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Screen Printing: Printed in 55-100 line screen. Offset and Flexo Printing: Printed in 150 line screen. Digital Printing:

VaLue aDDeD SerViCeS Options To Make The Ordinary Become extraordinary 1. ConSeCutiVe nuMbering

Numbering sequence will begin with 001 unless otherwise specified. Consecutive numbering and Alphanumeric Consecutive Numbering are available on Idento® Identification Decals and Parking Permits. Also available on many other items.

6. tabbeD Die Cut DeCaLS

Transform an ordinary decal into a unique hang tag by adding a kiss cut and hole punch. Customize the size and shape to complement the brand or promotion. Add copy on the back to gain additional recognition, offer a well-timed coupon, or promote an instant give away.

peel here 2. DoubLe ConSeCutiVe nuMbering

Double Consecutive numbering is available on many items. Apply this part to the building

Reinforced Concrete Structures Placement of this decal indicates this insulated concrete building was manufactured by or sold through an authorized Dura-Lock distributor. Build More for Your Money with Dura-Lock!

Consumer Hotline: 888-349-1212

We provide stronger, safer, eco-friendly buildings.

Apply this part to the invoice

Apply this part to the building

Reinforced Concrete Structures Placement of this decal indicates this insulated concrete building was manufactured by or sold through an authorized Dura-Lock distributor. Build More for Your Money with Dura-Lock!

Consumer Hotline: 888-349-1212

We provide stronger, safer, eco-friendly buildings.

Apply this part to the invoice

face Slitting (see #5 on this page for details)

Designed for retail or point of purchase displays. Take a Bumper Sticker or Decal right to the rack.

7. MuLtipLe DeCaLS

Vinyl, static, or polyester sheets can hold an assortment of peel off decals. Great for safety campaigns, video game and entertainment industry promotions, and much more!

3. ConSeCutiVe bar CoDing

Consecutive Bar Coding is available on Roll Labels, Loyalty Cards, and on many other items.

8. SpeCiaL reWinD for roLL LabeLS

Have your roll labels provided in rolls of 50, 100, or 250.

4. perSonaLiZation

Add another level of service for your customers by individualizing their Membership or Loyalty Cards.

9. LabeLing

Adding bar codes, part numbers, ID numbers, or your labels is a great option for point of purchase sales and inventory control.

5. faCe SLitting

A face slit is a cut or slit in the face material to create multiple part labels from a single label.

Get two decals for the price of one, or add a hole and face slit for retail displays.



SpeCiaL paCkaging


• A clear polypropylene material is wrapped then shrunk using heat to create a tight seal around product • Combine quantities, shapes or different items • Stabilizes, bundles and protects products

ideal for:

ShrinkWrapping (price per 1000 items) Qty per pkg

up to 5000 Qty

10 15 20 25 50 100

$36.40 $27.05 $24.11 $21.22 $14.39 $11.29

Bumper Stickers Decals Plastic Cards Magnets Coasters & More

6G * Note: $10.00 (X) minimum * Includes cardboard stiffener up to 25 per package * For additional quantities, information or combining different items contact Customer Service. * Add 2 production days for catalog quantities. Above catalog quantities, contact Customer Service.


• Product is placed in a clear polyethylene bag using a heat seal closure • Combine smaller quantities of different products to provide a unique presentation • Can accommodate 1 - 10 pieces per bag • Combo Packs: Bag up to 10 pieces in many size options. i.e. Dry Erase Decal with a Pen • Popular Bag Sizes: 3" x 5", 4" x 6", 5" x 8", and 9" x 12"

poLybagging (price per 1000 items) Qty per bag

up to 5000 Qty

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

$114.10 $109.95 $89.14 $67.50 $60.36 $52.42 $47.54 $42.39 $38.87 $36.40

10G * Note: $10.00 (X) minimum * For additional quantities, information or combining different items contact Customer Service. * Add 2 production days for catalog quantities. Above catalog quantities, contact Customer Service.

