Information is available at Jalkanen Foundation Scholarships. The Jalkanen Foundation provides educational
Aquatic Therapy Education First Half of 2013 ATRI...Your Leading Source of Multidisciplinary Aquatic Therapy Education
National Aquatic Therapy Conferences (pages 3-9)
Professional Development Days (pages 10-11)
February 7-10 • Washington, DC May 2-5 • Chicago, IL
February 23-24 • Palo Alto, CA March 2-3 • Birmingham, AL March 9-10 • Wilkes-Barre, PA March 16-17 • Morgantown, WV
June 25-28 • Sanibel, FL
March 23-24 • Colorado Springs, CO
April 4-7 • Houston, TX
See Inside for Featured Specialty Certificate Programs Providing 15 Hours of Focused Continuing Education Also Plenty of General Education Courses New to Aquatic Therapy? Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab is Offered in ALL Locations!! Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • Toll Free: 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
ATRI...Where Education is Never Dry! ATRI Certification
Who Should Attend? Whatever your profession, aquatics is the common bond... from speakers to attendees, you’ll encounter a wide variety of healthcare professionals with disciplines to enhance your learning experience...PTs, PTAs, OTs, OTAs, TRs, ATs, KTs, MDs, DOs, PhDs, ExPhys, RNs, LMTs, Physical Educators, Assistants, Aids, Aquatic Fitness Professionals. Learn how your practice fits in the multidisciplinary scheme of services. New to Aquatic Therapy? We recommend Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab (Course #1200) offered on the first day of all conferences. From there, you should choose beginner (1000-level) or intermediate (2000-level) courses that most suit your patient/client load. Course Levels When selecting courses, please refer to the course numbers on your city’s Course Selection Sheet: 1000 = Entry Level / 2000 = Intermediate / 3000 = Advanced Looking for a Comprehensive Mix of General Aquatic Therapy Education? We’ve got it for you! If you have a broad base of clients or are new to aquatic therapy and rehab, we offer a comprehensive mix of general education courses. Check out the schedules and go to for complete course descriptions and objectives. Looking for a Concentration of Courses in Your Area of Interest? ATRI is providing intensive Specialty Certificate Programs in AquaStretchTM (DC, Wilkes-Barre, Houston, Chicago, Sanibel) Athletic Rehab (DC), Balance Training (Sanibel),and Total Joint Replacement (Houston, Chicago). Each Specialty Certificate Program will provide 15 hours of focused continuing education for career enhancement and advancement. A certificate will be given at the conclusion of the program. The Difference Between Specialty Certificate Programs and ATRI Certification
Specialty Certificate Programs are 15-hour programs for which you receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course. The certificate will be in an area of emphasis such as those listed above. The certificate is bestowed because of the educational hours you put into the course. The ATRI Certification is a 3-hour comprehensive exam that will test your ability to meet the Aquatic Therapy and Rehabilitation Industry Standards to practice. The exam is OPTIONAL and IS NOT part of the Specialty Certificate Program. You may take the exam at any of our National Conferences or online anytime. See the next column for more information or go to for complete details. 2
The ATRI Aquatic Therapeutic Exercise Certification Exam is for competent, knowledgeable professionals in aquatic therapy, rehab and therapeutic exercise. The Certification proves you are a knowledgeable and more wellrounded aquatic therapy practitioner. The education you gain by completing the prerequisite 15 hours of course work in aquatic therapy helps you take better care of your clients. The Certification is very popular because most practitioners want to improve themselves, expand their client base, and have the affirmation of this credential. It’s why many practitioners are certified by several organizations. It is also helpful for getting jobs, raises, and pool time. It all depends on the title you want, the patients/clients with whom you’re working, and your goals. If you want to grow and expand, the Certification is for you. The Certification will allow you to use the term “ATRI Certified” or the initials “ATRIC” after your name. The certification will not make you a therapist if you aren’t already a licensed therapist. The exam is optional and is given on the final day at all National Aquatic Therapy Conferences or you may choose to take the exam online anytime. For complete details, go to and click on Certification Information.
Continuing Education Credits
Numerous therapy and aquatics-related organizations accept ATRI courses and award credit as appropriate. Specific information will be available at the conferences. All attendees will receive a Continuing Education Credit/Unit Record Sheet as proof of attendance. You may use the proof of attendance and the course descriptions and biographies from the ATRI website ( to obtain credit. ATRI always provides attendees with any additional information they need to obtain credit. The following organizations routinely approve ATRI conferences for continuing education hours: • American Kinesiotherapy Association (AKTA) • American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) • Aquatic Exercise Association, Inc. (AEA) • Board of Certification (BOC) for Natl. Athletic Trainers Assn. • Florida Board of Massage Therapy • Florida Board of Occupational Therapy • Florida Physical Therapy Association • Physical Therapy Board of California • DC Dept. of Health Regulation & Licensing Administration • Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation • Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners Many state Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy organizations require pre-approval of conference courses. If you are in need of PT or OT CEU approval, please check with your state PT or OT organization to determine their requirements. Every state is different and ATRI does not automatically obtain PT or OT continuing education pre-approval for all states because the cost is prohibitive. Each therapist must follow the guidelines given by his/her state PT or OT organization for approval. Please email Angie Fischer with any questions –
[email protected].
ATRI Registration Fees = Recession Proof
We are aware that times are tight for many and for that reason, ATRI has not raised its fees in four years. We also have scholarships and volunteer opportunities available (please see below).
