Recruitment, San José State University, Drew Agbay, Lead Admission Counselor
... Student Outreach Services, San Francisco State University, and Gina Geck,.
Workshop Descriptions CSU: Access and Opportunity
Presented by Nathan Evans, Director of Enrollment Management, CSU Office of the Chancellor
This general session will provide an update on the California State University including topics ranging from admissions and impaction, academic and student success, and initiatives across the CSU system. Note: Counselors are encouraged to attend Campus Specific Practices workshops to get individual campus admissions questions answered.
College Fair
Take advantage of this opportunity to meet one-on-one with representatives from each of the twenty-three CSU campuses to learn about campus updates, impaction information, pre-matriculation requirements and upcoming events. Pick up information from the individual campuses for your students and college centers.
CSU Mentor - Introduction
Presented by George Yang & Sharon Engelenburg, XAP Corporation
This introductory workshop will provide counselors that have limited experience with CSUMentor an overview of the site. CSUMentor is the online resource designed to help students and their families learn about the CSU system, research campus specific information, select a CSU campus, consider financial aid opportunities and apply for admission. We will review the valuable tools available.
CSU Mentor - Application Updates
Presented by George Yang & Sharon Engelenburg, XAP Corporation
This workshop will provide counselors with a review of enhancements made to the online application for the upcoming admissions cycle. Included this year will be some large-scale enhancements that should improve the application experience -- easier navigation, enhanced visual interface, and more.
CSU Campus Specific Admission Practices
Join representatives from the twenty-three campuses as they provide information about their campus specific admission processes, including an overview of the applicant pool, selection process and tips to help students with the application process. Counselors will have the opportunity to ask campus representatives questions. Please refer to the insert to determine time and location for the campuses you want to visit.
Preparing for Admission and Enrollment
Presented by Carolina Cardenas, Director of Outreach and Early Assessment, CSU Office of the Chancellor
This workshop will focus on pre-application and enrollment processes such as EAP, Early Start and EPT/ELM. Participants will learn the importance of EAP results and the connection to the Early Start Program and how to determine if a student will need EPT/ELM testing prior to enrollment at the CSU. Information will also be shared on the transition of the EAP to the new Smarter Balanced Assessment. In addition, we will review the re-designed website, California’s online source for college and career planning, and the new career, college, and financial aid planning functionalities it will offer to students, counselors, and their families.
CSU Student Services I: Students with Disabilities and Other Special Populations Presented by Ray Murillo, Associate Director, Student Programs, CSU Office of the Chancellor
This workshop will provide information on campus services and support programs for students with diabilities and AB-540 students. The workshop will also address the next steps for admitted students such as housing applications, immunization requirements and new student orientations.
CSU Student Services II: Educational Opportunity Program and Foster Youth Programs Presented by Ray Murillo, Associate Director, Student Programs, CSU Office of the Chancellor & Debra Griffith, Director of EOP, San José State University
This workshop will highlight the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) and overview the EOP admission criteria, financial assistance and support services available for all eligible participants. Additionally, the workshop will address programs and services available for former and current foster youth.
Financial Aid Overview and Updates
Presented by Coleetta McElroy, Director of Financial Aid, San José State University
Counselors will learn basic information about financial aid as well as federal and other programs available to students. Updates will also be provided on new developments related to financial aid programs, including the Cal grant program and the CA Dream Act. Financial aid references will be provided.
The 411 on CSU Transfer
Presented by Karen Simpson-Alisca, Assistant Director, Transfer Programs, CSU Office of the Chancellor
A growing number of new initiatives and legislation can make it hard for counselors to keep up. This presentation will provide counselors with an overview of the systemwide transfer process, including existing and new transfer policies and initiatives. The session will focus on some of the most requested topics such as impaction and the Associate Degree for Transfer (SB1440) pathway. Presenter will introduce counselors to newly developed and updated online resources and references to support them in their work in advising students.
