Update Standards - June 2008 - BSI Shop

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Jun 30, 2008 ... BS ISO 12081 .....................................................31. British Standards - Quick Reference Guide. 4. Update Standards June 2008. Prices may be ...
British Standards - Quick Reference Guide The following British Standards are listed or referred to in this issue of Update Standards with the exception of those in ‘New Work Started’.

Building and civil engineering BS 873 ..........................................................14, 26 BS 1088 ..............................................................20 BS 1129 ..............................................................20 BS 1139 ..............................................................20 BS 1196 ..............................................................20 BS 2037 ..............................................................20 BS 2081 ..............................................................20 BS 2482 ..............................................................20 BS 4940 ..............................................................21 BS 5080 ..............................................................21 BS 5803 ..............................................................22 BS 5950 ..............................................................22 BS 6270 ..............................................................22 BS 6463 ..............................................................22 BS 6915 ..............................................................22 BS 7533 ..............................................................23 BS 7903 ..............................................................23 BS 7997 ..............................................................23 BS 8103 ..............................................................26 BS 8420 ..............................................................23 DD CEN/TS 839 ............................................16, 27 BS EN ISO 8339 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 8340 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 10563 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 10590 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 10591 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 11432 ................................................29 BS EN 12764 ......................................................19 BS EN 12899 ................................................14, 26 BS EN 14428 ......................................................19 BS EN 15283 ......................................................14 BS EN 15285 ......................................................14 BS EN 15388 ......................................................14 DD ENV 839 .................................................16, 27 PD 6533 .............................................................24 PD 6682 .............................................................24

Consumer policy KIT 199 ...............................................................17

Consumer products and services BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS


2795 ..............................................................10 4532 ..............................................................21 4737 ..............................................................26 6684 ..............................................................26 7011 ..............................................................22 7012 ..............................................................22 7272 ..............................................................10 7368 ..............................................................26 7661 ..............................................................26 7972 ..............................................................23 8409 ..............................................................23 EN ISO 463 ....................................................10 EN ISO 6579 ..................................................17 EN ISO 8069 ..................................................28 EN ISO 9994 ..................................................19 EN ISO 11214 ................................................29 EN ISO 11543 ................................................29 EN ISO 13969 ................................................29 EN ISO 17189 ................................................29 EN ISO 18330 ................................................29 ISO 3061 .......................................................15 ISO 7766 .......................................................31 ISO 8156 .......................................................31 ISO 8262 .......................................................31 ISO 8967 .......................................................31 ISO 11813 .....................................................31 ISO 11866 .....................................................31 ISO 12081 .....................................................31

BS ISO 15152 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15153 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15154 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15517 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15739 .....................................................32 BS ISO 18913 .....................................................32 BS ISO 18922 .....................................................32 BS ISO 20859 .....................................................32 BS ISO 27107 .....................................................16 DD ISO/TS 9941 ..................................................31

Electrotechnical BS 215 ................................................................20 BS 2627 ..............................................................21 BS 2897 ..............................................................21 BS 3288 ..............................................................25 BS 6469 ..............................................................22 BS 7354 ..............................................................23 BS 7460 ..............................................................23 BS 7671 ..............................................................27 BS 7870 ........................................................23, 26 BS 7894 ..............................................................26 BS EN ISO 10938 ................................................29 BS EN 12193 ......................................................27 BS EN 13831 ................................................17, 26 BS EN 14255 ......................................................14 BS EN 50015 ......................................................14 BS EN 50021 ......................................................27 BS EN 50152 ......................................................14 BS EN 60079 ..........................................14, 26, 27 BS EN 60255 ......................................................17 BS EN 60312 ......................................................14 BS EN 60335 ......................................................19 BS EN 60384 ................................................15, 27 BS EN 60669 ......................................................17 BS EN 60745 ......................................................19 BS EN 60747 ......................................................19 BS EN 60947 ................................................15, 17 BS EN 61000 ................................................17, 27 BS EN 61076 ......................................................17 BS EN 61162 ......................................................43 BS EN 61228 ......................................................15 BS EN 61466 ......................................................17 BS EN 61770 ......................................................17 BS EN 62011 ......................................................17 BS EN 62305 ................................................17, 18 BS EN 131801 ..............................................15, 27 BS EN 140100 ....................................................15 BS ISO 24101 .....................................................16 BS IEC 60092 ......................................................16 DD CLC/TS 50457 ...............................................16 DD IEC/TS 60519 ................................................16 DD IEC/TS 60680 ................................................16 PD ES 59008 .......................................................27 PD IEC/TR 60825 ................................................16 PD CLC/TR 62258 .........................................18, 27 BS MA 2 .............................................................24 BS QC 301801 .............................................15, 27


437 ................................................................10 848 ...................................................18, 27, 32 1434 ..............................................................20 1640 ..............................................................12 2051 ..............................................................25 3863 ..............................................................26 4193 ........................................................27, 28 4814 ..............................................................26 5431 ..............................................................21 5514 ..............................................................27 5561 ..............................................................22 5892 ..............................................................22 6327 ..............................................................27 6753 ..............................................................22 7255 ..............................................................22

Prices may be subject to change.


7317 ........................................................22, 23 7504 ..............................................................28 7568 ........................................................15, 27 7884 ..............................................................23 7977 ..............................................................23 EN 253 ..........................................................18 EN 294 ....................................................14, 27 EN 378 ..........................................................10 EN 483 ..........................................................18 EN 485 ..........................................................10 EN 736 ..........................................................10 EN 754 ....................................................10, 11 EN 755 ..........................................................11 EN 811 ....................................................14, 27 EN 988 ..........................................................28 EN 1179 ........................................................28 EN 1442 ........................................................19 EN 1559 ........................................................28 EN 1774 ........................................................28 EN 2786 ........................................................11 EN 2898 ........................................................11 EN 2941 ........................................................11 EN 3293 ........................................................11 EN 3294 ........................................................11 EN 3368 ........................................................11 EN 3635 ........................................................11 EN 3636 ........................................................11 EN ISO 3651 ..................................................28 EN 3658 ........................................................12 EN 3685 ........................................................12 EN 3710 ........................................................12 EN 3717 ........................................................12 EN ISO 3738 ..................................................28 EN 3781 ........................................................12 EN ISO 3815 ..................................................28 EN ISO 4263 ..................................................28 EN 4302 ........................................................12 EN 4396 ........................................................12 EN 4399 ........................................................12 EN ISO 6103 ..................................................28 EN ISO 6789 ..................................................28 EN ISO 8166 ..................................................28 EN ISO 9454 ..................................................28 EN ISO 9455 ..................................................28 EN 10111 ......................................................12 EN 10253 ......................................................12 EN 10277 ......................................................12 EN 10302 ......................................................12 EN 10332 ................................................15, 27 EN 12020 ......................................................12 EN 12060 ......................................................29 EN ISO 12215 ................................................12 EN 12441 ......................................................29 EN 12493 ......................................................12 EN 12809 ......................................................17 EN 12815 ......................................................17 EN 12844 ......................................................29 EN 13229 ......................................................17 EN 13240 ......................................................17 EN 13283 ......................................................29 EN 13622 ......................................................24 EN 13831 ................................................17, 26 EN 13848 ......................................................14 EN ISO 13857 ..........................................14, 27 EN 15069 ......................................................14 EN 15266 ......................................................17 EN 15378 ......................................................14 EN 15542 ......................................................14 EN ISO 15614 ................................................19 EN ISO 16484 ................................................29 EN ISO 17652 ................................................29 EN 27627 ......................................................30 EN 28662 ......................................................30 EN 50436 ......................................................14 EN 60404 ................................................15, 27 EN 60974 ......................................................15

Update Standards June 2008

British Standards - Quick Reference Guide continued... BS ISO 15 ...........................................................30 BS ISO 1641 .......................................................30 BS ISO 2976 .......................................................30 BS ISO 38502 046 ..............................................................18, 27 BS ISO 3723 .......................................................30 BS ISO 3919 .......................................................30 BS ISO 3977 .................................................18, 26 BS ISO 4498 .......................................................30 BS ISO 5429 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6106 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6336 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6344 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6415 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6811 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6826 .......................................................27 BS ISO 7967 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8084 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8434 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8528 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8573 .......................................................31 BS ISO 9183 .................................................15, 27 BS ISO 10378 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11451 .....................................................19 BS ISO 11787 .....................................................31 BS ISO 12151 .....................................................31 BS ISO 12240 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13292 .....................................................15 BS ISO 13347 .....................................................18 BS ISO 13399 .....................................................18 BS ISO 13555 .....................................................32 BS ISO 13899 .....................................................32 BS ISO 14695 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15081 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15407 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15634 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16004 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16154 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16246 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16412 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16818 .....................................................15 BS ISO 16902 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17373 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17567 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19860 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19959 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19960 .....................................................32 BS ISO 20683 .....................................................32 BS ISO 21995 .....................................................15 BS ISO 22072 .....................................................33 BS ISO 22241 .....................................................18 BS ISO 22866 .....................................................33 BS ISO 22900 .....................................................16 BS ISO 23206 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24213 .....................................................16 DD ISO/TS 21108 ................................................33 PD ISO/TS 29001 ................................................18

Health and environment BS 2738 ..............................................................24 BS 3169 ..............................................................26 BS 3668 ..............................................................21 BS 3985 ..............................................................21 BS 5446 ..............................................................21 BS 5839 ..............................................................22 BS 6658 ..............................................................22 BS 7208 ..............................................................24 BS 7505 ........................................................17, 23 BS 7928 ..............................................................23 BS 7937 ..............................................................27 BS 8502 ..............................................................23 DD CEN/TS 15279 ..............................................29 DD 7971 .............................................................23 BS EN 3 ........................................................18, 27 BS EN 343 ..........................................................18 BS EN ISO 3826 ..................................................15

Update Standards June 2008


EN ISO 6360 ..................................................17 EN ISO 8536 ..................................................12 EN ISO 8624 ..................................................24 EN ISO 8980 ..................................................24 EN ISO 9187 ..................................................12 EN ISO 9801 ..................................................24 EN ISO 10341 ................................................24 EN ISO 10342 ................................................28 EN ISO 10343 ................................................24 EN ISO 10944 ................................................29 EN ISO 11199 ................................................29 EN ISO 11985 ................................................24 EN ISO 11987 ................................................24 EN 12218 ......................................................27 EN ISO 12864 ................................................24 EN ISO 12867 ................................................29 EN ISO 12870 ................................................24 EN 13274 ......................................................14 EN 13277 ......................................................19 EN 13546 ......................................................19 EN 13567 ......................................................19 EN 14120 ......................................................19 EN 14387 ......................................................19 EN 14530 ......................................................29 EN ISO 14889 ................................................29 EN ISO 15253 ................................................24 EN ISO 15254 ................................................24 EN 15549 ......................................................14 EN ISO 16000 ................................................17 EN ISO 16671 ................................................29 EN ISO 16720 ................................................14 EN ISO 19054 ................................................27 EN 60336 ......................................................27 EN 62366 ......................................................15 ISO 3826 .......................................................15 ISO 17616 .....................................................15

Information systems BS 1749 ..............................................................25 BS 4505 ..............................................................25 BS 5332 ..............................................................25 BS 5477 ..............................................................25 BS 5999 ..............................................................25 BS 6313 ..............................................................22 BS 6321 ..............................................................22 BS 6529 ..............................................................25 BS 6616 ..............................................................26 BS 8426 ..............................................................23 BS EN ISO 19107 ................................................30 BS EN ISO 19109 ................................................30 BS EN ISO 19115 ................................................30 BS EN 50090 ......................................................19 BS ISO 2108 .......................................................30 BS ISO/IEC 7816 .................................................15 BS ISO 11568 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13491 .....................................................31 BS ISO/IEC 14443 ...............................................18 BS ISO/IEC 19784 ...............................................19 DD ISO/TS 19127 ................................................32 PD 0026 .............................................................24

Management systems BS 2520 ..............................................................25 BS 2846 ..............................................................21 BS 5702 ..............................................................10 BS 6001 ..............................................................22 BS 7000 ..............................................................10 BS 8422 ..............................................................23 DD 8464 .............................................................24 BS ISO 22514 .....................................................16

Materials and chemicals BS 1017 ..............................................................26 BS 1070 ..............................................................20

Prices may be subject to change.

BS 1170 ..............................................................20 BS 1425 ..............................................................20 BS 1781 ..............................................................20 BS 2000 ........................................................26, 28 BS 2486 ..............................................................21 BS 2782 ..............................................................25 BS 3416 ..............................................................21 BS 3680 ..............................................................21 BS 3698 ..............................................................21 BS 3728 ..............................................................21 BS 3900 ..............................................................21 BS 3981 ........................................................11, 26 BS 4569 ..............................................................21 BS 4578 ..............................................................21 BS 4723 ..............................................................21 BS 4842 ..............................................................21 BS 5335 ..............................................................21 BS 5438 ..............................................................21 BS 5651 ..............................................................22 BS 5722 ..............................................................22 BS 6203 ..............................................................22 BS 6496 ..............................................................25 BS 6949 ..............................................................22 BS 7157 ..............................................................22 BS 7175 ..............................................................22 BS 7231 ..............................................................22 BS 7701 ........................................................15, 27 BS 7837 ..............................................................23 BS 7843 ..............................................................23 BS EN ISO 1107 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 1248 ............................................11, 26 BS EN ISO 1530 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 2505 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 2819 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 4263 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 5163 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 5164 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 7686 ..................................................28 BS EN ISO 10821 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 12680 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 15493 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 15494 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 16663 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 16871 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 17707 ................................................29 BS EN ISO 19952 ................................................30 BS ISO 251 .........................................................30 BS ISO 366 .........................................................30 BS ISO 727 .........................................................30 BS ISO 4927 .......................................................30 BS ISO 5248 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6721 .......................................................19 BS ISO 6743 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8122 .......................................................31 BS ISO 10966 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13689 ...............................................15, 27 BS ISO 13909 ...............................................18, 26 BS ISO 13950 .....................................................18 BS ISO 14595 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15239 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15985 .....................................................18 BS ISO 17246 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17247 .....................................................32 BS ISO 18114 .....................................................32 BS ISO 18115 .....................................................19 BS ISO 18132 ...............................................15, 27 BS ISO 18283 .....................................................26 BS ISO 20753 .....................................................15 BS ISO 22308 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24236 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24237 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24344 .....................................................16 DD ISO/TR 15235 ................................................24 PD 2777 .............................................................26


Alpha-numeric sequence of British Standards Alpha-numeric sequence of British Standards quoted in this issue BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS


215 ................................................................20 437 ................................................................10 848 ...................................................18, 27, 32 873 ..........................................................14, 26 1017 ..............................................................26 1070 ..............................................................20 1088 ..............................................................20 1129 ..............................................................20 1139 ..............................................................20 1170 ..............................................................20 1196 ..............................................................20 1425 ..............................................................20 1434 ..............................................................20 1640 ..............................................................12 1749 ..............................................................25 1781 ..............................................................20 2000 ........................................................26, 28 2037 ..............................................................20 2051 ..............................................................25 2081 ..............................................................20 2482 ..............................................................20 2486 ..............................................................21 2520 ..............................................................25 2627 ..............................................................21 2738 ..............................................................24 2782 ..............................................................25 2795 ..............................................................10 2846 ..............................................................21 2897 ..............................................................21 3169 ..............................................................26 3288 ..............................................................25 3416 ..............................................................21 3668 ..............................................................21 3680 ..............................................................21 3698 ..............................................................21 3728 ..............................................................21 3863 ..............................................................26 3900 ..............................................................21 3981 ........................................................11, 26 3985 ..............................................................21 4193 ........................................................27, 28 4505 ..............................................................25 4532 ..............................................................21 4569 ..............................................................21 4578 ..............................................................21 4723 ..............................................................21 4737 ..............................................................26 4814 ..............................................................26 4842 ..............................................................21 4940 ..............................................................21 5080 ..............................................................21 5332 ..............................................................25 5335 ..............................................................21 5431 ..............................................................21 5438 ..............................................................21 5446 ..............................................................21 5477 ..............................................................25 5514 ..............................................................27 5561 ..............................................................22 5651 ..............................................................22 5702 ..............................................................10 5722 ..............................................................22 5803 ..............................................................22 5839 ..............................................................22 5892 ..............................................................22 5950 ..............................................................22 5999 ..............................................................25 6001 ..............................................................22 6203 ..............................................................22 6270 ..............................................................22 6313 ..............................................................22

BS 6321 ..............................................................22 BS 6327 ..............................................................27 BS 6463 ..............................................................22 BS 6469 ..............................................................22 BS 6496 ..............................................................25 BS 6529 ..............................................................25 BS 6616 ..............................................................26 BS 6658 ..............................................................22 BS 6684 ..............................................................26 BS 6753 ..............................................................22 BS 6915 ..............................................................22 BS 6949 ..............................................................22 BS 7000 ..............................................................10 BS 7011 ..............................................................22 BS 7012 ..............................................................22 BS 7157 ..............................................................22 BS 7175 ..............................................................22 BS 7208 ..............................................................24 BS 7231 ..............................................................22 BS 7255 ..............................................................22 BS 7272 ..............................................................10 BS 7317 ........................................................22, 23 BS 7354 ..............................................................23 BS 7368 ..............................................................26 BS 7460 ..............................................................23 BS 7504 ..............................................................28 BS 7505 ........................................................17, 23 BS 7533 ..............................................................23 BS 7568 ........................................................15, 27 BS 7661 ..............................................................26 BS 7671 ..............................................................27 BS 7701 ........................................................15, 27 BS 7837 ..............................................................23 BS 7843 ..............................................................23 BS 7870 ........................................................23, 26 BS 7884 ..............................................................23 BS 7894 ..............................................................26 BS 7903 ..............................................................23 BS 7928 ..............................................................23 BS 7937 ..............................................................27 BS 7972 ..............................................................23 BS 7977 ..............................................................23 BS 7997 ..............................................................23 BS 8103 ..............................................................26 BS 8409 ..............................................................23 BS 8420 ..............................................................23 BS 8422 ..............................................................23 BS 8426 ..............................................................23 BS 8502 ..............................................................23 BS 25999 ............................................................10 BIP 0089 .............................................................16 BIP 2050 .............................................................16 BIP 2149 .............................................................16 KIT 199 ...............................................................17 DD CEN/TS 839 ............................................16, 27 DD CEN/TS 15279 ..............................................29 DD 7971 .............................................................23 DD 8464 .............................................................24 BS EN 3 ........................................................18, 27 BS EN 253 ..........................................................18 BS EN 294 ....................................................14, 27 BS EN 343 ..........................................................18 BS EN 378 ..........................................................10 BS EN ISO 463 ....................................................10 BS EN 483 ..........................................................18 BS EN 485 ..........................................................10 BS EN 736 ..........................................................10 BS EN 754 ....................................................10, 11 BS EN 755 ..........................................................11 BS EN 811 ....................................................14, 27 BS EN 988 ..........................................................28 BS EN ISO 1107 ..................................................28 BS EN 1179 ........................................................28

Prices may be subject to change.



ISO 1248 ............................................11, 26 1442 ........................................................19 ISO 1530 ..................................................28 1559 ........................................................28 1774 ........................................................28 ISO 2505 ..................................................28 2786 ........................................................11 ISO 2819 ..................................................28 2898 ........................................................11 2941 ........................................................11 3293 ........................................................11 3294 ........................................................11 3368 ........................................................11 3635 ........................................................11 3636 ........................................................11 ISO 3651 ..................................................28 3658 ........................................................12 3685 ........................................................12 3710 ........................................................12 3717 ........................................................12 ISO 3738 ..................................................28 3781 ........................................................12 ISO 3815 ..................................................28 ISO 3826 ..................................................15 ISO 4263 ..................................................28 4302 ........................................................12 4396 ........................................................12 4399 ........................................................12 ISO 5163 ..................................................28 ISO 5164 ..................................................28 ISO 6103 ..................................................28 ISO 6360 ..................................................17 ISO 6579 ..................................................17 ISO 6789 ..................................................28 ISO 7686 ..................................................28 ISO 8069 ..................................................28 ISO 8166 ..................................................28 ISO 8339 ..................................................28 ISO 8340 ..................................................28 ISO 8536 ..................................................12 ISO 8624 ..................................................24 ISO 8980 ..................................................24 ISO 9187 ..................................................12 ISO 9454 ..................................................28 ISO 9455 ..................................................28 ISO 9801 ..................................................24 ISO 9994 ..................................................19 10111 ......................................................12 10253 ......................................................12 10277 ......................................................12 10302 ......................................................12 10332 ................................................15, 27 ISO 10341 ................................................24 ISO 10342 ................................................28 ISO 10343 ................................................24 ISO 10563 ................................................29 ISO 10590 ................................................29 ISO 10591 ................................................29 ISO 10821 ................................................29 ISO 10938 ................................................29 ISO 10944 ................................................29 ISO 11199 ................................................29 ISO 11214 ................................................29 ISO 11432 ................................................29 ISO 11543 ................................................29 ISO 11985 ................................................24 ISO 11987 ................................................24 12020 ......................................................12 12060 ......................................................29 12193 ......................................................27 ISO 12215 ................................................12 12218 ......................................................27 12441 ......................................................29

Update Standards June 2008




12493 ......................................................12 ISO 12680 ................................................29 12764 ......................................................19 12809 ......................................................17 12815 ......................................................17 12844 ......................................................29 ISO 12864 ................................................24 ISO 12867 ................................................29 ISO 12870 ................................................24 12899 ................................................14, 26 13229 ......................................................17 13240 ......................................................17 13274 ......................................................14 13277 ......................................................19 13283 ......................................................29 13546 ......................................................19 13567 ......................................................19 13622 ......................................................24 13831 ................................................17, 26 13848 ......................................................14 ISO 13857 ..........................................14, 27 ISO 13969 ................................................29 14120 ......................................................19 14255 ......................................................14 14387 ......................................................19 14428 ......................................................19 14530 ......................................................29 ISO 14889 ................................................29 15069 ......................................................14 ISO 15253 ................................................24 ISO 15254 ................................................24 15266 ......................................................17 15283 ......................................................14 15285 ......................................................14 15378 ......................................................14 15388 ......................................................14 ISO 15493 ................................................29 ISO 15494 ................................................29 15542 ......................................................14 15549 ......................................................14 ISO 15614 ................................................19 ISO 16000 ................................................17 ISO 16484 ................................................29 ISO 16663 ................................................29 ISO 16671 ................................................29 ISO 16720 ................................................14 ISO 16871 ................................................29 ISO 17189 ................................................29 ISO 17652 ................................................29 ISO 17707 ................................................29 ISO 18330 ................................................29 ISO 19054 ................................................27 ISO 19107 ................................................30 ISO 19109 ................................................30 ISO 19115 ................................................30 ISO 19952 ................................................30 27627 ......................................................30 28662 ......................................................30 50015 ......................................................14 50021 ......................................................27 50090 ......................................................19 50152 ......................................................14 50436 ......................................................14 60079 ..........................................14, 26, 27 60255 ......................................................17 60312 ......................................................14 60335 ......................................................19 60336 ......................................................27 60384 ................................................15, 27 60404 ................................................15, 27 60669 ......................................................17 60745 ......................................................19 60747 ......................................................19

