VAEYC 2014 Fall Conference Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

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Please Plan to join us: Annual Membership Breakfast &. Meeting is Friday (10/24) 7:30-8:30am at. the Davis Center. M
42ND ANNUAL Thursday, October 23rd • Friday, October 24th • Saturday, October 25th University of Vermont’s Davis Center • Burlington, VT Keynote Speakers



Dr. Valora Washington Janet GonzalezMena, MA


Patricia Dischler

Featured Presenters


Lisa Guernsey

Friday & Saturday:

Scott Noyes

Register online at

Contents CREATE

Page 13 Join VAEYC Page 14 About VAEYC Page 15 Conference Tracks Page 16 Registration Instructions Page 18 Schedule of Events Page 10 Thursday Keynote Page 11 Friday Keynote Page 12 Saturday Keynote


Page 13 Featured Presenters Page 17 Thursday Sessions Page 27 Friday Sessions Page 36 Saturday Sessions Page 44 Registration Info


Become a member

Join The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children

As a professional in infant and toddler childcare, preschool, kindergarten, Head Start, center or home-based, elementary school, or any other early childhood education setting, you know the early years are learning years. Join VAEYC and we’ll help you to make sure the early years count. VAEYC is leading efforts to build better futures for all young children. Our Quality Improvement Project and our T.E.A.C.H. Vermont Early Childhood Project are both supported in part by your membership dues. Our most important effort is supporting you in the work you love! Join VAEYC and NAEYC, and become part of a national effort to provide excellent early care and education for all children from birth through age eight.

Become a member online at VAEYC membership runs for the 12 months subsequent to joining, and entitles members to benefits including; • membership in NAEYC, our national parent organization • a complimentary subscription to a professional journal published by NAEYC, your choice of: Young Children, or TYC, Teaching Young Children • bimonthly issues of eConnections, the VAEYC e-newsletter • reduced rates and local, regional, and national AEYC conferences • membership Mix and Mingle events offered in locations throughout Vermont on a rotating basis Membership is for individuals only, not for a center or school Membership rates: 1-year memberships Comprehensive $105.00 Regular $61.00 Student $45.00

Please Plan to join us: Annual Membership Breakfast & Meeting is Friday (10/24) 7:30-8:30am at the Davis Center. Membership Mix and Mingle is Friday (10/24) 6-8pm at the St John’s Club on the Burlington waterfront.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 3

About VAEYC • VAEYC also seeks to impact the quality of the early care and education workforce by providing professional development experiences that elevate their professional knowledge. Our Fall Conference is VT’s largest early childhood professional development event. And, NEW THIS YEAR, our T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Vermont Scholarship Project helps support early childhood professionals working in regulated child care attain degrees in our field.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) is an affiliate of the National Association for Education of Young Children, the nation’s largest membership organization for early childhood professionals. Our membership is open to anyone who cares about the education and well-being of young children. VAEYC’s mission is to enhance the quality of early childhood programs and professional practices, and advocate for young children (birth through 8 years) and their families in order to realize the potential of every Vermont child. VAEYC uses a three level approach in working to achieve our mission:

• VAEYC seeks to improve VT’s early care and education system through advocacy and systems building efforts including our participation in VT’s Early Childhood Alliance and Building Bright Futures State Early Childhood Council’s sub committees.

• Our Quality Improvement Project supports early care and education programs in their quality improvement efforts through mentoring and technical assistance.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 4

Workshop Levels

Conference Tracks Child Development Early childhood professionals have an understanding of how children develop and the factors that are involved in development. They use their understanding of child development combined with their knowledge of each child as an individual to support children’s overall development. Child Development Sub-headings: A. How Children Develop B. Influences on Child Development C. Individual Variance

Our workshop presenters have determined the content of their workshop to fall into one of the following categories. This year we have included this information in our workshop descriptions for your consideration as you make your selections: Introduction/Overview-- The content in these sessions is designed for attendees with little or no prior learning OR experience with this topic.

Families and Communities Early childhood professionals understand that children are members of a family and that both the family and the program are part of a community. They work in partnership with families by communicating respectfully and by sharing information and resources that support children and families. Families and Communities Sub-headings: A. Relationships B. Communication C. Community Involvement and Resources

Essential Knowledge/Application-- The content in these sessions is designed for attendees who have had some prior learning AND experience with this topic. Analysis & In-depth Application-- The content in these sessions is designed for attendees who have had considerable learning AND experience with this topic.

The following workshops count towards fufilling your advanced specialized care training requirements: • Thursday Keynote, Washington • Friday keynote, Gonzalez-Mena • Saturday Keynote, Dischler • T5 Apgar • T12 Sprague • T13 Hess • T14 Webb Neagley • T16 Sambrook • T17 Whitson • T24 Raymond • F2 Noyes • F5 Lawton • F6 Hess • F7 Shelton • F9 Beninati • F11 Sambrook • F12 Friedland • F13 Sprague • S5 Shelton • S11 Noyes • S16 Chicoine

Teaching and Learning Early childhood professionals understand that the substance of teaching and learning is in the combination of interactions, routines, and experiences in children’s daily lives. Teaching and Learning Sub-headings: A. Interaction B. Learning Environment C. Curriculum & Content D. Assessment Healthy and Safe Environments Early childhood professionals use practices that protect children and promote health, including good nutrition and physical activity. Healthy and Safe Environments Subheadings: A. Healthy Environments and Health Needs B. Safe Environments C. Nutrition D. Physical Activity Professionalism and Program Organization Early childhood professionals understand they have the responsibility to provide services that meet or exceed standards of practice and support positive outcomes for children, families and professionals, including themselves, staff and other colleagues. Professionalism and Program Organization Sub-headings A. Professionalism B. Working with Staff and Colleagues C. Program Organization and Administration

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 5

Registration Instructions Mail-in Registrations: Mailed-in paper registrations will be processed based on their postmark date. There is a $10 processing fee PER PARTICIPANT on all mailed-in registrations. Mail to: UVM Conference and Event Services Attn: Registration The Villa 220 Colchester Avenue Burlington, VT 05405

REGISTER ONLINE NOW Online registration is strongly preferred, as it saves time, reduces paperwork and paper use, and allows you to know right away if you’re enrolled in the workshops you want. By registering online, you will avoid the $10 processing fee. Register online any time before Wednesday, October 15th at Best rates are available during the Early Bird registration—Early Bird

Registrations that are not deadline Friday, September 15, 2014 accompanied by full payment will not be processed until payment is received (excluding school districts that submit a valid P.O.)

In order to qualify for the VAEYC member rate, you must have a valid membership number. Not yet a member? Go to, click on “membership” to join. You can receive a membership number right away. You will receive an email confirming your registration and workshop choices. Walk-in registrations will not be accepted. Requests for refunds, less a $10 processing fee, must be in writing and postmarked by Friday, October 17, 2014. If you have questions about REGISTRATION, please contact UVM’s Conference and Event Services, via email: [email protected] , or call (802) 656-5665 during normal business hours. If you have questions about the CONFERENCE, please contact Melissa Riegel-Garrett, via email: [email protected], or call (802) 244-6282 during normal business hours.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 6

Making Your Conference Attendance More Affordable Fall Conference Scholarships

Do you work for a Nationally Accredited Program? Conference attendees from a program with a current NAEYC or NAFCC accreditation are eligible for a 10% registration discount. PRIOR to completing your registration, please contact Melissa Riegel-Garrett to receive your Accreditation discount code. Melissa. [email protected]

VAEYC is able to provide a number of $50 scholarships to individuals for the 2014 Fall Conference through the Chuck Bayles Scholarship Fund in an effort to make registration fees more affordable. Funding comes from the 2013 conference raffle proceeds, from 2013 presenters who donated back their stipends to the scholarship fund, and from the generous contributions of the following organization:

The Vermont Chapter of the Division of Early Childhood is an organization of VT early educators who work together to promote early education. “We are proud to sponsor four scholarships to the VAEYC conference.” More information about and online scholarship application forms can be found here: To receive the Scholarship discount, you must have an approved scholarship request PRIOR to registering for the conference.

Become a VAEYC/NAEYC member online: Registration Discounts for members: 1-day: $50 • 2-day: $100 • 3-day: $150

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 7

Schedule of Events Thursday, October 23, 2014

Attending more than one day? All conference attendees are eligible for the conference rate of $129 per night at the Sheraton Hotel. When you reserve your room, be sure to mention you are with the Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children. This room rate is guaranteed until September 20, 2014, and available at the discretion of the Sheraton following that date.

