May 30, 2017 - Sonic. St. John?s Jewelers. Starbucks. Target. The Adventure Park at Sandy ... of the upcoming events or
June 2017
VIKING VOICE Newslet t er for Mount Hebron High School Dear Vikings,
As we approach the end of another school year, we should take time to reflect on all of the accomplishments of our students and staff. Recently, those accomplishments include a Girls Track team that has set numerous school and county records. We are hoping to announce they are state champs this year and they are well on their way! The music and dance concerts that we witnessed throughout the month of May are evidence that the performing arts are alive and well at Mt. Hebron. The level of performance is inspiring and to see our students earn All-Eastern status is just fantastic. We are also very proud that our fine arts students continue to have their work selected for major competitions and you will see their work displayed in the mall, professional offices, and at the Board of Education. And, we just learned that five (5) students will have their work presented in the 2017 Congressional Art Competition with Congress Member Elijah Cummings. We have regional champions in track and field and tennis and look to add to that growing list. It's been a great spring! We are also very proud of the students who participated in Advanced Placement exams this year and we saw that number increase by over 100 from 2016-2017. And, recently we held the SGA elections for next year and want to congratulate our new President, Steven Jin, and the rest of the officers.
It was a great year for candidates and there were many tight races; all of those who ran should be really proud of themselves - I know we are proud of them.
And finally, as the class of 2017 gets ready to graduate on May 22nd, we have to acknowledge that this group of students is phenomenal. They are headed to highly selective universities, military academies, art schools, certification programs, the military and work. We literally have a rock star in the group (Lindsey Jordan)! All of them have demonstrated that they are caring, smart, and creative and we know that they will be so successful. Their talents amaze me! So, for the underclassmen, you have big shoes to fill. We look forward to seeing how you will make your mark on Mt. Hebron and want you to know we are here to support your efforts. Finish the year strong and get ready to lead the way. College night is June 8 for our students and parents of the Class of 2018 - look for more information to come from Student Services, but save the date now. And, get ready for final exams on June 9, 12, 13, and 14.
Finally, we will welcome our new 9th graders on June 7th during activity day as a way to show the incoming class what Mt. Hebron is all about. This will be a chance for you to showcase what we do best. We are proud to be Vikings and share our rich (both old and new) traditions! Go Vikings! Drew Cockley Principal
June 2017
Calen dar Rem in der f or Im por t an t M THM U Even t s Congratulations and good luck to all the graduating Seniors! While this school year may be winding down, the MTHMU is looking forward to the 2017-2018 Marching Season. Please take note of the upcoming calendar events:
Ju n e 1st ? The 8th Grade Orientation Night for all incoming band students will take place from 6pm - 8pm in the school auditorium. Ju n e 13t h ? Final MTHMU Booster Meeting of the 2016-2017 school year will be held at 7pm in the Band Room. Au gu st 14t h t o 18t h ? Rookie Band Camp from 2pm - 6pm. Au gu st 21st t o 25t h ? Full Band Camp from 2pm - 5pm and 6pm - 9pm. Au gu st 25t h ? General MTHMU Booster Meeting at 7pm and then Pass in Review will immediately follow.