BS EN 60947 ................................................15, 17 BS EN 60974 ......................................................15 BS EN 61000 ................................................17, 27 BS EN 61076 ......................................................17 BS EN 61162 ......................................................43 BS EN 61228 ......................................................15 BS EN 61466 ......................................................17 BS EN 61770 ......................................................17 BS EN 62011 ......................................................17 BS EN 62305 ................................................17, 18 BS EN 62366 ......................................................15 BS EN 131801 ..............................................15, 27 BS EN 140100 ....................................................15 DD ENV 839 .................................................16, 27 BS ISO 15 ...........................................................30 BS ISO 251 .........................................................30 BS ISO 366 .........................................................30 BS ISO 727 .........................................................30 BS ISO 1641 .......................................................30 BS ISO 2108 .......................................................30 BS ISO 2976 .......................................................30 BS ISO 3046 .................................................18, 27 BS ISO 3061 .......................................................15 BS ISO 3723 .......................................................30 BS ISO 3826 .......................................................15 BS ISO 3919 .......................................................30 BS ISO 3977 .................................................18, 26 BS ISO 4498 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4927 .......................................................30 BS ISO 5248 .......................................................30 BS ISO 5429 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6106 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6336 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6344 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6415 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6721 .......................................................19 BS ISO 6743 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6811 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6826 .......................................................27 BS ISO 7766 .......................................................31 BS ISO/IEC 7816 .................................................15 BS ISO 7967 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8084 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8122 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8156 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8262 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8434 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8528 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8573 .......................................................31 BS ISO 8967 .......................................................31 BS ISO 9183 .................................................15, 27 BS ISO 10378 .....................................................31 BS ISO 10966 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11451 .....................................................19 BS ISO 11568 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11787 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11813 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11866 .....................................................31 BS ISO 12081 .....................................................31 BS ISO 12151 .....................................................31 BS ISO 12240 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13292 .....................................................15 BS ISO 13347 .....................................................18 BS ISO 13399 .....................................................18 BS ISO 13491 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13555 .....................................................32 BS ISO 13689 ...............................................15, 27 BS ISO 13899 .....................................................32 BS ISO 13909 ...............................................18, 26 BS ISO 13950 .....................................................18 BS ISO/IEC 14443 ...............................................18 BS ISO 14595 .....................................................32 BS ISO 14695 .....................................................32

Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 15081 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15152 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15153 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15154 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15239 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15407 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15517 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15634 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15739 .....................................................32 BS ISO 15985 .....................................................18 BS ISO 16004 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16154 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16246 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16412 .....................................................32 BS ISO 16818 .....................................................15 BS ISO 16902 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17246 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17247 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17373 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17567 .....................................................32 BS ISO 17616 .....................................................15 BS ISO 18114 .....................................................32 BS ISO 18115 .....................................................19 BS ISO 18132 ...............................................15, 27 BS ISO 18283 .....................................................26 BS ISO 18913 .....................................................32 BS ISO 18922 .....................................................32 BS ISO/IEC 19784 ...............................................19 BS ISO 19860 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19959 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19960 .....................................................32 BS ISO 20683 .....................................................32 BS ISO 20753 .....................................................15 BS ISO 20859 .....................................................32 BS ISO 21995 .....................................................15 BS ISO 22072 .....................................................33 BS ISO 22241 .....................................................18 BS ISO 22308 .....................................................33 BS ISO 22514 .....................................................16 BS ISO 22866 .....................................................33 BS ISO 22900 .....................................................16 BS ISO 23206 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24101 .....................................................16 BS ISO 24213 .....................................................16 BS ISO 24236 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24237 .....................................................33 BS ISO 24344 .....................................................16 BS ISO 27107 .....................................................16 BS IEC 60092 ......................................................16 DD ISO/TS 9941 ..................................................31 DD ISO/TR 15235 ................................................24 DD ISO/TS 19127 ................................................32 DD ISO/TS 21108 ................................................33 DD CLC/TS 50457 ...............................................16 DD IEC/TS 60519 ................................................16 DD IEC/TS 60680 ................................................16 PD ES 59008 .......................................................27 PD 0026 .............................................................24 PD 2777 .............................................................26 PD 6533 .............................................................24 PD 6682 .............................................................24 PD ISO/TS 29001 ................................................18 PD IEC/TR 60825 ................................................16 PD CLC/TR 62258 .........................................18, 27 BS MA 2 .............................................................24 BS QC 301801 .............................................15, 27 PAS 43 ................................................................16 PAS 84 ................................................................16 PAS 124 ..............................................................16

Update Standards June 2008

British Standards

BRITISH STANDARDS The following British Standard publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2). The publications listed below are new and revised British Standards that were made available last month.

BS 7000:—

BS EN 378-3:2008

Design management systems

Installation site and personal protection

BS 7000-1:2008

supersedes BS EN 378-3:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 53386 0 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

Guide to managing innovation supersedes BS 7000-1:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58704 7 £85.00 members, £170.00 non-members



Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery

An existing BSI publication bearing a number identical to one announced below is automatically withdrawn unless stated otherwise.

BS 7272:—

In all other cases of supersession, details are given and a corresponding entry appears in the ’British Standards withdrawn’ section.

Specification for caps to reduce the risk of asphyxiation



Please order by the British Standard reference not the ISBN number.

supersedes BS 7272-2:2000 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 59995 8 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

BS 2000 series standards are also available from:– Library of the Energy Institute 61 New Cavendish Street London W1G 7AR Tel: 020 7467 7100 Fax: 020 7255 1472 Email: [email protected] For this series, member pricing is applicable to BSI and Energy Institute members.

Writing and marking instruments


supersedes BS 7272-1:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 59994 1 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

BS 7272-2:2008 Specification for end closures to reduce the risk of asphyxiation



BS 5702:— Guide to statistical process control (SPC) charts for variables

Business continuity management

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS). Dimensional measuring equipment. Design and metrological characteristics of mechanical dial gauges partially supersedes BS 2795:1981 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 59622 3 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members TDW/4

BS EN 485:— Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate

BS EN 485-1:2008 Technical conditions for inspection and delivery

BS 25999-2:2007 (Paperback) Specification no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56427 7 £45.00 members, £90.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 485-1:1994 ISBN 978 0 580 56295 2 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members NFE/35

BS EN 736:— Valves. Terminology


BS EN 736-3:2008

The following are British Standard implementations of the English language versions of European Standards (ENs).

supersedes BS EN 736-3:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 57802 1 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

BSI has an obligation to publish all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards. This has led to a series of standards, BS ENs, using the EN number.

Charts for individual values

Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the European standard.

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53005 0 £74.00 members, £148.00 non-members

BS EN 378:—

BS 5702-2:2008

BS EN ISO 463:2006

BS 25999:—

BS 437:2008

supersedes BS 437:1978 ISBN 978 0 580 57781 9 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 378-4:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 53387 7 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

BS 7272-1:2008


Specification for cast iron drain pipes, fittings and their joints for socketed and socketless systems

BS EN 378-4:2008

Definition of terms


BS EN 754:— Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Cold drawn rod/bar and tube

BS EN 754-1:2008 Technical conditions for inspection and delivery supersedes BS EN 754-1:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 55592 3 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members


Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Safety and environmental requirements

BS 5702-3:2008

BS EN 378-2:2008

Charting techniques for short runs and small mixed batches

Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation

BS EN 754-2:2008

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53004 3 £56.00 members, £112.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 378-2:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 53385 3 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 754-2:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 55595 4 £75.00 members, £150.00 non-members





Prices may be subject to change.


Mechanical properties

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN 754-3:2008

BS EN 755-3:2008

BS EN 2786:2008

Round bars, tolerances on dimensions and form

Round bars, tolerances on dimensions and form

supersedes BS EN 754-3:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55596 1 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 755-3:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55557 2 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

Aerospace series. Electrolytic silver plating of fasteners



no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60314 3 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12

BS EN 754-4:2008 Square bars, tolerances on dimensions and form

BS EN 755-4:2008

BS EN 2898:2008

Square bars, tolerances on dimensions and form

Aerospace series. Corrosion and heat resisting steel rivets. Technical specification

supersedes BS EN 754-4:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55597 8 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 755-4:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55558 9 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members



no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62757 6 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12

BS EN 754-5:2008 Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form supersedes BS EN 754-5:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55598 5 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members NFE/35

BS EN 755-5:2008

Aerospace series. Nickel alloy rivets. Technical specification

supersedes BS EN 755-5:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55560 2 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62751 4 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members



BS EN 754-6:2008 Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form supersedes BS EN 754-6:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55599 2 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members NFE/35

BS EN 2941:2008

Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form

BS EN 3293:2008 Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form

Aerospace series. Bolts, T-head, close tolerance, medium thread length, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-P100HT (Inconel 718), uncoated. Classification: 1275 MPa/650°C

supersedes BS EN 755-6:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 55561 9 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60319 8 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members



BS EN 755-6:2008

BS EN 754-7:2008 Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form supersedes BS EN 754-7:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 55600 5 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members NFE/35

BS EN 754-8:2008

BS EN 3294:2008 BS EN 755-7:2008 Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form supersedes BS EN 755-7:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 55562 6 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members NFE/35

supersedes BS EN 754-8:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 55601 2 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

BS EN 755-8:2008


supersedes BS EN 755-8:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 55563 3 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles

Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form

BS EN 3368:2008 Aerospace series. Aerospace design standard. Holes for locating pins no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60327 3 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12


BS EN 3635:2008 BS EN 755-9:2008

BS EN 755-1:2008

Profiles, tolerances on dimensions and form

Technical conditions for inspection and delivery

supersedes BS EN 755-9:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 55564 0 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 755-1:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 55552 7 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60517 8 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12

Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form

BS EN 755:—

Aerospace series. Bolts, T-head, close tolerance, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-P101HT (Waspaloy), uncoated for increased height nuts. Classification: 1210 MPa/730°C

Aerospace series. Weld lip. Geometrical configuration no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59772 5 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12



BS EN 3636:2008

Mechanical properties

Iron oxide pigments. Specifications and methods of test

Aerospace series. Screws, reduced pan head, offset cruciform recess, relieved shank, long thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated. Classification: 900 MPa/650°C

supersedes BS EN 755-2:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 55556 5 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

supersedes BS 3981:1976 ISBN 978 0 580 57679 9 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62887 0 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members




BS EN ISO 1248:2008 BS EN 755-2:2008

Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


BS EN Publications continued... BS EN 3658:2008

BS EN ISO 8536:—

BS EN 10277-4:2008

Aerospace series. Tube bend radii, for engine application. Design standard

Infusion equipment for medical use

Case hardening steels

BS EN ISO 8536-1:2008

supersedes BS EN 10277-4:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 52928 3 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62754 5 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12

BS EN 3685:2008 Aerospace series. Bolts in heat resisting steel FE-PA2601 (A286). Classification: 1100 MPa/650°C. Technical specification no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62888 7 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

Infusion glass bottles supersedes BS EN ISO 8536-1:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 59470 0 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members



Steels for quenching and tempering

BS EN ISO 9187:—

supersedes BS EN 10277-5:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 52935 1 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

Injection equipment for medical use

BS EN 10277-5:2008


BS EN ISO 9187-1:2008


Ampoules for injectables

BS EN 10302:2008 Creep resisting steels, nickel and cobalt alloys

BS EN 3710:2008

supersedes BS EN ISO 9187-1:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 56641 7 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

Aerospace series. Sockets, bi-hexagonal. Technical specification


no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62884 9 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

BS EN 10111:2008


BS EN 3717:2008 Aerospace series. Tubes. Selection for engines fluid systems no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62886 3 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 10302:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 55990 7 £75.00 members, £150.00 non-members ISE/30

Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip for cold forming. Technical delivery conditions supersedes BS EN 10111:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 54793 5 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

BS EN 12020:— Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063

BS EN 12020-1:2008


Technical conditions for inspection and delivery

BS EN 10253:—

supersedes BS EN 12020-1:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 55565 7 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

Butt-welding pipe fittings



BS EN 10253-4:2008 BS EN 3781:2008 Aerospace series. Grooves for spiral wound retaining rings. Design standard no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62747 7 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members ACE/12

Wrought austenitic and austenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steels with specific inspection requirements partially supersedes BS 1640-2:1962 and BS 1640-4:1968 ISBN 978 0 580 53411 9 £85.00 members, £170.00 non-members

BS EN 12020-2:2008 Tolerances on dimensions and form supersedes BS EN 12020-2:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 55566 4 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members NFE/35


BS EN ISO 12215:— BS EN 4302:2008 Aerospace series. Open ring insert tool, square drive no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57073 5 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members ACE/12

BS EN 4396:2008

BS EN 10277:— Bright steel products. Technical delivery conditions

BS EN 10277-1:2008 General supersedes BS EN 10277-1:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 52920 7 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

Aerospace series. Shaft-nuts, self-locking, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated


no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57070 4 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

BS EN 10277-2:2008


Small craft. Hull construction and scantlings

BS EN ISO 12215-5:2008 Design pressures for monohulls, design stresses, scantlings determination no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53212 2 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members GME/33

BS EN ISO 12215-6:2008 Steels for general engineering purposes supersedes BS EN 10277-2:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 52923 8 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

Structural arrangements and details no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53196 5 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members GME/33


BS EN 12493:2008m

BS EN 4399:2008 Aerospace series. Rings, threaded, self-locking, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated

BS EN 10277-3:2008 Free-cutting steels

LPG equipment and accessories. Welded steel tanks for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Road tankers design and manufacture

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57074 2 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 10277-3:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 52926 9 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 12493:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 58898 3 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN Publications continued... BS EN 12899:—

BS EN 15069:2008

BS EN ISO 16720:2007

Fixed, vertical road traffic signs

Safety gas connection valves for metal hose assemblies used for the connection of domestic appliances using gaseous fuel

Soil quality. Pretreatment of samples by freezedrying for subsequent analysis

BS EN 12899-1:2007 Fixed signs supersedes BS EN 12899-1:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 57427 6 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members B/509/3

BS EN 12899-2:2007

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54780 5 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62743 9 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members EH/4


BS EN 15283:—

BS EN 50152:—

Gypsum boards with fibrous reinforcement. Definitions, requirements and test methods

Railway applications. Fixed installations. Particular requirements for A.C. switchgear

Transilluminated traffic bollards (TTB) supersedes BS 873-3:1980 ISBN 978 0 580 57428 3 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

BS EN 15283-1:2008 Gypsum boards with mat reinforcement

BS EN 50152-1:2007


no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55524 4 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

BS EN 12899-3:2007


supersedes BS EN 50152-1:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 56842 8 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

BS EN 15283-2:2008


Delineator posts and retroreflectors no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57430 6 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members B/509/3

BS EN 13274:—

Gypsum fibre boards no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55525 1 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members B/544

Respiratory protective devices. Methods of test

BS EN 15285:2008 BS EN 13274-7:2008 Determination of particle filter penetration supersedes BS EN 13274-7:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 58578 4 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

Single-phase circuit-breakers with Un above 1 kV

Agglomerated stone. Modular tiles for flooring and stairs (internal and external) no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62620 3 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

BS EN 50152-2:2007 Single-phase disconnectors, earthing switches and switches with Un above 1 kV supersedes BS EN 50152-2:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 56837 4 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members GEL/9/3

BS EN 50436:— Alcohol interlocks. Test methods and performance requirements



BS EN 15378:2007 BS EN 13848:— Railway applications. Track. Track geometry quality

Heating systems in buildings. Inspection of boilers and heating systems

BS EN 13848-5:2008

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55968 6 £85.00 members, £170.00 non-members

Geometric quality levels


no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55461 2 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

BS EN 15388:2008


BS EN ISO 13857:2008 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs supersedes BS EN 294:1992 and BS EN 811:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 57034 6 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members MCE/3

Also available as part of KIT 8.

BS EN 14255:— Measurement and assessment of personal exposures to incoherent optical radiation

Agglomerated stone. Slabs and cut-to-size products for vanity and kitchen tops no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56304 1 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

BS EN 50436-2:2007 Instruments having a mouthpiece and measuring breath alcohol for general preventive use no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56468 0 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members AUE/16

BS EN 60079:— Explosive atmospheres


BS EN 15542:2008

BS EN 60079-6:2007

Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories. External cement mortar coating for pipes. Requirements and test methods

Equipment protected by oil immersion “o”

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57336 1 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 50015:1994 which is withdrawn and BS EN 50015:1998 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 55004 1 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members GEL/31


BS EN 15549:2008

BS EN 60312:2008 Vacuum cleaners for household use. Methods of measuring the performance

UV-Radiation emitted by the sun

Air quality. Standard method for the measurement of the concentration of benzo(a)pyrene in ambient air

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57234 0 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56099 6 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 60312:1998 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 54353 1 £85.00 members, £170.00 non-members




BS EN 14255-3:2008


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN 60384:—

BS EN 62366:2008

BS ISO 9183:—

Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment

Medical devices. Application of usability engineering to medical devices

Tools for pressing. Wear plates for press dies

BS EN 60384-13-1:2006 Blank detail specification. Fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors. Assessment level E supersedes BS EN 131801:1998 and BS QC 301801:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 56561 8 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members EPL/40X

BS EN 60404:—

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54371 5 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members CH/62/1

BS EN 140100:2008 Sectional specification. Fixed low power film resistors supersedes BS EN 140100:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 57664 5 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members EPL/40X

Magnetic materials

BS EN 60404-5:2007 Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials. Methods of measurement of magnetic properties supersedes BS EN 10332:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 58494 7 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

BS ENs IMPLEMENTED BY AMENDMENT For the standards listed below see also the ’Amendments to British Standards’ and ’Updated British Standards’ sections of this issue of Update Standards.


BS EN ISO 3826:— BS EN 60947:— Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear

Type A supersedes BS 7568-11:1992 ISBN 978 0 580 57161 9 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members MTE/12

BS ISO 13292:2006 Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates. Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55515 2 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members NFE/36

BS ISO 16818:2008 Building environment design. Energy efficiency. Terminology no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62745 3 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components


BS EN ISO 3826-3:2007

BS ISO 17616:2008

BS EN 60947-5-2:2007

Blood bag systems with integrated features

Control circuit devices and switching elements. Proximity switches


supersedes BS EN 60947-5-2:1999 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 62085 0 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

BS ISO 9183-1:2008

Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 38263 by amendment to BS ISO 3826-3:2006. Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

Soil quality. Guidance on the choice and evaluation of bioassays for ecotoxicological characterization of soils and soil materials no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54123 0 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members EH/4


BS IMPLEMENTATIONS BS EN 60974:— Arc welding equipment

BS EN 60974-3:2007 Arc striking and stabilizing devices supersedes BS EN 60974-3:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 56027 9 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

BS Implementations comprise the ISO or IEC text without any national deviation and with front and back cover indicating the UK committee responsible. No other information will normally be added.

BS ISO 18132:— Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids. General requirements for automatic level gauges

BS ISO 18132-2:2008 Gauges in refrigerated-type shore tanks supersedes BS 7701:1993 and BS ISO 13689:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 57513 6 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members


Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the international standard.

BS EN 60974-10:2007

BS ISO 3061:2008

BS ISO 20753:2008

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

Oil of black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)

Plastics. Test specimens

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55792 7 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55316 5 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members



supersedes BS EN 60974-10:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 54474 3 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members



BS ISO/IEC 7816:— BS EN 61228:2008 Fluorescent ultraviolet lamps used for tanning. Measurement and specification method supersedes BS EN 61228:1995 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 57614 0 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members CPL/34/1

Update Standards June 2008

Identification cards. Integrated circuit cards

BS ISO 21995:2008

BS ISO/IEC 7816-15:2004+A1:2007 Cryptographic information application

Road vehicles. Test of vehicle air braking systems with a permissible mass of over 3,5 t. Acquisition and use of reference values using a roller brake tester

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62219 9 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56208 2 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members



Prices may be subject to change.


BS Implementations continued... BS ISO 22514:—



BS ISO 22514-3:2008

PD IEC/TR 60825:—

Machine performance studies for measured data on discrete parts

Safety of laser products

Guidance for laser displays and shows

Publicly Available Specifications (formerly Product Assessment Specifications) are issued to provide an interim document where there is a market need but where a full British or European Standard has yet to be published.

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60445 4 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

PAS 43:2008

Statistical methods in process management. Capability and performance

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56896 1 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members SS/4

BS ISO 22900:—

PD IEC/TR 60825-3:2008

Safe working of vehicle breakdown, recovery and removal operations. Management system specification

Road vehicles. Modular vehicle communication interface (MVCI)


BS ISO 22900-1:2008


Hardware design requirements no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55416 2 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members AUE/16

BS ISO 24101:— Intelligent transport systems. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM). Application management

DD CEN/TS 839:2008 Wood preservatives. Determination of the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes. Application by surface treatment supersedes DD ENV 839:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 55776 7 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

BS ISO 24213:2008 Metallic materials. Sheet and strip. Method for springback evaluation in stretch bending no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58373 5 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members ISE/NFE/4/2

BS ISO 24344:2008 Resilient floor coverings. Determination of flexibility and deflection no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53541 3 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

DD CLC/TS 50457:— Conductive charging for electric vehicles

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of peroxide value. Potentiometric end-point determination no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57404 7 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members AW/307

BS IEC 60092:—

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 50971 1 This document is only available as a free download via the BSI website.

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59985 9 £85.00 members, £85.00 non-members

DD CLC/TS 50457-1:2008 D.C. charging station no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57820 5 £20.00 members, £40.00 non-members PEL/69

SPECIALIST BOOKS FROM BSI BIP 0089:2008 A manager’s guide to the long-term preservation of electronic documents

DD CLC/TS 50457-2:2008 Communication protocol between off-board charger and electric vehicle no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57821 2 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members PEL/69


BS ISO 27107:2008

Regenerative medicine. Glossary

Defining, implementing and managing website standards: A statement of best practice

General requirements


PAS 84:2008

PAS 124:2008


BS ISO 24101-1:2008 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57467 2 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

supersedes PAS 43:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 61901 4 £27.00 members, £27.00 non-members

DD IEC/TS 60519:—

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61351 7 £55.00 members, £55.00 non-members

BIP 2050:2008 Managing Safety the Systems Way. Implementing BS OHSAS 18001:2007 supersedes BIP 2050:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 50954 4 £30.00 members, £30.00 non-members

Safety in electroheat installations

BIP 2149:2008 DD IEC/TS 60519-5:2008 Specifications for safety in plasma installations no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53921 3 £20.00 members, £40.00 non-members

Managing Risk and Resilience in the Supply Chain no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60726 4 £30.00 members, £30.00 non-members


Electrical installations in ships

DD IEC/TS 60680:2008 BS IEC 60092-501:2007 Special features. Electric propulsion plant

Test methods of plasma equipment for electroheat and electrochemical applications

supersedes BS IEC 60092-501:1984 ISBN 978 0 580 59421 2 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60159 0 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members




Prices may be subject to change.

e-mail your order [email protected]

Update Standards June 2008


BS EN 12815:2001+A1:2004

BS EN 60947:—

Residential cookers fired by solid fuel. Requirements and test methods

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear


KIT 199 TickIT Guide (Issue 5.5) Combi-Kit 199 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 50972 8 £99.00 members, £99.00 non-members This KIT is available as a CD-ROM and A4 Paperback.


Also incorporates Corrigendum 1 & Amendment 1.

BS EN 60947-5-2:2007 Control circuit devices and switching elements. Proximity switches CORRIGENDUM 1

BS EN 13229:2001+A2:2004


Inset appliances including open fires fired by solid fuels. Requirements and test methods

BS EN 61000:—


Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


AMENDMENTS TO BRITISH STANDARDS Most amendments are not issued separately. Those that make significant changes to a standard are incorporated into the standard which is re-issued as a new edition (see ’Updated British Standards’). Amendments which make smaller changes or corrections are available on request, free of charge to past purchasers of the standard. All amendments to date of despatch are included within any main publication when ordered for the first time. The following amendments to British Standards were made available last month. BS 7505:1995

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1 and Amendments 1 & 2.

BS EN 61000-4-4:2004

BS EN 13240:2001+A2:2004


Roomheaters fired by solid fuel. Requirements and test methods


Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.


BS EN 61076:—

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1 and Amendments 1 & 2.