7:30am — 8:30am: Registration and coffee 8:30am — 8:45am: Welcome and opening announcements 8:45am ­— 9:45am: Keynote presentation: Valora Washington 10:00am — 12:00pm: Thursday session I workshops 12:15pm — 1:15pm: Lunch (included for registered conference participants) 1:15pm — 2:45pm: Thursday session II workshops 2:45pm — 3:00pm: Afternoon coffee break 3:00pm — 4:30pm: Thursday session III workshops 7:00pm Lisa Guernsey presents Screen Time: Growing Readers in a Digital World (free and open to the public)

Friday, October 24, 2014

Saturday, October 25, 2014

7:30am — 8:30am: Registration and coffee; VAEYC Membership breakfast and annual meeting 8:30am — 8:45am: Welcome and opening announcements 8:45am — 9:45am Kenote Presentation: Janet Gonzalez-Mena 10:00am — 12:00pm Friday session I workshops 12:15pm — 1:15pm: Lunch (included for registered conference participants) 1:15pm — 2:45pm Friday session II workshops 2:45pm — 3:00pm: Afternoon coffee break 3:00pm — 4:30pm: Friday session III workshops 6:00pm — 8:00pm: Membership Mix and Mingle at the St. John’s Club, Burlington

7:30am — 8:30am: Registration and coffee 8:30am — 8:45am: Welcome and opening announcements 8:45am ­— 9:45am: Keynote presentation: Patricia Dischler 10:00am — 12:00pm: Saturday session I workshops 12:15pm — 1:15pm: Lunch (included for registered conference participants) 1:15pm — 2:45pm: Saturday session II workshops 2:45pm — 3:00pm: Afternoon coffee break 3:00pm – 4:30pm: Saturday session III workshops

Please be aware we have a firm policy of “no children” at the conference. This includes infants. We strive to provide a professional learning atmosphere and even the quietest child cannot be silent or avoid becoming a distraction for others who are trying to participate in conference offerings. We thank you for your understanding and appreciate you making other childcare arrangements. We will have a private space available for breastfeeding mothers to express milk, if needed. Please contact [email protected] to make prior arrangements.

Registration deadlines: Early bird: Monday, September 15th.

Rates increase through the regular deadline of Wednesday, October 15th. Registrations cannot be accepted after October 15th!

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 8

42ND ANNUAL A Thank You to our Gold Level Sponsors: The ongoing partnership and support of our Gold level sponsors enables VAEYC to bring national level speakers like Dr. Valora Washington, Janet Gonzalez-Mena and Patricia Dischler to Vermont while keeping conference rates affordable.

We are grateful for 2014 Conference and Retreat gold-level sponsorships from: Champlain College

The Vermont Department for Children and Families Child Development Division (CDD) (This support is in lieu of providing professional development grants to individuals.)

Vermont Birth to Three

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 9

Thursday Morning Keynote October 23, 2014 8:45am — 9:45am

About Valora: Throughout her career, Dr. Washington has co-founded several organizations, including Voices for Michigan’s Children, a statewide advocacy group; the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative; and the CAYL Institute. Frequently tapped for senior-level service, she has been co-chair of the Massachusetts Governor’s School Readiness Commission; board chair of Voices for America’s Children; secretary of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC); chair of the Black Caucus of the Society for Research in Child Development; and co-chair of the National Head Start Association Commission on 2010. She has been a member of numerous task forces and boards including for the Boston Children’s Museum and Wheelock College. Prior to founding The CAYL Institute in 2003, Dr. Washington was CEO of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and vice president of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. She has held executive and tenured teaching positions at institutions including Antioch College and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Since 2001, she has been a certified association executive with the American Society of Association Executives®. Committed to action, research, and policy change, Dr. Washington has co-authored or co-edited over 50 publications, including Children of 2010; Children of 2020; Ready or Not: Leadership Choices in Early Care and Education; and Role, Relevance, Reinvention: Higher Education in the Field of Early Care and Education. Her advocacy work includes working to change the voucher system in Massachusetts, which gave 52,000 children opportunities for a 1-year certification period. Through the Families for Kids initiative, Dr. Washington designed and coordinated efforts to change the child welfare system in 13 states. This initiative is regarded as a precursor to important legislative changes enacted by President Clinton. Among many honors, Dr. Washington holds honorary doctorate degrees from Bennett College and Meadville Lombard Theological School, and in 2009 she was selected for the prestigious Barr Fellowship. Dr. Washington has received professional recognition from Boston AEYC; NAEYC Black Caucus; Cambridge Resource and Referral Agency; Center for Adoption Research, University of Massachusetts; National Association of Black Social Workers; United Way of Massachusetts Bay; and others. She was named one of “25 Most Influential Working Mothers” by Working Mother magazine in February 1997, and in 1980 she was chosen as one of “Ten Outstanding Young Women of America” from among 62,000 nominations. Dr. Washington was educated at both Indiana State University and Michigan State University.

Creating Our Future: The Children of 2010 As early educators, we’ve come a long way! Let’s reflect on how far we’ve come, face our current realities, and envision the future we want to create for both our children and for our profession. Learn about the trends, challenges, and opportunities that will shape the 21st century and what we must do to prepare for the world of tomorrow. Together we can achieve our potential— and improve the lives of children-- through “smart improvisation.” Our field is in a period of important and significant transition and each of us can make a difference in leading change. Explore how YOU can make a difference in the lives of young children! Join Valora Washington to hear, discuss and re-discover what it means for you—and all of us—to be architects of change. Reconnect with the reasons why we love our work. Be inspired by examples of how our colleagues are doing the work that matters. Leave with renewal strategies that strengthen your ability to “own” the work.

Valora Washington, Ph.D.

President and CEO,The Council for Professional Recognition

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 10

Friday Morning Keynote October 18, 2014 8:45am — 9:45am

Janet Gonzalez-Mená, MA

We’re all in this Together: Working Collaboratively with Families to support young children How do you create a sense of community while taking a transformative approach to parent education? We will also explore how to create environments for communication while empowering self and others.

About Janet: Janet Gonzalez-Mená, MA, is a highly respected early childhood consultant, trainer, infant specialist, diversity specialist, and writer. She taught in the California community college system for more than thirty years and is currently part of the faculty for WestEd’s Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) and Beginning Together, a training program for adults working with children with special needs. She is the author of Diversity in Early Care and Education: Honoring Differences; 50 Strategies for Working with and Communicating with Diverse Families; Infants, Toddlers, and Caregivers, Tenth Edition; and Basics of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: An Introduction for Teachers of Infants and Toddlers. Janet has a master in arts degree in human development from Pacific Oaks College.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 11

Saturday Morning Keynote October 25, 2014 8:45am — 9:45am

Patricia Dischler

Crazy for Kids! Are we in child care because we’re crazy, or are we crazy because we’re in child care! What’s so strange about wanting to spend a day changing diapers, wiping noses, breaking up fights, getting bit and spit up on? Nothing! The love of children can drive us to do a lot of strange things so let’s learn to embrace this silliness and use it to our advantage. Find out how to harness your crazy side, put some fun and happiness into YOUR day, and bring some happiness into the lives of children.

About Patricia: Patricia Dischler is a nationally recognized speaker and author who inspires audiences with creative ideas, entertaining presentations, and an array of stories from more than twenty years of experience as a provider and teacher. She is the author of Teaching the 3 C’s: Creativity, Curiosity, and Courtesy and From Babysitter to Business Owner. Patricia also offers a variety of products and trainings through her company, KIDBIZ Resources. As President of the National Association of Family Child Care, Patricia is a strong advocate for early childhood professionals and strives to help them strengthen their careers as they do what they love—make a difference in the life of a child!

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 12

Featured Presenters Lisa Guernsey

About Lisa Lisa Guernsey is the author of Screen Time: How Electronic Media – From Baby Videos to Educational Software – Affects Your Young Child. When Lisa’s children were very young, she wondered how videos and digital media were affecting their development. Which should she believe: the dire warnings or the rosy marketing messages? A technology and science reporter at the time, Lisa resolved to find out. What she found was often surprising and led her to coin a “mantra” for her family that has also become a rallying cry for early educators: Think about the Three C’s: content, context and the individual child.

On Thursday, October 23, VAEYC is pleased to welcome Lisa Guernsey to Vermont. Lisa’s presentation is sponsored by the Vermont Humanities Council through its Never Too Early program. She will offer a two-hour workshop on Thursday morning: Beyond Screen Time to a BooksPlus World. VHC is thrilled to bring Lisa to Vermont and help shine a light on the important and timely issue of the appropriate use of technology with young children.

Lisa advocates for developing a booksplus view of children’s learning environment, in which books remain critically important, especially for early literacy skills, but where children also have chances to learn from and engage with multimedia of all kinds. Lisa has presented on this topic at events including the 2011 NAEYC Professional Development Institute and the Head Start Leadership Institute in 2013.

