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Sunday, Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service: One family's choice against genocide - Carl. Wilkens, Guest Speaker. As a
The UUCF CommUUnicator The Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton 1600 North Acacia Avenue, Fullerton 92831-1207 October 2016

Rev. Jason Cook

Sunday, Oct. 2, 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service: The Courage of Conviction - Rev. Cook
 What does it mean for us to act out of the courage of our convictions? How do we tap into the courage needed to change the world for the better in the face of resistance and criticism? Rev. Jason Cook will explore the inspiring story of Elizabeth Gaskell, Victorian novelist and Unitarian crusader. Sunday, Oct. 9, 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service: One family's choice against genocide - Carl Wilkens, Guest Speaker As a humanitarian aid worker, Carl moved his young family to Rwanda in the spring of 1990. When the genocide against the Tutsi was launched in April 1994, he refused to leave. Thousands of expatriates evacuated and the United Nations pulled out most of its troops. Carl was the only American to remain in Kigali. Venturing out each day into streets crackling with mortars and gunfire, he worked his way through roadblocks of angry, bloodstained soldiers and civilians armed with machetes and assault rifles in order to bring food, water and medicine to groups of orphans trapped around the city. Working with Rwandan colleagues, they helped save the lives of hundreds. At the core of Wilkens message is the power of stories to shape the way we think, feel, and act toward others and ourselves. Stories of RESPECT, EMPATHY, and INCLUSION are the pathways they present for building a healthy global community. Sunday, Oct. 16, 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service: The Blessing of the Animals. (Back by popular demand!) – Rev. Cook You are invited to bring your furry, feathered and scaly family members. Time for a Paws from the regular Sunday schedule at the Temple during the Sukkot holiday. We will meet at the Picnic Shelter at Hurless Barton Park, 4601 Casa Loma Ave. in Yorba Linda for
 Oct. 17-- at 6:30 p.m. Temple & UUCF Dinner & Discussion! Rabbi Nico and Rev. Cook will be co- facilitating an evening discussion about the recently aired Ken Burns' documentary "Defying the Nazis." Sunday, Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service: Mission and Mystery - Rev. Cook To live out our congregational mission and move forward, it’s vital that we have a strong theological foundation. With all our diverse perspectives and beliefs as Unitarian Universalists, what challenges do we face in living out this mission of change? Rev. Jason Cook will lead us in considering these questions. How does our mission fit into the mysteries of the awe-inspiring and vast universe around us? How do notions of God, Humanity, and Nature help or hinder us in facing injustice?

Oct. 29—from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Social Action fundraiser, Harry Potter Halloween Sunday, Oct. 30, 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service: Waiting for the Flood - Rev. Cook

Too often we live our lives in fear of what may come. How do we overcome this using

the inherent optimism of Unitarian Universalism? How do we move on and effect positive change in the world? Rev. Jason Cook explores how we find comfort from the mysteries of this vast and glorious universe.