Connectors for electronic equipment

BS EN 61076-4-101:2001


Printed board connectors with assessed quality. Detail specification for two-part connector modules, having a basic grid of 2,0 mm for printed boards and backplanes in accordance with IEC 60917



BS EN 13831:2007 Closed expansion vessels with built-in diaphragm for installation in water


BS EN 15266:2007 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing kits in buildings for gas with an operating pressure up to 0,5 bar

Specification for the elastic properties of flat, non-adhesive, extensible fabric bandages



Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

BS EN 61466:— Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V


BS EN 61466-1:1997 Standard strength classes and end fittings


Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

Testing and measurement techniques. Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test

BS EN ISO 16000:—


Indoor air


Dentistry. Number coding system for rotary instruments

BS EN ISO 16000-9:2006

BS EN 61770:1999+A2:2006

Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing. Emission test chamber method

Electric appliances connected to the water mains. Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets

BS EN ISO 6360-1:2004



General characteristics




Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

Also incorporates Amendments 1 & 2.

BS EN ISO 6360:—


BS EN 60255:— BS EN ISO 6579:2002+A1:2007 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs. Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp CORRIGENDUM 3 AW/9

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1 & 2 and Amendment 1.

Measuring relays and protection equipment

BS EN 62011:— Insulating materials. Industrial, rigid, moulded, laminated tubes and rods of rectangular and hexagonal cross-section, based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes

BS EN 60255-27:2005 Product safety requirements CORRIGENDUM 1 PEL/95

BS EN 62011-2:2004 Methods of test CORRIGENDUM 1 GEL/15/3

BS EN 60669:— BS EN 12809:2001+A1:2004

Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations

BS EN 62305:—

Residential independent boilers fired by solid fuel. Nominal heat output up to 50 kW. Requirements and test methods

BS EN 60669-2-1:2004

BS EN 62305-3:2006


Particular requirements. Electronic switches

Physical damage to structures and life hazard




Also incorporates Corrigendum 1 & Amendment 1.



Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.

Protection against lightning


Amendments to British Standards continued... BS EN 62305-4:2006

BS ISO 13909-3:2001

PD ISO/TS 29001:2007

Electrical and electronic systems within structures

Coal. Sampling from stationary lots

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Sector-specific quality management systems. Requirements for product and service supply organizations





BS ISO 13909-4:2001 BS ISO 3046:—

Coal. Preparation of test samples

Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Performance


BS ISO 3046-1:2002 Declarations of power, fuel and lubricating oil consumptions, and test methods. Additional requirements for engines for general use CORRIGENDUM 1


PD CLC/TR 62258:—


Semiconductor die products

BS ISO 13909-5:2001

PD CLC/TR 62258-3:2007

Coke. Sampling from moving streams CORRIGENDUM 1

Recommendations for good practice in handling, packing and storage




BS ISO 13909-6:2001 BS ISO 3977:— Gas turbines. Procurement

Coke. Preparation of test samples CORRIGENDUM 1



BS ISO 3977-1:1997 General introduction and definitions

BS ISO 13909-7:2001


Methods for determining the precision of sampling, sample preparation and testing



The following standards have been amended and the amendments have been incorporated into an updated standard.


BS ISO 3977-2:1997 Standard reference conditions and ratings CORRIGENDUM 1 MCE/16

BS ISO 13909-8:2001 Methods of testing for bias

NOTE: Updated British Standards must be reordered as the amendments are not available separately.


BS ISO 13347:— Industrial fans. Determination of fan sound power levels under standardized laboratory conditions

BS EN 3:— BS ISO 13950:2007 Plastics pipes and fittings. Automatic recognition systems for electrofusion joints CORRIGENDUM 1

BS ISO 13347-4:2004 (BS 848-2.4:2004)


Sound intensity method CORRIGENDUM 1

BS ISO/IEC 14443:—


Identification cards. Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards. Proximity cards

BS ISO 13399:—

BS ISO/IEC 14443-3:2001+A3:2006

Portable fire extinguishers

BS EN 3-7:2004+A1:2007 Characteristics, performance requirements and test methods AMENDMENT 1 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members FSH/2

BS EN 253:2003+A2:2006 Cutting tool data representation and exchange

Initialization and anticollision CORRIGENDUM 1

BS ISO 13399-1:2006


Overview, fundamental principles and general information model

Also incorporates Amendments 1, 2 & 3.


BS ISO 13909:— Hard coal and coke. Mechanical sampling

AMENDMENT 2 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members RHE/9

BS ISO 15985:2004 Plastics. Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradation and disintegration under high-solids anaerobic-digestion conditions. Method by analysis of released biogas CORRIGENDUM 1

BS ISO 13909-1:2001

District heating pipes. Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene


Also incorporates Amendment 1.

BS EN 343:2003+A1:2007 Protective clothing. Protection against rain AMENDMENT 1 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members PH/3

General introduction CORRIGENDUM 1

BS ISO 22241:—


Diesel engines. NOx reduction agent AUS 32

BS EN 483:1999+A4:2007 Gas-fired central heating boilers. Type C boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW

BS ISO 13909-2:2001

BS ISO 22241-2:2006

Coal. Sampling from moving streams

Test methods

AMENDMENT 4 £108.00 members, £216.00 non-members






Also incorporates Amendment 2 and Corrigendum 1.


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN 1442:2006+A1:2008

BS EN 14428:2004+A1:2008

BS ISO 6721:—

LPG equipment and accessories. Transportable refillable welded steel cylinders for LPG. Design and construction

Shower enclosures. Functional requirements and test methods

Plastics. Determination of dynamic mechanical properties

AMENDMENT 1 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

BS ISO 6721-9:1997+A1:2007

AMENDMENT 1 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

Tensile vibration. Sonic-pulse propagation method



BS EN ISO 9994:2006+A1:2008 Lighters. Safety specification AMENDMENT 1 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 15614:— Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Welding procedure test


BS EN ISO 15614-1:2004+A1:2008 BS EN 12764:2004+A1:2008

Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys

Sanitary appliances. Specification for whirlpool baths

AMENDMENT 1 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members

AMENDMENT 1 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members


BS EN 50090:—

Road vehicles. Vehicle test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy

BS ISO 11451-1:2005+A1:2008 General principles and terminology AMENDMENT 1 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

BS ISO 18115:2001+A2:2007

BS EN 50090-2-2:1996+A2:2007

AMENDMENT 2 £98.00 members, £196.00 non-members

Protective equipment for martial arts

AMENDMENT 1 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

BS ISO 11451:—

Home and building electronic systems (HBES)

BS EN 13277:—

Additional requirements and test methods for head protectors




BS EN 13277-4:2001+A1:2007

AMENDMENT 1 £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members

System overview. General technical requirements AMENDMENT 2 £65.00 members, £130.00 non-members IST/6

Surface chemical analysis. Vocabulary


Also incorporates Amendment 1.

BS ISO/IEC 19784:— Information technology. Biometric application programming interface


Also incorporates Amendment 1.

BS EN 13546:2002+A1:2007

BS EN 60335:—

BioAPI specification

Protective clothing. Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, foot and genital protectors for field hockey goal keepers and shin protectors for field players. Requirements and test methods

Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety

AMENDMENT 1 £123.00 members, £246.00 non-members

BS ISO/IEC 19784-1:2006+A1:2007

AMENDMENT 1 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members PH/3/9

BS EN 13567:2002+A1:2007 Protective clothing. Hand, arm, chest, abdomen, leg, genital and face protectors for fencers. Requirements and test methods AMENDMENT 1 £75.00 members, £150.00 non-members PH/3/9


BS EN 60335-2-76:2005+A1:2006 Particular requirements for electric fence energizers AMENDMENT 11 £75.00 members, £150.00 non-members CPL/61/01

Also incorporates Amendment 1.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000

BS EN 60745:— Hand-held motor-operated electric tools. Safety

ISO 1750:1981 Pesticides and other agrochemicals. Common names

BS EN 14120:2003+A1:2007

BS EN 60745-2-19:2005

Protective clothing. Wrist, palm, knee and elbow protectors for users of roller sports equipment. Requirements and test methods

Particular requirements for jointers

AMENDMENT 1 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

AMENDMENT 11 £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members CPL/61/6


BS EN 60747:— BS EN 14387:2004+A1:2008 Respiratory protective devices. Gas filter(s) and combined filter(s). Requirements, testing, marking AMENDMENT 1 £57.00 members, £114.00 non-members

Semiconductor devices

BS EN 60747-16-1:2002+A1:2007

Bixafen (ISO-1750 approved) - Fungicide N-(3’,4’-dichloro-5-fluorobiphenyl-2-yl)-3(difluoromethyl)-1-methylpyrazole-4carboxamide Chlorantraniliprole (ISO-1750 approved) Insecticide 3-bromo-4’-chloro-1-(3-chloro-2pyridyl)-2’-methyl-6’(methylcarbamoyl)pyrazole-5-carboxanilide

Microwave integrated circuits. Amplifiers


AMENDMENT 1 £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.


Update Standards June 2008

Common Names for pesticides adopted by ISO since previous announcement in Update Standards.

Prices may be subject to change.

Cyenopyrafen (ISO-1750 published) - Acaricide (E)-2-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-cyano-1-(1,3,4trimethylpyrazol-5-yl)vinyl 2,2dimethylpropionate


Special Announcements continued... Cyprosulfamide (ISO-approved) - Herbicide safener N-[4(cyclopropylcarbamoyl)phenylsulfonyl]-oanisamide or N-[4(cyclopropylcarbamoyl)phenylsulfonyl]-2methoxybenzamide Fluopyram (ISO-approved) - Fungicide N-{2-[3chloro-5-(trifluoromethyl)-2-pyridyl]ethyl}-α,α,αtrifluoro-o-toluamide Imicyafos (ISO-approved) - Nematicide (RS){O-ethyl S-propyl (E)-[2-(cyanoimino)-3ethylimidazolidin-1-yl]phosphonothioate} Isotianil (ISO-approved) - Fungicide 3,4-dichloro2’-cyano-1,2-thiazole-5-carboxanilide Meptyldinocap (ISO-1750 approved) - Fungicide (RS)-2-(1-methylheptyl)-4,6-dinitrophenyl crotonate Pyribencarb - (ISO-1750 published) - Fungicide methyl {2-chloro-5-[(1E)-1-(6-methyl-2pyridylmethoxyimino)ethyl]benzyl}carbamate Pyrifluquinazon (ISO-1750 approved) Insecticide 1-acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-[(3pyridylmethyl)amino]-6-[1,2,2,2-tetrafluoro1-(trifluoromethyl)ethyl]quinazolin-2-one Pyroxasulfone (ISO-1750 approved) - Herbicide 3-[5-(difluoromethoxy)-1-methyl-3(trifluoromethyl)pyrazol-4-ylmethylsulfonyl]4,5-dihydro-5,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazole Pyroxsulam (ISO-1750 approved) - Herbicide N-(5,7-dimethoxy[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidin2-yl)-2-methoxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)pyridine3-sulfonamide Saflufenacil (ISO-1750 approved) - Herbicide N’-{2-chloro-4-fluoro-5-[1,2,3,6-tetrahydro-3methyl-2,6-dioxo-4-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidin1-yl]benzoyl}-N-isopropyl-N-methylsulfamide Spinetoram (ISO-1750 approved) - Insecticide NOTE: the stereochemistry at position 5a is still under discussion bridged fused ring systems nomenclature: mixture of 50-90% (2R,3aR,5aR,5bS,9S,13S,14R,16aS,16bR)-2(6-deoxy-3-O-ethyl-2,4-di-O-methyl-α-Lmannopyranosyloxy)-13-[(2R,5S,6R)-5(dimethylamino)tetrahydro-6-methylpyran2-yloxy]-9-ethyl2,3,3a,4,5,5a,5b,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,16a,16bhexadecahydro-14-methyl-1H-as-indaceno[3,2d]oxacyclododecine-7,15-dione and 50-10% (2R,3aR,5aS,5bS,9S,13S,14R,16aS,16bS)-2(6-deoxy-3-O-ethyl-2,4-di-O-methyl-α-Lmannopyranosyloxy)-13-[(2R,5S,6R)-5(dimethylamino)tetrahydro-6-methylpyran2-yloxy]-9-ethyl2,3,3a,5a,5b,6,9,10,11,12,13,14,16a,16btetradecahydro-4,14-dimethyl-1H-asindaceno[3,2-d]oxacyclododecine-7,15-dione

Note: when this substance is used as an ester or a salt, its identity should be stated for e.g. Thiencarbazone-methyl

BS 1129:1990 Specification for portable timber ladders, steps, trestles and lightweight stagings B/512

Thiencarbazone-methyl methyl 4-[(4,5-dihydro3-methoxy-4-methyl-5-oxo-1H-1,2,4-triazol1-yl)carbonylsulfamoyl]-5-methylthiophene-3carboxylate Tralopyril (ISO-1750 approved) - Molluscicide 4-bromo-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-5-(trifluoromethyl)1H-pyrrole-3-carbonitrile Contact: Peter Slot Email: [email protected] AW/81

BS 1139:— Metal scaffolding

BS 1139-1.2:1990 Tubes. Specification for aluminium tube B/514

BS 1139-4:1982 Specification for prefabricated steel splitheads and trestles

BRITISH STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR CONFIRMATION It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication, to establish whether it is still current and, if it is not, to identify and set in hand appropriate action. Circumstances may lead to an earlier review. Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard. A note of any objections to the proposals below should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL or via email to [email protected] by 31 July, 2008.


BS 1170:1983 Recommendations for treatment of water for marine boilers CII/62

BS 1196:1989 Specification for clayware field drain pipes and junctions B/505

BS 1425:— Cleanliness of fillings and stuffings for bedding, upholstery and other domestic articles

BS 1425-1:1991 Specification for fillings and stuffings other than feather and/or down TCI/66

BS 1434:1985 BS 215:— Specification for aluminium conductors and aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced for overhead power transmission

Specification for copper for electrical purposes: copper sections in bars, blanks and segments for commutators NFE/34

BS 1781:1981 BS 215-1:1970 Aluminium stranded conductors

Specification for linen and linen union textiles TCI/66


BS 215-2:1970

BS 2037:1994

Aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced

Specification for portable aluminium ladders, steps, trestles and lightweight stagings



BS 1070:1993 Specification for black paint (tar-based)

BS 2081:— Closets for use with chemicals


Tefuryltrione (ISO-1750 approved) - Herbicide 2-{2-chloro-4-mesyl-3-[(RS)-tetrahydro-2furylmethoxymethyl]benzoyl}cyclohexane1,3-dione

BS 1088:— Marine plywood

Specification for portable closets B/505

Tembotrione (ISO-1750 published) - Herbicide 2-{2-chloro-4-mesyl-3-[(2,2,2trifluoroethoxy)methyl]benzoyl}cyclohexane1,3-dione

BS 1088-1:2003

Thiencarbazone (ISO-1750 published) Herbicide 4-[(4,5-dihydro-3-methoxy-4-methyl5-oxo-1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)carbonylsulfamoyl]5-methylthiophene-3-carboxylic acid

BS 1088-2:2003


BS 2081-1:1998


BS 2081-2:1998 Specification for permanently installed closets



Determination of bonding quality using the knife test

BS 2482:1981



Prices may be subject to change.

Specification for timber scaffold boards

Update Standards June 2008

BS 2486:1997

BS 3900-C1:1965

BS 4842:1984

Recommendations for treatment of water for steam boilers and water heaters

Wet edge time

Specification for liquid organic coatings for application to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for external architectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections coated with liquid organic coatings



BS 2627:1970 Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes. Wire

BS 3900-E7:1974 Resistance to impact (falling ball test) STI/10



BS 3900-E8:1974 BS 2846:—

Resistance to impact (pendulum test)

Guide to statistical interpretation of data


BS 2846-1:1991

BS 3900-F2:1973

Routine analysis of quantitative data SS/2

Determination of resistance to humidity (cyclic condensation)

BS 4940:— Technical information on construction products and services

BS 4940-1:1994 Guide for management



BS 3900-F4:1968

BS 4940-2:1994

Resistance to continuous salt spray

Guide to content and arrangement



BS 2897:1970 Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes. Strip with drawn or rolled edges GEL/20/16

BS 3416:1991 Specification for bitumen-based coatings for cold application, suitable for use in contact with potable water

BS 3900-F5:1972 Determination of light fastness of paints for interior use exposed to artificial light sources

BS 4940-3:1994 Guide to presentation B/500



BS 3900-F10:1985 BS 3668:1963 Specification for red and green filters used in ophthalmic dichromatic and dissociation tests CH/172

BS 3680:— Methods of measurement of liquid flow in open channels

Determination of resistance to cathodic disbonding of coatings for use in marine environments

Method of test for tensile loading

BS 3900-F11:1985 Determination of resistance to cathodic disbonding of coatings for use on land-based buried structures

BS 3680-4C:1981 CPI/113

BS 3698:1964 Specification for calcium plumbate priming paints STI/27

BS 3728:1982

Structural fixings in concrete and masonry

BS 5080-1:1993



Weirs and flumes. Flumes

BS 5080:—


BS 5080-2:1986 Method for determination of resistance to loading in shear B/514

BS 3900-G6:1989 Assessment of resistance to fungal growth STI/10

BS 5335:— Continental quilts

BS 3985:2003 Haemiglobincyanide (cyanmethaemoglobin) preparation as a standard for spectrometric haemoglobinometry

BS 5335-1:1991



Specification for quilts containing fillings other than feather and/or down

Specification for size designation of children’s and infants’ wear TCI/66

BS 4532:1969 Specification for snorkels and face masks

BS 3900:— Methods of test for paints. Tests on liquid paints (excluding chemical tests)

BS 3900-A5:1991 Large-scale brushing tests for paints and varnishes


Specification for bending springs for use with copper tubes for water, gas and sanitation NFE/34

BS 4569:1983 Method of test for ignitability (surface flash) of pile fabrics and assemblies having pile on the surface TCI/66/-/8


BS 4578:1970 BS 3900-A11:1974

BS 5431:1976

BS 5438:1989 Methods of test for flammability of textile fabrics when subjected to a small igniting flame applied to the face or bottom edge of vertically oriented specimens TCI/66/-/8

Small scale test for combustibility

Specification for methods of test for hardness of, and for air flow through, infants’ pillows



BS 3900-B15:1987

BS 4723:2002

Rapid method for estimation of lead in liquid paints

Stretch covers for upholstered furniture. Specification

BS 5446-2:2003




Update Standards June 2008

BS 5446:— Fire detection and fire alarm devices for dwellings

Prices may be subject to change.

Specification for heat alarms


British Standards Proposed for Confirmation continued... BS 5561:1979

BS 6203:2003

BS 7011-2.1:1989

Specification for spools for copper wire

Guide to fire characteristics and fire performance of expanded polystyrene materials (EPS and XPS) used in building applications

Slides. Specification for dimensions and optical properties


BS 5651:1989 Method for cleansing and wetting procedures for use in the assessment of the effect of cleansing and wetting on the flammability of textile fabrics and fabric assemblies

BS 6270:—

BS 7012:—

Code of practice for cleaning and surface repair of buildings

Light microscopes


BS 6270-3:1991 BS 5722:1991



Metals (cleaning only)

BS 7012-0:1989 General introduction CPW/172/5

Specification for flammability performance of fabrics and fabric combinations used in nightwear garments


BS 6313:2003

BS 7157:1989


Micrographics. 35 mm microfilming of serials. Specification

Method of test for ignitability of fabrics used in the construction of large tented structures

BS 5803:—



Thermal insulation for use in pitched roof spaces in dwellings

BS 5803-2:1985 Specification for man-made mineral fibre thermal insulation in pelleted or granular form for application by blowing B/540

BS 5803-3:1985

BS 6321:1982 Specification for authorized signature lists and their representation on microfiche in bank operations IST/12

Methods of test for the ignitability of bedcovers and pillows by smouldering and flaming ignition sources TCI/66/-/8

BS 6463:— Quicklime, hydrated lime and natural calcium carbonate

Specification for cellulose fibre thermal insulation for application by blowing

BS 6463-101:1996


Methods for preparing samples for testing B/516/11

BS 5803-4:1985 Methods for determining flammability and resistance to smouldering

BS 7175:1989

BS 6469:—

BS 7231:— Body measurements of boys and girls from birth up to 16.9 years

BS 7231-1:1990 Information in the form of tables TCI/66


Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables

BS 5839:—

BS 6469-99-1:1992

Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings

Test methods used in the United Kingdom but not specified in BS EN 60811. Non-electrical tests



BS 7255:2001

BS 5839-3:1988 Specification for automatic release mechanisms for certain fire protection equipment FSH/12

BS 7231-2:1990 Recommendations of body dimensions for children

Code of practice for safe working on lifts

BS 6658:1985


Specification for protective helmets for vehicle users

BS 5892:— Railway rolling stock materials

BS 5892-1:1992 Specification for axles for traction and trailing stock

BS 7317:—


BS 6753:1986 Specification for shotbolts (solenoid operated) for guarding machinery MCE/3


BS 6915:2001 BS 5950:— Structural use of steelwork in building

Design and construction of fully supported lead sheet roof and wall coverings. Code of practice

Methods for analysis of high purity copper cathode Cu-CATH-1

BS 7317-1:1990 Method for determination of cadmium, manganese and silver (screening procedure for chromium, cobalt, iron, nickel and zinc) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry NFE/34


BS 5950-8:2003

BS 7317-2:1990

Code of practice for fire resistant design

BS 6949:1991


Specification for bitumen-based coatings for cold application excluding use in contact with potable water

Method for determination of chromium, cobalt, iron, nickel and zinc by discrete volume nebulization atomic absorption spectrophotometry



BS 6001:— Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes

BS 7011:— Consumable accessories for light microscopes

BS 7317-3:1990

Double sampling plans using minimal sample sizes, indexed by producer’s risk quality (PRQ) and consumer’s risk quality (CRQ)

BS 7011-0:1989 General introduction

Method for determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, selenium, tellurium and tin by hydride generation and atomic absorption spectrophotometry




BS 6001-9:2002


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

BS 7317-4:1990

BS 7843-1.2:1996

BS 7884:1997

Method for determination of antimony, arsenic, bismuth, lead, selenium, tellurium and tin by electrothermal atomization atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Network design and monitoring

Specification for copper and copper-cadmium stranded conductors for overhead electric traction and power transmission systems


BS 7843-2:—



Field practices and data management

BS 7317-5:1990 Method for determination of sulphur by hydrogen sulphide evolution and spectrophotometry

BS 7843-2.1:1996 Technical aspects in the field CPI/113

BS 7903:1997 Guide to selection and use of gully tops and manhole covers for installation within the highway B/505


BS 7317-6:1990 Method for determination of phosphorus and silicon by spectrophotometry

BS 7843-2.2:1996 Methods of observation and data tabulation CPI/113


BS 7928:1998 Specification for head protectors for cricketers PH/6

BS 7972:2001 BS 7843-2.3:1996 Data management

Safety requirements and test methods for children’s bedguards for domestic use

Method for determination of lead by lanthanum hydroxide separation and atomic absorption spectrophotometry



BS 7843-2.4:1996

BS 7977:—


Areal rainfall

Specification for safety and rational use of energy of domestic gas appliances

BS 7317-7:1990


BS 7354:1990 Code of practice for design of high-voltage open-terminal stations

BS 7870:—


LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities

BS 7460:1991

BS 7870-8:—

Code of practice for use of spray extraction machines on carpets and soft floor coverings in hospitals

Specification for multicore and multipair cables for installation above and below ground


BS 7505:1995 Specification for the elastic properties of flat, non-adhesive, extensible fabric bandages CH/205/1

BS 7533:— Pavements constructed with clay, natural stone or concrete pavers

BS 7533-11:2003 Code of practice for the opening, maintenance and reinstatement of pavements of concrete, clay and natural stone

BS 7977-2:2003 Combined appliances. Gas fire/back boiler GSE/36

BS 7997:2003 Products for tactile paving surface indicators. Specification B/507/5

BS 7870-8.1:2003 Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multicore cable with copper conductors GEL/20/16

BS 7870-8.2:2003 Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors GEL/20/16

BS 8409:2002 Soft indoor play areas. Code of practice SW/65

BS 8420:2003 Methods of measuring irregularities on surfaces of roads, footways and other paved areas using straightedges and wedges B/510/5

BS 7870-8.3:2003

BS 8422:2003

Single wire armoured and PVC sheathed multicore cable with copper conductors, having reduced fire propagation performance

Force measurement. Strain gauge load cell systems. Calibration method IS/NFE/4/1/1



BS 8426:2003 BS 7870-8.4:2003

A code of practice for e-support in e-learning systems

Specification for flammability performance for textiles used in the construction of marquees and similar textile structures

Single wire or double steel tape armoured and PVC sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors, having reduced fire propagation performance



BS 7843:—

BS 7870-8.5:2003

Guide to the acquisition and management of meteorological precipitation data

Single wire armoured and unarmoured multicore cables with copper conductors and non-halogenated sheath



Protective clothing and equipment for use in violent situations and in training

BS 7837:1996

BS 7843-1:— Network design


BS 8502:2003 Graphical symbols and signs. Creation and design of public information symbols. Requirements

DD 7971:—

BS 7870-8.6:2003 DD 7971-9:2005

The user requirement for precipitation data

Single wire or double steel tape armoured and non-halogenated sheathed multipair cable with copper conductors




BS 7843-1.1:1996

Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.