Workshop #T3: Beyond Screen Time to a BooksPlus World. In this workshop, Lisa will talk about some of the common assumptions involving media use with young children, how to help children thrive in a “BooksPlus” world and how to engage parents and educators in positive, thought-provoking conversations about how they use a range of media in daily routines. Bring laptops or tablets to look at and critique apps and e-books, and discuss how children actually understand content and how we can have authentic, back-and-forth interactions while looking at media with them. We’ll also take a look at some of the curators (e.g. Common Sense Media, Fred Rogers Center or LittleELit) to better understand their criteria for deciding what is considered a “good” piece of media for young children.

Lisa is Director of the Early Education Initiative at the New America Foundation, a non-partisan think tank located in Washington D.C. She focuses on elevating dialogue about early childhood education, contributes articles and blog posts to New America’s blog, and spotlights new approaches for helping disadvantaged children succeed. Learn more:

Special public presentation: Thursday evening, October 23, 7:00 pm In addition to the conference workshop on Thursday morning, the Vermont Humanities Council is sponsoring an evening presentation by Lisa at the UVM Davis Center that is free and open to the public: Screen Time: Growing Readers in a Digital World. The one-hour presentation is followed by Q & A. Spread the word to families in your program! The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 13

Featured Presenters Scott Noyes

About Scott Empowering Programs started in 1986. Scott was a preschool teacher and enjoyed presenting evening parent workshops. Over the next eighteen years the presentations grew to a full time profession. Scott currently presents more than 150 sessions each year throughout North America. Scott has been professionally working, playing, writing and talking about children for over twenty years. He teaches a graduate level course in “Challenging Behaviors,” and an undergraduate course in “Positive Discipline.” Scott’s first book Positive Discipline - That Works! is in its fourth publishing. His second book, Intentional Language was released in the fall of 2003. His newest reader, This Child is Driving Us Crazy - What Should We Do? helps adults develop an effective behavior plan for children with feisty behaviors. Learn more:

This year, perennial VAEYC conference favorite Scott Noyes will be presenting ALL THREE DAYS! VAEYC conference attendees can choose to attend any or all of the four workshops Scott will be offering in his high-energy, engaging style.

also its function, mainly the child’s needs and feelings. Surprisingly, the answer to power struggles is not avoiding them, but rather to take out the defiance and learn from them. Our goal will be helping children advocate for themselves by having conversations which increase their autonomy and balance new privileges with new responsibilities. 3. Friday afternoon, workshop F17: Feeding the Developing Brain The more we know about the food and brain connection, the better choices we can make about the diet. Starting several million years ago, we had enough additional caloric energy through changes in lifestyle and diet to actually build a completely new section of brain. This new brain, the prefrontal cortex, plays key roles in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. How is this structure best fueled? What are the ramifications of the brain not receiving its daily requirements of nutrients? This presentation looks at the food sources required to optimize the brain. 4. Saturday afternoon, workshop S11: Intentional Language - Understanding the Words We Use with Children By evaluating the phrases children are being told daily, parents and care providers (Early Educators?) understand the impact of their words. This workshop looks at ten common expressions adults use with kids. Discovering language flaws and finding ways to better express ourselves supports healthy relationships with children. Avoiding the pitfalls in communicating with children is the primary focus of this exciting session.

WORKSHOPS: 1. Thursday, All Day T1: Brain Development: Current Theory, Application and Action Steps Raising children is all about growing brains. • Does listening to Mozart make children smarter? • What’s up with Baby Einstein videos? • Do brain toys and early academic exposure work? • Does telling a child they are smart make them intelligent? • Why is empathy important in an evolving brain? By examining the current research on early childhood brain development, this seminar works to develop the practical applications and action steps for child care providers. Understanding the difference between a stressed and an unstressed brain, boy brains and girl brains, and sensitive periods and critical periods, provides for many lively discussions addressing, “What does all this stuff mean?” 2. Friday morning, workshop F2: Power Struggles Understanding this Potent Dynamic Power struggles come from a variety of components; fatigue, stress, frustration, helplessness or the quest for autonomy and power. This presentation looks at avoiding responses that provide short term relief, but long term grief. We will explore why effective reactions to children’s power struggles come from understanding not simply the behavior but

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 14


your senses so you can light up children’s senses. Hosted by Sharon Adams. F3: Workbench: Activities for future engineers. Hosted by Kathi Apgar. F18: Clay Play: Be ready to play, using different tools, objects, nature and your hands to create different textures and forms out of clay. Hosted by Sarah Sprague. F21: Paint, Dirt, Herbs, and Shaving Cream: Children and adults learn with all of their senses. Come prepared to play with materials and have experiences that will light up all of your senses so you can light up children’s senses. Hosted by Sharon Adams. S2: Experiential Block Play: Explore the many properties and possibilities of blocks. Playing with blocks is important for the development of both Toddlers and Preschoolers Hosted by Robin Ploof. S12: Collage Making: Create our own masterpieces by making our own hand painted paper and then collaging. Based on children’s authors such as Eric Carle, Lois Ehlert and many of their wonderful designs. Hosted by Sarah Sprague S15: Facilitated story play Vivian Paley style: Explore the development of literacy skills through stories written and acted out by children. Many of these are stories of preschoolers, but toddlers enjoy story play too. Participate in acting out these stories and creating and acting out your own stories. Hosted by Robin Ploof.

In an effort to promote more play in the classrooms and lives of children while highlighting the connections between play and learning and development we are offering the Play Place. Each day of the conference during each session there will be opportunities for you to come and work and play with various materials in the Play Place. There will be a workshop host who will facilitate the play. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas. There are clear objectives for each session so sessions in the Play Place will count toward Professional Development and you will get a DPD form for participating in them.  T4: Experiential Block Play: Explore the many properties and possibilities of blocks. Playing with blocks is important for the development of both Toddlers and Preschoolers. Hosted by Laurel Bongiorno T15: Facilitated story play Vivian Paley style: Explore the development of literacy skills through stories written and acted out by children. Many of these are stories of preschoolers, but toddlers enjoy story play too. Participate in acting out these stories and creating and acting out your own stories. Hosted by Robin Ploof. T20: Paint, Dirt, Herbs, and Shaving Cream: Children and adults learn with all of their senses. Come prepared to play with materials and have experiences that will light up all of

80% of the brain develops in the first 3 years.

Let’s Grow Kids, a statewide public education campaign, aims to raise understanding of the importance of the earliest years in the lives of Vermont's children. Funded by a collaboration of private foundations, Let's Grow Kids is working with Vermont communities, organizations, businesses and individuals to create positive lasting change that will allow all of our children to succeed in life.

JOIN THE CAMPAIGN! You’re the experts in the field. Together, we can create lasting change for children by sharing what we know about early childhood. Join the campaign and sign The Pledge today! The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 15



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Thursday ALL DAY — Sessions I, 2, 3 October 23, 2014 | 10:00am – 4:30pm

FEATURED SESSION T1: All Day: Brain Development – Current Theory, Application and Action Steps PLEASE NOTE: Choosing workshop T2 will satisfy your selection for all 3 time slots on Thursday

Track(s): Child Development & Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge and Application Scott Noyes | Empowering Programs | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

Raising children is all about growing brains. · Does listening to Mozart make children smarter? · What’s up with Baby Einstein videos? · Do brain toys and early academic exposure work? · Does telling a child they are smart make them intelligent? · Why is empathy important in an evolving brain? By examining the current research on early childhood brain development, this seminar works to develop the practical applications and action steps for child care providers. Understanding the difference between a stressed and an unstressed brain, boy brains and girl brains, and sensitive periods and critical periods, provides for many lively discussions addressing, “What does all this stuff mean?”

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 17

Thursday Morning — Session I October 23, 2014 | 10:00am – 12 noon



T2: “Ready or Not” - Book Discussion Group: Issues and Choices in Vermont

T3: Beyond Screen Time to a BooksPlus World

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Analysis & In-Depth Application

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Dr. Valora Washington | CEO, The Council for

Lisa Guernsey | Director of Early Education Initiative,

Professional Recognition

The New America Foundation, Washington, D.C.

This highly interactive break-out session is based on the book Ready or Not: Leadership Choices in Early Care and Education published by Teachers College Press. You must come to this workshop having already read the book. Each participant will receive the book Ready or Not: Leadership Choices in Early Care and Education prior to the conference, compliments of Champlain College’s Master’s in Early Childhood Education Program.

In this workshop, Lisa will talk about some of the common assumptions involving media use with young children, how to help children thrive in a booksplus world, and how to engage parents and educators in positive, thought-provoking conversations about how they use a range of media in daily routines. Bring laptops or tablets to look at and critique apps and e-books, and engage in conversation about how children are actually understanding content and what we can do to share with them in authentic, back-and-forth interactions while looking at media together. We’ll also take a look at some of the curators (e.g. Common Sense Media, Fred Rogers Center or LittleELit) to better understand their criteria for deciding what is considered a “good” piece of media for young children.