Minister’s Message: As your new minister continues to get settled into this community, I am very aware that this fall and winter is a time of transition—not just for me, but for all of us. It is a time for us to take stock of who we are as a congregation and faith community. Who is here among us? What are their needs? What can we do to continue to care for one another in ways that are reflective of our values and principles? There are many ways we can answer these questions. Our Sunshine Committee has been doing and will continue to do the important work to comfort those who are facing particular challenges. Our new Grief & Caregivers Group is an opportunity on the first Friday of each month for people who are experiencing loss or dealing with the stresses and anxieties that come from caring for a chronically ill loved one to come together to share their struggles. We listen to joys and sorrows every week because this is a way that we sustain awareness of what is happening within our community. In this spirit, I encourage our committee chairs to lead their meetings with a brief opening check-in; this time is valuable in learning about what may be going on in each other’s lives. While we can certainly value efficiency and getting important work done, we must never forget that the key foundational work we do within our community is nurturing and caring for one another. Another significant way we care for each other is by acknowledging the diversity that is already here within this congregation. In talking with many of you, I have heard how important it is to you that this congregation continues to grow and be an inclusive one. At the same time, we must not forget that there is already diversity here among us. We have members of this congregation who identify as part of different races, ethnic backgrounds, cultural origins, sexual orientations, economic spheres and so on. As minister, I am always thinking about ways to serve the needs of everyone in our congregation, not just the majority. I will be looking for opportunities to make sure that the cultural richness that is here within the tapestry of this congregation has an opportunity to be seen and heard. For instance, upcoming Time for All Ages segments during our Sunday services may include members of the congregation who will be sharing something they find particularly meaningful about their cultural background. While Unitarian Universalism is built upon a deep call for social action, which means that we need to be looking outside of our walls, I also recognize that at a time of transition it’s important to make sure that what’s inside our walls is healthy and strong. And certainly, for the most part, healthy and strong can be used to characterize this congregation. Nonetheless, this fall seems an ideal time to make sure we are absolutely in as good of shape as we can be internally. It is a time for us to think about healing, inclusivity, and whatever else it takes to feel whole and centered as we begin our journey forward. Next spring can be a time for us to look outward into the world in an even more intentional way. Right now, however, I encourage all of us to reflect upon this community, our experience within it, and how we can continue to develop healthy relationships, be hospitable, and care for one another in ways that will build upon strengths already present. Rev. Jason Cook

Harry Potter Halloween Saturday, October 29, 7 to 9 PM at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton 1600 N. Acacia Ave. Fullerton

Suggested donation: $10 adults/ $5 students/ seniors All proceeds will go to the nonprofit JOYA Scholars

Activities will include something for everyone: Readings from the new Harry Potter play, games, crafts and fortune telling! Enjoy refreshments, including butter beer and cauldron cakes! plus No Host Bar serving Muggle beer and wine Presented by the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Fullerton

Monthly food competition for Pathways of Hope Several churches in the area are competing to collect the most food. October: Peanut butter November: Dried beans UUCF can have a competitive streak when it comes to doing good so let’s bring those jars of peanut butter in for OCTOBER!!!!!! SECOND OF THREE ARTICLES PROFILING THE CANIDATES FOR UUA PRESIDENT The Rev. Jeanne Pupke is a former Roman Catholic nun and businesswoman who served a four-year term on the Unitarian Universalist Association Board of Trustees, where she chaired the finance committee. But Pupke, who is running to become the next president of the UUA in an election at the 2017 General Assembly in New Orleans, insists she is anything but a rules-bound corporate type. “I want us on fire!” said Pupke, senior minister at First UU Church of Richmond, Virginia, since 2006. “I love being with entrepreneurs, and I have a desire for us to be more innovative in imagining what religion can be in the twenty-first and twenty-second centuries.” If elected president, she said, she’ll call on her success in growing organizations—from small companies to UU congregations—to grow the faith. Pupke was certified as a candidate running by petition in June 2016. She is running against the Rev. Alison Miller, who was nominated by the UUA Presidential Nominating Committee in January 2016, and the Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, who entered the race as a petition candidate in March 2016 after a second nominee withdrew. (UU World is profiling each candidate in the order they entered the race.) All three candidates will appear at events together around the country, including five regional events in the spring of 2017 sponsored by the UUA. Pupke, who grew up on Long Island as the oldest of seven children, has always been an iconoclast. She wanted to be a nun from a young age but was drawn to Catholicism’s progressive wing. She skipped class at parochial school only once, to hear her hero, the Rev. Daniel Berrigan, speak out against the Vietnam War. In college, after a religion professor suggested she research Unitarian Universalism, Pupke says she found her true faith, although she didn’t become a UU until years later. “I thought it was an interesting concept to have a faith that has no particular theological tenet but is a living inquiry into human life and goodness,” said Pupke. “It did plant the seed.” After college, Pupke became a nun but felt stifled by the vow of obedience and left after four years. The following year, she parted with Catholicism when the conservative John Paul