Training suits and equipment. Requirements and test methods


British Standards Proposed for Confirmation continued... DD 8464:2005 Estate agency services. Residential property sales. Specification for the provision of the service



PD 0026:2003 Software and systems quality framework. A guide to the use of ISO/IEC and other standards for understanding quality in software and systems IST/15

It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication, to establish whether it is still current and, if it is not, to identify and set in hand appropriate action. Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard.

PD 6533:1993 Guide to methods for assessing the durability of geotextiles. An interim document B/553

PD 6682:—

Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication, confirmation includes all amendments published to date. Reference to a particular amendment indicates that it is published concurrently with the confirmation.

BS EN ISO 11987:1998 (BS 7208-14:1998) Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses. Determination of shelf-life CH/172/9

BS EN ISO 12864:1998 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses. Determination of scattered light CH/172/9

BS EN ISO 12870:2004 Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle frames. Requirements and test methods CH/172/3

BS EN 13622:2002 Gas welding equipment. Terminology. Terms used for gas welding equipment



BS EN ISO 8624:2002

PD 6682-1:2003 Aggregates for concrete. Guidance on the use of BS EN 12620

Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle frames. Measuring system and terminology CH/172/3


BS EN ISO 15253:2000 Ophthalmic optics and instruments. Optical devices for low-vision aids CH/172

PD 6682-2:2003 Aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments for roads, airfields and other trafficked areas. Guidance on the use of BS EN 13043

BS EN ISO 8980:— Ophthalmic optics. Uncut finished spectacle lenses

BS EN ISO 15254:2002 Ophthalmic optics and instruments. Electrooptical devices for enhancing low vision



BS EN ISO 8980-1:2004 (BS 2738-6:2004)

PD 6682-3:2003 Aggregates for mortar. Guidance on the use of BS EN 13139

Specifications for single-vision and multifocal lenses



DD ISO/TR 15235:2001 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Collected information on the effect of levels of water-soluble salt contamination STI/21

BS MA 2:— Magnetic compasses and binnacles

BS EN ISO 8980-2:2004 (BS 2738-7:2004) Specifications for progressive power lenses

BS MA 2-1:1985


Specification for class A magnetic compasses, their binnacles and azimuth reading devices (including test procedures)

BS EN ISO 9801:1999


Managing Safety the Systems Way – Implementing BS OHSAS 18001:2007 (4th edition)

Ophthalmic instruments. Trial case lenses CH/172

BS MA 2-4:1985 Glossary of terms EPL/80

BS EN ISO 10341:1999 Ophthalmic instruments. Refractor heads

BS MA 2-8:1985


Specification for transmitting systems and offcourse alarms for class A magnetic compasses EPL/80

BS EN ISO 10343:1999

Managing Safety the Systems Way is an easy- to-follow guide to implementing the new British Standard. The book has been completely revised and updated to incorporate the requirements of the new standard BS OHSAS 18001 and best practice.

Ophthalmic instruments. Ophthalmometers CH/172

e-mail your order [email protected]

Download free sample pages and order at www.bsigroup.com/bip2050

BS EN ISO 11985:1998 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses. Ageing by exposure to UV and visible radiation (in vitro method)

Price £30* BSI order ref BIP 2050



Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

BRITISH STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR DECLARATION OF OBSOLESCENCE Declaration of obsolescence indicates that the standard is not recommended for use in new equipment, but needs to be retained for the servicing of existing equipment that is expected to have a long working life. A note of any objections to the proposals below should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL or via email to [email protected] by 31 July, 2008. Unless otherwise stated, the standards below are proposed as re-declaration of obsolescence.

BS 2051-2:1984

BS 4505:—

Specification for olive type copper alloy compression tube fittings

Digital data transmission


This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence as it is used only for replacement parts. BS EN 1254-2:1998 is now used for new manufacture.

BS 4505-6:1976 Complements to the basic mode control procedures; recovery, abort and interrupt, multiple station selection IST/6

BS 2520:1983 Specification for barometer conventions and tables, their application and use

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence following the reinstatement of ISO 2628 from withdrawn status to current status.


This standard has been proposed for obsolescence as the data contained in BS 2520:1983 is correct and still relevant for calibration of mercury barometers as originally intended. However, some of the textual references are out of date and it is has limited applicability to modern technology. The responsible committee decided that the standard will no longer be updated but will be retained to provide for the servicing of existing equipment that is expected to have a long working life.

BS 4505-7:1976 Basic mode control procedures; conversational information message transfer IST/6

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence following the reinstatement of ISO 2629 from withdrawn status to current status.

BS 5332:1982 Specification for data elements for the generation and exchange of serials records

BS 1749:1985 Recommendations for alphabetical arrangement and the filing order of numbers and symbols

BS 2782:—


Methods of testing plastics

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period as it is no longer relevant.


This standard has been proposed for obsolescence because it was designed for the manual sorting of library catalogue cards in anglophone countries according to combined alphanumeric and semantic criteria, and cannot be used for electronic sorting on the basis of its provisions alone. BS ISO 999 already provides implementable guidelines for electronic sorting of characters in Roman alphabets, and is compatible with the Unicode Collation Algorithm [Unicode TS10] and other recognised sort standards.

BS 2782-3:Method 332A:1976 Mechanical properties. Stiffness of plastics film PRI/21

BS 5477:1977

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period as it is no longer relevant.

Method for visual assessment, by grid assay, of dirt in paper for character recognition

BS 2782-4:Method 452C:1979 Chemical properties. Determination of butyl rubber content of low density polyethylene compounds

BS 2051:— Tube and pipe fittings for engineering purposes

BS 2051-1:1973 Copper and copper alloys capillary and compression tube fittings for engineering purposes NFE/34

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence as it is now used only for replacement parts. BS EN 1254-2:1998 is now used for new manufacture.


This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period as it is no longer relevant.

Optical and colour properties, weathering. Determination of yellowness index. Determination of the colour of near-white or near-colourless materials This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period as it is no longer relevant.

Please confirmation

BS 3288:— Insulator and conductor fittings for overhead power lines

of orders placed by telephone as it can lead to duplication

Update Standards June 2008

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence as it is not believed to be in wide current usage.

BS 5999:1980 Specification for serials holdings statements for libraries and documentation centres IDT/2/7

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period as it is no longer relevant.

BS 2782-5:Methods 530A and 530B:1976


do not send


BS 3288-3:1989 Dimensions of ball and socket couplings of string insulator units PEL/11

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period, as it is no longer relevant.

Prices may be subject to change.

BS 6496:1984 Specification for powder organic coatings for application and stoving to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for external architectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections coated with powder organic coatings STI/27

This standard has been proposed for obsolescence as it is partially superseded by BS EN 12206-1:2004.

BS 6529:1984 Recommendations for examining documents, determining their subjects and selecting indexing terms IDT/2/2

This standard has been proposed for obsolescence because it covers indexing using a thesaurus. Indexing aspects are already largely superseded by BS ISO 999, and the provisions on thesaurus maintenance are superseded by BS 8723-2.


British Standards Proposed for Obsolescence continued... BS 6616:1986 Specification for paper and print for optical character recognition (OCR) IST/12

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence as it is not believed to be in wide current usage.

BS 7870:— LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities

BS 7870-7:— Specification for power cables having rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 kV and 6.35/11 kV with special fire performance for use in power stations

BRITISH STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR WITHDRAWAL A note of any objections to these withdrawals should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL or via email to [email protected] by 31 July, 2008.

BRITISH STANDARDS WITHDRAWN If any standard in this list has been amended since publication, all amendments published to date are also withdrawn BS 873:— Road traffic signs and internally illuminated bollards

Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication, a proposal to withdraw also includes all amendments published to date.

BS 873-3:1980

BS 3169:1986

BS 1017:—

Specification for first aid reel hoses for firefighting purposes

Sampling of coal and coke

Specification for internally illuminated bollards B/509

Superseded by BS EN 12899-2:2007

BS 7870-7.1:2003 Single core and 3-core cables with halogenated materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring GEL/20/16

This standard has been proposed for obsolescence as there is no longer market demand and relevance.


This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is superseded by BS EN 694:2001

BS 7870-7.2:2003 Single-core and 3-core cables with halogen-free materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring

BS 1017-1:1989 Methods for sampling of coal PTI/16

BS 4737:— Intruder alarm systems


Superseded by BS ISO 18283:2006, BS ISO 139091:2001, BS ISO 13909-2:2001, BS ISO 139093:2001, BS ISO 13909-4:2001, BS ISO 139095:2001, BS ISO 13909-6:2001, BS ISO 13909-7:2001 and BS ISO 13909-8:2001

This standard has been proposed for obsolescence as there is no longer market demand and relevance.

BS 4737-3.11:1978

BS 7894:2003


BS 1017-2:1994

This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is no longer relevant

Methods for sampling of coke

MV impregnated paper insulated distribution cables of rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 kV to 19/33 kV

Specifications for components. Rigid printedcircuit wiring


BS 6684:1989

This standard has been proposed for obsolescence as there is no longer market demand and relevance.

Specification for safety harnesses (including detachable walking reins) for restraining children when in perambulators (baby carriages), pushchairs and high chairs and when walking

PD 2777:1994 Fabric flammability and burning accidents TCI/66/-/8

This standard has been re-proposed for obsolescence for a further period as it is no longer relevant.

Declaration of obsolescence indicates that the standard is not recommended for use in new equipment but needs to be retained for the servicing of existing equipment that is expected to have a long working life. Unless otherwise stated, the standards below are re-declared obsolescent for a further period. BS EN 60079:— Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres

BS 2000:—

This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is superseded by BS EN 13210:2004

Methods of test for petroleum and its products

Specification for babies’ elastomeric feeding bottle teats CW/42

This standard is proposed for withdrawal as it is being superseded by BS EN 14350-1:2004 and BS EN 14350-2:2004

BS 2000-168:2003 Determination of rolling bearing performance of lubricating grease PTI/13

This standard has been withdrawn as the method of test is no longer used by the petroleum industry

BS 3863:1992 BS 7661:1993

Guide for gas turbines procurement

Specification for inflatable armbands worn as flotation aids


Superseded by BS ISO 3977-1:1997


This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is superseded by BS EN 13138-1:2003, BS EN 13138-2:2002 and BS EN 13138-3:2003

BS 3981:1976 Specification. Iron oxide pigments for paints STI/1

BS 8103:—

Superseded by BS EN ISO 1248:2008

Structural design of low-rise buildings

BS EN 60079-15:2003

BS 8103-2:1996

Type of protection “n”

Code of practice for masonry walls for housing



This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by BS EN 60079-15:2005.

This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is superseded by BS 8103-2:2005


Superseded by BS ISO 18283:2006, BS ISO 139091:2001, BS ISO 13909-2:2001, BS ISO 139093:2001, BS ISO 13909-4:2001, BS ISO 139095:2001, BS ISO 13909-6:2001, BS ISO 13909-7:2001 and BS ISO 13909-8:2001


BS 7368:1990



Prices may be subject to change.

BS 4814:1990 Specification for expansion vessels using an internal diaphragm, for sealed hot water heating systems RHE/7

Superseded by BS EN 13831:2007

Update Standards June 2008

BS 5514:—

BS EN 12218:1999

PD ES 59008:—

Reciprocating internal combustion engines: performance

Rail systems for supporting medical equipment

Data requirements for semiconductor die


Superseded by BS EN ISO 19054:2006

BS 5514-7:1996 Codes for engine power MCE/14

Superseded by BS ISO 3046-1:2002

PD ES 59008-4-2:2001 Specific requirements and recommendations. Handling and storage

BS EN 50021:1999 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Type of protection “n”


Superseded by PD CLC/TR 62258-3:2007


Superseded by BS EN 60079-15:2005

BS QC 301801:1993


BS EN 60336:1995

Superseded by BS ISO 6826:1997

X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis. Characteristics of focal spots

Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment. Blank detail specification. Fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors. Assessment level E



Superseded by BS EN 60336:2005

Superseded by BS EN 60384-13-1:2006

BS EN 61000:—


BS 6327:1982 Specification for fire protection of reciprocating internal combustion engines

BS 7568:— Press tools

BS 7568-11:1992 Wear plates for press dies. Type A

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


Superseded by BS ISO 9183-1:2008

BS 7671:2001 Requirements for electrical installations. IEE Wiring Regulations. Sixteenth edition

BS EN 61000-6-2:2001 Generic standards. Immunity for industrial environments GEL/210/12

Superseded by BS EN 61000-6-2:2005


Superseded by BS 7671:2008

BS 7701:1993 Specification for float-type level gauges for measuring liquid levels in tanks containing refrigerated light-hydrocarbon fluids PTI/12

BS EN 131801:1998 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Blank detail specification: fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors. Assessment level E EPL/40X

The following British Standards implement International and/or European Standards which are currently under review to see if they should be confirmed, revised or withdrawn. Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL or via email to [email protected] by 31 July, 2008, in order to be considered by the relevant UK Committee.

Superseded by BS EN 60384-13-1:2006

Superseded by BS ISO 18132-1:2006

BS 7937:2000

BS 848:—

DD ENV 839:2002

Fans for general purposes


Wood preservatives. Determination of the protective effectiveness against wood destroying basidiomycetes. Application by surface treatment

Superseded by BS EN 3-7:2004+A1:2007


BS 848-4:1997 (ISO 13351:1996)

Superseded by DD CEN/TS 839:2008


Specification for portable fire extinguishers for use on cooking oil fires (class F)


BS EN 294:1992 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs MCE/3

Superseded by BS EN ISO 13857:2008

BS EN 811:1997 Safety of machinery. Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the lower limbs

BS ISO 13689:2001 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids. Measurement of liquid levels in tanks containing liquefied gases. Microwave-type level gauge

Magnetic materials. Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials. Methods of measurement of magnetic properties ISE/NFE/5

Superseded by BS EN 60404-5:2007

BS EN 12193:1999


Superseded by BS ISO 18132-1:2006

BS 4193:— Hardmetal insert tooling

Please do not send

BS EN 10332:2003

Specifications for balancing and vibration



Superseded by BS EN ISO 13857:2008

BS 848-7:2003 (ISO 14694:2003)

confirmation of

BS 4193-8:1997 (ISO 5611:1995) Specification for dimensions for type A cartridges for indexable (throwaway) inserts MTE/18

orders placed by telephone as it can lead to

BS 4193-13:1998 (ISO 6987:1998)


Indexable hard material inserts with rounded corners, with partly cylindrical fixing hole. Dimensions

Superseded by BS EN 12193:2007


Light and lighting. Sports lighting

Update Standards June 2008


Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Under Review continued... BS 4193-15:1986 (ISO 3365:1985) Specification for dimensions for indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with wiper edges but without fixing hole

BS EN ISO 3651:—

BS EN ISO 6789:2003

Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels

Assembly tools for screws and nuts. Hand torque tools. Requirements and test methods for design conformance testing, quality conformance testing and recalibration procedure


BS EN ISO 3651-1:1998


BS 4193-18:1999 (ISO 5609:1998)

Austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels. Corrosion test in nitric acid medium by measurement of loss in mass (Huey test) ISE/72

Plastics pipes and fittings. Determination of opacity

Specification for dimensions of boring bars for indexable inserts MTE/18

BS 7504:1995 (ISO 6164:1994) Hydraulic fluid power. Four-screw, one-piece square flange connections for use at pressures of 25 MPa and 40 MPa (250 bar and 400 bar) MCE/18

BS EN 988:1997 Zinc and zinc alloys. Specification for rolled flat products for building NFE/8

BS EN ISO 1107:2003


BS EN ISO 3651-2:1998 Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels. Corrosion test in media containing sulfuric acid ISE/72

BS EN ISO 3738:— Hardmetals. Rockwell hardness test (scale A)

BS EN ISO 3738-2:2006

Dried milk. Determination of content of lactic acid and lactates

BS EN ISO 8166:2003 Resistance welding. Procedure for the evaluation of the life of spot welding electrodes using constant machine settings

Preparation and calibration of standard test blocks



BS EN ISO 8339:2005

BS EN ISO 3815:— Zinc and zinc alloys

BS EN ISO 3815-1:2005 Analysis of solid samples by optical emission spectrometry

BS EN 1179:2003

BS EN ISO 8069:2007


Fishing nets. Netting. Basic terms and definitions TCI/77

BS EN ISO 7686:2005


Building construction. Sealants. Determination of tensile properties (extension to break) B/547

BS EN ISO 8340:2005 Building construction. Sealants. Determination of tensile properties at maintained extension B/547

Zinc and zinc alloys. Primary zinc NFE/8

BS EN ISO 1530:2003

BS EN ISO 9454:— BS EN ISO 4263:— Petroleum and related products. Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids. TOST test

Fishing nets. Description and designation of knotted netting TCI/77

Soft soldering fluxes. Classification and requirements

BS EN ISO 9454-2:2001 Performance requirements

BS EN ISO 4263-1:2004


Procedure for mineral oils

BS EN 1559:—


BS EN ISO 9455:—

Founding. Technical conditions of delivery

Soft soldering fluxes. Test methods

BS EN ISO 4263-2:2003 Procedure for category HFC hydraulic fluids

BS EN 1559-6:1999 Additional requirements for zinc alloy castings



BS EN 1774:1998

BS EN ISO 5163:2005 (BS 2000-236:2005)

Zinc and zinc alloys. Alloys for foundry purposes. Ingot and liquid

Petroleum products. Determination of knock characteristics of motor and aviation fuels. Motor method



BS EN ISO 2505:2005

BS EN ISO 5164:2005 (BS 2000-237:2005)

Thermoplastics pipes. Longitudinal reversion. Test methods and parameters PRI/88/4

BS EN ISO 9455-2:1996 Determination of non-volatile matter, ebulliometric method NFE/27

BS EN ISO 9455-9:1996 Determination of ammonia content NFE/27

Petroleum products. Determination of knock characteristics of motor fuels. Research method

BS EN ISO 9455-10:2001 Flux efficacy test, solder spread method NFE/27/4

BS EN ISO 9455-16:2001


Flux efficacy tests, wetting balance method

BS EN ISO 2819:1995


Metallic coatings on metallic substrates. Electrodeposited and chemically deposited coatings. Review of methods available for testing adhesion

BS EN ISO 6103:2005 Bonded abrasive products. Permissible unbalances of grinding wheels as delivered. Static testing

BS EN ISO 10342:2003





Prices may be subject to change.

Ophthalmic instruments. Eye refractometers

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN ISO 10563:2005

BS EN 12441-2:2002

BS EN ISO 15493:2003

Building construction. Sealants. Determination of change in mass and volume

Determination of magnesium in zinc alloys. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method



BS EN ISO 10590:2005

BS EN 12441-3:2002

Plastics piping systems for industrial applications. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS), unplasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) and chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-C). Specifications for components and the system. Metric series

Building construction. Sealants. Determination of tensile properties of sealants at maintained extension after immersion in water

Determination of lead, cadmium and copper. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method NFE/8


BS EN ISO 15494:2003


Determination of iron in zinc alloys. Spectrophotometric method

Plastics piping systems for industrial applications. Polybutene (PB), polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP). Specifications for components and the system. Metric series



BS EN 12441-5:2003

BS EN ISO 16484:— Building automation and control systems (BACS)

BS EN ISO 10821:2005

Determination of iron in primary zinc. Spectrophotometric method

Industrial sewing machines. Safety requirements for sewing machines, units and systems


BS EN ISO 16484-3:2005

BS EN ISO 10591:2005 Building construction. Sealants. Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after immersion in water

BS EN 12441-4:2003




BS EN 12441-6:2003 BS EN ISO 10938:1998 Ophthalmic instruments. Chart projectors

Determination of aluminium and iron. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method NFE/8

Ophthalmic optics. Synoptophores CH/172/6

BS EN ISO 12680:— Methods of test for refractory products

Determination of dynamic Young’s modulus (MOE) by impulse excitation of vibration

Walking aids manipulated by both arms. Requirements and test methods


Rollators CH/173

BS EN ISO 11214:1996 Modified starch. Determination of carboxyl group content of oxidized starch

BS EN ISO 16663-2:2003 Length of mesh

BS EN ISO 12680-1:2007

BS EN ISO 11199:—

BS EN ISO 11199-2:2005

BS EN ISO 16663:— Fishing nets. Method of test for the determination of mesh size


BS EN ISO 10944:1998



BS EN ISO 16671:2003 Ophthalmic implants. Irrigating solutions for ophthalmic surgery

BS EN 12844:1999


Zinc and zinc alloys. Castings. Specifications NFE/8

BS EN ISO 16871:2003

Ophthalmic instruments. Trial frames

Plastics piping and ducting systems. Plastics pipes and fittings. Method for exposure to direct (natural) weathering



BS EN 13283:2002

BS EN ISO 17189:2003

BS EN ISO 12867:1998


BS EN ISO 11432:2005

Zinc and zinc alloys. Secondary zinc

Building construction. Sealants. Determination of resistance to compression



BS EN ISO 13969:2004

BS EN ISO 11543:2002 Modified starch. Determination of hydroxypropyl content. Method using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometry AW/100

BS EN 12060:1998


Milk and milk products. Guidelines for a standardized description of microbial inhibitor tests AW/5

BS EN 14530:2004 Workplace atmospheres. Determination of diesel particulate matter. General requirements

BS EN ISO 17652:— Welding. Test for shop primers in relation to welding and allied processes

BS EN ISO 17652-4:2003 Emission of fumes and gases WEE/42


Zinc and zinc alloys. Method of sampling. Specifications NFE/8

Butter, edible oil emulsions and spreadable fats. Determination of fat content (Reference method)

BS EN ISO 17707:2005 BS EN ISO 14889:2003

BS EN 12441:—

Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle lenses. Fundamental requirements for uncut finished lenses

Zinc and zinc alloys. Chemical analysis


Footwear. Test methods for outsoles. Flex resistance TCI/69

BS EN ISO 18330:2003 BS EN 12441-1:2002

DD CEN/TS 15279:2006

Determination of aluminium in zinc alloys. Titrimetric method

Workplace exposure. Measurement of dermal exposure. Principles and methods

Milk and milk products. Guidelines for the standardized description of immunoassays or receptor assays for the detection of antimicrobial residues




Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Under Review continued... BS EN ISO 19107:2005

BS ISO 15:1998

BS ISO 4927:2005

Geographic information. Spatial schema

Rolling bearings. Radial bearings. Boundary dimensions, general plan

Road vehicles. Elastomeric boots for cylinders for drum type hydraulic brake wheel cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 120°C max.)