Volunteers Always Needed
ATRI is always looking for conscientious volunteers, ready to work with us on-site at our National Conferences. You’ll receive a discounted registration fee as our thanks! Call or e-mail us if interested. Information is available at
Jalkanen Foundation Scholarships
The Jalkanen Foundation provides educational scholarships for courses in aquatic therapy and rehab. Please go to www.atri. org, click on “Articles of Interest” and scroll to the bottom for more information.
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • Toll Free: 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
National Conference Schedule Charts READ THIS FIRST! Three Complete Conference Registration Options at Each Site:
Option 1 – Specialty Certificate Program, followed by General Education Follow eacho right. ft t Option 2 – General Education, followed by Specialty Certificate Program from leurse offered o Each c t each site. Option 3 – General Education Track once a
Washington, DC • February 7-10 1 2 3
Thursday AM Thursday PM AquaStretch
Friday AM
2 3
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Balance Techniques
2 3
2 3
Sunday AM
Athletic Rehab Specialty Certificate Program
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Pediatrics or Noodle Progress. or Ataxia or Pain-Free Mvmnt or Kinesio Taping or Balance Techniques Progressions Post-Stroke Advanced Lumbar Brain Gym Halliwick or Certification Prep Movement in Touch Part I & II
Thursday AM Thursday PM
(See Course Selection Sheet on Page 6 for Course Times)
Friday AM
Friday PM
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Athletic Rehab
Progressions or Complex Patient
Saturday AM Saturday PM Integrated Balance Arthritis/Joint or or Improving Pain Warriors/Athletes
Total Joint Replacement Specialty Certificate Program
Thursday AM Thursday PM
Friday AM
Kinesio Taping or Certification Prep
Underwater Equip or
Kinesio Taping or Certification Prep
Friday PM
Saturday AM Saturday PM
Sunday AM
Neuro and Aging or Autism or Certification Prep or Gait Instabilities Lower Extremity Sports Rehab
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Post-Stroke or Intermediate AquaStretchTM for the Spine Upper Quarter
Total Joint Replacement Specialty Certificate Program
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Post-Stroke or Ataxia or Neuro and Aging or Autism or Intermediate AquaStretchTM for the Spine Upper Quarter Progressions Gait Instabilities Lower Extremity
Tuesday PM
Underwater Equip or
(See Course Selection Sheet on Page 7 for Course Times)
Specialty Certificate Program
Tuesday AM
Sunday AM
AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Progressions or Post-Stroke or Integrated Balance Arthritis/Joint or Athletic Rehab Complex Patient Lumbar Stabilization or Improving Pain Warriors/Athletes
Sanibel, FL • June 25-28 1
Saturday AM Saturday PM
Ataxia or Pain-Free Mvmnt or Kinesio Taping or Advanced Lumbar Brain Gym Halliwick or Certification Prep Movement in Touch Part I & II
Pediatrics or Progressions
Chicago, IL • May 2-5 1
Friday PM
Specialty Certificate Program
Houston, TX • April 4-7 1
(See Course Selection Sheet on Page 5 for Course Times)
Certification Prep or
Sports Rehab
(See Course Selection Sheet on Page 9 for Course Times)
Weds AM
Balance Training Specialty Certificate Program
Weds PM
Thursday AM Thursday PM Friday AM Pediatrics or
Brain Gym or Trunk-Centered LE Trigger Pts-Cervical Certification Prep or Sports Rehab
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Dynamic Stability with Pilates or Strength/Endurance for Balance
Land Functioning or
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy & Rehab or Dynamic Stability with Pilates or Strength/Endurance for Balance
Land Functioning or Calm Fearful Patient Pediatrics or
Integrated Core or AquaStretchTM for Pediatrics
Return to Running or Underwater Equip or
Trigger Pts-Lumbar or Improving Pain or
AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program
Return to Running or Integrated Core or or Progressions Trigger Pts-Lumbar or Improving Pain or AquaStretchTM for Trunk-Centered LE Trigger Pts-Cervical Pediatrics
Underwater Equip or Brain Gym or Certification Prep or Sports Rehab
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
ATRI Registration Form - DC • Houston • Chicago Four Ways to Register!
Cancellation Policy:
ONLINE...Register online at • ATRI Members Receive Great Discounts!
Cancellations must be sent in writing. Your registration fee may be transferred to another ATRI conference or you may transfer your registration to another person. A $50 fee paid by check or credit card is required for all transfers. Transfers are one-time only and must be used within one year of the date of the conference you are transferring from. If you are cancelling completely, you must cancel 30 days prior to the conference. Your registration fee, minus a $75 processing fee, will be refunded after the conference. There are no refunds for noshows or for those not meeting the 30-day deadline.
FAX... Fax Registration Form, Course Selection, Credit Card Number to 561-828-8150. MAIL... Mail Registration Form, Course Selection and Payment (payable to ATRI) to: ATRI, 429 Loch Devon Dr., Lutz, FL 33548. PHONE... Call toll free 866-462-2874 - Please complete your Course Selection Sheet first.