II became pope. But liberation theology’s lessons continue to sustain her. “To be the best person you could be spiritually and morally, to serve the good, that was an ideal I felt was worth living for, and I still do,” said Pupke. When she was in graduate school at the University of Missouri, a small tool die company, Diemakers, Inc., hired her as a consultant, then as vice president of administration, where she negotiated with major automakers. Her team saw revenues explode from $12 million to $50 million. A few years later, a small coffee company, Batdorf & Bronson Coffee Roasters, offered her a job as general manager after she went on a tour of its Olympia, Washington facilities. She soon became chief operating officer, and saw revenues leap skyward. “I like solving problems and I like getting people excited about solving problems,” said Pupke, who says her skills will be invaluable as UUA president. In 1992, she met her partner, Regina Largent, a now-retired Army lieutenant colonel; they married in 2004 in Canada. Largent’s career took them to Tacoma, Washington, and then to Portland, Oregon, where they joined First Unitarian Church after Pupke read about its support of same-sex marriage. Pupke served on the stewardship committee and helped increase congregational giving each year. Called to the ministry, Pupke enrolled at Meadville Lombard Theological School. Upon graduating in 2004, she became part-time minister at the UU Fellowship of Central Oregon, in Bend, which grew by 57 percent during her two years there. In Bend, she also was growth minister for the Pacific Northwest District, assisting small and emerging congregations from Idaho to Alaska. Since Pupke was called to the Richmond church in 2006, it has grown from 400 to 625 members. She has focused on shifting its culture to recognize members’ religious diversity—including Christianity—and said she recommended that the board suspend its bylaws for a year to give the congregation freedom to innovate. That tactic was so successful that Pupke suggested it again as a UUA trustee for Justice GA 2012, in Phoenix, Arizona, where most General Assembly business was suspended to foster focus on social justice. As a founding member and a director of the UU Legislative Ministry of Virginia, Pupke frequently testifies for women’s, LGBTQI, and youth rights. In a city that has faced serious racial injustice, Pupke is proud of her congregation’s partnership with an African American gospel group, and of its sponsorship of a lowincome grade school. The congregation launched Richmondpledge.org to fight racism and is working to get 10 percent of Richmond residents to sign it. jeannepupke.com REPRINT FROM UU WORLD Elaine McArdle is a UU World senior editor and a member of First Unitarian Church in Portland, Oregon. An award-winning journalist with more than 20 years of experience, she has also written for the Boston Globe, Harvard Law Bulletin, and others.

To serve human need . . . 1. Our Social Action Committee has been working to support the year-round shelter for people who are homeless in our community, and last month the OC Board of Supervisors voted for Mercy House to be the operators of the shelter at 1000 Kramer Place! Members at UUCF have been active in supporting the shelter, including hosting two educational programs on homelessness in Orange County, attending BoS meetings, and we supported Mercy House with a letter that was included with their proposal/ application. There is much work to be done to get the facility ready, and it is expected to open sometime between June and October 2017. 2. The Armory shelter will still be needed, and will be open this year, although we do not yet know the dates. Once again, volunteers from UUCF will be there to help those who are homeless on Wednesday evenings. Harry Langenbacher will be our volunteer coordinator this year. We will also be collecting gently-used clothing, as well as new socks and underwear, for the Armory. 3. At our table in the social hall we will begin to collect items requested by Future in Humanity for their project “Hygiene for Humanity.” Later this year, the children in RE will assemble hygiene kits for those who are homeless in our area. 4. Please also visit the table in the social hall to check out a copy of The Third Reconstruction: Moral Mondays, Fusion Politics, and the Rise of the New Justice Movement, by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II. This important book has been selected by UUA as the “Common Read” for 2016-2017. We will be having a discussion about the book in February 2017. 5. On October 29th we will be having a fund raiser to promote JOYA, a local organization that helps low income middle and high school students in Fullerton who want to attend college. This event will include a partial reading of the new Harry Potter play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, as well as lots of fun activities for kids, teens, and adults. Please stay tuned for more information! 10/09 – SAC meeting/ planning for 10/29 fund raiser 10/17 @ UUCF/TBT – showing and discussion of Ken Burns’ documentary on the Sharps in Nazi Germany 10/29 @UUCF – Harry Potter fund raiser to support children’s education/ literacy program 11/05 in Anaheim, OCCORD citizenship fair www.occord.org to register as a volunteer TBD – opening of the Armory shelter Debbie Langenbacher, SAC co-chair