In this session we will explore more deeply the issues and choices confronting Vermont (and you!) as we work together to develop a comprehensive and integrated system of early care and education. This session has two goals: (1) to provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and apply the ideas presented in the book, and (2) To explore specific examples of adaptive challenges that are emerging in your work, and how these challenges might be addressed.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 18

Thursday Morning — Session I October 23, 2014 | 10:00am – 12 noon

T4: PLAY PLACE: Experiential Block Play

T6: Shared Services For Early Learning Programs in VT

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Introduction/Overview

Dr. Laurel Bongiorno | Dean, Division of Education and

Human Studies, Champlain College; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

LouAnn Beninati | Program Specialist, Vermont Birth

Explore the many properties and possibilities of blocks. Playing with blocks is important for the development of both Toddlers and Preschoolers. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

Tracks: Teaching and Learning, Families and Communities Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Across the nation owners of early learning and development programs, both center and home based, are sharing resources, increasing revenues, and accessing discounted services through Shared Services Networks. This workshop will introduce Vermont’s ECE Shared Resources Website and show how SS Networks are forming across the state. Come and see how you can keep your own business model, philosophy and independence while joining forces with other programs to access experts and resources. Increase Capacity, Save Money, and Save Time! All of which will allow you to focus your attention on the quality of the services you offer to the families and children in your care.

Kathi J. Apgar, M.Ed. | Director, The Y Early Childhood

This workshop is also offered on Saturday morning, workshop S6.

to Three | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

T5: Child assessment and relationships with families

Program at Fletcher Allen; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

T7: From Teacher to Director: Am I Ready for This?

Participants will learn how and when to assess children, how to use those assessments to inform curriculum and instruction, and how to communicate assessment results with families.

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Maureen Young | Coordinator, Northern Lights Career Development Center | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Transitioning from a classroom teacher to a program director is exciting, challenging and often confusing! Your direct experience with young children and families gives you a foundation to build on, but what else will you need to know? This workshop is for both new and aspiring program directors who want to widen their lens and become more confident and effective in an administrative role.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 19

Thursday Morning — Session I October 23, 2014 | 10:00am – 12 noon

T8: Consulting, Mentoring, and Coaching — Oh My!

T10: Integrating Math and Literacy Standards and Practices

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Introduction/ Overview

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application

Nancy Sugarman | Director, Northern Lights Career

Tracy Watterson | Elementary Math Assessment

Are you a mentor, coach or consultant? Do you want to be one? In this workshop we will review and practice the skills and knowledge needed to provide effective, individualized guidance and support to early childhood professionals in their work. We will answer questions such as, how is mentoring different from coaching? Is consulting with a program the same as consulting an individual? Check your skills and areas for growth as a mentor, coach or consultant. You will also learn what Vermont is doing to develop and enhance mentors, coaches and consultants working with early childhood and after school professionals and programs. Learn the answer the question: what does M.A.T.C.H. stand for?

Lori Dolezal | Elementary Literacy Assessment Coordinator, Vermont Agency of Education | VT Instructor Registry: Not on the Registry

Development Center | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Coordinator, Vermont Agency of Education | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

In this workshop participants will explore ways to integrate math and literacy standards and practices to strengthen instruction for all students. Participants will engage in an interactive read aloud and a complementary math task to build knowledge around math concepts and strategies for reading, speaking, and listening.

T9: Connecting with your own creativity Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/ Overview Peggy Rainville | Program Director and Teaching Artist, VSA Vermont | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II When working with young children one of the most important things we can do is encourage their creativity. In this hands on workshop you will have a chance to explore and reconnect with your own creativity. Be prepared to let go of preconceived ideas and to get wrapped up in the space of creating without judgments. Discussion and handouts will include the importance of allowing creative opportunities and ways to encourage creativity in young children.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 20

Focused Thursday Lunch Discussions Director Credential (Maureen Young) – Grab lunch and join this facilitated conversation!

Speaker’s Bureau. Let’s Grow Kids: Dr. Kristen Connolly, Franklin County Pediatrics, The American Academy of Pediatrics Vermont Chapter

This roundtable discussion is an opportunity for people working on their program director credential to come together in an informal setting, examining issues related to resources, coursework, financial assistance, portfolio development, and more. Grab your lunch and join us at our designated lunch table!

As early childhood providers, you know that 90% of a child’s brain develops by age five and that quality early experiences help our children succeed from the day they are born. Let’s Grow Kids is a threeyear public awareness campaign that focuses on educating the broad public with information about the importance of the earliest years in the lives of Vermont’s children. 

MenTEACH (Jeff Robbins) – Grab lunch and join the informal conversation! MenTeach-New England invites men and women to join us at VAEYC for conversation and networking.  MenTeach. org is a clearinghouse for those interested in increasing the recruitment and retention of male teachers.  This roundtable discussion is an opportunity for people working in early childhood classrooms to come together to discuss the joys and challenges of finding, working with and retaining men teachers. Open to all, male or female! Grab your lunch and join us at our designated lunch table!

Grab your lunch and join a presentation about Let’s Grow Kids and your role in educating Vermonters about giving every child a strong start in life. 

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 21

Thursday Afternoon — Combined Sessions II & III October 23, 2014 | 1:15pm – 4:30pm

Please Note:

Choosing workshop T11, T12, T13, or T14 will satisfy your selection for both time slots on Thursday afternoon. T11: Getting It Together! A Systems Approach to Hiring, Job Descriptions, Professional Development & Evaluations

age-appropriate intervention strategies and activities to enhance development.. Participants will have the opportunity to view the questionnaire and use the tool in a practice session.

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

T13: Emotion Coaching / Parenting Styles

Jack Russell | President, Center for Self-Sustaining

Tracks: Families and Communities Level: Essential knowledge and application

Leadership; VAEYC Board Member | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II

Jeff Hess | Director and Health Relationship Coordinator,

By taking a systems approach to job descriptions, hiring, evaluations and professional development, administrators can experience how they mutually support each other, improve staff competency and morale in the classroom, reduce turnover, and make their lives easier and more productive. During this workshop, we will discover together the synchronistic relationships of these different functions as we explore: • Job Descriptions • Hiring Phases • Evaluations • Professional Development • Budget

Milton’s Elite Childcare & Milton Family Community Center| VT Instructor Registry level: Certified

Lisa Hess | Special Educator, Highgate Elementary School | VT Instructor Registry Level: Not on the registry This interactive workshop is based on the Emotion Coaching Parenting Program by the Gottman Institute. We will explore the four parenting styles (according to the Program) and look at the role emotions play in each. This is an interactive workshop that will provide skills you can use in the classroom and with families.

T14: Personal and Professional MindfulnessPreschool to Grade 2

T12: AGES AND STAGES QUESTIONNAIRE– What is it and how does it work?

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction / Overview

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/ Overview

Marilyn Webb Neagley | Director, Talk About Wellness | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II

Jackie Sprague, MA | Early Childhood Consultant,

Vermont Agency of Education; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Nancy Baker | Kindergarten teacher, So. Burlington

This workshop will inform participants what the ASQ-3 is and how it can be used to screen infants and young children for developmental delays. Participants will learn how this tool differentiates between screening and other assessment processes, how to share questionnaire results with families, and how children may be referred who are at risk for developmental delay to appropriate agencies. We will discuss strategies to identify developmental warning signs and share information on resources for

This interactive workshop will provide an introduction to mindfulness-based practices for adults and for children (3-8). It will include research findings related to stress reduction, emotional regulation, focused attention and kindness. Copies of Marilyn’s book, Educating from the Heart will be provided.

School District | VT Instructor Registry level: Not on the registry

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 22

Thursday Afternoon — Session II October 23, 2014 | 1:15pm – 2:45pm

T15: PLAY PLACE: Facilitated story play Vivian Paley style

T17: Hunger and Nutrition in Vermont: A Hidden Key to Success in Early Childhood

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Tracks: Families and Communities, Healthy and Safe Environments Level: Introduction/Overview

Robin Ploof, Ph.D. | Program Director, Champlain College M.Ed. Program; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

Jenna Whitson | Child Nutrition Advocate, Hunger Free

Explore the development of literacy skills through stories written and acted out by children. Many of these are stories of preschoolers, but toddlers enjoy story play too. Participate in acting out these stories and creating and acting out your own stories. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

1 in 5 Vermont children struggle with hunger each day yet quality nutrition plays an essential role in learning, development, and health. Our youngest children, ages 0-6 are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of hunger and poor nutrition. This workshop will open a discussion about the link between nutrition, hunger, and the health, development and learning of young children. We will discuss how key nutrients in early childhood are essential for development, and explore the causes and effects of hunger. Finally, we will discover ways that we, as community members and childcare providers, can address hunger in Vermont. Participants will receive practical information that they can use and share with families to reduce hunger and improve nutrition, as well as resources and tips for integrating meals and nutrition education into early childhood programs.