June 2017
Im pact Con cu ssion Test in g is M ANDATORY f or all HCPSS St u den t At h let es, Gr ades 9-12. Th e Im pact Test in g Sch edu le below is f or ALL In com in g 9t h Gr ade St u den t s in t er est ed in t r yin g ou t f or a Fall, 2017, Spor t . Im PACT Con cu ssion Baselin e Test is a test of cognitive function including memory and reaction time. The purpose of the testing is to determine normal brain function levels that later can be used to help determine when it is appropriate for the athlete to safely return to play in the event of a head injury. Th e How ar d Cou n t y Pu blic Sch ool Syst em pr ocedu r es r equ ir e all st u den t at h let es w h o w ish t o t r y ou t f or a con t act / collision spor t t o t ak e Im PACT pr ior t o t r yin g ou t . Fall Con t act / Collision Spor t is con sider ed on e of t h e f ollow in g: Ch eer leadin g, Foot ball, Field Hock ey, Soccer , an d Volleyball (Golf & Cr oss Cou n t r y At h let es do n ot n eed t o be Im pact t est ed). St u den t s t r yin g ou t f or Cr oss Cou n t r y or Golf do n ot n eed t o be con cu ssion t est ed. The Impact Concussion Test will be offered to all Incoming 9th Grade Students (Class of 2021), who are interested in trying out for a FALL Sport ONLY, on the following days and times on a first come, first serve basis: Monday, June 5th, 3:00PM ? 5:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Tuesday, June 6th, 3:00PM ? 5:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Wednesday, June 7th, 3:00PM ? 5:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Thursday, August 3rd , 1:00PM ? 4:00PM, in the MTH Media Center Monday & Tuesday, August 7th & 8th, 3:00 ? 6:00PM in the MTH Media Center
June 2017
SUM M ER CAM PS at M t Hebr on HS Spon sor ed by t h e Vik in g Back er s Ju n e ? Au gu st , 2017 soccer campers can email Tim Deppen at timothy_deppen
1. Boy?s Lacrosse, June 12th ? 16th, 5:00PM ? 7:30PM (for more info, email Michael McCarthy at Michael_McCarthy
2. Boy?s Basketball, June 26th ? June 30th, 8:30AM ? 1:00PM ? Advanced Skills 1:00pm ? 3:00pm (for more info, email 3. Wrestling, June 26th ? June 30th 9:00AM ? 12:00PM (for more info, email Danny Harman at 4. Baseball, July 10th ? July 13th, 9:00AM ? 12:00PM (for more info, email Brian Culley at Brian_Culley
5. Girl?s Basketball, July 10th ? July 14th, 8:30AM ? 12:00PM (for more info, email Tony Bell at
6. Girl?s Lacrosse, July 17th ? July 20th, 5:00PM ? 8:00PM (for more info, email Lindsay Menton at
7. Boy?s & Girl?s Soccer, July 24th ? July 28th, 9:00AM ? 12:30PM (for more info, email Mike Linsenmeyer at Female Field Hockey, August 7th ? 11th, 9:00AM ? 12:00PM
June 2017
Hebr on New s Fall Spor t s Sign -Up Nigh t M on day, Au gu st 7t h , 2017, f r om 4:00-5:30PM All Students interested in trying out for a Fall Sport at Mt. Hebron High School are urged to attend our Fall Sports Sign-up Night on Monday, August 8th, 2016, from 4:00-5:30PM in the MTH Cafeteria. Please bring with you the following information: (Bold indicates forms can be down loaded at
Pr e-Par t icipat ion Ph ysical Exam in at ion (dat ed on / af t er Apr il 1, 2017) Su dden Car diac Ar r est Ack n ow ledgem en t For m (Par en t / Gu ar dian AND St u den t At h let e M u st Sign ) Impact Concussion Tested (Valid for two years). Par en t s/ Gu ar dian s m u st com plet e an d Sign t h e HCPSS Con cu ssion Per m ission f or m s which are to be turned in to the Trainer at the start of the Impact Test. Mt Hebron High School will conduct the Impact Concussion Test for all Students interested in playing a Fall Sport ONLY on Wednesday, August 3rd, from 1:00PM ? 4:00PM and on Monday and Tuesday, August 7th & 8th from 3:00PM-6:00PM, all dates in the Mt Hebron High School?s Media Center. Students are urged to be prompt as they test will be administered on a first come first serve basis. Par en t Per m ission For m Photo copy of their Birth Certificate (only if this is their first time participating in a sport at MTH) Meet the HCPSS Academic Eligibility Requirements (No more than ONE ?E? grade, AND a Minimum GPA of 2.0 or better on their 4th Quarter report Card in order to try-out. INCOMING 9th GRAGE STUDENTS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE HCPSS ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS for the FALL SEASON, ONLY); Residency Verification (in the form of a BGE Bill, Water Bill or Land Line phone bill - required each of the three athletic seasons) Fall Spor t s t r y-ou t s begin Wedn esday, Au gu st 9t h , 2017. St u den t s M UST m eet ALL t h e Par t icipat ion r equ ir em en t s above an d h an d in all n ecessar y paper w or k ON OR BEFORE Au gu st 9t h , in or der t o par t icipat e in Fall Spor t s t r y-ou t s.
Fall At h let ic Pr ogr am s Allied Co-Ed Soccer
JV & Varsity Cheerleading
Boy?s & Girl?s Cross Country
JV & Varsity Field Hockey
JV & Varsity Football
Boy?s & Girl?s Golf
JV & Varsity Boy?s Soccer
JV & Varsity Girl?s Soccer
9th, JV & Varsity Volleyball
June 2017
Hebr on NEWS
Ready, Set, DRIVE!