SpeCiaL or exaCt QuantitieS per Carton Within a MaSter Carton SpeCiaL QuantitieS

(price per 1000 items)


0" - 55" SQ in

50's 100's 250's 500's 1000's

$28.37 $20.12 $16.49 $10.93 $7.25

56" - 114" SQ in 115" - 400" SQ in $40.34 $31.10 $25.63 $19.91 $15.60

$99.23 $65.66 $37.77 $28.10 N/A

5G * Note: $10.00 (X) minimum * Contact Customer Service for additional sizes, quantities or information * Add 2 production days for catalog quantities. Above catalog quantities, contact Customer Service.

banDing or bunDLing

• Clear film band or rubber band specific quantities or shapes • Clear Banding available for products up to 6" wide • Available in quantities from 10 to 250 pieces


CLear banDing

rubber banDing

(price per 1000 items)


up to 10,000 Qty

above 10,000 Qty

10's 25's 50's 100's 250's

$25.63 $19.17 $13.61 $11.14 $8.88

$19.17 $13.61 $9.14 $7.25 $5.20

5G * Note: $10.00 (X) minimum * Clear film banding maximum width 6" (Decals: banding not available in quantities less than 10) * For additional quantities, information or combining different items contact Customer Service. * Add 2 production days for catalog quantities. Above catalog quantities, contact Customer Service.


GenerAl InformAtIon

Ordering inFOrMATiOn 1. afL-Cio union LabeL

• Multiply length times width for total square inches. • Count number of colors. White must be priced as a color on clear.

Available by request. Used on all political orders unless specified.

• Determine quantity.

2. CaLenDarS

Orders received before June 1st for items with stock calendars will receive current year calendar unless otherwise specified. Orders received on June 1st or after will receive the following year's calendar unless otherwise specified. $50.00 (X) if an order is cancelled after artwork has been prepared. Once an order has been printed, it cannot be cancelled.

4. CataLog iLLuStrationS

Logos and other imprints shown in this catalog are for illustrative purposes only. They do not imply endorsement, nor are any items with these specific logos for sale to anyone other than parties expressly authorized by the owner of such designs.

5. ChiLDren’S proDuCtS

As required by the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, certain products will be marked with tracking information including our company name. These items include the Sticker Sheet Collection and #3302, 3303, and 3307 Lapel Stickers on Rolls.

6. CoLor MatCh

If a Pantone® number is specified or a color sample matched add $45.00 (E). No guarantee of perfect matches. Color match not available on black License Frames. Color Match available on Double-Sided Poly Bag Signs add $175.00 (E).

7. poLitiCaL

State and federal laws vary with regard to notices which must be printed and identification of those responsible for purchasing, publishing, or distributing political advertising. Be sure your customer submits the correct copy to meet these requirements.

8. priCing

Custom Decals

HoW to CAlCUlAte SQUAre InCHeS

Identify repeat orders with the previous order number and the year it was produced. Orders are retained on file for three years. A sample will be needed for repeat orders more than three years old.

10. White baCkup on CLear MateriaL

When printed on clear material, we recommend backing the imprint with white for better readability. This can be done three ways: a halo around the image area (a small outline of white will show), slightly inside the image area (not available on small type or fine detail), or a white background. See sample page 189. Please submit your artwork with a white plate for this white backing.

White halo around image.

White slightly inside image (seen from back).

White background.

11. printing

Printing Methods: Screen, flexography, digital, offset and thermal printing. Refer to our web site for expanded printing information. Four-Color Process: Four-color process is available on many

catalog products. Screen Printing: Printed in 55-100 line screen. Offset and Flexo Printing: Printed in 150 line screen. Digital Printing: Variable resolution. Contact Customer Service for additional information or specifications, or if design is separated from original art. When printing on clear material, backing the imprint with white is recommended. White must be priced as a color.

12. proofS

Proof will be furnished upon request. No charge for two proofs per order. Additional proofs $20.00 (X) per proof. Proofs will be emailed unless otherwise requested. A complete email address must be provided. Email proof colors will vary based on your computer system or printer. Refer to page 185 or Pantone® chart for colors.

7 ½"

Die Cut on DotteD Line 8"

Maximum Length Maximum Width total Square inches

8" x 7 ½" = 60 square inches Determine the total number of square inches then locate the appropriate square inch bracket on the desired custom page. Follow the pricing across to the quantity desired. Die charges are necessary when ordering irregular shapes. No charge for artwork.


