uz Ciudad Altamirano Oaxaca Ixtapa Guerrero 43 40 Zihuatanejo 42 39 Oaxaca Acapulco 41 Puerto Excondido
Quintana Roo
San Cristobal del las Casas Chiapas
Number Region
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
State Department advisory
Baja California
Exercise extreme caution, particularly at night.
Puerto Penasco
Exercise caution, limit travel to main roads during daylight hours, cross border at Lukeville/Sonoyta crossing from U.S.
Exercise extreme caution.
Defer non-essential travel.
Defer non-essential travel.
Defer non-essential travel.
Northwestern Chihuahua
Defer non-essential travel.
Ciudad Juarez
Defer non-essential travel to city.
Guadalupe Bravo
Defer non-essential travel. Carjacking, highway robberies are serious problems.
Ciudad Acuna
Defer non-essential travel.
Piedras Negras
Defer non-essential travel.
Nuevo Laredo
Travelers on highways between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey are frequent targets for robbery and violence, often caught in crossfire between criminal and police. Avoid “Boys Town” entertainment in Nuevo Laredo area due to violent crime.
13 Highway between Monterrey and the U.S. 14 Monterrey 15 Matamoros/Reynosa
Travelers targeted for robbery and caught in crossfire. Exercise Caution.
16 17 18 19
Gomez Palacio
Defer non-essential travel.
Defer non-essential travel. Frequent incidents of cartel-related violence.
Defer non-essential travel. Frequent incidents of cartel-related violence.
San Fernando
Many crimes reported in area, especially armed robberies and carjackings on highways north and south of San Fernando.
Exercise caution. Crime-related violence has decreased in last 18 months, but sporadic incidents of violence do occur. Travelers on higway to and from Monterrey (through Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros/Reynosa) are frequent targets for robbery and violence, often caught in crossfire between criminals and police.
Dangerouse and insecure. Remote area without police patrols.
Visit during daylight hours. Ecercise caution during late-night and early-morning hours.
Avoid Highway 45 linking Sombrete and Fresnillo.
Exercise caution in the city and on roads outside the city.
Avoid Highway 49 north to Durango. Defer non-essential travel.
Highway between Matamoros and Tampico
Many crimes reported. Be aware of risks posed by armed robbers and carjackings.
Site of crime and viloence. Exercise extreme caution.
Colotlan-Yahualica highway
Defer non-essential travel due to roadblocks and gun battles.
Border area between Jalisco and Zacatecas
Site of crime and violence. Exercise exteme caution.
Santa Maria del Rio
Cartel violence and highway lawlessness are continuing security concerns. Defer non-essential travel on main highways, especially east toward Tampico.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
San Luis Potosi
Exercise caution in the city and on Highway 57D east toward Tamaulipas.
Exercise caution.
Border are between Jalisco and Michoacan
Site of crime and violence. Exercise extreme caution.
Eastern part of state of Michoacan
Defer non-essential travel.
Exercise extreme caution. Numerous incidents of narcotics-related violence.
Ciudad Altamirano
Exercise extreme caution.
Northwestern Guerrero
Exercise extreme caution.
Coast road between Acapulco and Ixtapa
Exercise extreme caution due to risk of roadblocks and carjackings.
Exercise caution and stay within tourist areas.
Exercise extreme caution in downtown area. Do not visit at night. Remain in clearly identifiable tourist areas.
Exercise caution and stay within tourist areas.
Highway from Mexico City to Acapulco
Travel during daylight hours on road between Mexico City and Acapulco.
Defer non-essential travel to state of Durango except the city of Durango where travelers should exercise caution. Violence and criminal activity along highways are a continuing security concern.