Trail Class Photos - 4. Trail Class 2. TC2 – Tread: Tread discernible and
continuous, but narrow and rough. TC2 – Obstacles: Obstacles occasionally
The photos below provide visual examples of typical Trail Class scenarios. Remember that the National Trail Management Class System is a spectrum, along a continuum from Trail Class 1 to 5, with no hard and fast lines drawn between the classes. The photos below can be used as visual aids to assist in consistent application of trail classification.
Trail Class 1
TC1 – Tread: Tread intermittent and indistinct.
TC1 – Obstacles: Obstacles continuous Trail Class Photos - 1
TC1 – Constructed Features: Constructed features minimal to non-existent unless safety or route finding.
TC1 – Signs: No destination signs present, limited to regulation, junction, and resource protection, minimum required.