1 Registrant Information
Circle: Male/Female
Name as you prefer on your name badge Workplace Name
(Needed only if we are mailing to your workplace address)
Mailing Address City Home Phone (
Zip Work Phone (
Country )
Fax (
E-Mail Address Emergency Contact/Phone Do you require handicap assistance to participate in this event? Yes No Type of assistance: Do you want to be on the roommate list? Yes No How did you hear about us? ATRI Website ATRI Mailing ATRI elist/Bulletin Board Internet Search Engine: Advertisement - Publication Name:
2 Event Selection (Check Event Attending)
Washington, DC - February 7-10, 2013 (Early Bird Discount Deadline: First Day of Winter - December 21st) Houston, TX - April 4-7, 2013 (Early Bird Discount Deadline: Valentine’s Day - February 14th) Chicago, IL - May 2-5, 2013 (Early Bird Discount Deadline: St. Patrick’s Day - March 17th) 3 Membership - $45 (Separate Fee) (See Benefits List at 4 Registration Fees Complete Conference (Includes courses Thursday through Sunday) ATRI Member Non-Member Paid BY Early Bird Discount Deadline $795 $875 Paid AFTER Early Bird Discount Deadline $855 $925 Specialty Certificate Program OR General Education Friday through Sunday Paid BY Early Bird Discount Deadline Paid AFTER Early Bird Discount Deadline
$565 $595
$625 $655
Please Note: All fees above include the course handout materials fee for All-Purpose and Certificate Programs.
5 ATRI Certification Exam (Separate Fee)
6 Complete the Course Selection Sheet for your City Washington, DC - page 5 / Houston - page 6 / Chicago - page 7
7 Figure Your Fees at Right 8 Payment Your Registration must be PAID IN FULL in order to process
Figure Your Fees...
$255 - Sunday in Each City (12:30 pm-Check-in/1:00 pm-Exam Begins) (Circle your fees/Enter Total at bottom)
$ 45
ATRI Membership (Optional) (Covers membership from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2013, no matter when you sign up) $
Check or Money Order # OR Circle One: MasterCard VISA Discover American Express $ Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: Name as it Appears on Card (Print): Billing Address of Cardholder:
Street Address
Cardholder’s Signature: 4
Registration Fee
your course selection. Sorry, we do not accept Purchase Orders.
City, State, Zip
3 or 4-Digit Code on Card:
Enter Appropriate Fee - See #4 Registration Fees Above
ATRI On-Site Certification Exam Fee (Optional)
Total (U.S. Funds) Pay-Per-Course (PPC) Fees:
$165 per Half-Day Course (Friday-Sunday). Processed AFTER Early Bird Date. No online registration available for PPC. You MUST call ATRI to register for PPC at 866-462-2874.
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • Toll Free: 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Washington, DC Course Selection Sheet
WASHINGTON, DC Hotel The Hyatt Fairfax at Fair Lakes is conveniently located in Fairfax, VA, with suite-sized guest rooms complete with wireless Internet access. We’ll use the Hyatt’s indoor pool, heated to a comfortable, therapeutic 90 degrees. Located just 18 miles from downtown Washington, DC, the Hyatt offers complimentary transportation to and from area shopping centers. ls Overnight Accommodations t Hote RI Hos to meet T A Hyatt Fairfax at Fair Lakes t a way Stay great ith 12777 Fair Lakes Circle • It’s a network w d ! n Fairfax, VA 22033 a gues collea enient! v n o c • It’s Reservations: (888) 421-1442 or via the ATRI website at Hotel Switchboard: (703) 818-1234 Guest Fax: (703) 653-6190 Amenities include coffee maker, hair dryer, iron/ironing board, in-room safe. Overnight parking is complimentary.
Hotel Rates ATRI Conference Rate: $110 single/double (plus tax) if you make your reservation by January 22, 2013. Rate includes complimentary internet service and breakfast for one at the Hyatt’s Nova Grill. Rates good for three days before and three days after the Conference on a space and rate available basis. Check-in/Check-out Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Check-out is 12:00 p.m., but will be extended until 2:00 p.m. (based on availability) on Sunday for ATRI guests. To Get From the Airport to the Hotel Cabs are available. Reagan National Airport (DCA) is about 30 minutes from the Hyatt and Washington Dulles (IAD), about 20 minutes. SuperShuttle is offering the following discount plan to ATRI conference attendees. Please go to the ATRI website and click on the SuperShuttle link to be connected to their website. ATRI Group Code: W8JM6 Group Name: Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute Pricing will be as follows: $25 each way to/from Reagan National Airport, $49 round-trip; and $26 each way to/from Washington Dulles Airport, $51 round-trip.
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Cut-off date for Hyatt reservations is January 22nd Complete Your Course Selections (at right) to Submit with your Registration - Be sure to complete your Course Selection Sheet to submit with your Registration Form and Payment. Your Registration will not be processed until you have submitted your Course Selection Sheet. Check out Course Descriptions at
Please select courses and return with your registration page.
REGISTER EARLY! The first 25 registrants for each pool workshop will receive pool spots to participate in the water during pool sessions. The next 10 registrants will receive pool deck seating to participate/ take notes from the pool deck. Pool Workshops include Lecture and Pool Time Land Workshops - in Classroom include Land/Water Application Lecture - in Classroom Choose one course per time block. Check the times listed below to be sure you are not registering for courses that overlap days/times. Questions: Please email
[email protected] or call 866-462-2874.
Washington, DC February 7-10, 2013 Your Name Specialty Certificate 15-Hour Programs: Thursday-Friday, February 7-8 Pool Workshop 2627 - AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program
Thu: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Fri: 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Select Saturday/Sunday General Ed if Registering for Complete Conference
Friday-Sunday, February 8-10 Pool Workshop 2200 - Athletic Rehab Specialty Certificate Program
Fri: 12:00-5:00 pm Select Thursday, Friday AM General Ed if Sat: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Registering for Complete Conference Sun: 8:00-11:30 am Plus Select Luncheon on Saturday (below) if you plan to attend.
