Page 1 of 2. Adult Saturday Night. Bible & Life Groups. AD - Administration Building. CM - Commons. CP - Chapel. DC
Adult Saturday Night Bible & Life Groups
Adult Sunday 8:15am & 9:30am Bible & Life Groups
Adult Sunday 11:00am Bible & Life Groups
Saturday Night at 5:00pm
Sunday Morning at 8:15am
Sunday Morning at 11:00am
All Ages DC111
Al Micieli
Exploring Bible Prophecy
Saturday Night at 7:30pm 18-29
Troy Maragos
Mike & Teri Dolan
Jim Evans
Experiencing God
Jim Powers
Letter to Galatians
Nathan Phillips
Lee Norton
All Ages DC111
Al Micieli, Jr. & Sr.
All Ages DC107
Ken Price
All Ages DC114
Mark Bates
Letter to Philippians 20s Couples Class
Exploring the Holy Spirit Absolute Surrender Daniel and the Four Kings Book of Revelation
All Ages DC121
John Garippa
Kerry Rard
Sunday Morning at 9:30am 20s/30s
Chad & Shannon Moore
Telly & Alisha Alvarez
Terry Cole/Joe Bare
Troy Baker/Paul Horne
Steve Spaner
Roy Shoots
Recovering Redemption
Spirit Living in Modern World
John Shelford
Jim Diller
Bill Combs
John McGillicuddy
A Covenant Relationship
All Ages DC115
Dave Mastrangelo
Book of Ecclesiastes
All Ages DC108
Peter Hone
All Ages DC220
Ken Hess
All Ages FL100
John Garippa
All Ages FR101
Les Dickson
Gospel of Matthew
All Ages DC107 Grief Share This class runs through December 13
Begins at 10:45am
Gospel Centered Life Gospel of John Conservative Apologetics 101
Book of Acts
Book of 1st Samuel
College/20s Worship Nights
Begins at 7:15pm
Ethnic Ministries HISPANIC David George
Tuesday Night at 6:30pm 18-29 SC Troy Maragos College/20s Small Groups November 10 and December 15 only (For more information, please email Pastor Troy at
[email protected].)
Bible & Life 7:30pm - DC213 Worship Service 9:30am - Family Life Center Bible & Life 11:00am - DC214, DC215, DC216
Letter to Ephesians Gospel of John/Apologetics
Worship Service 9:00am - ED206 Worship Service 6:30pm - ED204, ED206, ED208
Worship & BLG 10:00am - Modular #4 Titus Mihet Worship Service 6:00pm - Modular #4 Titus Mihet
VIETNAMESE Pastor Jimmy Duy Nguyen
9:00am - DC221
All Ages WC129 Todd Stearns This class begins at 11:30 a.m.
Directory AD - Administration Building
FL - Family Life Center
CM - Commons
FR - Fellowship Recreation Center
CP - Chapel
MOD - Modular
DC - Discipleship Center
SC - Student Center
ED - Education Building
WC - Worship Center
Unseen, But Certain
ED108 Sunday Worship Service for Families of Children with Special Needs For more information, contact: Beverly Burgoyne, Director of Preschool Ministry, 596-8600 x351 Betsy Evans, Director of Children’s Ministry, 596-8600 x370 9:30am
HAITIAN (Creole) Pastor Daniel Garcon
Worship and Bible & Life
Uncommon Marriage
All Ages WC117 Tom Rider Kingdom Parenting BLOCK BLG - Meets 10 weeks September 27 - November 29
All Ages DC121 Tom Rider Kingdom Parenting BLOCK BLG - Meets 10 weeks September 26 - November 28
20s Young Married Class
Foundations 101
All Ages DC113 Divorce Care This class runs through December 5
Recovering Redemption
If I Could Ask God...
All Ages DC112 New Believers in Christ This class runs through November 21
Sports Outreach
All Ages Commons Steve Hayes
Saturday: Sunday:
Gospel of John/Apologetics
ED164 Jessica Wrightsman Special Needs Nov 1, Dec 6, Jan 3, Feb 7, March 6, April 3, May 1
First Baptist Church Naples Dr. Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor 239-597-6057 (Bible and Life) John David Edie, Pastor of Discipleship Ministry
[email protected] 239-596-8600 x261
STUDENT MINISTRY 5th Grade Ministry
PRESCHOOL & CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Preschool Ministry Babies - PreK 4
Greg Clydesdale, Pastor of Middle School Ministry
[email protected] Student Ministry Office - 239-449-4480
Wednesday Night (Room DC220)
Join us from 6:30pm-8:00pm on the 2nd floor of the Discipleship Center.