BS EN ISO 19109:2006 Geographic information. Rules for application schema IST/36


BS ISO 251:2003 Conveyor belts with textile carcass. Widths and lengths

Textile machinery and accessories. Dyeing and finishing machinery. Vocabulary of ancillary devices

BS ISO 366:—


BS EN ISO 19115:2005 Geographic information. Metadata IST/36

BS EN ISO 19952:2006 Footwear. Vocabulary TCI/69

BS ISO 5248:2003


Textile machinery and accessories. Reeds

BS ISO 5429:2005 BS ISO 366-4:2005 Dimensions and designation of plastic-bound metal reeds

Coated abrasives. Flap wheels with incorporated flanges or separate flanges MTE/13


BS EN 27627:— Hardmetals. Chemical analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry

BS EN 27627-1:1993 (ISO 7627-1:1983) General requirements

BS ISO 6106:2005 BS ISO 727:— Fittings made from unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-C) or acrylonitrile/butadiene/styrene (ABS) with plain sockets for pipes under pressure

Abrasive products. Checking the grit size of superabrasives MTE/13

BS ISO 6336:— Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears


BS ISO 727-2:2005 BS EN 27627-2:1993 (ISO 7627-2:1983) Determination of calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium in contents from 0,001 to 0,02 % (m/m) ISE/65

Inch-based series PRI/88/2

BS ISO 6336-5:2003 Strength and quality of materials MCE/5

BS ISO 1641:— End mills and slot drills

BS ISO 6344:— Coated abrasives. Grain size analysis

BS EN 27627-3:1993 (ISO 7627-3:1983)

BS ISO 1641-1:2003

Determination of cobalt, iron, manganese and nickel in contents from 0,01 to 0,5 % (m/m)



BS ISO 1641-3:2003

Milling cutters with cylindrical shanks

Grain size distribution test MTE/13

Milling cutters with 7/24 taper shanks

BS EN 27627-4:1993 (ISO 7627-4:1985)


BS ISO 2108:2005


Information and documentation. International standard book number (ISBN) IDT/2/18

Determination of cobalt, iron, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, titanium and vanadium in contents from 0,5 to 2 % (m/m) ISE/65

BS EN 27627-6:1993 (ISO 7627-6:1985) Determination of chromium in contents 0,01 to 2 % (m/m)

BS ISO 6344-2:1998 Determination of grain size distribution of macrogrits P12 to P220

Determination of molybdenum, titanium and vanadium in contents from 0,01 to 0,5 % (m/m)

BS EN 27627-5:1993 (ISO 7627-5:1985)

BS ISO 6344-1:1998

BS ISO 2976:2005


BS ISO 6344-3:1998 Determination of grain size distribution of microgrits P240 to P2500 MTE/13

Coated abrasives. Abrasive belts. Selection of width/length combinations MTE/13

BS ISO 6415:2005 Internal combustion engines. Spin-on filters for lubricating oil. Dimensions

BS ISO 3723:1976 Hydraulic fluid power. Filter elements. Method for end load test MCE/18



BS ISO 6743:— Lubricants, industrial oils and related products (class L). Classification

BS ISO 3919:2005 BS EN 28662:—

Coated abrasives. Flap wheels with shaft

Hand-held portable power tools. Measurement of vibrations at the handle


BS ISO 6743-9:2003 Family X (Greases) PTI/7

BS EN 28662-1:1993 (ISO 8662-1:1988)

BS ISO 4498:2005 BS ISO 6811:1998


Sintered metal materials, excluding hardmetals. Determination of apparent hardness and microhardness





Prices may be subject to change.

Spherical plain bearings. Vocabulary

Update Standards June 2008

BS ISO 7766:2003

BS ISO 8528:—

BS ISO 11813:1998

Processing photographic wastes. Analysis of cyanides. Determination of hexacyanoferrate(II) and hexacyanoferrate(III) by spectrometry

Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets

Milk and milk products. Determination of zinc content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method


BS ISO 8528-1:2005


Application, ratings and performance

BS ISO 7967:— Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Vocabulary of components and systems


BS ISO 8528-2:2005

BS ISO 11866:— Milk and milk products. Enumeration of presumptive Escherichia coli


BS ISO 7967-4:2005 Pressure charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems MCE/14/-/5


BS ISO 11866-1:2005

BS ISO 8528-4:2005

Most probable number technique using 4-methylumbelliferyl-ß-D-glucuronide(MUG)

Controlgear and switchgear



BS ISO 7967-6:2005 Lubricating systems MCE/14/-/5

BS ISO 8528-6:2005 Test methods MCE/14/-/8

BS ISO 7967-7:2005

BS ISO 11866-2:2005 Colony-count technique at 44°C using membranes AW/5

Governing systems

BS ISO 8573:—


Compressed air

BS ISO 12081:1998

BS ISO 8084:2003

BS ISO 8573-6:2003

Milk. Determination of calcium content. Titrimetric method

Machinery for forestry. Operator protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

Test methods for gaseous contaminant content



BS ISO 12151:—


BS ISO 8573-7:2003 BS ISO 8122:2003 Textile machinery. Knitting machines. Number of needles for circular knitting machines of large nominal diameter TCI/33

BS ISO 8156:2005 Dried milk and dried milk products. Determination of insolubility index AW/5

BS ISO 8262:— Milk products and milk-based foods. Determination of fat content by the WeibullBerntrop gravimetric method (reference method)

BS ISO 8262-1:2005 Infant foods

Test method for viable microbiological contaminant content

Connections for hydraulic fluid power and general use. Hose fittings


BS ISO 12151-2:2003 BS ISO 8967:2005 Dried milk and dried milk products. Determination of bulk density

Hose fittings with ISO 8434-1 and ISO 8434-4 24° cone connector ends with O-rings MCE/18/-/4


BS ISO 12240:— DD ISO/TS 9941:2005 Milk and canned evaporated milk. Determination of tin content. Spectrometric method AW/5

Spherical plain bearings

BS ISO 12240-1:1998 Radial spherical plain bearings MCE/7

BS ISO 10378:2005 Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates. Determination of gold and silver. Fire assay gravimetric and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

BS ISO 12240-2:1998 Angular contact radial spherical plain bearings MCE/7



BS ISO 10966:2005

BS ISO 12240-3:1998

Edible ices and ice-mixes

Sports and recreational equipment. Fabrics for awnings and camping tents. Specification

Thrust spherical plain bearings



BS ISO 8262-2:2005

BS ISO 8262-3:2005 Special cases


BS ISO 11568:—

BS ISO 12240-4:1998

Banking. Key management (retail)

Spherical plain bearing rod ends MCE/7


BS ISO 11568-1:2005 BS ISO 8434:— Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use

Principles IST/12

BS ISO 13491:— Banking. Secure cryptographic devices (retail)

BS ISO 11787:1995 BS ISO 13491-2:2005

O-ring face seal connectors

Machinery for agriculture and forestry. Data interchange between management computer and process computers. Data interchange syntax




BS ISO 8434-3:2005

Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.

Security compliance checklists for devices used in financial transactions


British Standards Under Review continued... BS ISO 13555:—

BS ISO 15407:—

BS ISO 17373:2005

Diesel engines. Procedure for checking the dynamic timing of diesel fuel injection equipment

Pneumatic fluid power. Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm

Road vehicles. Sled test procedure for evaluating occupant head and neck interactions with seat/head restraint designs in low-speed rear-end impact

BS ISO 15407-2:2003


BS ISO 13555-1:2003 Preconditioning MCE/22

BS ISO 13555-2:2003

Mounting interface surfaces with optional electrical connector MCE/18/-/5

BS ISO 17567:2005 Agriculture and forestry tractors and implements. Hydraulic power beyond

BS ISO 15517:2003

Test method

Tobacco. Determination of nitrate content. Continuous-flow analysis method




BS ISO 18114:2003 Surface chemical analysis. Secondary-ion mass spectrometry. Determination of relative sensitivity factors from ion-implanted reference materials

BS ISO 13899:—

BS ISO 15634:2005

Steel. Determination of Mo, Nb and W contents in alloyed steel. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method

Iron ores. Determination of chromium content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

BS ISO 13899-2:2005

BS ISO 15739:2003

Imaging materials. Permanence. Vocabulary

Determination of Nb Content

Photography. Electronic still-picture imaging. Noise measurements




BS ISO 18913:2003



BS ISO 18922:2003 BS ISO 14595:2003

BS ISO 16004:2005

Microbeam analysis. Electron probe microanalysis. Guidelines for the specification of certified reference materials (CRMs)

Aircraft ground equipment. Passenger boarding bridge or transfer vehicle. Requirements for interface with aircraft doors



Imaging materials. Processed photographic films. Methods for determining scratch resistance CPW/42

DD ISO/TS 19127:2005 BS ISO 14695:2003 (BS 848-6:2003)

BS ISO 16154:2005

Fans for general purposes. Method of measurement of fan vibration

Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. Installation of lighting, light signalling and marking devices for travel on public roadways



BS ISO 15081:2005

BS ISO 16246:2005

Agricultural irrigation equipment. Graphical symbols for pressurized irrigation systems

Road vehicles. M12 x 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 14 mm hexagon and their cylinder head housing



BS ISO 15152:2003 Tobacco. Determination of the content of total alkaloids as nicotine. Continuous-flow analysis method AW/40

BS ISO 16412:2005

Tobacco. Determination of the content of reducing substances. Continuous-flow analysis method


BS ISO 19860:2005 Gas turbines. Data acquisition and trend monitoring system requirements for gas turbine installations MCE/16

BS ISO 19959:2005 Visual examination of the surface condition of investment castings. Steel, nickel alloys and cobalt alloys

Air cargo equipment. Air cargo pallets. Utilization guidelines



BS ISO 19960:2005

BS ISO 16902:— BS ISO 15153:2003

Geographic information. Geodetic codes and parameters

Hydraulic fluid power. Test code for the determination of sound power levels using sound intensity techniques. Engineering method


BS ISO 16902-1:2003

Cast steels and alloys with special physical properties ISE/6

BS ISO 20683:— Aircraft ground equipment. Design, test and maintenance for towbarless towing vehicles (TLTV) interfaced with nose-landing gear


BS ISO 15154:2003 Tobacco. Determination of the content of reducing carbohydrates. Continuous-flow analysis method AW/40


BS ISO 20683-1:2005 Main-line aircraft

BS ISO 17246:2005


Coal. Proximate analysis PTI/16

BS ISO 20859:2005 BS ISO 15239:2005 Solid mineral fuels. Evaluation of the measurement performance of on-line analysers

BS ISO 17247:2005 Coal. Ultimate analysis

Cinematography. Spectral response of photographic audio reproducers for analog dye sound tracks on 35 mm film





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

DD ISO/TS 21108:2005

BS 7654 (Revision)

BS EN 378:—

Hand-held power tools. Impulse wrenches. Dimensions and tolerances of interface to power socket

Specification for single phase street lighting fuses (cut-outs) for low-voltage public electricity distribution systems. 25 A rating for highway power supplies and street furniture

Specification for refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Safety and environmental requirements


will supersede BS 7654:1997

BS ISO 22072:2005 Electrohydrostatic actuator (EHA). Characteristics to be defined in procurement specifications ACE/69

BS ISO 22308:2005 Cork stoppers. Sensory analysis PRI/81


BS EN 378-1:2008/Amendment 1 Basic requirements, definitions, classification and selection criteria RHE/18

BS 7657 (Revision) Specification for fuses (cut-outs), ancillary terminal blocks and interconnecting units up to 100 A rating, for power supplies to buildings will supersede BS 7657:1993

BS EN 453:2000/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Dough mixers. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5


BS EN 454:2000/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Planetary mixers. Safety and hygiene requirements

BS ISO 22866:2005

BS 8418 (Revision)

Equipment for crop protection. Methods for field measurement of spray drift

Installation and remote monitoring of detector activated CCTV systems. Code of practice



will supersede BS 8418:2003

BS EN 545 (Revision)


Agricultural wheeled tractors and attachments. Front loaders. Carriages for attachments

Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for water pipelines. Requirements and test methods

BS EN 54:—

will supersede BS EN 545:2006


Fire detection and fire alarm systems


BS ISO 23206:2005

BS ISO 24236:2005 Surface chemical analysis. Auger electron spectroscopy. Repeatability and constancy of intensity scale CII/60

BS EN 622:— BS EN 54-10 (Revision)

Fibreboards. Specifications

Flame detectors. Point detectors will supersede BS EN 54-10:2002

BS EN 622-4 (Revision)


Requirements for softboards will supersede BS EN 622-4:1997 B/541

BS ISO 24237:2005 Surface chemical analysis. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Repeatability and constancy of intensity scale CII/60

BS EN WI 00275157 Foodstuffs. Determination of patulin in fruit juice and fruit based puree. HPLC method with liquid/liquid partition clean-up and solid phase extraction AW/-/3

BS EN 622-5 (Revision) Requirements for dry process boards (MDF) will supersede BS EN 622-5:2006 B/541

NEW WORK STARTED The reference number of the committee responsible for each item of new work started is given after each entry. Where a work item has the temporary designation “BS EN XXXX”, it has not yet been allocated a standard number by the European standards body.

BS EN WI 00275158 Foodstuffs. Determination of deoxynivalenol in cereals and cereal products. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean-up and UV detection AW/-/3

Testing aggregates

BS 812-124 (Revision)

Agricultural machinery. Manure spreaders. Safety AGE/32

BS EN 703:2004/Amendment 1

BS EN WI 00275159 BS 812:—

BS EN 690:1995/Amendment 1

Agricultural machinery. Silage loading, mixing and/or chopping and distributing machines. Safety

Foodstuffs. Determination of zearalenone in cereals, cereal products and also cereal based food for infants and young children. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean up and fluorescence detection




BS EN 704:1999/Amendment 1 Agricultural machinery. Pick-up balers. Safety

Method for determination of frost-heave will supersede BS 812-124:1989 B/502

BS 5459:— Specification for performance requirements and tests for office furniture

BS 5459-2:2000/Amendment 2 Office pedestal seating for use by persons weighing up to 150kg and for use up to 24 hours a day, including type-approval tests for individual components FW/0/3

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN 706:1997/Amendment 1 BS EN WI 00275160 Foodstuffs. Determination of aflatoxin B1 in cereal based foods for infants and young children. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean-up

Agricultural machinery. Vine shoot tipping machines. Safety AGE/32

BS EN 707:1999/Amendment 1


Agricultural machinery. Slurry tankers. Safety AGE/32

BS EN 316 (Revision) Wood fibreboards. Definition, classification and symbols

BS EN 745:1999/Amendment 1

will supersede BS EN 316:1999

Agricultural machinery. Rotary mowers and flail-mowers. Safety



Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS EN 908:1999/Amendment 1

BS EN 1678:1998/Amendment 1

BS EN ISO 10768

Agricultural and forestry machinery. Reel machines for irrigation. Safety

Food processing machinery. Vegetable cutting machines. Safety and hygiene requirements



Footwear. Test method for the determination of the resistance of elastics for footwear to repeated extension. Fatigue resistance TCI/69

BS EN 909:1999/Amendment 1

BS EN 1837:1999/Amendment 1

Agricultural and forestry machinery. Centre pivot and moving lateral types irrigation machines. Safety

Safety of machinery. Integral lighting of machines

BS EN 12158:— Builders hoists for goods



BS EN 12158-1:2000/Amendment 1 BS EN 1007:—

BS EN 1846:—

Hoists with accessible platforms

Firefighting and rescue service vehicles


Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic composites. Methods of test for reinforcements

BS EN 1846-2:2001/Amendment 3 BS EN 1007-5 (Revision) Determination of distribution of tensile strength and of tensile strain to failure of filaments within a multifilament tow at ambient temperature will supersede BS EN 1007-5:2003 RPI/13

BS EN 1047:— Secure storage units. Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire

BS EN 1047-2 (Revision)

Common requirements. Safety and performance FSH/17/3


BS EN 1057:2006/Amendment 1 Copper and copper alloys. Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applications NFE/34/1

BS EN 1853:1999/Amendment 1 Agricultural machinery. Trailers with tipping body. Safety AGE/32

Pressure sensing devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances

BS EN 12267:2003/Amendment 1

will supersede BS EN 1854:2006

Food processing machinery. Circular saw machines. Safety and hygiene requirements


BS EN 4640:— Aerospace series. Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder

BS EN 4640-002 List of product standards



BS EN 12268:2003/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Band saw machines. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5

BS EN 12331:2003/Amendment 2 Food processing machinery. Mincing machines. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5

BS EN ISO 6721:— Plastics. Determination of dynamic mechanical properties

Safety requirements and test methods will supersede BS EN 1069-1:2000

Builders hoists for persons and materials with vertically guided cages MHE/6

BS EN 1069:—

BS EN 1069-1 (Revision)

BS EN 12159:2000/Amendment 1

BS EN 1854 (Revision)


Water slides over 2 m height

Inclined hoists with non-accessible load carrying devices MHE/6

Data rooms and data containers will supersede BS EN 1047-2:2000

BS EN 12158-2:2000/Amendment 1

BS EN ISO 6721-1:2002/Amendment 1 General principles

BS EN 12355:2003/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Derinding-, skinning- and membrane removal machines. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5


BS EN 1069-2 (Revision) Instructions will supersede BS EN 1069-2:2000 SW/136

BS EN 1143:— Secure storage units. Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary

BS EN 12463:2004/Amendment 1 Torsion-pendulum method

Food processing machinery. Filling machines and auxiliary machines. Safety and hygiene requirements



BS EN ISO 9493

BS EN 12845:2004/Amendment 2

BS EN ISO 6721-2:1996/Amendment 1

GPS. Dimensional measuring equipment. Dial test indicators (lever type). Design and metrological requirements

Fixed firefighting systems. Automatic sprinkler systems. Design, installation and maintenance FSH/18/2


BS EN 1143-1:2005/Amendment 1 Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms

BS EN 12851:2005/Amendment 1 Footwear. Test method for slide fasteners. Lateral strength

Food processing machinery. Catering attachments for machines having an auxiliary drive hub. Safety and hygiene requirements



BS EN ISO 10765

BS EN 12852:2001/Amendment 1

will supersede BS EN 1594:2000

Footwear. Test method for the characterization of elastic materials. Tensile performance

Food processing machinery. Food processors and blenders. Safety and hygiene requirements





BS EN 1594 (Revision) Gas supply systems. Pipelines for maximum operating pressure over 16 bar. Functional requirements


BS EN ISO 10764

Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN 12853:2001/Amendment 1

BS EN 13042-2:2004/Amendment 1

BS EN 13534:2006/Amendment 1

Food processing machinery. Hand-held blenders and whisks. Safety and hygiene requirements

Handling machines for feeding

Food processing machinery. Curing injection machines. Safety and hygiene requirements




BS EN 13042-3:2007/Amendment 1 BS EN 12854:2003/Amendment 1

IS machines

Food processing machinery. Beam mixers. Safety and hygiene requirements

BS EN 13557:2003/Amendment 2


Cranes. Controls and control stations



BS EN 13042-5:2003/Amendment 1 Presses

BS EN 12855:2003/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Rotating bowl cutters. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5


BS EN 13118:2000/Amendment 1

BS EN 13570:2005/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Mixing machines. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5

Agricultural machinery. Potato harvesting equipment. Safety

BS EN 12984:2005/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Portable and/or hand-guided machines and appliances with mechanically driven cutting tools. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5


Food processing machinery. Salad dryers. Safety and hygiene requirements

BS EN 13140:2000/Amendment 1

BS EN 13001:— BS EN 13157:2004/Amendment 1 Cranes. Safety. Hand powered lifting equipment

BS EN 13001-3 Limit states and proof of competence of steel structures MHE/3/1


Agricultural machinery. Sugar beet and fodder beet harvesting equipment. Safety AGE/32

Cranes. General design

BS EN 13621:2004/Amendment 1

BS EN 13870:2005/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Chop cutting machines. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5


BS EN 13871:2005/Amendment 1 BS EN 13208:2003/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Vegetable peelers. Safety and hygiene requirements

BS EN 13035:—


Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of flat glass. Safety requirements

BS EN 13289:2001/Amendment 1

BS EN 13035-3:2003/Amendment 1


Food processing machinery. Cubes cutting machinery. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5

BS EN 13885:2005/Amendment 1 Pasta processing plants. Dryers and coolers. Safety and hygiene requirements

Food processing machinery. Clipping machines. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5

Cutting machines MCE/3/13

BS EN 13035-4:2003/Amendment 1 Tilting tables MCE/3/13

BS EN 13035-6:2006/Amendment 1

BS EN 13301 (Revision) Methods of test for petroleum and its products. Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of staining tendency of bitumens

BS EN 13886:2005/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Cooking kettles equipped with powered stirrer and/or mixer. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5

will supersede BS EN 13301:2003

BS EN 14017:2005/Amendment 2


Machines for break-out MCE/3/13

BS EN 13302 (Revision)

BS EN 13035-7:2006/Amendment 1 Cutting machines for laminated glass

Methods of test for petroleum and its products. Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of viscosity of bitumen using a rotating spindle apparatus


will supersede BS EN 13302:2003 PTI/13

Agricultural and forestry machinery. Solid fertilizer distributors. Safety AGE/32

BS EN 14018:2005/Amendment 1 Agricultural and forestry machinery. Seed drills. Safety AGE/32

BS EN 13035-9:2006/Amendment 1 Washing installations

BS EN 13378:2001/Amendment 1


Pasta processing plants. Pasta presses. Safety and hygiene requirements

BS EN 13035-11:2006/Amendment 1


BS EN 14758:— Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD)

Drilling machines MCE/3/13

BS EN 13042:— Machines and plants for the manufacture, treatment and processing of hollow glass. Safety requirements

BS EN 13379:2001/Amendment 1 Pasta processing plants. Spreader, stripping and cutting machine, stick return conveyor, stick magazine. Safety and hygiene requirements

BS EN 14758-1:2005/Amendment 1 Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system PRI/88/1


BS EN 14957:2006/Amendment 1 BS EN 13448:2002/Amendment 1

Gob feeder

Agricultural and forestry machinery. Inter-row mowing units. Safety

Food processing machinery. Dishwashing machines with conveyor. Safety and hygiene requirements




BS EN 13042-1:2007/Amendment 1

Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS EN 14958:2006/Amendment 1

BS EN 15838

BS EN 62586

Food processing machinery. Machinery for grinding and processing flour and semolina. Safety and hygiene requirements

Customer Contact Centre

Power quality monitoring devices in power supply systems




BS EN 15839

Agricultural machinery. Guards for moving parts of power transmission. Guard opening with tool

Railway applications. Testing for the acceptance of running characteristics of railway vehicles. Freight wagons. Testing of running safety under longitudinal compressive forces



BS EN 15811

BS EN 15828 Hardware for furniture. Strength and durability of hinges and their components. Stays and hinges pivoting on a horizontal axis

BS EN ISO 17704 Footwear. Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks. Abrasion resistance TCI/69

BS ISO 2575:2004/Amendment 6 Road vehicles. Symbols for controls, indicators and tell-tales AUE/12

BS ISO 3039 Corrugated fibreboard. Determination of grammage of the component papers after separation PAI/11


BS EN ISO 20868 BS EN 15829 Foodstuffs. Determination of ochratoxin A in currants, raisins, sultanas, mixed dried fruit and dried figs. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column cleanup and fluorescence detection AW/-/3

Footwear. Test methods for insoles. Abrasion resistance TCI/69

BS EN ISO 20869 Footwear. Test methods for outsoles, insoles, lining and insocks. Water soluble content TCI/69


Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Velocity area methods. Method of measurement of clean water flow using current meters in full conduits and under regular flow conditions will supersede BS 1042-2.4:1989 CPI/30/5

BS EN 15830 Rough terrain variable reach trucks. Visibility. Test methods and verification

BS ISO 3354

BS EN ISO 20877 Footwear. Test methods for whole shoe. Thermal insulation

BS ISO 3632:— Saffron (Crocus sativus L.)