General Education: Thursday, February 7 FULL-DAY Courses - 7:30 am-5:00 pm Pool Workshops
1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab 2208 - Balance Techniques: Pediatric through Geriatric
Friday, February 8 - Morning Courses
1220 - Pediatrics: An Integrated Approach Land Workshop 8:00-11:00 am 2209 - Progressions for Water Rehab-Vertical, Seated and Horizontal Applications Pool Workshop - 8:00-11:15 am
Friday, February 8 - Afternoon Courses
1217 - Therapeutic Noodle Progression-Functional Fusion Pool Workshop - 1:15-4:30 pm 1503 - Post-Stroke Treatment Plan Land Workshop - 1-4 pm
Saturday, February 9 - Full-Day Land Workshop
1606 - Movement in Touch Part I and II - 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Saturday, February 9 - Morning Courses
1504 - Therapeutic Interventions for Ataxia and Related Disorders Land Workshop - 8:00-11:00 am 3303 - Advanced Lumbar Stabilization Pool Workshop 7:30-11:00 am
Saturday, February 9 - Luncheon/Keynote
Included in Registration Fee - 11:15 am - 1:15 pm
Saturday, February 9 - Afternoon Courses
1613 - Pain-Free Movement Land Workshop - 1:30-4:30 pm 1616 - Brain Gym in the Pool - Pool Workshop - 1:30-4:45 pm
Sunday, February 10 - Morning Courses
1202 - Kinesio Taping Concepts Land Workshop - 9:00-11:00 am 1604 - Orientation to Halliwick Pool Workshop - 8:30-11:30 am 1809 - ATRI Certification QuickPrep Lecture - 8:30-11:30 am
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Houston Hotel The Houston Marriott at the Texas Medical Center is located in the heart of the Texas Medical Center and is connected with a climate-controlled skyway to many area buildings. Just steps away is Houston’s MetroRail, which connects you to the Museum District, Hermann Park, Midtown, Downtown and the Theatre District. Overnight Accommodations Houston Marriott at the Texas Medical Center ost ATRI H ur t a g 6580 Fannin Street Stayin keeps yo ion Houston, TX 77030 Hotels e Registrat renc n o C fe ees Down! F Reservations: 800-228-9290 or via the ATRI web site at Be sure to mention that you are part of the AQUATIC group to receive the special rate. Hotel Switchboard: 713-796-0080 Guest Fax: 713-770-8100 Amenities include mini-refrigerator, hair dryer, iron/ironing board, coffee maker, and high-speed Internet access. Free wireless is available on the first and second floors (lobby, upper lobby/restaurant areas). Overnight and day guest parking is $9 per day. Hotel Rates ATRI Conference Rate: $119 single/double (plus tax) if you make your reservation by March 15, 2013. Rates good for three days before and three days after the Conference on a space and rate available basis.
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Cut-off date for Marriott reservations is March 15th Check-in/Check-out Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. Check-out is 12:00 p.m., but will be extended until 2:00 p.m. (based on availability) on Sunday for ATRI guests. To Get From the Airport to the Hotel SuperShuttle is offering the following discount plan to ATRI conference attendees. Please go to the ATRI website and click on the SuperShuttle link to be connected to their website. ATRI Group Code: ATRI3 Group Name: Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute Regular rates are $19 each way to/from Hobby Airport (approx. 15 minutes from the hotel). Regular rates are $24 each way to/from Bush Intercontinental Airport (approx. 30 minutes from the hotel). Complete Your Course Selections (at right) to Submit with your Registration - Be sure to complete your Course Selection Sheet to submit with your Registration Form and Payment. Your Registration will not be processed until you have submitted your Course Selection Sheet. Check out Course Descriptions at
Houston Course Selection Sheet Please select courses and return with your registration page.
REGISTER EARLY! The first 25 registrants for each pool workshop will receive pool spots to participate in the water during pool sessions. The next 10 registrants will receive pool deck seating to participate/ take notes from the pool deck. Pool Workshops include Lecture and Pool Time Land Workshops - in Classroom include Land/Water Application Lecture - in Classroom Choose one course per time block. Check the times listed below to be sure you are not registering for courses that overlap days/times. Questions: Please email
[email protected] or call 866-462-2874.
Your Name
Houston, TX Houston, TX April 4-7, 2013 April 4-7, 2013
Specialty Certificate 15-Hour Programs: Thursday-Friday, April 4-5 Pool Workshop 2319 - Total Joint Replacement Spec. Cert. Program
Thu: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Fri: 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Select Saturday/Sunday General Ed if Registering for Complete Conference
Friday-Sunday, April 5-7 Pool Workshop 2627 - AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program
Fri: 12:00-5:00 pm Select Thursday, Friday AM General Ed if Sat: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Registering for Complete Conference Sun: 8:00-11:30 am Plus Select Luncheon on Saturday (below) if you plan to attend.