Contact Customer Service on quantities or sizes not shown.

9. repeat orDerS

3. CanCeLLation Charge

x =

Intermediate Quantities: To price quantities between the standard quantities shown use the unit rate for the next lower quantity. For example, 200 units price at the 125 unit rate; 400 units price at the 250 unit rate, etc.

13. proDuCtion tiMe

Production time begins after receipt of complete order including art, in catalog quantities or after proof approval. Check with Customer Service about production time above catalog quantity. Changes made to an order in progress could result in a later ship date.

Expedited Service: An extra charge may be required to expedite an order to ship in less than normal production time. Contact Customer Service each time this service is needed to discuss customer requirements and our ability to meet them given current production conditions.

14. SaMpLeS

Material samples are always available at no charge for testing. Because of the wide variety of uses of our materials, we would like to ensure that the right product or material is used for a particular application. Identifying how the product will be used or what the decal will be applied to will help determine what material is best suited for that application.

Mode of shipment: Please specify. The F.O.B. point is our plant in Kansas or Minnesota. If no specific instructions are given these guidelines will be followed: • Weight-based guidelines:

A) 1 to 200 lbs. - United Parcel Service throughout the continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Canada. UPS Air Service or U.S. Postal Service is optional. Please specify.

16. WebSite • Instant Product Quote

• Free Virtual Samples

• Simple Product Search

• Instant Freight Quote

• Quick Order Status

• Order Tracking

• eCatalog

• Reorder Online

17. Die Corner raDiuS Flexo

Screen Print, Offset, Digital

B) 200 lbs. and over - UPS Hundredweight Service or Truck. • Shipping and handling charges will be added to all orders. • $10.00 (X) handling charge will be added to shipments requesting 3rd

party freight billing. Drop Shipments: For same day shipment to multiple destinations or by multiple shipping methods add $8.00 (X) for each shipment after the first. $48.00 (X) each for large corrugated signs and rigid material items over 24" x 48".

Split Shipments: For partial shipments on different days add $28.00 (X)

for each shipment after the first. All split shipment orders should be shipped within 6 months of receipt of order. Packaging: Bulk except where noted.




18. Line thiCkneSSeS 1 pt. | 0.0138"

GenerAl InformAtIon

15. Shipping

2 pt. | 0.0277" 3 pt. | 0.0416" 4.5 pt. | 0.0625" | 1/16" 6.75 pt. | 0.0938" | 3/32" 9 pt. | 0.125" | 1/8"

guiDeLineS for SuppLying artWork 1. art teMpLateS

Art templates are available at on our website. Templates illustrate correct bleed and margin size. The majority of custom items require 1/8" bleed past the cut line and 1/8" copy margin inside the cut line.

5. VeCtor art

Vector art is resolution independent, meaning it can be enlarged without reducing image quality.  This is the preferred format for all artwork.  All type should be converted to outlines to avoid potential font problems.

6. raSter art

Raster art is resolution dependent, meaning it canot be enlarged without reducing the image quality. To ensure optimal print quality, TIFFs are used with spot color or full color artwork. Create at 300 dpi on the final print size. Art should be sent as RGB for full color artwork.

2. SoftWare forMatS PREFERRED

Adobe Illustrator

Export files as EPS or PDF. ACCEPTED Adobe InDesign, Quark Xpress and CorelDRAW

Export files as EPS or PDF.

Adobe Photoshop Export files as PDF or PSD. Note: Support files must contain: vector art, high resolution (300 dpi)

images at finished imprint size for halftones and postscript fonts. PDF is the preferred file format that enables art files to process efficiently.

3. fontS

Outlined fonts are preferred. If this is not possible, send fonts with files.

4. CoMpreSSion

Stuffit® and WinZip®

7. teChnoLogo

Technologo is an easy-to-use virtual sample program within product pages that lets you, or your customer, upload and edit artwork for all stock shape items. Each product is set up with its own specific imprint area and when a logo is uploaded to that product it will automatically be resized to properly fit in the area. In addition, a white background can be removed in one step, the logo can be colorized, and the text can be added and edited. Create perfect virtual samples every time!

8. aDDitionaL inforMation

Visit our website to upload digital files, check for updated art guidelines, four-color process specifications, and other art details.