BS EN 15834:— Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Qualification of tightness of static components

BS EN 60034:— Rotating electrical machines

BS ISO 3632-1 Specification will supersede DD ISO/TS 3632-1:2003

BS EN 15834-1 Static components (fittings, bursting discs, flanged or fitted assemblies) RHE/18


BS EN 60034-24 Detection and diagnosis of potential failures at the active parts of rotating electrical machines and of bearing currents. Application guide PEL/2



BS EN 62133 (Revision) Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes. Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable applications will supersede BS EN 62133:2003

BS EN 15836:—

Test methods will supersede DD ISO/TS 3632-2:2003

BS EN 15835 Foodstuffs. Determination of ochratoxin A in cereal based foods for infants and young children. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean up

BS ISO 3632-2


BS ISO 3966 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Velocity area methods. Method using Pitot static tubes will supersede BS 1042-2.1:1983 CPI/30/5

Plastics. Plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-P) membranes for inground swimming pools

BS EN 62386:— Digital addressable lighting interface Homogenous membranes of nominal thickness equal to or greater than 0, 75 mm

BS EN 62386-103


General requirements. Control devices CPL/34/3


BS ISO 4254-1 General requirements will supersede BS EN ISO 4254-1:2005

BS EN 15836-2 Reinforced membranes of nominal thickness equal to or greater than 1, 50 mm

BS ISO 4254:— Agricultural machinery. Safety

BS EN 15836-1

BS EN 62386-209


Particular requirements for control gears. Colour control (Device Type 8) CPL/34/3

BS ISO 6166 (Revision)

Ethanol as a blending component for petrol. Determination of Cu, P, S and inorganic chloride content by ICP-OES. Direct method

BS EN 62386-210

Securities and related financial instruments. International securities identification numbering system (ISIN)



BS EN 15837


Particular requirements for control gears. Sequencer (Device Type 9)

Prices may be subject to change.

will supersede BS ISO 6166:2001 IST/12

Update Standards June 2008

BS ISO 7194

BS ISO 22197:—

BS IEC 62584

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Velocity area methods. Methods of flow measurement in swirling or asymmetric flow conditions in circular ducts by means of currentmeters or Pitot static tubes

Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Test method for airpurification performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials

Nuclear power plants. Instrumentation and control important to safety. Application of Gamma Thermometers (GT) for Local Power Range Monitor (LPRM) calibration

will supersede BS 1042-2.3:1984

BS ISO 22197-2


Removal of acetaldehyde

DD ISO/TS 11080


Removal of toluene

Dentistry. Essential characteristics of test methods for the evaluation of treatment methods intended to improve or maintain the microbiological quality of dental unit procedural water




BS ISO 10681:— Road vehicles. Communication on flex ray

BS ISO 22197-3

BS ISO 10681-1 General information and use case definition AUE/16

BS ISO 10681-2 Communication layer services AUE/16

BS ISO 11852 Rubber. Determination of magnesium content of field and concentrated natural rubber latex by titration PRI/50

BS ISO 22621:— Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels for maximum operating pressures up to and including 2 MPa (20 bar). Polyamide (PA)

DD ISO/TS 27893 Vacuum technology. Vacuum gauges. Evaluation of the uncertainties of results of calibrations by direct comparison with a reference gauge MCE/8/-/4

BS ISO 22621-6 Code of practice for design, handling and installation PRI/88/2

DD IEC/TS 62351:— Power systems management and associated information exchange. Data and communication security

BS ISO 22762:—

DD IEC/TS 62351-7

Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators

Network and system management (NSM) data object models

BS ISO 22762-1 (Revision)


BS ISO 12014

Test methods

Textiles. Polyester or polyamide mosquito nets. Specification

will supersede BS ISO 22762-1:2005

PD CEN/TR 13505


Foodstuffs. Performance criteria for methods of analysis of mycotoxins



BS ISO/IEC 24727:— BS ISO 12669 Hydraulic fluid power. Method for determining the require cleanliness level (RCL) for a system MCE/18/-/6

Identification cards. Integrated circuit card programming interfaces

PD CEN/TR 15831

BS ISO/IEC 24727-5


Method for testing compression in medical hosiery

Test procedures

BS ISO/IEC 14476:— Information technology. Enhanced communications transport protocol

BS ISO/IEC 14476-5 Specification of N-plex multicast transport IST/6

BS ISO 18115:— Surface chemical analysis. Vocabulary

BS ISO 18115-1 General terms and terms for the spectroscopes

PD 8118:—


Structural use of aluminium

BS ISO/IEC 24727-6 Registration authority procedures for the authentication protocols for interoperability

PD 8118-1



BS ISO 29481:—

PD ISO/TR 10809:—

Organization of information about construction works. Building information models. Information delivery manual

Cast irons

PD ISO/TR 10809-2 BS ISO 29481-1 Methodology and format B/555

BS ISO 18115-2 Terms for the scanned probe microscopes

BS ISO 29541 Solid mineral fuels. Determination of total carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen content. Instrumental method

BS ISO/IEC 80601:— Financial services. UNIversal financial industry message scheme


Document management. Change management associated with EDMS technologies IDT/1/2

BS 2B 23



BS ISO 20022:—


PD ISO/TR 14105

will partially supersede BS ISO 18115:2001+A2:2007 CII/60

Guidance on the use of BS EN 1999 for design

Medical electrical equipment

Specification for copper-aluminium-nickel-iron alloy rods, sections, forging stock and forgings will supersede BS B 23:1991 ACE/61

BS ISO/IEC 80601-2-61

BS 2B 24

BS ISO 20022-6

Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of pulse oximeters

Specification for copper-tin-phosphorous alloy rods and sections

Message transport characteristics

will supersede BS EN ISO 9919:2005

will supersede BS B 24:1991




Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS 3B 25 Copper-nickel-silicon alloy rods, sections, forging stock, forgings and parts (heat treated) will supersede BS 2B 25:2001 ACE/61

BS 3B 26 Copper-nickel-silicon alloy rods, sections and parts (solution treated, cold worked and precipitation treated) will supersede BS 2B 26:2001 ACE/61

BS 3B 27 Copper-zinc-aluminium-nickel-silicon alloy tube will supersede BS 2B 27:2002 ACE/61

BS 3B 28 Copper-beryllium alloy strip, foil and parts (solution treated and precipitation treated) will supersede BS 2B 28:2001 ACE/61

BS 3B 29 Copper-beryllium alloy strip, foil and parts (solution treated, cold rolled: quarter hard and precipitation treated) will supersede BS 2B 29:2001 ACE/61

DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – NATIONAL BRITISH STANDARDS You may now comment on any National British Standard online. BSI British Standards has launched a Draft Review system which allows access to the drafts of all National British Standards. To enhance access of Drafts for Public Comment for the wider community, make comments more visible and move into collaborative working practices, you will now be able to comment on any National British Standard by visiting http://drafts.bsigroup.com. All you need to do is register. This service is free of charge. Please note that the only standards available on this service are pure British Standards (National Standards e.g: BS XXXX). European and international documents are not included at this time. Deadlines for receipt of comments on each of the individual drafts can be found at http://drafts.bsigroup.com. Should you wish to receive these drafts in hard copy format, they are available for a fee from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2).

BS 3B 30 Copper-beryllium alloy strip, foil and parts (solution treated, cold rolled: half hard and precipitation treated) will supersede BS 2B 30:2001 ACE/61

08/30129901 DC BS EN 1999-1-1 UK National Annex to BS EN 1999-1-1. Design of aluminium structures. Part 1-1. General structural rules B/525/9

BS 3B 31 Copper-beryllium alloy strip, foil and parts (solution treated, cold rolled: full hard and precipitation treated) will supersede BS 2B 31:2001 ACE/61

08/30129903 DC BS EN 1999-1-3 UK National Annex to BS EN 1999-1-3. Design of aluminium structures. Part 1-3. Structures susceptible to fatigue


Copper-beryllium alloy wire and springs (solution treated and precipitation treated) will supersede BS 2B 33:2001

08/30153845 DC


BS 8300 Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people. Code of practice £18.00 members, £36.00 non-members B/559

will supersede BS B100:1992 ACE/61

PAS 220 Prerequisite programs on food safety for food manufacturing


BS 8516 Recommendations for tree safety inspection B/213

08/30177723 DC BS 969 Specification for limits and tolerances on plain limit gauges TDW/4

08/30177726 DC BS 1044-1 Specification for gauge blanks. Part 1. Plug, ring and calliper gauges TDW/4

08/30178090 DC BS 957 Specification for feeler gauges TDW/4

08/30181507 DC BS 5459-2 AMD2 Specification for performance requirements and tests for office furniture. Part 2. Office pedestal seating for use by persons weighing up to 150 kg and for use up to 24 hours a day, including type-approval tests for individual components FW/0/3

08/30181828 DC BS 5974 Code of practice for temporarily installed suspended scaffolds and access equipment B/514/39

08/30136724 DC

BS 3B 33

Procedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought copper alloys

08/30174363 DC

BS 7965 Guide to the selection, installation, operation and calibration of diagonal path transit time ultrasonic flowmeters for industrial gas applications


BS 2B 100


08/30182033 DC

BS 6739 Code of practice for instrumentation in process control systems: installation design and practice £33.00 members, £66.00 non-members

will supersede BS 2B 32:2001

BS 4800 Schedule of paint colours for building purposes


BS 3B 32 Copper-beryllium alloy rods, sections and parts (solution treated and precipitation treated)

08/30169958 DC

08/30166387 DC BS 7977-1 Specification for safety and rational use of energy of domestic gas appliances. Part 1. Radiant/convectors


A manager’s guide to the long-term preservation of electronic documents This book explains the problems surrounding digital preservation and explores the various solutions For further information visit www.bsigroup.com/bip0089 Price £55* BSI order ref BIP 0089


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008


08/30151717 DC

08/30160532 DC

BS ISO 23185 Assessment and benchmarking of terminological resources. General concepts, principles and requirements

BS EN 50122-1 Railway applications. Fixed installations. Electrical safety, earthing and bonding. Part 1. Protective provisions against electric shock


All Draft British Standards are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) Most drafts are charged at £10.00 to members and £20.00 to non-members.


08/30152055 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 31 August, 2008

BS EN 50518-1 Monitoring and alarm receiving centre. Part 1. Location and construction requirements

08/30161404 DC


BS EN ISO 17672 Brazing. Filler metals WEE/19

Larger draft documents are charged at a higher price according to the number of pages and are priced individually below. Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL by 31 July, 2008 unless otherwise stated, to be considered by the relevant BSI committee.

08/30152625 DC BS ISO 16110-2 Hydrogen generators using fuel processing technologies. Part 2. Procedures to determine efficiency PVE/18

08/30154538 DC

Draft standards may be modified before adoption and issue as British Standards.

08/30123706 DC



08/30123709 DC BS ISO 22282-2 Geotechnical investigation and testing. Geohydraulic testing. Part 2. Water permeability tests in a borehole

BS EN ISO 11771 Air quality. Determination of time-averaged mass emissions and emission factors. General approach EH/2/4

BS ISO 18857-2 Water quality. Determination of selected alkylphenols. Part 2. Determination of alkylphenols, alkylphenol ethoxylates and bisphenol A. Method for non-filtered samples using solidphase extraction and gas chromatography with mass selective detection after derivation

BS ISO 22282-1 Geotechnical investigation and testing. Geohydraulic testing. Part 1. General rules

08/30161739 DC

08/30162181 DC BS EN 54-26 Fire detection and fire alarm systems. Part 26. Point fire detectors using carbon monoxide sensors FSH/12/2

08/30162505 DC BS EN 15780 Ventilation for buildings. Ductwork. Cleanliness of ventilation systems

08/30154605 DC BS ISO 15223-2 Medical devices. Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied. Part 2. Symbol development, selection and validation CH/210/3

Comments for the above document are required by 18 July, 2008


08/30163839 DC BS EN 13890 Workplace exposure. Procedures for measuring metals and metalloids in airborne particles. Requirements and test methods EH/2/2


08/30126378 DC BS ISO 80000-2 Quantities and units. Part 2. Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology SS/7

08/30155570 DC

08/30164296 DC

BS ISO 7231 Polymeric materials, cellular, flexible determination of air flow value at constant pressure-drop

BS EN ISO 10497 Testing of valves. Fire typetesting requirements PSE/7/1


08/30165177 DC 08/30126399 DC

08/30156074 DC

BS ISO 80000-10 Quantities and units. Part 10. Atomic and nuclear physics

BS EN 1012-3 Compressors and vacuum pumps. Safety requirements. Part 3. Process compressors

BS ISO 15472 AMD1 Surface chemical analysis. X-ray photoelectron spectrometers. Calibration of energy scales




08/30133935 DC

08/30156909 DC

08/30165724 DC

BS ISO 24173 Microbeam analysis. Guidelines for orientation measurement using electron backscatter diffraction

BS EN 15807 Railway applications. Pneumatic half couplings

BS EN ISO 3506-1 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless-steel fasteners. Part 1. Bolts, screws and studs




08/30138762 DC BS EN ISO 11980 Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses and contact lens care products. Guidance for clinical investigations

08/30157195 DC BS EN 15806 Railway application. Braking. Static brake testing RAE/4

08/30165729 DC BS EN ISO 3506-2 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Part 2. Nuts FME/9/1


08/30159296 DC 08/30141132 DC BS EN ISO 10423 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Wellhead and christmas tree equipment £33.00 members, £66.00 non-members PSE/17/-/4

Update Standards June 2008

BS EN ISO 15225 Nomenclature. Specification for a nomenclature system for medical devices for the purpose of regulatory data exchange CH/210/3

Comments for the above document are required by 30 June, 2008

Prices may be subject to change.

08/30165732 DC BS EN ISO 3506-3 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Part 3. Set screws and similar fasteners not under tensile stress FME/9/1


Draft British Standards for Public Comment continued... 08/30165735 DC

08/30169549 DC

08/30172394 DC

BS EN ISO 3506-4 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners. Part 4. Tapping screws

BS EN 13168 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made wood wool (WW) products. Specification

BS EN 62047-7 Semiconductor devices. Microelectromechanical devices. Part 7. MEMS FBAR Filter & Duplexer




Comments for the above document are required by 30 June, 2008

08/30166515 DC BS ISO 27448-1 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Test method for self-cleaning performance of semiconducting photocatalytic materials. Part 1. Measurement of water contact angle

08/30169552 DC BS EN 13169 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of expanded perlite (EPB). Specification B/540


BS ISO 6209 Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black. Determination of solvent extractable material

BS ISO/IEC 9541-4 Information technology. Font information interchange. Part 4. Harmonization to Open Font Format IST/41

08/30169556 DC 08/30167639 DC

08/30175275 DC

BS EN 13170 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of expanded cork (ICB). Specification B/540

08/30175278 DC BS ISO/IEC 9541-3 AMD2 Information technology. Font information interchange. Part 3. Glyph shape representation IST/41


08/30169559 DC

08/30175593 DC

BS ISO 1217 Displacement compressors. Acceptance test

BS EN 13171 Thermal insulating products for buildings. Factory made wood fibre (WF) products. Specification

BS ISO/IEC 14957 Information technology. Representation of data elements values. Notation of the format




08/30168462 DC

08/30168969 DC BS ISO 21501-1 Determination of particle size distribution. Single particle light interaction methods. Part 1. Light scattering aerosol spectrometer LBI/37

08/30169531 DC BS EN 13162 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made mineral wool (MW) products. Specification B/540

08/30169607 DC BS EN ISO 28927-2 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 2. Wrenches, nut runners and screwdrivers MCE/8/-/2

BS EN ISO 28927-1 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 1. Angle and vertical grinders

08/30169534 DC


08/30169621 DC BS EN ISO 28927-3 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 3. Polishers and rotary, orbital and random orbital sanders MCE/8/-/2

08/30169537 DC BS EN 13164 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS). Specification B/540

08/30169540 DC BS EN 13165 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) products. Specification B/540

08/30169543 DC

08/30171576 DC BS ISO 27667 Road vehicles. Brake lining friction materials. Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes AUE/11

08/30171619 DC BS EN 62343-5-1 Dynamic modules. Test methods. Part 5-1. Dynamic gain tilt equalizer. Response time measurement

BS EN 13166 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of phenolic foam (PF). Specification



08/30172148 DC

08/30169546 DC BS EN 13167 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made cellular glass (CG) products. Specification B/540


BS EN 1736 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps. Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators, expansion joints and non-metallic tubes. Requirements, design and installation RHE/18

08/30175655 DC 08/30169617 DC


BS EN 13163 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS). Specification

08/30175649 DC

BS ISO 28278-1 Glass in building. Glass products for structural sealant glazing. Part 1. Supported and unsupported monolithic and multiple glazing B/520/4

Comments for the above document are required by 31 August, 2008

Prices may be subject to change.

BS EN 1265 AMD1 Safety of machinery. Noise test code for foundry machines and equipment MCE/3/10

08/30175661 DC BS EN 1032 AMD1 Mechanical vibration. Testing of mobile machinery in order to determine the vibration emission value GME/21

08/30175664 DC BS EN 1299 AMD1 Mechanical vibration and shock. Vibration isolation of machines. Information for the application of source isolation GME/21

08/30175667 DC BS EN 13490 AMD1 Mechanical vibration. Industrial trucks. Laboratory evaluation and specification of operator seat vibration GME/21/6

08/30176073 DC BS EN 15776 Unfired pressure vessels. Additional requirements for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and parts constructed from cast iron with elongation equal or less than 15% PVE/1

08/30176599 DC BS ISO 20292 Materials for the production of primary aluminium. Dense refractory bricks. Determination of cryolite resistance CII/24

Update Standards June 2008

08/30176795 DC

08/30176874 DC

08/30177443 DC

BS EN 15779 Fats and oil derivates. Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for use in diesel engines. Determination of poly-unsaturated fatty acid methyl esters by gas chromatography

BS EN 15784 Animal feeding stuffs. Isolation and enumeration of presumptive Bacillus spp.

BS EN 50131-3 Alarm systems. Intrusion and hold up systems. Part 3. Control and indicating equipment




08/30176878 DC 08/30176829 DC

BS EN 15785 Animal feeding stuffs. Isolation and enumeration of Bifidobacterium spp.

BS EN 1315 Dimensional classification of round timber


08/30177497 DC BS EN 15805 Particulate air filters for general ventilation. Standardised dimensions MCE/21/3


08/30176881 DC 08/30176838 DC

BS EN 15786 Animal feeding stuffs. Isolation and enumeration of Pediococcus spp.

BS EN 1822-1 High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA). Part 1. Classification, performance testing, marking



08/30176884 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 11 July, 2008

BS EN 15787 Animal feeding stuffs. Isolation and enumeration of Lactobacillus spp.


Comments for the above document are required by 11 July, 2008

08/30176848 DC BS EN 1822-3 High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA). Part 3. Testing flat sheet filter media

08/30176889 DC

BS EN 14909 AMD1 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Plastic and rubber damp proof courses. Definitions and characteristics

BS EN 15788 Animal feeding stuffs. Isolation and enumeration of Enterococcus (E. faecium) spp.



08/30177918 DC

08/30176892 DC

BS EN 15436-4 Road service area maintenance equipment. Part 4. Delivery acceptance of machines by the end-users

BS EN 15789 Animal feeding stuffs. Isolation and enumeration of yeast probiotic strains

08/30178034 DC 08/30176899 DC BS EN 15791 Foodstuffs. Determination of Deoxynivalenol in animal feed. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean-up AW/10

BS EN 1822-4 High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA). Part 4. Determining leakage of filter elements (scan method)

08/30176902 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 11 July, 2008

08/30176855 DC


BS EN 1822-5 High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA). Part 5. Determining the efficiency of filter elements

08/30177222 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 11 July, 2008


BS EN 61676 Medical electrical equipment. Dosimetric instruments used for non-invasive measurement of X-ray tube voltage in diagnostic radiology CH/62/3

08/30180579 DC BS EN 15801 Conservation of cultural property. Test methods. Determination of water absorption by capillarity

BS ISO/IEC 15419 Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code digital imaging and printing performance testing IST/34


08/30176860 DC

08/30177225 DC

BS EN 15794 Determination of explosion points of flammable liquids

BS EN 15802 Conservation of cultural property. Test methods. Measurement of static contact angle


BS EN 15800 Cylindrical helical springs made of round wire. Quality specifications for cold coiled compression springs

08/30180059 DC BS EN 15792 Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of zearalenone in animal feed. High performance liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection and immunoaffinity column clean-up




08/30176852 DC



08/30177906 DC


Comments for the above document are required by 11 July, 2008

BS EN 13967 AMD2 Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Plastic and rubber damp proof sheets including plastic and rubber basement tanking sheet. Definitions and characteristics


08/30176845 DC BS EN 1822-2 High efficiency air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA). Part 2. Aerosol production, measuring equipment, particle counting statistic

08/30177903 DC


08/30176863 DC

08/30180656 DC BS ISO 7768 AMD1 Textiles. Test method for assessing the smoothness appearance of fabrics after cleansing TCI/82

08/30180662 DC

BS EN 15781 Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of maduramicin-ammonium by reversed-phase HPLC using post-column derivatisation

08/30177228 DC BS EN 15803 Conservation of cultural property. Test methods. Determination of water vapour permeability (δp)

BS ISO 7769 AMD1 Textiles. Test method for assessing the appearance of creases in fabrics after cleansing




08/30176866 DC

08/30177231 DC

08/30180667 DC

BS EN 15782 Animal feeding stuffs. Determination of nicarbazin. High-performance liquid chromatographic method

BS EN 15804 Sustainability of construction works. Environmental product declarations. Product category rules

BS ISO 7770 AMD1 Textiles. Test method for assessing the smoothness appearance of seams in fabrics after cleansing




Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


Draft British Standards for Public Comment continued... 08/30180703 DC

08/30181037 DC

08/30181106 DC

BS EN 60754-1 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables. Part 1. Determination of the halogen acid gas content

BS EN 4656 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-11-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Solution treated and precipitation treated. Bars. A or D ≤ 200 mm. Rm ≥ 1520 MPa

BS EN 4671 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-10-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Solution treated and precipitation treated. Forgings. A or D ≤ 200 mm. Rm ≥ 1400 MPa




08/30180711 DC BS EN 60754-2 Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables. Part 2. Determination of acidity (by pH measurement) and conductivity GEL/20/18

08/30181052 DC BS EN 4657 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-11-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Solution treated and precipitation treated. Bars. A or D ≤ 200 mm. Rm ≥ 1650 MPa ACE/61/-/15

08/30181131 DC BS EN 55011 AMD Industrial, scientific and medical equipment. Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement GEL/210/11

08/30180761 DC BS EN 4655 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-10-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Solution treated and precipitation treated. Bars. A or D ≤ 200 mm. Rm ≥ 1400 MPa ACE/61/-/15

08/30181055 DC BS EN 4658 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-11-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Solution treated and precipitation treated. Forgings. A or D ≤ 200 mm. Rm ≥ 1520 MPa

08/30181155 DC BS EN 4672 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-10-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Softened. Forging stock. A or D ≤ 300 mm ACE/61/-/15


08/30180770 DC BS EN 50164-3 AMD1 Lightning Protection Components (LPC). Part 3. Requirements for isolating spark gaps GEL/81

08/30181164 DC 08/30181058 DC BS EN ISO 28927-5 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 5. Drills and impact drills MCE/8/-/2

08/30180781 DC BS EN 50164-6 Lightning Protection Components (LPC). Part 6. Requirements for lightning strike counters GEL/81

08/30180900 DC BS EN 60205 AMD1 Calculation of the effective parameters of magnetic piece parts EPL/51

08/30180960 DC BS ISO/IEC 11989 Information technology. iSCSI Management API £33.00 members, £66.00 non-members IST/6

08/30180966 DC BS EN 50160 Voltage characteristics of electricity supplied by public distribution networks