05/15/17 - 05/30/17: 3:00 pm - 6:15 pm with Street Smarts Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron (No class on May 19th or 29th, school closed)
06/19/17 - 06/30/17: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm with Greg's Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron
07/10/17 - 07/21/17: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm with Greg's Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron
07/17/17 - 07/28/17: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm with Street Smarts Driving School Classroom 155 at Mt. Hebron
07/24/17 - 08/04/17: 9:00 am - 12:15 pm with Greg's Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron
08/07/17 - 08/18/17: 9:00 am to 12:15 pm with Street Smarts Driving School Classroom 156 at Mt. Hebron - Phone number: 443-355-4238 - Phone number: 800-456-1255
June 2017
M OUNT HEBRON NEWS Updat es f r om t h e Of f ice of St u den t Ser vices: Upcom in g Even t : June 8 - College Night, 6:30pm in the MHHS Auditorium Parents and students will have the opportunity to rotate through multiple sessions on topics including: Meet with college representatives! Learn the ins and outs of the admissions process first hand! Learn the steps of the college process and create a timeline that works for your student Take a deeper look into Naviance, our college and career research tool. Do you know what resources are available to assist you with the college search, scholarships and career tools in Naviance? Join us for a hands-on information session Much, much more! Ju n ior st u den t s an d par en t s ar e h igh ly en cou r aged t o at t en d College Nigh t .
St u den t Ser vices Su m m er Hou r s: The office of student services will be open during the summer. Summer Hours will be:
June 15 through August 18 Monday - Friday, 8:00 - 2:00 Student Services Office will be closed July 3 to July 14.
Individual school counselors will be available on a limited basis. Individual counselor availability and directions for making appointments will be sent in a separate communication. The class of 2018 and their families are highly encouraged to meet with the counselor over the summer to plan for high school graduation, college applications and career pursuits. The fall of senior year is the busiest year of high school. See your school counselor to make sure that you are ready for it! If you have specific questions at this time, please email your counselor directly.
SAT/ ACT Regist r at ion Dat es If you are planning to take the SAT or ACT in the summer or fall, please keep deadlines in mind. Juniors applying to college in the fall, check to make sure that the score release date is prior to your college application deadlines. Most students will take either the SAT or the ACT twice prior to applying to college to ensure the best score. Contact your school counselor if you need more information about registering or preparing for the SAT or ACT.
June 2017
SAT Su bject Test s Some very selective colleges - mostly elite private colleges and universities - will require that students take SAT Subject Tests for admission. These are 20 different content-specific exams in the areas of English, history, languages, mathematics and science. If you need them, you typically take two or three tests of your choosing on a single test date. If you are a junior enrolled in AP or GT courses, you may want to consider taking SAT Subject Tests in addition to the SAT or ACT. Check with the colleges you are thinking about to determine if you should be taking these tests. More information about SAT Subject tests is at
June 2017
June 2017
M an y t h an k s t o ever yon e w h o r em em ber ed t o save t h eir Glor y Days r eceipt s t h is year an d sen d t h em in t o t h e PTSA. You r su ppor t of t h is Af t er Pr om f u n dr aiser w as am azin g! Last year w e r aised over $600 f r om t h is pr ogr am an d it look s lik e w e h ave r aised even m or e t h is year !
Un f or t u n at ely, w e can n ot accept r eceipt s dat ed af t er M ay 1 - bu t w e w ill begin t h e collect ion again on Sept em ber 1.
Special t h an k s t o t h e Bish op f am ily f or goin g above an d beyon d t o h elp u s w it h t h is pr ogr am !
June 2017
Con gr at u lat ion s t o t h e f ollow in g r ecipien t s of t h e $500 PTSA Sch olar sh ips. Edim a Essien Liam Hall An u pam a Ph at ak Isabel San gior gi M or gan Sigu r These students were chosen from a large group of applicants who completed the PTSA Scholarship application and essay and who joined the PTSA along with a parent or guardian. The office of Student Services selects the students who have overcome struggles, met with success and or contributed to their school in some way.
Con gr at u lat ion s also t o t h e ver y deser vin g w in n er of t h e Ken Bean e M em or ial Sch olar sh ip Im an Wh yt e
Iman was both a member of the Varsity Softball Team and the Marching Unit, organizations near and dear to Mr. Beane and his family. Please note that this was the final year for the Ken Bean Scholarship. and finally, we congratulate Aar on Lu t h er Th is year 's r ecipien t of t h e An dr ew Noel M em or ial Sch olar sh ip.
