Visual Servoing of Par4 using Leg Observation Tej Dallej 1 , Nicolas Andreff
and Philippe Martinet
LASMEA - 24 avenue des landais 63177, Aubi`ere Cedex, France
[email protected] 2
LaMI - BP 265 - 63175, Aubi`ere Cedex, France
Abstract— In this paper, the original approach is proposed for the vision-based control of Par4 parallel robot. Observing the mechanism legs with a calibrated camera vision simplifies the control law based on the geometry of lines and the image projection of cylindrical legs. The method is illustrated and validated on a Par4 platform simulation.
I. I NTRODUCTION Controlling parallel robots is a hard task. Indeed, simple joint control does not take into account the kinematic con- Fig. 1. Par4-LIRMM. straints due to the closed kinematic chains of such mechanisms. Hence, it may yield high internal forces [1] and can only achieve a good repeatability (relative positioning error). proposes to vision-based control the well-known six DOF The latter is generally higher than in the serial case [2] and is Gough-Stewart platform [11], [12]. It has a reduced set of due mainly to the mechanical constraints, while the achievable kinematic parameters and does not require any visual target. accuracy (absolute positioning error) is usually in the same In that method, the leg orientations were chosen as visual order as serial robot accuracy [3]. The latter property comes primitives. The control law was based on their reconstruction from an inaccurate conversion from desired Cartesian pose from the image which might not be very accurate for intrinsic to desired joint values, mainly due to the fact that the large reasons. To make control robust with respect to modelling errors, number of links and passive joints makes it very hard to manufacture and assemble a physical parallel robot close to it was proposed [13] to servo the leg edges rather than the its CAD model. Therefore, one has to use advanced control leg orientations which improved the practical robustness by servoing the legs in the image. techniques. Consequently, we want to extend these previous results To do so, visual servoing techniques [4] are a good alternative for the control of parallel mechanisms, since they concerning edge-based visual servoing scheme validated in close the control loop over the vision sensor. The fundamental the Gough-Stewart platform to another parallel robot. The assumption is that external sensing of the end-effector pose reason for such a choice is that many different robotic tasks in the feedback signal replaces advantageously the forward such as the ’pick-and-place’ task do not need six DOF which kinematic model, since the perception models are simpler than only needs three DOF in translation and one DOF in rotation. the kinematic models and contain less unmodelled physical A lot of work deals with four degrees of freedom parallel phenomena. Visual servoing was however seldom applied to mechanism [14] among which one can find the family derived parallel robotics [5], [6], [7]. Those applications rely on 3D from the H4 [15], namely the I4L [16] and the I4R [17]. visual servoing [8] where the end-effector pose is indirectly Recently, a new parallel manipulator based on H4 and I4 measured and used for regulation. The main limitation of this architectures named Par4 (Fig. 1) was presented in [18]. The Par4 robot has cylindrical legs as in the case of approach is that it requires the estimation of the end-effector to tool transformation, the world to base transformation and the the Gough-Stewart platform. Thus, those cylinders can be whole kinematic parameter set. Moreover, observing the end- observed to extract, directly from the image, the leg edges effector of a parallel mechanism may be incompatible with its and the latter can be used as visual primitives in the control. application. For instance, it is not wise to imagine observing The expected advantages of this method is that it should not only reduce the kinematic parameter set but also simplify the the end-effector of a machine tool. To overcome these problems, a new way to use vision kinematic models. Therefore, the contribution of this paper is to present the which gathers the advantages of redundant metrology [9] and of visual servoing was presented in [10]. This method vision-based control of Par4 by observing their leg edges using 1-4244-0136-4/06/$20.00 '2006 IEEE 3782
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
Leg parameters.
Fig. 4.
Nacelle parameters.
Par4 parameters.
