Lria (apart from a.NulI o r L-NullJ can be I'\!IQlved by reICHlJ'I:e 10 the WJo)' lh.at analOCi"1 topil: relal.Ions are Itvned. We TABLE3. H


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u. rewrn to t his matw in Chaplen 4, {o and 6, whl!n the tlNlO. etical backb'""" hal been d ~. The po...... of 1.111. explanatory .cherne is inc:r~ by ""\.ending Table 3.1 4 to accommodate lilllaliom in which the operation "rteten is d efinitive compared to t he othell, lince leamen o f thill clasl murt h..·• l"f!lWon IeoImlns/opera00" learni"," dichotomy and the " holid./...natid." dichotomy In. way UtIIt MCIU'eII • plaoo in the onnll ~ for " redundant ho~ " _ to m~ to " ifT'tdund.ant bolWU", Fur1h8, the p_ lent chand.eriation. thouah wonled diCtctionl in order .... make """" of Ole IYIltactlc Or formal rInillarity ...... CI ~ :I by "" anaJogieal Lop;" relation. The distinction ··comP"'h ..... ioo IeamlnalopM'llt ion learnl"," is IUbtly ditrerent. Comprehenaion Ieamen, ",;Ill their blali to DB opo:ontion, tend .... u.. analogif$ _ the llCa!foLed or millDllkhed with .eoped. to the ori&inal -enment .. holiJtic nr leriaIlJtic ('hb~ S.l, 2,3, 9, 10). Such .. mar ...... dabllity illUf)IriIln&. tor It iI only poIIible to predict on theol1!tlcal ground. that cocn1tlve fb; \ty ..uJ

IbIbillM an OJicinally ~lected InminH II.rBI.eIY whilat lIIe ,t>,odent iI au.endinC to U.e ...,.,e eorrrttnational domain. The o>'enoU muLt o f mil .... tchilli .. teao:hlnlllUlltel)' tln>poIftI upon .. rtI.Identj and .. IHrninc n.teaY ( whk:h he .... odopted) prodUCfll .. blah magnitude impairmoont; in !.hI. rerpect t.he tmm the multlpurpoMIuperimenu an! In..:c:onl ... ith the pnlYioUi



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,,. Ihen- Is lOll laue o f " Internal rnatchingH that deIervft considenotion ;

matching o r mismatch,,,,, bc~w,""" the ieamln& IlnlejDr d10111!n and the rtuden~'. compet..e11rocOi and Proc°j o""""te wiUtin repertoil'lll that are, It lhlI II.qe. I t ill ind~t.) On 0,. olltH hand. II interaction Cln take plM:e (clelfly It arn if the P·lndivid..w. .... uecuted in the same bl'Kin, and Interaction h .... oo.en PCIIited anyhow), t.h~n tho e:rpn!Slllon il not n""""nlleal. simply non ltandard. In order to indicate that llanlfonnaOooo Dr this type do not h ..... the arne mean;nl_ the It.andard DB and PO t"...dorm.uolll. they aM dlltingu l.ohcd by adjo!nin~ an Nterilk: thWl DB· fRo.~) "


PB·fProc:OI.ProcOj. R. I " f'locok Regarded from the language oriented perspecUve. Lllese up,.,. sio ... ..,~ t ,inguiltic InnIa(:tiOllI WMreby one P· Il>diYidoails able to de:tcribe and rn.rupubte 1M deoo;riptlonl and OpenOOM UIIld by the other P·lndivid ..... and of ~ourse nce YeIV.. The eon· velV.Uon can b.. reallied elth~r by pro¥kl!ng I meta1anguage to aoeom modlte U - ttansaclio ... o . by enrlcblnJl L .... that II can . , . _ inteq>enonal hypOth8a lI .... n u hypotheses •..t,lI;h refer directly to topi.,.. From th~ Laciturn penpective. t ile uterlak marked upt81lona "",an that aU opefllllo... (DB, PB, o r Proc) are eleo:uled, perhaps concurrently. in a d iJlrlbuted LoP! o'IilOr.


Th. diJcuNion in IhII chapter develops the conv~uonal """"di&mI. fep ...,nwd by tS. top;., j (or I topic "bullj) is the!!!!! it II permillibll! to I.-J< or .... .,. qreement with nspect 10 an eIplaruoUon of ~ In LM ""nUOl t of B and Dr .~ • .,. _ m ent with ....spec! lO • deriv:o.tlon of R" undM R, . in tho! conten of B. 'fOll"lher, theR cornIIpCH1d to the IprOUt Of VO..mg point of InnCl.convenation .. de-


fined In the p~OUI monognph . Prom • mec .... nistic or operational (OT dynamic) point o r vie w. the eaentJaJ ""nstr;linl ,mpOleHn introdueed Into CAST,!; f.irly Te, 019 , '"


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