Vermont | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II

T16: Bringing a Mission to Life: One Early Childhood Program’s Story of “Walking the Walk” Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Analysis & In-depth Application Andrea G. Sambrook, M.A. | Director/Owner: Annette’s Playschool; VAEYC Board Member | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

How does a mission translate into practice each and every day? Many programs have a mission, but it is often difficult for employees to understand how it impacts their work every day. This interactive workshop will reveal the challenges, successes and setbacks for one program’s efforts to implement a new mission with legacy employees. This workshop will support early childhood educators to realize the importance of their role in the larger organization as the essential “human resources” which characterize the highest quality programs. By focusing on three areas of change 1) Achieving High Quality Professional Development 2) Building a Community and 3) Corporate Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability, participants will follow one methodology (with applied examples) for linking the broad scope of a mission to meaningful implementation in the day to day activities in the classroom.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 23

Thursday Afternoon — Session II October 23, 2014 | 1:15pm – 2:45pm

T18: Collaboration with Refugee Families and their Young Children

T19: NAEYC Accreditation, you can do it! Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Tracks: Families and Communities and Teaching and Learning. Level: Introduction/Overview

Sonja Raymond | Director/Owner AppleTree Learning

Jennifer Hurley | Associate Professor, University of Vermont Centers, VAEYC Quality Project Coordinator | VT | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Instructor Registry level: Certified

In this workshop participants will review the (New American) refugee arrival data and trends for the state of Vermont and discussion the implications for teacher preparation and service delivery. Participants will also learn how to prepare Country of Origin reports, used to support teachers working with children and families who are refugees. Finally, strategies for working with Refugee Families will be shared based on research reports. Please bring your laptops!

Are you a 3, 4, or 5 STAR center?  Then you are perfectly positioned to become accredited!  The STARS requirements are well aligned with many of the NAEYC accreditation requirements so with a little planning your hard work can help you achieve both. Some benefits include: an additional VT bonus for Accreditation, a CDD grant to cover costs of the application, and a VAEYC fall conference discount of 10% per staff member. Participants will compare the STARS and NAEYC Accreditation processes and learn what next steps need to be taken to turn your STARS into accreditation. If you have been considering NAEYC Accreditation or just want to learn more, this is the workshop for you.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 24

Thursday Afternoon — Session III October 23, 2014 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm

T20: PLAY PLACE: Paint, Dirt, Herbs, and Shaving Cream

T23: Panel Presentation - Men in ECE: Getting Started and Sticking With It

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Introduction/Overview

Sharon Adams | Infant Toddler Specialist, Vermont Head

Jeff Robbins | Director of Child Care Services, Dartmouth

Start Training Center, VAEYC Board Member | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

College | VT Instructor Registry level: Affiliate I

Children and adults learn with all of their senses. Come prepared to play with materials and have experiences that will light up all of your senses so you can light up children’s senses. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

Eric Downing| Assistant preschool teacher, Cradle and Crayon Child Care Center | VT Instructor Registry level: Not on the Registry

A panel of men in ECE, both seasoned veterans and early career teachers, will convene to discuss how they got started in their ECE careers and what keeps them going. The panel will be composed of male teachers and administrators who have received New England or National awards for career T21: Reading, Rhythm, and Relationships contributions in ECE or as exemplary early career professionals. The panel will provide a personal perspective on the challenges Tracks: Child Development, Teaching and Learning and rewards for men in the field. In conversation with each Level: Analysis & in-depth application other and the audience, these men will reflect on their teaching Beth Peloquin | Early Childhood Special Education styles, their professional relationships with their colleagues, Consultant; VAEYC Board Member | VT Instructor Registry as well as their relationships with boys and fathers, girls and Level: Master mothers in their classroom communities. This workshop is not We will use music as a vehicle to learn to integrate literacy just for men; everyone is invited to attend. and social skills with children. Using new and familiar children’s songs, we will see how music can support T24: Walking the Program (Center or Home) literacy and social learning in the preschool classroom. Continuous Improvement Road – A Fun, Holistic This is an active, hands on participatory workshop. Active Approach participation is expected of attendees.

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization T22: Beginning Literacy: Play with Infants and Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Sonja Raymond | Director/Owner AppleTree Learning Toddlers to Encourage Developing Skills

Centers, VAEYC Quality Project Coordinator | VT Instructor Registry level: Certified

Tracks: Child Development, Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/Overview

Teachers assess, plan and implement developmentally appropriate activities that provide safe, healthy growth and fun Coordinator, Stern Center for Language and Learning | VT for young children. You can now do the same for your program. Instructor Registry level: Master Yes, you really can grow and sustain a quality program for staff, children and families while having fun. The key is to know Participants will examine how infants acquire the sounds of our language to begin literacy development and discuss where you are going and how to get there step-by-step on the babies’ interaction with conversation. We will share finger “quality road” that is flexible, real and doable. We’ll map out the way, and give you helpful tools on how to: assess all aspects plays, rhymes, and songs that we use with infants and of your program; define improvement priorities by urgency toddlers to support their awareness of the sounds of our language. Finally, participants will discuss the exploration and importance; outline an action plan—step by step processfor continuous improvement; Identify available resources and of the printed word with infants and toddlers. support; align with budget; do it as a team!


The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 25

Partnering with families, providers, schools and communities to improve the well-being of Vermont’s children.

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Friday Morning — Session I October 24, 2014 | 10:00am – Noon

F3: PLAY PLACE: Workbench

Don’t forget to sign up for the Membership breakfast and meeting held 7:30–8:30am at the Davis Center!

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Kathi J. Apgar, M.Ed. | Director, The Y Early Childhood Program at Fletcher Allen; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

Activities for future engineers. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

KEYNOTE PRESENTER SESSION F1: Many Right Ways to Raise a Child: Honoring Each Family and Celebrating Diversity

F4: What’s the Weather?

Tracks: Teaching and Learning, Families and Communities Level: Essential Knowledge & Application

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge & Application April E. Zajko, M.Ed. | Pre-K & Literacy Teacher,

Concord School | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

Janet Gonzalez-Mena | Early Childhood Consultant,

trainer, infant specialist, diversity specialist, and writer This session explores identity issues in out-of- home care in the early years focusing on cross cultural approaches. Also examines issues of equity and social justice.

FEATURED SESSION F2: Power Struggles – Understanding this Potent Dynamic Tracks: Teaching and Learning Levels: Essential Knowledge and Applicatiion

Join us for a lively discussion about ways to incorporate weather concepts into your preschool in kindergarten classrooms. During the workshop there will be learning stations set up for participants to engage in discoverybased lessons. Add new ideas for gross motor activities, sensory play, fine motor, math, and literacy. We will explore quality children’s literature that can be used to introduce and reinforce science concepts presented that can be used year-round. Participants will also be given access to an in-depth integrated curriculum unit for children in preschool – kindergarten.

F5: Strengthening Early Attachments Tracks: Child Development Level: Essential Knowledge & Application

Scott Noyes | Empowering Programs | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

Dr. Mary Beth Lawton | Lesley University | VT

Power struggles come from a variety of components; fatigue, stress, frustration, helplessness or the quest for autonomy and power. This presentation looks at avoiding responses that provide short term relief, but long term grief. We will explore why effective reactions to children’s power struggles come from understanding not simply the behavior but also its function, mainly the child’s needs and feelings. Surprisingly, the answer to power struggles is not avoiding them, but rather to take out the defiance and learn from them. Our goal will be helping children advocate for themselves by having conversations which increase their autonomy and balance new privileges with new responsibilities.

Instructor Registry Level: Specialist II

Attachment theory is based on the belief that relationships are the primary force in development and form the basis of a child’s future relationships, coping strategies, personality development and social-emotional health. Nearly forty percent of all children fail to develop secure attachments with their caregivers; Participants in this workshop will learn how to recognize attachment-related, challenging behaviors in young children and how to strengthen parent-child, parent-professional and professional-child relationships in attachment-based early childhood programs.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 27

Friday Morning — Session I October 24, 2014 | 10:00am – Noon

F6: Constructive Relationship Problem Solving

experiences for preschool and kindergarten children in all settings -- both through resources and their own doing of art during the workshop. This workshop is developed from Laurel’s recent article in NAEYC’s Teaching Young Children Feb/Mar 2014 issue, “How Process Art Experiences Support Preschoolers.”

Tracks: Families and Communities and Professionalism and Program Organization  Level: Essential knowledge & application Jeff Hess | Director, Milton’s Elite Childcare and Health

Relationship Coordinator, Milton Family Community Center | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

F9: Introduction to Protecting Families by Strengthening Families

Lisa Hess | Special Educator, Highgate Elementary School | VT Instructor Registry Level: Not on the registry

Tracks: Families and Communities Level: Introduction/Overview

Develop a better understanding of how conflict occurs in relationships and learn way to have constructive conversations with families and co-workers. This will also help you develop skills you can teach to children to change their conflicts!