Weekend Bible & Life Groups
Saturday Night BLG 7:30pm in Rooms DC216, DC220, and DC221 Sunday Morning BLG 9:30am in Rooms DC212 & DC213
Middle School Ministry Grades 6-8
Saturdays 6:00pm-8:30pm Sundays 9:30am-12:00pm
Preschoolers are taught biblical truth using fun activities that make the Bible applicable to their young lives. At Mangrove Island, our teachers strive to love your child(ren) the way Jesus does, and to teach them what He wants them to know based on Scripture. Bring your child(ren) to the northeast side of the Education Building and check in at the rotunda. Your child(ren) will be placed in a class especially designed for his/her age. You will be given a vibrating pager to wear should your child(ren) need you. Beverly Burgoyne, Director Preschool Ministry
Greg Clydesdale, Pastor of Middle School Ministry
[email protected] Student Ministry Office - 239-449-4480 Grades 6-8 meet from 6:30pm-8:00pm in the Family Life Center for food, fun, fellowship, worship, dynamic Bible study, and small groups.
Saturdays 6:00pm Sundays 11:00am Education Building
Weekend Bible & Life Groups (Family Life Center)
Saturdays 7:30pm-8:30pm and Sundays 9:30-10:30am We begin in a large group and then break into age and gender based classes for an outstanding time of close fellowship and Bible study.
Annual Events: Mission Trips, Disciple Now Weekend (DNOW), MSMayhem, Camp MSM, Student Leadership University
High School Ministry Grades 9-12
Your kindergartner is invited to attend a children’s worship experience designed just for kindergartners. Island Kidz provides a fun and age-appropriate transition for your child as he or she leaves preschool and enters kindergarten. Games, drama, role playing, music, and multi-media are incorporated to engage your child in worship on his/her level of understanding and experience. Biblical principles taught include respecting God and His Word, respecting parents and authority, respecting money and possessions, caring for and serving others, etc. Beverly Burgoyne, Director Preschool Ministry
Kevin Taylor, Pastor of Student Ministry
[email protected] Student Ministry Office - 239-449-4480
Weekend Bible & Life Groups (Student Center)
Saturdays 7:30pm-8:30pm and Sundays 9:30-10:30am We begin in a large group and then break into age and gender based classes for an outstanding time of close fellowship and Bible study.
Annual Events: Mission Trips, Disciple Now Weekend (DNOW), Serve Opportunities Chili Bowl, HSM Camp, Student Leadership University
Bible & Life Groups Fall 2015 People experiencing life-changing Bible study and engaging in a lifestyle of reaching and serving others for Jesus Christ with a group of genuine friends.
RefresHer Women’s Ministry
Tuesdays at 9:00am and Wednesdays at 6:30pm In the Worship Center Join Us For Our New Fall Study
Revelation...The Last Act
Have you ever wondered how the book of Revelation fits in with the rest of the Bible, or how one can comprehend a book filled with so many signs, symbols, perplexing, and sometimes scary images? If so, you are not alone. This study will seek to answer these questions and more by comparing scripture with scripture and carefully exploring this powerful, timely, and exciting book. We are about to take front row seats to view the unfolding of what is the ultimate Apocalypse and The Last Act. This study will be taught by Vina Sterrett with additional personal applications by Kristin Yeldell.
Grades 1-4 Saturdays 6:00pm Sundays 11:00am Room DC120
Wednesday Night (Meet at Student Center)
We meet every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00pm in Home Groups for food, fun, fellowship, worship, dynamic Bible study, and small groups. Meet us at the Student Center by 6:00pm, and you can ride with us to a Home Group.
Just for Kindergartners
Wednesday Night (Student Center)
Kidztown is the identity of our exciting children’s ministry. Each week at Kidztown, our children in 1st grade through 4th grade have the opportunity to worship the Lord “KidzStyle.” Kidz have a great time studying God’s Word, singing His praises, and seeking His will, With puppetry, skits, and games, the lessons learned each day are reinforced. Betsy Evans, Director Children’s Ministry
Band of Brothers Men’s Ministry Wednesdays at 6:25pm In the Chapel
Join us for our fall study “The Jesus Habits.” This study focuses on exercising the spiritual disciplines of Jesus and is taught by our pastoral teaching team. Books are available in the bookstore. Join us for worship, study, discussion, and fellowship to learn how to apply God’s Word in every area of your life.