General Education: Thursday, April 4 FULL-DAY Courses - 7:30 am-5:00 pm Pool Workshops
1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab 2205 - Athletic Rehab
Friday, April 5 - Morning Courses
2209 - Progressions for Water Rehab-Vertical, Seated and Horizontal Applications Pool Workshop - 8:00-11:15 am 2226 - Treatment for the Complex Medical Patient Lecture 8:00-11:00 am
Friday, April 5 - Afternoon Courses
1503 - Post-Stroke Treatment Plan Land Workshop - 1-4 pm 2300 - Lumbar Stabilization for Spinal Fusions Pool Workshop - 1:15-4:30 pm
Saturday, April 6 - Morning Courses
2203 - Integrated Balance Pool Workshop - 7:30-11:00 am 2242 - Improving Outcomes for Pain Patients Land Workshop 8:00-11:00 am
Saturday, April 6 - Luncheon/Keynote
Included in Registration Fee - 11:15 am - 1:15 pm
Saturday, April 6 - Afternoon Courses 1305 - Arthritis and Joint Interventions Land Workshop 1:30-4:30 pm 2240 - Rehab for Injured Warriors and Athletes Pool Workshop - 1:30-4:45 pm
Sunday, April 7 - Morning Courses 1009 - Therapeutic Use of Underwater Treadmills/Steppers
Pool Workshop - 8:30-11:30 am 1202 - Kinesio Taping Concepts Land Workshop - 9:00-11:00 am 1809 - ATRI Certification QuickPrep Lecture - 8:30-11:30 am 6
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Chicago Hotel The Westin O’Hare is located just 1.5 miles from O’Hare International Airport. Complimentary transportation is provided to and from the airport every 20 minutes. The Westin’s health club provides a large indoor pool, which will be heated to a therapeutic 90 degrees for ATRI courses. The health club also features treadmills, bikes, rowing machines and weights. els Overnight Accommodations st Hot et o H I R me t AT The Westin O’Hare Stay a great way to h it 6100 River Road • It’s a network w ! Rosemont, IL 60018 s and e gu collea enient! v n o c Reservations: 888-627-8517 or • It’s via the ATRI web site at Hotel Switchboard: 847-698-6000 Guest Fax: 847-698-3993 Amenities include: coffee maker, hair dryer, iron/ironing board, and in-room safe. Hotel Rates ATRI Conference Rate: $129 single/double (plus tax) if you make reservation by April 10, 2013. Overnight parking is complimentary for ATRI attendees with rooms in the ATRI block. A reduced daily rate is available for attendees driving in for the day. Room rates are good for three days before and three days after the Conference on a space and rate available basis. Check-in/Check-out Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Check-out is 12:00 p.m., but will be extended until 2:00 p.m. (based on availability) on Sunday for ATRI guests.
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Cut-off date for Westin reservations is April 10th Complete Your Course Selections (at right) to Submit with your Registration - Be sure to complete your Course Selection Sheet to submit with your Registration Form and Payment. Your Registration will not be processed until you have submitted your Course Selection Sheet. Check out Course Descriptions at
Chicago Course Selection Sheet Please select courses and return with your registration page.
REGISTER EARLY! The first 25 registrants for each pool workshop will receive pool spots to participate in the water during pool sessions. The next 10 registrants will receive pool deck seating to participate/ take notes from the pool deck. Pool Workshops include Lecture and Pool Time Land Workshops - in Classroom include Land/Water Application Lecture - in Classroom Choose one course per time block. Check the times listed below to be sure you are not registering for courses that overlap days/times. Questions: Please email
[email protected] or call 866-462-2874.
Chicago, IL May 2-5, 2013 Your Name Specialty Certificate 15-Hour Programs: Thursday-Friday, May 2-3 Pool Workshop 2627 - AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program
Thu: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Fri: 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Select Saturday/Sunday General Ed if Registering for Complete Conference
Friday-Sunday, May 3-5 Pool Workshop 2319 - Total Joint Replacement Spec. Cert. Program Fri: 12:00-5:00 pm Select Thursday, Friday AM General Ed if Sat: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Registering for Complete Conference Sun: 8:00-11:30 am Plus Select Luncheon on Saturday (below) if you plan to attend.
General Education: Thursday, May 2 FULL-DAY Courses - 7:30 am-5:00 pm Pool Workshops
1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab 2617 - Intermediate AquaStretchTM for the Spine
Friday, May 3 - Morning Courses
1503 - Post-Stroke Treatment Plan Land Workshop - 8-11 am 2619 - Upper Quadrant Connections and Aquatic Therapy Progressions Pool Workshop - 8:00-11:15 am
Friday, May 3 - Afternoon Courses
1505 - Aquatic Interventions for Ataxia Land Workshop - 1-4 pm 2209 - Progressions for Water Rehab-Vertical, Seated and Horizontal Applications Pool Workshop - 1:15-4:30 pm
Saturday, May 4 - Morning Courses
1506 - The Brain: Neuro and Aging Populations Land Workshop 8:00-11:00 am 3205 - Addressing Gait Instabilities Pool Workshop 7:30-11:00 am
Thank you to our Pool Equipment Suppliers: Adolph Kiefer & Associates
Purchase discounted pool equipment at ATRI Conferences!
Saturday, May 4 - Luncheon/Keynote
Included in Registration Fee - 11:15 am - 1:15 pm
Saturday, May 4 - Afternoon Courses 1222 - Autism Spectrum of Disorders Land Workshop 1:30-4:30 pm 2304 - Lower Extremity Conditions Pool Workshop-1:30-4:45 pm
Sunday, May 5 - Morning Courses
1809 - ATRI Certification QuickPrep Lecture - 8:30-11:30 am 2218 - Sports Rehab and Workouts with Aqualogix Pool Workshop - 8:30-11:30 am
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
ATRI Registration Form - Sanibel, FL
Four Ways to Register!
Cancellation Policy:
ONLINE... Register online at FAX... Fax Registration Form, Course Selection, Credit Card Number to 561-828-8150. MAIL... Mail Registration Form, Course Selection and Payment (payable to ATRI) to: ATRI, 429 Loch Devon Dr., Lutz, FL 33548. PHONE... Call toll free 866-462-2874 - Please complete your Course Selection Sheet first.