a camera fixed with respect to the base. Section II recalls the description of Par4 modelling. Section III recalls the vision-based framework for expressing the robot kinematics and control. Then, the visual servoing method is presented in Section IV and validated in Section V. Conclusions are to be found in Section VI. II. M ECHANISM MODELING The Par4 is based on four identical kinematic chains (Fig. 2). Each revolute motor, located in Pi , moves an arm (parallelogram) i (Fig. 3) attached in points Pi and Ai . Each arm is connected to a forearm made of two legs equipped with ball joints ((Ai1 , Ai2 ) and (Bi1 , Bi2 )). These forearms are connected, at each end, to the articulated traveling plate (nacelle) (Fig. 4) that is the difference with the architecture of H4 [15] or I4R [17]. As shown in [18], this nacelle is composed of four parts: two parts defined by [C1 C2 ] and [C3 C4 ] and linked by two rods with revolute joints. To simplify the kinematic model, we choose C4 as the endeffector position. Indeed, the articulated nacelle is actually equipped by an amplification system to transform the relative rotation θ into a proportional rotation (β = κθ) in the actual end-effector E. However, this amplification system is not very significant from a kinematic point of view. As most parallel mechanism, the Par4 is designed with slim and rectilinear legs. Therefore, its legs observation by vision may exhibit a projective kinematic model for control [19]. The following notations are introduced: • i = 1..4 denotes the legs and j = 1..2 denotes the edges. • Boldface characters denote vectors. Unit vectors are underlined. • Fb = (O, xb , y , zb ), Fe = (C4 , xe , y , ze ), Fc = b e (Oc , xc , yc , zc ) and Fpi = (Pi , xpi , ypi , zpi ) denote respectively the base, end-effector, camera and ith arm reference frames. • We express all kinematic parameters in the camera frame Fc . • qi is the articulated position of each arm. • In the base frame we can write:
cos qi cos αi − sin αi = cos qi sin αi , b zpi = cos αi , − sin qi 0 = b zpi × b xpi and αi = α + (i − 1) π2 .
Ve is the operational velocity of the end-effector C4 with coordinates (x, ˙ y, ˙ z) ˙ T and c Ωe its rotational velocity which is defined by the angular velocity ωz around the fixed axis c ze . So, the cartesian velocity of the endeffector are minimally represented by: x˙ y˙ c Ve = z˙ ωz
−−−−→ c −−−−→ Aij Bij = c Ai1 Bi1 − − − → c c • Pi Ai = l xpi . − − − − → c c • Ai1 Ai2 = H zpi . •
−−−−→ = c Ai2 Bi2 = Lc ui .
III. V ISION - BASED K INEMATICS A. Line representation
Let L be a 3D line. A point-independent representation of this line are the Pl¨ucker coordinates (u, n) [20] (also known as normalized Pl¨ucker coordinates since us u is a unit vector), where u is the direction of the line and n encodes its position. However, noticing that n is orthogonal to the so-called interpretation plane defined by L and the origin, one can split it into two parts: n, the unit vector defining the interpretation 3783
C. The differential inverse kinematic model of Par4 If we observe only the edges of each leg [Ai1 Bi1 ], the expression of the kinematic chains closure (Fig. 3) yields the so-called implicit kinematic model in vector form [19]: −−−−→ −−−−→ −−−−→ Lc ui = c Ai1 Bi1 = c Pi Bi1 − c Pi Ai1 (6) Notice that this expression is available also using the second leg [Ai2 Bi2 ] or a fictive leg [Ai Bi ]. Time differentiating (6) yields: Lc u˙ i = Fig. 5.
Visual edges of a cylinder.
plane and n, its norm which is the orthogonal distance of L to the origin. Doing so, [21] defined the so-called binormalized Pl¨ucker coordinates (u, n, n) of a 3D line, where only n is useful for image projection. Indeed, The projection of such a line in the image plane, expressed in the camera frame, has for characteristic equation: n
c Tc
where p are the coordinates in the camera frame of any point in the image plane, lying on the line. With the intrinsic parameters K, one can easily obtain the conversion from the line equation in the camera frame c n to the same in the pixel coordinates p n: K−T c n p n = K −T c n (2) KT p n c n = KT p n c