GenerAl InformAtIon

MateriaL & ink inforMation inK inFOrMATiOn

We offer products printed by: screen printing, flexography, offset, or digital printing. We have chosen the most appropriate method for each product that is offered.

1. SCreen printing

Inks are ultraviolet (UV) light cured, pigmented colors. They are glossy and very resistant to chemicals and abrasion. All colors from page 185 with the exception of neon colors average 3 to 5 years outdoors. Neon colors will begin to fade in approximately 30 days if exposed to direct sunlight. Transparent inks, not shown on our color chart, average 2 years outdoors. They are typically used on substrates that allow the properties of the base material to show through the ink. Four-color process inks average 3 years outdoors. A clearcoat is available as an additional color. It can be used for extra chemical or abrasion resistance or to add a glossy appearance to four-color process inks. A clearcoat will not provide any additional protection from sunlight. Outdoor durability of most Pantone® colors will average 3 years with the exception of the fluorescent colors.

3. offSet printing

Inks are UV cured and strong in color to compensate for thinner ink film thickness applied. They create high quality images for four-color process printing and are outdoor durable for at least 12 months.

4. DigitaL

UV inks are used in our digital presses. These inks are designed to adhere to a wide variety of flexible and rigid substrates as well as to be used indoors and outdoors. Accelerated weather tests have shown inks to be outdoor durable for the equivalent of approximately 24 months in a temperate climate. Ultimate durability will be determined by the substrate and/or use of the product.

2. fLexographiC

Inks are water based for line colors and UV cured for four-color process. All formulations are made with lightfast pigments. Flexo items are typically printed on paper and are intended for indoor use only. Flexo labels that require scuff resistance or that will be used for product packaging such as shampoos, soaps, and oils need either a UV cured clearcoat or overlamination for protection.

MATeriAl inFOrMATiOn 1. preSSure SenSitiVe VinyLS

Vinyls are flexible, scuff resistant, plasticized films that will stretch and shrink slightly. They are for indoor or outdoor use.

2. preSSure SenSitiVe poLyeSterS

Polyesters are very “dimensionally stable” and will not stretch or shrink. Therefore, they do not conform well to irregular surfaces or compound curves. They are very resistant to chemicals. Polyesters are suited for indoor or outdoor use.

3. StatiC CLing VinyL

Cling vinyl is a highly plasticized vinyl film that does not require an adhesive to adhere to polished or smooth surfaces such as glass or mirrors. This material is recommended for indoor use only.

4. paper anD poSter reLateD MateriaLS

Papers are used for a variety of products. Some recycled materials are available. Refer to specific catalog pages for more information. Plastic coated white poster board is suitable for short-term outdoor use.

5. MagnetiC MateriaL

Our magnets consist of a base magnetic material with a screen printed vinyl film or either a digital or offset printed face material. The base magnetic material has good holding power on most metal surfaces. All magnets are suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

6. refLeCtiVe MateriaL

An enclosed lens, retroreflective film, this material is often used with transparent inks to allow the reflective properties of the substrate to show through the ink. This material is appropriate for indoor or outdoor use.


7. pLaStiCS

Several plastics are used on our products. Some recycled and biodegradable materials are available. Corrugated plastic, 23, 35, and 55 point plastic and opaque polyethylene are the only plastics suited for outdoor use. These plastics are recyclable. Refer to specific catalog pages for more information.

8. fLexo

Pressure sensitive papers and films include: white and yellow gloss papers, fluorescent papers, gold and silver foil papers, 100% recycled white paper, and clear polystyrene. All of the flexo printed materials are intended for indoor use.

9. banner MateriaL

Reinforced vinyl banner is intended for short-term outdoor use (6 months or less) or indoor use. This material is typically printed using our UV digital inks. Final product includes finished ends and grommets attached for easy hanging.

10. aDheSiVeS & aDDitionaL inforMation

Many of our products have different adhesives. Some have permanent and others have removable, ultra removable, or repositionable adhesive. Each product has been designed to offer the best combination of material and adhesive. For instance, our Bumper Sticker vinyl has an ultra removable adhesive that insures clean and easy removability, even after one year from application. More adhesive information can be found on our website.