Cancellations must be sent in writing. Your registration fee may be transferred to another ATRI conference or you may transfer your registration to another person. A $50 fee paid by check or credit card is required for all transfers. Transfers are one-time only and must be used within one year of the date of the conference you are transferring from. If you are cancelling completely, you must cancel 30 days prior to the conference. Your registration fee, minus a $75 processing fee, will be refunded after the conference. There are no refunds for noshows or for those not meeting the 30-day deadline.
1 Registrant Information Name
Name as you prefer on your name badge Workplace Name Mailing Address City Home Phone (
Zip Work Phone (
Country )
Fax (
E-Mail Address Emergency Contact/Phone Do you require handicap assistance to participate in this event? Yes No Type of assistance: Do you want to be on the roommate list? Yes No How did you hear about us? ATRI Website ATRI Mailing ATRI elist/Bulletin Board Internet Search Engine: Advertisement - Publication Name:
3 Membership - $45 (Separate Fee) (See Benefits List at
ive s Rece r e b m e ! ATRI M t Discounts a e Gr
All Sanibel Fees Include the Following Meals:
• Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday • Breakfast and Lunch on Thursday • Breakfast on Friday
Complete Conference (Includes all courses Tuesday through Friday) ATRI Member Non-Member Paid BY Early Bird Discount Deadline - Mother’s Day (May 12th) $855 $955 Paid AFTER Early Bird Discount Deadline $925 $995 Specialty Certificate Program OR General Education Wednesday through Friday Paid BY Early Bird Discount Deadline - Mother’s Day (May 12th) Paid AFTER Early Bird Discount Deadline
$645 $675
$715 $745
Please Note: All fees above include the course handout materials fee for General Education and Certificate Programs.
5 ATRI Certification Exam (Separate Fee)
6 Complete the Course Selection Sheet for Sanibel (next page) 7 Figure Your Fees at Right 8 Payment Your Registration must be PAID IN FULL in order to process
$ 45
ATRI Membership (Optional) (Covers membership from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2013, no matter when you sign up)
your course selection. Sorry, we do not accept Purchase Orders.
Check or Money Order # OR Circle One: MasterCard VISA Discover American Express Credit Card Number: Expiration Date: Name as it Appears on Card (Print): Billing Address of Cardholder:
Street Address
Cardholder’s Signature: 8
Figure Your Fees...
$255 - Friday in Sanibel, FL (12:30 pm-Check-in/1:00 pm-Exam Begins) (Circle your fees/Enter Total at bottom)
City, State, Zip
3 or 4-Digit Code on Card:
Registration Fee
Enter Appropriate Fee - See #4 Registration Fees Above
$ 255
ATRI On-Site Certification Exam Fee (Optional)
Pay-Per-Course (PPC) Fees:
$189 per Half-Day Course (Weds-Friday). Processed AFTER Early Bird Date. No online registration available for PPC. You MUST call ATRI to register for PPC at 866-462-2874.
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • Toll Free: 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Sanibel Hotel The Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa is a luxurious tropical escape where 85 acres of coastal scenery welcome you. Overlooking Sanibel and Captiva Islands on Florida’s Southwest Gulf Coast, Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa was named among the “Top 10 Spa Resorts in the US” by Conde Nast Traveler. Overnight Accommodations Sanibel Harbour Marriott Resort & Spa Host 17260 Harbour Pointe Drive t ATRI our a g n i Stay s keeps y Fort Myers, FL 33908 ion Hotel e Registrat c n e Reservations: 800-767-7777 or Confer ees Down! via the ATRI web site at F Hotel Switchboard: 239-466-4000 Guest Fax: 239-466-6050 Amenities include private balcony, signature robe, hair dryer, custom-blended bath amenities, iron/ironing board, coffee maker, mini-bar or refrigerator, in-room safe, voicemail, and high-speed Internet access. The hotel provides free self parking for all ATRI attendees and $10/night valet parking - this is a special rate for ATRI attendees. Hotel Rates ATRI Conference Rate: $129 single/double if you make reservation by June 10th. The following special benefits are included in your room rate: - Unlimited access to the world-class Spa facilities - Full use of the fitness center - Unlimited hours of clay tennis court time - Unlimited in-room access to high-speed wired or wireless Internet service - No additional fee for “1-800” numbers - Newspaper delivered to your guest room upon request - Coffee in your guest room - Turndown service upon request - Shuttle transportation to selected Sanibel area attractions - Trolley transportation around the resort complex - Admittance to weekly exercise classes. • Rates good for three days before and three days after the Conference on a space and rate available basis. Hotel Cancellation Policy Guaranteed rooms will be held for night of arrival only. For any guaranteed reservations that result in a “no show”, one night’s room and tax charge will be billed to the individual. Payments for cancelled reservations will be refunded if the Resort is notified at least seven (7) days prior to the guest’s scheduled arrival date.
Hotel Reservation Deadline: Cut-off date for Sanibel reservations is June 10th Check-in/Check-out - Sanibel Harbour Marriott Check-in time is 4:00 p.m. Check-out is 11:00 am, but will be extended until 2:00 p.m. (based on availability) on Friday for ATRI guests. To Get From the Airport to the Hotel Fares are generally around $45-50 for one to three people (prices subject to change). MBA Taxi Svc. - located at airport. Shuttle Services: Apple: 800-852-7027 / Majestic: 800-833-4473 /
ALL Sanibel Fees Include Meals!
