Vocal Library Songfinder - Hal Leonard

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Gerne will ich mich bequemen. Baritone/ .... Guitare. High. The French Song Anthology yes* yes*. Bizet, Georges. Guitare. Low ...... Tu ch'hai le penne, Amore.
THE VOCAL LIBRARY SONGFINDER Alphabetical Index by Composer for the Entire Series of 100 Volumes

THE VOCAL LIBRARY SONGFINDER Alphabetically by Composer/Arranger Recorded Accompaniment yes* = recorded accompaniment available in a separate, companion publication Recorded Diction yes* = recorded diction available in a separate, companion publication Composer/Arranger Adam, Adolphe Adam, Adolphe Adam, Adolphe Adam, Adolphe Adam, Adolphe Adam, Adolphe Adams, Stephen (F. E. Weatherly) Adams, Stephen (F. E. Weatherly) Adams, Stephen (F. E. Weatherly) Adams, Stephen (F. E. Weatherly) Alvarez, Fermin Maria Alvarez, Fermin Maria Amalia, Anna Amalia, Anna Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arne, Thomas Arnim, Bettine von Arnim, Bettine von Arnim, Bettine von Arnim, Bettine von Bach, C.P.E. Bach, C.P.E. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S.

Song Title O Holy Night O Holy Night O Holy Night O Holy Night O Holy Night (Cantique de Noël) O Holy Night (Cantique de Noël) Holy City, The Holy City, The Holy City, The Holy City, The La partida La partida Auf dem Land und in der Stadt Auf dem Land und in der Stadt Canción de cuna Canción de cuna Have you seen but a white lily grow? Have you seen but a white lily grow? Have you seen but a white lily grow? Have you seen but a white lily grow? Pastime With Good Company Pastime With Good Company Willow Song Willow Song Blow, blow thou winter wind Blow, blow thou winter wind Blow, blow thou winter wind Blow, blow thou winter wind Blow, blow thou winter wind O come, o come my dearest O come, o come my dearest O come, o come my dearest Thou Soft Flowing Avon Thou Soft Flowing Avon When Daisies Pied When Daisies Pied When Daisies Pied Where the bee sucks Aus Faust Aus Faust Ein Stern der Lieb' am Himmelslauf Ein Stern der Lieb' am Himmelslauf Fecit potentiam Quia fecit mihi magna Ach, mein Sinn Agnus Dei

Voice Type High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Tenor High Low High Low Soprano High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low High Low Baritone/Bass Tenor Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano

Publication Title The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Women Composers Women Composers Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology

Recorded Recorded Recorded Acc. Diction Perf.

yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes


yes yes yes

yes yes

Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S. Bach, J.S./arr. John Reed Bach, J.S./arr. John Reed Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod

Benedictus Bereite dich, Zion Betrachte, meine Seel' Bist du bei mir Bist du bei mir Blute nur, du liebes Herz Buss und Reu Deposuit potentes Erbarme dich, mein Gott Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist Ermuntre dich, mein schwacher Geist Es ist vollbracht Et in Spiritum sanctum Frohe Hirten, eilt, ach eilet Geduld, Geduld Gerne will ich mich bequemen Grosser Herr und starker König Ich folge dir gleichfalls Ich will dir mein Herze schenken Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Komm, süsses Kreuz Können Tränen meiner Wangen Mache dich, mein Herze, rein Mein gläubiges Herze Mein gläubiges Herze (My Heart Ever Faithful) Nur ein Wink von seinem Händen O Jesulein süss O Jesulein süss O Jesulein süss O Jesulein süss Qui sedes ad dextram Patris Quia fecit mihi magna Quia respexit Schlafe, mein Liebster Schliesse, mein Herze Seufzer, Thränen, Kummer, Noth Sheep May Safely Graze Sheep May Safely Graze Von den Stricken meiner Sünden Zerfliesse, mein Herze Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria

Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass High Low Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Tenor Tenor Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Soprano Soprano High Low High Low High Low Baritone/Bass Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Soprano High Soprano High Low High Low Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low High Low Low High Low

The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Wedding Collection The Oratorio Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod Bach, J.S./Charles Gounod Bach, J.S./Gounod, Charles Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo Bartlet, John Bartlet, John Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Beach, Amy Marcy Cheney Becaud, Gilbert Becaud, Gilbert Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven, Ludwig van Bellini, Vincenzo Bellini, Vincenzo Bellini, Vincenzo Bellini, Vincenzo Bellini, Vincenzo Berlin, Irving Berlin, Irving Berlin, Irving/arr. Richard Walters Berlin, Irving/arr. Richard Walters Berlioz, Hector Berlioz, Hector Berlioz, Hector Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges Bizet, Georges

Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria De que me sirve De que me sirve Whither Runneth My Sweetheart? Whither Runneth My Sweetheart? Ah, Love, but a day! Ah, Love, but a day! I send my heart up to thee I send my heart up to thee Three Browning Songs, Op. 44 Three Browning Songs, Op. 44 year's at the spring, The year's at the spring, The year's at the spring, The year's at the spring, The Let It Be Me Let It Be Me Der Kuß Der Kuß Ich liebe dich Ich liebe dich Ich liebe dich Ich liebe dich Meine Seele ist erschüttert Preist der Erlösers Güte Sehnsucht Sehnsucht Dolente immagine di Fille mia L'abbandono Ma rendi pur contento Vaga luna, che inargenti Vaga luna, che inargenti White Christmas White Christmas White Christmas White Christmas O misère des rois! Villanelle Villanelle Agnus Dei Agnus Dei Agnus Dei Agnus Dei Chanson d'Avril Chanson d'Avril Chanson d'avril Chanson d'avril Guitare Guitare Ouvre ton cœur Ouvre ton cœur Ouvre ton cœur

High Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor Soprano High Low Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Tenor Baritone Bass High Low High Low Baritone/Bass High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low

Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Sacred Collection Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Women Composers Women Composers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Oratorio Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes

yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes* yes*

yes yes

Blow, John Blow, John Blow, John Bock, Jerry Bock, Jerry Bock, Jerry Bock, Jerry Bononcini, Giovanni Bononcini, Giovanni Boulanger, Lili Boulanger, Lili Boulanger, Nadia Boulanger, Nadia Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes

Tell Me No More Tell Me No More Tell me no more Sunrise, Sunset Sunrise, Sunset Sunrise, Sunset Sunrise, Sunset Vado ben spesso cangiando loco Vado ben spesso cangiando loco Reflets Reflets Le Couteau Le Couteau Ach, wende diesen Blick Ach, wende diesen Blick Alte Liebe Alte Liebe Am Sonntag Morgen Am Sonntag Morgen An die Nachtigall An die Nachtigall An eine Aeolsharfe An eine Aeolsharfe Auf dem Kirchhofe Auf dem Kirchhofe Blinde Kuh Blinde Kuh Botschaft Botschaft Botschaft Botschaft Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze Brauner Bursche führt zum Tanze Dämmrung senkte sich von oben Dämmrung senkte sich von oben Das Mädchen spricht Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Dein blaues Auge Denn es gehet dem Menschen, wie dem Vieh Der Frühling Der Frühling Der Gang zum Liebchen Der Gang zum Liebchen Der Jäger Der Jäger Der Schmied Der Schmied Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht

High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs

yes yes yes yes yes


yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes

Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes

Der Tod, das ist die kühle Nacht Des Liebsten Schwur Die Liebende schreibt Die Mainacht Die Mainacht Die Mainacht Die Mainacht Die Mainacht Die Mainacht Erinnerung Erinnerung Es hing der Reif Es hing der Reif Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze Es liebt sich so lieblich im Lenze Es schauen die Blumen Es schauen die Blumen Es träumte mir Es träumte mir Feldeinsamkeit Feldeinsamkeit Feldeinsamkeit Feldeinsamkeit Geheimnis Geheimnis He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein He, Zigeuner, greife in die Saiten ein Hochgetürmte Rimaflut, wie bist du so trüb Hochgetürmte Rimaflut, wie bist du so trüb Ich wandte mich, und sahe an alle Im Garten am Seegestade Im Garten am Seegestade Immer Leiser wird mein Schlummer Immer Leiser wird mein Schlummer Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer Immer Leiser wird mein Schlummer Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer In der Fremde In der Fremde Juchhe! Juchhe! Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn Kommt dir manchmal in den Sinn Lerchengesang Lerchengesang Lieber Gott, du weißt, wie oft bereut ich hab Lieber Gott, du weißt, wie oft bereut ich hab Liebestreu Liebestreu Mädchenlied (Am jüngsten Tag) Mädchenlied (Am jüngsten Tag) Mädchenlied (Auf die Nacht in der Spinnstubn)

Low High High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*

Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes

Mädchenlied (Auf die Nacht in der Spinnstubn) Mädchenlied (Kapper) Mädchenlied (Kapper) Meine Liebe ist grün Meine Liebe ist grün Meine Liebe ist grün Meine Liebe ist grün Meine Liebe ist grün Meine Liebe ist grün Meine Lieder Meine Lieder Minnelied Minnelied Mondnacht Mondnacht Mondnacht Mondnacht Mondnacht Mondnacht Nachtigaallen schwingen Nachtigaallen schwingen Nachtigall Nachtigall Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen Nicht mehr zu dir zu gehen O komme, holde Sommernacht O komme, holde Sommernacht O kühler Wald O kühler Wald O liebliche Wangen O liebliche Wangen O liebliche Wangen O liebliche Wangen O Tod, wie bitter bist du O wüsst ich doch den Weg zurück O wüsst ich doch den Weg zurück O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück O wüßt ich doch den Weg zurück Ophelia Lieder Ophelia Lieder Regenlied Regenlied Röslein dreie in der Reihe Röslein dreie in der Reihe Rote Abendwolken ziehn am Firmament Rote Abendwolken ziehn am Firmament Salamander Salamander Sapphische Ode Sapphische Ode Sapphische Ode Sapphische Ode Sehnsucht Serenade