LouAnn Beninati | Program Specialist, Vermont Birth to Three | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

This introduction to Strengthening Families will make the connection between providing quality care and education and the development of meaningful partnerships with families, Attendees will be introduced to the 5 Protective Factors, their role in protecting children and 7 program strategies that support the building of the protective factors. Participants will also learn about Strengthening Families program opportunities available in VT.

F7: Turning Bullies into Buddies Tracks: Child Development, Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application Lawrence G. Shelton | Associate Professor of Human

Development & Family Studies, University of Vermont | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

F10: Music Makers

Some children develop into bullies. How does that happen? Can we identify the early behaviors that may develop into bullying? We will explore the development of bullies in early childhood, ways to intervene in the early stages, and how we might prevent the early behaviors from leading the child down the road to bullying.

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/Overview Sarah Sprague | Education Coordinator/Teacher,

Shelburne Craft School | VT Instructor Registry level: Affiliate I

This workshop is also offered on Saturday morning, workshop S5.

Do you like to make music? Bring your imagination and create your own sound made by your own musical instrument. We’ll be designing whistles, drums, rain sticks, maracas, guitars and more. Come create your own style and sound! During this workshop you will also learn strategies for integrating literature with music.

F8: Experiencing Process-Focused Art Experiences Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application Dr. Laurel Bongiorno | Dean, Division of Education and

Human Studies, Champlain College; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry level: Master Participants in this workshop will examine the differences between product-focused and process-focused art The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 28

Focused Friday Lunch Discussions MenTEACH (Jeff Robbins) – Grab lunch and join the informal conversation!

Technology (Wendy Cunningham) – Bring your lunch to our table to discuss this hot topic!

MenTeach-New England invites men and women to join us at VAEYC for conversation and networking.  MenTeach. org is a clearinghouse for those interested in increasing the recruitment and retention of male teachers.  This roundtable discussion is an opportunity for people working in early childhood classrooms to come together to discuss the joys and challenges of finding, working with and retaining men teachers. Open to all, male or female! Grab your lunch and join us at our designated lunch table!

Have you ever seen a preschooler glued to an iPod, iPhone or iPad and wonder how technology fits in a preschool play-based world? Does it have a place? Let’s discuss the NAEYC and Fred Roger’s Institute Technology Position Statement and how it aligns with play-based practices. Be ready to share your program’s policies and practices.

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The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 29

Friday Afternoon — Combined Sessions II & III October 24, 2014 | 1:15pm – 4:30pm

Please Note:

Choosing workshop F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, or F16 will satisfy your selection for both time slots on Friday afternoon. F11: The Home-School Connection:  How a Parent/Teacher Questionnaire Can Inform Classroom Observations, Parent Conferences and Curriculum

Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender families, and for children whose behavior and/or presentation is outside of gender norms. The workshop will include discussion of the power and importance of the language used by educators and how it can welcome or exclude others, even when the intention is to be inclusive. The workshop will include interactive exercises and scenarios based on situations that may arise with children as well as situations that may arise with colleagues and parents/ guardians. Participation in these large and small group activities will both enhance awareness and provide tools for participants to use in their own early childhood education settings.

Tracks: Families & Communities Level: Analysis & in-depth application Andrea Sambrook | Director/Owner, Annette’s Preschool | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

This workshop will explore one program’s efforts to improve parents’ and teachers’ understanding of children’s development by using a questionnaire for social, emotional and adaptive skills from over 50 preschoolers. Participants will compare and contrast group responses for parents and teachers. Small groups will select specific items from the questionnaire to follow in greater depth. Using these specific behaviors, participants will have hands-on practice observing and documenting video footage of children’s behavior. Participants will produce simple graphs that show behavioral change over time and inform curriculum for individual children.

F13: earlyMTSS: The Base of the Pyramid – Positive Behavior Supports for Young Children Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/ Overview Jackie Sprague, MA | Early Childhood Consultant,

Vermont Agency of Education; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry level: Master This workshop is the first in a series of “mini-modules; using the pyramid model of positive behavior support for young children. In session one we will examine our attitudes about challenging behavior. There will be an overview of the trainings to come, definitions of social and emotional competence and how we can make a different is a child’s success. What are your personal and professional values and how to they impact the colleagues, families and children in our care? How do you determine your response to an ethical dilemma? Participants will work in small groups and pairs examining scenarios about life with young children in care. You will begin to work on strategies to support the children and colleagues in your program or classroom.

F12: Creating Inclusive, Welcoming EC Environments for LGBT Families and Staff and for Children with Gender Expansive Behavior Tracks: Families & Communities Level: Essential knowledge & application Dr. Ellie Friedland | Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Wheelock College | VT Instructor Registry level: Not on the registry

Jeff Robbins | Director of Child Care Services, Dartmouth College | VT Instructor Registry level: Affiliate I This workshop focuses on how early childhood educators can fulfill their ethical responsibility to “do no harm” by creating safe, welcoming environments for Lesbian,

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 30

Friday Afternoon — Combined Sessions II & III October 24, 2014 | 1:15pm – 4:30pm

F14: Outdoor Nature Play: Good for the Body and Mind

F16: PLAYing with Technology: Integration in Play-Based Settings

Tracks: Teaching and Learning, Healthy and Safe Environments Level: Essential knowledge & application

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/Overview

Linda Wellings | Early Childhood Special Projects

Coordinator, Milton Town School District | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

Wendy Cunningham | Early Education Collaborative

Coordinator, Shelburne Farms | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Have you ever seen a preschooler glued to an iPod, iPhone or iPad and wonder how technology fits in a preschool play-based world? Does it have a place? This interactive workshop will explore the NAEYC and Fred Roger’s Institute Technology Position Statement and how it aligns with play-based practices. Participants will have an introduction to a model for determining if and when to use technology with children and strategies for first steps towards developmentally appropriate integration. Participants will be introduced to a framework for evaluating the quality and function of apps and apply that framework as they explore and analyze a variety of apps. Several iPads will be available and participants are encouraged to bring their own.

Jed Norris | Early Childhood Coordinator, Shelburne

Farms | VT Instructor Registry level: Not on the registry Examine the research that supports the benefits of outdoor nature play. Experience these benefits first hand on a hike to Centennial Woods while taking part in explorations that are developmentally appropriate for your students. Receive resources and activities that you can immediately use with your students.

F15: Push and Pull: Exploring Scientific Inquiry in the Early Childhood Setting Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application Sally Anderson | Executive Director, Vermont Center for the Book | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

April E. Zajko, M.Ed. | Pre-K & Literacy Teacher,

Concord School | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified Roll it, push it and pull it in this interactive, hands-on workshop! Participants will learn about and explore scientific inquiry through force and motion activities developed for preschool children.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 31

T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® VERMONT is a statewide scholarship program designed to help early childhood professionals working in regulated early childhood settings attain an Associate’s degree in early childhood development while continuing their current employment. T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® VERMONT is more than a scholarship program; it is designed to address two major challenges in the early education and care field – low wages and high turnover. The scholarship helps increase compensation and the retention of skilled teachers.


T.E.A.C.H. Scholarships provide: • 80% of college tuition for courses leading to an early childhood education Associate’s degree.

Recipients benefit by:

• 90% of the cost for books.

• Increasing their knowledge and skill level.

• A release time stipend.

• Receiving increased compensation. • Increasing professional status and job satisfaction.

• A travel stipend. • A bonus upon completion of each 1-yr. scholarship contract.

You may be eligible for a scholarship if you:

• Receiving support and encouragement from a T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® VERMONT scholarship Counselor.

• Work a minimum of 30 hours per week in a regulated early childhood setting.

Programs benefit by:

• Earn less than $15/hr.

• Gaining staff who are knowledgeable about appropriate early childhood practices.

• Work for a center that agrees to sponsor you.

• Having cost-effective staff professional development.

• Attend classes regularly.

• Reducing staff turnover which improves program quality and marketability.

• Agree to remain with their sponsoring employer or operate their home program for one year after the completion of each contract.

• Gaining a recruitment and advertising tool.

Children benefit by: • Forming relationships with caregivers who are committed to the field. • Having caregivers who are early childhood development specialists and sensitive to their needs and the needs of their family.

Scholarship recipients are required to: • Pay a portion of the cost for tuition and books.

The early childhood program agrees to sponsor a scholarship recipient by: • Contributing 10% of the cost of tuition. • Giving the recipient 4 hours of paid release time each week college is in session. (T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® VERMONT reimburses a portion of the cost). • Awarding the recipient a bonus or raise upon the completion of the contract.

For information: [email protected] or visit: 32

Friday Afternoon — Session II October 24, 2014 | 1:15pm – 2:45pm The first years of life are a crucial time for brain development. Between conception and age 5, the basic foundations of brain development are established. Researchers have learned that healthy brain development is rooted in young children’s everyday experiences. It is our teachers that can make a difference in supporting healthy brain development. This session will help teachers better understand how the brain develops and discover ways to nurture healthy brain development in our youngest children: and have fun doing so!

