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were religion oriented they also acted as an opportunity for the exchanging of general ..... See Geertz, Clifford, The Religion of Java, The Free Press of Gilencoe ...
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Cultural aspects of information revolution : Malaysian experience.

Hashim Awang.; Wan Abdul Kadir. Hashim Awang & Abdul Kadir, Wan. (1984). Cultural aspects of information revolution : Malaysian experience. In AMIC-ISEAS-EWC Workshop on Information Revolution in Asia-Pacific : Singapore, Dec 10-12, 1984. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research & Information Centre.





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Cultural Aspects Of Information Revolution : Malaysian Experience By

Ilashim Awang &

Wan Abdul Kadir

Paper No.10

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1. Introduction Th:s paper attempts to discuss the cultural impact of the information resolution in Malaysia, particularly on the indigenous culture. So far the intensive research in this aspect has not been done by our Malaysian scholar. Bearing that in mind this paper is not based on any emphirical study but based on general observations as well as our experienced on the study of Malay Culture in general. Thus we propose to view the impact of information revolution on the indigenous culture from the cultural historical perspective.

2. Working definition In this context the information revolution is view

as a node of

information transfer and its consequences in the indigenous culture. Sc, it includes both the material as well as cultural knowledge or c 1 system of iaeas. 3. Malaysian Experience To represent our case or t o share our experience wa have chosen the Malays as an example due t o several factors.

First, the particular

ethnic group i s undergoing rapid social and cultural transformation

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as a result of economic development.

Secondly, the Malay

culture represent the core of the national culture of Malaysia. It is appropriate to focus our discussion on the impact of information revolution in this particular group.

Traditional Mode of Information Transfer

Based on the mode of information transfer the cultural development of the Malays can be divided into two: pre-Islamic and Islamic era. Before Islamic influences established itself in the Malay world, Hinduism was the main cultural force exerting it influences on to

2 the indigenous c u l t u r e i n t h i s area.

Compared t o the Islamic

influences the Hindu influences were not everlasting even though some t r a c e s of i t s remnant s t i l l can be seen today.

The not

everlasting effect i s due t o various factors such as the superf i c i a l i t y of i t influences and the nature of i t s influence.


main reason for t h a t i s due t o the mode of information transfer in which only the istana (court) could act as the cultural center of learning as well as center for information collection and 3 distribution.

I The court could act as a meeting place between local and foreign scholars (Brahmin) who especially brought in t o teach and educate t l ie ruling c l a s s .

Through such meetings and gatherings new

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knowledge pertinent to the local dignitaries were collected, "stored" and closely guarded. the masses was minimal.

Whatever the massage that reached

Ho say the least the information that

trickled to the masses were those information or knowledge that helped to strenghten or sustain the social structure during that tir^.

In such a situation where the information was monopolised

by certain class or group of individual the nasses did not benefit much.

In chat context the cultural impact on the masses was negligible and because of that the Hindu influences in general could not established strongly among the masses. Since the masses attachment tc Hinduism was superficial naturally those Hindu influences could be erroded with ease and replaced by other stronger cultural forces such as Islam.

Whatever remain or those considered beneficial were syncritised

4 with Islamic influences. With the a r r i v a l of Islam the situation vjas different.

Islam does

not belong t o any single individual or certain class of individual. Islam belc'ng t o every follower.

Every follower has the obligation

ana r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o l e a r n and practice as well as preach Islam.

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Every follower has a role to perform.

The follower would be deemed

as a failure if he or she failed to follow the teaching and fulfill thr responsibility and obligation required by Islam. revolutionised the mode of information transfer.


Such a situation

was ideal for the transfer of information to the masses. The court is no longer able to monopolised and solely act as a learning and information "storage" centre.

Such a situation is ideal for

the emerging of several forms of formal and informal institutions that functionally act as a centre of learning and information transmission.

To name a few the formal institutions appeared in

the forms of pondok (religious school), mosque and surau.


arrival of Islam also strengthened the communal social gatherings as an informal institutions.

Even though these institutions basically

were religion oriented they also acted as an opportunity for the exchanging of general and specialised knowledge. There were the places where people met regularly not only to discuss matters pertaining to religion and performing their obligatory duties, but also offered the opportunity for the discussion of matters beneficial to the society as a whole.


New" informations were passed to the others or were given some thought,

previously gained information were given new thought.

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Consequently they were not only exposed to new ideas but also increasing t h e i r knowledge repertoire because those nan of lemming who acted as t h e i r source of information travelled widely.

Some of those scholars frequently travelled t o Mecca.

Some even stayed i n Mecca for several years to study Islam. Thus, through those gatherings opportunity for sharing experiences always e x i s t .

The infonrni. mode of information transferred and shared appeared in the form of t h e a t r i c a l - r i t u a l performances such as Wayang Kulit, Main P u t e r i , Mak Yong,and Boria.

Those performances were

interspersed with several comical interludes.

Some thought

provoking matters r e l a t e d t o daily l i f e were presented cynically through those comical i n t e r l u d e s . information t o the masses.

Those performances transferred

Those performances depicted l i f e

experiences of p e r s o n a l i t i e s presented.

Since in those days those

performances were t r e a t e d not only as a form of entertainment but also considered as a mode for information transfer the messages were expressed in the layman's terms.

Thus, i t s impact on the

masses was s i g n i f i c a n t .

j I

Islam not only encourage religious gatherings but also socio-

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re igious gatherings.

Since Islam i s not only a religion but also