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High

Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes

Serenade Sommerabend Sommerabend Sonntag Sonntag Sonntag Sonntag Sonntag Sonntag Sonntag Spanisches Lied Spanisches Lied Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen (folksong) Ständchen (folksong) Ständchen (Kugler) Ständchen (Kugler) Therese Therese Treue Liebe Treue Liebe Unbewegte laue Luft Unbewegte laue Luft Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Vergebliches Ständchen Verzagen Verzagen Von ewiger Liebe Von ewiger Liebe Von ewiger Liebe Von ewiger Liebe Vorschneller Schwur Vorschneller Schwur Wenn ich mit Menschen - und mit Engelzungen redete Wie bist du, meine Königin Wie bist du, meine Königin Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir

Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone High Low High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High

Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 15 Selected Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brahms, Johannes Brickman, Jim/Tom Douglas Brickman, Jim/Tom Douglas Brown, Scott Wesley Brown, Scott Wesley Bruckner, Anton Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.)

Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wie Melodien zieht es mir Wiegenlied Wiegenlied Wir wandelten Wir wandelten Wißt ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allerschönsten ist? Wißt ihr, wann mein Kindchen am allerschönsten ist? Love of My Life Love of My Life This Is the Day This Is the Day Te ergo quæsumus Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead Balm in Gilead By an' By By an' By By an' By By an' By Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray Deep River Deep River Deep River Deep River Deep River Deep River Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel Don't You Weep When I'm Gone Don't You Weep When I'm Gone Don't You Weep When I'm Gone Don't You Weep When I'm Gone Go Down, Moses Go Down, Moses Go Down, Moses Go Down, Moses Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain

Low Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs Johannes Brahms: 75 Songs The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Oratorio Anthology 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Sacred Collection

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.)

Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain Go, Tell It on the Mountain Gospel Train, The Gospel Train, The Gospel Train, The Gospel Train, The He's Just the Same Today He's Just the Same Today I Don't Feel No-Ways Tired I Don't Feel No-Ways Tired I Stood on the River of Jordan I Stood on the River of Jordan I Stood on the River of Jordan I Stood on the River of Jordan I Want to Be Ready I Want to Be Ready I Want to Be Ready I Want to Be Ready Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler Little David, Play on Your Harp Little David, Play on Your Harp Little David, Play on Your Harp Little David, Play on Your Harp My Lord, What a Mornin' My Lord, What a Mornin' My Lord, What a Mornin' My Lord, What a Mornin' My Way's Cloudy My Way's Cloudy Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me O Rocks, Don't Fall on Me Oh, Didn't It Rain Oh, Didn't It Rain Oh, Didn't It Rain Oh, Didn't It Rain Sinner, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass Sinner, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass Sinner, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass Sinner, Please Don't Let This Harvest Pass Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child Steal Away

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burleigh, Harry T. (arr.) Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Burt, Alfred Caccini, Francesca Caccini, Francesca Caccini, Guilio Caldara, Antonio Caldara, Antonio Campian, Thomas Campian, Thomas Campian, Thomas Campian, Thomas Campion, Thomas Cesti, Antonio Chabrier, Emmanuel Chabrier, Emmanuel Chabrier, Emmanuel Chabrier, Emmanuel Chaminade, Cécille Chaminade, Cécille

Steal Away Steal Away Steal Away Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Swing Low, Sweet Chariot Tis Me, O Lord Tis Me, O Lord Tis Me, O Lord Tis Me, O Lord Wade in the Water Wade in the Water Wade in the Water Wade in the Water Weepin' Mary Weepin' Mary Weepin' Mary Weepin' Mary You May Bury Me in the East You May Bury Me in the East You May Bury Me in the East You May Bury Me in the East Caroling, Caroling Caroling, Caroling Caroling, Caroling O Hearken Ye O Hearken Ye Some Children See Him Some Children See Him Some Children See Him Some Children See Him Star Carol, The Star Carol, The This Is Christmas This Is Christmas Caroling, Caroling Per la più vaga e bella (Aria of the Shepherd) Per la più vaga e bella (Aria of the Shepherd) Tu ch'hai le penne, Amore Selve amiche Selve amiche Fair, if you expect admiring Fair, if you expect admiring Jack and Joan Jack and Joan Fair, if you expect admiring Intorno all'idol mio Les cigales Les cigales Villanelle des petits canards Villanelle des petits canards Écrin Écrin

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low Bass Soprano High Low High Low High Low

The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 25 Spirituals Arranged by Harry T. Burleigh 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Women Composers Women Composers Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Women Composers Women Composers

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes yes

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes*

Chaminade, Cécille Chaminade, Cécille Chaminade, Cécille Chaminade, Cécille Chapman, Steven Curtis Chapman, Steven Curtis Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Chausson, Ernest Colbran, Isabella Colbran, Isabella Colbran, Isabella Colbran, Isabella Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cornelius, Peter Cowell, Johnny Cowell, Johnny Davis, Greg Davis, Greg Dean, Brian (arr.) Dean, Brian (arr.) Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude

Mignonne Mignonne Mots d'amour Mots d'amour I Will Be Here I Will Be Here Hébé Hébé Le charme Le charme Le charme Le charme Le colibri Le colibri Le temps des lilas Le temps des lilas La speranza al cor mi dice La speranza al cor mi dice Povero cor tu palpiti Povero cor tu palpiti Weihnachtslieder: I. Christbaum Weihnachtslieder: I. Christbaum Weihnachtslieder: IIa. Die Hirten Weihnachtslieder: IIa. Die Hirten Weihnachtslieder: IIb. Die Hirten Weihnachtslieder: IIb. Die Hirten Weihnachtslieder: IIIa. Die Könige Weihnachtslieder: IIIa. Die Könige Weihnachtslieder: IIIb. Die Könige Weihnachtslieder: IIIb. Die Könige Weihnachtslieder: IV. Simeon Weihnachtslieder: IV. Simeon Weihnachtslieder: V. Christus der Kinderfreund Weihnachtslieder: V. Christus der Kinderfreund Weihnachtslieder: VI. Christkind Weihnachtslieder: VI. Christkind Walk Hand in Hand Walk Hand in Hand Parent's Prayer Parent's Prayer Brother James' Air Brother James' Air Aimons-nous et dormons Apparition Ballade de Villon à s'amye Ballade des femmes de Paris Ballade que Villon feit à la requeste de sa mère Beau soir Beau soir Beau Soir Beau soir Beau soir Beau soir Beau soir

High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High Medium Medium Medium High Low High High Low High Low

Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Songs of Claude Debussy The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude

C'est l'extase langoureuse Chevaux de bois Clair de lune Clair de lune Colloque sentimental Crois mon conseil, chère Climène Dans le jardin De fleurs De grève De rêve De soir En sourdine En sourdine Éventail Fantoches Fantoches Fête galante Fleur des blés Green Harmonie du soir Il pleure dans mon cœur Jane Je tremble en voyant ton visage La belle au bois dormant La chevelure La flûte de Pan La grotte La mer est plus belle La mort des amants Le balcon Le faune Le jet d'eau Le son du cor Le tombeau des Naïades L'échelonnement des haies Les angélus Les cloches Les cloches Les cloches Les ingénus L'ombre des arbres Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons Noël des enfants qui n'ont plus de maisons Nuit d'étoiles

High High High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High Medium Medium High Medium High High High High High High Medium High Medium Medium Medium Medium High High Medium High Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High Low Medium High High Low High High Low High Low Medium High Low High Low High

Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Songs of Claude Debussy The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Songs of Claude Debussy The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes

yes* yes* yes

Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Debussy, Claude Dello Joio, Norman Dello Joio, Norman Dello Joio, Norman Dello Joio, Norman Dello Joio, Norman Dello Joio, Norman Denver, John Denver, John d'Indy, Vincent d'Indy, Vincent Donaudy, Stefano Donaudy, Stefano Donaudy, Stefano Donaudy, Stefano Donaudy, Stefano Donaudy, Stefano Donaudy, Stefano Donizetti, Gaetano Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Dowland, John Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri

Nuit d'étoiles Nuit d'étoiles Pantomime Paysage sentimental Pierrot Placet futile Récit et Air de Lia Recueillement Romance: L'âme évaporée Rondeau Rondel: Le temps a laissié Rondel: Pour ce que Plaisance Soupir Spleen Voici que le printemps Zéphyr Bright Star Bright Star Christmas Carol, A Christmas Carol, A Holy Infant's Lullaby Holy Infant's Lullaby Annie's Song Annie's Song Madrigal Madrigal Come l'allodoletta O del mio amato ben O del mio amato ben O del mio amato ben O del mio amato ben O del mio amato ben Perchè dolce, caro bene Una furtiva lagrima Come again, sweet love Come again, sweet love Come again, sweet love Come again, sweet love Come again, sweet love Come again, sweet love Flow My Tears Flow My Tears Flow my tears Flow my tears Weep You No More, Sad Fountains Weep You No More, Sad Fountains Weep you no more, sad fountains What If I Never Speed? What If I Never Speed? What if I never speed? What If I Never Speed? What If I Never Speed? Chanson triste Chanson triste