Pantone colors indicated show similar, but not exact, match to our colors. Pantone acolors indicated show a similar, but not exact, match to Gill colors. ®

10 Primrose Yellow Similar to Pantone 102

12 Medium Yellow Similar to Pantone 123

40 Mineral Orange Similar to Pantone 021

20 Brilliant Orange


18 Rhodamine Red Similar to Pantone 226

33 Purple

Similar to Pantone 2613

31 Pale Blue

Similar to Pantone 277

24 Process Blue

Similar to Pantone Warm Red

Similar to Pantone Process Blue

19 Fire Red

21 Peacock Blue

Similar to Pantone 200

17 Carmine Red Similar to Pantone 201

37 Maroon

Similar to Pantone 293

22 Ultra Blue

36 Metallic Gold

38 Dark Green

35 Metallic Silver

27 Cool Gray

34 Metallic Bronze

Similar to Pantone 347

Similar to Pantone 343

Similar to Pantone 428

25 Dove Gray

Similar to Pantone 429

29 Gray

Similar to Pantone Cool Gray 11

15 Tan

Similar to Pantone 2756

Similar to Pantone 719

43 Teal

13 Medium Brown

Similar to Pantone 202

Similar to Pantone 3282

30 Princess Pink

41 Bright Green

Similar to Pantone 211

39 Emerald Green

Similar to Pantone 354

Similar to Pantone 470

16 Brown

Similar to Pantone 4695

Sample page

We are a Certified Master Printer

Similar to Pantone 874

Similar to Pantone 877

Similar to Pantone 876

51 Neon Pink

Similar to Pantone 806

53 Neon Red

Similar to Pantone 805

55 Neon Orange Similar to Pantone 811

57 Neon Yellow Similar to Pantone 809

58 Neon Green

Similar to Pantone 802

additional Standard colorS: Black, White and Reflex Blue. color Swatch

Samples are printed on white stock. Actual appearance may vary on materials other than white. Slight variations in standard colors may occur.

neon colorS

reflective Material

Special transparent inks are recommended. Choose from: Red, Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow, Purple, Magenta, Teal, and Gold. Refer to Sample Page 189.

Begin to fade in 30 days if exposed to prolonged sunlight. They are not recommended on clear or light colored backgrounds. A dark background is suggested for better readability.

Yellow vinYl

color Match

SPecial inkS

If a Pantone number is specified or a color sample matched add $45.00 (E). No guarantee of perfect matches. No guarantee of a perfect match on four-color process products. Color match is not available on black License Frames. Color Match is available on Double-Sided Poly Bag Signs add $175.00 (E).

Is a pigmented material and is not the same color as 10 or 12 yellow. Refer to Sample Page 187. Flexographic, offset, digital, and sublimated items use different inks. Colors shown above are an approximate reference. Flexographic neon colors are noticeably lighter than the colors above. Neon and metallic inks are not available on offset, digital, sublimated, or thermal items.


Sample page

We are a Certified Master Printer





White Vinyl (ultra removable adhesive) offset printed in four-color process in 150 line tone with clear coat on upper left area. Material and adhesive also used for Keyboard & Monitor Calendars, Laptop Calendars, and Stock Shape & Size Decals.

doUBle-face window cUStoM decal 761


Static Cling Vinyl Screen printed. Readable from inside and outside. Lift corner to see reverse side printing.

die cUt cUStoM ShaPe decal 655


Yellow Vinyl (permanent adhesive) Screen printed. Material and adhesive also used for Hard Hat Decals, Post-Cals®, and Truck Signs & Equipment Decals.

fUll color digital cUStoM decal

hd reSolUtion cUStoM decal

White Vinyl (permanent adhesive) Screen printed in four-color process in 100 line tone. Material and adhesive also used for Domed Decals, Outside Parking Permits, Stock Shape & Size Decals, and Truck Signs & Equipment Decals.

overlaMinated cUStoM decal 797


BrUShed chroMe PolYeSter cUStoM decal 712


White Vinyl (removable adhesive) 6650 digitally printed in four-color process. Material, adhesive and print method also used for Stock Shape & Size Decals.


Lift at corner to remove samples.

