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formulate the problem of a vibratory mass on an elastic half-space. It was .... The vertical vibration of an actual foundation embedded in a soil described.
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By Ali H. Nayfeh1 and Samir J. Serhan 2 ABSTRACT: A perturbation technique, the method of multiple scales, is used to obtain an approximate analytical solution of the nonlinear dynamic response of foundations on soils. The analysis takes into account the nonlinearity of the soil material, radiation, hysteretic and viscous damping, and the effect of embedment. Closed-form expressions are derived for the response, which show clearly the effects of the various parameters involved in soil dynamics. A closed-form expression is presented for the constant settlement of the nonlinear soil structure caused by the vibration. In addition to large responses accompanying primary or main resonances (the excitation frequency Cl is near the natural frequency of the foundation 0 and sgn (u) = — 1 when u < 0 (2) Here, u is the vertical displacement from the original position (not the static equilibrium one), T is the time, the overdot indicates the derivative with Q(T>

FIG. 3. Actual Foundation of Mass m Embedded in Soil Classified by Its Parameters G, p, and v 58

J. Geotech. Engrg., 1989, 115(1): 56-74

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FIG. 4. Equivalent Foundation System respect to T, and m is the mass of the foundation, the machinery, and the soil vibrating in phase with the foundation (effective mass of the soil). The problem of whether to include the effective mass of the soil or not received considerable attention. Hsieh (1962) developed values for the effective mass of the soil for different modes of vibration. Richart and Whitman (1967) emphasized the unimportance of the effective mass of the soil, because soil particles under vibration are moving in different directions with different accelerations. However, for high Poisson's ratios, the effective mass of the soil may become important. For a detailed discussion of the magnitude of the friction force due to embedment, the reader is referred to Chae (1970), Den Hartog (1931), Richart and Whitman (1967), Sridharan et al. (1981), and Stokoe (1972). Testing of soil samples in triaxial machines shows that the variation of the deviatoric stress o^ — a3 with the principal strain e, is not linear. For numerical calculations, one can either smooth the experimental data and use an interpolation scheme or use a theoretical model such as the hyperbolic model (3)

CTi — 0 (superharmonic resonance of order two) or Cl = 2o>0 (subharmonic resonance of order one-half). This means that by arbitrarily designing the foundation system to have a natural frequency larger or smaller than the excitation frequency, we are not on the safe side. 2. A closed-form expression is presented for the constant settlement of the nonlinear soil structure caused by the vibration. The results show that the frequency and amplitude are not independent, a characteristic of nonlinear behavior, as observed at the Waterways Experiment Station. 3. The results of the perturbation solution are in good agreement with the results of numerical simulation. 4. The embedment decreases the amplitude of vertical vibration of foundations in agreement with the results of Chae (1970). The present study needs to be extended to more than one degree of freedom. Coupling sliding and rocking vibrations of foundations is important in the design of nuclear power plants and machine foundations. Coupled modes of vibration are needed to handle the case of nonalignment of machinery on foundations. The present analysis represents the vibratory motion of soils by a finite lumped model characterized by a mass, a linear damper, and a spring. A better solution could be obtained by extending the analysis to the case of propagation of nonlinear waves in an elastic half-space. APPENDIX I.


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The following a c e F F / F0 G g k m m0 Q q t u uc us u v wQ x

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =



symbols are used in this paper:

amplitude of response; damping coefficient; eccentricity; Coulomb damping force; nondimensional amplitude of excitation; scaled, nondimensional amplitude of excitation; amplitude of excitation; shear modulus; gravitational acceleration; linear spring constant; mass of foundation system; eccentric mass; forcing function; nonlinear restoring force; nondimensional time; vertical displacement; characteristic displacement; static settlement; velocity; displacement from static equilibrium position; natural frequency; scaled, nondimensional vertical displacement from static equilibrium position; nondimensional vertical displacement from static equilibrium position; 73

J. Geotech. Engrg., 1989, 115(1): 56-74

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