NCAA Initial Eligibility: Counseling Your Student-Athletes to College
Eileen Daley, Former Assistant Athletic Director for Academics, Current Manager of Student Outreach and Recruitment, San José State University, Drew Agbay, Lead Admission Counselor and Recruitment Coordinator, San José State University
This presentation was developed to educate high school counselors in providing athletic eligibility requirements for incoming first-time freshmen and new Division I updates effective for the 2016 incoming class. This session will also cover the similarities and differences between athletic eligibility and CSU admissibility. You will receive information on how to decipher NCAA approved courses with the Eligibility Center, which is very similar to using the UC Doorways website. Attendees will also receive informational materials outlining the academic requirements and steps student-athletes need to complete to become certified to participate in NCAA Divisions I and II athletics.
How to Help Your Students Reach Success in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Majors
Elaine Collins, Associate Dean of the College of Science, San José State University, Francisco Castillo, Assistant Director, Engineering Student Success Center, San José State University, and Albert Koo, Director of the College of Business Student Services Center, San Francisco State University This panel was designed to provide you with an opportunity to speak with representatives from the Colleges of Business, Engineering, and Science. Join us to learn more about what classes high school students should be taking to better prepare themselves for entering college in these majors.
Successfully Completing the 2014-15 CA Dream Application
Presented by Nancy Jodaitis and Rose Arbulú, AB 540 Advisors/Financial Aid Counselors, San Francisco State University Learn how to help prospective AB 540/Undocumented students accurately fill out the CA Dream Application, ensure they meet all eligibility requirements, and determine the types of aid available through the CA Dream Act at the CSU.
New Counselor Session (Part I and II)
Presented by Dr. Frieda Lee, Director, Student Outreach Services, San Francisco State University, and Gina Geck, Associate Director, Office of Admission & Student Recruitment, Sonoma State University
This two part interactive session will provide those new to college counseling with an overview of the CSU, details on the required minimum eligibility, placement tests, outreach-recruitment programs, and more. Frequently asked questions posed by high school seniors will be addressed.
DAY AT A GLANCE 6:30 AM-10:00 AM
Main Lobby
7:00 AM-8:15 AM
Breakfast/College Fair
Exhibit Hall B
8:20 AM-8:50 AM
Exhibit Hall B
9:00 AM-9:45 AM Session 1 Various Locations (see back of sheet) 9:55 AM-10:40 AM Session 2 Various Locations (see back of sheet) 10:50 AM-11:35 AM Session 3 Various Locations (see back of sheet) 11:45 AM-12:30 PM Session 4 Various Locations (see back of sheet)
Session 1
9:00 AM- 9:45 AM
Session 2
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM
Session 3
Session 4
10:50 AM - 11:45 AM
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Exhibit Hall B
CSU: Access and Opportunity
Successfully Completing the 201415 CA Dream Application
CSU: Access and Opportunity
Preparing for Admission and Enrollment
Great America 1
CSU MentorIntroduction
CSU MentorApplication Updates
Financial Aid Overview and Updates
Financial Aid Overview and Updates
Hall A-2
New Counselor Part I
New Counselor Part II
CSU Student Services II: Educational Opportunity Program and Foster Youth Programs
CSU Student Services I: Students with Disabilities and Other Special Populations
Hall A-3
How to Help Your Students Reach Success in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Majors
NCAA Initial Eligibility: Counseling Your Student Athletes to College
The 411 on CSU Transfer
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group C Channel Islands Dominguez Hills Maritime San Diego
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group C Channel Islands Dominguez Hills Maritime San Diego
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group F East Bay Monterey Bay San Francisco San José
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group F East Bay Monterey Bay San Francisco San José
Great America J
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group A Chico Fresno Fullerton Northridge
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group A Chico Fresno Fullerton Northridge
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group D Humboldt Los Angeles Long Beach
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group D Humboldt Los Angeles Long Beach
Great America K
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group B Bakersfield San Bernardino San Luis Obispo Stanislaus
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group B Bakersfield San Bernardino San Luis Obispo Stanislaus
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group E Pomona Sacramento San Marcos Sonoma
Campus Specific Admission Practices Group E Pomona Sacramento San Marcos Sonoma
Conference Map
A Special Thanks To... All 23 CSU Campuses, CSU Office of the Chancellor, Conference Presenters, Volunteers, SJSU SOAR Staff, and Chelcy Garrett, BFA Animation/Illustration student at San José State University, for designing the conference program.