SQUare corner cUStoM SiZe decal

(permanent adhesive) Screen printed. Material and adhesive also used for Car-Cal® Decals and Idento® Identification Decals.

White Vinyl (rough surface permanent adhesive) Screen printed and overlaminated for protection from chemicals and abrasion.

chroMe PolYeSter cUStoM decal 719


(permanent adhesive) Screen printed. Material and adhesive also used for Car-Cal® Decals, Domed Decals, Idento® Identification Decals, and Stock Shape & Size Decals.


Sample page

We are a Certified Master Printer

hd reSolUtion MeMBerShiP card Offset printed in four-color process on .010" thick white vinyl plastic. Also used 2001 for Hangers, Shelf Wobblers, Calendar Cards, and Custom Plastics.




Lift at corner to remove samples.

white reflective cUStoM decal (permanent adhesive) Screen printed in Transparent Blue, Transparent Green, Transparent Red, Transparent Yellow, and Black. Material and adhesive also used for Car-Cal® Decals and Hard Hat Decals. NOTE: To demonstrate reflective quality, hold flashlight on sample at eye level.

cUStoM BUMPer Sticker 409


White Zip-Strip® Vinyl (ultra removable adhesive) The Industry’s Only Ultra Removable Zip-Strips® are Strong on and easy off! Screen printed. Material and adhesive is used for all of our Bumper Stickers, Ultra Removable Custom Decals, and Stock Shape & Size Decals.

Ultra reMovaBle cUStoM decal Clear Polyester (adhesive inside window) 673 Screen printed. Material and adhesive also used for Inside Window Removable Stickers, Clear Bumper Stickers, Stock Shapes & Size Decals, and Ultra Removable Custom Decals with adhesive on back.


die cUt roll laBelS Shiny Silver Foil Paper 3009 (permanent adhesive) Flexographically printed. Material and adhesive also used for Butt-Cut Labels.


eMBoSSed foil SealS Matte Finish on Gold Foil 3982 Paper.


die cUt roll laBelS White Gloss Paper 3057 (permanent adhesive) Flexographically printed. Material and adhesive also used for Value-line and Butt-Cut Labels.




Our products are used in a wide variety of markets. Visit our website to view case histories or request samples.


AUTOMOTIVE Manufacturers, Manufactu s, Deale Dealers, Parts Suppliers, Supplie

Custom Decals brand the final manufactured product. (p. 12-17)

License Plates/Frames on every car. (p. 72-73) Vinyl Cut Car-Cal Decals give dealer’s name

Hard Hat Decals promote safety, service achievments. (p. 40-41)

remind car owners when next service is due. (p. 68)


Contractors, s, Machinery, yy, OEM, Mai Maintenance ntenance

provide contact info in any weather. (p. 82-87)

Banks, Credit Unions, Savings & Loans, Stock Brokers Keyboard/Monitor Calendars provide calendars for online banking right where they are needed. (p. 158) Retractable Banner Stands allow you to promote products and services at the point of purchase. (p. 96-97) Leather Coasters provide great desktop


NONPROFITS Hospitals, Doctors, Nursing Homes, Home Medical Services


contain hospital code charts

We are a Proud Union Printer Hard Hat Decals show the local and even

Custom Decals mark medical equipment for home health services. (p. 12-17)

Custom Decals way to stand out. (p. 12-17)

Business Card Magnets

display pride of membership. (p. 57-63)

(p. 122)

Groups show pride of membership from windows to windshields. (p. 20-21)

Message Magnets show USA/Union pride with interchangeable message. (p. 125)

and donors. (p. 57-63) Double-Sided Yard Signs tell the whole town about sponsored events. (p. 78-79)


St es, Malls, Shopping Ce Stores, Centers, Downtown Merchants enable effortless in-store

work as thousands of moving billboards. (p. 57-63)

promote cusomter loyalty and Elementary

Yard Signs, Posters and Signs are cost Roll Labels become a must at rallies and public events. (p. 163-173) Door Hangers and Palm Cards take campaigns to neighborhoods. (p. 90, 92)

add size and longevity to outdoor signage. (p. 98-99)

display pride, recognize students and support teams. (p. 57-63) Parking Permits security and ease parking problems. (p. 65-67) show school mascots and alumni membership. (p. 20-21)