FEATURED SESSION F17: Feeding the Developing Brain Tracks: Child Development; Healthy and safe environments Level: Essential Knowledge and Applicatiion Scott Noyes | Empowering Programs | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

F20: Moving Through the Chaos of Change Together!

The more we know about the food and brain connection, the better choices we can make about the diet. Starting several million years ago, we had enough additional caloric energy through changes in lifestyle and diet to actually build a completely new section of brain. This new brain, the prefrontal cortex, plays key roles in memory, attention, perceptual awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. How is this structure best fueled? What are the ramifications of the brain not receiving its daily requirements of nutrients? This presentation looks at the food sources required to optimize the brain.

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Jack Russell | President, Center for Self-Sustaining

Leadership; VAEYC Board Member | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II Change – moving a staff through quality improvement process, adopting new curriculum, moving to a new space – is rarely easy and often perilous. Change is a leadership challenge; an opportunity for you to excel. Learn how to: • Obtain staff buy-in and ownership • Reduce resistance, stress, fear, and other obstacles • Develop a “road map” to your destination • Discover & experience the “new order” together • Balance between stability and change • Have fun doing it!

F18: PLAY PLACE: Clay Play! Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Sarah Sprague | Education Coordinator/Teacher,

Shelburne Craft School | VT Instructor Registry level: Affiliate I Be ready to play, using different tools, objects, nature and your hands to create different textures and forms out of clay. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

F19: Babies and Brains: Some Assembly Required Tracks: Child Development Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Cheryl Hovey | Infant and Toddler Specialist/Early Childhood Consultant, Ez Ed 2 Go | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 33

Friday Afternoon — Session III October 24, 2014 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm

F21: PLAY PLACE: Paint, Dirt, Herbs, and Shaving Cream

F23: Relationships and Materials in an Inclusive Early Childhood Setting

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application

Sharon Adams | Infant Toddler Specialist, Vermont Head Start Training Center, VAEYC Board Member | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

Patricia Casey | Early Childhood Special Educator,

Allen Brook School/EEE | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II

Children and adults learn with all of their senses. Come prepared to play with materials and have experiences that will light up all of your senses so you can light up children’s senses. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

This workshop will share the journey of an inclusive preschool classroom as they explored the concept of “Found Objects”. This investigation offered children and families the opportunity to work together to first collect items for the classroom studio, and then to experience creative ways to reuse and re-purpose materials in project work.

F22: Green Cleaning: Early Care and Education

F24: Parent and Teacher Beliefs about Play: A Tale of Two Research Studies Focused on Play

Tracks: Healthy and Safe Environments Level: Introduction/Overview Carol Westinghouse | President/Program Manager,

Tracks: Child Development Level: Analysis & in-depth application

Informed Green Solutions | VT Instructor Registry level: Specialist II

Dr. Laurel Bongiorno | Dean, Division of Education

Every child care professional knows that regular cleaning is important for maintaining attractive and healthful conditions in early care and education (ECE) settings. But did you know that some cleaning products present significant health and environmental concerns and that certain chemicals in cleaning products are associated with eye, skin, and respiratory irritation, as well as other health issues. Children are particularly vulnerable to health effects from exposure to chemicals in cleaning products because of their size, stage of development and behaviors. Learn how to keep your facility cleaned, sanitized and disinfected without using hazardous products that are associated with asthma and might be adversely affecting children and staff.

and Human Studies, Champlain College; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Robin Ploof, Ph.D. | Program Director, Champlain College M.Ed. Program; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

This research based presentation examines the key elements of two studies focused on beliefs about play; parents’ perceptions of play and teachers’ beliefs about play. Participants will hear the basics of each study and examine similarities and discrepancies. Participants will actively consider action steps for their practice based on the findings of these two studies.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 34

Master of Education THEIR Early Childhood Education EDUCATION HAS A LOT TO DO WITH YOURS. with Specializations in Teaching & Administration

Champlain College’s M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education

will engage you on a deeper level as an early educator. Our unique, project-based approach to learning is tailored to allow you to work independently in your online courses and apply the content to your current position in the field of early childhood education—ensuring you and your

students realize the immediate benefits of your education.

Taking the next step in your education will support your future success and theirs.


Saturday Morning — Session I October 25, 2014 | 10:00am – 12 noon

S3: 3-2-1 Blast Off!


Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge & Application

S1: Your Space/Their Space: Creating Inspirational Child Care Environments

April E. Zajko, M.Ed. | Pre-K & Literacy Teacher,

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & applicatiion

Concord School | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified Are you looking for ways to incorporate literacy, math, and music into a dynamic study about Outer Space? This workshop will explore how to implement an integrated curriculum unit appropriate for preschool through kindergarten. Participants will leave with many ideas for creating dramatic play props, an interactive “command center” to teach early math skills, an annotated list of quality children’s literature, and access to lesson plans & an integrated curriculum unit for you to use in your program. The presenter is an educator who has worked at the Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium and has taught this unit with preschoolers at the museum’s Balch Nature School and with their summer camps for ages 5-10.

Patricia Dischler | President, National Association of

Family Child Care | VT Instructor Registry Level: Not on the Registry A child care space needs to do so much – support education, inspire, provide safety, minimize conflicts. Yet it should do even more – reflect the personalities of those who are in it! Learn how to create a space that not only supports the goals for the children – but supports those who teach in it as well! The children deserve a great place to learn – and you deserve a great place to work!

S2: PLAY PLACE: Experiential Block Play

S4: Exploring Outdoor Play and the Learning it Fosters: A Professional Learning Community Model

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application Robin Ploof, Ph.D. | Program Director, Champlain

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Essential Knowledge & Application

College M.Ed. Program; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

Jen Brown| Naturalist/Educator, Four Winds Nature

Explore the many properties and possibilities of blocks. Playing with blocks is important for the development of both Toddlers and Preschoolers. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

Institute | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

Follow a group of early childhood professionals for one year as they participated in a professional development experience that fostered community, collaboration, commitments and change. Through the use of photos, videos, visualizations and conversations with some of the Professional Learning Community (PLC) participants, we’ll share the atmosphere of this unique experience and its lasting impact on allowing more children access to regular and frequent outdoor play. We will also go behind the scenes of the program and share the planning process and logistics, including insights gained from participants’ and facilitators’ evaluations of the PLC.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 36

Saturday Morning — Session I October 25, 2014 | 10:00am – 12 noon

S5: Turning Bullies into Buddies

S6: Shared Services For Early Learning Programs in VT

Tracks: Child Development, Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application

Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Introduction/Overview

Lawrence G. Shelton | Associate Professor of Human

Development & Family Studies, University of Vermont | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

LouAnn Beninati | Program Specialist, Vermont Birth to

Some children develop into bullies. How does that happen? Can we identify the early behaviors that may develop into bullying? We will explore the development of bullies in early childhood, ways to intervene in the early stages, and how we might prevent the early behaviors from leading the child down the road to bullying.

Across the nation owners of early learning and development programs, both center and home based, are sharing resources, increasing revenues, and accessing discounted services through Shared Services Networks. This workshop will introduce Vermont’s ECE Shared Resources Website and show how SS Networks are forming across the state. Come and see how you can keep your own business model, philosophy and independence while joining forces with other programs to access experts and resources. Increase Capacity, Save Money, and Save Time! All of which will allow you to focus your attention on the quality of the services you offer to the families and children in your care.

Three | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

This workshop is also offered on Friday morning, workshop F7

This workshop is also offered on Thursday morning, workshop T6.

S7: Water Color Extravaganza Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/Overview Sarah Sprague | Education Coordinator/Teacher,

Shelburne Craft School | VT Instructor Registry level: Affiliate I Ever thought about all the different ways you can use watercolors? Come learn different methods of using watercolors, from resisting the water, to adding salt for fun effects and using a straw instead of a paintbrush. Bright colors, wonderful designs and effects create beautiful watercolor paintings and provide an outlet for young children’s creativity!

