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By Sarah Wiggins Copyright © 2013 More Than a Worksheet
Why Pocket Chart Math Centers?
Prac=ce, Prac=ce, Prac=ce Think about the process that takes place back in kindergarten when students are learning their le5ers. They work on le5er recogni8on, names, and sounds every single day with a variety of ac8vi8es. By the 8me students get older, we work on an important math concept such as mul8plica8on for a week or two, and then move on expec8ng students to grasp and retain the important skills. With ac8vi8es such as these math centers, students get more exposure to the important concepts helping to cement the skills in their brains, not just for a test, but for life. Get ‘em thinking! Sor8ng is a higher level thinking skill. Students must understand the math concept and be able to make decisions about it in order to complete the sort. Coopera=ve Learning Students work together in a structured way to complete the sorts. They must collaborate un8l each group member agrees on the correct answer, and students will rely on each other to explain their thinking. Maximize Learning Time Don’t worry about students finding their glue bo5les and cuEng and pas8ng. With this ac8vity, the primary focus is math. Frees up Teacher Time This is a group-‐led ac8vity that will free up 8me for you to work with a small group. Use it as part of a math center rota8on, or you can just buy yourself some extra 8me to work with students who aren’t grasping a par8cular concept. One great thing about a pocket chart center is that no ma5er where you are in the room, you can glance up and see whether or not students are on task. Easy to Prepare Just print, laminate, and use! (You can even use these without lamina8ng if you are in a hurry. Of course, they won’t be as durable this way, but they should last you several uses.) The cards are even labeled by le5er so you know which card is part of which sort in case there is a mix up. Builds Rou=ne Once students know what you expect of them, you can change the objec8ve and the sort, and students will know what to do. You won’t have to explain a new center each week. For more Pocket Chart Math Centers, visit my TPT store! h5p://‐Than-‐A-‐Worksheet Copyright © 2013 More Than a Worksheet POCKET CHART MATH CENTERS: THIRD GRADE MULTIPLICATIN SORTS 4
Directions: 1. Place the category labels on the top row of the pocket chart. 2. Choose a card. 3. Determine which category it fits in, and sort the card in the correct category. 4. Tell your group why you chose that category. Support and explain your answer 5. Take turns sorting until all of the cards are sorted. 6. Repeat steps 1-5.
Credits: Fonts and Graphics by: h5p:// h5p://‐Lit h5p://‐From-‐The-‐Pond h5p://‐Wean h5p:// h5p://‐Clips-‐Factory h5p://‐Alvis h5p://‐His-‐Glory Many Thanks!
Like this Ac=vity? Try Pocket Chart Math Centers: 18 mul8plica8on sorts for 3rd Grade Common Core Standards h5p:// Product/Pocket-‐Chart-‐Math-‐Centers-‐Third-‐ Grade-‐Mul8plica8on-‐Sorts-‐Common-‐ Core-‐1052718