Low High High High High Medium High High Medium High Medium Medium Medium High High High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano Baritone Mezzo-Soprano Tenor High Low Bass Tenor Baritone Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Tenor High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low Bass High Low High Low

Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy Songs of Claude Debussy The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Italian Tenor Arias Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1



yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes


yes yes yes yes yes

Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Duparc, Henri Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Dvořák, Antonín Falconieri, Andrea Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de

Chanson triste Chanson triste Chanson triste Chanson triste La vie antérieure La vie antérieure Lamento Lamento By the Waters of Babylon By the Waters of Babylon Clouds and Darkness Clouds and Darkness God Is My Shepherd God Is My Shepherd Hear My Prayer, O Lord Hear My Prayer, O Lord Hear My Prayer, O Lord Hear My Prayer, O Lord Hear My Prayer, O Lord Hear My Prayer, O Lord I Will Lift Mine Eyes I Will Lift Mine Eyes I Will Sing New Songs I Will Sing New Songs I Will Sing New Songs I Will Sing New Songs Inflammatus et accensus Lord, Thou Art My Refuge Lord, Thou Art My Refuge Sing Ye a Joyful Song Sing Ye a Joyful Song Turn Thee to Me Turn Thee to Me Bella porta di rubini ¡Dios mío, qué solos se quedan los muertos! ¡Dios mío, qué solos se quedan los muertos! Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Asturiana Canción Canción Canción Canción Canción Canción Canción Andaluza: El pan de Ronda Canción Andaluza: El pan de Ronda El paño moruno

High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low Baritone High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Oratorio Anthology The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Standard Vocal Literature Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes*


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes

Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel

El paño moruno El paño moruno Jota Jota Nana Nana Olas gigantes Olas gigantes Oración de las madres que tienen a sus hijos en brazos Oración de las madres que tienen a sus hijos en brazos Polo Polo Preludios Preludios Preludios Preludios Seguidilla murciana Seguidilla murciana A Clymène A Clymène Adieu Adieu Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Après un rêve Arpège Arpège Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au bord de l'eau Au cimetière Au cimetière Aurore Aurore Aurore Aurore Aurore Aurore Automne Automne Automne

Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low Soprano High Low High Low High Medium/Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low High Low High

Anthology of Spanish Song Standard Vocal Literature Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs

yes* yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*


yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel

Automne Automne Automne Avant que tu ne t'en ailles Avant que tu ne t'en ailles C'est l'extase C'est l'extase Chanson Chanson Chanson Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Chanson d'amour Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Clair de lune Crucifixus Crucifixus Crucifixus Crucifixus Dans la forêt de septembre Dans la forêt de septembre Dans les ruines d'une abbaye Dans les ruines d'une abbaye Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été En prière En prière En sourdine En sourdine Fleur jetée Fleur jetée Green Green Hostias Ici-bas Ici-bas Ici-bas! Ici-bas! Ici-bas! Ici-bas!

Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Tenor High Low High Low High Medium/Low Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low Mezzo-Soprano Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Baritone/Bass High Low High Low High Medium/Low

Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs The Oratorio Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes

yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes* yes* yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel

Ici-bas! Ici-bas! J'ai presque peur, en vérité J'ai presque peur, en vérité J'allais par des chemins perfides J'allais par des chemins perfides La lune blanche La lune blanche La rose La rose Larmes Larmes Le secret Le secret Le secret Le secret Le secret Le secret Le secret Le secret Les berceaux Les berceaux Les berceaux Les berceaux Les matelots Les matelots Les roses d'Ispahan Les roses d'Ispahan Les roses d'Ispahan Les roses d'Ispahan L'Hiver a cessé L'Hiver a cessé Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Lydia Madrigal Madrigal Mai Mai Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Mandoline Nell

High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low Baritone Bass High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low Baritone Tenor High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Low High Medium/Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High

The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes* yes* yes

yes yes* yes* yes

Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Fauré, Gabriel Flotow, Friedrich von Ford, Thomas Ford, Thomas Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César

Nell Nell Nell N'est-ce pas? N'est-ce pas? Notre amour Notre amour Notre amour Notre amour Notre amour Notre amour Palms, The Palms, The Palms, The Palms, The Pie Jesu Pie Jesu Prison Prison Puisque l'aube grandit Puisque l'aube grandit Rencontre Rencontre Rencontre Rencontre Rêve d'amour Rêve d'amour Sérénade toscane Sérénade toscane Seule! Seule! Seule! Soir Soir Spleen Spleen Sylvie Sylvie Toujours Toujours Tristesse Tristesse Une Sainte en son auréole Une Sainte en son auréole M'apparì tutt'amor Since First I Saw Your Face Since First I Saw Your Face Ave Maria Ave Maria La Procession La Procession Nocturne Nocturne Panis Angelicus

Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano Soprano High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Bass High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 15 Selected Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Gabriel Fauré: 50 Songs Italian Tenor Arias English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Sacred Classics



yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes

yes* yes*



yes yes

yes yes



yes yes

yes yes yes

yes yes yes* yes* yes

yes yes yes* yes* yes

Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franck, César Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Franz, Robert Gannon, Kim/Walter Kent Gannon, Kim/Walter Kent Gannon, Kim/Walter Kent/arr. Luke Duane Gannon, Kim/Walter Kent/arr. Luke Duane Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gershwin, George/arr. Richard Walters Gibbons, Orlando Gibbons, Orlando Gibbons, Orlando Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan

Panis Angelicus Panis Angelicus Panis Angelicus Panis Angelicus Panis Angelicus Panis Angelicus Panis Angelicus Aus meinen großen Schmerzen Aus meinen großen Schmerzen Er ist gekommen Er ist gekommen Für Musik Für Musik Für Musik Für Musik Im Herbst Im Herbst I'll Be Home for Christmas I'll Be Home for Christmas I'll Be Home for Christmas I'll Be Home for Christmas Foggy Day, A/Love Walked In Foggy Day, A/Love Walked In Love Is Here to Stay Love Is Here to Stay Nice Work If You Can Get It Nice Work If You Can Get It They Can't Take That Away from Me They Can't Take That Away from Me Silver Swan, The Silver Swan, The Silver Swan, The Alone, and Yet Alive As Some Day It May Happen Cheerily Carols the Lark Come Mighty Must! Engaged to So-and-So Fair Moon, to Thee I Sing Fair Moon, to Thee I Sing For Love Alone Free from His Fetters Grim Happy Young Heart How Would I Play This Part I Am a Pirate King I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major-General I Built Upon a Rock I Cannot Tell What This Love May Be I Shipped, D'Ye See If Somebody There Chanced to Be If You Give Me Your Attention I'm Called Little Buttercup Is Live a Boon? It Is Not Love I've Jibe and Joke

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Tenor Tenor Tenor Soprano Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Soprano Soprano Tenor Soprano Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Tenor Baritone/Bass

Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers



yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes


Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Gilbert & Sullivan Giordano, Umberto Gluck, Christoph Willibald Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles

Lady Fair of Lineage High, A Lady Fair of Lineage High, A Love Is a Plaintive Song Maiden Fair to See, A My Boy, You May Take It from Me My Lord, a Suppliant at Your Feet My Name Is John Wellington Wells No Possible Doubt Whatever Oh, Foolish Fay Oh, Gentlemen, Listen, I Pray Oh, Goddess Wise Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast On the Day When I Was Wedded Policeman's Song, The Poor Wand'ring One Rising Early In the Morning Silver'd Is the Raven Hair Simple Sailor Lowly Born, A Sir Rapert Murgatroyd So Ends My Dream Sorry Her Lot Who Loves Too Well Spurn Not the Nobly born Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze, The Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes Tenor, All Singers Above, A Time Was, When Love and I Tis Done! I Am a Bride To a Garden Full of Posies Twenty Years Ago Wand'ring Minstrel I, A Were I Thy Bride When a Merry Maiden Marries When All Night Long a Chap Remains When But a Maid of Fifteen Years When First My Old, Old Love I Knew When Frederic Was a Little Lad When He Is Here When I Was a Lad I Served a Term When Maiden Loves, She Sits and Sighs When Our Gallant Norman Foes When You're Lying Awake with a Dismal Headache Whene're I Spoke Willow, Tit-Willow Would You Know the Kind of Maid Amor ti vieta Che farò senza Euridice Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth

Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Soprano Tenor Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Soprano Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Soprano Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Soprano Tenor Soprano Tenor Tenor Baritone/Bass Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Tenor Tenor Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low

Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Gilbert & Sullivan for Singers Italian Tenor Arias Standard Vocal Literature The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes


yes yes

Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Gounod, Charles Graham, Brendan/Rolf Lovland Graham, Brendan/Rolf Lovland Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique Granados, Enrique

Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth L'absent L'absent L'absent L'absent O Divine Redeemer O Divine Redeemer O Divine Redeemer O Divine Redeemer O ma belle rebelle O ma belle rebelle O ma belle rebelle Sanctus There Is a Green Hill Far Away There Is a Green Hill Far Away Venise Venise You Raise Me Up You Raise Me Up Amor y odio Amor y odio Callejeo Callejeo El majo discreto El majo discreto El majo discreto El majo olvidado El majo olvidado El majo tímido El majo tímido El majo tímido El majo tímido El majo tímido El majo tímido El mirar de la maja El mirar de la maja El mirar de la maja El mirar de la maja El mirar de la maja El mirar de la maja El tra la la y el punteado El tra la la y el punteado El tra la la y el punteado El tra la la y el punteado La maja de Goya La maja de Goya La maja dolorosa (número 1) La maja dolorosa (número 1) La maja dolorosa (número 2) La maja dolorosa (número 2) La maja dolorosa (número 2) La maja dolorosa (número 3) La maja dolorosa (número 3)

High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low

The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Standard Vocal Literature Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Standard Vocal Literature Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song

yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes


yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes


Grieg, Edvard Grieg, Edvard Gruber, Franz/arr. Richard Walters Hageman, Richard Hageman, Richard Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Hahn, Reynaldo Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric Handel, George Frideric

Ich liebe dich Ich liebe dich Silent Night At the Well At the Well À Chloris À Chloris À Chloris À Chloris Offrande Offrande Si mes vers avaient des ailes Si mes vers avaient des ailes Si mes vers avaient des ailes Arm, arm, ye brave! Behold the monstrous human beast Behold, and see if there be any sorrow; But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell But who may abide Come and Trip It Come and Trip It Comfort ye, my people; Ev'ry valley shall be exalted enemy said, The Father of Heav'n! For behold, darkness shall cover the earth; The people that walked in darkness Gentle airs, melodious strains! He was despised Her Amid the Shady Woods Her Amid the Shady Woods Honor and arms I know that my Redeemer liveth If God be for us Let Me Wander Not Unseen Let Me Wander Not Unseen Let the bright Seraphim O liberty, thou choicest treasure O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion Oh! had I Jubal's lyre Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion Revenge, Timotheus cries See the raging flames arise Sound an alarm! Thou art gone up on high Thou shalt break them Thus saith the Lord; But who may abide Thy glorious deeds inspir'd my tongue Total eclipse trumpet shall sound, The Tune the soft melodious lute Virgam virtutis Waft her, angels Where E'er You Walk Where E'er You Walk

High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano High Low Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass

Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology

Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High Low Tenor Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano

The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology

Baritone/Bass Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High Low Baritone/Bass Soprano Soprano High Low Soprano Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Tenor Baritone/Bass Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor High Low

The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes* yes*

Handel, George Frideric Handel, Geroge Frideric Handel, Geroge Frideric Handel, Geroge Frideric Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Haydn, Franz Joseph Head, Michael Head, Michael Heusen, James van Heusen, James van Heusen, James van/arr. Hank Powell Heusen, James van/arr. Hank Powell Hiller, Ferdinand Hiller, Ferdinand Holmès, Augusta Holmès, Augusta Holst, Gustav/arr. Richard Walters Holst, Gustav/arr. Richard Walters Howard, Bart Howard, Bart Howe, Mary Howe, Mary Hume, Tobias Hume, Tobias Humperdinck, Engelbert Humperdinck, Engelbert Ireland, John Ireland, John Johnson, Robert Johnson, Robert Jones, Robert Jones, Robert Karg-Elert, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Sigfrid Karg-Elert, Sigfrid Kern, Jerome Kern, Jerome Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.)

Why do the nations Let the bright Seraphim Where E'er You Walk Where E'er You Walk Auf starkem Fittige Erblikke hier, betörter Mensch Fac me cruce custodiri Fac me vere tecum flere Hier steht der Wand'rer nun Mit Würd' und Hoheit angetan Nun beut die Flur Nun scheint in vollem Glanze der Himmel Quis non posset Rollend in schäumenden Wellen Schon eilet froh der Akkermann Welche Labung für die Sinne Slumber Song of the Madonna, A Slumber Song of the Madonna, A All the Way All the Way All the Way All the Way Be Near Me Still Be Near Me Still À Trianon À Trianon In the Bleak Midwinter In the Bleak Midwinter Fly Me to the Moon Fly Me to the Moon Velvet Shoes Velvet Shoes Fain Would I Change That Note Fain Would I Change That Note Evening Prayer Evening Prayer Spring Sorrow Spring Sorrow As I Walked Forth One Summer Day As I Walked Forth One Summer Day In Sherwood Lived Stout Robin Hood In Sherwood Lived Stout Robin Hood I Stand Here at the Cradleside I Stand Here at the Cradleside I Stand Here at the Cradleside I Stand Here at the Cradleside Way You Look Tonight, The Way You Look Tonight, The El galán incógnito El galán incógnito El trobador El trobador Encantadora María Encantadora María

Baritone/Bass High High Low Soprano Baritone/Bass Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Tenor Soprano Baritone/Bass Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

The Oratorio Anthology The Wedding Collection Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Women Composers Women Composers The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Women Composers Women Composers English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Kilenyi, Edward (arr.) Koechlin, Charles Koechlin, Charles Lalo, Édouard Lang, Josephine Lang, Josephine Lang, Josephine Lang, Josephine Lavik, Jadon Lavik, Jadon Lawes, Henry Lawes, Henry Lehmann, Liza Lehmann, Liza Lennon, John Lennon, John Lennon, John/arr. Hank Powell Lennon, John/arr. Hank Powell Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Lennon, John/Paul McCartney Leoncavallo, Ruggero Leoncavallo, Ruggero Leoncavallo, Ruggero Liszt, Franz Liszt, Franz Livingston, Jay/Ray Evans Livingston, Jay/Ray Evans Livingston, Jay/Ray Evans/arr. Luke Duane Livingston, Jay/Ray Evans/arr. Luke Duane Lloyd Webber, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Andrew

La calle de la paloma La calle de la paloma La paloma blanca La paloma blanca La paloma blanca La paloma blanca La seña La seña Mi sueño Mi sueño Mi sueño Mi sueño Noche serena Noche serena Pregúntale á las estrellas Pregúntale á las estrellas Si tu le veux Si tu le veux Vainemant, ma bien-aimée Den Abschied schnell genommen Den Abschied schnell genommen Ob ich manchmal Dein gedenke Ob ich manchmal Dein gedenke This Day This Day How Happy Art Thou How Happy Art Thou There are fairies at the bottom of our garden There are fairies at the bottom of our garden Grow Old with Me Grow Old with Me Grow Old with Me Grow Old with Me Here, There and Everywhere Here, There and Everywhere Here, There and Everywhere Here, There and Everywhere I Will I Will In My Life In My Life Mattinata Mattinata Vesti la glubba Oh! Quand je dors Oh! Quand je dors Silver Bells Silver Bells Silver Bells Silver Bells All I Ask of You All I Ask of You Unexpected Song Unexpected Song

High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Women Composers Women Composers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Italian Tenor Arias The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

Loesser, Frank Loesser, Frank Lully, Jean-Baptiste MacDowell, Edward MacDowell, Edward Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Alma Schindler Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Mahler, Gustav Malibran, Maria Felicità Malibran, Maria Felicità Malibran, Maria Felicità Malibran, Maria Felicità Malotte, Albert Hay Malotte, Albert Hay Malotte, Albert Hay Malotte, Albert Hay Marks, Johnny Marks, Johnny Marks, Johnny/arr. Luke Duane Marks, Johnny/arr. Luke Duane Marqués, Pedro Miguel Marqués, Pedro Miguel Martini, Johann Paul Martini, Johann Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Martini, Johann-Paul Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph

More I Cannot Wish You More I Cannot Wish You Bois épais Sea, The Sea, The Bei dir ist es traut Bei dir ist es traut Die stille Stadt Die stille Stadt Ich wandle unter Blumen Ich wandle unter Blumen Laue Sommernacht Laue Sommernacht Frühlingsmorgen Frühlingsmorgen Laue Sommernacht Laue Sommernacht Liebst du um Schönheit Liebst du um Schönheit Lob des hohen Verstandes Lob des hohen Verstandes Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? La Voix qui dit: Je t'aime La Voix qui dit: Je t'aime Les Brigands Les Brigands Lord's Prayer, The Lord's Prayer, The Lord's Prayer, The Lord's Prayer, The I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day Lágrimas mías Lágrimas mías Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Plaisir d'amour Am Fenster Bitte Christbaum Der bescheidene Schäfer Der Gefangene Der Ton Die Begegnung Die Elfe

High Low Bass Baritone Bass High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Tenor High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium

The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs

yes yes yes

yes yes yes

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Marx, Joseph Massenet, Jules Massenet, Jules Massenet, Jules Massenet, Jules Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel, Fanny Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix

Die tote Braut Die Verlassene Ein goldenes Kettlein Ein junger Dichter denkt an die Geliebte Es zürnt das Meer Frage une Antwort Hat dich die Liebe berührt Japanisches Regenlied Jugend und Alter Lied eines Mädchens Maienblüten Marienlied Nachtgebet Nocturne Sankta Maria Schlafend trägt man mich in mein Heimatland Selige Nacht Ständchen Und gestern hat er mir Rosen gebracht Valse de Chopin Waldseligkeit Wanderers Nachtlied Nuit d'Espagne Nuit d'Espagne Si tu veux, Mignonne Si tu veux, Mignonne Frühling Frühling Italien Italien Morgenständchen Morgenständchen Nachtwanderer Nachtwanderer Suleika Suleika Warum sind denn du Rosen so blaß Warum sind denn du Rosen so blaß Der Blumenstrauß Der Blumenstrauß For the mountains shall depart For the mountains shall depart Gott sei mir gnädig Hear ye, Israel! If with all your hearts If with all your hearts Is not his word like a fire? It is enough! Lord God of Abraham Neue Liebe Neue Liebe O rest in the Lord Sei getreu bis in den Tod Strikke des Todes