June 2017
PTSA NEWS Af t er -Pr om By t h e Nu m ber s
Tick et s Sold: 494 (1 m or e t h an 2016) Of t h ose, at t en dees w er e br ok en dow n by: Ju n ior s: 209 Sen ior s: 225 Gu est s: 60 Of M t . Hebr on?s 752 ju n ior s an d sen ior s, 431 w en t t o Af t er -Pr om . Few er t h an 20% of at t en dees lef t bef or e 3:00am .
After -Prom is a huge undertaking which requires a super-sized committee, a ton of volunteers, Corporate Sponsors, and a long list of parent and corporate donors. We are overjoyed with the success of After-Prom 2017 and would like to thank EVERYONE involved.
June 2017
VIKING VOICE PTSA NEWS Af t er Pr om Com m it t ee Ch air s
Ban n er s
M ik e Niezelsk i
Lau r a Of f en bach er
Em ily Rice
Kar en Ch an m u gam
Lisa Wen zel
Lau r a M u n n s
Kar en Ch an m u gan
Rh on da Rit ch
Clair e G.
Car olin e Bodziak
Act ivit ies Set -u p
Jam es Gain ey
M elissa Sh in del
En t er t ain m en t
St acey William s
An t h on y M ason
Dan a Car ber r y
Ver on ica Hall
Saba Jaw h ar
M at t Hem elt
Ch r ist a Kam per t
Kelly Br occolin o
Nicole Du t r a
Nam Ph am do
Cooler s
Hospit alit y
Radh a Dam odar an
A.J. Bellido de Lu n a
Vick i Im r e
Pat t i Lizzo
Pat r ice Flack
St an ley Nazair e
Jason Bash u r a
Pau la D?Alon zo
Act ivit y M on it or s
Bu s Ch aper on es
Kar en Ch an m u gam
Car ol Cu r ley
M ich ael San t on i
Bob Im r e
M ar y Pear ce
Volu n t eer Coor din at or
Al Essien
Dw ayn e William s
Car olin e Bodziak
Joh n Sor ian o
Ph ot ogr aph er
Naom i Weller
M ich elle Fox
Lisa Scar bat h
M ar y Olds
Tick et Sales
Clif f Ch ian g
Lisa Ar en s
Dan a Hem elt
Abe Hollan der
Pr izes Table Set u p an d Wor k er s
Lau r a M u n n s
Roger An dr eas
Kr ist en Wilh elm
Lain a M cGin n is
Pr izes/ Par en t Don at ion Let t er s
Car ol William s
Rajesh r i Bach u bh ay
Eileen Nolan
Rach el M addock -Cosden
Car olin e Bodziak M u lch Sale M ar y Pear ce Debbie Jacoby Am an da Pet er son
Zak iyah M or gan Clair e G. Car m en Kellih er Br ook e Sch u m m Sean Scar lis Pit Boss
Debbi Holih an
M ik e Van der vat
Debbie Dan iel
Casin o w or k er s
Spon sor sh ip/ Social M edia
An n a M ar ia M allin
Lisa Solom on
An n Davis Jason Bash u r a
Ter r y Pu r n ell Am y Car giu lo Er ica Byr n e Regist r at ion Am al Allali
Lisa Solom on
Tam i Bon d Jack ie M cKen zie Kat ie Cer vi Ter r i Gain ey Roger An dr eas
Su san Niezelsk i
Heat h er Zim m er m an
Debbie Jack son
Pat t i Lizzo
Rit a Her lih y Gin ger Segala Lydia Sm it h
June 2017
Su pplies
Vick i Im r e Am al Allali
Roger An dr eas
Th e Her lih y Fam ily
Em ily Rice
Ch r is an d Pack ar d
Dar cy Lu n a
Th e Fam ily
Dr am in sk i
Scot t an d Pu r n ell
Ter r y
Gor don an d Kat h leen Gu st af son
Beck y Gibin o
M ar k Flack
Cin dy An der son
Dan a Ar t h u r s
Rosem ar ie Gor dan
Hospit alit y Set -u p
Lor i Sh if f let t
Su san Goldm an
Belin da Colon -Rodr igu ez
Ch r is Lizzo
Con t in u ou s Clean
William Sh aw , III
Tyler Lizzo
Lisa Fau st
Th e Fam ily
Th e Har r sen Fam ily
Rich ar d Joh n son
Debbi Holih an Clean -u p Cr ew
Lor i Sh if f let t
Ren ee Bish op Lisa Ar en s
Lisa Fau st
Nicole Lu t h er
Allen Fau st
Jef f an d Lisa Ar en s
Jef f Ar en s Er in Lan t h ier
An dy Solom on
Din een an d M ar io M an n ar elli
Tam i Bon d
Clair e G.