B. Image projection of a leg As shown in Fig. 3, each forearm i is made of two legs [Ai1 Bi1 ] and [Ai2 Bi2 ]. We choose to observe only the first leg designed by [Ai1 Bi1 ]. Assuming that each cylinder edge is a line in space, with binormalized Pl¨ucker coordinates expressed in the camera frame (c ui , c ni , c ni ), as illustrated in Fig. 5, one can compute the interpretation planes (c n1i and c n2i ) of the two edges of a cylinder [Ai1 Bi1 ]: c 1 ni = cos ϕi c ni − sin ϕi c ui × c ni (3) c 2 ni = − cos ϕi c ni − sin ϕi c ui × c ni where cos ϕi = c zi /c ni , sin ϕi = R/c ni , c zi = c 2 ( ni ) − R2 and R is the cylinder radius. Let us remark now that the attachment point Ai1 (Fig. 5) is lying on the revolution axis of the leg with radius R. Consequently, a cylinder edge is also defined by the following constraints expressed in the camera frame: jT c ni c ui = 0 c jT c j (4) n n =1 c i Tci j Ai1 ni = −R −−−−→ Ai1 = c Pi + lc xpi + c Ai Ai1
Using (5) and −−− → −−→ −−−→ −−−−→ c− (8) Pi Bi1 = c Pi O + c OC4 + c C4 Bi1 − − → − − − − → and assuming that c Pi O and c Ai Ai1 are constant, (7) becomes: d −−−−→ d (9) Lc u˙ i = c Ve + (c C4 Bi1 ) − l (c xpi ) dt dt Taking into account that the parallelogram form of nacelle introduces a circular translation [18], one can easily obtain: d c c dt ( xpi ) = q˙i ypi −−−→ d c− dt ( C4 Bi1 ) = (ωz c ze ) × εi (hc ye ) = −εi hωz c xe (10) with ε 3 = ε4 = 0 ε 1 = ε2 = 1 where εi denotes whether Bi is located on the same part as C4 or not (Fig. 4). Hence, we obtain: Lc u˙ i = c Ve − εi hωz c xe − lq˙i c ypi
which can be simplified into matrix form: Lc u˙ i = I3 −εi hc xe c Ve − lq˙i c ypi (12) x˙ y˙ with c Ve = z˙ ωz Using c ui T c u˙ i = 0, we can obtain, from (12), the expression of the differential inverse kinematic model, associated to joint velocities, of Par4: q˙i =
c T 1 ui lc yTpi c ui
−εi hc uTi c xe
c Ve = c Dinv ei Ve
(13) The differential inverse kinematic model associated to joint velocities is: c Ve (14) q˙ = c Dinv e where
where, in the present case, c
d c −−−−→ d −−−−→ ( Pi Bi1 ) − (c Pi Ai1 ) dt dt
(5) 3784
Dinv e
1 c lc y T p1 u1
0 0 0
00 . 0 0 . 00
0 0 0
1 c lc y T p4 u4
c u1 T −hc uT 1 xe c Tc uT −h u 2 2 xe c T u3 0 c T u4 0 c
To complete the differential kinematic model [19], we need to define the differential relation between c u˙ i and c Ve : c
u˙ i = Mi c Ve
This can be derived by inserting (13) in (12): ypi c uTi ) I3 c yT c u i pi
Lc u˙ i = (I3 −
−εi hc xe
The differential kinematic model associated to a leg orientation is hence: Mi =
c ypi c uTi 1 (I3 − c T c ) I3 L ypi ui
−εi hc xe
Fig. 6.
B. Image line velocity in pixel coordinates Using (2) for each cylinder, we can write:
In the differential kinematic model, one needs to compute: c −−−→ xe = c ye × c ze , c ye = Ch4 C1 and c ze = c zb . with c C4 = c B4 − d4 c xc + h4 c yc (19)
p j ni
C1 = B1 − d1 xc − h1 yc c
Bi1 = Ai1 + L ui = c
−−−→ −−−−→ Pi + c Pi Ai + c Ai Ai1 + Lc ui
−−−−→ Bi1 = c Pi + lc xpi + c Ai Ai1 + Lc ui
p j n˙ i
1 K−T c nji
(I3 −
K−T c nji (K−T c nji )T K−T c nji 2
)K−T c n˙ ji (28)
KT p nji
(29) (30)
Jc = KT p nji (I3 − p nji p nji )K−T
Note that (c ui , c nji , c ui × c nji ) form an orthonormal basis. Consequently, one can write: c j n˙ i
= γ1 c ui + γ2 c nji + γ3 c ui × c nji
One can compute γ1 , γ2 et γ3 by time differentiating the constraints (4), which gives: c jT n˙ i ui
(26) 3785
+ c u˙ i T c nji = 0
c jT c j n˙ i ni c
and the second matrix c Lji relates the time derivative of a cylinder edge c n˙ ji , in the camera frame, to c Ve . =
C. Edge velocity in the camera frame
where Jc is associated to the camera-to-pixel change of frame: p j (25) n˙ i = p Jc c n˙ ji
Lji c Ve
((K−T c nji )T K−T c nji ) 2
Hence, inserting (29) and (30) into (28), one gets the following expression for p Jc :
˙ T c nj + c Ai1 T c n˙ j = 0 A i1 i i
From (5), we have:
K−T c nji
K−T c nji =
It can be computed as the product of two matrices:
c j n˙ i
We propose to servo some error between the current p nji ∗ and desired cylinder edges p nji . This control makes use of the detected edges in the image (Fig. 6). It should be more robust than a control based on the cylinder orientations in the camera frame [13]. To derive such a control, we need to express the interaction matrix p Lji relating the Cartesian velocity c Ve to the time derivative of the cylinder edges p n˙ ji , expressed in the image frame: p j n˙ i = p Lji c Ve (23)
K−T c nji
K−T c nji = p nji K−T c nji
A. Edge Interaction matrix
p Jc c Lji
K−T c nji
From (2) again one can compute:
p j Li
which yields:
where (d4 , h4 ) and (d1 , h1 ) are constant parameters. The effective computation of Ci , and hence of Bi , depends on the positions of Bi1 which are computed using the articular positions vectors (lc xpi ) and the directions c ui : c
Detected edges in the image, here in the case of the I4R.