Meals are basic – nothing fancy and no special requests – but they’ll be quick and are included. There is no discount for not eating them.
Sanibel, FL Course Selection Sheet All Sanibel Courses (except #1809) are Pool Workshops and include Lecture and Pool Time
Please select courses and return with your registration page.
REGISTER EARLY! Choose one course per time block. Check the times listed below to be sure you are not registering for courses that overlap days/times. Questions: Please email
[email protected] or call 866-462-2874.
Sanibel, FL June 25-28, 2013 Your Name Specialty Certificate 15-Hour Programs: Tuesday-Wednesday, June 25-26 2213 - Balance Training Specialty Certificate Program
Tuesday: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Wednesday: 7:30 am-4:00 pm
Select Thursday/Friday General Ed if Registering for Complete Conference
Wednesday-Friday, June 26-28 2627 - AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program
Wednesday: 12:00-5:00 pm Thursday: 7:30 am-5:00 pm Friday: 8:00-11:30 am
Select Tuesday, Wednesday AM General Ed if Registering for Complete Conference
Plus Select Luncheon on Thursday (below) if you plan to attend.
General Education: Tuesday, June 25 FULL-DAY Courses - 7:30 am-5:00 pm
1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab 1623 - Dynamic Stability with Pilates 2230 - Strength/Endurance for Balance, Stabilization, and ROM
Wednesday, June 26 - Morning Courses - 8:00-11:00 am 1302 - Land Functioning Outcomes with Pool Interventions
2330 - Integrated Core Training 2626 - Intermediate AquaStretchTM for Pediatrics
Wednesday, June 26 - Afternoon Courses - 1:30-4:30 pm 1028 - Calming Fearful Patients 2209 - Progressions for Water Rehab-Vertical, Seated and Horizontal Applications
Thursday, June 27 - Morning Courses - 8:00-11:00 am
1220 - Pediatrics: An Integrated Approach (7:30-11:00 am) 2309 - Trigger Point Patterns for Lumbar Pain 2328 - Trunk-Centered LE Movement
Thursday, June 27 - Luncheon/Keynote
Included in Registration Fee - 11:15 am - 1:15 pm
Thursday, June 27 - Afternoon Courses - 1:30-4:30 pm
2220 - Return to Running/Walking after Injury 2242 - Improving Outcome for Pain Patients 2310 - Trigger Point Patterns for Cervical and Thoracic Pain
Friday, June 28 - Morning Courses - 8:30-11:30 am
1009 - Therapeutic Use of Underwater Treadmills/Steppers 1616 - Brain Gym in the Pool 1809 - ATRI Certification QuickPrep Lecture 2217 - Sports Rehab
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Professional Development Days Registration Four Ways to Register!
Cancellation Policy:
ONLINE...Register online at • ATRI Members Receive Great Discounts!
Cancellations must be sent in writing. Your registration fee may be transferred to another ATRI conference or you may transfer your registration to another person. A $50 fee paid by check or credit card is required for all transfers. Transfers are one-time only and must be used within one year of the date of the conference you are transferring from. If you are cancelling completely, you must cancel 30 days prior to the conference. Your registration fee, minus a $75 processing fee, will be refunded after the conference. There are no refunds for noshows or for those not meeting the 30-day deadline.
FAX... Fax Registration Form, Course Selection, Credit Card Number to 561-828-8150. MAIL... Mail Registration Form, Course Selection and Payment (payable to ATRI) to: ATRI, 429 Loch Devon Dr., Lutz, FL 33548. PHONE... Call toll free 866-462-2874 - Please complete your Course Selection Sheet first.
1 Registrant Information Name
Name as you prefer on your name badge Workplace Name
(Needed only if we are mailing to your workplace address)
Mailing Address City Home Phone (
Zip Work Phone (
Country )
Fax (
E-Mail Address Emergency Contact/Phone Do you require handicap assistance to participate in this event? Yes No Type of assistance: How did you hear about us? ATRI Website ATRI Mailing ATRI elist/Bulletin Board Internet Search Engine: Advertisement - Publication Name:
2 Event Selection (Check Event Attending) Wilkes-Barre, PA - March 9-10 Morgantown, WV - March 16-17
Palo Alto, CA - February 23-24 Birmingham, AL - March 2-3
3 Course Selection - Please select your courses on the Course
Selection Sheet at right (page 11).
4 Membership - $45 (Separate Fee) (See Benefits List at
Colorado Springs, CO - March 23-24 et our h to g ial! t 9 r e y Spec ecemb r on D ays Holida Sale! e t s i g D Re ONLY sional Profes A One-Day It’s
5 Registration Fees - SAVE! Register by Early Bird Dates - One Month before Conference Dates Jan. 23 for Palo Alto • Feb. 2 for Birmingham • Feb. 9 for Wilkes-Barre • Feb. 16 for Morgantown • Feb. 23 for Colorado Springs
Specialty Certificate Program or General Education (Saturday-Sunday ~ 15 hours) ATRI Member Non-Member Paid BY Early Bird Discount Deadline $525 $585 Paid AFTER Early Bird Discount Deadline $575 $625 Pay-by-Day Fees Saturday $325 $325 Sunday $325 $325 Please Note: All fees above include the course handout materials fee for General Education and Certificate Programs.
Figure Your Fees...
6 Figure Your Fees at Right 7 Payment Your Registration must be PAID IN FULL in order to process
your course selection. Sorry, we do not accept Purchase Orders.