Jen n y Rom an
M im i M au ser
St eph en an d Kim ber ly Dr agisics
Ser ve Food
Par k in g Lot
Ash ish M eh t a
Rober t an d Lain a M cGin is
Su zan n e Ryan
Tom M u n n s
Gier m ek Fam ily
Pu ja Gu pt a
Nat Tu r n er
Roger an d Vict or ia Ch iei
Nh u n g Tr an
4AM Dr iver s
Kar en Ch an m u gam
M im i M au ser
Radh a Dam odar an
Eileen Nolan
M ar y Pear ce
M ich ael Bosilovich
Kelly Don ovan
Par en t Don at ion s
Ren ee Bish op
Th e Hen n Fam ily
Jean n ie Sor ian o
Th e M aida Joh n son Fam ily
Am y Lech m an n Kat h y Gu st af son
Tam m y Jon es-Foyles
Debbi Holih an
Ter r y Gain ey
Th e M ason Fam ily
Fr eer k sen
David an d Bu r k it t
Kat ie
an d Pat r ice
Dr . M ask er on i
Alf r ed
Dean an d Joh n son
M aida
Ut t ar a Apt e
an d
Jacqu elyn Law lah Robyn Rin ggold
Din a an d Br occolin o
Alla Pr ot sen k o
Byeon gk ie Kan g an d Soojae Kim
Jef f an d Lor en z
Pu ck an d Am y Yan
Kar en
Joh n M ich els San g Yeom an d Ju An n Kw eon St eph en an d Eileen Nolan
Yolan da Br ow n M at t h ew an d Br en da Sk in n er Tu lio Ch avez-Gil an d Falcoh n er y Lopez Diaz
June 2017
PTSA NEWS Andrew and Jodi Altman
Sean and Lori Scarlis
Bruce and Alison Anderson
Kelly and Mark Donovan
Donna Timlen
Ji Eum and Seungin Hong
Matthew Shanley
John and Mary Milano
Joanna and David Fichter
Timothy and Karen Roe
David and Karen Nitkin
Cor por at e Spon sor s
Keith and Marnice Sigur
The Bob Lucido Team
Kelly Summers
Antwerpen Toyota
The Fyock Family
Ben Sandler Family Dentistry
The Ziegler Family
Glory Days Grill
John and Veronica Hall
Greg's Driving School
Michael and Millie Parrott
Lloyd Plumbing
Kirmanj and Zagros Ahmed
Lorien Health Services
Roy Chernikoff
La Palapa Grill
Paul and Diana Elkis
Smile Savers Dentistry
Jeffrey Blanchette
Keith Sigur, State Farm Insurance
Louis and Dana Coliano
Sports Clips
Jeanine Murphy-Morris and James Morris
Roma?s PizzeriaY2 Academy, Ellicott City
David and Amy Lamparella Edson and Mary Olds Joseph and Susanna Scafidi Robert and Marianne Yacynych Eric and Dorney Ruck Chul and Hyonchu Cho Zhanat Sharipova Mark and Lynn Hart Tate and Jeannie DeCray Peter Wang Kwasi and Rosalind Abankwah
June 2017
Com pan y Don at ion s
A la Mode Boutique American Eagle Outfitters Foundation Bagel Bin Bed Bath & Beyond Beef Brothers Bertucci?s Bodyworks Tannery Bowie Baysox Baseball Breakout Baltimore in Columbia Breslaw Enterprises Canopy Carrabba?s Italian Grill Chick-fil-a Chipotle Cinnabon Clyde?s Restaurant Group Columbia Association CVS Dolly?s Car Wash Dugout Zone
Earth Treks Climbing Centers Eggspectation Einstein Bagels Giant Food Goetz Candy Co. GolfTec Ellicott City Gramophone Great Havest Bread Co. Haircolor Express Drybar HC DrugFree Hippodrome Theater Home Depot JB Cupcakes Jersey Mike?s Jimmy Johns KASPO Kloby?s Smokehouse Krispy Kreme Lifetouch National School Studios McDonald?s Long Gate Medieval Times
June 2017
Monster Mini Golf Nora?s Kabob Panera Bread Pasta Blitz Pepsi Co. Pie Five Qdoba Race Pace Raimondi?s Florist RegionAle Ridgely Allstate Insurance Roundtop Mountain Resort Salazar Catering Service Sal?s Barbershop Sergio?s Fine Jewelers Seven Springs Mountain Resort ShadowLand Laser Adventures Signature Salon SkyZone Columbia Smashburger Solar Nails Sonic St. John?s Jewelers
Starbucks Target The Adventure Park at Sandy Spring The Cheesecake Factory The Greene Turtle The Melting Pot The VanderVat Family Toby?s Dinner Theatre Tropical Smoothie Café Under Armour Uno Pizzeria & Grill Viking Backers Vocelli Pizza Watermark Whitetail Resort Whole Foods Wilhide?s Unique Flowers & Gifts Yogi Castle Key Press