Volunteers for the OCCORD Citizenship Fair

Say Hello to . . . Catherine Gallaher! Catherine was raised in Fullerton and has lived in several Orange County cities. When Mary Rhodes was our UUCF president, she asked Catherine to be in charge of the social hall. Catherine was instrumental in designing the layout for interest groups that we have today. Catherine arranges our tasty snacks donated by members each week and encourages people to sign up each Sunday. Catherine and her husband, Jim, met at CSUF where he was an administrator. He sat in a class Catherine was taking and soon became acquainted. They have been married 40 years and have 2 children, Aujah and Ian, who were both involved in the RE program at UUCF. Jim shares his love of Native American music as he plays recorders during our music for meditation. Catherine and Jim are proud grandparents of Steele Wolfgang Fader who will soon celebrate his first birthday! Catherine loves to work in their garden, has a dog and cat, and takes care of Steele two days each week. ****************************************************************************************************

Say Hello to . . . Brad Woodhull Brad Woodhull was born in Elmira, New York, a small town of 50,000 people. This was also where companies such as Bendix and GE were, and home to Mark Twain. Brad's interest in music began at a very young age, as the family was very musical. His father played violin, and his mother played piano. Although they did not own a piano, Brad's paternal grandparents lived across the street and he was always welcomed at their home to play. At the age of 6, it was decided that Brad should take piano lessons. The Buck Pitt Music Store gave free lessons and he took for a couple of years. The family eventually bought a piano. Brad began studying classical piano until he graduated from high school where he had formed a band. At Purdue University, Brad played glockenspiel and vibraphone in the band. He always loved sheet music because it was popular. It was at Purdue that he met his wife, Pat.

After 2 years in college, Brad went into the army and, when the war ended, played in various army clubs with other musicians. Brad and Pat married in 1948 and have 3 daughters, 8 grandchildren, and 13 greatgrandchildren! Their daughters are musicians, too. Lesley and Marsha play violin and Claire is a singer. Brad retired as an engineer in 1985 and says he has no time to be bored! Besides music, Brad plays duplicate bridge 3 times a week! We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy Brad's talent each week at the piano as he plays during the offertory, AND he always surprises us with a perfect selection to complement our sermon!

Careerwise will be hosting their annual clothing exchange on November 13th, please donate clothing, shoes, jewelry and purses to exchange. This is a terrific event to attend if you feel like acquiring a new wardrobe for a very modest donation. Contact Doris Dressler Clark for details and/or to donate items.

3rd International Women's Convocation at Asilomar Conference Center in Pacific Grove, CA February 16-19, 2017.
The theme of the Convocation is "Weaving Global Partnerships... Forging a Just Future Together," and will bring together U/U and liberal religious women from around the world. A special Early Bird registration fee of just $250 is available now
through September 30. After that, registration will be $350. Young adults aged 18-40 can register at a special all-inclusive package rate. Convocation registration includes access to all presentations and refreshment breaks but does not include lodging, meals, or ticketed events. IWC encourages you to lodge at the Asilomar Conference Grounds, where all meals are included with your accommodations. (Editor Randi Hetrick has registered already). Visit IntlWomensConvo.org for all details

BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jody Biloon—President, Sherlan Neblett--VP, Cathy Boon, Donnette Guiltinan, Roslyn Joyce, Barbara Cutts, Shane Finch, Claudia Bowles and Barbara Nelson Church Information Phone: (714) 871-7150, Email: [email protected] Website: www.uufullerton.org. Rita is the church administrator. All articles for the next issue of the CommUUnicator need to be submitted by October 19, 2016. Please submit all items to Randi Hetrick and put newsletter in the subject line – articles need to be in a Word document format. You may also request events are put on Facebook or on the web page. Send submissions to [email protected]. The ComUUnicator is published monthly.