High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High/Medium High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Soprano Tenor Tenor Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass High Low Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Tenor

Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs Joseph Marx: 30 Songs The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Women Composers Women Composers The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology

yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes

yes* yes* yes



yes* yes*

yes* yes*

Mendelssohn, Felix Mendelssohn, Felix Misón, Luis Misón, Luis Monteverdi, Claudio Monteverdi, Claudio Monteverdi, Claudio MonteVerdi, Giuseppe Moore, Geoff/Steven Curtis Chapman Moore, Geoff/Steven Curtis Chapman Morley, Thomas Morley, Thomas Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Then shall the righteous shine forth Woe unto them who forsake Him Seguidilla dolorosa de una enamorada Seguidilla dolorosa de una enamorada Pur ti miro, pur ti godo Pur ti miro, pur ti godo Pur ti miro, pur ti godo Pur ti miro, pur ti godo If You Could See What I See If You Could See What I See It Was a Lover and His Lass It Was a Lover and His Lass Abendempfindung Abendempfindung Abendempfindung Abendempfindung Ach, ich fühl's Ah! lo veggio quell'anima bella Alleluja Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte Als Luise die Briefe ihres ungetreuen Liebhabers verbrannte Aprite un po' quegl'occhi Batti, batti, o bel Masetto Dalla sua pace Dalla sua pace Dans un bois solitaire Dans un bois solitaire Das Veilchen Das Veilchen Das Veilchen Das Veilchen Das Veilchen Deh vieni, non tardar Deh vieni, non tardar Deh, per questo istante solo Deh, vieni alla finestra Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja Der Vogelfänger bin ich ja Dies Bildnis ist bezaubernd schön Donne mie, la fate a tanti È amore un ladroncello Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen Fin ch'han dal vino Frisch zum Kampfel Hai già vinta la causa Hier soll ich dich denn sehen Ich baue ganz Il capro e la capretta Il mio tesoro In diesen heil'gen Hallen In quegli anni Laudamus te Laudamus te

Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High Low Low High (duet) Low (duet) High High Low High Low Baritone Bass High Low Soprano Tenor High Mezzo-Soprano High Low Baritone/Bass Soprano Tenor Tenor High Low High Low Soprano High Low Soprano Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Baritone Tenor Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Tenor Baritone/Bass Tenor Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Bass Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Soprano

The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song The Wedding Collection Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Mozart Arias Mozart Arias The Wedding Collection Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature Mozart Arias The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology

yes* yes* yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes* yes* yes



Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Munro, George Munro, George Neidlinger, Willliam Neidlinger, Willliam Nichols, Roger/Paul Williams Nichols, Roger/Paul Williams Niedlinger, William Niedlinger, William Niles, John Jacob Niles, John Jacob Niles, John Jacob Niles, John Jacob Niles, John Jacob (arr.) Niles, John Jacob (arr.) Niles, John Jacob (arr.) Niles, John Jacob (arr.) Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando

Laudate Dominum Non più andrai Non siate ritrosi Non siate ritrosi Non so più cosa son O wie ängstlich Parto, parto Porgi, amor Pupille amate Ridente la calma S'altro che lagrime Se vuol ballare Smanie implacabili Son reo; l'error confesso Torna di Tito a lato Una donna a quindici anni Un'aura amorosa Va, l'error mio palesa Vedrai, carino Voi che sapete Voi, che sapete Welche Wonne, welche Lust Zeffirette lusinghieri My Lovely Celia My Lovely Celia Birthday of a King, The Birthday of a King, The We've Only Just Begun We've Only Just Begun Birthday of a King, The Birthday of a King, The I Wonder as I Wander I Wonder as I Wander What Songs Were Sung What Songs Were Sung I Wonder as I Wander (Appalachian Carol) I Wonder as I Wander (Appalachian Carol) Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head ¿Corazón, porqué pasáis…? ¿Corazón, porqué pasáis…? ¿Corazón, porqué pasáis…? ¿Corazón, porqué pasáis…? Al amor Al amor Chiquitita la novia Chiquitita la novia Con amores, la mi madre Con amores, la mi madre Con amores, la mi madre Con amores, la mi madre Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil

Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass Baritone Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Soprano Soprano Soprano Baritone/Bass Mezzo-Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

The Oratorio Anthology Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Standard Vocal Literature Mozart Arias Mozart Arias Mozart Arias English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes




yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes


Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Obradors, Fernando Ochs, Siegfried Ochs, Siegfried Ochs, Siegfried Ochs, Siegfried Ochs, Siegfried Ochs, Siegfried Ovalle, Juan Rios Ovalle, Juan Rios Paladilhe, Emile Paladilhe, Emile Paladilhe, Emile Paladilhe, Emile Paladilhe, Emile Paladilhe, Emile Palomino, José Palomino, José Paris, Twila Paris, Twila Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista Pikington, Francis Pikington, Francis Pilkington, Francis Pilkington, Francis Pla, Manuel Pla, Manuel Pola, Eddie/ GerogeWyle Pola, Eddie/George Wyle Poldowski, Lady Dean Paul Poldowski, Lady Dean Paul Poldowski, Lady Dean Paul Poldowski, Lady Dean Paul Poldowski, Lady Dean Paul Ponchielli, Amilcare Porter, Cole/arr. Richard Walters Porter, Cole/arr. Richard Walters Porter, Cole/arr. Richard Walters Porter, Cole/arr. Richard Walters

Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil Del cabello más sutil El majo celoso El majo celoso La mi sola, Laureola La mi sola, Laureola La mi sola, Laureola La mi sola, Laureola La mi sola, Laureola La mi sola, Laureola Dank sei dir, Herr Dank sei dir, Herr Dank sei dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) Dank sei dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) Dank sei dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) Dank sei dir, Herr (Thanks Be to God) Amor bendito Amor bendito Psyché Psyché Psyché Psyché Psyché Psyché Canción picaresca Canción picaresca How Beautiful How Beautiful Cujus animam gementem Eija, mater, fons amoris Fac ut portem Quæ mœrebat et dolebat Vidit suum dulcem natum Rest Sweet Nymphs Rest Sweet Nymphs Diaphenia Diaphenia Seguidillas religiosas Seguidillas religiosas Most Wonderful Time of the Year, The Most Wonderful Time of the Year, The Colombine Colombine L'heure exquise L'heure exquise Se non piange un infelice Cielo! e mar I Am in Love I Am in Love I Concentrate on You I Concentrate on You

Low Soprano Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low High Low High Low Low High High Low High Low High Tenor High Low High Low

Favorite Spanish Art Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite Spanish Art Songs Favorite Spanish Art Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Sacred Classics Sacred Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Italian Tenor Arias Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers

yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*


yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

Porter, Cole/arr. Richard Walters Porter, Cole/arr. Richard Walters Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Poulenc, Francis Preston, Billy/Bruce Fisher Preston, Billy/Bruce Fisher Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Puccini, Giacomo Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Purcell, Henry Puryear, Michael/Geoffrey Thurman

I Hate You, Darling I Hate You, Darling La carpe La carpe La chèvre du Thibet La chèvre du Thibet La sauterelle La sauterelle Le dauphin Le dauphin Le dromadaire Le dromadaire Lécrevisse Lécrevisse You Are So Beautiful You Are So Beautiful Che gelida manina Ch'ella mi creda Crucifixus Donna non vidi mai E lucevan le stelle Gratias agimus tibi La Canzone de Doretta O mio babbino caro Ore dolci e divine Recondita armonia Vecchia zimarra, senti Bid the Virtues, bid the Graces Evening Hymn Evening Hymn Hark! The Echoing Air Hark! The Echoing Air I attempt from love's sickness I attempt from love's sickness I attempt from love's sickness I attempt from love's sickness I attempt from love's sickness If music be the food of love If music be the food of love If music be the food of love If music be the food of love If music be the food of love If music be the food of love If music be the food of love I'll sail upon the Dog Star I'll sail upon the Dog Star I'll sail upon the Dog Star I'll sail upon the Dog Star Nymphs and Shepherds Nymphs and Shepherds Nymphs and Shepherds Vouchsafe, O Lord We sing to Him My Place Is with You

High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor Tenor Bass Tenor Tenor Tenor Soprano Soprano Soprano Tenor Bass Soprano High Low High Low High Low Soprano High Low High Low Baritone Bass Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Tenor High Low Baritone Tenor High Low Mezzo-Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Bass High

Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Italian Tenor Arias Italian Tenor Arias Standard Vocal Literature Italian Tenor Arias Italian Tenor Arias The Oratorio Anthology Puccini: Two Arias from La Rondine Standard Vocal Literature Puccini: Two Arias from La Rondine Italian Tenor Arias Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Wedding Collection

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes




yes yes


yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes




yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes

Puryear, Michael/Geoffrey Thurman Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger

My Place Is with You April April Autumn Eveing Autumn Eveing Barbara Allen Barbara Allen Blow, blow, thou winter wind Blow, blow, thou winter wind Bracelet, The Bracelet, The Brown is my love Brown is my love By a Fountainside By a Fountainside By the Sea By the Sea Cherry Ripe Cherry Ripe Cherry Valley Cherry Valley Come away, death Come away, death Come away, death Come away, death Come Back! Come Back! Damask Roses Damask Roses Daybreak Daybreak Dream Valley Dream Valley Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes Fair House of Joy Fair House of Joy Fair House of Joy Faithless Shepherdess, The Faithless Shepherdess, The Fear no more the heat o' the sun Fear no more the heat o' the sun Good Child, A Good Child, A Hey, ho, the wind and the rain Hey, ho, the wind and the rain Hey, ho, the wind and the rain I will go with my father a-ploughing I will go with my father a-ploughing I wish and I wish I wish and I wish In the highlands In the highlands Interlude

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High

The Wedding Collection Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs

yes yes

yes yes





Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger

Interlude It was a lover and his lass It was a lover and his lass It was a lover and his lass It was a lover and his lass It was a lover and his lass It was a lover and his lass Jocund Dance, The Jocund Dance, The Jolly Miller, The Jolly Miller, The Julia's Hair Julia's Hair June (1905) June (1905) Lamplighter, The Lamplighter, The Last Year's Rose, A Last Year's Rose, A Love's Philosophy Love's Philosophy Love's Philosophy Love's Philosophy Maiden Blush, The Maiden Blush, The Moonlight Moonlight My Life's Delight My Life's Delight Night Piece, The Night Piece, The Now sleeps the crimson petal Now sleeps the crimson petal Now sleeps the crimson petal Now sleeps the crimson petal O mistress mine O mistress mine O mistress mine Over the land is April Over the land is April Over the Mountains Over the Mountains Prelude Prelude Sea-Bird, The Sea-Bird, The Secret, A Secret, A Song of the Blackbird Song of the Blackbird Spring is at the door, The Spring is at the door, The Take, o take those lips away Take, o take those lips away

Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes



Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Quilter, Roger Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Ravel, Maurice Reger, Max Reger, Max Reger, Max Reger, Max Regney, Noel/Gloria Shayne Regney, Noel/Gloria Shayne Regney, Noel/Gloria Shayne Regney, Noel/Gloria Shayne Reichardt, Louise Reichardt, Louise Reichardt, Louise Respighi, Ottorno Respighi, Ottorno Richie, Lionel

Take, o take those lips away Three Poor Mariners Three Poor Mariners Through the sunny garden Through the sunny garden To Daisies To Daisies To Wine and Beauty To Wine and Beauty Under the greenwood tree Under the greenwood tree Valley and the Hill, The Valley and the Hill, The Weep you no more Weep you no more Weep you no more Weep you no more Weep you no more Where be you going? Where be you going? Where Go the Boats? Where Go the Boats? Wild Flower's Song, The Wild Flower's Song, The Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques Chanson des cueilleuses de lentisques La-bàs, vers l'église La-bàs, vers l'église Le réveil de la mariée Le réveil de la mariée Quel galant m'est comparable? Quel galant m'est comparable? Sainte Sainte Tout gai! Tout gai! Tout gai! Tout gai! Tout gai! Tout gai! Virgin's Slumber Song, The Virgin's Slumber Song, The Virgin's Slumber Song, The Virgin's Slumber Song, The Do You Hear What I Hear Do You Hear What I Hear Do You Hear What I Hear Do You Hear What I Hear Se non piange un infelice Unruhiger Schlaf Unruhiger Schlaf Nebbie Nebbie Endless Love

Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs Roger Quilter: 55 Songs The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album 12 Christmas Favorites The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Wedding Collection



yes yes yes

yes yes yes

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes

yes yes yes



yes yes

yes yes

Richie, Lionel Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard

Endless Love Bewitched Bewitched Climb Ev'ry Mountain Climb Ev'ry Mountain Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful? Do I Love You Because You're Beautiful? Edelweiss Edelweiss Falling in Love with Love Falling in Love with Love Hello, Young Lovers Hello, Young Lovers I Could Write a Book I Could Write a Book I Could Write a Book I Could Write a Book I Didn't Know What Time It Was I Didn't Know What Time It Was I Have Dreamed I Have Dreamed I Wish I Were in Love Again I Wish I Were in Love Again If I Loved You If I Loved You Isn't It Romantic? Isn't It Romantic? It Might as Well Be Spring It Might as Well Be Spring It Never Entered My Mind It Never Entered My Mind Lady Is a Tramp, The Lady Is a Tramp, The Love, Look Away Love, Look Away Manhatten Manhatten My Favorite Things My Favorite Things My Funny Valentine My Funny Valentine My Heart Stood Still My Heart Stood Still My Lord and Master My Romance My Romance No Other Love No Other Love Nobody's Heart Nobody's Heart Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin' Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin' People Will Say We're in Love People Will Say We're in Love

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

The Wedding Collection The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers

Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rodgers, Richard/arr. Richard Walters Rontani, Raffaello Rontani, Raffaello Rontani, Raffaello

Soliloquy Some Enchanted Evening Some Enchanted Evening Some Enchanted Evening Some Enchanted Evening Something Wonderful Something Wonderful Sound of Music, The Sound of Music, The Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The Sweetest Sounds, The Sweetest Sounds, The Ten Cents a Dance Ten Cents a Dance There's a Small Hotel There's a Small Hotel This Can't Be Love This Can't Be Love This Nearly Was Mine This Nearly Was Mine Thou Swell Thou Swell To Keep My Love Alive To Keep My Love Alive Where or When Where or When With a Song in My Heart With a Song in My Heart With a Song in My Heart With a Song in My Heart Wonderful Guy, A Wonderful Guy, A You Are Never Away You Are Never Away You Took Advantage of Me You Took Advantage of Me You'll Never Walk Alone You'll Never Walk Alone Younger Than Springtime Younger Than Springtime You're Nearer You're Nearer I Have Dreamed I Have Dreamed Sweetest Sounds, The Sweetest Sounds, The With a Song in My Heart With a Song in My Heart You're Nearer You're Nearer Caldi sospiri Caldi sospiri Caldi sospiri

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Bass High Low

The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers The Songs of Richard Rodgers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Popular Ballads for Classical Singers Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology

yes yes

yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes

Rosa, Salvator Rosa, Salvator Rosales, Antonio Rosales, Antonio Rosseter, Philip Rosseter, Philip Rossini, Gioachino Rossini, Gioachino Rossini, Gioachino Rossini, Gioachino Rossini, Gioachino Rossini, Gioachino Rossini, Gioachino Roussel, Albert Roussel, Albert Roussel, Albert Roussel, Albert Saint-Saëns, Camille Saint-Saëns, Camille Saint-Saëns, Camille Saint-Saëns, Camille Saint-Saëns, Camille Saint-Saëns, Camille Saint-Saëns, Camille Satie, Erik Satie, Erik Satie, Erik Satie, Erik Satie, Erik Satie, Erik Scarlatti, Alessandro Scarlatti, Alessandro Scarlatti, Alessandro Scarlatti, Alessandro Schlösser, Adolphe Schlösser, Adolphe Schmidt, Harvey/Tom Jones Schmidt, Harvey/Tom Jones Schmidt, Harvey/Tom Jones Schmidt, Harvey/Tom Jones Schröter, Corona Schröter, Corona Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz

Vado ben spesso cangiando loco Vado ben spesso cangiando loco Canción contra las madamitas gorgoriteadoras Canción contra las madamitas gorgoriteadoras When Laura Smiles When Laura Smiles Agnus Dei Cujus animam Domine Deus Fac ut portem Inflammatus et accensus Pro peccatis Quoniam tu solus sanctus Le bachelier de Salamanque Le bachelier de Salamanque Sarabande Sarabande Aimons-nous Aimons-nous Aimons-nous Aimons-nous Domine, ego credidi L'attente L'attente Je te veux Je te veux Je te veux Je te veux La statue de bronze La statue de bronze Cara e dolce Sento nel core Son tutta duolo Son tutta duolo He That Keepeth Israel He That Keepeth Israel Greatest of These, The Greatest of These, The Greatest of These, The Greatest of These, The An den Abendstern An den Abendstern Abendstern Abendstern Abendstern Abendstern Abschied (Mayrhofer) Abschied (Mayrhofer) Abschied (Rellstab) Abschied (Rellstab) Am Grabe Anselmos Am Grabe Anselmos Am Meer Am Meer

Baritone Bass High Low High Low Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Soprano Baritone/Bass Baritone/Bass High Low High Low High Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque English Songs: Renaissance to Baroque The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 1 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Women Composers Women Composers Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs

yes yes yes* yes* yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes

yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz

Am see (Bruchmann) Am see (Bruchmann) Am see (Mayrhofer) Am see (Mayrhofer) An den Mond (Goethe) An den Mond (Goethe) An den Mond (Hölty) An den Mond (Hölty) An den Tod An den Tod An die Entfernte An die Entfernte An die Geliebte An die Geliebte An die Laute An die Laute An die Leier An die Leier An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Musik An die Nachtigall An die Nachtigall An die Nachtigall An die Nachtigall An die Nachtigall An die Sonne An die Sonne An Schwager Kronos An Schwager Kronos An Silvia An Silvia Auf dem Strom Auf dem Wasser zu singen Auf dem Wasser zu singen Auf dem Wasser zu singen Auf dem Wasser zu singen Auf dem Wasser zu singen Auf dem Wasser zu singen Auf der Bruck Auf der Bruck Aufenthalt Aufenthalt Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria

High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Standard Vocal Literature Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes

yes yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz

Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Ave Maria Das Abendrot Das Fischermädchen Das Fischermädchen Dass sie hier gewesen! Dass sie hier gewesen! Der Alpenjäger Der Alpenjäger (Schiller) Der Atlas Der Atlas Der Doppelgänger Der Doppelgänger Der Doppelgänger Der Hirt auf dem Felsen Der Jüngling an der Quelle Der Jüngling an der Quelle Der König in Thule Der König in Thule Der Musensohn Der Musensohn Der Musensohn Der Musensohn Der Musensohn Der Musensohn Der Neugierige Der Neugierige Der Tod und das Mädchen Der Tod und das Mädchen Der Tod und das Mädchen Der Wanderer Der Wanderer Der Zwerg Der Zwerg Die Allmacht Die Allmacht Die böse Farbe Die böse Farbe Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die Forelle Die junge Nonne

High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Bass High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone High Low High Low High

The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Wedding Classics Wedding Classics Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs

yes yes

yes yes



yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*



yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz

Die junge Nonne Die liebe Farbe Die liebe Farbe Die Liebe hat gelogen Die Liebe hat gelogen Die Männer sind méchant! Die Männer sind méchant! Die Stadt Die Stadt Die Taubenpost Die Taubenpost Die Unterscheidung Die Unterscheidung Du bist die Ruh Du bist die Ruh Du bist die Ruh Du bist die Ruh Du bist die Ruh Du bist die Ruh Du bist die Ruh Du liebst mich nicht Du liebst mich nicht Ellens Gesang I (Raste Krieger) Ellens Gesang I (Raste Krieger) Ellens Gesang II (Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!) Ellens Gesang II (Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd!) Ellens Gesang III (Ave Maria!) Ellens Gesang III (Ave Maria!) Erlafsee Erlafsee Erlkönig Erlkönig Erster Verlust Erster Verlust Frühlingsglaube Frühlingsglaube Frühlingssehnsucht Frühlingssehnsucht Ganymed Ganymed Ganymed Ganymed Geheimes Geheimes Grenzen der Menschheit Grenzen der Menschheit Gretchen am Spinnrade Gretchen am Spinnrade Gretchen am Spinnrade Gretchen am Spinnrade Gretchen am Spinnrade Gretchen am Spinnrade Gretchen am Spinnrade Gruppe aus dem Tartarus

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano High Low High

Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz

Gruppe aus dem Tartarus Heidenröslein Heidenröslein Heidenröslein Heidenröslein Heidenröslein Heidenröslein Heliopolis I Heliopolis I Heliopolis II Heliopolis II Herbst Herbst Hoffnung Hoffnung Ihr Bild Ihr Bild Im Abendrot Im Abendrot Im Frühling Im Frühling Im Frühling Im Frühling Im Haine Im Haine Im Walde Im Walde In der Ferne In der Ferne Jägers Abendlied Jägers Abendlied Klaglied Klaglied Kriegers Ahnung Kriegers Ahnung Lachen und Weinen Lachen und Weinen Lachen und Weinen Lachen und Weinen Lachen und Weinen Lachen und Weinen Liebe schwärmt auf allen Wegen Liebe schwärmt auf allen Wegen Liebesbotschaft Liebesbotschaft Lied der Mignon (Heiß mich nicht reden) Lied der Mignon (Heiß mich nicht reden) Lied der Mignon (Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt) Lied der Mignon (Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt) Lied der Mignon (So lasst mich scheinen) Lied der Mignon (So lasst mich scheinen) Litanei Litanei Meeres Stille

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz

Meeres Stille Meeres Stille Memnon Memnon Mignons Gesang (Kennst du das Land?) Mignons Gesang (Kennst du das Land?) Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nacht und Träume Nachtstück Nachtstück Nachtviolen Nachtviolen Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Rastlose Liebe Romanze Schäfers Klagelied Schäfers Klagelied Sehnsucht Sehnsucht Sei mir gegrüßt Sei mir gegrüßt Seligkeit Seligkeit Seligkeit Seligkeit Seligkeit Seligkeit Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Ständchen Suleika I Suleika I Verklärung Verklärung Wandrers Nachtlied I Wandrers Nachtlied I

Low Bass High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High Low Low High Low Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low

Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Franz Schubert: 15 Selected Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs



yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes* yes*

Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schubert, Franz Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Clara Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert

Wandrers Nachtlied II Wandrers Nachtlied II Wandrers Nachtlied II Wohin? Wohin? Wohin? Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen Er ist gekommen in Sturm und Regen Ihr Bildnis Ihr Bildnis Liebst du um Schönheit Liebst du um Schönheit Liebst du um Schönheit Liebst du um Schönheit Liebst du um Schönheit Liebst du um Schönheit Lorelei Lorelei Mein Stern Mein Stern Der Nussbaum Der Nussbaum Der Nussbaum Der Nussbaum Der Nußbaum Der Nußbaum Die beiden Grenadiere Die beiden Grenadiere Die Lotosblume Die Lotosblume Die Lotosblume Die Lotosblume Du bist wie eine Blume Du bist wie eine Blume Du bist wie eine Blume Du bist wie eine Blume Du Ring an meinem Finger Du Ring an meinem Finger Du Ring an meinem Finger Du Ring an meinem Finger Du Ring an meinem Finger Ich grolle nicht Ich grolle nicht In der Fremde In der Fremde In der Fremde In der Fremde Intermezzo Intermezzo Waldesgespräch Waldesgespräch Widmung Widmung Widmung

High Low Baritone High High Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone Bass High Low High Low Bass Tenor High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Baritone

Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Franz Schubert: 100 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Standard Vocal Literature





yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes

Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schumann, Robert Schwartz, Stephen Schwartz, Stephen Sévérac, Déodat de Sévérac, Déodat de Sévérac, Déodat de Sévérac, Déodat de Shire, David Shire, David Shire, David Shire, David Shire, David Shire, David Shire, David Shire, David Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stanley, Bryan (arr.) Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich Stradella, Allessandro Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard

Widmung Widmung Widmung Widmung Widmung Widmung Widmung All Good Gifts All Good Gifts Les hiboux Les hiboux Philis Philis Promise, The Promise, The Promise, The (I'll Never Say Goodbye) Promise, The (I'll Never Say Goodbye) Starting Here, Starting Now Starting Here, Starting Now Starting Here, Starting Now Starting Here, Starting Now Battle on Shiloh's Hill, The Battle on Shiloh's Hill, The Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair Bury Me Beneath the Willow Bury Me Beneath the Willow Daughter, Will You Marry? Daughter, Will You Marry? Greenland Fisheries/Haul Away, Joe Greenland Fisheries/Haul Away, Joe Honest Ploughman, The Honest Ploughman, The Housewife's Lament, The Housewife's Lament, The Mighty Day Mighty Day River in the Pines, The River in the Pines, The Sacramento Sacramento Shenandoah Shenandoah Whistle, Daughter, Whistle Whistle, Daughter, Whistle Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) Bist du bei mir (You Are with Me) Se nel ben sempre incostante Ach Lieb, ich muss nun scheiden! Ach Lieb, ich muss nun scheiden! Ach weh mir unglückhaftem Mann Ach weh mir unglückhaftem Mann

Tenor High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Mezzo-Soprano High Medium/Low High Medium/Low

Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Wedding Classics Wedding Classics The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Standard Vocal Literature Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs

yes yes yes yes* yes* yes yes

yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes yes yes


yes yes yes yes


Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard

All mein Gedanken All mein Gedanken Allerseelen Allerseelen Allerseelen Allerseelen Allerseelen Allerseelen Allerseelen Amor Befreit Befreit Breit' über mein Haupt Breit' über mein Haupt Breit' über mein Haupt Breit' über mein Haupt Breit' über mein Haupt Breit' über mein Haupt Breit' über mein Haupt Cäcilie Cäcilie Der Pokal Der Pokal Di rigori armato Die Georgine Die Georgine Die Nacht Die Nacht Die Nacht Die Nacht Die Zeitlose Die Zeitlose Du meines Herzens Krönelein Du meines Herzens Krönelein Du meines Herzens Krönelein Du meines Herzens Krönelein Einerlei Frühlingsgedränge Für funfzehn Pfennige Für funfzehn Pfennige Glückes genung Glückes genung Heimkehr Heimkehr Heimliche Aufforderung Heimliche Aufforderung Herr Lenz Herr Lenz Ich scwebe Ich scwebe Ich trage meine Minne Ich trage meine Minne Ich trage meine Minne Ich trage meine Minne

High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low Tenor High Low High High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low Soprano High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Tenor High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low High High High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Low

Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 2 Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Standard Vocal Literature The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Italian Tenor Arias Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes* yes*

yes yes* yes*


yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strauss, Richard Strozzi, Barbara Strozzi, Barbara Styne, Jule