˙ i1 = lq˙i c y A pi
Inserting the later into (35) yields: c
Ai1 T c n˙ ji = −lc yTpi c nji q˙i
Then, we obtain from (32) and (33): γ1 = −c u˙ i T c nji = −c nji
u˙ i
and from (32) and (34): γ2 = 0
Finally, using (32) and (37), we get:
γ3 =
c˙j ni
can be written as:
c j n˙ i
j c c jc = (Qji c Dinv ei + Ri Mi ) Ve = Li Ve
c Tc lc yTpi c nji Ai1 ui c jT c − T ni u˙ i q˙i + j T c A (c u × c n ) c A (c u × c nj ) i i i i i1 i1
e4,2 0.03
l(c ui ×c nji )c yT c nji j pi Q = − i c A T c u ×c nj i1 i i
( c u ×c n j ) c A
80 100 Iterations
Fig. 7. Evolution of the (unit-less) error eT i,j ei,j on each edge, case of a pure rotation.
Rji = −(I3 − c A i T (c ui ×ci1 )c ui c nji nji ) i1 i c j j Li = Qji c Dinv ei + Ri Mi
(42) 0
1 2
D. Control Since we want to drive the unit vectors associated to the leg edges to their desired values, we choose to servo the geodesic errors: ∗ (43) ei,j = p nji × p nji
1 2
−0.9 0.5
−0.9 0.5 0.5
0 −0.5
Fig. 8.
0 −0.5
Desired (right) and initial (left) position, case of a pure rotation.
whose time derivatives are ∗
e˙ i,j = p n˙ ji × p nji = −[p nji ]× p n˙ ji
Using (23), one can verify that:
Nji = −[p nji ]× p Lji
(45) (46)
This yields the following pseudo-control vector c Ve :
0.04 Joint velocities
e˙ i,j =
Nji c Ve
Ve = −λN+ e
with N is the compound matrix from the associated individual interaction matrices Nji . Inserting (47) into (14) delivers the final control law: inv N +e q˙ = −λc D e
80 100 Iterations
Fig. 9. Evolution of the joint velocities (rad/s) on each legs, case of a pure rotation.
e1,1 e1,2
In all the simulations presented below, we choose the same initial position obtained by choosing b C4 = (0, 0, −900mm)T as the end-effector position and θ = 0◦ .
e3,1 e3,2
In a first simulation, the desired configuration (Fig. 8) is obtained from the initial one only by a pure rotation of 20◦ around the ze axis.
100 Iterations
Fig. 7 shows that the errors on legs 1 (e1,1 and e1,2 ) and 2 (e2,1 and e2,2 ) converge to 0. Moreover, errors on legs 3 Fig. 10. Evolution of the (unit-less) error eTi,j ei,j on each edge, case of a (e3,1 and e3,2 ) and 4 (e4,1 and e4,2 ) are initially equal to 0 general motion. and stay equal to 0, which is coherent with the expected pure 3786
1 2
1 2
−0.9 0.5
−0.9 0.5 0.5
0 0
0 −0.5
Fig. 11.
Desired (right) and initial (left) position, case of a general motion. 0.3 dq
dq3 dq4
Joint velocities
Fig. 12. Evolution of the joint velocities (rad/s) on each legs, case of a general motion.
rotation. This is additionally demonstrated in Fig. 9 where the joint velocities of legs 3 and 4 are also 0. In a second simulation, the desired position (Fig. 11) is obtained from the reference position by a translation along the 3 axes and a rotation around the ze axis (b C4 = (100mm, −100mm, −850mm)T and θ = 20◦ ). Fig. 10 shows that the errors on each leg converge exponentially to 0, with a perfect decoupling. Fig. 12 shows that the joint velocities on each leg converge also to 0. VI. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we proposed a novel approach for visionbased control of a Par4 parallel robot. The presented method was validated on a Par4 platform simulation. This method differs from standard control in the joint space by the fact that the forward kinematic model is never used in the control. This yields a higher robustness to calibration errors since the control is done directly in the image space. Moreover, this method differs from standard visual servoing techniques with end-effector observation by the fact that it does not require the use of a visual pattern to calibrate the relative pose of the later with respect to the end-effector. It can even be used when the end-effector is not visible. The next step in this work be to implement the control on a real Par4 platform. This shall induce the development of a calibration method to estimate the kinematics parameters that are expressed in the camera frame using also the legs observation. It could be followed by robustness studies, as well as the extension of the method to other mechanism.
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Acknowledgments This work was supported by European Community through the IP projet NEXT number 0011815. 3787