Check or Money Order # OR Circle One: MasterCard
American Express
Credit Card Number: Expiration Date:
3 or 4-Digit Code on Card:
Name as it Appears on Card (Print): Billing Address of Cardholder: Street Address City, State, Zip
Cardholder’s Signature: 10
(Circle your fees/Enter Total at bottom)
$ 45
ATRI Membership (Optional) (Covers membership from Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2013, no matter when you sign up) $
Registration Fee
Total (U.S. Funds)
Enter Appropriate Fee - See #5 Registration Fees Above
Pay-Per-Course (PPC) Fees:
$165 per Half-Day Course. Processed AFTER Early Bird Date. No online registration available for PPC. You MUST call ATRI to register for PPC at 866-462-2874.
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • Toll Free: 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Professional Days Course Selection Sheet Intensive Courses Combining Lecture and Discussion with Interactive Pool Labs All Courses include Hands-on Education in the Pool Concrete Ideas to Help your Patients on Monday Morning Education that Provides you with Cutting Edge Knowledge Taught by the Nation’s Top Aquatic Professionals February 23-24 • Palo Alto, CA
Betty Wright Swim Center at Abilities United Saturday, February 23 Full-Day (8:00 am-5:00 pm / 8 credit hours) ____1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab ____1621 - AquaStretchTM Basics: an Active Aquatic Release Technique Sunday, February 24 Full-Day (8:00 am-4:00 pm / 7 credit hours) ____2617 - Intermediate AquaStretchTM for the Spine (Prerequisite: Must have completed AquaStretchTM Basics or AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program) Morning Course (8:00-11:30 am / 3.5 credit hours) ____1503 - Post-Stroke Treatment Plan Afternoon Course (12:30-4:00 pm / 3.5 credit hours) ____2209 - Progressions for Water Rehab: Vertical, Seated, Horizontal Applications
March 2-3 • Birmingham, AL Lakeshore Foundation Saturday, March 2 Full-Day (8:00 am-5:00 pm / 8 credit hours) ____1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab ____1621 - AquaStretchTM Basics: an Active Aquatic Release Technique Sunday, March 3 Full-Day (8:00 am-4:00 pm / 7 credit hours) ____2618 - Intermediate AquaStretchTM for the Upper Quadrant (Prerequisite: Must have completed AquaStretchTM Basics or AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program) ____2802 - Ai Chi Certification
March 9-10 • Wilkes-Barre, PA John Heinz Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine Campus Saturday-Sunday, March 9-10 2-Day Workshop (15 credit hours) ____2627 - AquaStretchTM Active Aquatic Release Specialty Certificate Program (Saturday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm & Sunday: 8:00 am-4:00 pm) Saturday, March 9 Full-Day (8:00 am-5:00 pm / 8 credit hours) ____1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy/Rehab Sunday, March 10 Full-Day (8:00 am-4:00 pm / 7 credit hours) ____2802 - Ai Chi Certification
March 16-17 • Morgantown, WV HealthSouth Mountain View Rehabilitation Hospital Saturday, March 16 Full-Day (8:00 am-5:00 pm / 8 credit hours) ____1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab ____1621 - AquaStretchTM Basics: an Active Aquatic Release Technique Sunday, March 17 Full-Day (8:00 am-4:00 pm / 7 credit hours) ____2617 - Intermediate AquaStretchTM for the Spine (Prerequisite: Must have completed AquaStretchTM Basics or AquaStretchTM Specialty Certificate Program) Morning Course (8:00-11:30 am / 3.5 credit hours) ____1503 - Post-Stroke Treatment Plan Afternoon Course (12:30-4:00 pm / 3.5 credit hours) ____2209 - Progressions for Water Rehab: Vertical, Seated, Horizontal Applications
March 23-24 • Colorado Springs, CO Skyline Wellness & Aquatic Center Saturday, March 23 Full-Day (8:00 am-5:00 pm / 8 credit hours) ____1200 - Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab ____1621 - AquaStretchTM Basics: an Active Aquatic Release Technique Sunday, March 24 Full-Day (8:00 am-4:00 pm / 7 credit hours) ____2227 - LBP Dysfunction Morning Course (8:00-11:30 am / 3.5 credit hours) ____1503 - Post-Stroke Treatment Plan Afternoon Course (12:30-4:00 pm / 3.5 credit hours) ____1215 - AquaMotion
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute • Toll Free: 866-462-2874 • E-mail:
[email protected] •
Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute 429 Loch Devon Dr Lutz, FL 33548-4282
Saver !Houston d n a y rl h fo ter Etoan, DC; Feb. 1h4tfor Sanibel s i g e R t g May 12 Washin or
st for icago; ance f Dec. 21 h 17th for Ch onth in Adv Marc r One M Days Registe Professional Aquatic Therapy & Rehab Institute
Toll Free: (866) go2-ATRI Fax: (561) 828-8150 E-mail:
[email protected] Web Site:
See Inside for Featured Certificate Programs and General Education: 2013 National Aquatic Therapy Conferences Washington, DC • February 7-10 Houston, TX • April 4-7 Chicago, IL • May 2-5 Sanibel, FL • June 25-28 2013 Professional Development Days Palo Alto, CA • February 23-24 Birmingham, AL • March 2-3 Wilkes-Barre, PA • March 9-10 Morgantown, WV • March 16-17 Colorado Springs, CO • March 23-24
Intro. to Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Offered in All Locations! ATRI Certification Exam Offered at National Conferences and Online Anytime!
ATRI...Where Education is Never Dry!