Ich wollt ein Sträusslein binden Im Spätboot Kling! Kling! Leises Lied Leises Lied Lob des Leidens Mein Herz ist stumm Mein Herz ist stumm Meinem Kinde Meinem Kinde Mit deinen blauen Augen Morgen Morgen Morgen! Morgen! Morgen! Morgen! Nachtgang Nachtgang Nichts Nichts Ruhe, meine Seele! Ruhe, meine Seele! Schlagende Herzen Schlagende Herzen Schlechtes Wetter Schlechtes Wetter Schön sind, doch kalt Schön sind, doch kalt Seitdem dein Aug' Seitdem dein Aug' Ständchen Ständchen Traum durch die Dämmerung Traum durch die Dämmerung Wie sollten wir geheim sie halten Wie sollten wir geheim sie halten Wiegenlied Wiegenlied Winternacht Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Zueignung Spesso per entro al petto Spesso per entro al petto Christmas Waltz, The

High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low High Medium/Low Medium/Low High Low High Medium/Low Bass Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High

Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Richard Strauss: 40 Songs Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Women Composers Women Composers The Christmas Collection

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes*

yes* yes*

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

Styne, Jule Styne, Jule Styne, Jule Styne, Jule/arr. Richard Walters Styne, Jule/arr. Richard Walters Sullivan, Arthur Sullivan, Arthur Sullivan, Arthur Sullivan, Arthur Sullivan, Arthur Torme, Mel/Robert Wells/arr. Richard Walters Torme, Mel/Robert Wells/arr. Richard Walters Torme, Mel/Robert Wells/arr. Richard Walters Torme, Mel/Robert Wells/arr. Richard Walters Tosti, Francesco Paolo Tosti, Francesco Paolo Turina, Joaquin Turina, Joaquin Valledor, Jacinto y la Calle Valledor, Jacinto y la Calle Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Ralph Verdi, Giuseppe Verdi, Giuseppe Verdi, Giuseppe Verdi, Giuseppe Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Viardot, Pauline Vieu, Jane Vieu, Jane Vivaldi, Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Vivaldi, Antonio Walters, Richard (arr.)

Christmas Waltz, The Time After Time Time After Time Time After Time Time After Time I Am a Pirate King Oh, Is There Not One Maiden Breast Policeman's Song, The Sun, Whose Rays Are All Ablaze, The When Frederic Was a Little Lad Christmas Song, The Christmas Song, The Christmas Song, The (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) Christmas Song, The (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire) La serenata La serenata Rima Rima Canción de tímida Canción de tímida Call, The Call, The Call, The Linden Lea Linden Lea Silent Noon Silent Noon Vagabond, The Call, The Linden Lea Silent Noon Vagabond, The Confutatis Ingemisco La donna è mobile Liber scriptus Die Beschwörung Die Beschwörung Fleur desséchée Fleur desséchée Fleur desséchée Fleur desséchée Fleur desséchée Fleur desséchée Les Filles de Cadix Les Filles de Cadix La belle au bois dormant La belle au bois dormant Domine Deus Esurientes implevit Peccator videbit Qui sedes ad dextram Patris Qui sedes ad dextram Patris Ah, Holy Jesus

Low High Low High Low Baritone Tenor Bass Soprano Mezzo-Soprano High Low Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Baritone Tenor Mezzo-Soprano High Baritone Low Bass Low Bass Baritone/Bass Tenor Tenor Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano Tenor Mezzo-Soprano Alto/Mezzo-Soprano High

The Christmas Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection 12 Wedding Solos 12 Wedding Solos Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Art Song Anthology The Art Song Anthology Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song Anthology of Spanish Song 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos The Art Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Art Song Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology Italian Tenor Arias The Oratorio Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 Favorite French Art Songs Volume 2 The French Song Anthology The French Song Anthology Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers Women Composers The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology The Oratorio Anthology Standard Vocal Literature The Oratorio Anthology 14 Sacred Solos

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes* yes*





Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.)

Ah, Holy Jesus Ah, Holy Jesus Ah, Holy Jesus Ah, Holy Jesus Ah, Holy Jesus All Creatures of Our God and King All Creatures of Our God and King All Creatures of Our God and King All Creatures of Our God and King Amazing Grace Amazing Grace Amazing Grace Amazing Grace Banks of the Ohio, The Banks of the Ohio, The Be Thou My Vision Be Thou My Vision Be Thou My Vision Be Thou My Vision Beware, Oh, Take Care Beware, Oh, Take Care Beware, Oh, Take Care Beware, Oh, Take Care Bill Groggin's Goat Bill Groggin's Goat Bill Groggin's Goat Bill Groggin's Goat Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing Come, Thou Fount of Ev'ry Blessing Cruel War Is Raging, The Cruel War Is Raging, The Cruel War is Raging, The Cruel War is Raging, The Deck the Hall Deck the Hall Deck the Hall Deck the Hall First Noel, The First Noel, The First Noel, The First Noel, The Holly and the Ivy, The Holly and the Ivy, The Holly and the Ivy, The Holly and the Ivy, The How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing

Low High Low High Low High (duet) Low (duet) High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High (duet) Low (duet) High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High High (duet) Low

14 Sacred Solos Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital American Folksongs American Folksongs Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs

yes yes yes

yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.)

How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Can I Keep from Singing How Firm a Foundation How Firm a Foundation How Firm a Foundation How Firm a Foundation How Firm a Foundation How Firm a Foundation I Gave My Love a Cherry I Gave My Love a Cherry I Gave My Love a Cherry (The Riddle Song) I Gave My Love a Cherry (The Riddle Song) I Know Where I've Goin' I Know Where I've Goin' I Saw Three Ships I Saw Three Ships I Saw Three Ships I Saw Three Ships In the Bleak Midwinter In the Bleak Midwinter It Came Upon the Midnight Clear It Came Upon the Midnight Clear It Came Upon the Midnight Clear It Came Upon the Midnight Clear Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier Just a Closer Walk with Thee Just a Closer Walk with Thee Just a Closer Walk with Thee Just a Closer Walk with Thee Les anges dans nos campagnes Les anges dans nos campagnes Les anges dans nos campagnes Les anges dans nos campagnes Let Us Break Bread Together Let Us Break Bread Together Let Us Break Bread Together Let Us Break Bread Together Let Us Break Bread Together Let Us Break Bread Together Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming Nine Hundred Miles Nine Hundred Miles Nine Hundred Miles Nine Hundred Miles Now Thank We All Our God

Low (duet) High Low High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High (duet) Low (duet) High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High

American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Hymn Classics

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes

yes yes yes

Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.)

Now Thank We All Our God Now Thank We All Our God Now Thank We All Our God Now Thank We All Our God Now Thank We All Our God O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing Once I Had a Sweetheart Once I Had a Sweetheart Once I Had a Sweetheart Once I Had a Sweetheart Once In Royal David's City Once In Royal David's City Once In Royal David's City Once In Royal David's City Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Praise to the Lord, the Almighty Sail Around Sail Around Sail Around Sail Around Shenandoah Shenandoah Silent Night Silent Night Silent Night Single Girl Single Girl Single Girl Single Girl Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me Streets of Laredo, The Streets of Laredo, The Streets of Laredo, The Streets of Laredo, The This Is My Father's World This Is My Father's World This Is My Father's World This Is My Father's World Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle Wayfaring Stranger Wayfaring Stranger Wayfaring Stranger Wayfaring Stranger We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder

Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos American Folksongs American Folksongs 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos



yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes



yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Walters, Richard (arr.) Wildhorn, Frank Wildhorn, Frank Willson, Meredith Willson, Meredith Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wolf, Hugo Wright, Robert Wright, Robert

We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder Wexford Carol Wexford Carol Wexford Carol Wexford Carol When Johnny Comes Marchin' Home When Johnny Comes Marchin' Home Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Wondrous Love Someone Like You Someone Like You Till There Was You Till There Was You Anakreons Grab Anakreons Grab Auch kleine Dinge Auch kleine Dinge Auf ein altes Bild Auf ein altes Bild Der Gärtner Der Gärtner Der Musikant Der Musikant Epiphanias Epiphanias In dem Schatten meiner Locken In dem Schatten meiner Locken Lebe wohl Lebe wohl Nun wandre, Maria Nun wandre, Maria Schlafendes Jesuskind Schlafendes Jesuskind Schlafendes Jesuskind Schlafendes Jesuskind Verborgenheit Verborgenheit Verborgenheit Verborgenheit And This Is My Beloved And This Is My Beloved

High High (duet) Low Low (duet) High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High Low High Low High Low High High (duet) Low Low (duet) High (duet) Low (duet) High (duet) Low (duet) High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low

American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection Classical Carols Classical Carols The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection Folksongs in Recital Folksongs in Recital 14 Sacred Solos 14 Sacred Solos American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs American Folksongs Hymn Classics Hymn Classics The Sacred Collection The Sacred Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection The Classical Singer's Christmas Album The Classical Singer's Christmas Album Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 Favorite German Art Songs Volume 1 The Lieder Anthology The Lieder Anthology The Wedding Collection The Wedding Collection

yes yes

yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes

yes yes

yes yes

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes* yes* yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

yes yes yes yes yes* yes*

Yon, Pietro Yon, Pietro Yon, Pietro Yon, Pietro

Gesù Bambino Gesù Bambino Gesù Bambino Gesù Bambino

High Low High Low

12 Christmas Favorites 12 Christmas Favorites The Christmas Collection The Christmas Collection

yes yes

yes yes