08/30181062 DC BS EN 4659 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-11-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Solution treated and precipitation treated. Forgings. A or D ≤ 200 mm. Rm ≥ 1650 MPa



08/30181228 DC


BS EN 4670 Aerospace series. Steel FE-PM (X1CrNiMoAlTi12-11-2). Vacuum induction melted and consumable electrode remelted. Softened. Forging stock. A or D ≤ 300 mm ACE/61/-/15

08/30181068 DC BS EN ISO 28927-6 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 6. Rammers MCE/8/-/2

08/30180969 DC

BS ISO 27956 Road vehicles. Securing of cargo in delivery vans. Requirements and test methods

BS ISO 22089 Aerospace. Hydraulic power transfer units. General specifications

08/30181065 DC

BS EN ISO 28927-7 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 7. Nibblers and shears

08/30180978 DC

08/30181175 DC

BS EN ISO 21627-1 Plastics. Epoxy resins. Determination of chlorine content. Part 1. Inorganic chlorine

08/30181072 DC





BS EN 1570 Safety requirements for lifting tables

BS ISO 9867 AMD1 Textiles. Evaluation of the wrinkle recovery of fabrics. Appearance method


08/30181082 DC BS EN ISO 28927-8 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 8. Saws, polishing and filing machines with reciprocating action and saws with oscillating or rotating action MCE/8/-/2

08/30181232 DC BS EN ISO 21627-2 Plastics. Epoxy resins. Determination of chlorine content. Part 2. Easily saponifiable chlorine PRI/52

08/30181237 DC BS EN ISO 21627-3 Plastics. Epoxy resins. Determination of chlorine content. Part 3. Total chlorine PRI/52

08/30181243 DC BS EN ISO 7579 Dyestuffs. Determination of solubility in organic solvents. Gravimetric and photometric methods STI/1

08/30181258 DC BS EN 14229 Structural timber. Wood poles for overhead lines B/518

08/30181096 DC BS EN ISO 28927-9 Hand-held portable power tools. Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission. Part 9. Scaling hammers and needle scalers

08/30181295 DC

BS EN 50512 Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes. Advanced Visual Docking Guidance Systems (A-VDGS) EPL/97



08/30181001 DC


Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 5631-1 Paper and board. Determination of colour by diffuse reflectance. Part 1. Indoor daylight conditions (C/2°)

Update Standards June 2008

08/30181362 DC

08/30181539 DC

08/30182001 DC

BS EN 60384-14 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment. Part 14. Sectional specification. Fixed capacitors for electromagnetic interference suppression and connection to the supply mains

BS EN ISO 12574-3 Thermal insulation. Cellulose-fibre loose-fill for horizontal applications in ventilated roof spaces. Part 3. Test methods

BS EN 61753-141-2 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard. Part 141-2. Fibre optic passive chromatic dispersion compensator using singlemode dispersion compasating fibre for category C-Controlled environments




Comments for the above document are required by 30 June, 2008

08/30181604 DC

08/30181385 DC

BS EN ISO 10781 Health informatics. HL7 Electronic health record system functional model, release 1

BS EN ISO 6721-1 AMD1 Plastics. Determination of dynamic mechanical properties. Part 1. General principles PRI/21

08/30181389 DC BS EN 50290-2-24 AMD1 Communication cables. Part 2-24. Common design rules and construction. PE sheathing EPL/46

Comments for the above document are required by 30 June, 2008



08/30181628 DC BS ISO/IEC 15423 Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code scanner and decoder performance testing IST/37

Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000

Comments for the above document are required by 31 August, 2008

BS EN 61162:— Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Digital interfaces

08/30181397 DC BS EN 60456 Clothes washing machines for household use. Methods for measuring the performance £18.00 members, £36.00 non-members

08/30181631 DC



BS IEC 60092-509 Electrical installations in ships. Part 509. Operation of electrical installations Comments for the above document are required by 30 June, 2008

08/30181401 DC BS IEC 60747-14-1 Semiconductor devices. Part 14-1. Semiconductor sensors. Generic specification for sensors EPL/47

08/30181642 DC BS EN 60598-2-20 Luminaires. Part 2-20. Particular requirements. Lighting chains CPL/34/4

BS EN 61162-3 Serial data instrument network IEC 61162-3 has now been approved for publication from enquiry stage, and CENELEC ratification is expected to follow. Although the voting period has expired a copy of the enquiry text may be obtained from the Programme Manager (below) upon request. Contact: Simon Bounds Email: [email protected] EPL/80

08/30181404 DC BS IEC 60747-14-3 Semiconductor devices. Part 14-3. Semiconductor sensors. Pressure sensors EPL/47

08/30181838 DC

IEC 60335:—

BS ISO 27951 Health informatics. Common terminology services, release 1

Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety


IEC 60335-2-5:2005/Amendment 2

08/30181498 DC

Particular requirements for dishwashers

BS EN 61000-5-8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Part 5-8. Installation and mitigation guidelines. HEMP protection methods for the distributed infrastructure

BS ISO 13739 Petroleum products. Procedures for the transfer of bunker fuel to ships



08/30181966 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 31 August, 2008

08/30181511 DC BS EN 50519 Assessment of workers’ exposure to electric and magnetic fields of industrial induction heating equipment GEL/106

IEC/TC 61 has issued a draft amendment to the fifth edition of IEC 60335-2-5 as a Final Draft International Standard. The draft amendment is to clauses, 1, 7, 19 and 24. If agreed this will be implemented by BSI as an amendment to BS EN 60335-2-5:2003. Contact: Geraldine Salt Email: [email protected] CPL/61/14

Help Us to Help You!

IEC 60335-2-11 Particular requirements for tumble dryers

08/30181522 DC BS EN 61280-1-3 Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures. Part 1-3. Test procedures for general communication subsystems. Central wavelength and spectral width measurement

Always quote your Customer Number Don’t know your number?


08/30181526 DC BS EN ISO 15747 Plastic containers for intravenous injections CH/212

Contact Customer Services 020 8996 9001 who will be happy to check it for you

Comments for the above document are required by 31 August, 2008

Update Standards June 2008

IEC/TC 61 has issued a draft seventh edition of IEC 60335-2-11 as a Final Draft International Standard. This seventh edition will cancel and replace the sixth edition published in 2002 together with its amendments 1 (2005) and 2 (2006) and constitutes a technical revision. Its main changes are alignment of the text with IEC 60335-1 Edition 4.2 and conversion of notes to normative text in sub-clauses 7.101, 11.8, 20.102, 20.103 and Annex AA. If agreed this will be implemented by BSI as a revision of BS EN 60335-2-11:2003. Contact: Geraldine Salt Email: [email protected] CPL/61/14

Prices may be subject to change.


Documents Not Issued as DPCs continued... IEC 60335-2-75:2005/Amendment 2

prCEN/TR 81:—

EN 13094

Particular requirements for commercial dispensing appliances and vending machines

Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Basics and interpretations

Metallic tanks with a working pressure not exceeding 0,5 bar. Design and construction

IEC/TC 61 has issued a draft amendment 2 to IEC 60335-2-75 Edition 2 as a Final Draft International Standard. The draft proposes to make editorial changes so as to align this Part 2 with amendments 1 and 2 to IEC 60335-1. It also includes a proposal from CENELEC for an amendment to 15.2.109 which if agreed will bring the IEC standard in line with the existing BS EN 60335-2-75:2004. Contact: Geraldine Salt Email: [email protected] CPL/61/5

prCEN/TR 81-10 System of the EN 81 series of standards This draft CEN Technical Report, which will not be issued as a Draft for Public Comment has been circulated by CEN/TC 10 for approval. Please submit any comments by 30 June, 2008 to the Programme Manager (below). Contact: Mike Hodson Email: [email protected] MHE/4

IEC/TR 60930 Guidelines for administrative, medical and nursing staff concerned with the safe use of medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems

IEC/TR 61258 Guidelines for the development and use of medical electrical equipment educational materials These standards have been circulated to IEC members as Draft Technical Reports by IEC/SC 62A. They have not been circulated as Drafts for Public Comment (DPC) but copies of the text are available from the Programme Manager (below). When published as Technical Reports, the UK will not be implementing them as it has voted to abstain. If you are aware of a current national standard which may be affected, please notify the Programme Manager. Contact: Philippa Younas Email: [email protected] CH/62/1

CEN/CENELEC UNIQUE ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000

EN 474:— Earth-moving machinery. Safety

EN 474-2:2006/Amendment 1

This document will be published in 2008 and the UK will be adopting it. Contact: Charlotte Armstrong Email: [email protected] AUE/18

EN 13367:2005/Amendment 1 Ceramic machines. Safety. Transfer platforms and cars Copies of the above draft are available on request from the contact point (below). Please note that there is no DPC for this. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected] MCE/3/14

EN 13951:2003/Amendment 1 Liquid pumps. Safety requirements. Agrifoodstuffs equipment. Design rules to ensure hygiene in use This amendment states that only editorial, as opposed to technical, changes can be proposed to the document. Comments should be submitted to the Programme Manager (below) by 20 June, 2008. Contact: Manjit Matharu Email: [email protected] MCE/6

Requirements for tractor-dozers

prEN ISO 2860 EN 474-11:2006/Amendment 1 Requirements for earth and landfill compactors

Earth-moving machinery. Minimum access dimensions

ISO 3354 Measurement of clean water flow in closed conduits. Velocity-area method using currentmeters in full conduits and under regular flow conditions

prEN ISO 3164 EN 474-12:2006/Amendment 1 Requirements for cable excavators

Earth-moving machinery. Laboratory evaluations of protective structures. Specifications for deflection-limiting volume

ISO 3966

EN 500:—

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Velocity area method using Pitot static tubes

Mobile road construction machinery. Safety

prEN ISO 3449

ISO 7194

EN 500-6:2006/Amendment 1

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Velocity-area methods of flow measurement in swirling or asymmetric flow conditions in circular ducts by means of current-meters or Pitot static tubes

Specific requirements for paver-finishers

Copies of the above documents are available from the Programme Manager (below). Contact: Simon Merriman Email: [email protected]

EN 13510:2000/Amendment 1 Earth-moving machinery. Roll-over protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

EN 13531:2001/Amendment 1

Earth-moving machinery. Falling-object protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

prEN ISO 3457 Earth-moving machinery. Guards. Definitions and requirements

prEN ISO 6682 Earth-moving machinery. Zones of comfort and reach for controls

Earth-moving machinery. Tip-over protection structure (TOPS) for compact excavators. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

prEN ISO 7096

ISO/DIS 6892 (Revision of ISO 6892:1998) will become ISO 6892-1. According to VA, it will be published as EN ISO 6892-1 (WI: EC001091) and cancel/replace the existing EN 10002-1:2001. Contact: Alex Price Email: [email protected]

These documents, which will not be issued as Drafts for Public Comment amend the equivalent current UK implementations. The amendments update the informative annex ZA and add informative annex ZB, which latter explains the relationship of the standards to the revised Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Please submit any comments by 30 June, 2008 to the Programme Manager (below). Contact: Mike Hodson Email: [email protected]

These documents, which will not be issued as Drafts for Public Comment, will supersede their equivalent UK implementations. The drafts amend informative annex ZA and add informative annex ZB, which latter explains the relationship of the standards to the revised Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. Please submit any comments by 30 June, 2008 to the Programme Manager (below). Contact: Mike Hodson Email: [email protected]





ISO 6892:— Metallic materials. Tensile testing

ISO 6892-1 Method of test at ambient temperature


Prices may be subject to change.

Earth-moving machinery. Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration

Update Standards June 2008


EN 1715-2:2008

EN 3660-014:2008

Specific requirements for electrical applications

Cable outlet, style A, 90°, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief. Product standard



EUROPEAN RATIFIED TEXTS The documents listed below have recently been issued by CEN but have not yet been published as BS ENs. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards.

EN 352:— Hearing protectors. Safety requirements and testing

EN 1715-3:2008 Specific requirements for mechanical uses (excluding welding) NFE/35

EN 3660-015:2008 Cable outlet, style A, 45°, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief. Product standard ACE/61

EN 1715-4:2008 Specific requirements for welding applications

EN 3660-022:2008


Cable outlet, style A, straight, composite, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief. Product standard

EN 1829:—


High pressure water jet machines. Safety requirements

EN 3660-023:2008

EN 1829-2:2008

Cable outlet, style A, 90°, composite, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief. Product standard

Hoses, hose lines and connectors



EN 3660-024:2008

EN 352-8:2008 Entertainment audio earmuffs

EN 1916:—


Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced concrete

EN 1028:— Fire-fighting pumps. Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps with primer

EN 1028-2:2002+A1:2008

to EN 1916:2002

EN 3711:2008


Aerospace series. Wrench-double ended, bihexagonal. Straight, cranked, offset

EN 1917:—

Verification of general and safety requirements FSH/17/4

CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

to EN 1917:2002 B/505

EN 1127:—


EN 3728:2008 Shaft-nuts, self-locking, left-hand thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated ACE/12

Safety of machinery. Prevention of unexpected start-up MCE/3


CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

Concrete manholes and inspection chambers, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced

EN 1037:1995+A1:2008

Grommet nut, style A, composite. Product standard

EN 1982:2008 Copper and copper alloys. Ingots and castings NFE/34

Explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and protection

EN 2399:2008

EN 1127-2:2002+A1:2008

Aerospace series. Heat resisting steel FE-PA2601 (X4NiCrTiMoV26-15). Rm ≥ 900 MPa. Bars for forged bolts. D ≤ 25 mm

Basic concepts and methodology for mining


EN 3729:2008 Rings, threaded, self-locking, left-hand thread, in heat resisting steel FE-PA92HT (A286), silver plated ACE/12


EN 3733:— Aerospace series. Connector, optical, circular, single channel, coupled by self-locking ring, operating temperature 150°C continuous

EN 3630:2008

EN 3733-004:2008

Copper and copper alloys. Material condition designation

Aerospace series. Fluid fittings, flanged, straight. Sealing by O-ring for 0,8 mm thick tubes

Receptacle, connector, four hole fixing cable according to EN 4532. Product standard



EN 1710:2005+A1:2008

EN 3660:—

Equipment and components intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in underground mines

Aerospace series. Cable outlet accessories for circular and rectangular electrical and optical connectors

EN 1173:2008


EN 3733-006:2008 Receptacle, connector, jam nut fixing for cable according to EN 4532. Product standard ACE/6


EN 3660-012:2008

EN 3733-103:2008

Grommet nut, style A for EN 3372. Product standard

Protective cover jam nut receptacle. Product standard



EN 1715-1:2008

EN 3660-013:2008

EN 3733-104:2008

General requirements and technical conditions for inspection and delivery

Cable outlet, style A, straight, unsealed, with cable tie strain relief. Product standard

Receptacle connector dummy four holes fixing. Product standard




EN 1715:— Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Drawing stock

Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


CEN European Standards continued... EN 3733-105:2008

EN 4626-101:2008

EN 13161:2008

Receptacle connector dummy two holes fixing. Product standard

Optical contact (subassembly) for plug. Product standard

Natural stone test methods. Determination of flexural strength under constant moment




EN 3733-106:2008

EN 4632:—

EN 13384:—

Receptacle connector dummy jam nut. Product standard

Aerospace series. Welded and brazed assemblies for aerospace constructions. Weldability and brazeability of materials

Chimneys. Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation methods


EN 3733-108:2008 Cable support boot. Product standard ACE/6

EN 3905:2008 Aerospace series. Six lobe recesses for bolts. Technical specification ACE/12

EN 3915:2008 Aerospace series. Insert, thin wall, self-locking, MJ threads, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH2601 (NI-P100HT, Inconel 718), for salvage of components. Classification: 1275 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 550°. Technical specification ACE/12

EN 4165:— Aerospace series. Connectors, electrical, rectangular, modular. Operating temperature 175° continuous

EN 4632-001:2008 General requirements ACE/6

EN 4632-002:2008

EN 4300:2008


EN 13478:2001+A1:2008 Safety of machinery. Fire prevention and protection



EN 9101:2008

EN 13557:2003+A2:2008

Aerospace series. Quality management systems. Assessment (based on EN ISO 9001:2000)


Cranes. Controls and control stations


EN 13586:2004+A1:2008 EN 10216:—

Cranes. Access

Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions


EN 10216-5:—

EN 13755:2008

Stainless steel tubes

Natural stone test methods. Determination of water absorption at atmospheric pressure

CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008



EN 14033:—

Modules series 2 and series 3. Product standard ACE/6

Chimneys serving one appliance

Homogeneous assemblies aluminium and aluminium alloys

to EN 10216-5:2004 EN 4165-003:2008

EN 13384-1:2002+A2:2008

EN 12077:— Cranes safety. Requirements for health and safety

Railway applications. Track. Technical requirements for railbound construction and maintenance machines

Aerospace series. Identification marking of engine items. Design standard

EN 12077-2:1998+A1:2008


Limiting and indicating devices

Specific railway requirements for the working of railbound machines



EN 12273:2008

EN 14081:—

EN 14033-2:2008

EN 4493:2008 Aerospace series. Inserts, screw thread, helical coil, self-locking, in heat resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH1801 (NI-P96HT, Nimonic 90), silver plated

Slurry surfacing. Requirements B/510/2

Timber structures. Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section

EN 12602:2008

EN 14081-4:2005+A3:2008

Prefabricated reinforced components of autoclaved aerated concrete

Machine grading. Grading machine settings for machine controlled systems



EN 12620:2002+A1:2008

EN 14502:—

Aggregates for concrete

Cranes. Equipment for the lifting of persons


EN 4626:— Aerospace series. Connectors, optical, rectangular, multicontact, rack and panel, Quadrax cavity, 2,5 mm diameter ferrule. Operating temperatures -65°C to 125°C (cable dependent). Flush contacts


EN 4626-002:2008 Specification of performance and contact arrangements

EN 12881:—

EN 14502-2:2005+A1:2008 Elevating control stations


Conveyor belts. Fire simulation flammability testing

EN 4626-003:2008

EN 12881-1:2005+A1:2008

EN 14710:—

Adaptor for plug

Propane burner tests



Fire-fighting pumps. Fire-fighting centrifugal pumps without primer

EN 4626-004:2008

EN 12881-2:2005+A1:2008

EN 14710-2:2005+A1:2008

Adaptor for receptacle

Large scale fire test

Verification of general and safety requirements





Prices may be subject to change.


Update Standards June 2008

EN 14973:2006+A1:2008 Conveyor belts for use in underground installations. Electrical and flammability safety requirements



EN 15116:2008 Ventilation in buildings. Chilled beams. Testing and rating of active chilled beams

CEN/TS 81:— Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Existing lifts


EN 15435:2008 Precast concrete products. Normal weight and lightweight concrete shuttering blocks. Product properties and performance

CEN/TS 81-82:2008 Improvement of the accessibility of existing lifts for persons including persons with disability MHE/4


EN 15498:2008 Precast concrete products. Wood-chip concrete shuttering blocks. Product properties and performance

CEN/TS 13388:2008

Tactile paving surface indicators produced from concrete, clay and stone B/507

CEN/TS 15223:2008 Plastics piping systems. Validated design parameters of buried thermoplastics piping systems

CWA 15832:2008

no current standard is superseded £40.00 members, £80.00 non-members

CWA 15833:2008 Humanitarian mine action. Quality management. Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) for mechanical demining no current standard is superseded £32.00 members, £64.00 non-members


Lead-acid traction batteries


Humanitarian mine action. Follow-on processes after the use of demining machines

Basic standard for the evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from equipment for resistance welding and allied processes

EN 60254:—

CWA 15740:2008

no current standard is superseded £80.00 members, £160.00 non-members

The documents listed below have recently been issued by CENELEC but have not yet been published as BS ENs. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards.

EN 50505:2008


CEN/TS 15209:2008

Risk-based inspection and maintenance procedures for European industry (RIMAP)


Copper and copper alloys. Compendium of compositions and products




EN 60254-2:2008 (IEC 60254-2:2008) Dimensions of cells and terminals and marking of polarity on cells PEL/21

CEN/TS 15324:2008

EN 60335:—

Bitumen and bituminous binders. Determination of equiviscous temperature based on Low Shear Viscosity using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer in low frequency oscillation mode

Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety


EN 60335-2-13:— (IEC 60335-2-13:2002/A2:2008) Particular requirements for deep fat fryers, frying pans and similar appliances

CEN/TS 15717:2008

AMENDMENT 2:April 2008

Parquet flooring. General guideline for installation

to EN 60335-2-13:2003 CPL/61/07



EN 60335-2-36:— (IEC 60335-2-36:2002/A2:2008)

CEN/TR 15615:2008 Explanation of the general relationship between various European standards and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). Umbrella document B/540

CEN/TR 15678:2008 Concrete. Release of regulated dangerous substances into soil, groundwater and surface water. Test method for new or unapproved constituents of concrete and for production concretes B/516/12

CEN/TR 15697:2008 Cement. Performance testing for sulfate resistance. State of the art report B/516/12

CEN/TR 15709:2008 Hardware for furniture. Terms for slide fittings for sliding doors and roll fronts FW/0/1

Update Standards June 2008

Compendium of symbols for use on electrical equipment and for diagrams (CD-ROM) This CD-ROM comprises database ‘snapshots’ for BS EN 60417-1:1999 and BS EN 60617-12:1999. The database ‘snapshots’ are in a PDF format, and represent the state of the IEC databases at the time of publication. For further information visit www.bsigroup.com/bip3086 BSI order ref BIP 3086 Price £275* + VAT

Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob elements AMENDMENT 2:April 2008

to EN 60335-2-36:2002 CPL/61/5

EN 60335-2-37:— (IEC 60335-2-37:2002/A1:2008) Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 60335-2-37:2002 CPL/61/5

EN 60335-2-38:— (IEC 60335-2-38:2002/A1:2008) Particular requirements for commercial electric griddles and griddle grills AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 60335-2-38:2003 CPL/61/5

Prices may be subject to change.