June 2017
Ou r Spon sor s
June 2017
June 2017
Con gr at u lat ion s t o t h e Class of 2017 r ecipien t s of t h e Nor sem an Sch olar sh ip ?Lau r en M u r ph y Nolan Aber deen Aar on Lu t h er
June 2017
Vik in g Back er s New s The next Viking Backers General Meeting is on June 5, 7:00 pm in the M edia Cen t er . Election will be held at this meeting to select the key executive board members for the 2017-2018 school year. All are encouraged to attend.
PRESIDENT ? OPEN EXECUTIVE VP ? Puck Yan VP WAYS & MEANS ? Gerri Meggett VP Concessions ? Patti Lizzo VP Spirit Wear ? Valerie Ross Treasurer ? Chris Wiley 2nd Treasurer/Square/Membership ? Aida Kimak Secretary ? Katie Burkitt Past President ? Lisa Scarbath MEMBERS AT LARGE (1) - Stacey Freedman Bin go ? OPEN Concessions Chair ? Vicki Imre CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP CHAIR ? OPEN Driver Education Coordinator ? Trish Lettieri Holiday Tree and Trim Sale ? Lisa Scarbath PTSA LIAISON ? Laura Munns/Veronica Hall Spir it Wear Co-Ch air per son ? OPEN Communications/Social Media ? Lisa Scarbath Viking 5K ? Mike Bosilovich Volunteer Coordinator ? Stacey Freedman Website ? Jackie Wilson
June 2017
SPIRIT WEAR for SALE In June Monday, June 5 Location: Auditorium Lobby Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm Tuesday, June 6 Location: Auditorium Lobby Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm Monday, June 12 Location: Auditorium Lobby Time: 8:00 - 10:00 am Location: MH Lobby Time: 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
New designs now available on Mt. Hebron Spirit wear! Shop at the online store or visit a sale to see the new sweatpants, athletic tee and Viking Sweatshirt! h t t p:/ / w w w.vik in gback er s.or g/ spir it -w ear .h t m l
June 2017
Are YOU a VIKING BACKER? EVERYONE is encouraged to get involved! The Viking Backers Boost Club needs you as a member. MEMBERSHIP dues make up a large portion of the annual $70,000 raised for our school and students. We give back to EVERY student by supporting academics, arts, activities, athletics and the school building. We are over half way to meeting our goal for the year! Thanks to all who have signed up so far. There is no deadline for you to become and member, and you can conveniently pay at any of the upcoming events or anytime online through our website at Get your exclusive 2016-17 magnet by joining at the Viking level or above. As a member, you have no obligation to attend meetings or volunteer, but we encourage you to have a voice in how we fundraise and allocate the proceeds. Join us each month for an hour meeting in the Media Center. Look for more information on our website or through periodic emails. 100% of your membership dues go directly to helping the students and staff via the many clubs at Mt. Hebron. $65 and $100 levels include an exclusive Viking Backers car magnet.
Would you consider being a CORPORATE SPONSOR? Check out our website for more information on how to support our students while promoting your business.
June 2017
How ar d Cou n t y New s
HC Dr u gFr ee Teen Advisor y Cou n cil (TAC) Next M eet in g M on day, Ju n e 5, 5:30 ? 7:00 p.m. TAC is open to all Howard County high school students and community service hours are available. Meetings are held at The Barn (Teen Center) in the Oakland Mills Village Center. Free pizza is provided. Teens must complete the registration form found on the Teen Advisory web page at and RSVP to