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 37

Focused Saturday Lunch Discussions STARS over Lunch! Facilitated by Johanna Vaczy, STARS and Lorraine Vernet, VT Birth to Three It has never been easier! Vermont Birth to Three and STARS will offer hands-on assistance in getting you into STARS. Fill up on lunch while you fill out your application, and even submit it right then! The benefits/incentives for participating in STARS: ♦ Child Development Division Bonus ♦ Upcoming Quality Maintenance Incentive (80% of full bonus ♦ Upcoming-Bonus for providing nutritious meals ♦ Spotlight on Quality Incentive from Vermont Birth to Three (Home based) ♦ Discounts from Lakeshore and Learning Materials Workshop ♦ Opportunity to apply for grants open only to stars participants ♦ A higher reimbursement rate from CCFAP based on star rating ♦ A listing on the STARS website ♦ Professional development and other initiatives open to STARS participants ♦ Recognition of your accomplishment ♦ Many families rely on providers engaged in STARS as they make that very important child care decision ♦ STARS shows your commitment to ongoing development and quality

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 38

Saturday Afternoon — Combined Sessions II & III October 25, 2014 | 1:15pm – 4:30pm

Please Note:

Choosing workshop S8, S9, or S10 will satisfy your selection for both time slots on Saturday afternoon. KEYNOTE SPEAKER SESSION

S9: Beyond Counting and Cardinality: Math for early childhood

S8: Communicating With Parents 101

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & applicatiion

Jackie Sprague, MA | Early Childhood Consultant,

Patricia Dischler | President, National Association of

Vermont Agency of Education; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Family Child Care | VT Instructor Registry Level: Not on the Registry

This workshop will provide early childhood educators with a deeper understanding of preschool mathematics in the early childhood classroom. There will be time to play with manipulatives, discuss literature and how you may use it to enhance your math content and design activities to try with the children you teach.

The biggest obstacle in meeting the goals we have for the children or our business is: the parents! Learn how to bring parents into your child care family and make them partners. Decode what the parents are telling you and get to the heart of their issues. Create an environment that supports an open flow of communication and provide opportunities for successful collaboration. We’ll work together on solving problems – and preventing them so you can leave with the tools you need to reach all the parents and reach all your goals for the children.

S10: More Music, More Movement, More learning! Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/Overview Peggy CoZi | Teacher, Sugarwood School | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Music opens the learning centers, connects us to one another, builds memory, stamina, connections and happiness. Learn to create a creative, engaging, active, scientific, academic, loving community with all kinds of music, rhythms, dances and themes. Come ready to interact and move, and please be sure to leave your inhibitions home!

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 39

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Saturday Afternoon — Session II October 25, 2014 | 1:15pm – 2:45pm

S13: Menu Planning with Ease


Tracks: Healthy and Safe Environments Level: Introduction/Overview

S11: Intentional Language – Understanding the Words We Use with Children

Crystal Wilkins | Vermont Birth to Three Child Care

Mentor, Kingdom Child Care Connection @ Umbrella | VT Instructor Registry Level: Affiliate I

Tracks: Child Development; Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge and Applicatiion

Join Crystal Wilkins, VT Birth -3 Child Care Mentor and previous child care provider in a workshop on planning weekly nutritious menus. Upon completion of the 2 hour workshop, participants will be provided with the following resources: eating on a budget, including children in food preparation, the benefits of providing family style meals, seasonal meals, grocery lists, and nutritional food program recipes to use throughout the year!!

Scott Noyes | Empowering Programs | VT Instructor Registry Level: Certified

By evaluating the phrases children are being told daily, parents and care providers understand the impact of their words. This workshop looks at ten common expressions adults use with kids. Discovering language flaws and finding ways to better express ourselves supports healthy relationships with children. Avoiding the pitfalls in communicating with children is the primary focus of this exciting session.

S14: So Easy a Baby Can Do It! Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/Overview

S12: PLAY PLACE: Collage Making Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Sharon Adams | Infant Toddler Specialist, Vermont

Head Start Training Center, VAEYC Board Member | VT

Sarah Sprague | Education Coordinator/Teacher, Shelburne Instructor Registry Level: Master Craft School | VT Instructor Registry level: Affiliate I

Babies are born mathematicians. We just need to learn how to identify it. We’ll focus on how babies learn and ideas to support infant and toddler learning.

Create our own masterpieces by making our own hand painted paper and then collaging. Based on children’s authors such as Eric Carle, Lois Ehlert and many of their wonderful designs. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 41

Saturday Afternoon — Session III October 25, 2014 | 3:00pm – 4:30pm

S15: PLAY PLACE: Facilitated story play Vivian Paley style

S17: Helping others to create a great IPDP Tracks: Professionalism and Program Organization Level: Essential knowledge & application

Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Essential Knowledge/Application

Nancy Sugarman | Director, Northern Lights Career

Development Center | VT Instructor Registry level: Master

Robin Ploof, Ph.D. | Program Director, Champlain College M.Ed. Program; VAEYC Past President | VT Instructor Registry Level: Master

How do you help your staff or other professionals create a useful and meaningful Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP)? At this workshop we will explore and practice framing the IPDP development process; asking good questions to prompt reflection and planning; and the role of professional support. This is for those engaged in leading and supervising other professionals.

Explore the development of literacy skills through stories written and acted out by children. Many of these are stories of preschoolers, but toddlers enjoy story play too. Participate in acting out these stories and creating and acting out your own stories. In addition to spending time in play participants will have time for reflection, discussion, and sharing strategies for implementing these ideas.

S18: What About Fun? Tracks: Teaching and Learning Level: Introduction/ Overview

S16: Embracing Social Games and Toddler Humor: A Conversation about How Toddlers Build Community

Peter Burns | Residential Counselor, The Howard Center | VT Instructor Registry level: Certified

Many of us got into working with pre-school children because they are so wonderful to be around, so full of life and fun. This workshop is about getting back into the spirit of fun and play though games, stunts, stories, finger plays, and nursery rhymes that children and adults enjoy.

Tracks: Child Development, Teaching and Learning Level: Essential knowledge & application Jennifer Chicoine | Mentor Teacher, UVM Campus

Children’s School | VT Instructor Registry level: Certified

Cassidy Shumway | Mentor Teacher, UVM Campus

Children’s School | VT Instructor Registry level: Not on the Registry Surrounded by laughter, shrieks, and quick movements amidst a group of toddlers, life is busy, loud, and joyful. We see games and silly rituals happen in everyday moments, because in this world, that’s what they are everyday ordinary moments. What does it mean to be a toddler? This presentation will focus on beginning to understand “toddlerhood” and the role that children’s relationships, interactions and humor play in building community. We will focus on the importance of creating a classroom culture that values social games and toddler humor. This topic is significant for any classroom or group of children; by embracing humor, social games and rituals, we are advocating for the basic rights of very young children. We will address the role of the teacher and discuss the roles of documentation, reflection and communication in the process of building an understanding of the children’s social games and relationships. The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 42

Investing in early relationships, the heart of quality infant and toddler care

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Investing in early relationships, the heart of quality infant and toddler care

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Phone: (802) 922-9666 Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook:

42nd Annual Early Childhood Conference & Retreat Mail In Registration Form There is a $10 processing fee for mailed in registrations. Register online to avoid the $10 processing fee and to know right away if you’re enrolled in the workshops you want. Register online any time before Wednesday, October 15th at  I am a current VAEYC member. My membership number is:_____________  I am not a current VAEYC member. Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________________________________________ business affiliation: ___________________________________________________________ address:_____________________________________________________________________ city/state/zip:________________________________________________________________ telephone (required):__________________________________________________________ email address (required):_______________________________________________________ Help us by indicating your BFIS Quality and Credential Account #:_____________________


In order to qualify for the VAEYC member rate, you must have a valid membership number. Not yet a member? Go to, click on “membership” to join. You can receive a membership number right away.

Single-day rate $________________

Two-day rate $________________

before September 16th: VAEYC member $75, non-member $125 after September 16th VAEYC member $95, non-member $145

before September 16th: VAEYC member $130, non-member $230 after September 16th: VAEYC member $150, non-member $250

Three-day rate $________________

VAEYC Annual Membership Breakfast and Meeting

before September 16th: VAEYC member $165, non-member $315 after September 16th: VAEYC member $185, non-member $335 Friday October 24, 2014, 7:30-8:30am

Mail-in Processing Fee: $10 per registrant

$10.00 $________________

Avoid processing fee by registering online at

FREE $________________

Enclosed total: $_____________

Check #: ________________ Enclose form and payment and mail to: UVM Conference and Event Services Attn: Registration Registrations that are not accompanied by full payment will not be processed until payment is received The Villa, 220 Colchester Avenue (excluding school districts who submit a valid P.O.) Burlington, VT 05405

Please indicate your top 3 workshop choices for each time slot by listing the appropriate corresponding workshop number: Thursday, October 23 – Session 1 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Thursday, October 23 – Session 2 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Thursday, October 23 – Session 3 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Friday, October 24 – Session 1 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Friday, October 24 – Session 2 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Friday, October 24 – Session 3 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Saturday, October 25 – Session 1 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Saturday, October 25 – Session 2 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________ Saturday, October 25 – Session 3 1.__________________________ 2.__________________________ 3.__________________________

The Vermont Association for the Education of Young Children (VAEYC) Conference and Retreat October 23, 24, & 25, 2014 | To register online visit | Registration deadlines: Early Bird – Monday, Sept. 15 / Regular – Wednesday, Oct. 15 44