Vancouver Opera Orchestra. Notice of Audition. (Violin and Assistant Principal
Viola). Vancouver Opera will hold auditions for one violin (core orchestra) and ...
Vancouver Opera Orchestra Notice of Audition (Violin and Assistant Principal Viola) Vancouver Opera will hold auditions for one violin (core orchestra) and one assistant principal viola (core orchestra) All candidates must apply by e-mail only with a current résumé to: Ms. Dani Parkinson, Artistic Coordinator :
[email protected] Deadline: by 5pm, Friday September 13, 2013 Those applicants short-listed for an audition will be contacted in writing via e-mail by Friday, September 20, 2013, with details. th Auditions will take place on Friday, October 4 , 2013 Audition Repertoire for Violin: th
In addition to the first movement exposition (no cadenza) from a standard 19 or 20 concerto of your choice the candidates should prepare the following excerpts: Mozart: Mozart: Puccini: Schumann: Strauss: Verdi:
Marriage of Figaro Overture, Violin 1 Magic Flute Overture, Violin 2 La Boheme, page 32, figure 22 to end of page Symphony No. 2, II movement, Scherzo, page 1 Don Juan, Beginning to letter D La Traviata, Opening to 8 bars after figure 1
Audition Repertoire for Viola: In addition to the first movement of a concerto of the candidate’s choosing candidates should prepare the following excerpts: Britten : Weber: Strauss: Wagner: Puccini: Smetana: Mozart: Mozart:
Peter Grimes -Solo line from: Interlude IV ‘Passacaglia’ Der Freischütz - ACT III- Solo from Romanze und Arie (Einst träumte…) Der Rosenkavalier, Act I, Einleitung Tannhauser – Overture [29] to [33] Manon Lescaut - Act I The Bartered Bride - Overture to measure 100 The Marriage of Figaro – Ouverture; measures 1-8, 156-164, 252-266 The Magic Flute – Ouverture measures [27 – 63]
The positions of violin and assistant principal viola are being auditioned as per Section 6.6 of the Vancouver Opera/VMA Collective Agreement. The successful candidates will be subject to a probation period of a maximum of four productions as per Section 10 of the Vancouver Opera/VMA Collective Agreement. As per section 14.5.4 of the Vancouver Opera/VMA Collective Agreement at the discretion of the Audition Committee, more than one Candidate may be selected to be offered a trial in the Orchestra for one Production Period. The Audition Committee may make such a recommendation only after all Candidates have been heard. As per section 14.5.3 of Vancouver Opera/VMA Collective agreement if the assistant principal viola position is won by a member of Vancouver Opera Core Orchestra the resulting vacancy may be offered to the runner-up in the audition.
This audition is being held as per Section 14 (Auditions) of the Vancouver Opera/VMA Collective Agreement—a copy of which may be found at the offices of the VMA. All candidates shall be members in good standing of the AFM and shall maintain membership in the VMA for the duration of their engagement as per section 2.5.1 of the VOA/VMA agreement. Candidates are responsible for travel and all associated costs of attendance at the audition. If the successful Candidate is not a Canadian Citizen/Landed Immigrant he/she will be responsible for any immigration/employment concerns. Currently, Vancouver Opera produces 4 mainstage productions a year. The Vancouver Opera Orchestra (VOO) is comprised of a Core Orchestra of 54 players and a Core Extras List. Vancouver Opera engages all Core Orchestra / Core Extras List Musicians as per Section 3.2 (Recognition of the Vancouver Opera Orchestra (VOO)) of the VOA/VMA Agreement. Questions may be directed to Dani Parkinson, Artistic Coordinator, at
[email protected] or 604-682-2871 ext 4834.