CENELEC Publications continued... EN 60335-2-48:— (IEC 60335-2-48:2002/A1:2008)

EN 60601-1-10:2008 (IEC 60601-1-10:2007)

Particular requirements for commercial electric grillers and toasters

Collateral standard: Requirements for the development of physiologic closed-loop controllers

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 60335-2-48:2003


EN 60601-2-39:2008 (IEC 60601-2-39:2007)

Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing machines

Particular requirements for basic safety and essential performance of peritoneal dialysis equipment

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008


to EN 60335-2-58:2005 CPL/61/5

EN 60335-2-62:— (IEC 60335-2-62:2002/A1:2008)

Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral over current protection for household and similar uses (RCBO’s)

EN 61009-1:— General rules


EN 60335-2-58:— (IEC 60335-2-58:2002/A1:2008)

EN 61009:—

AMENDMENT 11:April 2008

to EN 61009-1:2004 PEL/23/1

EN 61010:— Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use

EN 60738:— Thermistors. Directly heated positive stepfunction temperature coefficient

EN 61010-031:— (IEC 61010-031:2002/A1:2008)

Particular requirements for commercial electric rinsing sinks

EN 60738-1:—

Safety requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

Blank detail specification

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 61010-031:2002

to EN 60335-2-62:2003 CPL/61/5

EN 60357:— (IEC 60357:2002/A1:2006) Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle). Performance specifications


EN 60738-1-1:2008 (IEC 60738-1-1:2008) Current limiting application. Assessment level EZ EPL/40X

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 60357:2003 CPL/34/1

EN 60384:— Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment

EN 60384-11:2008 (IEC 60384-11:2008) Sectional specification. Fixed polyethyleneterephthalate film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors

EN 60738-1-2:2008 (IEC 60738-1-2:2008)

Blank detail specification. Fixed polyethyleneterephthalate film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors. Assessment level EZ

Medical electrical equipment

EN 61076-3-110:2008 (IEC 61076-3-110:2007) Rectangular connectors. Detail specification for shielded free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 1 000 MHz



EN 60738-1-3:2008 (IEC 60738-1-3:2008) Inrush current application. Assessment level EZ EPL/40X

EN 61242:— (IEC 61242:1995/A1:2008) Electrical accessories. Cable reels for household and similar purposes AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 61242:1997 EN 60738-1-4:2008 (IEC 60738-1-4:2008)


Sensing application. Assessment level EZ

EN 61347:—


Lamp controlgear

EN 60749:—

EN 61347-1:— (IEC 60034-9:2000/A1:2003)


EN 60601:—

Connectors for electronic equipment. Product requirements

Heating element application. Assessment level EZ


EN 60384-11-1:2008 (IEC 60384-11-1:2008)

EN 61076:—

Semiconductor devices. Mechanical and climatic test methods

General and safety requirements AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to EN 61347-1:2001 EN 60601-1:— General requirements for basic safety and essential performance

EN 60601-1-3:2008 (IEC 60601-1-3:2008) Collateral standard: Radiation protection in diagnostic X-ray equipment CH/62/2

EN 60601-1-9:2008 (IEC 60601-1-9:2007)

EN 60749-37:2008 (IEC 60749-37:2008)


Board level drop test method using an accelerometer

EN 61800:—


Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems

EN 60915:—

EN 61800-7:—

Capacitors and resistors for use in electronic equipment. Preferred dimensions of shaft ends, bushes and for the mounting of single-hole, bush-mounted, shaft-operated electronic components

Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems

Collateral standard: Requirements for environmentally conscious design

CORRIGENDUM 1:March 2008

EN 61800-7-1:2008 (IEC 61800-7-1:2007)

to EN 60915:2007

Interface definition





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

CENELEC Publications continued... EN 61800-7-201:2008 (IEC 61800-7-201:2007)


Profile type 1 specification PEL/22

EN 61800-7-202:2008 (IEC 61800-7-202:2007) Profile type 2 specification PEL/22

EN 61800-7-203:2008 (IEC 61800-7-203:2007) Profile type 3 specification PEL/22

EN 61800-7-204:2008 (IEC 61800-7-204:2007) Profile type 4 specification PEL/22

EN 61800-7-301:2008 (IEC 61800-7-301:2007) Mapping of profile type 1 to network technologies PEL/22

CLC/TR 50378:— Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications

CLC/TR 50378-2-2:2008 SC(SC2)-APC connector-type fixed optical attenuators using IEC 60793-2 Category B1.1 singlemode fibre

IEC PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards, which are published as British standards, unless otherwise requested. The following IEC publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2)


IEC 60255:— CLC/TR 50454:2008 Guide for the application of aluminium electrolytic capacitors

Measuring relays and protection equipment

IEC 60255-22:—


Electrical disturbance tests

CLC/TR 61340:—

IEC 60255-22-2:2008


(Edition 3)

CLC/TR 61340-5-2:2008 (IEC 61340-5-2:2007)

Electrostatic discharge tests £41.28 members, £43.00 non-members PEL/95

Protection of electronic devices from electrostatic phenomena. User guide

IEC 60255-22-4:2008


(Edition 3)

EN 61800-7-302:2008 (IEC 61800-7-302:2007)

CLC/TR 62125:2008

Mapping of profile type 2 to network technologies

Environmental Statement specific to TC 20. Electric cables



Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test £41.28 members, £43.00 non-members PEL/95

IEC 60282:— EN 61800-7-303:2008 (IEC 61800-7-303:2007) Mapping of profile type 3 to network technologies

High voltage fuses


(Edition 3)


CLC/TS 50467:2008 EN 61800-7-304:2008 (IEC 61800-7-304:2007) Mapping of profile type 4 to network technologies

Railway applications. Rolling stock. Electrical connectors, requirements and test methods

Recording. Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems)

EN 61834-11:2008 (IEC 61834-11:2008) HDV format for 1080i and 720p systems EPL/100

EN 62271:— High-voltage switchgear and controlgear


EN 62429:2008 (IEC 62429:2007) Reliability growth. Stress testing for early failures in unique complex systems

Electrical installations of buildings

IEC 60335-2-3:— AMENDMENT 2:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-3:2002 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

CENELEC HD 60364-7-705:— (IEC 60364-7-705:2006) Requirements for special installations or locations. Agricultural and horticultural premises CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008 JPEL/64


IEC 60335-2-10:— Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-10:2002 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CPL/61/01

e-mail your order

IEC 60335-2-12:— Particular requirements for warming plates and similar appliances AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

[email protected]

to IEC 60335-2-12:2002 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members



Household and similar electric appliances. Safety

Particular requirements for electric irons

CENELEC HD 60364:—

Compact switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV PEL/17/1


IEC 60335:—

to CENELEC HD 60364-7-705:2007 EN 62271-205:2008 (IEC 62271-205:2008)

Expulsion fuses £137.28 members, £143.00 non-members



EN 61834:—

IEC 60282-2:2008


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

IEC 60335-2-16:—

IEC 60335-2-49:—

IEC 60335-2-83:—

Particular requirements for food waste disposers

Particular requirements for commercial electric appliances for keeping food and crockery warm

Particular requirements for heated gullies for roof drainage

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-16:2002

to IEC 60335-2-49:2002

to IEC 60335-2-83:2001

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

£38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members




IEC 60335-2-17:—

IEC 60335-2-51:—

IEC 60335-2-85:—

Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations

Particular requirements for fabric steamers

Particular requirements for blankets, pads and similar flexible heating appliances AMENDMENT 2:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-17:2002 £31.68 members, £33.00 non-members CPL/61/07

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-51:2002 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-85:2002 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CPL/61/07


IEC 60335-2-101:— Particular requirements for vaporizers

IEC 60335-2-23:—

IEC 60335-2-52:—

Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care

Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances

CORRIGENDUM 2:January 2008

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

to IEC 60335-2-23:2003

to IEC 60335-2-52:2002



£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CPL/61/01

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-101:2002

IEC 60432:— Incandescent lamps. Safety specifications

IEC 60335-2-26:— Particular requirements for clocks

IEC 60335-2-55:—

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

Particular requirements for electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds

IEC 60432-3:—

to IEC 60335-2-26:2002

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

AMENDMENT 2:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-55:2002

to IEC 60432-3:2005

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

£24.00 members, £25.00 non-members



Particular requirements for sewing machines

IEC 60335-2-56:—

IEC 60598:—

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008


to IEC 60335-2-28:2002

Particular requirements for projectors and similar appliances

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008


to IEC 60335-2-56:2002

IEC 60598-1:2008

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

(Edition 7)


General requirements and tests £192.00 members, £200.00 non-members

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CPL/61/01

Tungsten-halogen lamps (non-vehicle)

IEC 60335-2-28:—

IEC 60335-2-39:— Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans


IEC 60335-2-65:—

AMENDMENT 2:April 2008

Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances

to IEC 60335-2-39:2002

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CPL/61/5

IEC/TS 60695:— Fire hazard testing

to IEC 60335-2-65:2002 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CPL/61/01

IEC/TS 60695-8-3:2008

Particular requirements for ironers

IEC 60335-2-66:—

Heat release. Heat release of insulating liquids used in electrotechnical products £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

Particular requirements for water-bed heaters


to IEC 60335-2-44:2002

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

to IEC 60335-2-66:2002


£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

IEC 60335-2-44:—

IEC 60730:—


Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use

Particular requirements for portable heating tools and similar appliances

IEC 60335-2-78:—

IEC 60730-2-7:2008

Particular requirements for outdoor barbecues

(Edition 2)

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 60335-2-45:2002

to IEC 60335-2-78:2002

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

Particular requirements for timers and time switches £86.40 members, £90.00 non-members




IEC 60335-2-45:—

Update Standards June 2008

Prices may be subject to change.


IEC Publications continued... IEC 60793:—

IEC 61227:2008

IEC/TS 62257-7-3:2008

Optical fibres

(Edition 2)

Generator set. Selection of generator sets for rural electrification systems £105.60 members, £110.00 non-members

IEC 60793-1-1:2008 (Edition 3) Measurement methods and test procedures. General and guidance £35.52 members, £37.00 non-members GEL/86/1

Nuclear power plants. Control rooms. Operator controls £72.00 members, £75.00 non-members

IEC 62271:— IEC 61290:—

Optical fibre cables

(Edition 2)

IEC 60794-2:—

Polarization mode dispersion parameter. Jones matrix eigenanalysis (JME) £41.28 members, £43.00 non-members

Indoor optical fibre cables


IEC 60794-2-42:2008 Product specification for simplex and duplex cables with A4 fibres £78.72 members, £82.00 non-members GEL/86/1

IEC 61355:—

Family specification for simplex and duplex cables for use in terminated cable assemblies £96.00 members, £100.00 non-members GEL/86/1

IEC 62271-100:2008 (Edition 2) Alternating-current circuit-breakers £209.28 members, £218.00 non-members PEL/17/1

IEC 62317:— Ferrite cores. Dimensions

Classification and designation of documents for plants, systems and equipment

IEC 62317-13:2008 IEC 61355-1:2008 (Edition 2)

IEC 60794-2-50:2008

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear

Optical amplifiers. Test methods

IEC 61290-11-1:2008 IEC 60794:—



PQ-cores for use in power supply applications £59.52 members, £62.00 non-members

Rules and classification tables £120.00 members, £125.00 non-members



IEC 62363:2008

IEC 61643:— Low voltage surge protective devices

Radiation protection instrumentation. Portable photon contamination meters and monitors £96.00 members, £100.00 non-members NCE/2

IEC 60794-3-30:2008

IEC 61643-21:—

(Edition 2)

Surge protective devices connected to telecommunications and signalling networks. Performance requirements and testing methods

Outdoor cables. Family specification for optical telecommunication cables for lakes, river crossings and coastal applications £72.00 members, £75.00 non-members GEL/86/1

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 61643-21:2000 £72.00 members, £75.00 non-members

IEC 62420:2008 Concentric lay stranded overhead electrical conductors containing one or gap(s) £86.40 members, £90.00 non-members GEL/7


IEC/TS 62492:—

IEC 60904:— Photovoltaic devices

IEC 60904-3:2008 (Edition 2) Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data £96.00 members, £100.00 non-members GEL/82

IEC 61675:— Radionuclide imaging devices. Characteristics and test conditions

IEC 61675-1:— Positron emission tomography AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to IEC 61675-1:1998

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. General requirements. Methods of testing and required test results

IEC 61758:— Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Interface standard for closures

Technical data for radiation thermometers £72.00 members, £75.00 non-members GEL/65/2

IEC 62552:— Household refrigerating appliances. Characteristics and test methods CORRIGENDUM 1:March 2008

to IEC 62552:2007 CPL/59/13

CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

to IEC 60945:2002

IEC 61758-1:2008


General and guidance £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members

IEC 61169:—

IEC/TS 62492-1:2008

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members CH/62/3

IEC 60945:—

Industrial process control devices. Radiation thermometers



Radio-frequency connectors

IEC/TS 62257:—

IEC/PAS 62246:— Reed contact units

IEC 61169-4:2008

Recommendations for small renewable energy and hybrid systems for rural electrification

R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 16 mm (0.63 in) with screw lock. Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (Type 7-16) £78.72 members, £82.00 non-members

IEC/TS 62257-7:2008 Generators £41.28 members, £43.00 non-members

Heavy-duty reed switches. Quality assessment specification £105.60 members, £110.00 non-members





IEC/PAS 62246-2-1:2008

Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008

ISO Publications

ISO PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards, which are published as British standards, unless otherwise requested. The following ISO publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) ISO 291:2008 (Edition 4) Plastics. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members PRI/21

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 3923:—

ISO 6194:—

Metallic powders. Determination of apparent density

Rotary-shaft lip-type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing elements

ISO 3923-1:2008

ISO 6194-5:2008

(Edition 3)

(Edition 2)

Funnel method £33.60 members, £35.00 non-members

Identification of visual imperfection £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members



Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 4074:— Natural latex rubber condoms. Requirements and test methods CORRIGENDUM 2:April 2008

to ISO 4074:2002 CH/157

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 1750:— Pesticides and other agrochemicals. Common names AMENDMENT 4:May 2008


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 2382:— Information technology. Vocabulary

ISO/IEC 2382-36:2008

Agricultural machinery. Safety

ISO 4254-1:2008


Tensile vibration. Non-resonance method £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Gas cylinders. Refillable welded steel cylinders

ISO 7743:2008

Test pressure 60 bar and below £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members

(Edition 3)


(Edition 3) Hot-rolled and cold-reduced electrolytic zinccoated carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 5163:—

ISO 3093:—

Petroleum products. Determination of knock characteristics of motor and aviation fuels. Motor method

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

CORRIGENDUM 1:March 2008

to ISO 5163:2005

Hydrometry. Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 8178:— Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Exhaust emission measurement

ISO 8178-2:2008 Measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions under field conditions £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members MCE/14/-/3

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 8825:— Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules

ISO 5832:— Implants for surgery. Metallic materials

ISO/IEC 8825-2:— Specification of Packed Encoding Rules (PER)

ISO 5832-1:—

AMENDMENT 3:April 2008

Wrought stainless steel

to ISO/IEC 8825-2:2002

CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

£28.80 members, £30.00 non-members

to ISO 5832-1:2007




Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO 3454:2008 (Edition 3)


(Edition 2)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of compression stress-strain properties £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members



to ISO 3093:2004

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard by amendment to a National Standard

ISO 4706-1:2008

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

(Edition 2)


ISO 4706:—

ISO 5002:2008

Wheat, rye and respective flours, durum wheat and durum wheat semolina. Determination of the Falling Number according to HagbergPerten

Plastics. Determination of dynamic mechanical properties

ISO 6721-4:2008


Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of density £33.60 members, £35.00 non-members

ISO 6721:—

General requirements £86.40 members, £90.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

(Edition 4)


(Edition 4)

Learning, education and training £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members

ISO 2781:2008

Spices, condiments and herbs Determination of volatile oil content (hydrodistillation method) £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

ISO 4254:—

to ISO 1750:1981 £11.52 members, £12.00 non-members

(Edition 2)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO IWA 6:2008 Guidelines for the management of drinking water utilities under crisis conditions £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members

ISO 6571:2008

Prices may be subject to change.

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Update Standards June 2008

ISO Publications continued... ISO/IEC 8825-4:—

ISO/IEC 10995:2008

ISO 14116:2008

XML Encoding Rules (XER)

£54.72 members, £57.00 non-members

Information technology. Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage. Test method for the estimation of the archival lifetime of optical media £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members

Protective clothing. Protection against heat and flame. Limited flame spread materials, material assemblies and clothing £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members



Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 8825-5:—

ISO 11085:2008

AMENDMENT 3:April 2008

to ISO/IEC 8825-4:2002

to ISO/IEC 8825-5:2004

Cereals, cereals-based products and animal feeding stuffs. Determination of crude fat and total fat content by the Randall extraction method £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

£105.60 members, £110.00 non-members



Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Mapping W3C XML schema definitions into ASN.1 AMENDMENT 1:March 2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO 9707:2008 (Edition 2) Information and documentation. Statistics on the production and distribution of books, newspapers, periodicals and electronic publications £62.40 members, £65.00 non-members

ISO/IEC 10116:—

ISO/IEC 14476:— Information technology. Enhanced communications transport protocol

ISO/IEC 14476-5:2008 Specification of N-plex multicast transport £105.60 members, £110.00 non-members IST/6

ISO 11344:— Rubber, raw synthetic. Determination of the molecular-mass distribution of solution polymers by gel permeation chromatography CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

to ISO 11344:2004

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO/IEC 14496:— Information technology. Coding of audio-visual objects


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 14496-3:—


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO/IEC 11801:— Information technology. Generic cabling for customer premises

Audio CORRIGENDUM 2:April 2008

to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005

Information technology. Security techniques. Modes of operation for an n-bit block cipher

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008


to ISO/IEC 11801:2002

CORRIGENDUM 1:March 2008

£83.52 members, £87.00 non-members

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

to ISO/IEC 10116:2006



Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 10303:— Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange

ISO 10303-227:— Application protocol. Plant spatial configuration CORRIGENDUM 1:February 2008

to ISO 10303-227:2005 AMT/4

ISO/IEC 14496-3:— Audio

ISO 12460:—

AMENDMENT 8:April 2008

Wood-based panels. Determination of formaldehyde release

to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005 £11.52 members, £12.00 non-members IST/37

ISO 12460-3:2008 Gas analysis method £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members B/541

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO/IEC 14496-3:— Audio CORRIGENDUM 3:April 2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO 12460-4:2008

to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005 IST/37

ISO/IEC 10373:—

Desiccator method £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

Identification cards. Test methods


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 10373-7:2008 (Edition 2) Vicinity cards £73.92 members, £77.00 non-members IST/17

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Information technology. Universal MultipleOctet Coded Character Set (UCS)

ISO/IEC 14496-3:— Audio

ISO 13506:2008

CORRIGENDUM 4:April 2008

Protective clothing against heat and flame. Test method for complete garments. Prediction of burn injury using an instrumented manikin £73.92 members, £77.00 non-members

to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005


ISO/IEC 10646:—

Will not be implemented as a British Standard


Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 14496-3:— ISO 13837:2008

Audio CORRIGENDUM 5:April 2008

£49.92 members, £52.00 non-members

Road vehicles. Safety glazing materials. Method for the determination of solar transmittance £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members



Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

AMENDMENT 3:February 2008

to ISO/IEC 10646:2003


Prices may be subject to change.

to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005 IST/37

Update Standards June 2008

ISO/IEC 14496-4:—

ISO/IEC 15444:—

ISO 17226:—

Conformance testing

Information technology. JPEG 2000 image coding system

Leather. Chemical tests

AMENDMENT 23:April 2008

to ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004 ISO 17226-1:2008

£11.52 members, £12.00 non-members

ISO/IEC 15444-1:—


Core coding system

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

CORRIGENDUM 2:April 2008

Method using high performance liquid chromatography £33.60 members, £35.00 non-members

to ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004


ISO/IEC 14496-5:—


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Reference software

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK


ISO 17226-2:2008

to ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001 IST/37

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 15740:2008 (Edition 2)

AMENDMENT 13:April 2008

Photography. Electronic still picture imaging. Picture transfer protocol (PTP) for digital still photography devices £137.28 members, £143.00 non-members

to ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001


£11.52 members, £12.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 14496-5:— Reference software


Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO/IEC 14496-20:— Lightweight Application Scene Representation (LASeR) and Simple Aggregation Format (SAF)

ISO 15883:— Washer-disinfectors

ISO 15883-4:2008

to ISO/IEC 14496-20:2006

Requirements and tests for washer-disinfectors employing chemical disinfection for thermolabile endoscopes £100.80 members, £105.00 non-members



Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

CORRIGENDUM 2:April 2008

Method using colourimetric analysis £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members TCI/69

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17387:2008 Intelligent transport systems. Lane change decision aid systems (LCDAS). Performance requirements and test procedures £100.80 members, £105.00 non-members EPL/278

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 18033:— Information technology. Security techniques. Encryption algorithms

ISO/IEC 18033-3:— Block ciphers CORRIGENDUM 3:March 2008

ISO 15930:—

to ISO/IEC 18033-3:2005

Graphic technology. Prepress digital data exchange using PDF



ISO 15930-8:2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 19119:—

Partial exchange of printing data using PDF 1.6 (PDF/X-5) £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members

Geographic information. Services

ISO 14726:2008 (CD-ROM) Ships and marine technology. Identification colours for the content of piping systems £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members

ISO 14744:— Welding. Acceptance inspection of electron beam welding machines


ISO 14744-1:2008

ISO/IEC 15938:—

(Edition 2)

Information technology. Multimedia content description interface

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

AMENDMENT 1:April 2008

to ISO 19119:2005 £11.52 members, £12.00 non-members IST/36

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Principles and acceptance conditions £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members WEE/-/1

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 14978:— Geometrical product specifications (GPS). General concepts and requirements for GPS measuring equipment CORRIGENDUM 1:February 2008

to ISO 14978:2006

Plastics. Decorative solid surfacing materials

ISO/IEC 15938-5:— Multimedia description schemes

ISO 19712-1:2008

AMENDMENT 3:April 2008

Classification and specifications £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

to ISO/IEC 15938-5:2003 £11.52 members, £12.00 non-members IST/37


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO/IEC 19778:—

ISO/IEC 15938-7:—

Information technology. Learning, education and training. Collaborative technology. Collaborative workplace


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 19712:—

Conformance testing

ISO 15392:2008

AMENDMENT 4:April 2008

Sustainability in building construction. General principles £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members

to ISO/IEC 15938-7:2003

ISO/IEC 19778-1:2008

£11.52 members, £12.00 non-members

Collaborative workplace data model £86.40 members, £90.00 non-members


Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Update Standards June 2008


Prices may be subject to change.


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO Publications continued... ISO/IEC 19778-2:2008

ISO 21069:—

ISO/TR 24529:2008

Collaborative environment data model £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members

Road vehicles. Test of braking systems on vehicles with a maximum authorized total mass of over 3,5 t using a roller brake tester

Intelligent transport systems. Systems architecture. Use of unified modelling language (UML) in ITS International Standards and deliverables £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 21069-2:2008 ISO/IEC 19778-3:2008 Collaborative group data model £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members IST/43

Air over hydraulic and purely hydraulic braking systems £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members AUE/11

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/TS 22240:2008 ISO/IEC 19780:— Information technology. Learning, education and training. Collaborative technology. Collaborative learning communication

ISO/IEC 19780-1:2008 Text-based communication £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members IST/43

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Road vehicles. Vehicle safety information model (VSIM) £49.92 members, £52.00 non-members AUE/7

ISO/IEC TR 24729:— Information technology. Radio frequency identification for item management. Implementation guidelines

ISO/IEC TR 24729-1:2008 RFID-enabled labels and packaging supporting ISO/IEC 18000-6C £112.32 members, £117.00 non-members

ISO 22307:2008


Financial services industry. Privacy impact assessment £78.72 members, £82.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO/IEC TR 24729-2:2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Recycling and RFID tags £78.72 members, £82.00 non-members

Film for wrapping rubber bales

ISO/TS 22367:2008

ISO 20299-1:—

Medical laboratories. Reduction of error through risk management and continual improvement £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

CORRIGENDUM 1:April 2008

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 20299:—

Butadiene rubber (BR) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR)




Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 24824:— Information technology

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

to ISO 20299-1:2006 PRI/50

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 20481:2008 Coffee and coffee products. Determination of caffeine content by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Reference method £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members AW/15

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 22412:2008 Particle size analysis. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) £62.40 members, £65.00 non-members LBI/37

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Hydraulic fluid power. Monitoring the level of particulate contamination of the fluid

ISO 21018-1:2008 General principles £73.92 members, £77.00 non-members MCE/18/-/6

Tools for pressing. Cam driver plates £28.80 members, £30.00 non-members

ISO 23828:2008 Fuel cell road vehicles. Energy consumption measurement. Vehicles fuelled with compressed hydrogen £91.20 members, £95.00 non-members


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO 26021:— Road vehicles. End-of-life activation of onboard pyrotechnic devices

ISO 26021-1:2008 General information and use case definition £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members AUE/16

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 26985:2008 ISO 24453:2008

Use of the filter blockage technique £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 21018-3:2008

Generic applications of ASN.1 Fast infoset security £24.00 members, £25.00 non-members

ISO 23481:2008


ISO 21018:—

ISO/IEC 24824-3:2008

Rubber. Acquisition and presentation of comparable single-point data £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members PRI/22

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Resilient floor coverings. Identification of linoleum and determination of cement content and ash residue £33.60 members, £35.00 non-members PRI/60

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 24454:2008

ISO 27027:2008

Packaging. Vocabulary £49.92 members, £52.00 non-members

Rubber. Acquisition and presentation of comparable multi-point data £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

Aerospace. Solid-state remote power controllers. General performance requirements £54.72 members, £57.00 non-members




Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 21067:2007


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards June 2008